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1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile | name@zh_TW |
2 | tw_118100 | 118100 | Notes receivable | asset_receivable | True | 應收票據 |
3 | tw_119100 | 119100 | Accounts receivable | asset_receivable | True | 應收帳款 |
4 | tw_119150 | 119150 | Accounts receivable (PoS) | asset_receivable | True | 應收帳款(POS) |
5 | tw_121100 | 121100 | Earned revenue receivable | asset_receivable | True | 應收收益 |
6 | tw_123100 | 123100 | Merchandise inventory | asset_current | False | 商品存貨 |
7 | tw_123150 | 123150 | Other inventory (pending acceptance) | asset_current | True | 其他存貨(已出貨待驗收) |
8 | tw_123500 | 123500 | Finished goods | asset_current | False | 製成品 |
9 | tw_123700 | 123700 | Work in progress | asset_current | False | 在製品 |
10 | tw_123900 | 123900 | Raw materials | asset_current | False | 原料 |
11 | tw_124000 | 124000 | Supplies | asset_current | False | 物料 |
12 | tw_124500 | 124500 | Stock Interim Account (Input) | asset_current | False | |
13 | tw_124600 | 124600 | Stock Interim Account (Output) | asset_current | False | |
14 | tw_126400 | 126400 | Office supplies | asset_current | False | 用品盤存 |
15 | tw_126500 | 126500 | Other prepaid expenses | asset_current | False | 其他預付費用 |
16 | tw_126600 | 126600 | Prepayment for purchases | asset_current | False | 預付貨款 |
17 | tw_126800 | 126800 | Business tax paid (or Input VAT) | asset_current | False | 進項稅額 |
18 | tw_126900 | 126900 | Overpaid sales tax | asset_current | False | 留抵稅額 |
19 | tw_127000 | 127000 | Other prepayments | asset_current | False | 其他預付款項 |
20 | tw_128100 | 128100 | Temporary payments | asset_current | False | 暫付款 |
21 | tw_128200 | 128200 | Payment on behalf of others | asset_current | False | 代付款 |
22 | tw_128400 | 128400 | Refundable deposits | asset_current | False | 存出保證金 |
23 | tw_137100 | 137100 | Investments accounted for using equity method | asset_non_current | False | 採用權益法之投資 |
24 | tw_139100 | 139100 | Land, cost | asset_non_current | False | 土地-成本 |
25 | tw_141100 | 141100 | Buildings and structures, cost | asset_non_current | False | 房屋及建築-成本 |
26 | tw_141300 | 141300 | Accumulated depreciation, buildings and structures | asset_non_current | False | 累計折舊-房屋及建築 |
27 | tw_142100 | 142100 | Machinery and equipment, cost | asset_non_current | False | 機器設備-成本 |
28 | tw_142200 | 142200 | Accumulated depreciation, machinery and equipment | asset_non_current | False | 累計折舊-機器設備 |
29 | tw_143100 | 143100 | Office equipment, cost | asset_non_current | False | 辦公設備-成本 |
30 | tw_143200 | 143200 | Accumulated depreciation, office equipment | asset_non_current | False | 累計折舊-辦公設備 |
31 | tw_144100 | 144100 | Leased assets, cost | asset_non_current | False | 租賃資產-成本 |
32 | tw_144200 | 144200 | Accumulated depreciation, leased assets | asset_non_current | False | 累計折舊-租賃資產 |
33 | tw_155100 | 155100 | Other intangible assets, net | asset_non_current | False | 其他無形資產 |
34 | tw_155200 | 155200 | Accumulated amortization, other intangible assets | asset_non_current | False | 累計攤銷-其他無形資產 |
35 | tw_156100 | 156100 | Deferred tax assets | asset_non_current | False | 遞延所得稅資產 |
36 | tw_158200 | 158200 | Prepayments for business facilities | asset_non_current | False | 預付設備款 |
37 | tw_158300 | 158300 | Guarantee deposits paid | asset_non_current | False | 存出保證金 |
38 | tw_158400 | 158400 | Owner (shareholder) accounts, debit | asset_non_current | False | 業主(股東)往來 |
39 | tw_158600 | 158600 | Other non-current assets, others | asset_non_current | False | 其他非流動資產-其他 |
40 | tw_211200 | 211200 | Bank loan | liability_current | False | 銀行借款 |
41 | tw_216100 | 216100 | Notes payable | liability_payable | True | 應付票據 |
42 | tw_217100 | 217100 | Accounts payable | liability_payable | True | 應付帳款 |
43 | tw_219400 | 219400 | Business tax payable | liability_payable | True | 應付營業稅 |
44 | tw_219700 | 219700 | Other accrued expenses | liability_payable | True | 其他應付費用 |
45 | tw_219900 | 219900 | Payable on machinery and equipment | liability_payable | True | 應付設備款 |
46 | tw_220100 | 220100 | Dividends payable | liability_payable | True | 應付股利 |
47 | tw_220400 | 220400 | Business tax received (or Output VAT) | liability_current | False | 銷項稅額 |
48 | tw_222100 | 222100 | Advance sales receipts | liability_current | False | 預收貨款 |
49 | tw_222300 | 222300 | Other advance receipts | liability_current | False | 其他預收款 |
50 | tw_225100 | 225100 | Temporary credits | liability_current | False | 暫收款 |
51 | tw_225200 | 225200 | Receipts under custody | liability_current | False | 代收款 |
52 | tw_239300 | 239300 | Owner (shareholder) accounts, credit | liability_current | False | 業主(股東)往來 |
53 | tw_311100 | 311100 | Ordinary share | equity | False | 普通股股本 |
54 | tw_321100 | 321100 | Capital surplus, additional paid-in capital arising from ordinary share | equity | False | 資本公積-普通股股票溢價 |
55 | tw_335100 | 335100 | Accumulated profit and loss | equity | False | 累積盈虧 |
56 | tw_341500 | 341500 | Other equity interest, others | equity | False | 其他權益-其他 |
57 | tw_411100 | 411100 | Sales revenue | income | False | 銷貨收入 |
58 | tw_411300 | 411300 | Sales returns | income | False | 銷貨退回 |
59 | tw_411400 | 411400 | Sales discounts and allowances | income | False | 銷貨折讓 |
60 | tw_414100 | 414100 | Other operating revenue | income | False | 其他營業收入 |
61 | tw_412100 | 412100 | Labor Income | income | False | 勞務收入 |
62 | tw_413100 | 413100 | Engineering Income | income_other | False | 工程收入 |
63 | tw_423200 | 423200 | Engineering Income refund or discount | income_other | False | 工程收入退回及折讓 |
64 | tw_511100 | 511100 | Cost of sales | expense_direct_cost | False | 銷貨成本 |
65 | tw_512100 | 512100 | Purchase of goods | expense_direct_cost | False | 進貨 |
66 | tw_512300 | 512300 | Purchases returns | expense_direct_cost | False | 進貨退出 |
67 | tw_512400 | 512400 | Purchases discounts and allowances | expense_direct_cost | False | 進貨折讓 |
68 | tw_513100 | 513100 | Purchase of raw materials | expense_direct_cost | False | 進料 |
69 | tw_513300 | 513300 | Raw materials purchase returns | expense_direct_cost | False | 進料退出 |
70 | tw_513400 | 513400 | Raw materials purchase discounts and allowances | expense_direct_cost | False | 進料折讓 |
71 | tw_514100 | 514100 | Direct labor | expense_direct_cost | False | 直接人工 |
72 | tw_515200 | 515200 | Rent expense | expense_direct_cost | False | 租金支出 |
73 | tw_515700 | 515700 | Repairs and maintenance expense | expense_direct_cost | False | 修繕費 |
74 | tw_515800 | 515800 | Packing expenses | expense_direct_cost | False | 包裝費 |
75 | tw_515900 | 515900 | Utilities expense | expense_direct_cost | False | 水電瓦斯費 |
76 | tw_516000 | 516000 | Insurance expense | expense_direct_cost | False | 保險費 |
77 | tw_516100 | 516100 | Processing expense | expense_direct_cost | False | 加工費 |
78 | tw_516300 | 516300 | Depreciations | expense_direct_cost | False | 折舊 |
79 | tw_516500 | 516500 | Meal expense | expense_direct_cost | False | 伙食費 |
80 | tw_516800 | 516800 | Indirect materials | expense_direct_cost | False | 間接材料 |
81 | tw_516900 | 516900 | Other overheads | expense_direct_cost | False | 其他製造費用 |
82 | tw_591100 | 591100 | Other operating costs | expense_direct_cost | False | 其他營業成本 |
83 | tw_611100 | 611100 | Wages and salaries | expense | False | 薪資支出 |
84 | tw_611200 | 611200 | Rent expense | expense | False | 租金支出 |
85 | tw_611300 | 611300 | Stationery supplies | expense | False | 文具用品 |
86 | tw_611400 | 611400 | Traveling Expense | expense | False | 旅費 |
87 | tw_611500 | 611500 | Freight | expense | False | 運費 |
88 | tw_611600 | 611600 | Postage expenses | expense | False | 郵電費 |
89 | tw_611700 | 611700 | Repairs and maintenance expense | expense | False | 修繕費 |
90 | tw_611800 | 611800 | Advertisement expense | expense | False | 廣告費 |
91 | tw_611900 | 611900 | Utilities expense | expense | False | 水電瓦斯費 |
92 | tw_612000 | 612000 | Insurance expense | expense | False | 保險費 |
93 | tw_612100 | 612100 | Entertainment expense | expense | False | 交際費 |
94 | tw_612200 | 612200 | Donation expense | expense | False | 捐贈 |
95 | tw_612300 | 612300 | Taxes | expense | False | 稅捐 |
96 | tw_612400 | 612400 | Losses on doubtful debts | expense | False | 呆帳損失 |
97 | tw_612500 | 612500 | Depreciations | expense | False | 折舊 |
98 | tw_612600 | 612600 | Depletions and amortizations | expense | False | 各項耗竭及攤提 |
99 | tw_612700 | 612700 | Losses on export sales | expense | False | 外銷損失 |
100 | tw_612800 | 612800 | Meal expense | expense | False | 伙食費 |
101 | tw_612900 | 612900 | Employee benefits/welfare | expense | False | 職工福利 |
102 | tw_613000 | 613000 | Research and development expense | expense | False | 研究發展費用 |
103 | tw_613100 | 613100 | Commissions expense | expense | False | 佣金支出 |
104 | tw_613200 | 613200 | Training expense | expense | False | 訓練費 |
105 | tw_613300 | 613300 | Services expense | expense | False | 勞務費 |
106 | tw_613400 | 613400 | Other operating expenses | expense | False | 其他營業費用 |
107 | tw_711100 | 711100 | Interest revenue | income_other | False | 利息收入 |
108 | tw_712100 | 712100 | Rent income | income_other | False | 租金收入 |
109 | tw_714100 | 714100 | Dividend revenue | income_other | False | 股利收入 |
110 | tw_715100 | 715100 | Interest expense | expense | False | 利息費用 |
111 | tw_717100 | 717100 | Investment income accounted for using equity method | income_other | False | 採權益法認列之投資利益 |
112 | tw_717200 | 717200 | Investment loss accounted for using equity method | expense | False | 採權益法認列之投資損失 |
113 | tw_718100 | 718100 | Foreign exchange gains | income_other | False | 兌換利益 |
114 | tw_718200 | 718200 | Foreign exchange losses | expense | False | 兌換損失 |
115 | tw_718500 | 718500 | Cash difference gains | income_other | False | 現金差異利益 |
116 | tw_718600 | 718600 | Cash difference losses | expense | False | 現金差異損失 |
117 | tw_719100 | 719100 | Gains on disposals of investment property | income_other | False | 處分投資性不動產利益 |
118 | tw_719200 | 719200 | Losses on disposals of investment property | expense | False | 處分投資性不動產損失 |
119 | tw_720100 | 720100 | Net gain or loss on disposals of property, plant and equipment | income_other | False | 處分不動產、廠房及設備利益 |
120 | tw_720200 | 720200 | Gains on disposals of property, plant and equipment | expense | False | 處分不動產、廠房及設備損失 |
121 | tw_723200 | 723200 | Commissions revenue | income_other | False | 佣金收入 |
122 | tw_724700 | 724700 | Other revenue | income_other | False | 其他收入 |
123 | tw_821100 | 821100 | Tax expense (income) | expense | False | 所得稅費用(或利益) |
124 | tw_841100 | 841100 | Closed Units' asset or profit (post tax) | income | False | 停業單位資產或處分群組處分損益(稅後) |
125 | tw_871100 | 871100 | Unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale financial assets | income_other | False | 備供出售金融資產未實現損益 |