705 B
705 B
Vietnam, 2019-08-23
KOMIT CO.,LTD agrees to the terms of the Odoo Corporate Contributor License Agreement v1.0.
I declare that I am authorized and able to make this agreement and sign this declaration.
Jean-Charles DRUBAY jc@komit-consulting.com https://github.com/jcdrubay
List of contributors:
Cuong NGUYEN MINH TRAN MANH cuong.nmtm@komit-consulting.com https://github.com/cuongnmtm Duc TRUONG DINH MINH duc.tdm@komit-consulting.com https://github.com/DucTruongKomit Hieu VO MINH BAO hieu.vmb@komit-consulting.com https://github.com/hieulucky111 Jean-Charles DRUBAY jc@komit-consulting.com https://github.com/jcdrubay QUOC PHAM NGOC quoc-pn@komit-consulting.com https://github.com/quoc-pn