717 B
717 B
Italy, 2020-10-02
Openforce Srls Unipersonale agrees to the terms of the Odoo Corporate Contributor License Agreement v1.0.
I declare that I am authorized and able to make this agreement and sign this declaration.
Silvio Gregorini silviogregorini@openforce.it https://github.com/SilvioGregorini
List of contributors:
Alessandro Camilli alessandrocamilli@openforce.it https://github.com/alessandrocamilli Matteo Mircoli matteomircoli@openforce.it https://github.com/matteoopenf Susanna Ortini susannaortini@openforce.it https://github.com/suassa Dario Del Zozzo dariodelzozzo@openforce.it https://github.com/ddzopenforce Patrick Trabocchi patricktrabocchi@openforce.it https://github.com/patrickt-oforce