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1 | id | name | code | account_type | reconcile | name@zh_CN |
2 | l10n_cn_common_100100 | Cash on Hand | 100100 | asset_cash | False | 库存现金 |
3 | l10n_cn_common_112200 | Accounts Receivable | 112200 | asset_receivable | True | 应收账款 |
4 | l10n_cn_common_112400 | Accounts Receivable (PoS) | 112400 | asset_receivable | True | 应收账款 (POS) |
5 | l10n_cn_common_140200 | Materials in Transit | 140200 | asset_current | False | 在途物资 |
6 | l10n_cn_common_140300 | Raw Materials | 140300 | asset_current | False | 原材料 |
7 | l10n_cn_common_140400 | Material Cost Variance | 140400 | asset_current | False | 材料成本差异 |
8 | l10n_cn_common_140500 | Merchandise Inventory | 140500 | asset_current | False | 库存商品 |
9 | l10n_cn_common_150100 | Investments held to maturity | 150100 | asset_current | False | 持有至到期投资 |
10 | l10n_cn_common_150200 | Provision for impairment of investments held to maturity | 150200 | asset_current | False | 持有至到期投资减值准备 |
11 | l10n_cn_common_150300 | Financial Assets Available for Sale | 150300 | asset_current | False | 可供出售金融资产 |
12 | l10n_cn_common_151100 | Long-term equity investment | 151100 | asset_non_current | False | 长期股权投资 |
13 | l10n_cn_common_151200 | Impairment provision for long-term equity investments | 151200 | asset_non_current | False | 长期股权投资减值准备 |
14 | l10n_cn_common_152100 | Investmental real estate | 152100 | asset_non_current | False | 投资性房地产 |
15 | l10n_cn_common_160100 | Fixed assets | 160100 | asset_fixed | False | 固定资产 |
16 | l10n_cn_common_160400 | Construction in Progress | 160400 | asset_fixed | False | 在建工程 |
17 | l10n_cn_common_160600 | Liquidation of Fixed Assets | 160600 | asset_fixed | False | 固定资产清理 |
18 | l10n_cn_common_170100 | Intangible Assets | 170100 | asset_non_current | False | 无形资产 |
19 | l10n_cn_common_170200 | Accumulated amortization | 170200 | asset_non_current | False | 累计摊销 |
20 | l10n_cn_common_170300 | Intangible Assets Depreciation reserves | 170300 | asset_non_current | False | 无形资产减值准备 |
21 | l10n_cn_common_171100 | Goodwill | 171100 | asset_non_current | False | 商誉 |
22 | l10n_cn_common_220200 | Accounts Payable | 220200 | liability_payable | True | 应付账款 |
23 | l10n_cn_common_500100 | Production Costs | 500100 | expense_direct_cost | False | 生产成本 |
24 | l10n_cn_common_510100 | Depreciation | 510100 | expense_direct_cost | False | 制造费用 |
25 | l10n_cn_common_520100 | Service Cost | 520100 | expense_direct_cost | False | 劳务成本 |
26 | l10n_cn_common_530100 | R&D Expenditure | 530100 | expense_direct_cost | False | 研发支出 |
27 | l10n_cn_common_600100 | Income | 600100 | income | False | 主营业务收入 |
28 | l10n_cn_common_605100 | Other Operating Income | 605100 | income_other | False | 其他业务收入 |
29 | l10n_cn_common_610100 | Gains and Losses of fair value change | 610100 | income_other | False | 公允价值变动损益 |
30 | l10n_cn_common_611100 | Income from Investments | 611100 | income_other | False | 投资收益 |
31 | l10n_cn_common_630100 | Non-Operating Income | 630100 | income_other | False | 营业外收入 |
32 | l10n_cn_common_640100 | Main Business Costs | 640100 | expense_direct_cost | False | 主营业务成本 |
33 | l10n_cn_common_640200 | Other Operating Costs | 640200 | expense_direct_cost | False | 其它业务成本 |
34 | l10n_cn_common_640300 | Operating Taxes and Surcharges | 640300 | expense | False | 营业税金及附加 |
35 | l10n_cn_common_660100 | Sales Expense | 660100 | expense | False | 销售费用 |
36 | l10n_cn_common_660200 | Managment Expense | 660200 | expense | False | 管理费用 |
37 | l10n_cn_common_660300 | Financial Expenses | 660300 | expense | False | 财务费用 |
38 | l10n_cn_common_670100 | Asset Impairment loss | 670100 | expense | False | 资产减值损失 |
39 | l10n_cn_common_671100 | Non-Operating Expenses | 671100 | expense | False | 营业外支出 |
40 | l10n_cn_common_680100 | Income Tax | 680100 | expense | False | 所得税 |
41 | l10n_cn_common_690100 | Prior year income adjustment | 690100 | expense | False | 以前年度损益调整 |