28 KiB
28 KiB
1 | id | name | code | account_type | tag_ids | reconcile | name@tr |
2 | tr101 | Cheques Received | 101 | asset_current | False | ALINAN ÇEKLER | |
3 | tr102997 | Non-collected Payments | 102997 | asset_current | True | TAHSIL EDILMEYEN ÖDEMELER | |
4 | tr102998 | Unconfirmed Payments | 102998 | asset_current | True | TASDIK EDILMEMIŞ ÖDEMELER | |
5 | tr102999 | Bank Temporary Suspended Account | 102999 | asset_current | False | BANKA GEÇICI MUALLAK HESABI | |
6 | tr103 | Cheques Given And Payment Orders (-) | 103 | asset_current | True | VERİLEN ÇEKLER VE ÖDEME EMİRLERİ (-) | |
7 | tr108 | Other Liquid Assets | 108 | asset_current | False | DİĞER HAZIR DEĞERLER | |
8 | tr110 | Common Stocks | 110 | asset_current | False | HİSSE SENETLERİ | |
9 | tr111 | Private Sector Bonds, Shares And Notes | 111 | asset_current | False | ||
10 | tr112 | Public Sector Bonds, Shares And Notes | 112 | asset_current | False | ||
11 | tr118 | Other Marketable Securities | 118 | asset_current | False | DİĞER MENKUL KIYMETLER | |
12 | tr119 | Provision For Diminution In Value Of Marketable Securities (-) | 119 | asset_current | False | MENKUL KIYMETLER DEĞER DÜŞÜKLÜĞÜ KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
13 | tr120 | Customers | 120 | asset_receivable | True | ALICILAR | |
14 | tr121 | Notes Receivable | 121 | asset_current | False | ALACAK SENETLERİ | |
15 | tr122 | Discount Of Notes Receivable (-) | 122 | asset_current | False | ALACAK SENETLERİ REESKONTU (-) | |
16 | tr123 | Buyers (POS) | 123 | asset_receivable | True | ALICILAR (POS) | |
17 | tr124 | Unearned Lease Interest Income (-) | 124 | asset_current | False | KAZANILMAMIŞ FİNANSAL KİRALAMA FAİZ GELİRLERİ (-) | |
18 | tr126 | Deposits And Guarantees Given | 126 | asset_current | False | VERİLEN DEPOZİTO VE TEMİNATLAR | |
19 | tr127 | Other Trade Receivables | 127 | asset_current | False | DİĞER TİCARİ ALACAKLAR | |
20 | tr128 | Doubtful Trade Receivables | 128 | asset_current | False | ŞÜPHELİ TİCARİ ALACAKLAR | |
21 | tr129 | Provision For Doubtful Trade Receivables (-) | 129 | asset_current | False | ŞÜPHELİ TİCARİ ALACAKLAR KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
22 | tr131 | Receivables From Shareholders | 131 | asset_current | False | ORTAKLARDAN ALACAKLAR | |
23 | tr132 | Receivables From Subsidaries | 132 | asset_current | False | İŞTİRAKLERDEN ALACAKLAR | |
24 | tr133 | Receivables From Affiliated Companies | 133 | asset_current | False | BAĞLI ORTAKLIKLARDAN ALACAKLAR | |
25 | tr135 | Receivables From Personnel | 135 | asset_current | False | PERSONELDEN ALACAKLAR | |
26 | tr136 | Other Receivable (-) | 136 | asset_current | False | DİĞER ÇEŞİTLİ ALACAKLAR | |
27 | tr137 | Discount Of Other Notes Receivables | 137 | asset_current | False | DİĞER ALACAK SENETLERİ REESKONTU (-) | |
28 | tr138 | Other Doubtful Receivables | 138 | asset_current | False | ŞÜPHELİ DİĞER ALACAKLAR | |
29 | tr139 | Provision For Other Doubtful Receivables (-) | 139 | asset_current | False | ŞÜPHELİ DİĞER ALACAKLAR KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
30 | tr150 | Raw Materials And Supplies | 150 | asset_current | False | İLK MADDE VE MALZEME | |
31 | tr151 | Work-In-Process – Production | 151 | asset_current | False | YARI MAMULLER - ÜRETİM | |
32 | tr152 | Finished Goods | 152 | asset_current | False | MAMÜLLER | |
33 | tr153 | Commercial Goods | 153 | asset_current | False | TİCARİ MALLAR | |
34 | tr157 | Other Stocks | 157 | asset_current | False | DİĞER STOKLAR | |
35 | tr158 | Provision For Diminution In Value Of Stocks (-) | 158 | asset_current | False | STOK DEĞER DÜŞÜKLÜĞÜ KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
36 | tr159 | Stock Advances Given | 159 | asset_current | False | VERİLEN SİPARİŞ AVANSLARI | |
37 | tr180 | Prepaid Expenses For The Following Months | 180 | expense | False | GELECEK AYLARA AİT GİDERLER | |
38 | tr181 | Income Accruals | 181 | expense | False | GELİR TAHAKKUKLARI | |
39 | tr190 | Deferred Vat | 190 | expense | False | DEVREDEN KATMA DEĞER VERGİSİ (KDV) | |
40 | tr191 | Deductible Vat | 191 | asset_current | False | İNDİRİLECEK KATMA DEĞER VERGİSİ (KDV) | |
41 | tr192 | Other Vat | 192 | expense | False | DİĞER KATMA DEĞER VERGİSİ | |
42 | tr193 | Prepaid Taxes And Funds | 193 | expense | False | PEŞİN ÖDENEN VERGİLER VE FONLAR | |
43 | tr195 | Work Advances | 195 | expense | False | İŞ AVANSLAR | |
44 | tr196 | Advances Given To Personnel | 196 | expense | False | PERSONEL AVANSLARI | |
45 | tr197 | Stock Count And Delivery Shortages | 197 | expense | False | SAYIM VE TESELLÜM NOKSANLARI | |
46 | tr198 | Other Current Assets | 198 | expense | False | DİĞER DÖNEN VARLIKLAR | |
47 | tr199 | Provision For Other Current Assets (-) | 199 | expense | False | DİĞER DÖNEN VARLIKLAR KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
48 | tr220 | Customers | 220 | asset_fixed | False | ALICILAR | |
49 | tr221 | Notes Receivables | 221 | asset_fixed | False | ||
50 | tr222 | Discount Of Notes Receivables (-) | 222 | asset_fixed | False | ALACAK SENETLERİ REESKONTU (-) | |
51 | tr224 | Interest Income On Non-earned Financial Leases (-) | 224 | asset_fixed | False | KAZANILMAMIŞ FINANSAL KIRALAMA FAIZ GELIRLERI(-) | |
52 | tr226 | Deposits And Guarantees Given | 226 | asset_fixed | False | VERİLEN DEPOZİTO VE TEMİNATLAR | |
53 | tr229 | Provision For Doubtful Receivables (-) | 229 | asset_fixed | False | ŞÜPHELİ ALACAKLAR KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
54 | tr231 | Receivables From Shareholders | 231 | asset_fixed | False | ORTAKLARDAN ALACAKLAR | |
55 | tr232 | Receivables From Subsidiaries | 232 | asset_fixed | False | İŞTİRAKLERDEN ALACAKLAR | |
56 | tr233 | Receivables From Affiliated Companies | 233 | asset_fixed | False | BAĞLI ORTAKLIKLARDAN ALACAKLAR | |
57 | tr235 | Receivables From Personnel | 235 | asset_fixed | False | PERSONELDEN ALACAKLAR | |
58 | tr236 | Other Miscellaneous Receivables | 236 | asset_fixed | False | DİĞER ÇEŞİTLİ ALACAKLAR | |
59 | tr237 | Discount Of Other Notes Receivables (-) | 237 | asset_fixed | False | DİĞER ALACAK SENETLERİ REESKONTU (-) | |
60 | tr240 | Long-Term Marketable Securities | 240 | asset_fixed | False | BAĞLI MENKUL KIYMETLER | |
61 | tr241 | Provision For Diminution In Value Of Long-Term Securities (-) | 241 | asset_fixed | False | BAĞLI MENKUL KIYMETLER DEĞER DÜŞÜKLÜĞÜ KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
62 | tr242 | Subsidiaries | 242 | asset_fixed | False | İŞTİRAKLER | |
63 | tr243 | Capital Commitment For Subsidiaries (-) | 243 | asset_fixed | False | İŞTİRAKLERE SERMAYE TAAHHÜTLERİ (-) | |
64 | tr244 | Provision For Diminution In Value Of Investments (-) | 244 | asset_fixed | False | İŞTİRAKLER SERMAYE PAYLARI DEĞER DÜŞÜKLÜĞÜ KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
65 | tr245 | Affiliated Companies | 245 | asset_fixed | False | BAĞLI ORTAKLIKLAR | |
66 | tr246 | Capital Commitment To Affiliated Companies | 246 | asset_fixed | False | BAĞLI ORTAKLIKLARA SERMAYE TAAHHÜTLERİ (-) | |
67 | tr247 | Provision For Diminution In Value Of Affiliated Companies (-) | 247 | asset_fixed | False | BAĞLI ORTAKLIKLAR SERMAYE PAYLARI DEĞER DÜŞÜKLÜGÜ KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
68 | tr248 | Other Non-Current Financial Assets | 248 | asset_fixed | False | DİĞER MALİ DURAN VARLIKLAR | |
69 | tr249 | Provision For Other Non-Current Financial Assets (-) | 249 | asset_fixed | False | DİĞER MALİ DURAN VARLIKLAR KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
70 | tr250 | Land | 250 | asset_fixed | False | ARAZİ VE ARSALAR | |
71 | tr251 | Underground Installations | 251 | asset_fixed | False | YER ALTI VE YER ÜSTÜ DÜZENLERİ | |
72 | tr252 | Buildings | 252 | asset_fixed | False | BİNALAR | |
73 | tr253 | Machinery, Equipment And Installations | 253 | asset_fixed | False | TESİS, MAKİNE VE CİHAZLAR | |
74 | tr254 | Motor Vehicles | 254 | asset_fixed | False | TAŞITLAR | |
75 | tr255 | Furniture And Fixtures | 255 | asset_fixed | False | DEMİRBAŞLAR | |
76 | tr256 | Other Tangible Assets | 256 | asset_fixed | False | DİĞER MADDİ DURAN VARLIKLAR | |
77 | tr257 | Accumulated Depreciation | 257 | asset_fixed | False | BİRİKMİŞ AMORTİSMANLAR (-) | |
78 | tr258 | Construction-In-Progress | 258 | asset_fixed | False | YAPILMAKTA OLAN YATIRIMLAR | |
79 | tr259 | Fixed Asset Advances Given | 259 | asset_fixed | False | VERİLEN AVANSLAR | |
80 | tr260 | Rights | 260 | asset_fixed | False | HAKLAR | |
81 | tr261 | Goodwill | 261 | asset_fixed | False | ŞEREFİYE | |
82 | tr262 | Pre-Operating Expenses | 262 | asset_fixed | False | KURULUŞ VE ÖRGÜTLENME GİDERLERİ | |
83 | tr263 | Research And Development Expenses | 263 | asset_fixed | False | ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME GİDERLERİ | |
84 | tr264 | Leasehold Improvements | 264 | asset_fixed | False | ÖZEL MALİYETLER | |
85 | tr267 | Other Intangible Assets | 267 | asset_fixed | False | DİĞER MADDİ OLMAYAN DURAN VARLIKLAR | |
86 | tr268 | Accumulated Depreciation (-) | 268 | asset_fixed | False | BİRİKMİŞ AMORTİSMANLAR (-) | |
87 | tr269 | Advances Given | 269 | asset_fixed | False | VERİLEN AVANSLAR | |
88 | tr271 | Research Expenses | 271 | expense | False | ARAMA GİDERLERİ | |
89 | tr272 | Preparation And Development Expenses | 272 | expense | False | HAZIRLIK VE GELİŞTİRME GİDERLERİ | |
90 | tr277 | Other Depletable Assets | 277 | expense | False | DİĞER ÖZEL TÜKENMEYE TABİ VARLIKLAR | |
91 | tr278 | Accumulated Depletion (-) | 278 | expense | False | BİRİKMİŞ TÜKENME PAYLARI (-) | |
92 | tr279 | Advances Given | 279 | expense | False | VERİLEN AVANSLAR | |
93 | tr280 | Prepaid Expenses For Following Years | 280 | expense | False | GELECEK YILLARA AİT GİDERLER | |
94 | tr281 | Income Accruals | 281 | expense | False | GELİR TAHAKKUKLARI | |
95 | tr291 | Vat Deductible In The Following Years | 291 | asset_current | False | GELECEK YILLARDA İNDİRİLECEK KATMA DEĞER VERGİSİ | |
96 | tr292 | Other Vat | 292 | asset_current | False | DİĞER KATMA DEĞER VERGİSİ | |
97 | tr293 | Long-Term Stocks | 293 | asset_current | False | GELECEK YILLAR İHTİYACI STOKLAR | |
98 | tr294 | Stocks And Tangible Assets To Be Disposed | 294 | asset_current | False | ELDEN ÇIKARILACAK STOKLAR VE MADDİ DURAN VARLIKLAR | |
99 | tr295 | Prepaid Tax And Funds | 295 | asset_current | False | ||
100 | tr297 | Other Non-Current Assets | 297 | asset_current | False | DİĞER DURAN VARLIKLAR | |
101 | tr298 | Provision For Diminution In Value Of Stocks (-) | 298 | asset_current | False | STOK DEĞER DÜŞÜKLÜĞÜ KARŞILIĞI (-) | |
102 | tr299 | Accumulated Depreciation (-) | 299 | asset_current | False | BİRİKMİŞ AMORTİSMANLAR (-) | |
103 | tr300 | Bank Loans | 300 | liability_current | False | BANKA KREDİLERİ | |
104 | tr301 | Payables from Financial Leasing Transactions | 301 | liability_current | False | FINANSAL KIRALAMA İŞLEMLERINDEN BORÇLAR | |
105 | tr302 | Deferred Financial Leasing Borrowing Costs (-) | 302 | liability_current | False | ERTELENMIŞ FINANSAL KIRALAMA BORÇLANMA MALIYETLERI(-) | |
106 | tr303 | Principal And Interest Payments Of Long-Term Loans | 303 | liability_current | False | UZUN VADELİ KREDİLERİN ANAPARA TAKSİTLERİ VE FAİZLERİ | |
107 | tr304 | Principal, Instalment And Interest Payments Of Bonds | 304 | liability_current | False | TAHVİL ANAPARA BORÇ, TAKSİT VE FAİZLERİ | |
108 | tr305 | Bonds And Shares Issued | 305 | liability_current | False | ÇIKARILMIŞ BONOLAR VE SENETLER | |
109 | tr306 | Other Marketable Securities Issued | 306 | liability_current | False | ÇIKARILMIŞ DİĞER MENKUL KIYMETLER | |
110 | tr308 | Premium Reserves Of Marketable Securities (-) | 308 | liability_current | False | MENKUL KIYMETLER İHRAÇ FARKI (-) | |
111 | tr309 | Other Financial Liabilities | 309 | liability_current | False | DİĞER MALİ BORÇLAR | |
112 | tr320 | Suppliers | 320 | liability_payable | True | SATICILAR | |
113 | tr321 | Notes Payable | 321 | liability_current | False | BORÇ SENETLERİ | |
114 | tr322 | Discount Of Notes Payable (-) | 322 | liability_current | False | BORÇ SENETLERİ REESKONTU (-) | |
115 | tr326 | Deposits And Guarantees Given | 326 | liability_current | False | VERİLEN DEPOZİTO VE TEMİNATLAR | |
116 | tr329 | Other Trade Payables | 329 | liability_current | False | DİĞER TİCARİ BORÇLAR | |
117 | tr331 | Payables To Shareholders | 331 | liability_current | False | ORTAKLARA BORÇLAR | |
118 | tr332 | Payables To Subsidiaries | 332 | liability_current | False | İŞTİRAKLERE BORÇLAR | |
119 | tr333 | Payables To Affiliated Companies | 333 | liability_current | False | BAĞLI ORTAKLIKLARA BORÇLAR | |
120 | tr335 | Payables To Personnel | 335 | liability_current | False | PERSONELE BORÇLAR | |
121 | tr336 | Other Miscellaneous Payaples | 336 | liability_current | False | DIĞER ÇEŞITLI BORÇLAR | |
122 | tr337 | Discount Of Other Notes Payables (-) | 337 | liability_current | False | DİĞER BORÇ SENETLERİ REESKONTU (-) | |
123 | tr340 | Advances Taken For Orders | 340 | liability_current | False | ALINAN SİPARİŞ AVANSLARI | |
124 | tr349 | Other Advances Taken | 349 | liability_current | False | ALINAN DİĞER AVANSLAR | |
125 | tr360 | Taxes And Funds Payable | 360 | liability_current | False | ÖDENECEK VERGİ VE FONLAR | |
126 | tr361 | Social Security Premiums Payable | 361 | liability_current | False | ÖDENECEK SOSYAL GÜVENLİK KESİNTİLERİ | |
127 | tr368 | Overdue, Deferred Payables Or Payables On Instalments To The State | 368 | liability_current | False | VADESİ GEÇMİŞ ERTELENMİŞ VEYA TAKSİTLENDİRİLMİŞ VERGİ VE DİĞER YÜKÜMLÜLÜKLER | |
128 | tr369 | Other Liabilities | 369 | liability_current | False | ÖDENECEK DİĞER YÜKÜMLÜLÜKLER | |
129 | tr370 | Provisions For Tax And Other Liabilities Relating To The Profit Of The Period | 370 | liability_current | False | DÖNEM KÂRI VERGİ VE DİĞER YASAL YÜKÜMLÜLÜK KARŞILIKLARI | |
130 | tr371 | Prepaid Tax And Other Liabilities For The Current Year Profit (-) | 371 | liability_current | False | DÖNEM KÂRININ PEŞİN ÖDENEN VERGİ VE DİĞER YÜKÜMLÜLÜKLERİ (-) | |
131 | tr372 | Provision For Severance Payments | 372 | liability_current | False | KIDEM TAZMİNATI KARŞILIĞI | |
132 | tr373 | Provision For Expenses Relating To Costing | 373 | expense | False | MALİYET GİDERLERİ KARŞILIĞI | |
133 | tr379 | Provision For Other Liabilities And Expenses | 379 | liability_current | False | DİĞER BORÇ VE GİDER KARŞILIKLARI | |
134 | tr380 | Deferred Income For The Following Months | 380 | liability_current | False | GELECEK AYLARA AİT GELİRLER | |
135 | tr381 | Expense Accruals | 381 | liability_current | False | GİDER TAHAKKUKLARI | |
136 | tr391 | Vat Calculated | 391 | liability_current | False | HESAPLANAN KDV | |
137 | tr392 | Other Vat | 392 | liability_current | False | DİĞER KATMA DEĞER VERGİSİ | |
138 | tr393 | Headquarters and Branches Current Account | 393 | liability_current | False | MERKEZ VE ŞUBELER CARİ HESABI | |
139 | tr397 | Stock Count And Delivery Surpluses | 397 | liability_current | False | SAYIM VE TESELLÜM FAZLALARI(1) | |
140 | tr399 | Other Miscellaneous Short-Term Liabilities | 399 | liability_current | False | DİĞER ÇEŞİTLİ YABANCI KAYNAKLAR | |
141 | tr400 | Bank Loans | 400 | liability_current | False | BANKA KREDİLERİ | |
142 | tr401 | Payables from Financial Leasing Transactions | 401 | liability_current | False | FINANSAL KIRALAMA İŞLEMLERINDEN BORÇLAR | |
143 | tr402 | Deferred Leasing Borrowing Costs(-) | 402 | liability_current | False | ERTELENMİŞ FİNANSAL KİRALAMA BORÇLANMA MALİYETLERİ (-) | |
144 | tr405 | Bonds Issued | 405 | liability_current | False | ÇIKARILMIŞ TAHVİLLER | |
145 | tr407 | Other Marketable Securities Issued | 407 | liability_current | False | ÇIKARILMIŞ DİĞER MENKUL KIYMETLER | |
146 | tr408 | Premium Reserves Of Marketable Securities (-) | 408 | liability_current | False | MENKUL KIYMETLER İHRAÇ FARKI (-) | |
147 | tr409 | Other Financial Liabilities | 409 | liability_current | False | DİĞER MALİ BORÇLAR | |
148 | tr420 | Suppliers | 420 | liability_current | False | SATICILAR | |
149 | tr421 | Notes Payable | 421 | liability_current | False | BORÇ SENETLERİ | |
150 | tr422 | Discount Of Notes Payable (-) | 422 | liability_current | False | BORÇ SENETLERİ REESKONTU (-) | |
151 | tr426 | Deposits And Guarantees Taken | 426 | liability_current | False | ALINAN DEPOZİTO VE TEMİNATLAR | |
152 | tr429 | Other Trade Payables | 429 | liability_current | False | DİĞER TİCARİ BORÇLAR | |
153 | tr431 | Payables To Shareholders | 431 | liability_current | False | ORTAKLARA BORÇLAR | |
154 | tr432 | Payables To Subsidaries | 432 | liability_current | False | İŞTİRAKLERE BORÇLAR | |
155 | tr433 | Payables To Affiliated Companies | 433 | liability_current | False | BAĞLI ORTAKLIKLARA BORÇLAR | |
156 | tr436 | Other Miscellaneous Payables | 436 | liability_current | False | DİĞER ÇEŞİTLİ BORÇLAR(1) | |
157 | tr437 | Discount Of Other Notes Payable (-) | 437 | liability_current | False | KAMUYA OLAN ERTELENMİŞ VEYA TAKSİTLENDİRİLMİŞ BORÇLAR | |
158 | tr438 | Liabilities To The State (Deferred Or Payable In Instalments) | 438 | liability_current | False | DİĞER ÇEŞİTLİ BORÇLAR | |
159 | tr440 | Advances Taken For Orders | 440 | liability_current | False | ALINAN SİPARİŞ AVANSLARI | |
160 | tr449 | Other Advances Taken | 449 | liability_current | False | ALINAN DİĞER AVANSLAR | |
161 | tr472 | Provisions For Severance Payments | 472 | liability_current | False | KIDEM TAZMİNATI KARŞILIĞI | |
162 | tr479 | Provisions For Other Liabilities And Expenses | 479 | liability_current | False | DİĞER BORÇ VE GİDER KARŞILIKLARI | |
163 | tr492 | Vat Deferred Or Postponed To The Following Years | 492 | liability_current | False | GELECEK YILLARA ERTELENEN VEYA TERKİN EDİLEN KATMA DEĞER VERGİSİ(1) | |
164 | tr493 | Participation In The Establishment | 493 | liability_current | False | TESİSE KATILMA PAYLARI | |
165 | tr499 | Other Miscellaneous Long-Term Liabilities | 499 | liability_current | False | DİĞER ÇEŞİTLİ UZUN VADELİ YABANCI KAYNAKLAR | |
166 | tr500 | Capital | 500 | equity | False | SERMAYE | |
167 | tr501 | Unpaid Capital (-) | 501 | equity | False | ÖDENMEMİŞ SERMAYE (-) | |
168 | tr520 | Premium Reserves | 520 | equity | False | HİSSE SENETLERİ İHRAÇ PRİMLERİ | |
169 | tr521 | Profit From Invalidation Of Shares | 521 | equity | False | HİSSE SENEDİ İPTAL KÂRLARI | |
170 | tr522 | Fixed Asset Revaluation Fund | 522 | equity | False | M.D.V. YENİDEN DEĞERLEME ARTIŞLARI | |
171 | tr524 | Cost Increases Fund | 524 | equity | False | MALİYET ARTIŞLARI FONU | |
172 | tr529 | Other Capital Reserves | 529 | equity | False | DİĞER SERMAYE YEDEKLERİ | |
173 | tr540 | Legal Reserves | 540 | equity | False | ||
174 | tr541 | Statuary Reserves | 541 | equity | False | STATÜ YEDEKLERİ | |
175 | tr542 | General Reserves | 542 | equity | False | OLAĞANÜSTÜ YEDEKLER | |
176 | tr548 | Other Retained Profits | 548 | equity | False | DİĞER KÂR YEDEKLERİ | |
177 | tr549 | Special Reserves | 549 | equity | False | ÖZEL FONLAR | |
178 | tr570 | Previous Years’ Profits | 570 | equity | False | GEÇMİŞ YILLAR KÂRLARI | |
179 | tr580 | Previous Years’ Losses | 580 | equity | False | GEÇMİŞ YILLAR ZARARLARI (-) | |
180 | tr590 | Net Profit For The Period | 590 | equity | False | DÖNEM NET KÂRI | |
181 | tr591 | Net Loss For The Period (-) | 591 | equity | False | DÖNEM NET ZARARI (-) | |
182 | tr600 | Domestic Sales | 600 | income | False | YURTİÇİ SATIŞLAR | |
183 | tr601 | Export Sales | 601 | income | False | YURTDIŞI SATIŞLAR | |
184 | tr602 | Other Sales | 602 | income_other | False | DİĞER GELİRLER | |
185 | tr610 | Returns From Sales (-) | 610 | income | False | SATIŞTAN İADELER (-) | |
186 | tr611 | Sales Discounts (-) | 611 | income | False | SATIŞ İSKONTOLARI (-) | |
187 | tr612 | Other Discounts (-) | 612 | income | False | ||
188 | tr620 | Cost Of Finished Goods Sold (-) | 620 | expense_direct_cost | False | SATILAN MAMÜLLER MALİYETİ (-) | |
189 | tr621 | Cost Of Commercial Goods Sold (-) | 621 | expense_direct_cost | False | SATILAN TİCARİ MALLAR MALİYETİ (-) | |
190 | tr622 | Cost Of Services Sold (-) | 622 | expense_direct_cost | False | SATILAN HİZMET MALİYETİ (-) | |
191 | tr623 | Cost Of Other Sales (-) | 623 | expense_direct_cost | False | DİĞER SATIŞLARIN MALİYETİ (-) | |
192 | tr630 | Research And Development Expenses (-) | 630 | expense | False | ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME GİDERLERİ (-) | |
193 | tr631 | Marketing, Sales And Distributing Expenses (-) | 631 | expense | False | PAZARLAMA SATIŞ VE DAĞITIM GİDERLERİ | |
194 | tr632 | General And Administrative Expenses (-) | 632 | expense | False | GENEL YÖNETİM GİDERLERİ (-) | |
195 | tr640 | Dividend Income From Subsidiaries | 640 | income | False | İŞTİRAKLERDEN TEMETTÜ GELİRLERİ | |
196 | tr641 | Dividend Income From Affiliated Companies | 641 | income | False | BAĞLI ORTAKLIKLARDAN TEMETTÜ GELİRLERİ | |
197 | tr642 | Interest Income | 642 | income | False | FAİZ GELİRLERİ | |
198 | tr643 | Commission Income | 643 | income | False | KOMİSYON GELİRLERİ | |
199 | tr644 | Provision No Longer Required | 644 | income | False | KONUSU KALMAYAN KARŞILIKLAR | |
200 | tr645 | Marketable Securities Sales Profit | 645 | income | False | MENKUL KIYMET SATIŞ KARLARI | |
201 | tr646 | Foreign Exchange Gains | 646 | income | False | KAMBIYO KARLARI | |
202 | tr647 | Discount Interest Income | 647 | income | False | REESKONT FAIZ GELIRLERI | |
203 | tr648 | Gains From Inflation Adjustments | 648 | income | False | ENFLASYON DÜZELTMESI KARLARI | |
204 | tr649 | Other Income And Profit From Operations | 649 | income | False | FAALİYETLE İLGİLİ DİĞER GELİR VE KÂRLAR | |
205 | tr653 | Commission Expenses (-) | 653 | expense | False | KOMİSYON GİDERLERİ (-) | |
206 | tr654 | Provisions (-) | 654 | expense | False | KARŞILIK GİDERLERİ (-) | |
207 | tr655 | Marketable Securities Sales Losses (-) | 655 | expense | False | MENKUL KIYMET SATIŞ ZARARLARI (-) | |
208 | tr656 | Foreign Exchange Losses (-) | 656 | expense | False | KAMBIYO ZARARLARI (-) | |
209 | tr657 | Interest Expense On Discounted Notes (-) | 657 | expense | False | REESKONT FAIZ GIDERLERI (-) | |
210 | tr658 | Loss From Inflation Adjustments (-) | 658 | expense | False | ENFLASYON DÜZELTMESI ZARARLARI(-) | |
211 | tr659 | Other Expenses And Losses (-) | 659 | expense | False | DİĞER GİDER VE ZARARLAR (-) | |
212 | tr660 | Short-Term Borrowing Expenses (-) | 660 | expense | False | KISA VADELİ BORÇLANMA GİDERLERİ (-) | |
213 | tr661 | Long-Term Borrowing Expenses (-) | 661 | expense | False | UZUN VADELİ BORÇLANMA GİDERLERİ (-) | |
214 | tr671 | Income And Profit Relating To Previous Periods | 671 | income | False | ||
215 | tr679 | Other Extraordinary Income And Profit | 679 | income | False | DİĞER OLAĞANDIŞI GELİR VE KÂRLAR | |
216 | tr680 | Non-Operating Department Expense And Loss (-) | 680 | expense | False | ÇALIŞMAYAN KISIM GİDER VE ZARARLARI (-) | |
217 | tr681 | Expense And Loss Relating To Previous Periods (-) | 681 | expense | False | ÖNCEKİ DÖNEM GİDER VE ZARARLARI (-) | |
218 | tr689 | Other Extraordinary Expense And Loss (-) | 689 | expense | False | DİĞER OLAĞANDIŞI GİDER VE ZARARLAR (-) | |
219 | tr690 | Net Profit (Loss) For The Period | 690 | expense | False | DÖNEM NET KÂRI (ZARARI) | |
220 | tr691 | Provisions For Taxation And Other Legal Liabilities (-) | 691 | expense | False | DÖNEM KÂRI VERGİ VE DİĞER YASAL YÜKÜMLÜLÜK KARŞILIKLARI (-) | |
221 | tr692 | Net Profit (Loss) For The Period | 692 | expense | False | DÖNEM NET KÂRI (ZARARI) | |
222 | tr697 | Long-term Construction Inflation Adjustment Account | 697 | expense | False | YILLARA YAYGIN İNŞAAT VE ENFLASYON DÜZELTME | |
223 | tr698 | Inflation Adjustment Account | 698 | expense | False | ENFLASYON DÜZELTME HESABI | |
224 | tr700 | Transitory Accounts For Accounting | 700 | expense | False | MALİYET MUHASEBESİ BAĞLANTI HESABI | |
225 | tr701 | Reflection Accounts For Cost Accounting | 701 | expense | False | MALİYET MUHASEBESİ YANSITMA HESABI | |
226 | tr710 | Direct Raw Materials And Supplies Expenses | 710 | expense | False | DİREKT İLKMADDE VE MALZEME GİDERLERİ | |
227 | tr711 | Reflection Account For Direct Raw Materials And Supplies | 711 | expense | False | DİREKT İLKMADDE VE MALZEME YANSITMA HESABI | |
228 | tr712 | Price Differences Of Direct Raw Materials And Supplies | 712 | expense | False | DİREKT İLKMADDE VE MALZEME FİYAT FARKI | |
229 | tr713 | Quantity Differences Of Direct Raw Materials And Supplies | 713 | expense | False | DİREKT İLKMADDE VE MALZEME MİKTAR FARKI | |
230 | tr720 | Direct Labour Expenses | 720 | expense | False | DİREKT İŞÇİLİK GİDERLERİ | |
231 | tr721 | Reflection Account For Direct Labour Expenses | 721 | expense | False | DİREKT İŞCİLİK GİDERLERİ YANSITMA HESABI | |
232 | tr722 | Direct Labour Wage Differences | 722 | expense | False | DİREKT İŞÇİLİK ÜCRET FARKLARI | |
233 | tr723 | Direct Labour Time Differences | 723 | expense | False | DİREKT İŞÇİLİK SÜRE (ZAMAN) FARKLARI | |
234 | tr730 | General Production Expenses | 730 | expense | False | GENEL ÜRETİM GİDERLERİ | |
235 | tr731 | Reflection Account For General Production Expenses | 731 | expense | False | GENEL ÜRETİM GİDERLERİ YANSITMA HESABI | |
236 | tr732 | Budget Differences Of General Production Expenses | 732 | expense | False | GENEL ÜRETİM GİDERLERİ BÜTÇE FARKLARI | |
237 | tr733 | Productivity Differences Of General Production Expenses | 733 | expense | False | GENEL ÜRETİM GİDERLERİ VERİMLİLİK FARKLARI | |
238 | tr734 | Capacity Differences Of General Production Expenses | 734 | expense | False | GENEL ÜRETİM GİDERLERİ KAPASİTE FARKLARI | |
239 | tr740 | Cost Of Production Of Services | 740 | expense | False | HİZMET ÜRETİM MALİYETİ | |
240 | tr741 | Reflection Account For Cost Of Production Of Services | 741 | expense | False | HİZMET ÜRETİM MALİYETİ YANSITMA HESABI | |
241 | tr742 | Cost Of Production Of Services Difference Account | 742 | expense | False | HİZMET ÜRETİM MALİYETİ FARK HESAPLARI | |
242 | tr750 | Research And Development Expenses | 750 | expense | False | ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME GİDERLERİ | |
243 | tr751 | Reflection Account For Research And Development Expenses | 751 | expense | False | ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME GİDERLERİ YANSITMA HESABI | |
244 | tr752 | Research And Development Expenses Difference Account | 752 | expense | False | ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME GİDER FARKLARI | |
245 | tr760 | Marketing, Sales And Distribution Expenses | 760 | expense | False | PAZARLAMA SATIŞ YE DAĞITIM GİDERLERİ | |
246 | tr761 | Reflection Account For Marketing, Sales And Distribution Expenses | 761 | expense | False | PAZARLAMA SATIŞ VE DAĞITIM GİDERLERİ YANSITMA HESABI | |
247 | tr762 | Marketing, Sales And Distribution Expenses Difference Account | 762 | expense | False | PAZARLAMA SATIŞ VE DAĞITIM GİDERLERİ FARK HESABI | |
248 | tr770 | General Administrative Expenses | 770 | expense | False | GENEL YÖNETİM GİDERLERİ | |
249 | tr771 | Reflection Account For General Administrative Expenses | 771 | expense | False | GENEL YÖNETİM GİDERLERİ YANSITMA HESABI | |
250 | tr772 | General Administrative Expenses Difference Account | 772 | expense | False | ||
251 | tr780 | Financial Expenses | 780 | expense | False | FİNANSMAN GİDERLERİ | |
252 | tr781 | Reflection Account For Financial Expenses | 781 | expense | False | FİNANSMAN GİDERLERİ YANSITMA HESABI | |
253 | tr782 | Financial Expenses Difference Account | 782 | expense | False | FİNANSMAN GİDERLERİ FARK HESABI | |
254 | tr790 | Direct Raw Materials And Supplies | 790 | expense | False | DİREKT İLKMADDE VE MALZEME GİDERLERİ | |
255 | tr791 | Wages And Expenses Of Workers | 791 | expense | False | İŞÇİ ÜCRET VE GİDERLERİ | |
256 | tr792 | Salaries And Expenses Of Personnel | 792 | expense | False | MEMUR ÜCRET VE GİDERLERİ | |
257 | tr793 | External Utilities And Services Obtained | 793 | expense | False | DIŞARIDAN SAĞLANAN FAYDA VE HİZMETLER | |
258 | tr794 | Miscellaneous Expenses | 794 | expense | False | ÇEŞİTLİ GİDERLER | |
259 | tr795 | Taxes, Duties And Fees | 795 | expense | False | VERGİ, RESİM VE HARÇLAR | |
260 | tr796 | Depreciation And Depletion Expenses | 796 | expense | False | AMORTİSMANLAR VE TÜKENME PAYLARI | |
261 | tr797 | Financial Expenses | 797 | expense | False | FİNANSMAN GİDERLERİ | |
262 | tr798 | Reflection Account For Expenses | 798 | expense | False | GİDER ÇEŞİTLERİ YANSITMA HESABI | |
263 | tr799 | Cost Of Production | 799 | expense | False | ÜRETİM MALİYET HESABI | |
264 | tr391001 | 20% VAT | 391001 | liability_current | False | 20% KDV | |
265 | tr391002 | 10% VAT | 391002 | liability_current | False | 10% KDV | |
266 | tr391003 | 1% VAT | 391003 | liability_current | False | 1% KDV | |
267 | tr391004 | Sales WH | 391004 | liability_current | False | SATIŞ NOKTASI | |
268 | tr391005 | Purchases WH | 391005 | liability_current | False | SATIN ALIMLAR NE ZAMAN |