6.1 KiB
6.1 KiB
1 | id | code_prefix_start | code_prefix_end | name | name@ko_kr |
2 | account_group_assets | 1 | 1 | Assets | 자산 |
3 | account_group_current_assets | 11 | 11 | Current Assets | 유동자산 |
4 | account_group_quick_assets | 111 | 111 | Quick Assets | 당좌자산 |
5 | account_group_cash_and_cash_equivalents | 1111 | 1111 | Cash and Cash Equivalents | 현금및현금성자산 |
6 | account_group_short_term_investments | 1112 | 1112 | Short-term Investments | 단기투자자산 |
7 | account_group_trade_receivables | 1113 | 1113 | Trade Receivables | 매출채권 |
8 | account_group_prepaid_expenses | 1114 | 1114 | Prepaid Expenses | 선급비용 |
9 | account_group_deferred_tax_assets_current_asset | 1115 | 1115 | Deferred tax assets (Current Asset) | 이연법인세자산 |
10 | account_group_other_cash_and_cash_equivalents | 1116 | 1116 | Other Cash and Cash Equivalents | 기타현금및현금성자산 |
11 | account_group_inventories | 112 | 112 | Inventories | 재고자산 |
12 | account_group_merchandise | 1121 | 1121 | Merchandise | 상품 |
13 | account_group_finished_goods | 1122 | 1122 | Finished Goods | 제품 |
14 | account_group_semi_finished_goods | 1123 | 1123 | Semi-Finished Goods | 반제품 |
15 | account_group_work_in_progress | 1124 | 1124 | Work In Progress | 재공품 |
16 | account_group_raw_materials | 1125 | 1125 | Raw Materials | 원재료 |
17 | account_group_supplies | 1126 | 1126 | Supplies | 저장품 |
18 | account_group_other_inventories | 1127 | 1127 | Other Inventories | 기타재고자산 |
19 | account_group_non_current_assets | 12 | 12 | Non-current assets | 비유동자산 |
20 | account_group_investments | 121 | 121 | Investments | 투자자산 |
21 | account_group_investment_property | 1211 | 1211 | Investment property | 투자부동산 |
22 | account_group_long_term_securities | 1212 | 1212 | Long-term securities | 장기투자증권 |
23 | account_group_investments_accounted_for_using_equity_method | 1213 | 1213 | Investments accounted for using equity method | 지분법적용투자주식 |
24 | account_group_long_term_loans | 1214 | 1214 | Long-term Loans | 장기대여금 |
25 | account_group_other_investments | 1215 | 1215 | Other Investments | 기타투자자산 |
26 | account_group_property_plant_and_equipment | 122 | 122 | Property, plant and equipment | 유형자산 |
27 | account_group_land | 1221 | 1221 | Land | 토지 |
28 | account_group_tangible_assets | 1222 | 1222 | Tangible Assets | 설비자산 |
29 | account_group_construction_in_progress | 1223 | 1223 | Construction in progress | 건설중인자산 |
30 | account_group_other_tangible_assets | 1224 | 1224 | Other Tangible Assets | 기타유형자산 |
31 | account_group_intangible_assets | 123 | 123 | Intangible Assets | 무형자산 |
32 | account_group_goodwill | 1231 | 1231 | Goodwill | 영업권 |
33 | account_group_industrial_property_rights | 1232 | 1232 | Industrial property rights | 산업재산권 |
34 | account_group_development_cost | 1233 | 1233 | Development Cost | 개발비 |
35 | account_group_other_intangible_assets | 1234 | 1234 | Other Intangible Assets | 기타무형자산 |
36 | account_group_other_non_current_assets | 124 | 124 | Other non-current Assets | 기타비유동자산 |
37 | account_group_deferred_tax_assets_non_current | 1241 | 1241 | Deferred tax assets (Non Current) | 이연법인세자산 |
38 | account_group_other_non_current_assets_2 | 1242 | 1242 | Other non-current Assets | 기타 |
39 | account_group_liabilities | 2 | 2 | Liabilities | 부채 |
40 | account_group_current_liabilities | 21 | 21 | Current Liabilities | 유동부채 |
41 | account_group_short_term_borrowings | 211 | 211 | Short-term borrowings | 단기차입금 |
42 | account_group_trade_payables | 212 | 212 | Trade Payables | 매입채무 |
43 | account_group_current_tax_liabilities | 213 | 213 | Current Tax Liabilities | 당기법인세부채 |
44 | account_group_accruals | 214 | 214 | Accruals | 미지급비용 |
45 | account_group_deferred_tax_liabilities | 215 | 215 | Deferred Tax Liabilities | 이연법인세부채 |
46 | account_group_other_current_liabilities | 216 | 216 | Other Current Liabilities | 기타유동부채 |
47 | account_group_non_current_liabilities | 22 | 22 | Non-Current Liabilities | 비유동부채 |
48 | account_group_bonds | 221 | 221 | Bonds | 사채 |
49 | account_group_bonds_with_warrants | 222 | 222 | Bonds With Warrants | 신주인수권부사채 |
50 | account_group_convertible_bond | 223 | 223 | Convertible Bond | 전환사채 |
51 | account_group_non_current_borrowings | 224 | 224 | Non-Current Borrowings | 장기차입금 |
52 | account_group_post_employment_benefit_obligations | 225 | 225 | Post-Employment Benefit Obligations | 퇴직급여충당부채 |
53 | account_group_long_term_warranty_provision | 226 | 226 | Long-term Warranty Provision | 장기제품보증충당부채 |
54 | account_group_deferred_tax_liabilities_2 | 227 | 227 | Deferred Tax Liabilities | 이연법인세부채 |
55 | account_group_other_non_current_liabilities | 228 | 228 | Other Non-Current Liabilities | 기타비유동부채 |
56 | account_group_equity | 3 | 3 | Equity | 자본 |
57 | account_group_share_capital | 31 | 31 | Share Capital | 자본금 |
58 | account_group_capital_surplus | 32 | 32 | Capital Surplus | 자본잉여금 |
59 | account_group_capital_adjustments | 33 | 33 | Capital Adjustments | 자본조정 |
60 | account_group_accumulated_other_comprehensive_income | 34 | 34 | Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income | 기타포괄손익누계액 |
61 | account_group_retained_earnings | 35 | 35 | Retained Earnings | 이익잉여금 |
62 | account_group_legal_reserve | 351 | 351 | Legal Reserve | 법정적립금 |
63 | account_group_voluntary_reserve | 352 | 352 | Voluntary Reserve | 임의적립금 |
64 | account_group_unappropriated_retained_earnings | 353 | 353 | Unappropriated Retained Earnings | 미처분이익잉여금 |
65 | account_group_revenue | 41 | 41 | Revenue | 매출액 |
66 | account_group_cost_of_sales | 51 | 51 | Cost of Sales | 매출원가 |
67 | account_group_selling_and_administrative_expenses | 61 | 61 | Selling and Administrative Expenses | 판매비와관리비 |
68 | account_group_non_operating_income | 42 | 42 | Non-operating Income | 영업외수익 |
69 | account_group_non_operating_expenses | 62 | 62 | Non-operating Expenses | 영업외비용 |
70 | account_group_corporate_income_tax_and_others | 63 | 63 | Corporate Income Tax and others | 법인세등 |