msgid "This document is mainly dedicated to Odoo on-premise users who don't benefit from an out-of-the-box solution to send and receive emails in Odoo, unlike `Odoo Online <>`__ & ` <>`__."
msgid "If no one in your company is used to manage email servers, we strongly recommend that you opt for those Odoo hosting solutions. Their email system works instantly and is monitored by professionals. Nevertheless you can still use your own email servers if you want to manage your email server's reputation yourself."
msgid "Office 365 email servers don't allow easily to send external emails from hosts like Odoo. Refer to the `Microsoft's documentation <>`__ to make it work."
msgid "As a system admin, go to :menuselection:`Settings --> General Settings` and check *External Email Servers*. Then, click *Outgoing Mail Servers* to create one and reference the SMTP data of your email server. Once all the information has been filled out, click on *Test Connection*."
msgid "You can use an Office 365 server if you run Odoo on-premise. Office 365 SMTP relays are not compatible with Odoo Online unless you configure Odoo to force the outgoing \"From\" address (see below)."
msgid "Please refer to `Microsoft's documentation <>`__ to configure a SMTP relay for your Odoo's IP address."
msgid "You can use an G Suite server for any Odoo hosting type. To do so you need to setup the SMTP relay service. The configuration steps are explained in `Google documentation <>`__."
msgid "In case you use SPF (Sender Policy Framework) to increase the deliverability of your outgoing emails, don't forget to authorize Odoo as a sending host in your domain name settings. Here is the configuration for Odoo Online:"
msgid "In case a SPF TXT record is already set, add \"\". e.g. for a domain name that sends emails via Odoo Online and via G Suite it could be: v=spf1 ~all"
msgid "Adding more than one SPF record for a domain can cause problems with mail delivery and spam classification. Instead, we recommend using only one SPF record by modifying it to authorize Odoo."
msgid "You should do the same thing if DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) is enabled on your email server. In the case of Odoo Online &, you should add a DNS \"odoo._domainkey\" CNAME record to \"\". For example, for \"\" they should have a record \"\" that is a CNAME with the value \"\"."
msgid "For example, if a customer with address ** responds to a message, Odoo will try to redistribute that same email to other subscribers in the thread. But if the domain ** forbids that kind of usage for security (kudos for that), the Odoo's redistributed email would get rejected by some recipients' mail servers."
msgid "If your MTA supports `SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) <>`_, you can enable it to handle these situations. However, that is more complex and requires more technical knowledge that is not meant to be covered by this documentation."
msgid "If you want *all* your outgoing messages to use the same \"From\" address, use the key ``mail.force.smtp.from`` and set that address as value (such as ````)."
msgid "If you want to keep the original \"From\" address for emails that use your same domain, but change it for emails that use a different domain, use the key ``mail.dynamic.smtp.from`` and set as value the email address that should be used in those cases (such as ````)."
msgid "**Reply messages** of messages sent from Odoo are routed to their original discussion thread (and to the inbox of all its followers) by the catchall alias (**catchall@**)."
msgid "**Bounced messages** are routed to **bounce@** in order to track them in Odoo. This is especially used in `Odoo Email Marketing <>`__ to opt-out invalid recipients."
msgid "Depending on your mail server, there might be several methods to fetch emails. The easiest and most recommended method is to manage one email address per Odoo alias in your mail server."
msgid "If you use Odoo on-premise, create an *Incoming Mail Server* in Odoo for each alias. You can do it from the General Settings as well. Fill out the form according to your email provider’s settings. Leave the *Actions to Perform on Incoming Mails* blank. Once all the information has been filled out, click on *TEST & CONFIRM*."
msgid "If you use Odoo Online or, We do recommend to redirect incoming messages to Odoo's domain name rather than exclusively use your own email server. That way you will receive incoming messages without delay. Indeed, Odoo Online is fetching incoming messages of external servers once per hour only. You should set redirections for all the email addresses to Odoo's domain name in your email server (e.g. *catchall@mydomain.ext* to **)."
msgid "All the aliases are customizable in Odoo. Object aliases can be edited from their respective configuration view. To edit catchall and bounce aliases, you first need to activate the developer mode from the Settings Dashboard."
msgid "Then refresh your screen and go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> Parameters --> System Parameters` to customize the aliases (*mail.catchall.alias* & * mail.bounce.alias*)."
msgid "By default inbound messages are fetched every 5 minutes in Odoo on-premise. You can change this value in developer mode. Go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> Automation --> Scheduled Actions` and look for *Mail: Fetchmail Service*."
msgid "You can follow specific hashtags on Twitter and see the tweets within the Odoo Discuss channels of your choice. The tweets are retrieved periodically from Twitter. An authenticated user can retweet the messages."
msgid "Twitter uses an \"App\" on its side which is opens a gate to which Odoo asks for tweets, and through which a user can retweet. To set up this app, go to and put in the values:"
msgid "Website: this is the external url of your Odoo database, with \"/web\" added. For example, if your Odoo instance is hosted at \"\", you should put \"\" in this field."
msgid "Callback URL: this is the address on which Twitter will respond. Following the previous example you should write \"\"."
msgid "And copy those values in Odoo in :menuselection:`Settings--> General Settings--> Twitter discuss integration` and click on **Save** to save the settings."
msgid "You can **mention** a user in a channel or chatter by typing **@user-name**. Mentioning a user in the chatter will set them as a follower of the item (if they are not already) and send a message to their inbox. The item containing the mention will also be bolded in the list view. Mentioning a user in a channel will send a message to their inbox. You cannot mention a user in a channel who is not subscribed to the channel. Typing **#channel-name** will provide a link to the mentioned channel in either a chatter or another channel."
msgid "**Direct messages** are private messages viewable only by the sender and recipient. You can send direct messages to other users from within the Discuss module by creating a new conversation or selecting an existing one from the sidebar. Direct messages can be sent from anywhere in Odoo using the speech bubble icon in the top bar. The online status of other users is displayed to the left of their name. A **green dot** indicates that a user is Online, an **orange dot** that they are Idle, and a **grey dot** that they are offline."
msgid "You can choose to see **desktop notifications** when you receive a new direct message. The notification shows you the sender and a brief preview of the message contents. These can be configured or disabled by clicking on the gear icon in the corner of the notification.."
msgid "Use the **Inbox** in Discuss app to monitor updates and progress on everything you do in Odoo. Notifications and messages from everything you follow or in which you are mentioned appear in your inbox."
msgid "Marking an item with a check marks the message as **read** and removes it from your inbox. If you would like to save an item for future reference or action, mark it with a star to add it to the **Starred** box. You can star any message or notification in Discuss or any of the item-specific chatters throughout Odoo to keep tabs on it here."
msgid "Odoo Discuss is an easy to use messaging app for teams that brings all your organization's communication into one place and seamlessly integrates with the Odoo platform. Discuss lets you send and receive messages from wherever you are in Odoo as well as manage your messages and notifications easily from within the app. Discuss allows you to create **channels** for team chats, conversations about projects, meeting coordination, and more in one simple and searchable interface."
msgid "Planning activities is the perfect way to keep on track with your work. Get reminded of what needs to be done and schedule the next activities to undertake."
msgid "A number of generic activities types are available by default in Odoo (e.g. call, email, meeting, etc.). If you would like to set new ones, go to :menuselection:`Settings --> General settings --> Activity types`."
msgid "Activities are planned for specific days. If you need to set hours, go with the *Meeting* activity type. When scheduling one, the calendar will simply open to let you select a time slot."
msgid "Odoo helps you easily plan your usual flow of activities. Go to :menuselection:`Configuration --> Activity Types` and set the common following steps as *Recommended next activities*."
msgid "You can use **channels** to organize discussions between individual teams, departments, projects, or any other group that requires regular communication. By having conversations that everyone in the channel can see, it's easy to keep the whole team in the loop with the latest developments."
msgid "A **public channel** can only be created by an administrator with write privileges and can be seen by everyone in the organization. By contrast, a **private channel** can be created by any user and by default is only visible to users who have been invited to this channel."
msgid "A public channel is best used when many employees need to access information (such as interdepartmental communication or company announcements), whereas a private channel should be used whenever information should be limited to specific users/employees (such as department specific or sensitive information)."
msgid "You can configure a channel's name, description, access rights, automatic subscription, and emailing from :menuselection:`#channel-name --> Settings`. Changing channel access rights allows you to control which groups can view each channel. You can make a channel visible by all users, invited users, or users within a selected user group. Note that allowing \"Everyone\" to follow a private channel will let other users view and join it as they would a public channel."
msgid "A channel can be configured to behave as a mailing list. From within :menuselection:`#channel-name --> Settings`, define the email you would like to use. Users can then post to the channel and choose to receive notifications using the defined email address. An envelope icon will appear next to the channel name in the list to indicate that a channel will send messages by email."
msgid "If you do not see a channel on your dashboard, you can search the list of **public channels** to locate the correct channel or create a new channel by clicking the plus icon."
msgid "You can also click the **CHANNELS** heading to browse a list of all public channels. This allows the user to manually **join** and **leave** public channels from a single screen."
msgid "The topbar search provides access to the same comprehensive search function present in the rest of Odoo. You can apply multiple **filter criteria** and **save filters** for later use. The search function accepts wildcards by using the underscore character \"\\ **\\_**\\ \" to represent a **single character wildcard.**"
msgid "You can choose which types of events you want to be notified about. The example below shows the options available when following a **task** in the **Project** app."
msgid "You can invite other users and add channels as followers. Adding a channel as a follower will send messages posted in the chatter to the channel with a link back to the original document."
msgid "You are automatically set as a default follower of any item you create. In some applications like CRM and Project, you can be a default follower of any new record created to get notified of specific events (e.g. a new task created, an opportunity won)."
msgid "To do so, start following the parent business object (e.g. the sales channel in CRM, the project in Project). Then, choose the events you want to hear about."
msgid "Recent changes in modern web browsers forced us to modify the connection wizard. If your screen is different from the screenshots, make sure that the ``iot_pairing`` module is installed."
msgid "You will be redirected to the IoT Box Homepage (if it doesn't work, connect to the IP address of the box). Give a name to your IoT Box (not required) and paste the token, then click on next."
msgid "If you are on Runbot, do not forget to add the -all or -base in the token (e.g. this token **\\|4957098401** should become **\\|4957098401**)."
msgid "Choose the WiFi network you want to connect with (enter the password if there is one) and click on Submit. Wait a few seconds before being redirected to your database."
msgid "Go to Balena’s website and download `Etcher <>`__, It’s a free and open-source utility used for burning image files. Install and launch it."
msgid "Now, download the latest image `here <>`__, and extract it from the zip file. Then, open *Etcher* and select the image. Select the drive to flash (where your SD Card is) and click on *Flash*!."
msgid "When using your IoT Box, a common issue you might encounter is that your box is not found on your database. Fortunately, there are a few easy steps you can follow to find your IoT box."
msgid "To check it, go to your database and verify if your database address starts with an https (like If this is the case, then you may have problems with your IoT Box image. It should be version 18.12 or later."
msgid "If your IoT Box image is from an earlier version, then you will have to reflash the SD card of your IoT Box to update the image (the latest image can be found `here <http://nightly/>`__)."
msgid "You can find the documentation about SD card flashing here (`here <>`__)."
msgid "An Epson USB TM-T20 Printer or another ESC/POS compatible printer (officially supported printers are listed at the `POS Hardware page <>`__)"
msgid "To connect hardware to the PoS, the first step is to connect an IoT Box to your database. For this, follow this `documentation <>`__."
msgid "Officially supported hardware is listed on `the POS Hardware page <>`__, but other hardware might work as well."
msgid "**Barcode scanner**: Connect your barcode scanner. In order for your barcode scanner to be compatible it must behave as a keyboard and must be configured in **US QWERTY**. It also must end barcodes with an Enter character (keycode 28). This is most likely the default configuration of your barcode scanner."
msgid "**Ethernet**: If you do not wish to use Wi-Fi, plug in the Ethernet cable. Make sure this will connect the IoT Box to the same network as your POS device."
msgid "**Wi-Fi**: The current version of the IoT Box has Wi-Fi built in. Make sure not to plug in an Ethernet cable when booting, because all Wi-Fi functionality will be bypassed when a wired network connection is available on boot."
msgid "Once it's done, you can connect the IoT Box to your PoS. For this, go in Point of Sale > Configuration > PoS, tick the box \"IoT Box\" and select the IoT Box you want to connect with. Save the changes."
msgid "The easiest way to make sure the IoT Box is properly set-up is to turn it on with the printer plugged in as it will print a receipt indicating any error if encountered or the IoT Box's IP address in case of success. If no receipt is printed, check the following steps:"
msgid "Make sure the IoT Box is ready, this is indicated by a brightly lit green status LED just next to the red power status LED. The IoT Box should be ready ~2 minutes after it is started."
msgid "Make sure the IoT Box is connected to the same network as your POS device. Both the device and the IoT Box should be visible in the list of connected devices on your network router."
msgid "If you specified the IoT Box's IP address in the configuration, make sure it corresponds to the ip address printed on the IoT Box's status receipt."
msgid "A bug in Firefox's HTTP implementation might prevent the autodiscovery from working reliably. You could also manually set up the IoT Box's IP address in the POS configuration."
msgid "The barcode scanner must be configured in US QWERTY and emit an Enter after each barcode. This is the default configuration of most barcode readers. Refer to the barcode reader documentation for more information."
msgid "The IoT Box needs a 2A power supply to work with some barcode scanners. If you are not using the provided power supply, make sure the one you use has enough power."
msgid "Some barcode scanners will need more than 2A and will not work, or will work unreliably, even with the provided power supply. In those case you can plug the barcode scanner in a self-powered USB hub."
msgid "Some poorly built barcode scanners do not advertise themselves as barcode scanners but as a usb keyboard instead, and will not be recognized by the IoT Box."
msgid "A small delay before the first print is expected, as the IoT Box will do some preprocessing to speed up the next printings. If you suffer delays afterwards it is most likely due to poor network connection between the POS and the IoT Box."
msgid "The IoT Box does not support all languages and characters. It currently supports Latin and Cyrillic based scripts, with basic Japanese support."
msgid "Make sure the printer is connected, powered, has enough paper and has its lid closed, and is not reporting an error. If the error persists, please contact support."
msgid "When using your *IoT Box* in Odoo, you could need to use a camera. As it can be done in a few steps, this device is really easy to configure. Then, you can use it in your manufacturing process and link it to a control point. Doing so will allow you to take pictures when you reach the chosen quality control point."
msgid "If your camera is a `*supported one* <>`__, there is no need to set up anything as it will be detected as soon as it is connected."
msgid "In some cases, you could need to restart the box and download your camera’s drivers from the box. To do so, go to your *IoT Box Home Page* and click on *drivers list*. Then, click on load drivers."
msgid "In your *Quality app*, you can setup the device on a *Quality Control Point*. Go to the *Control Points* menu, under *Quality Control* and open the control point you want to link with the camera."
msgid "Then, your camera can be used with the picked *Control Point*. During the manufacturing process, reaching the *Quality Control Point* you chose before will allow you to take a picture."
msgid "In fact, you will be able to go from one screen to another by using your foot and the footswitch. Really convenient, it can be configured in a few steps."
msgid "If your footswitch is a `supported one <>`__, there is no need to set up anything since it will be automatically detected when connected."
msgid "If it is not a supported one, you may need to restart the box and download your footswitch’s drivers from the box. To do so, go to the *IoT Box Home Page* and click on *drivers list*. Then, click on load drivers."
msgid "To link the footswitch to an action, it needs to be configured on a workcenter. Go to the workcenter you want to use the footswitch in and add the device in the *IoT Triggers* tab. Then, you can link it to an action and also add a key to trigger it."
msgid "Note that the one that is first in the list will be chosen. So, the order matters! In the picture above, using the footswitch will, for example, automatically skip the current part of the process you work on."
msgid "With Odoo’s *IoT Box*, it is possible to connect measurement tools to your database. Find the list of supported devices here: `Supported devices <>`__,."
msgid "To add a device connected by USB, just plug the USB cable in the *IoT Box*, restart the Box and the device should appear in your Odoo database."
msgid "If the device is not found, make sure the drivers have well been loaded on your IoT Box. For this, connect to the *IoT Box Homepage* and click on load drivers."
msgid "Activate the Bluetooth on your device (see your device manual for further explanation) and the IoT Box will automatically try to connect to the device."
msgid "In your *Quality app*, you can setup a device on your *Quality Control Points*. To do so, go to the *Control Points* menu, under *Quality Control* and open the control point to which you want to assign a measurement tool."
msgid "Now, your measurement tool is linked to the chosen *Control Point*. The value, which needs to be changed manually, will be automatically updated while the tool is being used."
msgid "When using your *IoT Box* in Odoo, you could need to use a printer. Doing so is easy and convenient as it can be done in a few steps. Then, you can use it to print receipts, orders or even reports in different Odoo apps."
msgid "If your printer is a `supported one <>`__, there is no need to set up anything because it will be automatically detected as soon as it is connected."
msgid "In some cases, you may need to restart the box and download your printer’s drivers from the box. To do so, go to the *IoT Box Home Page* and click on *drivers list*. Then, click on load drivers."
msgid "To do so, you need to create a *Quality Control Point* from the *Quality* app. Then, you can select the correct manufacturing operation and the work order operation. In type, choose *Print Label* and hit save."
msgid "Hit edit and then, click on *Add a line*. In the window that shows up, check all the types of reports that should be linked to this printer. Click on select and save."
msgid "Now, each time you click on *Print* in the control panel, instead of downloading a PDF, it will send it to the selected printer and automatically print it."
msgid "Doing so is really easy. Go to your *Point of Sale* app and open your *PoS* settings, under *Configuration*. There, click on *Edit* and check the *IoT Box* feature. Then, enable the *Receipt Printer*."
msgid "Sales details can be printed by clicking on the printer icon on the navbar at the top of the *PoS*. It will print the details of the sales of the current day."
msgid "As for the bill, it is only available in restaurant mode. In your restaurant settings, activate bills and a *Bill* button will appear in the left panel. Click on it and it will print the bill."
msgid "Now, go to the *Printers* menu. Hit create and select the *IoT Box* with all the categories of product that should be printed in the *Printer Product Categories* field."
msgid "In the *PoS*, when you add or remove a product from one of the selected categories, the button *Order* will be green. If you click on it, a ticket will be printed."
msgid "When using your **IoT Box** in Odoo, you could need to use a scale. Doing so is easy and convenient as it can be done in a few steps. Then, you can use it in your **Point of Sale app** to weigh your products, which is helpful if their price are based on it."
msgid "If your scale is `compatibale with Odoo IoT Box <>`_, there is no need to set up anything because it will be automatically detected as soon as it is connected."
msgid "You may need to restart the box and download your scales’ drivers from the box in some cases. To do so, go to the *IoT Box Home Page* and click on *drivers list*. Then, click on load drivers."
msgid "To use the scale in your *Point of Sale* app, go to :menuselection:`Point of Sale --> Configuration --> Point of Sale`, open the one you want to configure, then click on *Edit* and enable the *IoT Box* feature."
msgid "The scale is now available in all your *PoS* sessions. Then, if a product has a price per weight set, clicking on it on the *PoS* screen opens the scale screen, where the cashier can weigh the product and add the correct price to the cart."