23 KiB
23 KiB
1 | id | sequence | name | amount | amount_type | type_tax_use | tax_group_id | active | children_tax_ids | repartition_line_ids/repartition_type | repartition_line_ids/document_type | repartition_line_ids/account_id | description | invoice_label | name@es | description@es | price_include_override |
2 | l10n_co_tax_1 | 0 | 19% VAT | 19.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_iva_19 | base | invoice | VAT Purchase 19% | 19% | 19% IVA | IVA Compra 19% | ||||
3 | tax | invoice | co_puc_240810 | ||||||||||||||
4 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
5 | tax | refund | co_puc_240810 | ||||||||||||||
6 | l10n_co_tax_0 | 1 | 5% VAT | 5.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_iva_5 | base | invoice | VAT Purchase 5% | 5% | 5% IVA | IVA Compra 5% | ||||
7 | tax | invoice | co_puc_240810 | ||||||||||||||
8 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
9 | tax | refund | co_puc_240810 | ||||||||||||||
10 | l10n_co_tax_2 | 1 | 16% D | 16.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_iva_16 | base | invoice | Deductible VAT Purchase 16% (2016 and January 2017) | 16% | 16% Desc IVA | IVA Descontable Compra 16% (2016 y Enero 2017) | ||||
11 | tax | invoice | co_puc_240810 | ||||||||||||||
12 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
13 | tax | refund | co_puc_240810 | ||||||||||||||
14 | l10n_co_tax_5 | 1 | 0% IMP VAT | 0.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_iva_0 | base | invoice | VAT Purchase Imports | 0% | 0% IVA Impo | IVA Compra Importaciones | ||||
15 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||
16 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
17 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||
18 | l10n_co_tax_6 | 1 | 0% EXC VAT | 0.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_iva_0 | base | invoice | VAT Purchase Excluded | 0% | 0% IVA Exc | IVA Compra Excluido | ||||
19 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||
20 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
21 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||
22 | l10n_co_tax_7 | 1 | 0% EXEMPT | 0.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_iva_0 | base | invoice | VAT Exempt Purchase | 0% | 0% IVA Exen | IVA Compra Exento | ||||
23 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||
24 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
25 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||
26 | l10n_co_tax_12 | 1 | 15% RteVAT 19% | -2.85 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_iva_285 | base | invoice | RteVAT 15% over 19% VAT (-2.85%) | -2.85% | 15% RteIVA 19% | RteIVA 15% sobre el 19% IVA | ||||
27 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236700 | ||||||||||||||
28 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
29 | tax | refund | co_puc_236700 | ||||||||||||||
30 | l10n_co_tax_13 | 1 | 15% RteVAT 5% | -0.75 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_iva_075 | base | invoice | RteVAT 15% over 5% VAT (-0.75%) | -0.75% | 15% RteIVA 5% | RteIVA 15% sobre el 5% IVA | ||||
31 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236700 | ||||||||||||||
32 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
33 | tax | refund | co_puc_236700 | ||||||||||||||
34 | l10n_co_tax_14 | 1 | 15% RteVAT 19% C | 0.75 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_iva_075 | False | base | invoice | RteVAT 15% over 5% VAT Counterpart (0.75%) | 0.75% | 15% RteIVA 19% C | RteIVA 15% sobre el 5% IVA Contrapartida | |||
35 | tax | invoice | co_puc_240821 | ||||||||||||||
36 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
37 | tax | refund | co_puc_240821 | ||||||||||||||
38 | l10n_co_tax_15 | 1 | 15% RteVAT 5% C | 2.85 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_iva_285 | False | base | invoice | RteVAT 15% over 19% VAT Counterpart (2.85%) | 2.85% | 15% RteIVA 5% C | RteIVA 15% sobre el 19% IVA Contrapartida | |||
39 | tax | invoice | co_puc_240821 | ||||||||||||||
40 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
41 | tax | refund | co_puc_240821 | ||||||||||||||
42 | l10n_co_tax_16 | 1 | 0.1% RteFte F C | -0.1 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_01 | base | invoice | RteFte Fuel Purchase (-0.1%) | -0.1% | 0.1% RteFte F C | RteFte Compra Combustibles (0.1%) | ||||
43 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
44 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
45 | tax | refund | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
46 | l10n_co_tax_17 | 1 | 0.5% RteFte C | -0.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_05 | base | invoice | RteFte Buy Coffee (-0.5%). | -0.5% | 0.5% RteFte Caf | RteFte Compra Cafe (0.5%) | ||||
47 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
48 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
49 | tax | refund | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
50 | l10n_co_tax_18 | 1 | 10% RteFte C N P | -10.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_10 | base | invoice | RteFte Commissions Natural Person (-10%) | -10% | 10% RteFte Com PN | RteFte Comisiones Persona Natural (-10%) | ||||
51 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236520 | ||||||||||||||
52 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
53 | tax | refund | co_puc_236520 | ||||||||||||||
54 | l10n_co_tax_19 | 1 | 2.5% RteFte D | -2.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_25 | base | invoice | RteFte Purchases Declarants (-2.5%) | -2.5% | 2.5% RteFte Dec | RteFte Compras Declarantes (-2.5%) | ||||
55 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
56 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
57 | tax | refund | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
58 | l10n_co_tax_20 | 1 | 10% RteFte C T T | -10.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_10 | base | invoice | RteFte Consulting, Technical Services and Technical Assistance Payments Abroad (-10%) | -10% | 10% RteFte Const ST | RteFte Consultorias, Servicios Tecnicos y Asistencia Tecnica Pagos al Exterior (-10%) | ||||
59 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236550 | ||||||||||||||
60 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
61 | tax | refund | co_puc_236550 | ||||||||||||||
62 | l10n_co_tax_21 | 1 | 1% RteFte A Car | -1.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_1 | base | invoice | RteFte Acquisition of Vehicles (-1%) | -1% | 1% RteFte Veh | RteFte Adquisicion de Vehiculos (-1%) | ||||
63 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
64 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
65 | tax | refund | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
66 | l10n_co_tax_22 | 1 | 1% RteFte IMMO | -1.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_1 | base | invoice | RteFte Real Estate Purchases (-1%) | -1% | 1% RteFte BR | RteFte Compras de Bienes Raices (-1%) | ||||
67 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
68 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
69 | tax | refund | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
70 | l10n_co_tax_23 | 1 | 4% RteFte S L | -4.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_4 | base | invoice | RteFte Services P Legal and PN Declarant (-4%) | -4% | 4% RteFte Serv Decl | RteFte Servicios P Jurídicas y PN Declarantes (-4%) | ||||
71 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
72 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
73 | tax | refund | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
74 | l10n_co_tax_24 | 1 | 1% RteFte F T | -1.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_1 | base | invoice | RteFte National Freight Transport Service (-1%) | -1% | 1% RteFte Transp Nac | RteFte Servicio TranspoRteFte Nacional Carga (-1%) | ||||
75 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
76 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
77 | tax | refund | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
78 | l10n_co_tax_25 | 1 | 6% RteFte S G | -6.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_6 | base | invoice | RteFte Services in General Individuals Not Filing Income Tax Returns (-6%) | -6% | 6% RteFte Serv Grles PN No Dec | RteFte Servicios en General Personas Naturales No Declarantes Renta (-6%) | ||||
79 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
80 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
81 | tax | refund | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
82 | l10n_co_tax_26 | 1 | 2% RteFte S C | -2.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_2 | base | invoice | RteFte Surveillance and Cleaning Service (Over AIU) (-2%) | -2% | 2% RteFte Serv Vig | RteFte Servicio de Vigilancia y Aseo (Sobre AIU) (-2%) | ||||
83 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
84 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
85 | tax | refund | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
86 | l10n_co_tax_27 | 1 | 3.5% RteFte Soft | -3.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_35 | base | invoice | RteFte Service Fees Software Licenses (-3.5%) | -3.5% | 3.5% RteFte Serv Soft | RteFte Honorarios Servicios Licencias Software (-3.5%) | ||||
87 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236515 | ||||||||||||||
88 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
89 | tax | refund | co_puc_236515 | ||||||||||||||
90 | l10n_co_tax_28 | 1 | 2% RteFte W C IMMO | -2.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_2 | base | invoice | RteFte Works Contracts Real Estate (-2%) | -2% | 2% RteFte Cont OI | RteFte Contratos de Obra Inmuebles (-2%) | ||||
91 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
92 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
93 | tax | refund | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
94 | l10n_co_tax_29 | 1 | 4% RteFte L L | -4.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_4 | base | invoice | RteFte Leasehold Leases Movable Property (-4%) | -4% | 4% RteFte Arr BI | RteFte Arrendamientos Bienes Muebles (-4%) | ||||
95 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236530 | ||||||||||||||
96 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
97 | tax | refund | co_puc_236530 | ||||||||||||||
98 | l10n_co_tax_30 | 1 | 3.5% RteFte IMMO L | -3.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_35 | base | invoice | RteFte Real Estate Leases (-3.5%) | -3.5% | 3.5% RteFte Arr BI | RteFte Arrendamientos Bienes Inmuebles (-3.5%) | ||||
99 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236530 | ||||||||||||||
100 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
101 | tax | refund | co_puc_236530 | ||||||||||||||
102 | l10n_co_tax_31 | 1 | 7% RteFte G F | -7.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_7 | base | invoice | RteFte General Financial Income (-7%) | -7% | 7% RteFte Rend Fin Gles | RteFte Rendimientos Financieros Generales (-7%) | ||||
103 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236535 | ||||||||||||||
104 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
105 | tax | refund | co_puc_236535 | ||||||||||||||
106 | l10n_co_tax_32 | 1 | 10% RteFte N | -10.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_10 | base | invoice | RteFte Fees Natural Person (-10%) | -10% | 10% RteFte Hon PN | RteFte Honorarios Persona Natural (-10%) | ||||
107 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236515 | ||||||||||||||
108 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
109 | tax | refund | co_puc_236515 | ||||||||||||||
110 | l10n_co_tax_33 | 1 | 3.5% RteFte IT | -3.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_35 | base | invoice | RteFte Web Design and IT Consulting Fees (-3.5%) | -3.5 | 3.5% RteFte Hon IT | RteFte Honorarios Diseno Web y Consultoria Informatica (-3.5%) | ||||
111 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236515 | ||||||||||||||
112 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
113 | tax | refund | co_puc_236515 | ||||||||||||||
114 | l10n_co_tax_34 | 1 | 2.5% RteFte C IMMO | -2.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_25 | base | invoice | RteFte Acquisition of Commercial Real Estate (-2.5%) | -2.5 | 2.5% RteFte Adq BRC | RteFte Adquisicion de Bienes Raices Comerciales (-2.5%) | ||||
115 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
116 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
117 | tax | refund | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
118 | l10n_co_tax_35 | 1 | 3.5% RteFte NR | -3.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_35 | base | invoice | RteFte Non-reporting Purchases (-3.5%) | -3.5% | 3.5% RteFte NR | RteFte Compras No Declarantes (-3.5%) | ||||
119 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
120 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
121 | tax | refund | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
122 | l10n_co_tax_36 | 1 | 11% RteFte C L E | -11.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_11 | base | invoice | RteFte Commissions Legal Entity (-11%) | -11% | 11% RteFte Com PJ | RteFte Comisiones Persona Juridica (-11%) | ||||
123 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236520 | ||||||||||||||
124 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
125 | tax | refund | co_puc_236520 | ||||||||||||||
126 | l10n_co_tax_37 | 1 | 1.5% RteFte A | -1.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_15 | base | invoice | RteFte Purchases of Agricultural Goods (-1.5%) | -1.5% | 1.5% RteFte BA | RteFte Compras Bienes Agricolas (-1.5%) | ||||
127 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
128 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
129 | tax | refund | co_puc_236540 | ||||||||||||||
130 | l10n_co_tax_38 | 1 | 3.5% RteFte T | -3.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_35 | base | invoice | RteFte National Land Transportation Service Passengers (-3.5%) | -3.5% | 3.5% RteFte Serv Trans TN | RteFte Servicio Transporte Terrestre Nacional Pasajeros (-3.5%) | ||||
131 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
132 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
133 | tax | refund | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
134 | l10n_co_tax_39 | 1 | 1% RteFte T E S | -1.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_11 | base | invoice | RteFte Temporary Employment Services (On AIU) (-1%) | -1% | 1% RteFte Serv Temp Emp | RteFte Servicio Temporales de Empleo (Sobre AIU) (-1%) | ||||
135 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
136 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
137 | tax | refund | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
138 | l10n_co_tax_40 | 1 | 11% RteFte F L E | -11.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_11 | base | invoice | RteFte Fees Legal Entity (-11%) | -11% | 11% RteFte Hon PJ | RteFte Honorarios Persona Juridica (-11%) | ||||
139 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236515 | ||||||||||||||
140 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
141 | tax | refund | co_puc_236515 | ||||||||||||||
142 | l10n_co_tax_41 | 1 | 2% RteFte H | -2.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_2 | base | invoice | RteFte Integral Health Services (-2%) | -2% | 2% RteFte Serv Int S | RteFte Servicio Integrales de Salud (-2%) | ||||
143 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
144 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
145 | tax | refund | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
146 | l10n_co_tax_42 | 1 | 3.5% RteFte H R | -3.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ren_35 | base | invoice | RteFte Hotel and Restaurant Services (-3.5%) | -3.5% | 3.5% RteFte Serv Hot y Res | RteFte Servicio de Hoteles y Restaurantes (-3.5%) | ||||
147 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
148 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
149 | tax | refund | co_puc_236525 | ||||||||||||||
150 | l10n_co_tax_43 | 1 | 0% RteICA | 0.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ica_0 | base | invoice | RteICA | 0% | 0% RteICA | RteICA | ||||
151 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||
152 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
153 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||
154 | l10n_co_tax_44 | 1 | 0.69% RteICA | -0.69 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ica_069 | base | invoice | RteICA (-0.69%) | -0.69 | 0.69% RteICA | RteICA (-0.69%) | ||||
155 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236800 | ||||||||||||||
156 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
157 | tax | refund | co_puc_236800 | ||||||||||||||
158 | l10n_co_tax_45 | 1 | 1.104% RteICA | -1.104 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ica_1104 | base | invoice | RteICA (-1.104%) | -1.104% | 1.104% RteICA | RteICA (-1.104%) | ||||
159 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236800 | ||||||||||||||
160 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
161 | tax | refund | co_puc_236800 | ||||||||||||||
162 | l10n_co_tax_46 | 1 | 0.414% RteICA | -0.414 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ica_0414 | base | invoice | RteICA (-0.414%) | -0.414% | 0.414% RteICA | RteICA (-0.414%) | ||||
163 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236800 | ||||||||||||||
164 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
165 | tax | refund | co_puc_236800 | ||||||||||||||
166 | l10n_co_tax_47 | 1 | 1.38% RteICA | -1.38 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ica_138 | base | invoice | RteICA (-1.38%) | -1.38% | 1.38% RteICA | RteICA (-1.38%) | ||||
167 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236800 | ||||||||||||||
168 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
169 | tax | refund | co_puc_236800 | ||||||||||||||
170 | l10n_co_tax_48 | 1 | 0.966% RteICA | -0.966 | percent | purchase | tax_group_r_ica_0966 | base | invoice | RteICA (-0.966%) | -0.966% | 0.966% RteICA | RteICA (-0.966%) | ||||
171 | tax | invoice | co_puc_236800 | ||||||||||||||
172 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
173 | tax | refund | co_puc_236800 | ||||||||||||||
174 | l10n_co_tax_49 | 1 | 19% RC | 19.0 | group | purchase | tax_group_iva_19 | False | l10n_co_tax_1,l10n_co_tax_12 | VAT Purchase 19% RC | 19% | 19% RC | IVA Compra 19% RC | ||||
175 | l10n_co_tax_50 | 1 | 19% RS | 19.0 | group | purchase | tax_group_iva_19 | False | l10n_co_tax_12,l10n_co_tax_15 | VAT Purchase 19% RS | 19% | 19% RS | IVA Compra 19% RS | ||||
176 | l10n_co_tax_51 | 1 | 5% RS | 5.0 | group | purchase | tax_group_iva_5 | False | l10n_co_tax_13,l10n_co_tax_14 | VAT Purchase 5% RS | 5% | 5% RS | IVA Compra 5% RS | ||||
177 | l10n_co_tax_52 | 1 | 5% RC | 5.0 | group | purchase | tax_group_iva_5 | False | l10n_co_tax_0,l10n_co_tax_13 | VAT Purchase 5% RC | 5% | 5% RC | IVA Compra 5% RC | ||||
178 | l10n_co_tax_8 | 0 | 19% | 19.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_iva_19 | base | invoice | VAT Sales 19% | 19% | 19% IVA | IVA Ventas 19% | ||||
179 | tax | invoice | co_puc_240805 | ||||||||||||||
180 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
181 | tax | refund | co_puc_240805 | ||||||||||||||
182 | l10n_co_tax_9 | 1 | 5% | 5.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_iva_5 | base | invoice | VAT Sales 5% | 5% | 5% IVA | IVA Ventas 5% | ||||
183 | tax | invoice | co_puc_240805 | ||||||||||||||
184 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
185 | tax | refund | co_puc_240805 | ||||||||||||||
186 | l10n_co_tax_4 | 1 | 16% D | 16.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_iva_16 | False | base | invoice | VAT Sales Refunds 16% 2016 | 16% | 16% Dev | IVA Devoluciones Ventas 16% 2016 | |||
187 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||
188 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
189 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||
190 | l10n_co_tax_10 | 1 | 0% EXEMPT | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_iva_0 | base | invoice | VAT Exempt | 0% | 0% IVA Ee | IVA Exento | ||||
191 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||
192 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
193 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||
194 | l10n_co_tax_11 | 1 | 0% E | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_iva_0 | base | invoice | VAT Excluded | 0% | 0% IVA Exc | IVA Excluido | ||||
195 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||
196 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
197 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||
198 | l10n_co_tax_53 | 1 | 2.5% RteFte | -2.5 | percent | sale | tax_group_r_ren_25 | base | invoice | RteFte -2.5% Sales | -2.5% | 2.5% RteFte | RteFte -2.50% Ventas | tax_excluded | |||
199 | tax | invoice | co_puc_135515 | ||||||||||||||
200 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
201 | tax | refund | co_puc_135515 | ||||||||||||||
202 | l10n_co_tax_54 | 1 | 3.50% RteFte | -3.5 | percent | sale | tax_group_r_ren_35 | base | invoice | RteFte -3.50% Sales | -3.5% | 3.50% RteFte | RteFte -3.50% Ventas | tax_excluded | |||
203 | tax | invoice | co_puc_135515 | ||||||||||||||
204 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
205 | tax | refund | co_puc_135515 | ||||||||||||||
206 | l10n_co_tax_55 | 1 | 15% RteVAT 5% | -0.75 | percent | sale | tax_group_r_iva_075 | base | invoice | RteVAT 15% over 5% VAT Sales | -0.75% | 15% RteIVA 5% | RteIVA 15% sobre el 5% IVA Ventas | tax_excluded | |||
207 | tax | invoice | co_puc_135517 | ||||||||||||||
208 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
209 | tax | refund | co_puc_135517 | ||||||||||||||
210 | l10n_co_tax_56 | 1 | 15% RteVAT 19% | -2.85 | percent | sale | tax_group_r_iva_285 | base | invoice | RteVAT 15% over 19% VAT Sales | -2.85% | 15% RteIVA 19% | RteIVA 15% sobre el 19% IVA Ventas | tax_excluded | |||
211 | tax | invoice | co_puc_135517 | ||||||||||||||
212 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
213 | tax | refund | co_puc_135517 | ||||||||||||||
214 | l10n_co_tax_57 | 1 | 0.414% RteICA | -0.414 | percent | sale | tax_group_r_ica_0414 | base | invoice | RteICA -0.414% Sales | -0.414% | 0.414% RteICA | RteICA -0.414% Ventas | tax_excluded | |||
215 | tax | invoice | co_puc_135518 | ||||||||||||||
216 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
217 | tax | refund | co_puc_135518 | ||||||||||||||
218 | l10n_co_tax_58 | 1 | 0.966% RteICA | -0.966 | percent | sale | tax_group_r_ica_0966 | base | invoice | RteICA -0.966% Sales | -0.966% | 0.966% RteICA | RteICA -0.966% Ventas | tax_excluded | |||
219 | tax | invoice | co_puc_135518 | ||||||||||||||
220 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
221 | tax | refund | co_puc_135518 | ||||||||||||||
222 | l10n_co_tax_covered_goods | 1 | 0% C A | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_covered_goods | base | invoice | Covered Assets | 0% | 0% BC | Bienes Cubiertos | ||||
223 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||
224 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
225 | tax | refund |