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1 | id | name | code | account_type | tag_ids | reconcile |
2 | 1410 | Property Income | 1410 | income_other | False | |
3 | 1420 | Sale of goods and services | 1420 | income | False | |
4 | 14211 | Rent & rates - produced assets | 14211 | income | False | |
5 | 14212 | Sale of produced assets | 14212 | income | False | |
6 | 1440 | Transfers | 1440 | income_other | False | |
7 | 14511 | Premiums receivable | 14511 | income_other | False | |
8 | 14513 | Current claims receivable | 14513 | income_other | False | |
9 | 1452 | Capital Claims receivable | 1452 | income_other | False | |
10 | 191001 | Clearing Account - Discount Taken | 191001 | income | False | |
11 | 191002 | Clearing Account - Unallocated Revenue | 191002 | income | False | |
12 | 191003 | Clearing Account - Income Offset Account | 191003 | income | False | |
13 | 2111 | Wages and Salaries - Cash | 2111 | expense | False | |
14 | 2112 | Wages and salaries - in kind | 2112 | expense | False | |
15 | 2121 | Employers' Social Contributions-Actual | 2121 | expense | False | |
16 | 2122 | Employer's Social Contributions-Imputed | 2122 | expense | False | |
17 | 2210 | General use of goods and services | 2210 | expense | False | |
18 | 221018 | Exchange losses/gains | 221018 | expense | False | |
19 | 221019 | Discounts Allowed | 221019 | expense | False | |
20 | 2220 | Communications | 2220 | expense | False | |
21 | 2230 | Utility and Property Expenses | 2230 | expense | False | |
22 | 2240 | Supplies and Services | 2240 | expense | False | |
23 | 2251 | Consultancy Services- Recurrent | 2251 | expense | False | |
24 | 2252 | Consultancy Services- Capital | 2252 | expense | False | |
25 | 2260 | Insurances and Licenses | 2260 | expense | False | |
26 | 2270 | Travel and Transport | 2270 | expense | False | |
27 | 2280 | Maintenance | 2280 | expense | False | |
28 | 2291 | Net change in inventories | 2291 | expense | False | |
29 | 2292 | Sale of goods purchased for resale | 2292 | expense | False | |
30 | 2311 | Depreciation of buildings and structures | 2311 | expense_depreciation | False | |
31 | 2312 | Depreciation of machinery and equipments | 2312 | expense_depreciation | False | |
32 | 2314 | Depreciation of other assets | 2314 | expense_depreciation | False | |
33 | 2634 | Other Transfers | 2634 | expense | False | |
34 | 2711 | Social security benefits in cash | 2711 | expense | False | |
35 | 2712 | Social security benefits in kind | 2712 | expense | False | |
36 | 2721 | Social assistance benefits in cash | 2721 | expense | False | |
37 | 2722 | Social assistance benefits in kind | 2722 | expense | False | |
38 | 2731 | Employment-related social benefits in cash | 2731 | expense | False | |
39 | 2732 | Employment-related social benefits in in kind | 2732 | expense | False | |
40 | 2811 | Dividends | 2811 | expense | False | |
41 | 2812 | Withdrawals from income of quasi - corporations | 2812 | expense | False | |
42 | 2813 | Property expense for investment income disbursements | 2813 | expense | False | |
43 | 2814 | Rent | 2814 | expense | False | |
44 | 2815 | Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment | 2815 | expense | False | |
45 | 2821 | Current transfers not elsewhere classified | 2821 | expense | False | |
46 | 2822 | Capital transfers not elsewhere classified | 2822 | expense | False | |
47 | 2823 | Tax expenditures | 2823 | expense | False | |
48 | 2831 | Premiums, fees and current claims payable | 2831 | expense | False | |
49 | 2832 | Capital claims payable | 2832 | expense | False | |
50 | 291001 | Clearing Account - Bank Charges | 291001 | expense | False | |
51 | 291002 | Clearing Account - Exchange Losses/Gains | 291002 | expense | False | |
52 | 291003 | Clearing Account - Discounts Allowed | 291003 | expense | False | |
53 | 291004 | Clearing Account - Purchase Price Variance | 291004 | expense | False | |
54 | 291005 | Clearing Account - Bank Errors | 291005 | expense | False | |
55 | 291006 | Clearing Account - Cost of Goods Sold | 291006 | expense | False | |
56 | 310111 | Residential Buildings | 310111 | asset_fixed | False | |
57 | 310119 | Other Dwellings | 310119 | asset_fixed | False | |
58 | 310121 | Non-Residential Buildings | 310121 | asset_fixed | False | |
59 | 310129 | Other Buildings other than dwellings | 310129 | asset_fixed | False | |
60 | 31013 | Structures | 31013 | asset_fixed | False | |
61 | 31014 | Land Improvements | 31014 | asset_fixed | False | |
62 | 31021 | Transport equipment | 31021 | asset_fixed | False | |
63 | 31022 | ICT equipment | 31022 | asset_fixed | False | |
64 | 31023 | Machinery and other equipment | 31023 | asset_fixed | False | |
65 | 31031 | Classified assets | 31031 | asset_fixed | False | |
66 | 31041 | Biological assets | 31041 | asset_fixed | False | |
67 | 31042 | Intellectual property product | 31042 | asset_fixed | False | |
68 | 31043 | Intellectual property rights | 31043 | asset_fixed | False | |
69 | 31044 | Marketing assets | 31044 | asset_fixed | False | |
70 | 320111 | Inventory for materials and supplies | 320111 | asset_prepayments | False | |
71 | 320112 | Inventory for work in progress | 320112 | asset_prepayments | False | |
72 | 320113 | Inventory for finished goods | 320113 | asset_prepayments | False | |
73 | 320114 | Inventory for goods for resale | 320114 | asset_prepayments | False | |
74 | 320115 | Military Inventories | 320115 | asset_prepayments | False | |
75 | 320119 | Other Inventories | 320119 | asset_prepayments | False | |
76 | 340111 | Land | 340111 | asset_fixed | False | |
77 | 340211 | Minerals | 340211 | asset_fixed | False | |
78 | 340212 | Oil & Natural Gas | 340212 | asset_fixed | False | |
79 | 340213 | Energy resources | 340213 | asset_fixed | False | |
80 | 340219 | Other Mineral and Energy Resources | 340219 | asset_fixed | False | |
81 | 34031 | Non-Cultivated Biological resources | 34031 | asset_fixed | False | |
82 | 34032 | Water resources | 34032 | asset_fixed | False | |
83 | 34033 | Airspace resources | 34033 | asset_fixed | False | |
84 | 34034 | Non-Cultivated Non Biological | 34034 | asset_fixed | False | |
85 | 340401 | Marketable operating leases - Contracts, leases and Permits | 340401 | asset_non_current | False | |
86 | 340402 | Permits to use natural resources - Contracts, leases and Permits | 340402 | asset_non_current | False | |
87 | 340403 | Permits to undertake specific activities - Contracts, leases and Permits | 340403 | asset_non_current | False | |
88 | 3510 | Monetary Gold and SDRs | 3510 | asset_current | False | |
89 | 3522 | Debt Securities | 3522 | asset_current | False | |
90 | 3523 | Loans | 3523 | asset_current | False | |
91 | 352401 | Shares in public corporations | 352401 | asset_non_current | False | |
92 | 352402 | Shares in private entities | 352402 | asset_non_current | False | |
93 | 352501 | Petroleum Revenue Investment Reserve | 352501 | asset_non_current | False | |
94 | 352599 | Other Investment Fund Shares or Units | 352599 | asset_non_current | False | |
95 | 352701 | Forwards | 352701 | asset_prepayments | False | |
96 | 352702 | Futures | 352702 | asset_prepayments | False | |
97 | 352703 | Options | 352703 | asset_prepayments | False | |
98 | 352704 | Swaps | 352704 | asset_prepayments | False | |
99 | 3528 | Account Receivable | 3528 | asset_receivable | True | |
100 | 352802 | Staff Advances | 352802 | asset_receivable | True | |
101 | 352804 | Taxes Receivable | 352804 | asset_current | True | |
102 | 352805 | Revenue receivable | 352805 | asset_receivable | True | |
103 | 352806 | Trade debtors | 352806 | asset_receivable | True | |
104 | 352807 | Sundry Debtors | 352807 | asset_receivable | True | |
105 | 352808 | Pre-payments | 352808 | asset_receivable | True | |
106 | 352809 | Deferred Expenses | 352809 | asset_receivable | True | |
107 | 3529 | Taxes owed to state | 3529 | asset_current | False | |
108 | 4111 | Currency Deposits | 4111 | liability_payable | True | |
109 | 4112 | Dept Security | 411201 | liability_current | False | |
110 | 4113 | Loans | 4113 | liability_current | False | |
111 | 4115 | Investment Fund Shares or Units | 4115 | liability_non_current | False | |
112 | 4117 | Accounts Payable | 4117 | liability_payable | True | |
113 | 411721 | Trade creditors | 411721 | liability_payable | True | |
114 | 411722 | Taxes payable | 411722 | liability_current | True | |
115 | 411723 | Taxes due to state | 411723 | liability_current | False | |
116 | 411724 | Deposits received | 411724 | liability_payable | True | |
117 | 411725 | Advances from Other Government Units | 411725 | liability_payable | True | |
118 | 411726 | Deferred Income | 411726 | liability_payable | True | |
119 | 411798 | Other Payables | 411798 | liability_payable | True | |
120 | 4131 | Provisions | 4131 | liability_non_current | False | |
121 | 511001 | Revenue Reserves | 511001 | equity_unaffected | False | |
122 | 512001 | Fixed Assets Reserves | 512001 | equity | False | |
123 | 512201 | Inventory Reserves | 512201 | equity | False | |
124 | 512301 | Financial Assets Reserves | 512301 | equity | False | |
125 | 513001 | Accumulated Fund | 513001 | equity | False |