[I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
@ -639,6 +639,11 @@ msgid ""
"import file is too large. To circumvent this limitation surrounding the size"
" of the records, process exports or imports in smaller batches."
msgstr ""
"Manchmal stoßen Benutzer auf einen „Timeout“-Fehler oder ein Datensatz wird "
"aufgrund seiner Größe nicht verarbeitet. Dies kann bei großen Exporten oder "
"in Fällen, in denen die Importdatei zu groß ist, auftreten. Um diese "
"Beschränkung in Bezug auf die Größe der Datensätze zu umgehen, verarbeiten "
"Sie Exporte oder Importe in kleineren Stapeln."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:16
msgid "Export data from Odoo"
@ -675,12 +680,17 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst-1
msgid "View of the different things to enable/click to export data."
msgstr ""
"Ansicht der verschiedenen Dinge, die Sie zum Exportieren von Daten "
"aktivieren/anklicken müssen"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:31
msgid ""
"When clicking on :guilabel:`Export`, an :guilabel:`Export Data` pop-over "
"window appears, with several options for the data to export:"
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie auf :guilabel:`Exportieren` klicken, erscheint ein Pop-up-Fenster "
":guilabel:`Daten exportieren` mit mehreren Optionen für die zu "
"exportierenden Daten:"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst-1
msgid "Overview of options to consider when exporting data in Odoo.."
@ -710,6 +720,10 @@ msgid ""
"information about all the worksheets in a file, including both content and "
msgstr ""
"Beim Exportieren haben Sie die Möglichkeit, in zwei Formaten zu exportieren:"
" `.csv` und `.xls`. Bei `.csv` werden die Elemente durch ein Komma getrennt,"
" während `.xls` Informationen zu allen Arbeitsblättern in einer Datei "
"enthält, einschließlich Inhalt und Formatierung."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:45
msgid ""
@ -764,6 +778,12 @@ msgid ""
"created. The next time the same list needs to be exported, select the "
"related template that was previously saved from the drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
"Für wiederkehrende Berichte ist es hilfreich, Exportvorgaben zu speichern. "
"Wählen Sie alle benötigten Felder aus, und klicken Sie auf das Dropdown-Menü"
" Vorlage. Klicken Sie dort auf :guilabel:`Neue Vorlage`, und geben Sie dem "
"soeben erstellten Export einen eindeutigen Namen. Wenn die gleiche Liste das"
" nächste Mal exportiert werden soll, wählen Sie die entsprechende Vorlage, "
"die zuvor im Dropdown-Menü gespeichert wurde."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:62
msgid ""
@ -879,6 +899,12 @@ msgid ""
"already done. To download a template click :guilabel:`Import Template for "
"Customers` at the center of the page."
msgstr ""
"Nachdem Sie auf :guilabel:`Datensätze importieren` geklickt haben, öffnet "
"Odoo eine separate Seite mit Vorlagen, die heruntergeladen und mit den "
"eigenen Daten des Unternehmens gefüllt werden können. Solche Vorlagen können"
" mit einem Klick importiert werden, da die Datenzuordnung bereits erfolgt "
"ist. Um eine Vorlage herunterzuladen, klicken Sie auf :guilabel:`Vorlage für"
" Kunden importieren` in der Mitte der Seite."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:113
msgid ""
@ -886,10 +912,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Formatting` options. These options do **not** appear when "
"importing the proprietary Excel file type (`.xls`, `.xlsx`)."
msgstr ""
"Beim Importieren einer :abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated Values)`-Datei bietet "
"Odoo :guilabel:`Formatierungsoptionen`. Diese Optionen erscheinen **nicht**,"
" wenn Sie den proprietären Excel-Dateityp (`.xls`, `.xlsx`) importieren."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:0
msgid "Formatting options presented when a CVS file is imported in Odoo."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Formatierungsoptionen, wenn eine CVS-Datei in Odoo importiert werden."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:121
msgid ""
@ -926,6 +955,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:134
msgid "Add, remove, and sort columns to best fit the data structure."
msgstr ""
"Fügen Sie Spalten hinzu, entfernen Sie sie und sortieren Sie sie so, dass "
"sie am besten zu Ihrer Datenstruktur passen."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:135
msgid ""
@ -966,6 +997,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst-1
msgid "Drop-down menu expanded in the initial import screen on Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Das Dropdown-Menü wurde im ersten Importbildschirm von Odoo erweitert."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:153
msgid ""
@ -981,6 +1013,10 @@ msgid ""
"export a sample file using the fields that should be imported. This way, if "
"there is not a sample import template, the names are accurate."
msgstr ""
"Eine weitere nützliche Methode, um die richtigen Spaltennamen für den Import"
" herauszufinden, ist der Export einer Beispieldatei mit den Feldern, die "
"importiert werden sollen. Wenn es keine Muster-Importvorlage gibt, sind die "
"Namen auf diese Weise korrekt."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:161
msgid "Import from another application"
@ -1073,6 +1109,8 @@ msgid ""
"For example, if there is a column only containing numbers, only the fields "
"with the *integer* type are presented as options."
msgstr ""
"Wenn es beispielsweise eine Spalte gibt, die nur Zahlen enthält, werden nur "
"die Felder mit dem Typ *Ganzzahl* als Optionen angezeigt."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:192
msgid ""
@ -1100,7 +1138,7 @@ msgstr "Suche des Felds zum Abgleich der Steuerspalte."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:203
msgid "Change data import format"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Format des Datenimports ändern"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:206
msgid ""
@ -1124,6 +1162,8 @@ msgid ""
"When importing a :abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated Values)` file, Odoo provides "
":guilabel:`Formatting` options."
msgstr ""
"Beim Importieren einer :abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated Values)`-Datei bietet "
"Odoo :guilabel:`Formatierungsoptionen`."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:215
msgid ""
@ -1158,10 +1198,17 @@ msgid ""
"separated Values)` file, use Odoo's :guilabel:`Formatting` section to select"
" the date format columns to import."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie Excel-Dateien (`.xls`, `.xlsx`) importieren, sollten Sie "
"*Datumszellen* zum Speichern von Daten verwenden. Dadurch bleiben die "
"lokalen Datumsformate für die Anzeige erhalten, unabhängig davon, wie das "
"Datum in Odoo formatiert ist. Wenn Sie eine :abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated "
"Values)`-Datei importieren, verwenden Sie den Abschnitt "
":guilabel:`Formatierung` in Odoo, um die zu importierenden "
"Datumsformatspalten auszuwählen."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:231
msgid "Import numbers with currency signs"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nummern mit Währungszeichen importieren"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:233
msgid ""
@ -1245,7 +1292,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:264
msgid "Import preview table not displayed correctly"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tabelle der Importvorschau nicht korrekt angezeigt"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:266
msgid ""
@ -1289,6 +1336,14 @@ msgid ""
" (from *LibreOffice* application, go to :menuselection:`'Save As' dialog box"
" --> Check the box 'Edit filter settings' --> Save`)."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie :abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated Values)`-Dateien in "
"Tabellenkalkulationsprogrammen bearbeiten und speichern, werden die "
"regionalen Einstellungen des Computers für das Trennzeichen und die "
"Begrenzungszeichen verwendet. Odoo empfiehlt die Verwendung von *OpenOffice*"
" oder *LibreOffice*, da beide Apps die Änderung aller drei Optionen erlauben"
" (gehen Sie in der App *LibreOffice* zum Dialogfeld :menuselection:`Save As "
"(Speichern als) --> Kästchen 'Edit filter settings' (Filtereinstellungen "
"bearbeiten) ankreuzen --> Save (Speichern)`)."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:288
msgid ""
@ -1319,6 +1374,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:299
msgid "**Only one** mechanism should be used per field that is imported."
msgstr ""
"**Es sollte nur ein** Mechanismus pro importiertem Feld verwendet werden."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:301
msgid ""
@ -1337,6 +1393,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Country/Database ID`: the unique Odoo ID for a record, defined by"
" the ID PostgreSQL column"
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Land/Datenbank-ID`: die eindeutige Odoo-ID für einen Datensatz, "
"definiert durch die Spalte „ID PostgreSQL“"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:306
msgid ""
@ -1364,7 +1422,7 @@ msgstr ":guilabel:`Land/Datenbank-ID`: `21`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:313
msgid ":guilabel:`Country/External ID`: `base.be`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Land/Datenbank-ID`: `base.be`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:315
msgid ""
@ -1428,6 +1486,8 @@ msgid ""
":download:`CSV file for categories "
msgstr ""
":download:`CSV-Datei für Kategorien "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:333
msgid ""
@ -1439,7 +1499,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:339
msgid "Import relation fields"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Beziehungsfelder importieren"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:341
msgid ""
@ -1468,7 +1528,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:350
msgid "Options for multiple matches on fields"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Optionen für mehrere Übereinstimmungen in Feldern"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:352
msgid ""
@ -1480,6 +1540,14 @@ msgid ""
"Products/Sellable`). Odoo, instead, recommends modifying one of the "
"duplicate's values, or the product category hierarchy."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie z. B. zwei Produktkategorien mit dem untergeordneten Namen "
"`Verkäuflich` haben (d. h. `Sonstige Produkte/Verkäuflich` & `Andere "
"Produkte/Verkäuflich`), wird Ihre Validierung gestoppt, aber Sie können Ihre"
" Daten trotzdem importieren. Odoo empfiehlt Ihnen jedoch, die Daten nicht zu"
" importieren, da sie alle mit der ersten Kategorie `Verkäuflich` in der "
"*Produktkategorienliste* (`Sonstige Produkte/Verkäuflich`) verknüpft werden."
" Odoo empfiehlt Ihnen jedoch, einen der Werte der Duplikate oder Ihre "
"Produktkategorie-Hierarchie zu ändern."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:359
msgid ""
@ -1502,6 +1570,11 @@ msgid ""
" then 'Manufacturer,Retailer' needs to be encoded in the same column of the "
":abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated Values)` file."
msgstr ""
"Die Stichwörter sollten durch ein Komma getrennt werden, ohne Zwischenraum. "
"Wenn ein Kunde zum Beispiel mit beiden Stichwörtern verknüpft werden muss: "
"`Hersteller` und `Einzelhändler` verknüpft werden soll, dann muss "
"`Hersteller, Einzelhändler` in derselben Spalte der :abbr:CSV (Comma-"
"separated Values)-Datei codiert werden."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:369
msgid ""
@ -1546,6 +1619,8 @@ msgid ""
":download:`File for some Quotations "
msgstr ""
":download:`Datei für einige Angebote "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:385
msgid ""
@ -1576,6 +1651,8 @@ msgid ""
":download:`Customers and their respective contacts "
msgstr ""
":download:`Kunden und deren entsprechenden Kontakte "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:398
msgid "Import records several times"
@ -1615,7 +1692,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:411
msgid "Value not provided for a specific field"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kein Wert für ein bestimmtes Feld"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:413
msgid ""
@ -1624,6 +1701,11 @@ msgid ""
" :abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated Values)` file, Odoo sets the empty value in the"
" field, instead of assigning the default value."
msgstr ""
"Wenn nicht alle Felder in der CSV-Datei festgelegt sind, weist Odoo für "
"jedes nicht definierte Feld den Standardwert zu. Wenn jedoch in der "
":abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated Values)`-Datei Felder mit leeren Werten gesetzt "
"sind, setzt Odoo den leeren Wert in das Feld, anstatt den Standardwert "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:418
msgid "Export/import different tables from an SQL application to Odoo"
@ -1708,6 +1790,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:458
msgid "It produces the following :abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated Values)` file:"
msgstr ""
"Dadurch wird die folgende :abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated Values)`-Datei "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:468
msgid ""
@ -1743,7 +1827,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:3
msgid "In-app purchases (IAP)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "In-App-Käufe (In-App Purchase, IAP)"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:7
msgid ""
@ -1795,6 +1879,11 @@ msgid ""
"includes demo/training databases, educational databases, and one-app-free "
msgstr ""
"Odoo-Enterprise-Benutzer mit einem gültigen Abonnement erhalten kostenloses "
"Guthaben, um IAP-Funktionen zu testen, bevor sie sich für den Kauf weiteren "
"Guthabens für die Datenbank entscheiden. Dazu gehören "
"Demo-/Schulungsdatenbanken, Schulungsdatenbanken und „1 App "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:32
msgid "IAP services"
@ -1810,7 +1899,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:36
msgid "The following |IAP| services are offered by Odoo:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo bietet folgende |IAP|-Services an:"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -1825,12 +1914,16 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Partner Autocomplete`: automatically populates contact records "
"with corporate data."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Partner-Autovervollständigung`: füllt Kontaktdatensätze "
"automatisch mit Unternehmensdaten auf."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:41
msgid ""
":guilabel:`SMS`: sends SMS text messages to contacts directly from the "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`SMS`: sendet SMS-Textnachrichten direkt aus der Datenbank an "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:42
msgid ""
@ -1846,6 +1939,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Snailmail`: sends customer invoices and follow-up reports by "
"post, worldwide."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Postversand`: versendet Kundenrechnungen und Mahnungen per Post, "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:45
msgid ""
@ -1880,6 +1975,8 @@ msgid ""
"The following flow focuses on the *SMS* |IAP| service being used from a "
"contact's record."
msgstr ""
"Der folgende Ablauf konzentriert sich auf den |IAP|-Service *SMS*, der von "
"einem Kontaktdatensatz verwendet wird."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -1930,6 +2027,10 @@ msgid ""
"not enough credits to send the message, Odoo prompts the user to purchase "
msgstr ""
"Beim Versenden der SMS-Nachricht wird das im Voraus bezahlte Guthaben für "
"den |IAP|-Service *SMS* automatisch von dem vorhandenen Guthaben abgezogen. "
"Wenn das Guthaben nicht ausreicht, um die Nachricht zu versenden, fordert "
"Odoo den Benutzer auf, mehr Guthaben zu erwerben."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:86
msgid ""
@ -1937,21 +2038,27 @@ msgid ""
"depth instructions related to SMS functionality in Odoo, review the "
"documentation below:"
msgstr ""
"Weitere Informationen über die Verwendung verschiedener |IAP|-Service und "
"ausführlichere Anleitungen zur SMS-Funktionalität in Odoo finden Sie in der "
"nachstehenden Dokumentation:"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:89
msgid ":doc:`Lead mining <../sales/crm/acquire_leads/lead_mining>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Lead-Gewinnung <../sales/crm/acquire_leads/lead_mining>`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:90
msgid ""
":doc:`Enrich your contacts base with Partner Autocomplete "
msgstr ""
":doc:`Ihre Kontaktdatenbank mit Partner-Autovervollständigung anreichern "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:92
msgid ""
":doc:`SMS essentials <../marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials>`"
msgstr ""
":doc:`SMS-Grundlagen <../marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials>`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:97
msgid "IAP credits"
@ -1964,6 +2071,12 @@ msgid ""
"enough credits left to continue using a service. Email alerts can also be "
"set up for when :ref:`credits are low <in_app_purchase/low-credits>`."
msgstr ""
"Jedes Mal, wenn ein |IAP|-Service genutzt wird, werden die im Voraus "
"bezahlten Guthaben für diesen Service verbraucht. Odoo fordert Sie auf, mehr"
" Guthaben zu kaufen, wenn nicht mehr genügend Guthaben für die weitere "
"Nutzung eines Dienstes vorhanden ist. Sie können auch E-Mail-"
"Benachrichtigungen einrichten, wenn :ref:`das Guthaben nicht ausreicht "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:103
msgid ""
@ -1993,7 +2106,7 @@ msgstr ":guilabel:`Standard-Pack`: 100 Guthaben"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:112
msgid ":guilabel:`Advanced Pack`: 500 credits"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Erweitertes Pack`: 500 Guthaben"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:113
msgid ":guilabel:`Expert Pack`: 1,000 credits"
@ -2001,7 +2114,7 @@ msgstr ":guilabel:`Experten-Pack`: 1.000 Guthaben"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst-1
msgid "Four different packs of credits for the SMS IAP service."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vier unterschiedliche Packs von Guthaben für den SMS-IAP-Service."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -2016,6 +2129,9 @@ msgid ""
"For more information, refer to the :doc:`SMS Pricing and FAQ "
"<../marketing/sms_marketing/pricing/pricing_and_faq>` documentation."
msgstr ""
"Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Dokumentation :doc:`SMS-"
"Preisgestaltung und FAQ "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:127
msgid "Buy credits"
@ -5858,6 +5858,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/snailmail.rst:55
msgid "`Odoo's IAP Privacy Policy <https://iap.odoo.com/privacy#header_4>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Odoos IAP-Datenschutzrichtlinieny <https://iap.odoo.com/privacy#header_4>`_"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started.rst:5
msgid "Get started"
@ -6509,7 +6510,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:93
msgid "8 * $10"
msgstr ""
msgstr "8 * 10 €"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:93
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:277
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 15.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-20 10:19+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-29 08:05+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-04 12:26+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Larissa Manderfeld, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: German (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/de/)\n"
@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Informationen (in Fett unterstrichen) und zusätzliche Details aus und "
"klicken Sie auf :guilabel:`Speichern`."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/new_employee.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/new_employee.rst-1
msgid "Create a new employee card."
msgstr "Eine neue Mitarbeiterkarte erstellen."
@ -1126,51 +1127,40 @@ msgstr ""
"Alle hochgeladenen Dokumente, die mit dem Mitarbeiter verbunden sind, "
"erscheinen auf der intellifenten Schaltfläche „Dokumente“."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:7
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:5
msgid "Fleet"
msgstr "Fuhrpark"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:9
msgid ""
"Odoo *Fleet* organizes all the vehicles, contracts, and repairs of all the "
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:3
msgid "Configuration menu"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:5
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:7
msgid ""
"This document outlines all of the configurations and settings for the "
"*Fleet* application, including :ref:`settings "
"<fleet/configuration/settings>`, :ref:`manufacturers "
"<fleet/configuration/manufacturers>`, :ref:`vehicle models "
"<fleet/configuration/models>`, and :ref:`model categories "
"*Fleet* application, including :ref:`settings <fleet/settings>`, "
":ref:`manufacturers <fleet/manufacturers>`, :ref:`vehicle models "
"<fleet/models>`, and :ref:`model categories <fleet/categories>`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:13
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:14
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll.rst:18
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:15
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:16
msgid ""
"To access the settings menu, go to :menuselection:`Fleet application --> "
"Configuration --> Settings`. There are two settings that need configuration,"
" the vehicle contract end date alert delay, and a new vehicle request limit."
"Configuration --> Settings`. There are only two settings that need "
"configuration, the vehicle contract end date alert delay, and a new vehicle "
"request limit."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst-1
msgid "Settings available for the Fleet application."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:24
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:25
msgid "End Date Contract Alert"
msgstr "Benachrichtigung bei Vertragsende"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:26
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:27
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`End Date Contract Alert` field defines an alert delay for the"
" persons responsible for vehicle contracts. The responsible person(s) will "
@ -1178,7 +1168,7 @@ msgid ""
" number of days defined in this field."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:31
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:32
msgid ""
"To determine who the responsible person is for a contract, open an "
"individual contract. The person listed as :guilabel:`Responsible` under the "
@ -1186,14 +1176,14 @@ msgid ""
"will receive the alert."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:35
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:36
msgid ""
"To access all contracts, navigate to :menuselection:`Fleet app --> Fleet -->"
" Contracts` and all contracts appear in the list. Click on a "
":guilabel:`Contract` to view it."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:38
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:39
msgid ""
"An individual contract can also be found by navigating to "
":menuselection:`Fleet app --> Fleet --> Fleet` and clicking on an individual"
@ -1203,11 +1193,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Responsible` person is listed on the contract."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:45
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:46
msgid "New Vehicle Request"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:47
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:48
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`New Vehicle Request` field sets a limit on how many new "
"vehicles are requested based on fleet availability. An employee filling out "
@ -1217,7 +1207,7 @@ msgid ""
" specific number limit for existing available cars in this field."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:54
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:55
msgid ""
"If the :guilabel:`New Vehicle Request` limit is set to 20 vehicles, and "
"there are 25 vehicles available, an employee would not be able to request a "
@ -1225,11 +1215,11 @@ msgid ""
" able to request a new vehicle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:61
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:62
msgid "Manufacturers"
msgstr "Hersteller"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:63
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:64
msgid ""
"Odoo *Fleet* comes pre-configured with sixty-six commonly used car and "
"bicycle manufacturers in the database, along with their logos. To view the "
@ -1237,25 +1227,25 @@ msgid ""
"--> Manufacturers`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:67
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:68
msgid ""
"The manufacturers appear in a list view in alphabetical order. Each "
"manufacturer's card lists how many specific models are configured for each "
"particular manufacturer. Odoo comes with forty six pre-configured "
":ref:`models <fleet/configuration/models>` from four major auto "
"manufacturers and one major bicycle manufacturer: Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Opel "
"(cars), and Eddy Merckx (bicycle)."
":ref:`models <fleet/models>` from four major auto manufacturers and one "
"major bicycle manufacturer: Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Opel (cars), and Eddy "
"Merckx (bicycle)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst-1
msgid "Manufacturer card with the amount of models listed."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:77
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:78
msgid "Add a manufacturer"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:79
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:80
msgid ""
"To add a new manufacturer to the database, click :guilabel:`Create`. A "
"manufacturer form will load. Only two pieces of information are needed, the "
@ -1264,11 +1254,11 @@ msgid ""
"When the information is entered, click :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:87
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:88
msgid "Vehicle Models"
msgstr "Fahrzeugmodelle"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:89
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:90
msgid ""
"Many manufacturers have a variety of models that they produce. When adding a"
" vehicle to the fleet, it is important to specify the vehicle model being "
@ -1276,229 +1266,229 @@ msgid ""
"manufacturers, and one pre-configured bicycle model from one bicycle "
"manufacturer: Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Opel (cars), and Eddy Merckx (bicycle). "
"If a vehicle *other* than the pre-configured models from these manufacturers"
" are part of a fleet, the model (and/or manufacturer) will need to be added "
"to the database."
" are part of a fleet, the model (and/or manufacturer) needs to be added to "
"the database."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:97
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:98
msgid "Preconfigured Models"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:99
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:100
msgid ""
"The following models are pre-loaded in Odoo and do not need to be added to "
"the database:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:102
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:103
msgid "AUDI"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:102
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:103
msgid "BMW"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:102
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:103
msgid "Eddy Merckx"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:102
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:103
msgid "Mercedes"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:102
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:103
msgid "Opel"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:104
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:105
msgid "A1"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:104
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:105
msgid "Serie 1"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:104
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:105
msgid "SanRemo76"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:104
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:105
msgid "Class A"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:104
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:105
msgid "Agilia"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:106
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:107
msgid "A3"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:106
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:107
msgid "Serie 3"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:106
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:107
msgid "Class B"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:106
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:107
msgid "Ampera"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:108
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:109
msgid "A4"
msgstr "A4"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:108
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:109
msgid "Serie 5"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:108
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:109
msgid "Class C"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:108
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:109
msgid "Antara"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:110
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:111
msgid "A5"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:110
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:111
msgid "Serie 6"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:110
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:111
msgid "Class CL"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:110
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:111
msgid "Astra"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:112
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:113
msgid "A6"
msgstr "A6"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:112
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:113
msgid "Serie 7"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:112
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:113
msgid "Class CLS"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:112
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:113
msgid "AstraGTC"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:114
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:115
msgid "A7"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:114
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:115
msgid "Serie Hybrid"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:114
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:115
msgid "Class E"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:114
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:115
msgid "Combo Tour"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:116
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:117
msgid "A8"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:116
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:117
msgid "Serie M"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:116
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:117
msgid "Class GL"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:116
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:117
msgid "Corsa"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:118
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:119
msgid "Q3"
msgstr "Q3"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:118
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:119
msgid "Serie X"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:118
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:119
msgid "Class GLK"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:118
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:119
msgid "Insignia"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:120
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:121
msgid "Q5"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:120
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:121
msgid "Serie Z4"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:120
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:121
msgid "Class M"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:120
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:121
msgid "Meriva"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:122
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:123
msgid "Q7"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:122
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:123
msgid "Class R"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:122
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:123
msgid "Mokka"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:124
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:125
msgid "TT"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:124
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:125
msgid "Class S"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:124
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:125
msgid "Zafira"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:126
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:127
msgid "Class SLK"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:126
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:127
msgid "Zafira Tourer"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:128
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:129
msgid "Class SLS"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:134
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:135
msgid "Add a new model"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:136
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:137
msgid ""
"New vehicle models can easily be added to the database. To add a new model, "
"navigate to :menuselection:`Fleet app --> Configuration --> Vehicle Models`."
@ -1508,18 +1498,18 @@ msgid ""
"sections may be visible depending on the location of the company."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:142
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:143
msgid ":guilabel:`Model name`: enter the model name in the field."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:143
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:144
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Manufacturer`: select the manufacturer from the drop-down menu. "
"If the manufacturer is not configured, type in the manufacturer and then "
"click :guilabel:`Create` or :guilabel:`Create & Edit`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:146
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:147
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Vehicle Type`: select one of two preconfigured vehicle types, "
"either :guilabel:`Car` or :guilabel:`Bike`, from the drop-down menu. The "
@ -1528,57 +1518,57 @@ msgid ""
"additional vehicle types is not possible as it will affect payroll."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:150
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:151
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Category`: select the category the vehicle is categorized under "
"from the drop-down menu. To create a new category, type in the category and "
"then click :guilabel:`Create (new category)`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:155
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:156
msgid ""
"When the manufacturer is selected, the logo for the manufacturer will "
"automatically load in the image box in the top right corner."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:159
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:160
msgid "Information tab"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:162
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:163
msgid "Model"
msgstr "Modell"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:164
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:165
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Seats Number`: enter how many passengers the vehicle can "
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:165
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:166
msgid ":guilabel:`Doors Number`: enter the number of doors the vehicle has."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:166
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:167
msgid ":guilabel:`Color`: enter the color of the vehicle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:167
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:168
msgid ":guilabel:`Model Year`: enter the year the vehicle was manufactured."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:168
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:169
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Trailer Hitch`: check this box if the vehicle has a trailer hitch"
" installed."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:171
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:172
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll.rst:147
msgid "Salary"
msgstr "Gehalt"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:174
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:175
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`Salary` section only appears for Belgian-based companies, and"
" only if the company has their localization setting set to Belgium. The cost"
@ -1586,19 +1576,19 @@ msgid ""
"Value (VAT Incl.)`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:178
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:179
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Can be requested`: check this box if employees can request this "
"model vehicle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:179
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:180
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Catalog Value (VAT Incl.)`: enter the :abbr:`MSRP (Manufacturer's"
" Suggested Retail Price)` for the vehicle at the time of purchase or lease."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:181
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:182
msgid ""
":guilabel:`C02 fee`: this value is automatically calculated based on Belgian"
" laws and regulations, and cannot be modified. The value is based on the "
@ -1606,13 +1596,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Engine` section of the vehicle form."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:186
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:187
msgid ""
"Modifying the :guilabel:`CO2 Emissions` field will adjust the value in the "
":guilabel:`CO2 fee` field."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:189
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:190
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Cost (Depreciated)`: enter the monthly cost for the vehicle, "
"which appears in the salary configurator that is available to a future "
@ -1624,18 +1614,18 @@ msgid ""
"not on the general model."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:195
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:196
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Total Cost (Depreciated)`: this value is the :guilabel:`Cost "
"(Depreciated)` and the :guilabel:`C02 fee` fields combined, and also is "
"depreciated over time."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:199
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:200
msgid "Engine"
msgstr "Maschine"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:201
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:202
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Fuel Type`: select the type of fuel the vehicle uses form the "
"drop-down menu. The options are :guilabel:`Diesel`, :guilabel:`Gasoline`, "
@ -1644,36 +1634,36 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`LPG`, :guilabel:`Hydrogen`, or :guilabel:`Electric`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:205
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:206
msgid ""
":guilabel:`CO2 Emissions`: enter the average carbon dioxide emissions the "
"vehicle produces in grams per kilometer (g/km). This information is provided"
" by the car manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:207
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:208
msgid ""
":guilabel:`CO2 Standard`: enter the standard amount of carbon dioxide in "
"grams per kilometer (g/km) for a similar sized vehicle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:209
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:210
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Transmission`: select the transmission type from the drop-down "
"menu, either :guilabel:`Manual` or :guilabel:`Automatic`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:211
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:212
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Power`: if the vehicle is electric or hybrid, enter the power the"
" vehicle uses in kilowatts (kW)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:213
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:214
msgid ":guilabel:`Horsepower`: enter the vehicle's horsepower in this field."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:214
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:215
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Horsepower Taxation`: enter the amount that is taxed based on the"
" size of the vehicle's engine. This is determined by local taxes and "
@ -1681,25 +1671,25 @@ msgid ""
"check with the accounting department to ensure this value is correct."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:217
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:218
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Tax Deduction`: this field auto-populates according to the engine"
" specifications, and cannot be modified. The percentage is based on the "
"localization settings and local tax laws."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:221
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:222
msgid "Vendors tab"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:223
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:224
msgid ""
"Vehicle specific vendors, such as car dealerships, are not listed separately"
" from other vendors. The vendors that a vehicle can be purchased from also "
"appear in the list of vendors used by the *Purchase* app."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:227
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:228
msgid ""
"The vendor(s) the vehicle can be purchased from may be added in this tab. To"
" add a vendor, click :guilabel:`Add`, and a pop-up loads with a list of all "
@ -1708,7 +1698,7 @@ msgid ""
"is no limit to the number of vendors that can be added to this list."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:232
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:233
msgid ""
"If a vendor is not in the database, add a vendor by clicking "
":guilabel:`Create`. A vendor form will load. Enter the information in the "
@ -1717,41 +1707,41 @@ msgid ""
"another new vendor."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst-1
msgid "Vendor form to fill out when adding a new vendor."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:244
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:245
msgid "Model Category"
msgstr "Modellkategorie"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:246
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:247
msgid ""
"To best organize a fleet, it is recommended to have vehicle models housed "
"under a specific category, to more easily see what kinds of vehicles are in "
"the fleet. Model categories are set on the :ref:`vehicle model form "
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:250
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:251
msgid ""
"To view all the models currently set up, navigate to :menuselection:`Fleet "
"application --> Configuration --> Model Category`. All models are displayed "
"in a list view."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:254
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:255
msgid "Add a new model category"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:256
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:257
msgid ""
"To add a new category, click :guilabel:`Create`. A new entry line appears at"
" the bottom of the list. Type in the new category, then click "
":guilabel:`Save` to save the entry."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst:259
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:260
msgid ""
"To reorganize how the categories appear in the list, click on the up and "
"down arrows to the left of the category to be moved, and drag the line to "
@ -1761,10 +1751,18 @@ msgid ""
"vehicle can carry."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/configuration.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst-1
msgid "List view of the models in the fleet."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:270
msgid ":doc:`fleet/new_vehicle`"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:271
msgid ":doc:`fleet/service`"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/new_vehicle.rst:3
msgid "Create new vehicles"
msgstr ""
@ -1956,6 +1954,8 @@ msgid ""
"<https://www.odoo.com/pricing-plan>`_ for more details."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/new_vehicle.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/new_vehicle.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/new_vehicle.rst-1
msgid "The new vehicle form, showing the vehicle tax section."
msgstr ""
@ -2041,8 +2041,8 @@ msgid ""
"If the model for the new vehicle is already configured in the database, the "
":guilabel:`Model` tab will be populated with the corresponding information. "
"If the model is not already in the database and the :guilabel:`Model` tab "
"needs to be configured, :ref:`configure the new vehicle model "
"needs to be configured, :ref:`configure the new vehicle model <fleet/add-"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/new_vehicle.rst:144
@ -3468,6 +3468,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Bearbeiten eines Vertrags und die Möglichkeit, den Vertrag zur Genehmigung "
"und Unterschrift an den Mitarbeiter zu senden."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/contracts.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/contracts.rst-1
msgid "Contract details in optional tabs for a new contract."
msgstr "Vertragsdetails im optionalen Reitern für einen neuen Vertrag."
@ -4249,6 +4250,7 @@ msgid ""
"pop-up window."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/payslips.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/payslips.rst-1
msgid "Generate payslips from the edited batch."
msgstr ""
@ -4514,6 +4516,13 @@ msgid ""
"the specific report."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
msgid "Report dashboard view."
msgstr ""
@ -4646,6 +4655,7 @@ msgid ""
"icon. The information will be downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
msgid ""
"Download an Excel spreadsheet of the data by clicking the download button."
@ -4691,6 +4701,8 @@ msgid ""
"view is by month."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst-1
msgid "Meal voucher"
msgstr ""
@ -5965,7 +5977,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst:520
msgid "Schedule a meeting"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ein Meeting planen"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst:522
msgid ""
@ -6662,6 +6674,7 @@ msgid ""
"for this role."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/new_job.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/new_job.rst-1
msgid "Enter job information details in the recruitment tab."
msgstr ""
@ -5351,7 +5351,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`mailing_lists_blacklists`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst:208
msgid ":doc:`../../../essentials/in_app_purchase`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../../essentials/in_app_purchase`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/pricing.rst:5
msgid "Pricing and FAQ"
@ -857,6 +857,11 @@ msgid ""
"credits for the database. This includes demo/training databases, educational"
" databases, and one-app-free databases."
msgstr ""
"Odoo-Enterprise-Benutzer mit einem gültigen Abonnement erhalten kostenloses "
"Guthaben, um :abbr:`IAP (In-App Purchase)`-Funktionen zu testen, bevor sie "
"sich für den Kauf weiteren Guthabens für die Datenbank entscheiden. Dazu "
"gehören Demo-/Schulungsdatenbanken, Schulungsdatenbanken und „1 App "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/lead_mining.rst:92
msgid ":doc:`/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase`"
@ -1125,7 +1130,7 @@ msgstr "Ansicht der Abzeichenseite in Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:3
msgid "Lead enrichment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lead-Anreicherung"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -1134,6 +1139,10 @@ msgid ""
" requires credits to use, and is available for existing leads in an Odoo "
msgstr ""
"*Lead-Anreichung* ist ein Service, der Geschäftsinformationen zu einem "
"Kontakt liefert, der einem Lead zugeordnet ist. Lead-Anreicherung ist ein "
"In-App-Kauf (IAP), für dessen Nutzung Guthaben erforderlich sind, und ist "
"für bestehende Leads in einer Odoo-Datenbank verfügbar."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -1144,6 +1153,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Estimated revenue`, :guilabel:`Phone` number, "
":guilabel:`Timezone`, and :guilabel:`Technologies Used`."
msgstr ""
"Die durch die Lead-Anreicherung bereitgestellten Informationen können "
"allgemeine Informationen über das Unternehmen (einschließlich des "
"vollständigen Firmennamens und des Logos), Konten in sozialen Medien, "
":guilabel:`Unternehmenstyp`, :guilabel:`Gegründet`, :guilabel:`Branchen`, "
"die Anzahl der :guilabel:`Mitarbeiter`, :guilabel:`Geschätzter Umsatz`, "
":guilabel:`Telefonnummer`, :guilabel:`Zeitzone` und :guilabel:`Verwendete "
"Technologien` umfassen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -1153,10 +1169,15 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`CRM` section activate the :guilabel:`Leads` option and click "
msgstr ""
"Die Funktion *Leads* **muss** in den *CRM*-Einstellungen aktiviert sein, um "
"die Lead-Anreicherung nutzen zu können. Um auf die *CRM*-Einstellungen "
"zuzugreifen, navigieren Sie zu :menuselection:`CRM --> Konfiguration --> "
"Einstellungen`. Unter dem Abschnitt :guilabel:`CRM` aktivieren Sie die "
"Option :guilabel:`Leads` und klicken auf :guilabel:`Speichern`."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:27
msgid "Lead enrichment set up"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Einrichtung der Lead-Anreicherung"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -1167,16 +1188,25 @@ msgid ""
"demand only` or :guilabel:`Enrich all leads automatically`. Click the "
":guilabel:`Save` button to activate the changes."
msgstr ""
"Um die Lead-Anreicherung in der *CRM*-App einzurichten, navigieren Sie zu "
":menuselection:`CRM --> Konfiguration --> Einstellungen`. Aktivieren Sie "
"dann unter dem Abschnitt :guilabel:`Lead-Generierung` das Kontrollkästchen "
"neben :guilabel:`Lead-Anreichung` und wählen Sie entweder :guilabel:`Leads "
"nur bei Bedarf anreichern` oder :guilabel:`Alle Leads automatisch "
"anreichern`. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche :guilabel:`Speichern`, um die "
"Änderungen zu aktivieren."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst-1
msgid ""
"CRM lead generation settings page, with lead enrichment activation highlighted, and enrich\n"
"leads on demand only chosen."
msgstr ""
"CRM-Einstellungsseite für die Lead-Generierung, wobei die Aktivierung der Lead-Anreicherung hervorgehoben ist und\n"
"Leads nur auf Anfrage ausgewählt."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:41
msgid "Enrich leads"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Leads anreichern"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:43
msgid ""
@ -1184,10 +1214,14 @@ msgid ""
"customer set on the lead. There are two different ways that a lead can be "
"enriched: *automatically* or *manually*."
msgstr ""
"Die Anreicherung von Leads basiert auf der Domain der E-Mail-Adresse des "
"Kunden, die für den Lead festgelegt wurde. Es gibt zwei verschiedene "
"Möglichkeiten, wie ein Lead angereichert werden kann: *automatisch* oder "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:47
msgid "Automatically enrich leads"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Leads automatisch anreichern"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:49
msgid ""
@ -1197,6 +1231,11 @@ msgid ""
"sixty minutes, and enrichment occurs on leads, after a remote database is "
msgstr ""
"Wenn bei der Einrichtung auf der Seite *CRM* :guilabel:`Alle Leads "
"automatisch anreichern` gewählt wurde, muss der Benutzer keine Aktion "
"durchführen, um den Lead anzureichern. Eine geplante Aktion wird automatisch"
" alle sechzig Minuten ausgeführt, und die Anreicherung der Leads erfolgt, "
"nachdem eine entfernte Datenbank kontaktiert wurde."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:55
msgid ""
@ -1208,20 +1247,31 @@ msgid ""
"necessary adjustments. In the :guilabel:`Execute Every` field, enter a value"
" greater than, or equal to, five minutes."
msgstr ""
"Um auf den Cron zuzugreifen, der für die automatische Lead-Anreicherung "
"läuft, aktivieren Sie den :ref:`Entwicklermodus <developer-mode>` und "
"navigieren zu :menuselection:`Einstellungen --> Technisch --> "
"Automatisierung --> Geplante Aktionen`. Geben Sie in der Leiste "
":guilabel:`Suchen ...` den Begriff `CRM` ein. Klicken Sie auf das Ergebnis "
"mit der Bezeichnung :guilabel:`CRM: Leads anreichern (IAP)` und nehmen Sie "
"die erforderlichen Anpassungen vor. Geben Sie in das Feld "
":guilabel:`Ausführen alle` einen Wert ein, der größer oder gleich fünf "
"Minuten ist."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:62
msgid ""
"The following is an example of lead enrichment data that has been "
"autocompleted successfully:"
msgstr ""
"Nachfolgend sehen Sie ein Beispiel für Daten einer Lead-Anreicherung, die "
"erfolgreich automatisch vervollständigt wurden:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:0
msgid "Chatter showing lead enrichment data."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Chatter zeigt Daten zur Lead-Anreicherung."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:69
msgid "Manually enrich leads"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Leads manuell anreichern"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -1231,6 +1281,11 @@ msgid ""
"enriched. This is achieved by clicking the :guilabel:`Enrich` button in the "
"top menu of the lead."
msgstr ""
"Wenn die Option :guilabel:`Leads nur bei Bedarf anreichern` auf der "
":guilabel:`Einstellungen`-Seite der *CRM*-App ausgewählt wurde, muss bei der"
" Aktivierung von :guilabel:`Lead-Anreicherung` jeder Lead, den ein Benutzer "
"anreichern möchte, **manuell** angereichert werden. Dazu klicken Sie auf die"
" Schaltfläche :guilabel:`Anreichern` im oberen Menü des Leads."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:76
msgid ""
@ -1238,10 +1293,16 @@ msgid ""
"Puchase)` credit cost (one per enrichment). This method of enrichment is "
"useful when every lead does not need to be enriched, or cost is an issue."
msgstr ""
"Die gleichen Informationen werden zu den gleichen :abbr:`IAP (In-App "
"Puchase)`-Guthabenkosten abgerufen (eine pro Anreicherung). Diese Methode "
"der Anreicherung ist nützlich, wenn nicht jeder Lead angereichert werden "
"muss oder die Kosten ein Problem darstellen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst-1
msgid "Manual enrich button feature highlighted on the CRM lead."
msgstr ""
"Die Funktion der manuellen Anreicherungstaste ist auf dem CRM-Lead "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:85
msgid ""
@ -1255,18 +1316,33 @@ msgid ""
" Sales --> My Pipeline`. Either route reveals leads and opportunities on the"
" :guilabel:`Pipeline` page."
msgstr ""
"Reichern Sie Leads manuell in großen Mengen über die *Listenansicht* an. "
"Navigieren Sie zunächst zu :menuselection:`CRM --> Leads`, und klicken Sie "
"auf die Schaltfläche Listenansicht (:guilabel:`☰ (drei horizontale Linien)` "
"Symbol). Aktivieren Sie dann die Kontrollkästchen für die Leads, die manuell"
" angereichert werden sollen. Klicken Sie schließlich auf das Symbol "
":guilabel:`⚙️ Aktion` und wählen Sie :guilabel:`Anreichern` aus dem "
"daraufhin angezeigten Dropdown-Menü. Sie können dies auch von der Seite "
"*Meine Pipeline* aus tun. Öffnen Sie dazu einfach die *CRM*-App oder "
"navigieren Sie zu :menuselection:`CRM --> Verkauf --> Meine Pipeline`. Auf "
"beiden Wegen werden Leads und Verkaufschancen auf der Seite "
":guilabel:`Pipeline` angezeigt."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:96
msgid ""
"Lead enrichment is an In-App Purchase (IAP) feature, and each enriched lead "
"costs one credit."
msgstr ""
"Lead-Anreicherung ist eine In-App-Kauf-Funktion und jeder angereicherte Lead"
" kostet ein Guthaben."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:99
msgid ""
"See here for full pricing information: `Lead Generation by Odoo IAP "
msgstr ""
"Hier erfahren Sie mehr zur Preisgestaltung: `Lead-Generierung durch Odoo IAP"
" <https://iap.odoo.com/iap/in-app-services/273>`_."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:102
msgid ""
@ -1274,10 +1350,14 @@ msgid ""
"Settings`. In the :guilabel:`Lead Generation` section, under the "
":guilabel:`Lead Enrichment` feature, click on :guilabel:`Buy Credits`."
msgstr ""
"Um Guthaben zu kaufen, gehen Sie zu :menuselection:`CRM --> Konfiguration "
"--> Einstellungen`. Im Abschnitt :guilabel:`Lead-Anreicherung` klicken Sie "
"unter der Funktion :guilabel:`Lead-Gewinnung` auf :guilabel:`Guthaben "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst-1
msgid "Buy credits from the lead enrichment settings."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Guthaben aus den Lead-Anreicherungseinstellungen kaufen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:110
msgid ""
@ -1285,12 +1365,15 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Settings app`. In the :guilabel:`Contacts` section, under "
"the :guilabel:`Odoo IAP` feature, click on :guilabel:`View My Services`."
msgstr ""
"Guthaben und Salden könnne auch in der :menuselection:`Einstellungen-App` "
"erworben werden. Klicken Sie im Abschnitt :guilabel:`Kontakte` unter der "
"Funktion :guilabel:`Odoo IAP` auf :guilabel:`Meine Services anzeigen`."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:119
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:83
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/follow_up/automatic_alerts.rst:92
msgid ":doc:`../../../essentials/in_app_purchase`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../../essentials/in_app_purchase`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:122
msgid ""
@ -1298,10 +1381,14 @@ msgid ""
"the latest EU regulations. For more information about General Data "
"Protection Regulation, refer to: `Odoo GDPR <http://odoo.com/gdpr>`__."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie die Kontaktinformationen eines Unternehmens erfassen, sollten Sie "
"die neuesten EU-Vorschriften beachten. Weitere Informationen zur "
"Datenschutz-Grundverordnung finden Sie unter: `Odoo Datenschutz-"
"Grundverordnung (DSGVO) <http://https://www.odoo.com/de_DE/gdpr>`__."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:3
msgid "Enrich contacts with partner autocomplete"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kontakte mit automatischer Partnervervollständigung anreichern"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -1311,12 +1398,20 @@ msgid ""
"suggested in the drop-down menu. Instantly get valuable company information "
"full of hard-to-find data for a desired company."
msgstr ""
"*Automatische Partnervervollständigung* reichert die Kontaktdatenbank mit "
"Unternehmensdaten an. Geben Sie in einem beliebigen Modul den neuen "
"Unternehmensnamen in das Feld :guilabel:`Kunde` (technisches Feld "
"`partner_id`) ein, und wählen Sie eine der im Dropdown-Menü vorgeschlagenen "
"Unternehmen aus. Sie erhalten sofort wertvolle Unternehmensinformationen "
"voller schwer zu findender Daten für ein gewünschtes Unternehmen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:11
msgid ""
"A company **cannot** already be manually entered in the *Contacts* "
"application prior to enriching it with data."
msgstr ""
"Ein Unternehmen **kann** nicht bereits manuell in der App *Kontakte* "
"eingegeben werden, bevor es mit Daten angereichert wird."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -1327,6 +1422,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Employees`, :guilabel:`Estimated revenue`, :guilabel:`Phone` "
"number, :guilabel:`Timezone`, and :guilabel:`Technologies Used`."
msgstr ""
"Die durch die automatische Partnervervollständigung bereitgestellten "
"Informationen können allgemeine Informationen über das Unternehmen "
"(einschließlich des vollständigen Firmennamens und des Logos), Konten in "
"sozialen Medien, :guilabel:`Unternehmenstyp`, :guilabel:`Gegründet`, "
":guilabel:`Branchen`, die Anzahl der :guilabel:`Mitarbeiter`, "
":guilabel:`Geschätzter Umsatz`, :guilabel:`Telefonnummer`, "
":guilabel:`Zeitzone` und :guilabel:`Verwendete Technologien` umfassen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -1336,6 +1438,12 @@ msgid ""
"individual contact information cannot be searched for with the partner "
"autocomplete feature."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie die Kontaktinformationen eines Unternehmens erfassen, sollten Sie "
"die neuesten EU-Vorschriften beachten. Weitere Informationen zur "
"Datenschutz-Grundverordnung finden Sie unter: `Odoo Datenschutz-"
"Grundverordnung (DSGVO) <http://https://www.odoo.com/de_DE/gdpr>`__. In Odoo"
" können individuelle Kontaktinformationen nicht mit der Funkton der "
"automatischen Partnervervollständigung gesucht werden."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -1343,14 +1451,18 @@ msgid ""
" :guilabel:`Partner Autocomplete` feature, by ticking the checkbox beside "
"it, and clicking :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
"Gehen Sie zu :menuselection:`Einstellungen --> Kontakte`. Aktivieren Sie "
"dann die Funktion :guilabel:`Partner-Autovervollständigung`, indem Sie das "
"Kontrollkästchen daneben aktivieren und auf :guilabel:`Speichern` klicken."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst-1
msgid "View of settings page and the activations of the feature in Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Ansicht der Einstellungsseite und der Aktivitäten der Funktion in Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:37
msgid "Enrich contacts with corporate data"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kontakte mit Unternehmensdaten anreichern"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:39
msgid ""
@ -1359,10 +1471,17 @@ msgid ""
"are selected, the contact is then populated with corporate data related to "
"that specific selection."
msgstr ""
"Wenn der Benutzer in einem beliebigen Modul den Namen eines neuen "
"Unternehmenskontakts eingibt, zeigt Odoo ein großes Dropdown-Menü mit "
"Vorschlägen für mögliche Übereinstimmungen an. Wenn Sie einen davon "
"auswählen, wird der Kontakt mit Unternehmensdaten gefüllt, die sich auf "
"diese spezifische Auswahl beziehen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:43
msgid "For example, after typing `Odoo`, the following information populates:"
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie zum Beispiel `Odoo` eingeben, werden die folgenden Informationen "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst-1
msgid "Creating a new contact in Odoo"
@ -1373,6 +1492,9 @@ msgid ""
"In the chatter, the following information populates about the company, after"
" clicking on the desired pre-populated contact:"
msgstr ""
"Im Chatter werden die folgenden Informationen über das Unternehmen "
"angezeigt, nachdem Sie auf den gewünschten Kontakt geklickt haben, der "
"bereits ausgefüllt ist:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -1387,12 +1509,17 @@ msgid ""
"Partner Autocomplete also works if a :abbr:`VAT (value-added tax)` number is"
" entered instead of company name."
msgstr ""
"Partner-Autovervollständigung funktioniert auch, wenn Sie eine :abbr:`MwSt."
" (Mehrwertsteuer)`-Nummer statt des Namens eines Unternehmens eingeben."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:63
msgid ""
"*Partner Autocomplete* is an *In-App Purchase (IAP)* service, which requires"
" prepaid credits to be used. Each request consumes one credit."
msgstr ""
"*Partner-Autovervollständigung* ist ein *In-App-Kauf*-Dienst (IAP), welcher "
"im Voraus bezahltes Guthaben erfordert, um die Funktion nutzen zu können. "
"Jede Anfrage verbraucht ein Guthaben."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -1402,20 +1529,31 @@ msgid ""
"click :guilabel:`View My Services`. From the resulting page, select a "
"desired package."
msgstr ""
"Um Guthaben zu kaufen, gehen Sie zu :menuselection:`Einstellungen --> "
"Kontakte`. Suchen Sie dann entweder die Funktion :guilabel:`Partner-"
"Autovervollständigung` und klicken Sie auf :guilabel:`Guthaben kaufen`, oder"
" suchen Sie die Funktion :guilabel:`Odoo IAP` und klicken Sie auf "
":guilabel:`Meine Services anzeigen`. Wählen Sie auf der daraufhin "
"angezeigten Seite das gewünschte Paket aus."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:72
msgid ""
"If the database runs out of credits, the only information populated when "
"clicking on the suggested company will be the website link and the logo."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Ihre Datenbank kein Guthaben mehr hat, wird bei Klick auf das "
"vorgeschlagene Unternehmen lediglich der Website-Link und das Logo "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/partner_autocomplete.rst:75
msgid "Learn about our `Privacy Policy <https://iap.odoo.com/privacy>`_."
msgstr ""
"Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere `Datenschutzrichtlinien "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:3
msgid "Utilize activities for sales teams"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aktivitäten für Verkaufsteams verwenden"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -1430,14 +1568,16 @@ msgid ""
"The summary view of activities for leads and opportunities in an Odoo "
msgstr ""
"Die zusammenfassende Ansicht der Aktivitäten für Leads und Verkaufschancen "
"in einer Odoo-Datenbank."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:13
msgid "Planned Activities for Leads and Opportunities."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Geplante Aktivitäten für Leads und Verkaufschancen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:16
msgid "Activity types"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aktivitätstypen"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -1445,6 +1585,10 @@ msgid ""
" the list of available activity types, navigate to the :menuselection:`CRM "
"app --> Configuration --> Activity Types`."
msgstr ""
"Eine Reihe von vorkonfigurierten Aktivitätstypen ist in der *CRM*-App "
"verfügbar. Um die Liste der verfügbaren Aktivitätstypen anzuzeigen, "
"navigieren Sie zur :menuselection:`CRM --> Konfiguration --> "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -1453,32 +1597,48 @@ msgid ""
"activity types, go to the :menuselection:`Settings app`, then scroll to the "
":guilabel:`Discuss` section, and click :guilabel:`Activity Types`."
msgstr ""
"In der Datenbank sind weitere Aktivitätstypen verfügbar, die über "
"verschiedene Apps genutzt werden können. Um auf die vollständige Liste der "
"Aktivitätstypen zuzugreifen, gehen Sie zur :menuselection:`Einstellungen-"
"App`, scrollen Sie dann zum Abschnitt :guilabel:`Dialog` und klicken Sie auf"
" :guilabel:`Aktivitätstypen`."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:27
msgid "The preconfigured activity types for the *CRM* app are as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Die vorkonfigurierten Aktivitätstypen für die *CRM*-App sind wie folgt:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:29
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Email`: adds a reminder to the chatter that prompts the "
"salesperson to send an email."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`E-Mail`: Fügt dem Chatter eine Erinnerung hinzu, die den "
"Vertriebsmitarbeiter auffordert, eine E-Mail zu senden."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:30
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Call`: opens a calendar link where the salesperson can schedule "
"time to call the contact."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Anruf`: öffnet einen Kalender-Link, über den der "
"Vertriebsmitarbeiter einen Termin für einen Anruf bei dem Kontakt festlegen "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:32
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Meeting`: opens a calendar link where the salesperson can "
"schedule time to have a meeting with the contact."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Meeting`: öffnet einen Kalender-Link, über den der "
"Vertriebsmitarbeiter einen Termin für ein Meeting mit dem Kontakt festlegen "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:34
msgid ":guilabel:`To Do`: adds a general reminder task to the chatter."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`To Do`: fügt dem Chatter eine allgemeine Erinnerungsaufgabe "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:35
msgid ""
@ -1486,16 +1646,22 @@ msgid ""
"document can be uploaded. Note that the *Documents* app is **not** required "
"to utilize this activity type."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Dokument hochladen`: fügt einen Link zu der Aktivität hinzu, über"
" den ein externes Dokument hochgeladen werden kann. Beachten Sie, dass die "
"*Dokumente*-App **nicht** erforderlich ist, um diesen Aktivitätstyp zu "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:39
msgid ""
"If other applications are installed, such as *Sales* or *Accounting*, other "
"activity types are made available in the *CRM* app."
msgstr ""
"Wenn andere Apps wie *Verkauf* oder *Buchhaltung* installiert sind, werden "
"andere Aktivitätstypen in der *CRM*-App verfügbar gemacht."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:43
msgid "Create a new activity type"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Einen neuen Aktivitätstyp erstellen"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:45
msgid ""
@ -1508,6 +1674,8 @@ msgid ""
"At the top of the form, start by choosing a :guilabel:`Name` for the new "
"activity type."
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie oben im Formular einen :guilabel:`Namen` für den neuen "
"Aktivitätstyp aus."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:51
msgid "Activity settings"
@ -1557,6 +1725,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Activity settings on a new activity type with emphasis on the Action "
msgstr ""
"Die Aktivitätseinstellungen für einen neuen Aktivitätstyp mit Hervorhebung "
"des Felds „Aktion“."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -1681,6 +1851,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"A schedule activity pop-up with emphasis on the recommended activities."
msgstr ""
"Ein Popup-Fenster „Aktivität planen“ mit dem Schwerpunkt auf den empfohlenen"
" Aktivitäten."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:124
msgid "Trigger next activity"
@ -1714,10 +1886,14 @@ msgid ""
" Next Activity`, marking the activity as *Done* immediately launches the "
"next activity listed in the :guilabel:`Trigger` field."
msgstr ""
"Wenn für eine Aktivität der :guilabel:`Verkettungstyp` auf "
":guilabel:`Nächste Aktivität auslösen` gesetzt ist, wird durch das Markieren"
" der Aktivität als *Erledigt* sofort die nächste im Feld "
":guilabel:`Auslöser` aufgeführte Aktivität gestartet."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:148
msgid "Activity tracking"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aktivitätsverfolgung"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:150
msgid ""
@ -1727,16 +1903,24 @@ msgid ""
"as needed. It also prevents the pipeline from becoming cluttered with past "
"due activities."
msgstr ""
"Um die Pipeline mit einer möglichst genauen Übersicht über den Status der "
"Aktivitäten auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten, sollte die zugehörige "
"Aktivität als *Erledigt* markiert werden, sobald mit einem Lead interagiert "
"wurde. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass die nächste Aktivität nach Bedarf "
"geplant werden kann. Außerdem wird so verhindert, dass die Pipeline mit "
"überfälligen Aktivitäten überladen wird."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:155
msgid ""
"The pipeline is most effective when it is kept up-to-date and accurate to "
"the interactions it is tracking."
msgstr ""
"Die Pipeline ist am effektivsten, wenn sie immer auf dem neuesten Stand ist "
"und genau auf die Interaktionen abgestimmt ist, die sie verfolgt."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:159
msgid "Activity plans"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aktivitätspläne"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:161
msgid ""
@ -1871,7 +2055,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:221
msgid ":doc:`Activities </applications/essentials/activities>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Aktivitäten </applications/essentials/activities>`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/performance.rst:5
msgid "Analyze performance"
@ -1016,11 +1016,11 @@ msgstr "`Live Chat: Produktseite <https://www.odoo.com/app/live-chat>`_"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:14
msgid ":doc:`livechat/ratings`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`livechat/ratings`"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:15
msgid ":doc:`livechat/responses`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`livechat/responses`"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:18
msgid "Set up"
@ -425,13 +425,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:3
msgid "Odoo mobile apps"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aplicaciones para celular de Odoo"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:5
msgid ""
"Two kind of Odoo mobile app exist: the progressive web app (PWA) and store "
"apps. Using the PWA is recommended."
msgstr ""
"Existen dos tipos de aplicaciones para celular de Odoo: la aplicación web "
"progresiva (PWA) y las aplicaciones que están disponibles en sus respectivas"
" tiendas. Le recomendamos que use las primeras."
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:9
msgid "Progressive web app (PWA)"
@ -443,18 +446,24 @@ msgid ""
"devices and platforms, leveraging web browsers to deliver user experiences "
"similar to native apps."
msgstr ""
"Las aplicaciones web progresivas están diseñadas para funcionar en "
"diferentes dispositivos y plataforma. Hacen uso de los navegadores web para "
"ofrecer una experiencia de usuario similar a las de las aplicaciones "
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:14
msgid "The Odoo PWA features include:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Las funciones de la aplicación web progresiva de Odoo incluyen:"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:16
msgid "Quick access by adding the PWA to a device's home screen"
msgstr ""
"Acceso rápido al agregar la aplicación web progresiva a la pantalla "
"principal de los dispositivos"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:17
msgid "Seamless and borderless navigation experience"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Experiencia de navegación fluída"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:18
msgid "Push notifications"
@ -502,6 +511,8 @@ msgid ""
"The PWA can also be installed with **Samsung Internet**, **Edge**, and "
msgstr ""
"La aplicación web progresiva también se puede instalar con **Samsung "
"Internet**, **Edge** y **Opera**."
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:36
msgid "iOS"
@ -523,6 +534,8 @@ msgid ""
"On iOS 16.4 and above, the PWA can also be installed with **Chrome**, "
"**Firefox**, and **Edge**."
msgstr ""
"En iOS 16.4 y versiones superiores también es posible instalar la aplicación"
" web progresiva con **Chrome**, **Firefox** y **Edge**."
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:45
msgid "Desktop"
@ -533,6 +546,8 @@ msgid ""
"**Chrome** and **Edge**: click the installation icon at the right of the "
"address bar and click :guilabel:`Install`."
msgstr ""
"**Chrome** y **Edge**: haga clic en el icono de instalación ubicado del lado"
" derecho de la barra de direcciones y haga clic en :guilabel:`Instalar`."
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:51
msgid ""
@ -564,7 +579,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:58
msgid "Store apps"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aplicaciones en tiendas"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:60
msgid ""
@ -582,12 +597,16 @@ msgid ""
"The iOS app cannot be updated and will be deprecated at some point in the "
msgstr ""
"La aplicación iOS ya no se puede actualizar y en algún momento será "
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:67
msgid ""
"While the store apps support multi-accounts, they are not compatible with "
"SS0 authentication."
msgstr ""
"Si bien las aplicaciones en las tiendas admiten varias cuentas, no son "
"compatibles con la autenticación SS0."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:3
msgid "Odoo.com accounts"
@ -808,9 +827,9 @@ msgid ""
"require code."
msgstr ""
"`Odoo en línea <https://www.odoo.com/trial>`_ proporciona bases de datos "
"privadas que nosotros nos encargamos de gestionar y alojar. Puede usarlas "
"para producción a largo plazo o para probar Odoo con detenimiento, incluso "
"con personalizaciones que no requieren código."
"privadas y nosotros nos encargamos de gestionarlas y alojarlas. Puede "
"usarlas para producción a largo plazo o para probar Odoo con detenimiento, "
"incluso con personalizaciones que no requieren código."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_online.rst:10
msgid "Odoo Online is incompatible with custom modules or the Odoo App Store."
@ -952,6 +971,9 @@ msgid ""
"circumstances, contact `support <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_ to raise the "
msgstr ""
"Es posible hacer un máximo de cinco duplicados por base de datos. Contacte a"
" `soporte <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_ para cambiar este límite en "
"circunstancias excepcionales."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_online.rst:69
msgid "Rename"
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
# Iran Villalobos López, 2024
# Lucia Pacheco, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-29 08:05+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-04 12:26+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -1803,7 +1803,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:3
msgid "In-app purchases (IAP)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Compras dentro de la aplicación (IAP)"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:7
msgid ""
@ -1857,6 +1857,11 @@ msgid ""
"includes demo/training databases, educational databases, and one-app-free "
msgstr ""
"Los usuarios de Odoo Enterprise con una suscripción válida obtendrán "
"créditos gratuitos para probar las funciones de compras dentro de la "
"aplicación antes de que decidan comprar más créditos para la base de datos. "
"Esto incluye bases de datos de demostración y capacitación, bases de datos "
"educativas y bases de datos gratuitas de una sola aplicación."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:32
msgid "IAP services"
@ -1872,7 +1877,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:36
msgid "The following |IAP| services are offered by Odoo:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo ofrece los siguientes servicios de |IAP|:"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -1922,6 +1927,10 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo *Sign* to provide their identity using the *itsme®* identity platform, "
"which is available in Belgium and the Netherlands."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Identifíquese con itsme®️ para firmar sus documentos`: solicítele"
" a los signatarios de *Firma electrónica* de Odoo que proporcionen su "
"identidad a través de la plataforma de identidad *itsme®*. Solo está "
"disponible en Bélgica y los Países Bajos."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:49
msgid ""
@ -1929,6 +1938,9 @@ msgid ""
"developers other than Odoo), visit the `Odoo IAP Catalog "
msgstr ""
"Visite el `catálogo de IAP de Odoo <https://iap.odoo.com/iap/all-in-app-"
"services>`_ para obtener más información sobre los servicios disponibles por"
" el momento (los ofrecen desarrolladores externos a Odoo)."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:53
msgid "Use IAP services"
@ -1957,6 +1969,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"This can be done by clicking the :guilabel:`📱 SMS` icon within the database."
msgstr ""
"Puede hacer esto si hace clic en el icono :guilabel:`📱 SMS` dentro de la "
"base de datos."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -1980,6 +1994,9 @@ msgid ""
" contact with a mobile phone number entered in either the :guilabel:`Phone` "
"or :guilabel:`Mobile` field of the contact form."
msgstr ""
"Vaya a la aplicación :menuselection:`Contactos` y haga clic en un contacto "
"con un número telefónico disponible en el campo :guilabel:`Teléfono` o "
":guilabel:`Celular` del formulario de contacto."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:73
msgid ""
@ -1987,6 +2004,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Phone` or :guilabel:`Mobile` fields. Click the :guilabel:`📱 SMS` "
"icon, and a :guilabel:`Send SMS Text Message` pop-up window appears."
msgstr ""
"Busque el icono :guilabel:`📱 SMS` que aparecen de lado derecho de los campos"
" :guilabel:`Teléfono` o :guilabel:`Celular`. Al hacer clic en el icono "
":guilabel:`📱 SMS` aparece la ventana emergente :guilabel:`Enviar mensaje de "
"texto SMS`."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:77
msgid ""
@ -1995,6 +2016,10 @@ msgid ""
" to the contact, and logs what was sent in the *chatter* of the contact's "
msgstr ""
"Escriba un mensaje en el campo :guilabel:`Mensaje` de la ventana emergente, "
"haga clic en el botón :guilabel:`Enviar SMS`. Odoo enviará el mensaje, vía "
"SMS, al contacto y registrará lo que envió en el *chatter* del formulario "
"del contacto."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:81
msgid ""
@ -2020,18 +2045,22 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:89
msgid ":doc:`Lead mining <../sales/crm/acquire_leads/lead_mining>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Minado de leads <../sales/crm/acquire_leads/lead_mining>`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:90
msgid ""
":doc:`Enrich your contacts base with Partner Autocomplete "
msgstr ""
":doc:`Enriquecer la base de contactos con la función Autocompletar contacto "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:92
msgid ""
":doc:`SMS essentials <../marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials>`"
msgstr ""
":doc:`Fundamentos de SMS "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:97
msgid "IAP credits"
@ -2101,6 +2130,9 @@ msgid ""
"For more information, refer to the :doc:`SMS Pricing and FAQ "
"<../marketing/sms_marketing/pricing/pricing_and_faq>` documentation."
msgstr ""
"Consulte la documentación sobre :doc:`Precios de SMS y preguntas frecuentes "
"<../marketing/sms_marketing/pricing/pricing_and_faq>` para obtener más "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:127
msgid "Buy credits"
@ -2121,6 +2153,10 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Settings app --> Contacts section`, and beneath the "
":guilabel:`Odoo IAP` setting, click :guilabel:`View My Services`."
msgstr ""
"Los usuarios pueden acceder a :menuselection:`Ajustes --> sección Contactos`"
" para consultar el saldo actual de créditos para cada servicio y comprar más"
" de forma manual. Una vez allí, vaya a :guilabel:`Compras dentro de la "
"aplicación de Odoo` y haga clic en :guilabel:`Ver mis servicios`."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:136
msgid ""
@ -2129,6 +2165,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Account Information` page, where additional credits can be "
msgstr ""
"Esta acción abrirá la página :guilabel:`Mis servicios` en donde aparecen "
"varios servicios de |IAP| de la base de datos. Una vez allí, haga clic en un"
" servicio de |IAP| para abrir la página de :guilabel:`Información de la "
"cuenta`, ahí podrá comprar créditos adicionales."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:141
msgid "Manually buy credits"
@ -2145,6 +2185,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Contacts` section. Under the :guilabel:`Contacts` section, where "
"it says :guilabel:`Odoo IAP`, click :guilabel:`View My Services`."
msgstr ""
"Vaya a la aplicación :menuselection:`Ajustes` y escriba `Compras dentro de "
"la aplicación` en la :guilabel:`barra de búsqueda` o diríjase a la sección "
":guilabel:`Contactos`. Si va a la sección :guilabel:`Contactos` section, "
"busque :guilabel:`Compras dentro de la aplicación de Odoo` y haga clic en "
":guilabel:`Ver mis servicios`."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -2159,6 +2204,10 @@ msgid ""
"services in the database. From here, click an |IAP| service to open details "
"about it; additional credits can be purchased from here."
msgstr ""
"Esta acción abrirá la página de :guilabel:`Cuenta para compras dentro de la "
"aplicación` en donde aparecen varios servicios de |IAP| de la base de datos."
" Una vez allí, haga clic en un servicio de |IAP| para abrir sus respectivos "
"detalles, también podrá comprar créditos adicionales."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:158
msgid ""
@ -2167,6 +2216,11 @@ msgid ""
"here, click :guilabel:`Buy` on the desired pack of credits. Then, follow the"
" prompts to enter payment details, and confirm the order."
msgstr ""
"Haga clic en el botón :guilabel:`Comprar créditos` de esa página. La acción "
"anterior abrirá la página :guilabel:`Comprar créditos para (Cuenta de "
"compras dentro de la aplicación)` en una nueva pestaña. Busque el paquete de"
" créditos que desea adquirir y haga clic en :guilabel:`Comprar`. Siga las "
"indicaciones para proporcionar los detalles de pago y confirmar su orden"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -2203,6 +2257,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Search...` bar. Under the :guilabel:`Contacts` section, where it "
"says :guilabel:`Odoo IAP`, click :guilabel:`View My Services`."
msgstr ""
"Vaya a la aplicación :menuselection:`Ajustes` y escriba `Compras dentro de "
"la aplicación` en la :guilabel:`barra de búsqueda`. En la sección "
":guilabel:`Contactos` section, busque :guilabel:`Compras dentro de la "
"aplicación de Odoo` y haga clic en :guilabel:`Ver mis servicios`."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:180
msgid ""
@ -2210,6 +2268,9 @@ msgid ""
"Account` page. From here, click on the desired |IAP| account to view that "
"service's details."
msgstr ""
"Las cuentas de |IAP| disponibles aparecen en una vista de lista en la página"
" :guilabel:`Cuenta para compras dentro de la aplicación`. Allí haga clic en "
"la cuenta |IAP| deseada para ver los detalles de ese servicio."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:183
msgid ""
@ -2217,6 +2278,9 @@ msgid ""
"checkbox. Doing so reveals two fields on the form: :guilabel:`Warning "
"Threshold` and :guilabel:`Contact Email`."
msgstr ""
"En la página de detallles seleccione la casilla :guilabel:`Recibir "
"advertencia de límite`. Esta acción abrirá dos campos en el formulario: "
":guilabel:`Límite de advertencia` y :guilabel:`Correo de contacto`."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:186
msgid ""
@ -2225,6 +2289,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Contact Email` field, enter the email address that receives the "
msgstr ""
"En el campo :guilabel:`Límite de advertencia` escriba el número de créditos "
"que Odoo usará como límite mínimo para este servicio y en el campo "
":guilabel:`Correo de contacto` escriba el correo electrónico en el que desea"
" recibir la notificación."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:190
msgid ""
@ -2232,3 +2300,6 @@ msgid ""
"balance of credits falls below the amount listed as the :guilabel:`Warning "
msgstr ""
"Odoo enviará una alerta de créditos bajos al :guilabel:`correo electrónico "
"de contacto` cuando el saldo o balance de créditos caiga por debajo de la "
"cantidad especificada en el :guilabel:`límite de advertencia`."
@ -10983,8 +10983,8 @@ msgid ""
"validated, you can register a payment. Set the :guilabel:`Payment Method` to"
" :guilabel:`Checks` and validate the payment."
msgstr ""
"Para registrar un pago, abra cualquier factura de proveedor desde el menú "
":menuselection:`Compras --> Facturas de proveedor`. Puede registrar un pago "
"Para registrar un pago, abra cualquier factura de proveedor desde "
":menuselection:`Compra --> Facturas de proveedor`. Puede registrar un pago "
"una vez que se validó una factura de proveedor. Configure el "
":guilabel:`método de pago` como :guilabel:`Cheques` y valide el pago."
@ -25322,7 +25322,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`../accounting/taxes`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:130
msgid "Branches"
msgstr "Ramas"
msgstr "Sucursales"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:132
msgid ""
@ -3744,11 +3744,11 @@ msgid ""
"the email will be encapsulated using a combination of the two system "
"parameters: `mail.default.from` and `mail.catchall.domain`."
msgstr ""
"El campo puede ser un nombre de dominio o una dirección de correo "
"electrónico completa, o puede permanecer vacío. Si la dirección de correo "
"electrónico del remitente no coincide con el filtro establecido, el correo "
"electrónico se encapsulará mediante una combinación de dos parámetros de "
"sistema: `mail.default.from` and `mail.catchall.domain`."
"El campo puede ser un nombre de dominio, una dirección de correo electrónico"
" completa o puede permanecer vacío. Si la dirección de correo electrónico "
"del remitente no coincide con el filtro establecido, entonces el correo "
"electrónico se encapsulará mediante una combinación de los dos parámetros "
"del sistema: `mail.default.from` y `mail.catchall.domain`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication/email_servers.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -4922,7 +4922,7 @@ msgid ""
"Gmail account (this should match the email address you want to configure in "
msgstr ""
"Primero, vaya a `Google API Console "
"Primero, vaya a la `Consola de API de Google "
"<https://console.developers.google.com>`_. Inicie sesión en su cuenta de "
"*Google Workspace* si tiene una o inicie sesión en su cuenta personal de "
"Gmail (debe coincidir con la dirección de correo electrónico que desea "
@ -5159,6 +5159,10 @@ msgid ""
"type in `Gmail`. Install the modules called :guilabel:`Google Gmail` and "
":guilabel:`Fetchmail Gmail`."
msgstr ""
"Abra Odoo y vaya al módulo :guilabel:`Aplicaciones`. Elimine el filtro "
":guilabel:`Aplicaciones` de la :guilabel:`barra de búsqueda`, escriba "
"`Gmail` e instale los módulos :guilabel:`Google Gmail` y "
":guilabel:`Fetchmail Gmail`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication/google_oauth.rst:120
msgid ""
@ -5170,6 +5174,14 @@ msgid ""
"into the :guilabel:`Client ID` and :guilabel:`Client Secret` fields and "
":guilabel:`Save` the settings."
msgstr ""
"Después, vaya a :menuselection:`Ajustes --> Ajustes generales` y asegúrese "
"de que la casilla de :guilabel:`servidores de correo electrónico "
"personalizados` o :guilabel:servidores de correo electrónico externos` en la"
" sección :guilabel:`Conversaciones` esté seleccionada. Aparecerá una nueva "
"opción para las :guilabel:`credenciales de Gmail` o para :guilabel:`usar un "
"servidor de Gmail`. Luego, copie y pegue el :guilabel:`ID de cliente` y el "
":guilabel:`secreto de cliente` en sus respectivos campos y "
":guilabel:`guarde` los ajustes."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication/google_oauth.rst:129
msgid ""
@ -9776,10 +9788,10 @@ msgid ""
"devices (e.g. scales, measurement tools, etc.) are not working properly with"
" the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` box."
msgstr ""
"Esto puede ser útil en casos en los que los dispositivos :abbr:`IoT "
"(Internet de las cosas, por sus siglas en inglés)` (como escalas, "
"herramientas de medición, etc.) no estén funcionando bien con la caja "
":abbr:`IoT (Internet de las cosas, por sus siglas en inglés)`."
"Esto puede ser útil en aquellas situaciones donde los dispositivos "
":abbr:`IoT (Internet de las cosas)` (como básculas, herramientas de "
"medición...) no estén funcionando de forma adecuada con la caja :abbr:`IoT "
"(Internet de las cosas)`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/iot/config/updating_iot.rst:115
msgid ""
@ -10993,8 +11005,8 @@ msgid ""
"To add new users, navigate to :menuselection:`Settings app --> Users section"
" --> Manage Users`, and click on :guilabel:`Create`."
msgstr ""
"Para agregar usuarios nuevos vaya a :menuselection:`Ajustes --> sección de "
"Usuarios --> Gestionar usuarios` y haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear`."
"Para agregar nuevos usuarios vaya a :menuselection:`Ajustes --> sección "
"Usuarios --> Administrar usuarios` y haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst-1
msgid "View of the settings page emphasizing the manage users field in Odoo."
@ -11162,12 +11174,12 @@ msgid ""
"to the access rights. For this reason, Odoo recommends contacting an Odoo "
"Business Analyst, or our Support Team, before making changes."
msgstr ""
"**Nunca** desactive al usuario principal o administrador (admin). os cambios"
" a los usuarios admin pueden afectar de forma perjudicial la base de datos. "
"Esto incluye *admin impotente*, lo que significa que ningún usuario en la "
"base de datos puede cambiar los permisos de acceso. Por este motivo le "
"recomendamos que se ponga en contacto con un consultor de Odoo o con nuestro"
" equipo de soporte antes de realizar cambios."
"**Nunca** desactive al usuario principal o administrador (admin). Los "
"cambios a los usuarios admin pueden afectar de forma perjudicial la base de "
"datos. Esto incluye *admin impotente*, lo que significa que ningún usuario "
"en la base de datos podrá cambiar los permisos de acceso. Le recomendamos "
"que se ponga en contacto con un consultor de Odoo o con nuestro equipo de "
"soporte antes de realizar cambios."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:97
msgid "Error: too many users"
@ -11307,6 +11319,9 @@ msgid ""
"page. This action is completed by the individual user, and this setting is "
"enabled by default."
msgstr ""
"Es posible activar o desactivar el restablecimiento de contraseña desde la "
"página de inicio de sesión. Esta acción se debe hacer por cada usuario y el "
"ajuste está activo de forma predeterminada."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:159
msgid ""
@ -11314,6 +11329,9 @@ msgid ""
"section, activate :guilabel:`Password Reset`, and then click "
msgstr ""
"Para cambiar esta función, vaya a :menuselection:`Ajustes --> Permisos`, "
"active :guilabel:`Restablecimiento de contraseña` y después haga clic en "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst-1
msgid "Enabling Password Reset in Odoo Settings"
@ -11324,14 +11342,20 @@ msgid ""
"On the login page, click :guilabel:`Reset Password` to initiate the password"
" reset process, and have a reset-token sent to the email on file."
msgstr ""
"En la página de inicio de sesión haga clic en :guilabel:`Restablecimiento de"
" contraseña` para iniciar con el proceso de restablecimiento de contraseña y"
" recibir un token de restablecimiento al correo electrónico que tiene "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst-1
msgid "Login screen on Odoo.com with the password reset option highlighted."
msgstr ""
"Pantalla de inicio de sesión en Odoo.com con la opción para restablecer la "
"contraseña resaltada."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:176
msgid "Send reset instructions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Enviar instrucciones de restablecimiento"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:178
msgid ""
@ -11340,6 +11364,11 @@ msgid ""
"Instructions` on the user form. An email is automatically sent to them with "
"password reset instructions."
msgstr ""
"Vaya a :menuselection:`Ajustes --> Usuarios y empresas --> Usuarios`, "
"seleccione el usuario de la lista y haga clic en :guilabel:`Enviar "
"instrucciones de restablecimiento de contraseña` en el formulario de "
"usuario. Se le enviará automáticamente al usuario un correo electrónico con "
"las instrucciones de restablecimineto."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:183
msgid ""
@ -11347,6 +11376,10 @@ msgid ""
"the Odoo invitation email has already been confirmed by the user. Otherwise,"
" a :guilabel:`Re-send Invitation Email` button appears."
msgstr ""
"El botón :guilabel:`Enviar instrucciones de restablecimiento de contraseña` "
"solo aparece si el usuario ya confirmó el correo electrónico de invitación "
"de Odoo. De lo contrario, aparecerá un botón para :guilabel:`Volver a enviar"
" el correo electrónico de invitación`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:187
msgid ""
@ -11360,6 +11393,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst-1
msgid "Example of an email with a password reset link for an Odoo account."
msgstr ""
"Ejemplo de un correo electrónico con un enlace para restablecer la "
"contraseña para una cuenta de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:197
msgid "Change user password"
@ -11391,6 +11426,8 @@ msgid ""
"This operation only modifies the password of the users locally, and does "
"**not** affect their odoo.com account."
msgstr ""
"Esta operación solo modifica la contraseña de usuarios de forma local, "
"**no** afecta su cuenta de odoo.com."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:213
msgid ""
@ -11399,6 +11436,10 @@ msgid ""
"passwords grant access to the *My Databases* page, and other portal "
msgstr ""
"Si necesita cambiar la contraseña de odoo.com, use la opción :ref:`Enviar "
"instrucciones para restablecer la contraseña <users/reset-password-email>`. "
"Las contraseñas de Odoo.com permiten acceder a la página *Mis bases de "
"datos* y otras funciones del portal de usuarios."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:217
msgid ""
@ -11406,6 +11447,9 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo login page where the database can be re-accessed using the new "
msgstr ""
"Después de hacer clic en :guilabel:`Cambiar contraseña`, se le redirigirá a "
"una página de inicio de sesión de Odoo donde puede volver a ingresar a la "
"base de datos con una nueva contraseña."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:223
msgid "Multi Companies"
@ -11420,6 +11464,12 @@ msgid ""
"select the user to open their user form, and configure with multi-company "
msgstr ""
"El campo :guilabel:`Multiempresas` en un formulario de usuario permite que "
"el administrador le brinde permisos de acceso a ese usuario para varias "
"empresas. Para configurar el entorno multiempresa para un usuario, vaya al "
"usuario deseado en :menuselection:`Ajustes --> Usuarios --> Administrar "
"usuarios`. Después, seleccione el usuario para abrir su formulario y "
"configurarlo con el acceso multiempresa."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:230
msgid ""
@ -11427,6 +11477,9 @@ msgid ""
"the fields labeled :guilabel:`Allowed Companies` and :guilabel:`Default "
msgstr ""
"En :guilabel:`Multiempresas` en la pestaña :guilabel:`Permisos de acceo` "
"tab, configure los campos :guilabel:`Empresas permitidas` y "
":guilabel:`Empresa predeterminada`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:233
msgid ""
@ -11436,6 +11489,11 @@ msgid ""
"defaults to, upon logging in each time. This field can contain only **one** "
msgstr ""
"El campo :guilabel:`Empresas permitidas` puede contener varias empresas, que"
" serán las empresas a las que el usuario podrá acceder y editar, según los "
"permisos de acceso configurados. La :guilabel:`Empresa predeterminada` es la"
" empresa que verá el usuario primero siempre que abra sesión. Este campo "
"solo puede contener *una* empresa."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:239
msgid ""
@ -11445,10 +11503,17 @@ msgid ""
"multi-company configuration. For technical explanations, refer to the "
"developer documentation on :doc:`../../../developer/howtos/company`."
msgstr ""
"Si el acceso multiempresa no se configura correctamente, esto puede resultar"
" en comportamientos inconsistentes en el entorno multiempresa. Por esto, "
"solo usuarios con mucha experiencia trabajando con Odoo deberían cambiar los"
" derechos de acceso de los usuarios en bases de datos que tienen una "
"configuración multiempresa. Para explicaciones técnicas, consulte la "
"documentación de desarrollo en :doc:`../../../developer/howtos/company`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst-1
msgid "View of a user's form emphasizing the multi companies field in Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Imagen del formulario del usuario enfatizando el campo multiempresas en Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users.rst:249
msgid ":doc:`companies`"
@ -11676,6 +11741,12 @@ msgid ""
"who need them ensures that users do not modify or delete anything they "
"should not have access to."
msgstr ""
"Los *permisos de acceso* son permisos que determinan el contenido y las "
"aplicaciones a las que los usuarios pueden acceder y editar. En Odoo, estos "
"permisos se pueden configurar para usuarios individuales o para grupos de "
"usuarios. Limitar los permisos a solo aquellos usuarios que los necesitan "
"asegura que los usuarios no modificarán ni eliminarán nada a lo que no "
"tengan acceso."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:10
msgid "**Only** an *administrator* can change access rights."
@ -11689,6 +11760,11 @@ msgid ""
"recommends contacting an Odoo Business Analyst, or our Support Team, before "
"making changes."
msgstr ""
"Los cambios a los permisos de acceso pueden afectar de forma perjudicial la "
"base de datos. Esto incluye *admin impotente*, lo que significa que ningún "
"usuario en la base de datos podrá cambiar los permisos de acceso. Le "
"recomendamos que se ponga en contacto con un consultor de Odoo o con nuestro"
" equipo de soporte antes de realizar cambios."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:19
msgid ""
@ -11696,6 +11772,9 @@ msgid ""
"their user profile, in order to make changes on another user's settings for "
"access rights."
msgstr ""
"Un usuario **debe** tener permisos de acceso específicos de *Administración*"
" configurados en su perfil de usuario para poder hacer cambios en los "
"ajustes de otro usuario para derechos de acceso."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -11703,6 +11782,9 @@ msgid ""
"users --> select a user --> Access Rights tab --> Administration section -->"
" Administration field`."
msgstr ""
"Para acceder a este función, vaya a :menuselection:`Ajustes --> Gestionar "
"usuarios --> seleccione un usuario --> vaya a la pestaña Permisos de acceso "
"--> vaya a la sección de Administración --> campo de Administración`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -11710,12 +11792,17 @@ msgid ""
"setting in the :guilabel:`Administration` field to :guilabel:`Access "
msgstr ""
"Una vez en este ajuste, un administrador existente **debe** cambiar el "
"ajuste en el campo :guilabel:`Administración` a :guilabel:`Derechos de "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:28
msgid ""
"Once complete, click :guilabel:`Save` to save the changes, and implement the"
" user as an administrator."
msgstr ""
"Una vez que termine, haga clic en :guilabel:`Guardar` para guardar los "
"cambios e implementar al usuario como administrador."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:34
msgid ""
@ -11723,23 +11810,32 @@ msgid ""
" when the user is added to the database, but they can be adjusted at any "
"point in the user's profile."
msgstr ""
"Los derechos de acceso para :ref:`usuarios individuales <users/add-"
"individual>` se configuran cuando el usuario se agrega a la base de datos, "
"pero se pueden ajustar en cualquier momento en el perfil del usuario."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:37
msgid ""
"To make changes to a user's rights, click on the desired user to edit their "
msgstr ""
"Para hacer cambios en los permisos de acceso del usuario, haga clic en el "
"usuario deseado para editar su perfil."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst-1
msgid ""
"Users menu in the Users & Companies section of the Settings app of Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Menú de los usuarios en la sección Usuarios y empresas de los Ajustes de "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:43
msgid ""
"On the user's profile page, in the :guilabel:`Access Rights` tab, scroll "
"down to view the current permissions."
msgstr ""
"En la página de perfil del usuario, en la pestaña :guilabel:`Permisos de "
"acceso` deslícese hacia abajo para ver los permisos actuales."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:46
msgid ""
@ -11748,6 +11844,11 @@ msgid ""
"are: :guilabel:`Blank/None`, :guilabel:`User: Own Documents`, "
":guilabel:`User: All Documents`, or :guilabel:`Administrator`."
msgstr ""
"Para cada aplicación, use el menú desplegable para seleccionar qué nivel de "
"permisos debería de tener un usuario. Las opciones varían por cada sección, "
"pero las más comunes son: :guilabel:`Vacío o ninguno`, :guilabel:`Usuario: "
"solo mostrar documentos propios`, :guilabel:`Usuario: todos los documentos`,"
" o :guilabel:`Administrador`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -11755,10 +11856,15 @@ msgid ""
"has the following options: :guilabel:`Settings` or :guilabel:`Access "
msgstr ""
"El campo :guilabel:`Administración` en la pestaña :guilabel:`Permisos de "
"acceso` tiene las siguientes opciones: :guilabel:`Ajustes` o "
":guilabel:`Permisos de acceso`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst-1
msgid "The Sales apps drop-down menu to set the user's level of permissions."
msgstr ""
"El menú desplegable de la aplicación Venta para configurar el nivel de "
"permisos de un usuario."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:60
msgid "Create and modify groups"
@ -11771,6 +11877,10 @@ msgid ""
"existing groups in Odoo, or create new ones to define rules for models "
"within an application."
msgstr ""
"*Grupos* son permisos específicos que se usan para gestionar los permisos de"
" acceso comunes para una gran cantidad de usuarios. Los administradores "
"pueden modificar los grupos existentes en Odoo, o crear nuevos para definir "
"las reglas para modelos dentro de una aplicación."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -11778,11 +11888,15 @@ msgid ""
"mode>`, then go to :menuselection:`Settings app --> Users & Companies --> "
msgstr ""
"Para acceder a grupos, primero active el :ref:`modo de desarrollador "
"<developer-mode>` de Odoo, después valla a :menuselection:`Ajustes --> "
"Usuarios y empresas --> Grupos`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst-1
msgid ""
"Groups menu in the Users & Companies section of the Settings app of Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Menú de los grupos en la sección Usuarios y empresas de los Ajustes de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:73
msgid ""
@ -11790,12 +11904,19 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Create`. Then, from the blank group form, select an "
":guilabel:`Application`, and complete the group form (detailed below)."
msgstr ""
"Para crear un nuevo grupo, haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear` en la página "
":guilabel:`Grupos`. Después, en el formulario en blanco de grupo, seleccione"
" una :guilabel:`Aplicación` y complete el formulario del grupo (como se "
"detalla más adelante)."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:76
msgid ""
"To modify existing groups, click on an existing group from the list "
"displayed on the :guilabel:`Groups` page, and edit the contents of the form."
msgstr ""
"Para modificar grupos existentes, haga clic en un grupo existente de la "
"lista que se muestra en la página :guilabel:`Grupos` y edite los contenidos "
"del formulario"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:79
msgid ""
@ -11803,12 +11924,17 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Share Group`, if this group was created to set access rights for "
"sharing data with some users."
msgstr ""
"Ingrese un :guilabel:`Nombre` para el grupo y marque la casilla de "
"verificación a un lado de :guilabel:`Compartir grupo`, si este grupo se creó"
" para configurar permisos de acceso para compartir datos con otros usuarios."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:83
msgid ""
"Always test the settings being changed to ensure they are being applied to "
"the correct users."
msgstr ""
"Siempre pruebe los ajustes que se están cambiando para asegurarse de que se "
"están aplicando a los usuarios correctos."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:85
msgid ""
@ -11816,10 +11942,16 @@ msgid ""
"group. In each tab, click :guilabel:`Add a line` to add a new row for users "
"or rules, and click the :guilabel:`❌ (remove)` icon to remove a row."
msgstr ""
"El formulario de grupo contiene varias pestañas para gestionar todos los "
"elementos del grupo. En cada pestaña, haga clic en :guilabel:`Agregar una "
"línea` para agregar una nueva hilera para usuarios o reglas y haga clic en "
"el icono :guilabel:`❌ (eliminar)` para eliminar una hilera."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst-1
msgid "Tabs in the Groups form to modify the settings of the group."
msgstr ""
"Las pestañas en el formulario de grupos para modificar los ajustes del "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:93
msgid ""
@ -11827,6 +11959,11 @@ msgid ""
" black have administrative rights. Users without administrative access "
"appear in blue. Click :guilabel:`Add a line` to add users to this group."
msgstr ""
"La pestaña :guilabel:`Usuarios`: enlista los usuarios que actualmente están "
"en el grupo. Los usuarios que aparezcan en negro son aquellos que tienen "
"permisos de administrador, mientras que los usuarios sin permisos de "
"administrador aparecerán en azul. Haga clic en :guilabel:`Agregar una línea`"
" para agregar usuarios a este grupo."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:96
msgid ""
@ -11834,6 +11971,10 @@ msgid ""
"are automatically added to the groups listed on this tab. Click "
":guilabel:`Add a line` to add inherited groups."
msgstr ""
"La pestaña :guilabel:`heredado`: heredado significa que los usuarios que se "
"agreguen a este grupo se agregan también de forma automática a los grupos "
"que se enlistan en esta pestaña. Haga clic en :guilabel:`Agregar una línea` "
"para agregar grupos heredados."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:100
msgid ""
@ -11842,18 +11983,28 @@ msgid ""
" added to the *Sales/Administrator* group automatically receive access to "
"the *Website/Restricted Editor* group, as well."
msgstr ""
"Por ejemplo, si el grupo *Ventas/Administrador* tiene al grupo *Sitio "
"web/Editor restringido* en su pestaña :guilabel:`Heredado`, entonces "
"cualquier usuario que se agregue al grupo *Ventas/Administrador* también "
"recibirá acceso al grupo *Sitio web/Editor restringido* en automático."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:104
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Menus` tab: defines which menus/models the group can have access "
"to. Click :guilabel:`Add a line` to add a specific menu."
msgstr ""
"La pestaña :guilabel:`Menús`: define a qué menús o modelos puede acceder el "
"grupo. Haga clic en :guilabel:`Agregar una línea` para agregar un menú en "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:106
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Views` tab: lists which views in Odoo the group has access to. "
"Click :guilabel:`Add a line` to add a view to the group."
msgstr ""
"La pestaña :guilabel:`Vistas`: define a qué vistas en Odoo puede acceder el "
"grupo. Haga clic en :guilabel:`Agregar una línea` para agregar una vista al "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:108
msgid ""
@ -11864,22 +12015,36 @@ msgid ""
"column represents the technical name given to the model. For each model, "
"enable the following options as appropriate:"
msgstr ""
"La pestaña :guilabel:`Permisos de acceso`: enlista el primer nivel de "
"permisos (modelos) a los que este grupo tiene permisos de acceso. Haga clic "
"en :guilabel:`Agregar una línea` para vincular permisos de acceso a este "
"grupo. En esta pestaña la columna :guilabel:`Modelo` representa el nombre "
"común del menú o modelo y la columna :guilabel:`Nombre` representa el nombre"
" técnico que se le da a dicho modelo. Para cada modelo, active las "
"siguientes opciones como lo crea necesario:"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:114
msgid ":guilabel:`Read`: users can see the object's existing values."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Lectura`: los usuarios pueden ver los valores existentes del "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:115
msgid ":guilabel:`Write`: users can edit the object's existing values."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Editar`: los usuarios pueden editar los valores existentes del "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:116
msgid ":guilabel:`Create`: users can create new values for the object."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Crear`: los usuarios pueden crear nuevos valores para el objeto."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:117
msgid ":guilabel:`Delete`: users can delete values for the object."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Eliminar`: los usuarios pueden borrar borrar los valores para el "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:120
msgid ""
@ -11888,12 +12053,18 @@ msgid ""
" found by expanding the model common name, which can be done by clicking the"
" :guilabel:`(external link)` icon."
msgstr ""
"Primero intente buscar el nombre común del modelo en el menú desplegable de "
"la columna :guilabel:`Modelo`. El nombre técnico del :guilabel:`Modelo` "
"puede encontrarse al expandir el nombre común del modelo, lo cual se hace al"
" hacer clic en el icono :guilabel:`(enlace externo)`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:124
msgid ""
"The model technical name can also be accessed in :ref:`developer mode "
msgstr ""
"También puede acceder al nombre técnico del modelo en :ref:`modo de "
"desarrollador <developer-mode>`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:126
msgid ""
@ -11902,11 +12073,17 @@ msgid ""
" name in the backend. This is the technical name of the model that should be"
" added."
msgstr ""
"En un formulario, vaya a cualquier campo y pase el cursor por encima del "
"nombre del campo. Al hacer esto, aparecerá una caja con información de "
"backend con el nombre específico del :guilabel:`Objeto` en el backend. Este "
"es el nombre técnico del modelo que se debe agregar."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:0
msgid ""
"Technical information shown on a field of a model, with object highlighted."
msgstr ""
"Información técnica que se muestra en el campo de un modelo, con el objeto "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:134
msgid ""
@ -11915,28 +12092,36 @@ msgid ""
"rights. Click :guilabel:`Add a line` to add a record rule to this group. For"
" each rule, choose values for the following options:"
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Reglas de registro`: enlista la segunda capa de edición y "
"permisos de visualización. Las :guilabel:`reglas de registro` sobreescriben,"
" o hacen más precisos, los permisos de acceso del grupo. Haga clic en "
":guilabel:`Agregar una línea` para agregar una regla de registro a este "
"grupo. Por cada regla, seleccione los valores para las siguientes opciones:"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:138
msgid ":guilabel:`Apply for Read`."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Postúlate para una pasantía`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:139
msgid ":guilabel:`Apply for Write`."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Aplicar para edición`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:140
msgid ":guilabel:`Apply for Create`."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Aplicar para crear`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:141
msgid ":guilabel:`Apply for Delete`."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Aplicar para borrar`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:144
msgid ""
"Record rules are written using a *domain*, or conditions that filter data. A"
" domain expression is a list of such conditions. For example:"
msgstr ""
"Las reglas de registro se escriben usando un *dominio* o condiciones que "
"filtran la información. Una expresión de dominio es una lista de estas "
"condiciones, por ejemplo:"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:147
msgid ""
@ -11950,6 +12135,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"This record rule is to enable MRP consumption warnings for subcontractors."
msgstr ""
"Esta regla de registro existe ara activar las advertencias de consumo de MRP"
" para subcontratistas."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:151
msgid ""
@ -11957,6 +12144,10 @@ msgid ""
"without knowledge of domains (and domain expressions) should consult an Odoo"
" Business Analyst, or the Odoo Support Team, before making changes."
msgstr ""
"Odoo tiene una librería de reglas de registro preconfiguradas para facilitar"
" el uso. Los usuarios que no sepan de dominos (o expresiones de dominos) "
"deben ponerse en contacto con un consultor de Odoo o con el equipo de "
"soporte de Odoo antes de hacer estos cambios."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:158
msgid "Superuser mode"
@ -11969,11 +12160,18 @@ msgid ""
"<developer-mode>`. Then, navigate to the *debug* menu, represented by a "
":guilabel:`🪲 (bug)` icon, located in the top banner."
msgstr ""
"*El modo de superusuario* permite que el usuario omita las reglas de "
"registro y los permisos de acceso. Para activar el *modo de superusuario* "
"primero debe activar el :ref:`modo de desarrollador <developer-mode>`. "
"Después, navegue al menú de *depuración*, el cual se representa con el icono"
" :guilabel:`🪲 (bug)`, que se ubica en la parte superior."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:164
msgid ""
"Finally, towards the bottom of the menu, click :guilabel:`Become Superuser`."
msgstr ""
"Finalmente, en la parte inferior del menú, haga clic en "
":guilabel:`Convertirse en superusuario`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:167
msgid ""
@ -11981,12 +12179,17 @@ msgid ""
"*Access Rights* (in their user profile) are allowed to log in to *Superuser "
msgstr ""
"Solo los usuarios que tengan el permiso de acceso *Ajustes* en la sección "
"*Administración* de los *Permisos de acceso* (en su perfil de usuario) "
"tienen permitido ingresar al *modo de superusuario*-"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:171
msgid ""
"*Superuser mode* allows for circumvention of record rules and access rights,"
" and therefore, should be exercised with extreme caution."
msgstr ""
"*El modo de superusuario* permite saltarse las reglas de registro y los "
"derechos de acceso, por lo que debe usarse con mucha precaución."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:174
msgid ""
@ -11994,6 +12197,10 @@ msgid ""
"to changes that were made. This can cause *impotent admin*, or an "
"administrator without the ability to change access rights/settings."
msgstr ""
"Es probable que al salir del *modo de superusuario* los usuarios no puedan "
"ingresar a la base de datos debido a los cambios realizados. Esto puede "
"causar un *admin impotente*, o un admin que no puede cambiar los permisos de"
" acceso o los ajustes."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:178
msgid ""
@ -12001,6 +12208,9 @@ msgid ""
"<https://www.odoo.com/help>`_. The support team is able to restore access "
"using a support login."
msgstr ""
"En este caso, se debe poner en contacto con el soporte de Odoo mediante un "
"`nuevo ticket de ayuda <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_. El equipo de soporte "
"puede restaurar el acceso con un inicio de sesión de soporte."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:181
msgid ""
@ -12008,6 +12218,10 @@ msgid ""
"upper-right corner, and clicking on the :guilabel:`OdooBot` username. Then, "
"select the :guilabel:`Log out` option."
msgstr ""
"Para salir del *modo de superusuario* cierre a sesión de la cuenta haciendo "
"clic en el nombre de usuario :guilabel:`OdooBot` que se encuentra en la "
"esquina superior derecha. Después, seleccione la opción :guilabel:`Cerrar "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:185
msgid ""
@ -12015,12 +12229,17 @@ msgid ""
"To do that, navigate to the login screen, and enter the appropriate "
":guilabel:`Email` and :guilabel:`Password`."
msgstr ""
"Otra forma de activar el *modo superusuario* es iniciar sesión como un "
"superusuario. Para hacerlo, vaya a la pantalla de inicio de sesión e ingrese"
" el :guilabel:`correo electrónicol` y la :guilabel:`contraseña` adecuados."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:188
msgid ""
"Instead of clicking :guilabel:`Login`, click :guilabel:`Log in as "
msgstr ""
"En lugar de hacer clic en :guilabel:`iniciar sesión`, haga clic en "
":guilabel:`iniciar sesión como superusuario`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/azure.rst:3
msgid "Microsoft Azure sign-in authentication"
@ -1134,6 +1134,10 @@ msgid ""
":ref:`manufacturers <fleet/manufacturers>`, :ref:`vehicle models "
"<fleet/models>`, and :ref:`model categories <fleet/categories>`."
msgstr ""
"Este documento describe todas las configuraciones y ajustes para la "
"aplicación *Flota* tales como :ref:`ajustes <fleet/settings>`, "
":ref:`fabricantes <fleet/manufacturers>`, :ref:`modelos de vehículos "
"<fleet/models>` y :ref:`model categories <fleet/categories>`."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:14
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll.rst:18
@ -1147,6 +1151,10 @@ msgid ""
"configuration, the vehicle contract end date alert delay, and a new vehicle "
"request limit."
msgstr ""
"Para acceder al menú de ajustes, vaya a :menuselection:`Flota --> "
"Configuración --> Ajustes`. Solo hay dos ajustes que debe modificar: la "
"alerta de fecha de finalización del contrato del vehículo y un límite para "
"las solicitudes de nuevos vehículos."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst-1
msgid "Settings available for the Fleet application."
@ -1266,6 +1274,12 @@ msgid ""
"major bicycle manufacturer: Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Opel (cars), and Eddy "
"Merckx (bicycle)."
msgstr ""
"Los fabricantes aparecen en una vista de lista en orden alfabético. En la "
"tarjeta de cada fabricante se muestra cuántos modelos específicos están "
"configurados para ese fabricante en particular. Odoo cuenta con cuarenta y "
"seis :ref:`modelos <fleet/models>` preconfigurados de cuatro grandes "
"fabricantes de vehículos y un importante fabricante de bicicletas: Audi, "
"BMW, Mercedes, Opel (automóviles) y Eddy Merckx (bicicletas)."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst-1
msgid "Manufacturer card with the amount of models listed."
@ -1305,6 +1319,14 @@ msgid ""
" are part of a fleet, the model (and/or manufacturer) needs to be added to "
"the database."
msgstr ""
"Muchos fabricantes producen varios modelos distintos, así que es importante "
"que especifique el modelo de vehículo que agrega a la flota. Odoo cuenta con"
" modelos preconfigurados de automóviles de cuatro principales fabricantes de"
" automóviles y uno de un fabricante de bicicletas: Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Opel"
" (vehículos) y Eddy Merckx (bicicleta). Si un vehículo *que no está "
"incluido* en estos modelos preconfigurados de los fabricantes es parte de "
"una flota, tendrá que agregar el modelo (o el fabricante) a la base de "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:98
msgid "Preconfigured Models"
@ -1858,6 +1880,10 @@ msgid ""
"the fleet. Model categories are set on the :ref:`vehicle model form "
msgstr ""
"Para organizar mejor una flota le recomendamos agrupar los modelos de "
"vehículos en una categoría específica, así podrá visualizar con mayor "
"facilidad qué tipos de vehículos la componen. Las categorías de modelos se "
"establecen en el :ref:`formulario de modelo de vehículo <fleet/add-model>`."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:251
msgid ""
@ -1906,11 +1932,11 @@ msgstr "Vista de lista de los modelos en la flota."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:270
msgid ":doc:`fleet/new_vehicle`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`fleet/new_vehicle`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet.rst:271
msgid ":doc:`fleet/service`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`fleet/service`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/new_vehicle.rst:3
msgid "Create new vehicles"
@ -2077,10 +2103,10 @@ msgstr ""
" fecha en la que el vehículo estará disponible para otro conductor. Para "
"elegir la fecha vaya al mes y año correctos con los iconos :guilabel:`⬅️ "
"(flecha izquierda)` y :guilabel:`➡️ (flecha derecha)`, luego haga clic en el"
" día específico. Si este campo está vacío, eso indica que por el momento el "
"vehículo está disponible y que puede asignarlo a otro conductor. Si cuenta "
"con información, no podrá asignar el vehículo a otro conductor hasta la "
"fecha que aparece en el campo."
" día específico. Si el campo está vacío, eso indica que el vehículo está "
"disponible por el momento y que puede asignarlo a otro conductor. Si el "
"campo cuenta con información no podrá asignar el vehículo a otro conductor "
"hasta la fecha que aparece en el campo."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/new_vehicle.rst:60
msgid ""
@ -2312,6 +2338,11 @@ msgid ""
"needs to be configured, :ref:`configure the new vehicle model <fleet/add-"
msgstr ""
"Si el modelo del nuevo vehículo ya está configurado en la base de datos, "
"entonces la pestaña :guilabel:`Modelo` se completará con la información "
"correspondiente. Si el modelo aún no está en la base de datos y debe "
"configurar la pestaña :guilabel:`Modelo`, entonces :ref:`configure el modelo"
" del nuevo vehículo <fleet/add-model>`."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/new_vehicle.rst:144
msgid ""
@ -7632,10 +7632,10 @@ msgid ""
" location, begin by navigating to a product form through "
":menuselection:`Purchase app --> Products --> Products`."
msgstr ""
"Para establecer un plazo de entrega del proveedor para las órdenes que "
"llegan al almacén desde la ubicación del proveedor, diríjase al formulario "
"de un producto. Vaya a la aplicación :menuselection:`Compras --> Productos "
"--> Productos`."
"Diríjase al formulario de un producto para establecer un plazo de entrega "
"del proveedor para las órdenes que llegan al almacén desde la ubicación del "
"proveedor. Vaya a la aplicación :menuselection:`Compra --> Productos --> "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/planning/scheduled_dates.rst:170
msgid ""
@ -17135,16 +17135,21 @@ msgid ""
"Invoicing customers for shipping after delivery ensures accurate charges "
"based on real-time shipping factors like distance, weight, and method."
msgstr ""
"Facturar a los clientes por envío después de la entrega asegura que los "
"cambios sean correctos según los factures de envío en tiempo real, como "
"distancia, peso y método."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:8
msgid "In Odoo, shipping costs can be invoiced in two ways:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "En Odoo, los costos de envío se pueden facturar de dos formas:"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:10
msgid ""
"Agree with the customer on a fixed cost and :ref:`include it in the sale "
"order. <inventory/shipping/invoice-so>`"
msgstr ""
"Acuerde un precio fijo con el cliente e :ref:`inclúyalo en la orden de "
"venta. <inventory/shipping/invoice-so>`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -17152,6 +17157,9 @@ msgid ""
"<inventory/shipping/invoice-shipping>`, reflecting the actual expenses "
"incurred by the business."
msgstr ""
":ref:`Facture los costos de envío al cliente después de la entrega "
"<inventory/shipping/invoice-shipping>`, los cuales reflejaran los gastos "
"verdaderos de la empresa."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:19
msgid ""
@ -17159,10 +17167,14 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration --> Settings`. Under the :guilabel:`Shipping` section, enable "
"the :guilabel:`Delivery Methods` feature. Then, click :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
"Para configurar precios en métodos de envío, vaya a "
":menuselection:`Inventario --> Configuración --> Ajustes`. En la sección "
":guilabel:`Envío` active la función :guilabel:`Métodos de envío` y después "
"haga clic en :guilabel:`Guardar`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst-1
msgid "Enable the \"Delivery Methods\" feature in Settings."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Active la función \"Métodos de envío\" en los ajustes."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:28
msgid "Add shipping method"
@ -17175,12 +17187,18 @@ msgid ""
"click the :guilabel:`Create` button. Doing so opens a form to provide "
"details about the shipping provider, including:"
msgstr ""
"Después, configure el precio de cada método de entrega en "
":menuselection:`Inventario --> Configuración --> Métodos de envío` y haga "
"clic en el botón :guilabel:`Crear`. De esta forma se abrirá un formulario "
"para brindar detalles sobre el transportista, como:"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:34
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Shipping Method` (*required*) the name of the delivery method "
"(e.g. `flat-rate shipping`, `same day delivery`, etc.)."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Método de envío` (*obligatorio*): el nombre del método de envío "
"(por ejemplo, `tarifa plana de envío`, `entrega el mismo día`, etc.)."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -17189,6 +17207,10 @@ msgid ""
"carrier is properly installed and select the provider from the drop-down "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Proveedor` (*obligatorio*): seleccione un servicio de entrega, "
"como FedEx, si utiliza un transportista externo. Asegúrese de que la "
"integración con el transportista está instalada de manera correcta y "
"seleccione el proveedor en el menú desplegable."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:41
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:122
@ -17221,6 +17243,9 @@ msgid ""
":ref:`sales order line <inventory/shipping/sales-order>` as the delivery "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Producto de envío` (*obligatorio*): el producto que aparece en la"
" :ref:`línea de la orden de venta <inventory/shipping/sales-order>` como el "
"cargo por el envío."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:51
msgid ""
@ -17233,35 +17258,47 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:57
msgid "Invoice cost on sales order"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Facturar costo en la orden de venta"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:59
msgid ""
"To invoice shipping costs on the sales order, before the item is delivered, "
"go to the :menuselection:`Sales app` and select the desired sales order."
msgstr ""
"Para facturar costos de envío en una orden de venta antes de que el artículo"
" se entregue, vaya a la :menuselection:`aplicación de ventas` y seleccione "
"la orden de venta deseada."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:62
msgid ""
"On the sales order, click the :guilabel:`Add Shipping` button at the bottom-"
"right corner."
msgstr ""
"En la orden de ventas haga clic en el botón :guilabel:`Agregar envío` en la "
"esquina inferior derecha."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst-1
msgid "Click \"Add Shipping\" button at the bottom right, near the total."
msgstr ""
"Haga clic en el botón \"Agregar envío\" en la esquina superior derecha, "
"cerca del total."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:68
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Add a shipping method` pop-up window, choose the intended "
"carrier in the :guilabel:`Shipping Method` field."
msgstr ""
"Seleccione el transportista deseado en el campo :guilabel:`Método de envío` "
"de la ventana emergente :guilabel:`Agregar un método de envío`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:71
msgid ""
"Then, click the :guilabel:`Get Rate` button to the calculate shipping price "
"based on real-time shipping data Odoo's shipping carrier integration."
msgstr ""
"Después, haga clic en :guilabel:`Obtener tarifa` para calcular el precio de "
"envío según la información de envío en tiempo real de la integración de Odoo"
" con el transportista."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:74
msgid ""
@ -17269,10 +17306,13 @@ msgid ""
"items in the order. Finally, click the :guilabel:`Add` button to close the "
msgstr ""
"El :guilabel:`Costo` se calcula de forma automática usando el peso de los "
"artículos en la orden. Finalmente, haga clic en el botón :guilabel:`Agregar`"
" para cerrar la ventana."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst-1
msgid "Calculate shipping by selecting a shipping method."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Calcular el envío al seleccionar un método de envío."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:83
msgid ""
@ -17280,10 +17320,14 @@ msgid ""
"Lines` tab, with the :guilabel:`Unit Price` set as the shipping cost "
"calculated in the :guilabel:`Add a shipping method` pop-up window."
msgstr ""
"En la orden de venta, el producto de envío aparecerá en la pestaña "
":guilabel:`Líneas de la orden`, el :guilabel:`Precio unitario` será el "
"precio de envío calculado en la ventana emergente :guilabel:`Agregar un "
"método de envío`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst-1
msgid "Show delivery product on the sales order line."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mostrar el producto de envío en una línea de la orden de venta."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:91
msgid ""
@ -17291,10 +17335,13 @@ msgid ""
"invoice` button, and an invoice is created that includes the shipping cost "
"that was added earlier."
msgstr ""
"Finalmente, después de que se entregue el producto, haga clic en "
":guilabel:`Crear factura` y se creará una factura en la que se incluirá el "
"costo que se agregó antes."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst-1
msgid "Show \"Create Invoice\" button."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mostrar el botón \"crear factura\"."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:98
msgid ""
@ -17302,14 +17349,17 @@ msgid ""
"invoice is generated, with the shipping cost included in the "
":guilabel:`Invoice Lines` tab."
msgstr ""
"Después, haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear y ver factura` y se generará un "
"borrador de factura, con el costo de envío incluido en la pestaña "
":guilabel:`Líneas de factura`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst-1
msgid "Show delivery product in the invoice line."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mostrar el producto de entrega en la línea de la factura."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:108
msgid "Invoice real shipping costs"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Facturar los precios de envío reales"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:110
msgid ""
@ -17317,6 +17367,9 @@ msgid ""
" :ref:`above <inventory/shipping/invoice-so>` to create an invoice with a "
"delivery product with a :guilabel:`Unit Price` of zero."
msgstr ""
"Para modificar la factura de manera que refleje el costo de envío real, siga"
" los pasos :ref:`anteriores <inventory/shipping/invoice-so>` para crear una "
"factura con el producto de entrega y :guilabel:`Precio unitario` de cero."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:114
msgid ""
@ -17324,10 +17377,14 @@ msgid ""
"real shipping cost. Finally, invoice the customer the adjusted shipping cost"
" by clicking :guilabel:`Confirm`."
msgstr ""
"Después, en el borrador de la factura, modifique el :guilabel:`Precio "
"unitario` para reflejar el precio de envío real. Finalmente, haga clic en "
":guilabel:`Confirmar` para emitir una factura al cliente con el precio de "
"envío ajustado."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst-1
msgid "Show delivery product on the invoice line."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mostrar el producto de entrega en la línea de la factura."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping/operation/invoicing.rst:123
msgid ":doc:`labels`"
@ -20999,7 +21056,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Si desea que el proveedor reabastezca de forma directa a su subcontratista "
"debe elegir la opción \"Enviar al subcontratista al ordenar\". Para que esta"
" opción esté activa en el formulario del producto, primero debe activar la "
"opción de triangulación desde :menuselection:`Compras --> Configuración --> "
"opción de triangulación desde :menuselection:`Compra --> Configuración --> "
"Ajustes --> Triangulación`. Al validar la orden a su subcontratista, esta "
"ruta creará una solicitud de cotización de triangulación de su proveedor a "
"ese subcontratista, después solo tendrá que revisarla y validarla."
@ -23081,10 +23138,10 @@ msgid ""
" if you should pay the bill. This way you can avoid paying incorrect or "
"fraudulent vendor bills."
msgstr ""
"La función de verificación de 3 pasos permite que Odoo compare la "
"información de la *Orden de compra*, la *Factura de proveedor* y la "
"*Recepción* para saber cuándo debe pagar la factura. De esta manera puede "
"evitar pagar la factura incorrecta."
"La función de conciliación de tres vías permite que Odoo compare la "
"información de la *orden de compra*, la *factura de proveedor* y la "
"*recepción* para avisarle si debe pagar la factura. De esta manera evitará "
"pagar facturas de proveedores erróneos o fraudulentos."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/control_bills.rst:14
msgid "Vendor bills default control policy"
@ -23231,7 +23288,7 @@ msgstr "Borrador de factura creado"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/control_bills.rst:72
msgid "Determine when to pay with 3-way matching"
msgstr "Determine el momento de pago con la verificación de 3 pasos "
msgstr "Determine cuándo pagar con la conciliación de tres vías"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/control_bills.rst:74
msgid ""
@ -23239,19 +23296,19 @@ msgid ""
" matching*."
msgstr ""
"Primero vaya a :menuselection:`Configuración --> Ajustes` y active la "
"*verificación de 3 pasos*."
"*conciliación de tres vías*."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/control_bills.rst-1
msgid "3-way-matching setting in Odoo Purchase"
msgstr "Ajuste de verificación de 3 pasos en Compras de Odoo"
msgstr "Ajustes de conciliación en tres vías de la aplicación Compra de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/control_bills.rst:81
msgid ""
"3-way matching is intended to work with the bill control policy set to *On "
"received quantities*."
msgstr ""
"Se espera que la verificación de 3 pasos funcione con la política de control"
" de facturas establecida en *Sobre cantidades recibidas*."
"La función de conciliación de tres vías tiene el propósito de funcionar con "
"la política de control de facturas correspondiente a *Cantidades recibidas*."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/control_bills.rst:84
msgid "Should I pay the vendor bill?"
@ -23385,9 +23442,9 @@ msgid ""
"order is confirmed. The products and quantities in the purchase order are "
"used to generate a draft bill."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Cantidades ordenadas`: crea una factura de proveedor tan pronto "
"como se confirma una orden de compra. Los productos y cantidades en la orden"
" de compra se usan para generar un borrador de factura. "
":guilabel:`Cantidades ordenadas`: crea una factura de proveedor en cuanto se"
" confirma una orden de compra. Los productos y cantidades en la orden de "
"compra se usan para generar un borrador de factura."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/manage.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -23416,16 +23473,16 @@ msgstr "Campo de control de políticas en el formulario del producto. "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/manage.rst:46
msgid "3-way matching"
msgstr "Asignación de 3-vías"
msgstr "Conciliación de tres vías"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/manage.rst:48
msgid ""
"*3-way matching* ensures vendor bills are only paid once some (or all) of "
"the products included in the purchase order have actually been received."
msgstr ""
"La *verificación en 3 pasos* asegura que las facturas solo se paguen una vez"
" que reciba una parte de (o todos) los productos incluidos en la orden de "
"compra. "
"La función de *conciliación de tres vías* asegura que las facturas solo se "
"paguen una vez que reciba una parte de (o todos) los productos incluidos en "
"la orden de compra."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/manage.rst:51
msgid ""
@ -23434,24 +23491,25 @@ msgid ""
" the box next to :guilabel:`3-way matching: purchases, receptions, and "
"bills`, and click :guilabel:`Save` to save changes."
msgstr ""
"Para activarlo, vaya a la :menuselection:`Aplicación Compra --> "
"Configuración --> Ajustes` y baje hasta la sección de "
":guilabel:`Facturación`. Luego, seleccione la casilla que está junto a "
":guilabel:`Verificación en 3 pasos: compras, recepciones y facturas` y haga "
"clic en :guilabel:`Guardar` para guardar los cambios. "
"Para activarla, vaya a :menuselection:`Compra --> Configuración --> Ajustes`"
" y diríjase a la sección :guilabel:`Facturación`. Seleccione la casilla "
"ubicada junto a :guilabel:`Conciliación de tres vías: compras, recepciones y"
" facturas` y haga clic en :guilabel:`Guardar`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/manage.rst:56
msgid ""
":guilabel:`3-way matching` is **only** intended to work with the "
":guilabel:`Bill Control` policy set to :guilabel:`Received quantities`."
msgstr ""
"La :guilabel:`verificación en 3 pasos` **solo** tiene el propósito de "
"trabajar con la política de :guilabel:`Control de facturas` establecida en "
":guilabel:`Cantidades recibidas`. "
"La función de :guilabel:`conciliación de tres vías` **solo** tiene el "
"propósito de funcionar con la política de :guilabel:`control de facturas` "
"correspondiente a :guilabel:`Cantidades recibidas`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/manage.rst:0
msgid "Activated three-way matching feature in purchase settings."
msgstr "Activación de la verificación de 3 pasos en los ajustes de compra. "
msgstr ""
"La función Conciliación de tres vías activada en los ajustes de la "
"aplicación Compra."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/manage.rst:64
msgid "Create and manage vendor bills on receipts"
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
# Braulio D. López Vázquez <bdl@odoo.com>, 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2023
# Lucia Pacheco, 2023
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2023
# Iran Villalobos López, 2023
# Lucia Pacheco, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
#, fuzzy
@ -4000,7 +4000,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/workflow_activities.rst:62
msgid "Child activities"
msgstr "Actividades hijas"
msgstr "Actividades subordinadas"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/workflow_activities.rst:64
msgid ""
@ -4863,6 +4863,10 @@ msgid ""
"strategies can help companies expand their market reach, especially in "
"countries where emails might not be common, or even used at all."
msgstr ""
"El contacto por :abbr:`SMS (Servicio de mensajes cortos)` en las estrategias"
" de comunicación puede ayudar a las empresas a expandir su alcance en el "
"mercado, sobre todo en los países donde hacer uso del correo electrónico no "
"es muy común o incluso no se utiliza."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -5007,6 +5011,11 @@ msgid ""
"along with various types of data related to that specific list (e.g. number "
"of contacts, mailings, recipients, etc.)."
msgstr ""
"Vaya a :menuselection:`Listas de correo --> Lista de correo` para crear (o "
"editar) una lista de correo. Ahí, Odoo muestra todas las listas de correo "
"creadas con anterioridad, junto con varios tipos de datos relacionados con "
"esa lista en específico (por ejemplo, número de contactos, envíos, "
"destinatarios y otra información)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst:64
msgid ""
@ -5027,8 +5036,8 @@ msgid ""
"To reveal all the possible options in the :guilabel:`Recipients` field, "
"click the field to see all the choices Odoo makes available."
msgstr ""
"Para abrir todas las posibles opciones en el campo :guilabel:`destinatarios`"
" haga clic en el campo para ver todas las opciones disponibles en Odoo."
"Para abrir todas las posibles opciones del campo :guilabel:`Destinatarios` "
"haga clic allí y podrá ver todas las opciones disponibles en Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst:73
msgid ""
@ -5038,6 +5047,12 @@ msgid ""
"can be customized to fit any business need), or, if no default recipient "
"filter equation is present, an :guilabel:`Add Filter` button appears."
msgstr ""
"Cuando selecciona otro campo (que no sea :guilabel:`lista de correo`), "
"aparece la opción de especificar aún más ese campo elegido, ya sea con una "
"ecuación de filtro de destinatario predeterminada que aparece en automático "
"(y se puede personalizar para cualquier empresa). Si no hay una ecuación de "
"filtro de destinatario predeterminada, aparecerá el botón :guilabel:`Agregar"
" filtro`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst:78
msgid ""
@ -5045,6 +5060,10 @@ msgid ""
" rule fields, which can be configured similar to an equation. Multiple "
"recipient rules can be created, if necessary."
msgstr ""
"Hacer clic en el botón :guilabel:`Agregar filtro` agrega campos de reglas de"
" dominio totalmente personalizables que se pueden configurar de forma "
"similar a una ecuación. Puede crear varias reglas de destinatario si es "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst:81
msgid ""
@ -5276,6 +5295,11 @@ msgid ""
" app --> Technical menu --> Automation section --> Automated Actions`. Then,"
" click :guilabel:`Create` to create a new action."
msgstr ""
"Las acciones del servidor permiten enviar mensajes SMS en Odoo. Active el "
":ref:`modo de desarrollador <developer-mode>`, vaya a "
":menuselection:`Ajustes --> menú Técnico --> sección Automatización --> "
"Acciones automatizadas` y después haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear` para crear "
"una acción."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst:183
msgid ""
@ -5285,6 +5309,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`On Deletion`, :guilabel:`Based on Form Modification`, or "
":guilabel:`Based on Timed Condition`."
msgstr ""
"Escriba el :guilabel:`nombre de la acción` y seleccione el "
":guilabel:`modelo` en el que la implementará. Configure el campo "
":guilabel:`Activar` con :guilabel:`Al crear`, :guilabel:`Al actualizar`, "
":guilabel:`Al crear y actualizar`, :guilabel:`Al eliminar`, :guilabel:`Según"
" la modificación de formulario` o :guilabel:`Según la condición de tiempo`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst:188
msgid ""
@ -5301,6 +5330,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Apply on` field. Click :guilabel:`Edit Domain` to set record "
msgstr ""
"Es posible crear un filtro de registros con un dominio en el campo "
":guilabel:`Aplicar en`. Asegúrese de haber seleccionado un modelo antes de "
"establecer cualquier dominio en el campo anterior. Haga clic en "
":guilabel:`Editar dominio` para establecer los parámetros de registro."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst:194
msgid ""
@ -5309,6 +5342,10 @@ msgid ""
"the SMS message should be logged as a note, by ticking the box next to "
":guilabel:`Log as Note`."
msgstr ""
"Seleccione :guilabel:`Enviar mensaje de texto SMS` en el campo desplegable "
":guilabel:`Acción a realizar`, establezca la :guilabel:`plantilla de SMS` y "
"elija si el mensaje SMS se debe :guilabel:`registrar como nota` con la "
"casilla ubicada junto a la opción correspondiente."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -5316,7 +5353,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Una plantilla de acción automatizada con las secciones de acción por "
"realizar, plantilla de SMS y registrar destacadas en rojo."
"realizar, plantilla de SMS y registrar como nota destacadas en rojo."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/sms_essentials.rst:202
msgid ""
@ -471,6 +471,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/outlook.rst-1
msgid "Reset buttons highlighted on the calendar tab of the user."
msgstr ""
"Los botones para restablecer aparecen resaltados en la pestaña Calendario "
"del usuario."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:172
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/outlook.rst:225
@ -489,6 +491,8 @@ msgid ""
"The following reset options are available for troubleshooting Google "
"calendar sync with Odoo:"
msgstr ""
"Las siguientes opciones de restablecimiento están disponibles para "
"solucionar problemas de sincronización de Google Calendar con Odoo:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst-1
msgid "Google calendar reset options in Odoo."
@ -567,6 +571,9 @@ msgid ""
" is needed to resolve the issue. Below are the most common errors that may "
"occur when configuring the *Google Calendar* for use with Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Es posible que en algunas ocasiones la configuración sea errónea y deba "
"solucionar los problemas. A continuación encontrará varios errores comunes "
"que pueden ocurrir al configurar *Google Calendar* para su uso en Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:209
msgid "Production vs. testing publishing status"
@ -894,6 +901,8 @@ msgid ""
"Application client ID highlighted in the essentials section of the newly created\n"
msgstr ""
"El ID de cliente de la aplicación aparece destacado en la sección esencial de la aplicación recién\n"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/outlook.rst:85
msgid "Create client secret"
@ -927,6 +936,8 @@ msgid ""
"New client secret page with certificates and secrets menu and new client secret option\n"
msgstr ""
"Página del nuevo secreto de cliente. El menú de certificados y secretos y la nueva opción de secreto de cliente aparecen\n"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/outlook.rst:99
msgid ""
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
# Braulio D. López Vázquez <bdl@odoo.com>, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Iran Villalobos López, 2024
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-29 08:05+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-02 08:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -1537,6 +1537,10 @@ msgid ""
"chatter thread, Kanban view, list view, or activities view of an "
msgstr ""
"Las *actividades* son tareas de seguimiento vinculadas a un registro en una "
"base de datos de Odoo. Estas se pueden programar desde cualquier página de "
"la base de datos que tenga un hilo de chatter, una vista de kanban, una "
"vista de lista o una vista de actividades de una aplicación."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -1579,6 +1583,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:27
msgid "The preconfigured activity types for the *CRM* app are as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Los tipos de actividad preconfigurados para la aplicación *CRM* son los "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -1607,6 +1613,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:34
msgid ":guilabel:`To Do`: adds a general reminder task to the chatter."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Por hacer`: agrega una tarea de recordatorio general al chatter."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:35
msgid ""
@ -1635,12 +1642,17 @@ msgid ""
"To create a new activity type, click :guilabel:`Create` at the top-left of "
"the page to open a blank form."
msgstr ""
"Para crear un nuevo tipo de actividad haga clic en el botón "
":guilabel:`Nuevo` ubicado en la parte superior izquierda de la página, esta "
"acción abrirá un formulario vacío."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:48
msgid ""
"At the top of the form, start by choosing a :guilabel:`Name` for the new "
"activity type."
msgstr ""
"Primero, en la parte superior del formulario, elija un :guilabel:`nombre` "
"para el nuevo tipo de actividad."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:51
msgid "Activity settings"
@ -1688,6 +1700,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Activity settings on a new activity type with emphasis on the Action "
msgstr ""
"Los ajustes de la actividad de un nuevo tipo de actividad. El campo Acción "
"aparece dentro de un recuadro rojo."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -1811,6 +1825,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"A schedule activity pop-up with emphasis on the recommended activities."
msgstr ""
"Una ventana emergente de actividades programadas. Las actividades "
"recomendadas aparecen dentro de un recuadro rojo."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:124
msgid "Trigger next activity"
@ -1844,6 +1860,10 @@ msgid ""
" Next Activity`, marking the activity as *Done* immediately launches the "
"next activity listed in the :guilabel:`Trigger` field."
msgstr ""
"Cuando el :guilabel:`tipo de encadenamiento` de una actividad es "
":guilabel:`Activar la siguiente actividad`, al marcar la actividad como "
"*Lista*, la siguiente actividad que aparece en el campo :guilabel:`Activar` "
"iniciará de inmediato."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:148
msgid "Activity tracking"
@ -1868,6 +1888,8 @@ msgid ""
"The pipeline is most effective when it is kept up-to-date and accurate to "
"the interactions it is tracking."
msgstr ""
"El flujo es más efectivo cuando está actualizado y en orden con las "
"interacciones que está rastreando."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:159
msgid "Activity plans"
@ -1890,6 +1912,8 @@ msgid ""
"The *Chaining Type* setting on an activity type provides the opportunity to "
"preplan a sequence of events, that can aide in the sales process."
msgstr ""
"La función *tipo de encadenamiento* de un tipo de actividad permite preparar"
" una secuencia de eventos que pueden ser útiles en el proceso de ventas."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:169
msgid ""
@ -1897,18 +1921,23 @@ msgid ""
"activity for the following day. The email activity type is configured with "
"the following settings:"
msgstr ""
"Un vendedor agrega un nuevo lead a su flujo y programa una actividad de tipo"
" *Correo electrónico* para el día siguiente. Este tipo de actividad de "
"correo electrónico está configurado con los siguientes ajustes:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:172
msgid ":guilabel:`Chaining Type`: `Suggest Next Activity`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Tipo de encadenamiento`: `Sugerir siguiente actividad`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:173
msgid ":guilabel:`Suggest`: `Call` `Meeting`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Sugerir`: `Llamada`, `Reunión`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:174
msgid ":guilabel:`Schedule`: `2 days after previous activity deadline`"
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Programar`: `2 días después de la fecha límite de la actividad "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:176
msgid ""
@ -1926,12 +1955,17 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:0
msgid "Schedule an activity pop-up window with recommended activities."
msgstr ""
"Ventana emergente para programar una actividad con las actividades "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:184
msgid ""
"The *suggested* or *triggered* activities will vary, depending on a variety "
"of factors. See below for some suggested sequences:"
msgstr ""
"Las actividades *sugeridas* o *activadas* pueden variar según distintos "
"factores. Consulte los siguientes ejemplos relacionados con algunas "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:189
msgid "Sample #1"
@ -1941,24 +1975,32 @@ msgstr "Ejemplo 1"
msgid ""
"A salesperson adds a lead to the pipeline and schedules an *email* activity."
msgstr ""
"Un vendedor agrega un lead al flujo y programa una actividad de tipo *Correo"
" electrónico*."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:192
msgid ""
"The *email* activity suggests scheduling a *call* or a *meeting* within two "
"days of the previous deadline."
msgstr ""
"La actividad *Correo electrónico* sugiere programar una *llamada* o una "
"*reunión* dentro de los dos días de la fecha límite anterior."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:194
msgid ""
"Both the *call* and the *meeting* activities trigger a *create quote* "
msgstr ""
"Las actividades *Llamada* y *Reunión* activan la actividad *Crear "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:195
msgid ""
"After the quote is sent, a *follow-up on quote* activity is scheduled within"
" five days."
msgstr ""
"Después de enviar la cotización, la actividad *Seguimiento a la cotización* "
"se programa para después de cinco días."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:197
msgid "Sample #2"
@ -1979,12 +2021,16 @@ msgid ""
"The *call* activity triggers an *upload document* activity, so the "
"salesperson can send over a proposal after a successful phone call."
msgstr ""
"La actividad *Llamada* activa la actividad *Subir documento* para que el "
"vendedor pueda enviar la propuesta después de la llamada."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:204
msgid ""
"The *upload document* activity suggests scheduling a *request signature* "
"activity or a *meeting*. The salesperson chooses to schedule a meeting."
msgstr ""
"La actividad de tipo *Subir documento* sugiere programar la actividad "
"*Solicitar firma* o una *reunión* y el vendedor elige agendar una reunión."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:207
msgid "Sample #3"
@ -1996,18 +2042,25 @@ msgid ""
"follow-up on their leads in a timely manner. As a result, high-value targets"
" are not receiving adequate attention."
msgstr ""
"Un gerente se da cuenta de que sus vendedores no le están proporcionando el "
"seguimiento adecuado a sus leads y, como resultado, están perdiendo varios "
"clientes valiosos."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:212
msgid ""
"The salesmanager creates a new activity type, titled *follow-up*, which is "
"configured with the :guilabel:`Action` set to :guilabel:`Reminder`."
msgstr ""
"El gerente crea un nuevo tipo de actividad con el nombre *Seguimiento* y lo "
"configura con :guilabel:`Recordatorio` como tipo de :guilabel:`Acción`."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:214
msgid ""
"The salesmanager adds *follow-up* as the next activity triggered or "
"suggested to all of their teams activities."
msgstr ""
"El gerente hace que *Seguimiento* sea la siguiente actividad activada o "
"sugerida para todas las actividades de su equipo."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/utilize_activities.rst:216
msgid ""
@ -3567,9 +3620,9 @@ msgid ""
"direct printing of tickets from the POS system to the ePOS printer."
msgstr ""
"Las impresoras ePOS están diseñadas para funcionar sin problemas con los "
"sistemas de Punto de venta. Una vez que están conectados, estos dispositivos"
" comparten información en automático y podrá imprimir los recibos de su "
"sistema PdV con la impresora ePOS."
"sistemas de Punto de venta. Una vez que estos dispositivos están conectados "
"se encargan de compartir información en automático y podrá imprimir los "
"recibos de su sistema PdV con la impresora ePOS."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -3579,6 +3632,11 @@ msgid ""
" are compatible with Odoo **without** needing an :doc:`IoT Box "
msgstr ""
"Las impresoras Epson que usan conexión Wi-Fi o Ethernet y que siguen el "
"`protocolo EPOS SDK JavaScript "
" son compatibles con Odoo **sin** necesidad de una :doc:`caja IoT "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -3594,10 +3652,14 @@ msgid ""
"Epson printers using only USB connections are compatible **with** an "
":doc:`IoT Box </applications/general/iot/devices/printer>`."
msgstr ""
"Las impresoras Epson que solo usan conexión USB son compatibles **con** una "
":doc:`caja IoT </applications/general/iot/devices/printer>`."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:18
msgid "Epson printers that connect via Bluetooth are **not compatible**."
msgstr ""
"Las impresoras Epson que se conectan a través de Bluetooth **no son "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:21
msgid ":doc:`https`"
@ -3610,7 +3672,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`epos_ssc`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:25
msgid "Directly supported ePOS printers"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Impresoras ePos compatibles"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:27
msgid ""
@ -3623,6 +3685,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:30
msgid "Epson TM-m30 i/ii/iii (Wi-Fi/Ethernet models only; Recommended)"
msgstr ""
"Epson TM-m30 i/ii/iii (solo los modelos Wi-Fi y Ethernet, estos son los más "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:31
msgid "Epson TM-H6000IV-DT (Receipt printer only)"
@ -3695,14 +3759,17 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:52
msgid "Epson TM-T20 family (incompatible ePOS software)"
msgstr ""
"La familia de impresoras Epson TM-T20 (el software ePOS es incompatible)"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:53
msgid "Epson TM-T88 family (incompatible ePOS software)"
msgstr ""
"La familia de impresoras Epson TM-T88 (el software ePOS es incompatible)"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_printers.rst:54
msgid "Epson TM-U220 family (incompatible ePOS software)"
msgstr ""
"La familia de impresoras Epson TM-U220 (el software ePOS es incompatible)"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_ssc.rst:5
msgid "Self-signed certificate for ePOS printers"
@ -4326,6 +4393,9 @@ msgid ""
"if you use an :doc:`ePos printer <epos_printers>`), HTTP becomes the default"
" protocol."
msgstr ""
"HTTP se convierte en el protocolo predeterminado si la opción **Dispositivos"
" directos** está habilitada en los ajustes de Punto de venta (por ejemplo, "
"si usa una :doc:`impresora ePos<epos_printers>`)."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/https.rst:9
msgid "Force your Point of Sale to use a secure connection (HTTPS)"
@ -4346,10 +4416,10 @@ msgid ""
"Parameters`, then create a new parameter, add the following values and click"
" on *Save*."
msgstr ""
"Para hacerlo, active el :ref:`modo de desarrollo <developer-mode>`, vaya a "
"Active el :ref:`modo de desarrollador <developer-mode>`, vaya a "
":menuselection:`Ajustes --> Técnico --> Parámetros --> Parámetros del "
"sistema`, después cree un nuevo parámetro, agregue estos valores y haga clic"
" en *Guardar*."
"sistema`, después cree un nuevo parámetro, agregue los siguientes valores y "
"haga clic en *Guardar*."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/https.rst:18
msgid "**Key**: `point_of_sale.enforce_https`"
@ -4878,6 +4948,8 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo works with the Ingenico Lane/, Desk/, and Move/ payment terminals as "
"they support the TLV communication protocol through TCP/IP."
msgstr ""
"Odoo funciona con las terminales de pago Lane, Desk y Move de Ingenico que "
"son compatibles con el protocolo de comunicación TLV a través de TCP/IP."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/terminals/ingenico.rst:18
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/terminals/worldline.rst:19
@ -15232,6 +15304,12 @@ msgid ""
"SMS messages, visit "
msgstr ""
"Para enviar un mensaje de texto SMS en Odoo es necesario que cuente con "
"créditos o tokens de compras dentro de la aplicación (IAP). Para obtener más"
" información sobre :abbr:`IAP (Compras dentro de la aplicación)`, visite "
":doc:`../../../essentials/in_app_purchase`. Para obtener más información "
"sobre el envío de mensajes SMS, visite "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/follow_up/automatic_alerts.rst:60
msgid ""
@ -550,6 +550,12 @@ msgid ""
"applications, customers can be charged once the work is completed, or before"
" it has even begun."
msgstr ""
"La aplicación *Servicio de asistencia* permite que los equipos puedan llevar"
" seguimiento de la cantidad de horas que usan para trabajar en un ticket y "
"que puedan facturar ese tiempo al cliente. A través de integraciones con las"
" aplicaciones *Ventas*, *Hojas de horas*, *Proyecto* y *Contabilidad* es "
"posible cobrarle a los clientes una vez que el trabajo se ha completado, o "
"incluso antes de que haya comenzado."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -575,6 +581,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:19
msgid "Track and bill time features configuration"
msgstr ""
"Configuración de los ajustes para llevar seguimiento del tiempo y facturarlo"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -587,7 +594,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:25
msgid "Enable track and bill time on a team"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Habilitar el seguimiento y facturación del tiempo en un equipo"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:27
msgid ""
@ -597,6 +604,12 @@ msgid ""
"Helpdesk team <../overview/getting_started>`. This reveals a team's settings"
" page."
msgstr ""
"Para ver y habilitar las funciones de *seguimiento y facturación del tiempo*"
" en un equipo de *Servicio de asistencia*, primero vaya a "
":menuselection:`Servicio de asistencia --> Configuración --> Equipos de "
"servicio de asistencia`. Seleccione un equipo de la lista o :doc:`cree uno "
"<../overview/getting_started>`. Esta acción abrirá la página de ajustes de "
"un equipo."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -604,6 +617,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Track & Bill Time` section. Tick the boxes labeled "
":guilabel:`Timesheets` and :guilabel:`Time Billing`."
msgstr ""
"Haga clic en :guilabel:`Editar` en la página de ajustes del equipo, vaya a "
"la sección :guilabel:`Seguimiento y facturación del tiempo` y seleccione las"
" casillas :guilabel:`Hojas de horas` y :guilabel:`Facturación del tiempo`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:35
msgid ""
@ -648,6 +664,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Click :guilabel:`Save` at the top-left of the page to save any changes."
msgstr ""
"Haga clic en :guilabel:`Guardar` en la parte superior izquierda de la página"
" para guardar los cambios."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -668,6 +686,12 @@ msgid ""
"the product that is used when invoicing for *post-paid support services* "
"**after** they have been completed."
msgstr ""
"Cuando la función :guilabel:`Facturación del tiempo` está activada, en la "
"aplicación *Ventas* se crea un nuevo producto con el nombre *Servicio en la "
"hoja de horas* y puede encontrarlo en :menuselection:`Ventas --> Productos "
"--> Productos`. Busque `Servicio en la hoja de horas` en la :guilabel:`barra"
" de búsqueda`. Este producto se utilizará al facturar *servicios de soporte "
"pospago* **después** de que se hayan completado."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:65
msgid ""
@ -693,6 +717,10 @@ msgid ""
"completed, also known as *prepaid support services*, a separate product with"
" a different invoicing policy must be created."
msgstr ""
"Para facturar los servicios de soporte *antes* de que se haya completado el "
"trabajo (a esto también se le conoce como *servicios de soporte "
"prepagados*), debe crear un producto separado con una política de "
"facturación distinta."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:78
msgid ""
@ -700,6 +728,9 @@ msgid ""
"Products --> Products`, and click :guilabel:`Create`. This reveals a blank "
"product detail form."
msgstr ""
"Para crear un nuevo producto de servicio, vaya a :menuselection:`Ventas--> "
"Productos --> Productos` y haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear`. Esto abrirá un "
"formulario de detalle del producto en blanco."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:81
msgid "On the new product form, add a :guilabel:`Product Name`."
@ -719,6 +750,11 @@ msgid ""
"an invoice can be generated and payment can be received for this product, "
"before any timesheet entries have been recorded for these services."
msgstr ""
"Establezca el :guilabel:`tipo de producto` como :guilabel:`Servicio` y la "
":guilabel:`Política de facturación` a :guilabel:`Precio fijo o de prepago`. "
"Esto significa que puede generar una factura y puede recibir el pago de este"
" producto antes de que se hayan registrado las entradas en las hojas de "
"horas para estos servicios."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:95
msgid ""
@ -726,6 +762,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Unit of Measure` is set to :guilabel:`Hours`. Then, click "
":guilabel:`Save` to save those configurations."
msgstr ""
"Por último, establezca el :guilabel:`precio de venta`, confirme que la "
":guilabel:`unidad de medida` corresponde a :guilabel:`horas` y haga clic en "
":guilabel:`Guardar`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:99
msgid "Invoice prepaid support services"
@ -751,6 +790,11 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Sales app --> Orders --> Quotations`. Then, click "
":guilabel:`Create` to reveal a blank quotation form."
msgstr ""
"Para facturar a un cliente por servicios de soporte prepagados, primero cree"
" una orden de venta con el producto de servicios de soporte. Para hacer "
"esto, vaya a :menuselection:`Ventas --> Órdenes --> Cotizaciones`. Después, "
"haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear` y se abrirá un formulario de cotización en "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:113
msgid "Then, fill out the quotation form with the customer information."
@ -764,12 +808,19 @@ msgid ""
"configured in the steps :ref:`above <helpdesk/configure-service-products>`. "
"Update the :guilabel:`Quantity` field with the number of hours."
msgstr ""
"Vaya a la pestaña :guilabel:`Líneas de la orden` de la cotización y haga "
"clic en :guilabel:`Agregar un producto`. Luego, seleccione el *producto de "
"servicios prepagados* configurado en los pasos :ref:`anteriores "
"<helpdesk/configure-service-products>`. Actualice el campo "
":guilabel:`Cantidad` con el número de horas."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:120
msgid ""
"After updating any other necessary information, :guilabel:`Confirm` the "
"quotation. This converts the quotation into a :abbr:`SO (sales order)`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Confirme` la cotización después de actualizar cualquier "
"información necesaria, esto la convertirá en una orden de ventas."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:124
msgid "Create/send invoice for prepaid services"
@ -781,6 +832,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Create Invoice` button on the sales order form. This opens a "
":guilabel:`Create invoices` pop-up window."
msgstr ""
"Después de confirmar la orden de venta, haga clic en el botón "
":guilabel:`Crear factura` del formulario de la orden correspondiente. Esto "
"abrirá la ventana emergente para :guilabel:`crear una factura`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:129
msgid ""
@ -796,6 +850,8 @@ msgid ""
"When the necessary information has been entered, click :guilabel:`Create and"
" View Invoice` or :guilabel:`Create Invoice`."
msgstr ""
"Cuando haya introducido la información necesaria, haga clic en "
":guilabel:`Crear y ver factura` o en :guilabel:`Crear factura`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:138
msgid ""
@ -826,6 +882,8 @@ msgid ""
"On the blank ticket form, enter a ticket :guilabel:`Title` and the "
":guilabel:`Customer` information."
msgstr ""
"En el formulario de ticket en blanco, asígnele un :guilabel:`título` y "
"escriba la información del :guilabel:`cliente`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:153
msgid ""
@ -869,6 +927,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Description` of the task, and enter the number of "
":guilabel:`Hours Spent` working on the task."
msgstr ""
"En el formulario de detalles del ticket, haga clic en la pestaña "
":guilabel:`Hojas de horas` y después en :guilabel:`Agregar una línea`. "
"Seleccione a un :guilabel:`empleado`, agregue una :guilabel:`descripción` de"
" la tarea y escriba el número de :guilabel:`horas utilizadas` en ella."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:170
msgid ""
@ -950,6 +1012,10 @@ msgid ""
"performed; in other words, nothing has been delivered, therefore, there is "
"nothing to invoice."
msgstr ""
"A diferencia de las cotizaciones de servicios prepagados, Odoo **no** "
"permite que cree una factura en este momento. Esto se debe a que como no ha "
"realizado ningún servicio, entonces no ha entregado nada y no hay nada que "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:212
msgid "Create a helpdesk ticket for time-tracked services"
@ -1013,10 +1079,13 @@ msgid ""
"Repeat these steps, as needed, until all time spent on the issues has been "
"recorded. Then, click :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
"Repita estos pasos según sea necesario hasta que haya registrado todo el "
"tiempo que ha utilizado para resolver problemas y después haga clic en "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:238
msgid "Create invoice for hours tracked on a ticket"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crear una factura para las horas registradas en un ticket"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:240
msgid ""
@ -1051,6 +1120,8 @@ msgid ""
"Then, click :guilabel:`Create Invoice`. This opens a :guilabel:`Create "
"invoices` pop-up window."
msgstr ""
"Haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear factura` para abrir la ventana emergente "
":guilabel:`Crear facturas`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:251
msgid ""
@ -1082,7 +1153,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:265
msgid ":doc:`../../../inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/uom`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../../inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/uom`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:266
msgid ":doc:`../../../sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment`"
@ -1865,7 +1936,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`receiving_tickets`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:3
msgid "Service level agreements (SLAs)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Acuerdos de nivel de servicio (SLA) "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -1908,13 +1979,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:24
msgid "Create SLA policy"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crear una política de SLA"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:26
msgid ""
"To create a new policy, go to :menuselection:`Helpdesk app --> Configuration"
" --> SLA Policies`, and click :guilabel:`Create`."
msgstr ""
"Para crear una nueva política vaya a :menuselection:`Servicio de asistencia "
"--> Configuración --> Políticas SLA` y haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -1934,7 +2007,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:38
msgid "Define SLA policy criteria"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Definir los criterios de la política de SLA"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -1974,6 +2047,14 @@ msgid ""
"(Service Level Agreement)` criteria. If no selection is made in this field, "
"this policy applies to all priority levels."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Prioridad mínima`: el nivel de prioridad de un ticket se "
"identifica al seleccionar una, dos o tres :guilabel:`⭐ (estrellas)` con el "
"icono correspondiente, estas representan la prioridad en la tarjeta de "
"kanban o en el ticket. El acuerdo de nivel de servicio **solo** aplica "
"después de actualizar el nivel de prioridad en el ticket para que coincida "
"con el criterio del :abbr:`SLA (Acuerdo de nivel de servicio)`. Si no "
"selecciona nada en este campo, esta política se aplica a todos los niveles "
"de prioridad."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:53
msgid ""
@ -2073,6 +2154,13 @@ msgid ""
"Then, navigate to :menuselection:`Settings app --> Technical --> Resources "
"--> Working Times`."
msgstr ""
"El valor que aparece en el campo :guilabel:`horas laborables` se utiliza "
"para determinar la fecha límite de las políticas :abbr:`SLA (Acuerdo de "
"nivel de servicio)`. De forma predeterminada, se determina mediante el valor"
" establecido en el campo :guilabel:`Horas laborables de la empresa`. Para "
"ver o actualizar esto, primero habilite el :doc:`modo de desarrollador "
"<../../../general/developer_mode/>` y después vaya a :menuselection:`Ajustes"
" --> Técnico --> Recursos --> Horas laborables`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:95
msgid ""
@ -2096,7 +2184,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:105
msgid "A Helpdesk ticket with two SLA tags attached."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Un ticket de Servicio de asistencia con dos etiquetas SLA adjuntas."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:105
msgid ""
@ -2146,6 +2234,11 @@ msgid ""
"going to :menuselection:`Helpdesk app --> Reporting --> SLA Status "
msgstr ""
"El reporte de *análisis del estado del SLA* lleva el registro de qué tan "
"rápido se cumple un :abbr:`SLA (Acuerdo de nivel de servicio)`, así como el "
"rendimiento de cada miembro del equipo. Puede acceder al reporte y a su "
"respectiva tabla dinámica desde :menuselection:`Servicio de asistencia --> "
"Reportes --> Análisis del estado del SLA`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:131
msgid "Pivot view"
@ -2161,7 +2254,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst-1
msgid "The pivot view of the SLA Analysis report."
msgstr ""
msgstr "La vista de tabla dinámica del reporte de análisis de SLA."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:141
msgid ""
@ -2259,6 +2352,10 @@ msgid ""
" two or more groups on top of each other, instead of next to each other, "
"making it easier to compare data."
msgstr ""
"Tanto el :guilabel:`gráfico de barras` como el :guilabel:`gráfico de líneas`"
" se pueden visualizar de forma :guilabel:`apilada` al seleccionar el icono "
":guilabel:`apilado`. Este mostrará dos o más grupos uno encima del otro para"
" facilitar la comparación de datos."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:0
msgid ""
@ -2968,9 +2968,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Los editores de sitio web solo pueden ver y editar las páginas de los "
"registros a los que tienen acceso, normalmente son los que pertenecen a su "
"empresa actual (y a sus subsidiarias, o empresas hija en términos de Odoo). "
"Lo mismo pasa con los visitantes al sitio web."
"registros a los que tienen acceso, por lo general son las que pertenecen a "
"su empresa actual (y a sus subsidiarias o empresas secundarias, en términos "
"de Odoo). Lo mismo pasa con los visitantes al sitio web."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/configuration/multi_website.rst:226
msgid ""
@ -4720,6 +4720,13 @@ msgid ""
"right corner. To send the email, click :guilabel:`Send` and the email will "
"be sent to the applicant. The email then appears in the chatter."
msgstr ""
"หากต้องการเพิ่มไฟล์แนบ ให้คลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`แนบไฟล์` ที่มุมซ้ายล่าง "
"ไปที่ไฟล์ที่จะแนบ จากนั้นคลิก :guilabel:`เปิด` เพื่อแนบ หากต้องการลบไฟล์แนบ "
"ให้คลิกไอคอน :guilabel:`X (ลบ)` ทางด้านขวาของไฟล์แนบ "
"หากจำเป็นต้องทำการเปลี่ยนแปลงใดๆ กับอีเมล ให้แก้ไขเนื้อหาของอีเมล "
"หากควรบันทึกการแก้ไขเพื่อใช้ในอนาคต อีเมลสามารถบันทึกเป็นเทมเพลตใหม่ได้ "
"คลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`บันทึกเป็นเทมเพลตใหม่` ที่มุมขวาล่าง หากต้องการส่งอีเมล "
"ให้คลิก :guilabel:`ส่ง` และอีเมลจะถูกส่งไปยังผู้สมัคร อีเมลจะแสดงในช่องแชท"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst:212
msgid "Stage flow"
@ -4742,6 +4749,13 @@ msgid ""
"kanban view by clicking on :guilabel:`Applications` in the breadcrumb menu "
"in the top left, and the applicant's card now appears in the new stage."
msgstr ""
"หากต้องการเปลี่ยนขั้นตอนบนบัตรของผู้สมัคร "
"ให้คลิกที่บัตรของผู้สมัครในมุมมองคัมบังเพื่อไปยังมุมมองรายละเอียดของบัตร "
"ขั้นตอนปัจจุบันของการ์ดจะถูกเน้นด้วยสีม่วงที่ด้านบน เหนือการ์ด "
"เพียงคลิกด่านที่ต้องการสำหรับการ์ด จากนั้นด่านก็จะเปลี่ยนไป "
"บันทึกบันทึกที่ระบุถึงการเปลี่ยนแปลงด่านจะปรากฏในการพูดคุย "
"ย้อนกลับไปยังมุมมองคัมบังโดยคลิกที่ :guilabel:`แอปพลิเคชั่น` ในเมนู "
"เบรดครัมบ์ที่ด้านซ้ายบน และตอนนี้บัตรของผู้สมัครจะปรากฏในขั้นตอนใหม่"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -4782,6 +4796,14 @@ msgid ""
"dashboard, and click the folder labeled :guilabel:`Recruitment` on the right"
" side. All recruitment documents will be stored within that folder."
msgstr ""
"หากผู้สมัครป้อนข้อมูลในส่วน :guilabel:`การแนะนำตัว` ของใบสมัครออนไลน์ "
"ข้อมูลนั้นจะถูกเติมลงในแท็บ :guilabel:`สรุปการสมัคร` "
"ที่ด้านล่างของบัตรของผู้สมัคร หากแนบเรซูเม่ไปกับใบสมัครออนไลน์ "
"เรซูเม่จะแสดงในส่วนไฟล์แนบของแชท และจะถูกจัดเก็บไว้ในแอปพลิเคชัน *เอกสาร* "
"ด้วย หากต้องการค้นหาเอกสารการรับสมัครที่จัดเก็บไว้ในแอปพลิเคชันเอกสาร "
"ให้ไปที่แดชบอร์ดหลัก :menuselection:`เอกสาร` และคลิกโฟลเดอร์ที่มีป้ายกำกับ "
":guilabel:`ระบบสรรหาบุคลากร` ทางด้านขวา "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst:255
msgid "Send interview"
@ -4806,6 +4828,16 @@ msgid ""
" on weekend evenings. For more information on creating and editing interview"
" forms, refer to the :doc:`../hr/recruitment/new_job` documentation."
msgstr ""
"Odoo ใช้คำว่า *การสัมภาษณ์* แต่อาจถือเป็นแบบสอบถาม แบบสำรวจ การทดสอบ "
"การรับรอง ฯลฯ "
" เช่น "
" "
" หากผู้สมัครที่ต้องการต้องว่างในช่วงเย็นสุดสัปดาห์ "
"สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับการสร้างและแก้ไขแบบฟอร์มการสัมภาษณ์ "
"โปรดดูเอกสารประกอบ :doc:`../hr/recruitment/new_job`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst:269
msgid ""
@ -4845,6 +4877,14 @@ msgid ""
"be added as a contact, add their email to the :guilabel:`Additional emails` "
msgstr ""
"Odoo เรียกแบบฟอร์มการสัมภาษณ์ว่า *แบบสอบถาม* "
" เพิ่มผู้รับเพิ่มเติมสำหรับแบบสอบถามหากมีคนควรได้รับอีเมลมากกว่านี้ "
"หากอีเมลอยู่ในฐานข้อมูลเป็นผู้ติดต่อ ให้เพิ่มผู้ติดต่อนั้นในบรรทัด "
":guilabel:`ผู้รับ` "
"หากควรส่งอีเมลถึงบุคคลที่ไม่ได้อยู่ในฐานข้อมูลในฐานะผู้ติดต่อ "
"และไม่ควร**เพิ่มเป็นผู้ติดต่อ ให้เพิ่มอีเมลของพวกเขาในบรรทัด "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst:291
msgid ""
@ -4912,6 +4952,19 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Create and Edit...`. A :guilabel:`Create: Email Template` window "
"loads. Configure the new email template, then click :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
"ป๊อปอัป :guilabel:`เหตุผลในการปฏิเสธ` จะแสดงขึ้น เลือก "
":guilabel:`เหตุผลในการปฏิเสธ` จากเมนูแบบเลื่อนลง "
"เหตุผลในการปฏิเสธตามค่าเริ่มต้นใน Odoo คือ: "
":guilabel:`ไม่ตรงกับข้อกำหนดของงาน`, :guilabel:`ผู้สมัครไม่สนใจอีกต่อไป` และ"
" :guilabel:`ผู้สมัครได้รับข้อเสนอที่ดีกว่า` "
" สามารถสร้างเหตุผลการปฏิเสธเพิ่มเติมได้ "
"และเหตุผลที่มีอยู่สามารถแก้ไขหรือลบได้ หากต้องการเพิ่มเหตุผลการปฏิเสธใหม่ "
"ให้พิมพ์ชื่อเหตุผล จากนั้นคลิก :guilabel:`สร้างและแก้ไข...` "
":guilabel:`สร้าง: เหตุผลในการปฏิเสธ` หน้าต่างป๊อปอัปจะแสดงขึ้น "
"พิมพ์ชื่อของเทมเพลตอีเมลใหม่ในฟิลด์ :guilabel:`เทมเพลตอีเมล` และคลิก "
":guilabel:`สร้างและแก้ไข...` :guilabel:`สร้าง: เทมเพลตอีเมล` "
"หน้าต่างโหลดขึ้นมา กำหนดค่าเทมเพลตอีเมลใหม่ จากนั้นคลิก :guilabel:`บันทึก`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst:333
msgid ""
@ -5317,6 +5370,14 @@ msgid ""
"If the information is correct, click :guilabel:`Create` to add the meeting "
"to the calendar, or click :guilabel:`Edit` to modify the meeting."
msgstr ""
"หากต้องการเพิ่มการประชุมลงในปฏิทิน ให้คลิกวันที่จะมีการประชุม "
"หรือคลิกเวลาเริ่มต้นของการประชุมแล้วลากไปยังเวลาสิ้นสุด เพื่อเลือกวันที่ "
"เวลา และระยะเวลาของการประชุม หากปฏิทินแสดงมุมมองวันหรือสัปดาห์ ให้คลิกวัน "
"*และ* ช่วงเวลาที่จะประชุม :guilabel:`ป๊อปอัปกิจกรรมใหม่` จะแสดงขึ้น โดยมี "
":guilabel:`หัวข้อการประชุม` เติมด้วย :guilabel:`หัวเรื่อง/ชื่อแอปพลิเคชัน` "
"ของบัตรผู้สมัคร ช่วงเวลาเริ่มต้นคือ 30 นาที หากข้อมูลถูกต้อง คลิก "
":guilabel:`สร้าง` เพื่อเพิ่มการประชุมลงในปฏิทิน หรือคลิก :guilabel:`แก้ไข` "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst:560
msgid ""
@ -5485,6 +5546,17 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Open`. Once the email is ready to be sent, click "
msgstr ""
"หากต้องการส่งการประชุมทางอีเมล ให้คลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`อีเมล` "
"ถัดจากรายชื่อผู้เข้าร่วม "
":guilabel:`ป๊อปอัปตัวกำหนดค่าอีเมลสำหรับติดต่อผู้เข้าร่วมจะแสดงขึ้น "
"อีเมลที่จัดรูปแบบไว้ล่วงหน้าโดยใช้เทมเพลตอีเมลเริ่มต้น :guilabel:`ปฏิทิน: "
"อัปเดตกิจกรรม` จะเติมข้อมูลลงในช่องเนื้อหาอีเมล ผู้ติดตามเอกสาร "
"(การสมัครงาน) รวมถึงผู้ใช้ที่สร้างการประชุมจะถูกเพิ่มเป็น :guilabel:`ผู้รับ`"
" ตามค่าเริ่มต้น "
"เพิ่มที่อยู่อีเมลของผู้สมัครลงในรายการเพื่อส่งอีเมลถึงผู้สมัครด้วย "
"ทำการเปลี่ยนแปลงอื่นๆ ที่ต้องการกับอีเมล หากจำเป็นต้องมีไฟล์แนบ ให้คลิกปุ่ม "
":guilabel:`แนบไฟล์` นำทางไปยังไฟล์ จากนั้นคลิก :guilabel:`เปิด` "
"เมื่ออีเมลพร้อมที่จะส่งแล้ว ให้คลิก :guilabel:`ส่ง`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst-1
msgid "Enter the information to send the event via email."
@ -6626,6 +6698,13 @@ msgid ""
"not be seen again, and the main dashboard will load when the Referrals "
"application is opened from that point on."
msgstr ""
"สไลด์การเริ่มต้นใช้งานจะแสดงขึ้นทุกครั้งที่เปิดแอปแนะนำพนักงาน "
"จนกระทั่งมีการดูสไลด์ทั้งหมดและคลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`เริ่มทันที` "
"หากการเตรียมความพร้อมเริ่มต้น ณ จุดใดก็ตาม หรือหากปุ่ม "
":guilabel:`เริ่มทันที` ไม่ได้ถูกคลิก "
"สไลด์การเริ่มต้นใช้งานจะเริ่มต้นอีกครั้งเมื่อเปิดแอปแนะนำพนักงาน "
"เมื่อคลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`เริ่มเลย` สไลด์การเริ่มต้นใช้งานจะไม่แสดงขึ้นอีก "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -6881,6 +6960,15 @@ msgid ""
"activity type, and lastly, if an activity type was selected, select the "
"specific activity."
msgstr ""
"พิมพ์ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเพื่อเพิ่มลงในโพสต์ในช่องว่างใต้ชื่อของคุณ หากต้องการ "
":guilabel:`แท็ก` ผู้ใช้ :guilabel:`เช็คอิน` สถานที่ใดสถานที่หนึ่ง หรือเพิ่ม "
":guilabel:`สถานะ` ในโพสต์ หากต้องการแท็กผู้ใช้ ให้คลิกไอคอน "
":guilabel:`แท็กเพื่อน` และเลือกบุคคลที่จะแท็กในโพสต์ "
"หากต้องการเพิ่มสถานที่เช็คอิน ให้คลิกไอคอน :guilabel:`เช็คอิน` "
" หากต้องการเพิ่ม :guilabel:`สถานะ` ให้คลิกไอคอน "
":guilabel:`ความรู้สึก/กิจกรรม` จากนั้นเลือกความรู้สึกหรือประเภทกิจกรรม "
"และสุดท้าย หากเลือกประเภทกิจกรรมไว้ ให้เลือกกิจกรรมเฉพาะ"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals.rst:204
msgid ""
@ -6925,6 +7013,17 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Friends` are default options, but other options that the user may"
" have configured will appear as well, such as custom groups."
msgstr ""
"ตัวเลือก :guilabel:`แชร์ไปที่ฟีดข่าวหรือสตอรี่` "
"ช่วยให้สามารถเลือกการตั้งค่าความเป็นส่วนตัวที่เฉพาะเจาะจงได้ "
"ที่มุมขวาล่างของหน้าจอ มีตัวเลือกเมนูแบบเลื่อนลงสองตัวเลือก "
"อันหนึ่งสำหรับตัวเลือก :guilabel:`ฟีด` และอีกอันสำหรับตัวเลือก "
":guilabel:`เรื่องราวของคุณ` เลือกพารามิเตอร์การโพสต์จากเมนูแบบเลื่อนลง "
"ตัวเลือก :guilabel:`Feed` โฆษณา :guilabel:`สตอรี่ของคุณ` "
"จะปรากฏแตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละผู้ใช้ "
"ขึ้นอยู่กับการตั้งค่าความเป็นส่วนตัวที่ถูกสร้างขึ้นใน Facebook "
":guilabel:`สาธารณะ` และ :guilabel:`เพื่อน` เป็นตัวเลือกเริ่มต้น "
"แต่ตัวเลือกอื่นๆ ที่ผู้ใช้อาจกำหนดค่าไว้จะแสดงขึ้นเช่นกัน เช่น "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals.rst:233
msgid ""
@ -7160,6 +7259,14 @@ msgid ""
"group to select it, then click the :guilabel:`Save` button in the lower "
"right corner."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`ทุกคน` อนุญาตให้ทุกคนใน LinkedIn เห็นโพสต์ได้ "
":guilabel:`เครือข่ายของคุณเท่านั้น` "
"จะแชร์โพสต์กับผู้ที่เชื่อมต่อกับผู้ใช้เท่านั้น และจะถูกซ่อนจากคนอื่นๆ "
":guilabel:`กลุ่ม` แชร์โพสต์กับกลุ่มเฉพาะที่ผู้ใช้เป็นสมาชิกอยู่ "
"โพสต์สามารถแชร์กับกลุ่มเดียวเท่านั้น ไม่สามารถโพสต์ไปยังหลายกลุ่มพร้อมกันได้"
" หากเลือก :guilabel:`กลุ่ม` "
"หน้าเว็บจะโหลดพร้อมรายการกลุ่มทั้งหมดที่ผู้ใช้เป็นสมาชิกอยู่ในปัจจุบัน "
"คลิกที่กลุ่มเพื่อเลือก จากนั้นคลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`บันทึก` ที่มุมขวาล่าง"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals.rst:366
msgid ""
@ -7174,6 +7281,16 @@ msgid ""
" commenting. After making a selection, click the :guilabel:`Save` button in "
"the far lower right corner."
msgstr ""
"จากนั้นเลือกผู้ที่สามารถแสดงความคิดเห็นในโพสต์ได้ "
"หากต้องการเปลี่ยนการตั้งค่านี้ ให้คลิกที่ปุ่ม :guilabel:`💬 (กรอบคำพูด) "
"ทุกคน` ที่อยู่ใต้เนื้อหาของโพสต์ หน้าเว็บโหลดด้วยตัวเลือกต่างๆ "
"คลิกที่หนึ่งในสามตัวเลือกเพื่อเลือก ตัวเลือกทั้งสาม ได้แก่ "
":guilabel:`ทุกคน`, :guilabel:`การเชื่อมต่อเท่านั้น` และ :guilabel:`ไม่มีใคร`"
" ตัวเลือกเริ่มต้นคือ :guilabel:`ทุกคน` ซึ่งอนุญาตให้ทุกคนที่มีบัญชี LinkedIn"
" สามารถแสดงความคิดเห็นในโพสต์ได้ :guilabel:`การเชื่อมต่อเท่านั้น` "
"จะอนุญาตให้เฉพาะผู้ที่เชื่อมโยงกับผู้ใช้สามารถแสดงความคิดเห็นในโพสต์ได้ "
":guilabel:`ไม่มีใคร` ปิดการแสดงความคิดเห็น หลังจากทำการเลือกแล้ว ให้คลิกปุ่ม"
" :guilabel:`บันทึก` ที่มุมขวาล่างสุด"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals.rst:375
msgid ""
@ -7208,6 +7325,20 @@ msgid ""
"Click on the desired selection to navigate to that choice, or close the "
"browser tab to exit."
msgstr ""
"แทนที่จะสร้างโพสต์สาธารณะ โพสต์สามารถส่งไปยังคนรู้จักในข้อความส่วนตัวได้ "
"โดยคลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`ส่งเป็นข้อความส่วนตัว` ที่มุมซ้ายล่าง "
"หน้าต่างข้อความจะโหลดพร้อมลิงก์ไปยังรายละเอียดงานที่ด้านล่างของหน้าต่าง "
"ขั้นแรก เลือกผู้รับข้อความ พิมพ์ชื่อลงในช่อง :guilabel:`ค้นหาผู้รับข้อความ` "
"ขณะที่พิมพ์ชื่อ การเชื่อมต่อที่ตรงกันจะแสดงขึ้น "
"คลิกที่การเชื่อมต่อเพื่อเพิ่ม "
"ทำซ้ำขั้นตอนนี้กับผู้รับทุกคนที่จะส่งข้อความถึง "
"ไม่มีการจำกัดจำนวนการเชื่อมต่อที่สามารถส่งข้อความได้ จากนั้น "
"ให้ป้อนข้อความเพิ่มเติมในเนื้อหาข้อความ คลิก :guilabel:`ส่ง` "
"ที่มุมขวาล่างเพื่อส่งข้อความ :guilabel:`ส่งข้อความเรียบร้อยแล้ว!` "
"โหลดหน้าจอแล้ว มีสองตัวเลือกให้เลือก :guilabel:`ดูข้อความ` และ "
":guilabel:`ดำเนินการต่อไปยัง LinkedIn` "
"คลิกที่ตัวเลือกที่ต้องการเพื่อไปยังตัวเลือกนั้น "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals.rst:399
msgid "Email a friend"
@ -7591,6 +7722,14 @@ msgid ""
"the reward card displays :guilabel:`You need another (x) points to buy this`"
" instead of a buy button."
msgstr ""
"หากต้องการแลกคะแนนเป็นรางวัล ให้คลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`รางวัล` "
"บนแดชบอร์ดการแนะนำหลัก "
"รางวัลที่กำหนดค่าไว้ทั้งหมดจะแสดงอยู่ในบัตรรางวัลแต่ละใบ "
"คะแนนที่ต้องใช้ในการซื้อรางวัลจะแสดงอยู่ที่มุมขวาบนของบัตร "
"หากผู้ใช้มีคะแนนเพียงพอที่จะซื้อรางวัล ปุ่ม :guilabel:`🧺 (ตะกร้า) ซื้อ` "
"จะแสดงที่ด้านล่างของบัตรรางวัล หากพวกเขามีคะแนนไม่เพียงพอสำหรับรางวัล "
"บัตรรางวัลจะแสดง :guilabel:`คุณต้องมีคะแนนอีก (x) คะแนนเพื่อซื้อสิ่งนี้` "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals.rst:604
msgid ""
@ -981,6 +981,16 @@ msgid ""
" Sales --> My Pipeline`. Either route reveals leads and opportunities on the"
" :guilabel:`Pipeline` page."
msgstr ""
"เพิ่มข้อมูลลูกค้าเป้าหมายจำนวนมากด้วยตนเองโดยใช้มุมมอง *รายการ* ขั้นแรก "
"ไปที่ :menuselection:`แอป CRM --> ลูกค้าเป้าหมาย` และคลิกปุ่มมุมมองรายการ "
"(:ไอคอน guilabel:`☰ (เส้นแนวนอนสามเส้น)`) ถัดไป "
"ทำเครื่องหมายที่ช่องสำหรับโอกาสในการขายที่ควรเพิ่มข้อมูลด้วยตนเอง สุดท้าย "
"คลิกไอคอน :guilabel:`⚙️ การดำเนินการ` และเลือก :guilabel:`เติมเต็ม` "
"จากเมนูแบบเลื่อนลงที่แสดงขึ้น ซึ่งสามารถทำได้จากหน้า *ไปป์ไลน์ของฉัน* "
"ในการดำเนินการดังกล่าว เพียงเปิดแอป *CRM* หรือไปที่ :menuselection:`แอป CRM "
"--> การขาย --> ไปป์ไลน์ของฉัน` "
"เส้นทางใดเส้นทางหนึ่งเผยให้เห็นลูกค้าเป้าหมายและผู้ที่มีโอกาสจะซื้อในหน้า "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:96
msgid ""
@ -361,55 +361,57 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Two kind of Odoo mobile app exist: the progressive web app (PWA) and store "
"apps. Using the PWA is recommended."
msgstr ""
msgstr "有两种 Odoo 移动应用程序:渐进式网络应用程序(PWA)和商店应用程序。建议使用 PWA。"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:9
msgid "Progressive web app (PWA)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "渐进式网络应用程序(PWA)"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:11
msgid ""
"PWAs are web-based applications designed to function across different "
"devices and platforms, leveraging web browsers to deliver user experiences "
"similar to native apps."
msgstr ""
msgstr "PWA 是基于网络的应用程序,设计用于在不同设备和平台上运行,利用网络浏览器提供与本地应用程序类似的用户体验。"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:14
msgid "The Odoo PWA features include:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo PWA 功能包括:"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:16
msgid "Quick access by adding the PWA to a device's home screen"
msgstr ""
msgstr "将 PWA 添加到设备的主屏幕,实现快速访问"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:17
msgid "Seamless and borderless navigation experience"
msgstr ""
msgstr "流畅无缝的导航体验"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:18
msgid "Push notifications"
msgstr ""
msgstr "推送通知"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:19
msgid "SSO authentication"
msgstr ""
msgstr "SSO 认证"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:21
msgid ""
"To install the Odoo PWA, launch a browser supporting PWAs, and sign in to an"
" Odoo database. The instructions to install a PWA depend on the platform and"
" browser used."
msgstr ""
msgstr "要安装 Odoo PWA,请启动支持 PWA 的浏览器,并登录 Odoo 数据库。安装 PWA 的说明取决于所使用的平台和浏览器。"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:26
msgid "Android"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Android"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:28
msgid ""
"**Chrome**: open Chrome's menu (:guilabel:`⋮`), select :guilabel:`Install "
"app`, and tap :guilabel:`Install`."
msgstr ""
"**Chrome**:打开 Chrome 浏览器的菜单(:guilabel:`⋮`),选择 :guilabel:`安装应用程序`,然后点击 "
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -417,16 +419,18 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Install`, and either touch and hold the Odoo icon or tap "
":guilabel:`Add automatically`."
msgstr ""
"**火狐**:打开火狐的菜单(:guilabel:`⋮`),选择 :guilabel:`安装`,然后触摸并按住 Odoo 图标或点击 "
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:34
msgid ""
"The PWA can also be installed with **Samsung Internet**, **Edge**, and "
msgstr ""
msgstr "PWA 还可以安装在 **Samsung Internet**、**Edge** 和 **Opera** 上。"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:36
msgid "iOS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "iOS"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -434,12 +438,14 @@ msgid ""
"pointing upwards icon, select :guilabel:`Add to Home Screen`, edit the PWA "
"details if desired, and tap :guilabel:`Add`."
msgstr ""
"**Safari**:通过点击带向上箭头的正方形图标打开**共享**菜单,选择 :guilabel:`添加到主屏幕`,根据需要编辑 PWA "
"详情,然后点击 :guilabel:`添加`。"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:42
msgid ""
"On iOS 16.4 and above, the PWA can also be installed with **Chrome**, "
"**Firefox**, and **Edge**."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 iOS 16.4 及以上版本中,PWA 还可以通过 **Chrome**、**Firefox** 和 **Edge** 安装。"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:45
msgid "Desktop"
@ -449,13 +455,15 @@ msgstr "桌面"
msgid ""
"**Chrome** and **Edge**: click the installation icon at the right of the "
"address bar and click :guilabel:`Install`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Chrome**和**Edge**:点击地址栏右侧的安装图标,然后点击 :guilabel:`安装`。"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:51
msgid ""
"`Google Chrome Help: Use progressive web apps "
msgstr ""
"`Google Chrome 浏览器帮助:使用渐进式 Web 应用程序 "
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:53
msgid ""
@ -463,6 +471,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"`MDN Web Docs:安装和卸载网络应用 <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:55
msgid ""
@ -470,6 +480,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"`Microsoft 支持: 在 Microsoft Edge 中安装、管理或卸载应用程序 "
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:58
msgid "Store apps"
@ -481,18 +494,21 @@ msgid ""
"<https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.odoo.mobile>`_ and `Apple"
" App Store <https://apps.apple.com/app/odoo/id1272543640>`_."
msgstr ""
"Odoo 移动应用程序可在 `Google Play "
"商店<https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.odoo.mobile>`_和 `Apple "
"App 商店<https://apps.apple.com/app/odoo/id1272543640>`_下载。"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:65
msgid ""
"The iOS app cannot be updated and will be deprecated at some point in the "
msgstr ""
msgstr "iOS 应用程序无法更新,并将在未来某个时间被淘汰。"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:67
msgid ""
"While the store apps support multi-accounts, they are not compatible with "
"SS0 authentication."
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然商店应用程序支持多账户,但与 SS0 身份验证不兼容。"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:3
msgid "Odoo.com accounts"
@ -795,6 +811,7 @@ msgid ""
"circumstances, contact `support <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_ to raise the "
msgstr ""
"每个数据库最多可复制 5 次。在特殊情况下,请联系 `support <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_ 以提高上限。"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_online.rst:69
msgid "Rename"
@ -6038,7 +6055,7 @@ msgstr "安装结束后,Odoo 会自动启动。"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/source.rst:3
msgid "Source install"
msgstr ""
msgstr "源安装"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/source.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -6867,7 +6884,7 @@ msgstr "终止支持"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:34
msgid "Odoo saas~17.2"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo saas~17.2"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:36
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:37
@ -6890,7 +6907,7 @@ msgstr "无"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:38
msgid "April 2024"
msgstr ""
msgstr "2024 年 4 月"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:40
msgid "Odoo saas~17.1"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -3283,7 +3283,7 @@ msgstr "批次和序列号"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/differences.rst:3
msgid "Difference between lots and serial numbers"
msgstr ""
msgstr "批次号和序列号的区别"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/differences.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -3292,6 +3292,7 @@ msgid ""
"there are also notable differences that affect receipts, deliveries, and "
"inventory reports."
msgstr ""
"*批次号*和*序列号*是在 Odoo 中识别和追踪产品的两种方法。虽然这两种追踪方法有相似之处,但也有显著的区别,会影响收据、交货和库存报告。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/differences.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -3350,7 +3351,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/differences.rst:35
msgid "When to use lots"
msgstr ""
msgstr "何时使用批次"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/differences.rst:37
msgid ""
@ -3358,7 +3359,7 @@ msgid ""
"quantities, such as clothes or food. Lots and can be used to trace a product"
" back to a group, which is especially useful when managing product recalls "
"or expiration dates."
msgstr ""
msgstr "批次适用于大量生产或接收的产品,如服装或食品。批次还可用于追溯产品组,这在管理产品召回或有效期时特别有用。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/differences.rst:0
msgid "Created lot with quantity of products in it."
@ -3789,7 +3790,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:170
msgid "Once ready, click :guilabel:`Confirm`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "准备就绪后,点击 :guilabel:`确认`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:172
msgid ""
@ -3797,12 +3798,13 @@ msgid ""
"from the drop-down menu, or click the green :guilabel:`+` sign to "
"automatically assign a new lot number."
msgstr ""
"在 :guilabel:`批次号/序列号` 旁边,从下拉菜单中选择一个现有批号,或者点击绿色的 :guilabel:`+` 符号自动分配一个新批号。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:175
msgid ""
"Then, select a number of units for the :guilabel:`Quantity` field, and click"
" :guilabel:`Mark as Done`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "然后,在 :guilabel:`数量` 字段中选择单位数,并点击 :guilabel:`标记为已完成`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:178
msgid ""
@ -3810,6 +3812,7 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Lot/Serial Number` field. A pop-up appears, revealing a detail "
"form for that specific number."
msgstr ""
"点击分配的 :guilabel:`批次号/序列号` 字段中的 :guilabel:`外部链接` 图标。会出现一个弹出窗口,显示该特定编号的详细表格。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:181
msgid ""
@ -3819,27 +3822,29 @@ msgid ""
"or by going to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Products --> Lots/Serial "
msgstr ""
"在弹出的 :guilabel:`日期` 选项卡下,会显示之前为产品配置的所有过期信息。同样的信息也可在特定产品的详细表单中找到,或进入 "
":menuselection:`库存应用程序 --> 产品 --> 批次/序列号`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst-1
msgid "Dates tab with expiration information for specific lot number."
msgstr ""
msgstr "日期选项卡,包含特定批号的有效期信息。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:191
msgid "Sell products with expiration dates"
msgstr ""
msgstr "销售有保质期的产品"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:193
msgid ""
"Selling perishable products with expiration dates is done the same as any "
"other type of product. The first step in selling perishable products is to "
"create a sales order."
msgstr ""
msgstr "销售有保质期的易腐产品的方法与其他类型的产品相同。销售易腐产品的第一步是创建销售订单。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:196
msgid ""
"To do that, go to :menuselection:`Sales app --> Create` to create a new "
"quotation, and fill out the information on the sales order form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "要执行此操作,请访问 :menuselection:`销售应用程序 --> 创建` 创建新报价单,并在销售订单表单上填写信息。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:199
msgid ""
@ -3847,6 +3852,8 @@ msgid ""
"desired products to the :guilabel:`Product` lines, and set a "
":guilabel:`Quantity` for the products."
msgstr ""
"添加一个 :guilabel:`客户`,点击 :guilabel:`添加产品`将所需产品添加到 :guilabel:`产品` 行,并为产品设置 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:202
msgid ""
@ -3855,12 +3862,14 @@ msgid ""
"date, and click the :guilabel:`green checkmark` icon to confirm the date. "
"Finally, click :guilabel:`Confirm` to confirm the sales order."
msgstr ""
"然后,点击 :guilabel:`其他信息` 选项卡。在 :guilabel:`送货` 部分,将 :guilabel:`送货日期` "
"更改为预期日期之后的日期,并点击 :guilabel:`绿勾` 图标确认日期。最后,点击:guilabel:`确认`,确认销售订单。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:206
msgid ""
"Next, click the :guilabel:`Delivery` smart button at the top of the sales "
"order to see the warehouse receipt form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "然后,点击销售订单顶部的 :guilabel:`送货` 智能按钮,查看仓库收据表格。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:209
msgid ""
@ -3869,12 +3878,14 @@ msgid ""
"process all :guilabel:`Done` quantities, and deliver the products to the "
msgstr ""
"在仓库收据表单中,点击 :guilabel:`验证`,然后在弹出窗口中点击 :guilabel:`应用`,自动处理所有 :guilabel:` 完成` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:213
msgid ""
"If the products are delivered before the :guilabel:`Alert Date` set on the "
"product form, then no alerts will be created."
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果产品在产品表单上设置的 :guilabel:`提醒日期` 之前交付,则不会创建提醒。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:217
msgid ""
@ -3886,6 +3897,9 @@ msgid ""
"expiration date. Removal strategies can also be set on :guilabel:`Product "
msgstr ""
"要销售有保质期的易腐产品,产品存储的 :guilabel:`位置`的 :guilabel:`移除策略` 必须设置为 : "
"abbr:`FEFO(先到期先出)`。如果一批易腐烂产品的库存不足,Odoo 将自动从下一个最短到期日的第二批产品中提取所需的剩余数量。移除策略也可在 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:224
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:211
@ -3895,13 +3909,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:227
msgid "View expiration dates for lots & serial numbers"
msgstr ""
msgstr "查看批次和序列号的有效期"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:229
msgid ""
"To view (and/or group) all products with expiration dates by lot number, go "
"to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Products --> Lots/Serial Numbers`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "要按批号查看(和/或分组)所有产品的有效期,请转到 :menuselection:`库存应用程序 --> 产品 --> 批次/序列号`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:232
msgid ""
@ -3910,26 +3924,28 @@ msgid ""
" and select the :guilabel:`Expiration Date` parameter from the drop-down "
"menu. Finally, click :guilabel:`Apply` to apply the filter."
msgstr ""
"进入后,从 :guilabel:`搜索...` 栏移除任何默认搜索筛选器。然后,点击:guilabel:`分组方式`,选择 "
":guilabel:`添加自定义分组`,并从下拉菜单中选择 :guilabel:`到期日`参数。最后,点击 :guilabel:`应用`,以应用筛选器。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:236
msgid ""
"Doing so breaks down all perishable products, their expiration dates, and "
"the assigned lot number."
msgstr ""
msgstr "这样做可以细分所有易腐产品、其保质期和指定的批号。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst-1
msgid "Group by expiration dates on lots and serial numbers page."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在批次和序列号页面上按有效期分组。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:243
msgid "Expiration alerts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "过期提醒"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:245
msgid ""
"To see expiration alerts, go to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Products "
"--> Lots/Serial Numbers`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "要查看过期提醒,请转到 :menuselection:`库存应用程序 --> 产品 --> 批量/序列号`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:247
msgid ""
@ -3938,6 +3954,8 @@ msgid ""
"form, click the :guilabel:`Dates` tab to see all expiration information "
"related to the products."
msgstr ""
"然后,单击包含易腐产品的 :guilabel:`批次/序列号`。这样就会显示序列号详情表。在序列号详情表单中,点击 :guilabel:`日期` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:251
msgid ""
@ -3945,6 +3963,8 @@ msgid ""
"form, then change the :guilabel:`Expiration Date` to today's date (or "
"earlier), and click :guilabel:`Save` to save changes."
msgstr ""
"要编辑表格,请点击表格左上角的 :guilabel:`编辑`,然后将 :guilabel:`到期日`更改为今天(或更早),并点击 :guilabel:`"
" 保存`,以保存更改。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:255
msgid ""
@ -3953,26 +3973,28 @@ msgid ""
"either expired or expiring soon. From here, click back to the "
":guilabel:`Lots/Serial Numbers` page (via the breadcrumbs)."
msgstr ""
"保存后,批号表单顶部会显示红色的 :guilabel:`过期提醒`,表示该批次的产品已过期或即将过期。从这里点击返回 "
":guilabel:`批次/序列号` 页面(通过面包屑导航)。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:259
msgid ""
"To see the new expiration alert, or any expiration alerts for products that "
"are expired (or will expire soon), remove all of the search filters from the"
" :guilabel:`Search...` bar on the :guilabel:`Lots/Serial Numbers` dashboard."
msgstr ""
msgstr "要查看新的过期提醒或已过期(或即将过期)产品的任何过期提醒,请从 :guilabel:`搜索...` 栏中移除所有搜索筛选器。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst:263
msgid ""
"Then, click :guilabel:`Filters`, and choose :guilabel:`Expiration Alerts`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "然后,点击 :guilabel:`筛选器`,选择 :guilabel:`过期提醒`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/expiration_dates.rst-1
msgid "Expiration alert for product past the expiration date."
msgstr ""
msgstr "过期产品的过期提醒。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:3
msgid "Use lots to manage groups of products"
msgstr ""
msgstr "使用批次管理产品组"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -3981,6 +4003,8 @@ msgid ""
"currently stored, or was shipped from a warehouse, but can also pertain to a"
" batch of products manufactured in-house, as well."
msgstr ""
"*批次*是在 Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -3990,6 +4014,7 @@ msgid ""
"for end-to-end traceability of these products through each step in their "
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -3997,7 +4022,7 @@ msgid ""
"quantities (such as clothes or food), and can be used to trace a product "
"back to a group. This is especially useful when managing product recalls or "
"expiration dates."
msgstr ""
msgstr "批次对大量生产或接收的产品(如服装或食品)非常适用,可用于追溯产品的组别。这在管理产品召回或过期日期时尤其有用。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:24
msgid ""
@ -4007,10 +4032,13 @@ msgid ""
"the box next to :guilabel:`Lots & Serial Numbers`. Then, click the "
":guilabel:`Save` button to save changes."
msgstr ""
"要使用批次追踪产品,必须启用*批次和序列号*功能。转到 :menuselection:`库存应用程序 --> 配置 --> 设置`,向下滚动到 "
":guilabel:`追溯性` 部分,然后点击 :guilabel:`批次和序列号` 旁边的方框。然后,点击 :guilabel:`保存` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:36
msgid "Track products by lots"
msgstr ""
msgstr "按批次追踪产品"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -4019,6 +4047,8 @@ msgid ""
"this, go to the :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Products --> Products`, "
"and choose a product."
msgstr ""
"激活 :guilabel:`批次和序列号` 设置后,现在可以配置使用批次追踪单个产品。要执行此操作,请转到 :menuselection:`库存应用程序"
" --> 产品 --> 产品` 并选择一个产品。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:42
msgid ""
@ -4028,21 +4058,23 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Save` to save changes. Existing or new lot numbers can now be "
"assigned to newly-received or manufactured batches of this product."
msgstr ""
"进入产品表单后,点击 :guilabel:`编辑` 对表单进行更改。然后,点击 :guilabel:`库存` 选项卡。在 :guilabel:`追溯性`"
" 部分,点击 :guilabel:`按批次`。然后,点击 :guilabel:`保存`,以保存更改。现在,可为新接收或生产的产品批次分配现有或新批号。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:48
msgid ""
"If a product has stock on-hand prior to activating tracking by lots or "
"serial numbers, an inventory adjustment might need to be performed to assign"
" lot numbers to the existing stock."
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果产品在激活批次或序列号追踪之前已有库存,则可能需要进行库存调整,以便为现有库存分配批次号。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst-1
msgid "Enabled tracking by lots feature on product form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在产品表单上启用按批次追踪功能。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:56
msgid "Create new lots for products already in stock"
msgstr ""
msgstr "为库存产品创建新批次"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:58
msgid ""
@ -4052,6 +4084,9 @@ msgid ""
"separate page where a new :guilabel:`Lot/Serial Number` is generated "
msgstr ""
"可以为库存中未分配批次的产品创建新批次。要执行此操作,请进入 :menuselection:`库存应用程序 --> 产品 --> "
"批次/序列号`(:guilabel:`库存应用程序` --> `产品` --> `批次/序列号`),然后点击 "
":guilabel:`创建`。这样会显示一个单独页面,在该页面中会自动生成一个新的 :guilabel:`批次/序列号`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:64
msgid ""
@ -4060,6 +4095,8 @@ msgid ""
"number, by clicking the line under the :guilabel:`Lot/Serial Number` field, "
"and changing the generated number."
msgstr ""
"虽然 Odoo 会自动生成一个新的 :guilabel:`批次/序列号` 以跟随最新编号,但可通过点击 :guilabel:`批次/序列号` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:68
msgid ""
@ -4067,6 +4104,8 @@ msgid ""
"field next to :guilabel:`Product` to reveal a drop-down menu. From this "
"menu, select the product to which this new number will be assigned."
msgstr ""
"生成新的 :guilabel:`批次/序列号` 后,点击 :guilabel:`产品` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:72
msgid ""
@ -4076,23 +4115,25 @@ msgid ""
"specific website in the :guilabel:`Website` field (if working in a multi-"
"website environment)."
msgstr ""
"此表单还提供调整 :guilabel:`数量` 的选项,分配唯一的 :guilabel:`内部参考` 编号(用于可追溯性目的),并在 "
":guilabel:`网站` 字段中将此特定批次或序列号配置分配给特定网站(如在多网站环境中工作)。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:77
msgid ""
"A detailed description of this specific lot or serial number can also be "
"added in the :guilabel:`Description` tab below."
msgstr ""
msgstr "也可在下面的 :guilabel:`描述` 标签中添加对该特定批次或序列号的详细描述。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:80
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/serial_numbers.rst:79
msgid ""
"When all desired configurations are complete, click the :guilabel:`Save` "
"button to save all changes."
msgstr ""
msgstr "完成所有所需配置后,点击 :guilabel:`保存` 按钮保存所有更改。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst-1
msgid "New lot number creation form with assigned product."
msgstr ""
msgstr "带有指定产品的新批号创建表。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:86
msgid ""
@ -4101,6 +4142,8 @@ msgid ""
" app, by going to :menuselection:`Products --> Products`, and selecting the "
"product to which this newly-created lot number was just assigned."
msgstr ""
"创建、保存新批次并将其分配给所需产品后,通过 :menuselection:`产品 --> 产品` 访问 :menuselection:`库存` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:90
msgid ""
@ -4109,10 +4152,11 @@ msgid ""
"product is received or manufactured, this new lot number can be selected and"
" assigned to it."
msgstr ""
"在该产品的详细表格中,点击 :guilabel:`批次/序列号` 智能按钮查看新的批号。当收到或生产更多数量的该产品时,可选择并分配新的批号。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:95
msgid "Manage lots for shipping and receiving"
msgstr ""
msgstr "管理送货和收货批次"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:97
msgid ""
@ -4120,23 +4164,25 @@ msgid ""
"For incoming goods, lot numbers are assigned directly on the purchase order "
"form. For outgoing goods, lot numbers are assigned directly on the sales "
"order form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "可为**入库**和**出库**货物指定批号。对于入库货物,可直接在采购订单上分配批号。对于出库货物,则直接在销售订单上分配批号。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:102
msgid "Manage lots on receipts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "管理收据批次"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:104
msgid ""
"Assigning lot numbers to **incoming** goods can be done directly from the "
"purchase order (PO)."
msgstr ""
msgstr "可直接从采购订单(PO)中为**入库**货物分配批号。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:106
msgid ""
"To create a :abbr:`PO (purchase order)`, go to :menuselection:`Purchase app "
"--> Create`. Doing so reveals a new, blank request for quotation (RFQ) form."
msgstr ""
"要创建一个 :abbr:`PO(采购订单)`,请转到 :menuselection:`采购应用程序 --> "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:109
msgid ""
@ -4145,12 +4191,14 @@ msgid ""
"to the :guilabel:`Product` lines, by clicking :guilabel:`Add a product` "
"(under the :guilabel:`Products` tab)."
msgstr ""
"在此 :guilabel:`RFQ(询价单)`上,通过添加 :guilabel:`供应商`填写必要信息,并点击 :guilabel:`添加产品`(在 "
":guilabel:`产品`选项卡下),在 :guilabel:`产品`行中添加所需的产品。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:113
msgid ""
"Choose the desired quantity of the product to order by changing the number "
"in the :guilabel:`Quantity` column."
msgstr ""
msgstr "更改 :guilabel:`数量` 列中的数字,选择所需的订购产品数量。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:116
msgid ""
@ -4160,6 +4208,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Receipt` smart button appears. Click the :guilabel:`Receipt` "
"smart button to be taken to the warehouse receipt form."
msgstr ""
"填写完 : abbr:`RFQ(询价单)`后,点击 :guilabel:`确认订单`。当 :abbr:`RFQ(询价单)`被确认后,它将成为一个 "
":guilabel:`采购订单`,并出现一个 :guilabel:`收据` 智能按钮。点击 :guilabel:`收据` 智能按钮,进入仓库收据表格。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:122
msgid ""
@ -4169,10 +4219,12 @@ msgid ""
":abbr:`RFQ (request for quotation)` **cannot** be validated without a lot "
"number being assigned."
msgstr ""
"在为订购的产品数量分配批号之前点击 :guilabel:`验证` 会弹出 :guilabel:`用户错误` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst-1
msgid "Add lot/serial number user error popup."
msgstr ""
msgstr "添加批号/序列号用户错误弹出窗口。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:131
msgid ""
@ -4201,6 +4253,8 @@ msgid ""
"Then, type a new :guilabel:`Lot Number Name` and set the :guilabel:`Done` "
msgstr ""
"**手动分配批号**:点击:guilabel:`添加行`,并在 :guilabel:`至` 列下选择产品要存储的位置。然后,键入新的 "
":guilabel:`批号名称`,并设置 :guilabel:`已完成`数量。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:0
msgid "Assign lot number detailed operations popup."
@ -4213,6 +4267,8 @@ msgid ""
"additional quantities. Repeat until the :guilabel:`Quantity Done` matches "
"the :guilabel:`Demand`."
msgstr ""
"如果要在多个位置和批次处理数量,请点击 :guilabel:`添加行`并输入新的 :guilabel:`批号名称`以添加数量。重复上述操作,直到 "
":guilabel:`已完成数量` 与 :guilabel:`需求量` 一致。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:153
msgid ""
@ -4224,16 +4280,19 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`To` locations and :guilabel:`Done` quantities can be manually "
"entered in each of the lot number lines."
msgstr ""
"**从电子表格复制/粘贴批号**:在电子表格中填入从供应商处收到的所有批号(或在收到时手动选择分配的批号)。然后,将其复制并粘贴到 "
":guilabel:`批次/序列号名称` 列。Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:0
msgid "List of lot numbers copied on excel spreadsheet."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 excel 电子表格中复制批号清单。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:163
msgid ""
"Once all product quantities have been assigned a lot number, click "
":guilabel:`Confirm` to close the pop-up. Then, click :guilabel:`Validate`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "为所有产品数量分配批号后,点击 :guilabel:`确认` 关闭弹出窗口。然后,点击 :guilabel:`验证`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:166
msgid ""
@ -4243,22 +4302,26 @@ msgid ""
"document, the :guilabel:`Product` being traced, the :guilabel:`Lot/Serial #`"
" assigned, and more."
msgstr ""
"验证收据后会出现 :guilabel:`可追溯性` 智能按钮。点击 :guilabel:`可追溯性` 智能按钮,查看更新后的 "
":guilabel:`可追溯性报告`,其中包括::guilabel:`参考` "
"文档、正在追踪的:guilabel:`产品`、:guilabel:`批次/序列号` 分配等。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:172
msgid "Manage lots on delivery orders"
msgstr ""
msgstr "管理送货订单批号"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:174
msgid ""
"Assigning lot numbers to **outgoing** goods can be done directly from the "
"sales order (SO)."
msgstr ""
msgstr "可直接从销售订单(SO)中为**出库**货物分配批号。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:176
msgid ""
"To create an :abbr:`SO (sales order)`, go to the :menuselection:`Sales app "
"--> Create`. Doing so reveals a new, blank quotation form."
msgstr ""
"要创建一个 :abbr:`SO(销售订单)`,请转到 :menuselection:`销售应用程序 --> 创建`。这样就会出现一个新的空白报价单。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:179
msgid ""
@ -4266,13 +4329,15 @@ msgid ""
" :guilabel:`Customer`, and adding products to the :guilabel:`Product` lines "
"(in the :guilabel:`Order Lines` tab) by clicking :guilabel:`Add a product`."
msgstr ""
"在此空白报价表上,通过添加 :guilabel:`客户` 填写必要信息,并通过点击 :guilabel:`添加产品` 在 :guilabel:`产品` "
"行(在 :guilabel:`订单行` 选项卡中)添加产品。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:183
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/serial_numbers.rst:219
msgid ""
"Then, choose the desired quantity to sell by changing the number in the "
":guilabel:`Quantity` column."
msgstr ""
msgstr "然后,更改 :guilabel:`数量` 列中的数字,选择所需的销售数量。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:185
msgid ""
@ -4280,13 +4345,15 @@ msgid ""
" to confirm the quotation. When the quotation is confirmed, it becomes an "
":abbr:`SO (sales order)`, and a :guilabel:`Delivery` smart button appears."
msgstr ""
"填写报价单后,点击 :guilabel:`确认` 按钮确认报价单。确认报价单后,报价单将变为 :abbr:`SO(销售订单)`,并出现 "
":guilabel:`送货` 智能按钮。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:189
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/serial_numbers.rst:225
msgid ""
"Click the :guilabel:`Delivery` smart button to view the warehouse receipt "
"form for that specific :abbr:`SO (sales order)`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "点击 :guilabel:`送货` 智能按钮,查看该特定 :abbr:`SO(销售订单)` 的仓单表格。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst:192
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/serial_numbers.rst:130
@ -6338,7 +6405,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:17
msgid "Configure products for reordering rules"
msgstr ""
msgstr "为重新排序规则配置产品"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:19
msgid ""
@ -6358,7 +6425,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst-1
msgid "Set the Product Type as Storable."
msgstr ""
msgstr "将产品类型设置为可储存。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -6366,10 +6433,12 @@ msgid ""
"from the :guilabel:`Routes` section. Doing so tells Odoo which route to use "
"to replenish the product."
msgstr ""
"接下来,点击 :guilabel:`库存` 选项卡,并从 :guilabel:`路径` 部分选择一个或多个路径。这样,Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst-1
msgid "Select one or more routes on the Inventory tab."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在库存选项卡上选择一条或多条路线。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -6380,10 +6449,12 @@ msgid ""
"that they sell the product for, so that Odoo knows which company the product"
" should be purchased from."
msgstr ""
"如果使用 :guilabel:`购买` 途径重新订购产品,请确认产品名称下的 :guilabel:`可购买` 复选框已启用。这样就会出现 "
":guilabel:`采购`选项卡。点击:guilabel:`采购` 选项卡,指定至少一个供应商及其产品售价,以便 Odoo 知道应从哪家公司购买产品。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst-1
msgid "Specify a vendor and price on the Purchase tab."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在采购选项卡上指定供应商和价格。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:47
msgid ""
@ -6392,6 +6463,8 @@ msgid ""
"is necessary because Odoo only creates manufacturing orders for products "
"with a :abbr:`BoM (Bill of Materials)`."
msgstr ""
"如果使用 :guilabel:`制造路径对产品进行补货,则该产品至少需要有一个与之相关的物料清单(BoM)。这一点很有必要,因为 Odoo 只为有 "
":abbr:`BoM(物料清单)` 的产品创建生产订单。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:51
msgid ""
@ -6403,11 +6476,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst-1
msgid "The Bill of Materials smart button on a product form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "产品表单上的“物料清单”智能按钮。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:60
msgid "Create new reordering rules"
msgstr ""
msgstr "创建新的重新排序规则"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:62
msgid ""
@ -6418,42 +6491,42 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:65
msgid ":guilabel:`Product`: The product that is replenished by the rule."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`产品`:规则补充的产品。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:66
msgid ":guilabel:`Location`: The location where the product is stored."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`位置`:存储产品的位置。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:67
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Min Quantity`: The minimum quantity that can be forecasted "
"without the rule being triggered. When forecasted stock falls below this "
"number, a replenishment order for the product is created."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`最小数量`:在不触发规则的情况下可预测的最小数量。当预测库存低于此数量时,将创建该产品的补货订单。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:70
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Max Quantity`: The maximum quantity that stock is replenished up "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`最大数量`:库存补充的最大数量。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:71
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Multiple Quantity`: Specify if the product should be replenished "
"in batches of a certain quantity (e.g., a product could be replenished in "
"batches of 20)."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`多个数量`:指定产品是否应按一定数量分批补充(例如,可按 20 个产品分批补充)。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:73
msgid ""
":guilabel:`UoM`: The unit of measure used for reordering the product. This "
"value can simply be `Units` or a specific unit of measurement for weight, "
"length, etc."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`UoM`:用于重新订购产品的度量单位。该值可以是 `单位`,也可以是重量、长度等的特定计量单位。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst-1
msgid "The form for creating a new reordering rule."
msgstr ""
msgstr "创建新重新排序规则的表单。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:81
msgid ""
@ -6515,6 +6588,8 @@ msgid ""
" to select both :guilabel:`Buy` and :guilabel:`Manufacture`, thus enabling "
"the functionality of both routes."
msgstr ""
"Odoo 允许在每个产品表单的 :guilabel:`库存` 选项卡下选择多个路径。例如,可以同时选择 :guilabel:`购买` 和 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/reordering_rules.rst:109
msgid ""
@ -7071,37 +7146,37 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Since the |MTO| route is recommended for customized products, the route is "
"hidden by default."
msgstr ""
msgstr "由于定制产品推荐使用 |MTO| 路由,因此默认情况下该路由是隐藏的。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:169
msgid "To activate the |MTO| route in Odoo:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 Odoo 中激活 |MTO| 路由:"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:163
msgid "Go to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Configuration --> Settings`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "转到 :menuselection:`库存应用程序 --> 配置 --> 设置`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:164
msgid ""
"Activate the :guilabel:`Multi-Step Routes` setting, located under the "
":guilabel:`Warehouse` section, and click :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "激活位于 :guilabel:`仓库` 部分下的 :guilabel:`多步骤路线` 设置,然后点击 :guilabel:`保存`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:166
msgid ""
"Then, go to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Configuration --> Routes`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "然后,转到 :menuselection:`库存应用程序 --> 配置 --> 路径`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:167
msgid ""
"Click on :menuselection:`Filters --> Archived` to show archived routes."
msgstr ""
msgstr "点击 :menuselection:`筛选器 --> 已存档` 以显示存档路线。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:168
msgid ""
"Select the checkbox next to :guilabel:`Replenish on Order (MTO)`, and click "
"on :menuselection:`Action --> Unarchive`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "选择 :guilabel:`按订单补货(MTO)` 旁边的复选框,然后点击 :menuselection:`操作 --> 取消存档`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:172
msgid ""
@ -7109,6 +7184,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Storage Locations`. If these features aren't applicable to the "
"warehouse, disable these settings after unarchiving the |MTO| route."
msgstr ""
"激活 :guilabel:`多步骤路线` 设置也会激活 :guilabel:`存储位置`。如果这些功能不适用于仓库,请在取消 |MTO| "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:176
msgid ""
@ -7116,12 +7193,15 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Inventory app --> Products --> Products`, and click on the "
"desired product to open its product form."
msgstr ""
"要将产品的采购路线设置为 |MTO|,请转到 :menuselection:`库存应用程序 --> 产品 --> "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:179
msgid ""
"Then, click the :guilabel:`Inventory` tab, and in the :guilabel:`Routes` "
"section of options, select :guilabel:`Replenish on Order (MTO)`."
msgstr ""
"然后,点击 :guilabel:`库存` 选项卡,在选项的 :guilabel:`路线` 部分,选择 :guilabel:`补货订单(MTO)`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:182
msgid ""
@ -7130,6 +7210,8 @@ msgid ""
"route. Also, make sure a vendor is configured in the :guilabel:`Purchase` "
"tab of the product form."
msgstr ""
"对于直接从供应商处购买的产品,除 :guilabel:`按订单补货(MTO)` 途径外,请确保选择了 :guilabel:`购买` "
"途径。此外,确保在产品表单的 :guilabel:`采购` 选项卡中配置了供应商。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/products/strategies.rst:186
msgid ""
@ -3326,7 +3326,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_ssc.rst:245
msgid "iOS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "iOS"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration/epos_ssc.rst:247
msgid ""
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