[I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,12 +66,17 @@ msgid ""
"We recommend you use bank synchronization for more efficiency. Please read "
"the related documentation: :doc:`bank_synchronization`."
msgstr ""
"Vi foreslår, at du gør brug af bank synkronisering, for at forøge "
"effektiviteten. Læs venligst den relaterede dokumentation: "
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:12
msgid ""
"However, if you don't want to use bank synchronization or if your bank is "
"not a supported institution, you still have other options:"
msgstr ""
"Hvis du derimod ikke vil gøre brug af bank synkronisering, eller hvis din "
"bank ikke er understøttet, har du stadig visse muligheder:"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:15
msgid "Import the bank statement files delivered by your bank"
@ -107,7 +112,7 @@ msgstr "Quicken Interchange Format (.QIF)"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:27
msgid "Belgium: Coded Statement of Account (.CODA)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Belgien: Coded Statement of Account (.CODA)"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -128,12 +133,17 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo opens an **import widget** to help you set the **Formatting Options** "
"and **map** the different columns you want to import."
msgstr ""
"Odoo åbner en **import widget** til at hjælpe dig med at angive "
"**Formaterings Indstillinger** og **forbinde** de forskellige kolonner du "
"vil importere."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:46
msgid ""
"Quicken Interchange Format (.QIF) is an older file format that is no longer "
"supported since 2005. If possible, prefer OFX files over QIF."
msgstr ""
"Quicken Interchange Format (.QIF) er et ældre fil-format, som ikke har været"
" understøttet siden 2005. Om muligt, bør du vælge OFX filer frem for QIF."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:50
msgid "Register bank statements manually"
@ -193,7 +203,7 @@ msgstr "To Do"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:72
msgid "add doc link to new documentation about reconciliation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "tilføj dokument link til ny dokumentation vedrørende afstemning"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:3
msgid "Bank Synchronization: Automatic Import"
@ -204,6 +214,8 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo can synchronize directly with your bank institution to get all bank "
"statements imported automatically into your database."
msgstr ""
"Odoo kan synkronisere direkte med din bank institution, for at automatisk "
"importere alle udtog automatisk."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -211,10 +223,13 @@ msgid ""
"Features <https://www.odoo.com/page/accounting-features>`_, and click on "
"*See list of supported institutions*."
msgstr ""
"For at tjekke at din bank er kompatible med Odoo, kan du gå til `Odoo "
"Regnskabs Funktionaer <https://www.odoo.com/page/accounting-features>`_, og "
"klik på *Se liste af understøttede institutioner*."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:15
msgid "More than 20,000 institutions around the world are supported."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mere end 20.000 institutioner på verdensplan er understøttet."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:17
msgid "To connect to the banks, Odoo uses multiple web-services:"
@ -222,7 +237,7 @@ msgstr "For at forbinde til bankerne, bruger Odoo adskillige web-tjenester:"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:19
msgid "**Plaid**: United States of America and Canada"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Plaid**: Amerikas Forenede Stater og Canada"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:20
msgid "**Yodlee**: Worldwide"
@ -230,11 +245,11 @@ msgstr "**Yodlee**: Globalt"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:21
msgid "**Salt Edge**: Europe (:doc:`more information <saltedge>`)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Salt Edge**: Europa (:doc:`mere information <saltedge>`)"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:22
msgid "**Ponto**: Europe (:doc:`more information <ponto>`)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Ponto**: Europa (:doc:`mere information <ponto>`)"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:25
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:24
@ -281,7 +296,7 @@ msgstr "Konfiguration"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:28
msgid "On-Premise users"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lokale brugere"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -291,14 +306,20 @@ msgid ""
" party provider so, in case of a connection error, please check that you "
"don't have a firewall or a proxy blocking the following address:"
msgstr ""
"Du skal have et gyldigt Odoo Enterprise abonnement, for at kunne gøre brug "
"af denne tjeneste. Så forsikre, at din database er registreret på din Odoo "
"Enterprise kontrakt. Vi anvender også en proxy mellem din database og "
"tredjeparts udbyderen, så - i tilfælde af en forbindelses fejl - vær venlig "
"at tjekke, at du ikke har en firewall eller en proxy der blokere den "
"følgende adresse:"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:36
msgid "https://production.odoofin.com/"
msgstr ""
msgstr "https://production.odoofin.com/"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:39
msgid "First Synchronization"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Første Synkronisering"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:41
msgid ""
@ -306,18 +327,26 @@ msgid ""
"--> Configuration --> Add a Bank Account` or via the configuration bar on "
"the accounting dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Du kan begynde synkronisering enten ved at gå til :menuselection:`Regnskab "
"--> Konfiguration --> Tilføj en Bankkonto` eller via konfigurations bjælken "
"på regnskabs instrumentbrættet."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:44
msgid ""
"Now you can search for your bank institution. Select it and follow the steps"
" to synchronize with it."
msgstr ""
"Nu kan du søge efter din bank institution. Vælg den, og følg trinende for at"
" synkronisere med den."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:47
msgid ""
"If you have any issues during your first synchronization, please verify that"
" your web browser doesn't block pop-ups and that your adblocker is disabled."
msgstr ""
"Hvis du har nogle problemer under din første synkroniseringer, beder vi dig "
"venligst om, at du verificerer at din web browser ikke blokerer pop-up "
"vinduer, og at din adblocker er deaktiveret."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -329,6 +358,14 @@ msgid ""
"party provider may request more information in order to connect with your "
"bank institution. This information is not stored on Odoo's servers."
msgstr ""
"Under din første synkronisering, vil du blive spurgt efter et telefonnummer,"
" for at sikre din konto. Grunden til vi spørger om en sådan information, er "
"at vi ikke ønsker at dine data falder i de forkerte hænder. Hvis vi senere "
"opfanger mistænkelig adfærd på din konto, blokerer vi alle anmodninger der "
"kommer fra din konto, og du ville skulle genaktivere den via dit "
"telefonnummer. Tredjeparts udbyderen kan efterspørge mere information for at"
" forbinde dig med din bank institution. Denne information er ikke gemt på "
"Odoos servere."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:57
msgid ""
@ -336,16 +373,21 @@ msgid ""
"the same statement, and one bank statement is created per month. You can "
"change the bank statement creation periodicity in your journal settings."
msgstr ""
"Per standard er transaktioner indhentet fra online kilder grupperet inde i "
"det samme udtog, og ét udtog oprettes per måned. Du kan ændre intervallet "
"for oprettelsen af udtog i dine Journal indstillinger."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:61
msgid ""
"You can find all your synchronizations by going to "
":menuselection:`Accounting --> Configuration --> Online Synchronization`."
msgstr ""
"Du kan finde alle dine synkroniseringer ved at gå til "
":menuselection:`Regnskab --> Konfiguration --> Online Synkronisering`."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:65
msgid "Synchronize manually"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Synkronisér manuelt"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:67
msgid ""
@ -353,6 +395,9 @@ msgid ""
"default every 12 hours. If you wish, you can synchronize manually by "
"clicking on the *Synchronize Now* button on the dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Efter din første synkronisering, synkroniseres de oprettede journaler per "
"standard hver 12. time. Hvis du ønsker det, kan du synkronisere dem manuelt,"
" ved at klikke på *Synkronisér Nu* knappen på instrumentbrættet."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:75
msgid ""
@ -360,6 +405,9 @@ msgid ""
"Synchronization`, select your institution and then click on the *Fetch "
"Transactions* button."
msgstr ""
"Eller du kan gå til :menuselection:`Regnskab --> Konfiguration --> Online "
"Synkronisering`, vælg din institution, og klik på *Hent Transaktioner* "
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:83
msgid ""
@ -370,14 +418,20 @@ msgid ""
"synchronizations. In this case, make sure to perform manual "
msgstr ""
"Visse institutioner tillader ikke at transaktioner indhentes automatisk. For"
" disse institutioner - når den automatiske synkronisering af en konto kører "
"- modtager du en fejlbesked, der beder dig om at deaktivere den automatiske "
"synkronisering. Denne besked kan findes i chatteren for dine online "
"synkroniseringer. I dette tilfælde, skal du forsikre, at du afvikler "
"manuelle synkroniseringer."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:89
msgid "Issues"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Problemer"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:92
msgid "Synchronization in error"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Synkronisering i fejl"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:94
msgid ""
@ -386,16 +440,22 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration --> Online Synchronization`, select the connection that "
"failed, and copy the error description and the reference."
msgstr ""
"For at rapportere en forbindelses fejl til `Odoo support "
"<https://www.odoo.com/help>`_, skal du gå til :menuselection:`Regnskab --> "
"Konfiguration --> Online Synkronisering`, vælg forbindelsen som slog fejl, "
"og kopier fejlbeskrivelsen og referencen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:99
msgid "Synchronization disconnected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Synkronisering afbrudt"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:101
msgid ""
"If your connection with the proxy is disconnected, you can reconnect with "
"the proxy using the *Reconnect* button."
msgstr ""
"Hvis din forbindelse til proxy'en afbrydes, kan du genoprette forbindelsen "
"med proxy'en via *Genforbind* knappen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:105
msgid ""
@ -403,22 +463,30 @@ msgid ""
"contact the `support <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_ directly with your client"
" id or the reference of the error listed in the chatter."
msgstr ""
"Denne afbrydelse kan være forårsaget af Odoo support. I så fald bedes du "
"kontakte `support <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_ direkte med dit klient ID "
"eller referencen på fejlen vist i chatteren."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:112
msgid "Migration process for users having installed Odoo before December 2020"
msgstr ""
"Migrations proces for brugere der har installeret Odoo før December 2020"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:114
msgid ""
"If you are on-premise, please first make sure that your source is up-to-date"
" with the latest version of Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Hvis du er til stede lokalt, bedes du først sikre dig, at din kilde er "
"opdateret med den seneste version af Odoo."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:117
msgid ""
"Users who have created a database before December 2020 need to install the "
"new module manually to use the new functionalities."
msgstr ""
"Brugere som har oprettet en database før December 2020 skal installere det "
"nye modul manuelt, for at kunne gøre brug af de nye funktionaliteter."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:120
msgid ""
@ -427,12 +495,18 @@ msgid ""
"**account_online_synchronization**. You can then click on the *Install* "
"button to install the new module."
msgstr ""
"For at gøre dette, skal du gå til :menuselection:`Applikationer --> Opdatér "
"Applikationsliste`, fjerne standard filteret i søgebjælken, og skrive: "
"**account_online_synchronization**. Derefter kan du klikke på *Installer* "
"knappen for at installere det nye modul."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:128
msgid ""
"Finally, make sure all your users refresh their Odoo page by pressing "
msgstr ""
"Endeligt skal du sikre dig, at alle dine brugere genopfrisker deres Odoo "
"side ved at trykke CTRL + F5."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:132
msgid ""
@ -442,18 +516,27 @@ msgid ""
"It is not possible to resynchronize these connections; you have to make new "
msgstr ""
"Alle tidligere synkroniseringer kobles af under installationen, og vil ikke "
"længere virke. Du kan finde dem direkte i synkroniserings menuen "
"(:menuselection:`Regnskab --> Konfiguration --> Online Synkronisering`). Det"
" er ikke muligt at synkronisere disse forbindelser igen; du skal lave nogle "
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:136
msgid ""
"Please do not uninstall *account_online_sync* which is the previous module "
"for online synchronization. The new one overrides it."
msgstr ""
"Vær venlig ikke at afinstallere *account_online_sync*, hvilket er det "
"tidligere modul for online synkronisering. Det nye modul overskriver den."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:138
msgid ""
"By default *account_online_synchronization* is installed automatically with "
msgstr ""
"Per standard installeres *account_online_synchronization* automatisk sammen "
"med Regnskab."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:141
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:95
@ -464,7 +547,7 @@ msgstr "Ofte Stillede Spørgsmål"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:144
msgid "The synchronization is not working in real-time. Is that normal?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Synkroniseringen virker ikke i real-tid. Er det normalt?"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:146
msgid ""
@ -477,6 +560,15 @@ msgid ""
"it is possible that clicking on *Synchronize Now* does not get your latest "
"transactions if you already performed such action earlier in the day."
msgstr ""
"Processen er ikke designet til at fungere i real-tid eftersom tredjeparts "
"udbyderen synkroniserer dine konti på forskellige intervaller. For at "
"gennemtvinge synkroniseringen og indhente udtog, kan du gå til dit *Regnskab"
" Instrumentbræt*, og klikke på *Synkronisér Nu* knappen. Du kan også "
"synkroniserer og indhente transaktioner via :menuselection:`Regnskab --> "
"Konfiguration --> Online Synkronisering`. Visse udbydere tillader kun én "
"genopfriskning per dag, så det er muligt at du ikke modtager de seneste "
"transaktioner ved at klikke på *Synkronisér Nu*, hvis du allerede har udført"
" en sådan handling tidligere den dag."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:153
msgid ""
@ -485,10 +577,15 @@ msgid ""
" retrieved. If it is not *Posted* yet, you will have to wait until the "
"status changes."
msgstr ""
"En transaktion kan være synlig på din bankkonto, men ikke indhentet hvis den"
" står med status *Afventer*. Kun transaktioner med status *Posteret* vil "
"blive indhentet. Hvis den ikke er *Posteret* endnu, vil du skulle vente "
"indtil status ændres."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:158
msgid "Is the Online Bank Synchronization feature included in my contract?"
msgstr ""
"Er Online Bank Synrkoniserings funktionaliteten inkluderet i min kontrakt?"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:160
msgid ""
@ -515,7 +612,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:165
msgid "Some banks have a status \"Beta.\" What does this mean?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Visse banker står med statussen \"Beta.\" Hvad betyder det?"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:167
msgid ""
@ -526,6 +623,12 @@ msgid ""
" the development process since the Provider will have real data and feedback"
" from the connection."
msgstr ""
"Dette betyder at bank institutionen endnu ikke er fuldt understøttet af "
"vores tredjeparts udbyder. Fejl eller andre problemer kan forekomme. Odoo "
"yder ikke support til tekniske problemer, som opstår i forhold til banker i "
"Beta fasen, men brugeren kan stadig vælge at forbinde til dem. Forbindelse "
"til disse banker bidrager til udviklings processen, eftersom Udbyderen vil "
"modtage reelle data og tilbagemeldinger om forbindelsen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:173
msgid "Why do my transactions only synchronize when I refresh manually?"
@ -553,10 +656,12 @@ msgid ""
"For some institutions, transactions can only be fetched up to 3 months in "
"the past."
msgstr ""
"For visse institutioner kan transaktioner kun indhentes op til 3 måneder "
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:185
msgid "Why don't I see any transactions?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hvorfor kan jeg ikke se nogle transaktioner?"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:187
msgid ""
@ -566,10 +671,14 @@ msgid ""
"Online Synchronization` to click on the *Fetch Accounts* button on the "
msgstr ""
"Under din første synkronisering valgte du de konti du ville synkronisere med"
" Odoo. Hvis du ikke synkroniserede nogle af dine konti, kan du gå til "
":menuselection:`Regnskab --> Konfiguration --> Online Synkronisering` og "
"klik på *Hent Konti* knappen under forbindelsen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:191
msgid "There may also be no new transactions."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Der kan også være en mangel på nye transaktioner."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:193
msgid ""
@ -591,6 +700,10 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration --> Online Synchronization`, open the connection you want to "
"update your credentials and click on the *Update Credentials* button."
msgstr ""
"Du kan opdatere dine legitimationsoplysninger ved at gå til "
":menuselection:`Regnskab --> Konfiguration --> Online Synkronisering*, åben "
"forbindelsen du ønsker at opdatere dine legitimationsoplysninger for, og "
"klik på *Opdatér Legitimationsoplysninger* knappen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:204
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:124
@ -601,16 +714,16 @@ msgstr ":doc:`bank_statements`"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:205
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/saltedge.rst:110
msgid ":doc:`ponto`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`ponto`"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_synchronization.rst:206
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:123
msgid ":doc:`saltedge`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`saltedge`"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:3
msgid "Ponto as bank synchronization provider"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ponto som synkroniserings udbyder"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -630,6 +743,8 @@ msgid ""
"**Odoo** can synchronize directly with your bank to get all bank statements "
"imported automatically into your database."
msgstr ""
"**Odoo** kan synkronisere direkte med din bank for at indhente alle "
"kontoudtog til din database automatisk."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:16
msgid ""
@ -637,6 +752,9 @@ msgid ""
"between your bank accounts and Odoo. `Its pricing is 4€/month per "
"account/integration <https://myponto.com/en#pricing>`_."
msgstr ""
"Ponto er en betalt tredjeparts udbyder, som kan håndtere synkroniseringen "
"mellem dine konti og Odoo. `Prisen er 4€/måned per konto/integration "
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:20
msgid ""
@ -657,7 +775,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:30
msgid "Create an account if you don't have one yet."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Opret en konto hvis du endnu ikke har en."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:31
msgid "Once you are logged in, create an *organization*."
@ -677,12 +795,16 @@ msgid ""
" follow the steps on-screen to link your bank account with your Ponto "
msgstr ""
"Vælg dit lang, dine bank institutioner, giv dit samtykke til Ponto, og følg "
"trinene på skærmen, for at forbinde din bankkonto med din Ponto konto."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:46
msgid ""
"Make sure to add all bank accounts you want to synchronize with your Odoo "
"database before moving on to the next steps."
msgstr ""
"Vær sikker på at tilføje alle bankkonti som du vil synkronisere med din Odoo"
" database, før du går videre til de næste trin."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:50
msgid "Link your Ponto account with your Odoo database"
@ -692,6 +814,7 @@ msgstr "Forbind din Ponto konto med din Odoo database"
msgid ""
"Go to :menuselection:`Accounting --> Configuration --> Add a Bank Account`."
msgstr ""
"Gå til :menuselection:`Regnskab --> Konfiguration --> Tilføj en Bankkonto`."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/ponto.rst:53
msgid ""
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
# Pablo Rojas <rojaspablo88@gmail.com>, 2021
# Jon Perez <jop@odoo.com>, 2021
# Cécile Collart <cco@odoo.com>, 2021
# renodoo <ren@odoo.com>, 2021
# Valentino Gaffuri Bedetta <vbe@odoo.com>, 2021
# renodoo <ren@odoo.com>, 2021
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-04 11:38+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Valentino Gaffuri Bedetta <vbe@odoo.com>, 2021\n"
"Last-Translator: renodoo <ren@odoo.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -8118,10 +8118,12 @@ msgid ""
"**SOL Credentials**: User and password provided by the SUNAT and grants "
"access to Online Operations systems."
msgstr ""
"** Credenciales SOL **: Usuario y contraseña proporcionados por la SUNAT y "
"otorga acceso a los sistemas de Operaciones Online."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:99
msgid "Signature Provider"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Proveedor de firma digital"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:101
msgid ""
@ -8130,61 +8132,73 @@ msgid ""
"signing process and manage the SUNAT validation response. Odoo offers three "
msgstr ""
"Como parte de los requisitos para la Factura Electrónica en Perú, su empresa"
" debe seleccionar un Proveedor de Firma electrónica que se encargará del "
"proceso de firma de documentos y gestionará la respuesta de validación de la"
" SUNAT. Odoo ofrece tres opciones:"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:105
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:112
msgid "IAP (Odoo In-App Purchase)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "IAP (Odoo In-App Purchase)"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:106
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:167
msgid "Digiflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Digiflow"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:107
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:183
msgid "SUNAT"
msgstr ""
msgstr "SUNAT"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:109
msgid ""
"Please refer to the sections below to check the details and considerations "
"for each option."
msgstr ""
"Consulte las secciones siguientes para verificar los detalles y las "
"consideraciones de cada opción."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:114
msgid ""
"This is the default and the suggested option, considering the digital "
"ceritificate is included as part of the service."
msgstr ""
"Esta es la opción predeterminada y sugerida, considerando que el certificado"
" digital se incluye como parte del servicio."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:122
msgid "What is the IAP?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "¿Qué es el IAP?"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:124
msgid ""
"This is a signature service offered directly by Odoo, the service takes care"
" of the next process:"
msgstr ""
"Este es un servicio de firma electrónica ofrecido directamente por Odoo, el "
"servicio se encarga del siguiente proceso:"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:126
msgid ""
"Provides the Electronic invoice Certificate, so you do not need to acquire "
"one by yourself."
msgstr ""
"Proporciona el Certificado de factura electrónica, por lo que no necesita "
"adquirir uno por su cuenta."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:127
msgid "Send the document to the OSE, in this case, Digiflow."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Envía el documento a la OSE, en este caso, a Digiflow."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:128
msgid "Receive the OSE validation and CDR."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Recibe la validación de la OSE y el CDR."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:131
msgid "How does it work?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "¿Como funciona?"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:133
msgid ""
@ -8192,6 +8206,9 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo provides 1000 credits for free in new databases. After these credits "
"are consumed, you need to buy a Credit Package."
msgstr ""
"El servicio requiere Créditos para procesar sus documentos electrónicos. "
"Odoo proporciona 1000 créditos gratis en nuevas bases de datos. Una vez "
"consumidos estos créditos, debe comprar un paquete de créditos."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:138
msgid "Credits"
@ -8212,31 +8229,31 @@ msgstr "22"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:142
msgid "5000"
msgstr ""
msgstr "5000"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:142
msgid "110"
msgstr ""
msgstr "110"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:144
msgid "10,000"
msgstr ""
msgstr "10,000"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:144
msgid "220"
msgstr ""
msgstr "220"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:146
msgid "20,000"
msgstr ""
msgstr "20,000"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:146
msgid "440"
msgstr ""
msgstr "440"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:149
msgid "The credits are consumed per each document that is sent to the OSE."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Los créditos se consumen por cada documento que se envía a la OSE."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:152
msgid ""
@ -8245,16 +8262,22 @@ msgid ""
" you verify all information is correct before sending your document to the "
msgstr ""
"Si tiene un error de validación y el documento debe enviarse una vez más, se"
" cargará un crédito adicional. Por lo tanto, es fundamental que verifique "
"que toda la información sea correcta antes de enviar su documento a la OSE."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:157
msgid "What do you need to do?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "¿Qué es lo que tiene que hacer?"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:159
msgid ""
"In Odoo, once your enterprise contract is activated and you start working in"
" Production, you need to buy credits once the first 1000 are consumed."
msgstr ""
"En Odoo, una vez que se activa su contrato empresarial y comienza a trabajar"
" en Producción, debe comprar créditos una vez que se consuman los primeros "
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:161
msgid ""
@ -8263,6 +8286,11 @@ msgid ""
"process. For more information, please check `OSE Affiliation guide "
msgstr ""
"Digiflow es el OSE utilizado en el IAP, debe afiliarlo como el OSE oficial "
"de su empresa en el sitio web de la SUNAT. Este es un proceso simple. Para "
"obtener más información, consulte la `Guía de afiliación de OSE "
" _."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:169
msgid ""
@ -8270,6 +8298,9 @@ msgid ""
" you can send your document validation directly to Digiflow. In this case "
"you need to consider:"
msgstr ""
"Esta opción se puede utilizar como alternativa, en lugar de utilizar los "
"servicios IAP, puede enviar la validación de su documento directamente a "
"Digiflow. En este caso, debe considerar:"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:172
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:189
@ -8279,16 +8310,22 @@ msgid ""
"Ceritifcates "
msgstr ""
"Comprar su propio Certificado digital: Para obtener más detalles sobre la "
"lista oficial de proveedores y el proceso para adquirirlo, consulte "
"`Certificados digitales de la SUNAT "
"<https://cpe.sunat.gob.pe/informacion_general/certificados_digitales/>` _."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:175
msgid ""
"Sign a service agreement directly with `Digiflow "
msgstr ""
"Firmar un contrato de servicio directamente con `Digiflow "
"<https://www.digiflow.pe/>` _."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:176
msgid "Provide your SOL credentials."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Proporcione sus credenciales SOL."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:185
msgid ""
@ -8296,20 +8333,26 @@ msgid ""
"to select this option in your configuration. In this case you need to "
"consider: - Get the SUNAT Certification process accepted."
msgstr ""
"En caso de que su empresa quiera firmar directamente con la SUNAT, es "
"posible seleccionar esta opción en su configuración. En este caso es "
"necesario considerar: - Obtener la aceptación del proceso de Certificación "
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:193
msgid "Provide you SOL credentials."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Proporcione sus credenciales SOL."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:197
msgid "Testing environment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ambiente de Pruebas"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:199
msgid ""
"Odoo provides a testing environment that can be activated before your "
"company goes into production."
msgstr ""
"Odoo proporciona un entorno de prueba que se puede activar antes de que su "
"empresa entre en producción."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:201
msgid ""
@ -8317,12 +8360,17 @@ msgid ""
"buy testing credits for your transactions as all of them are validated by "
msgstr ""
"Al utilizar el entorno de prueba y la firma IAP, no es necesario que compre "
"créditos de prueba para sus transacciones, ya que todos ellos están "
"validados de forma predeterminada."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:205
msgid ""
"By default the databases are set to work on production, make sure to enable "
"the testing mode if needed."
msgstr ""
"De forma predeterminada, las bases de datos están configuradas para trabajar"
" en producción, asegúrese de habilitar el modo de prueba si es necesario."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:211
msgid ""
@ -8330,6 +8378,9 @@ msgid ""
"signature, a digital certificate with the extension ``.pfx`` is required. "
"Proceed to this section and load your file and password."
msgstr ""
"En caso de que no utilice Odoo IAP, para generar la firma de factura "
"electrónica, se requiere un certificado digital con la extensión `` .pfx ''."
" Acceda a esta sección y cargue su archivo y contraseña."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:222
msgid ""
@ -8337,22 +8388,31 @@ msgid ""
" Odoo can connect directly to its services and get the currency rate either "
"automatically or manually."
msgstr ""
"El tipo de cambio de moneda oficial en Perú es proporcionado por el Banco "
"Central de Reserva del Peru. Odoo puede conectarse directamente a sus "
"servicios y obtener el tipo de cambio de forma automática o manual."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:229
msgid ""
"Please refer to the next section in our documentation for more information "
"about :doc:`multicurrency <../../others/multicurrencies/how_it_works>`."
msgstr ""
"Consulte la siguiente sección de nuestra documentación para obtener más "
"información sobre: doc: `multicurrency <../../ others / multicurrencies / "
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:239
msgid ""
"As part of the localization module the taxes are created automatically with "
"their related financial account and electronic invoice configuration."
msgstr ""
"Como parte del módulo de localización, los impuestos se crean "
"automáticamente con su cuenta financiera relacionada y la configuración de "
"factura electrónica."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:247
msgid "EDI Configuration"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Configuración EDI"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:249
msgid ""
@ -8360,22 +8420,31 @@ msgid ""
"electronic invoice, the taxes created by default have this data included, "
"but in case you create new taxes make sure you fill in the fields:"
msgstr ""
"Como parte de la configuración de impuestos, hay tres nuevos campos "
"requeridos para la factura electrónica, los impuestos creados por defecto "
"tienen estos datos incluidos, pero en caso de que cree nuevos impuestos "
"asegúrese de completar los campos:"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:261
msgid ""
"There are two main fiscal positions included by default when you install the"
" Peruvian localization."
msgstr ""
"Hay dos posiciones fiscales principales incluidas de forma predeterminada "
"cuando instala la localización peruana."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:263
msgid ""
"**Extranjero - Exportación**: Set this fiscal position on customers for "
"Exportation transactions."
msgstr ""
"** Extranjero - Exportación **: Establece esta posición fiscal en clientes "
"para transacciones de Exportación."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:265
msgid "**Local Peru**: Set this fiscal position on local customers."
msgstr ""
"** Perú local **: establezca esta posición fiscal en los clientes locales."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:270
msgid ""
@ -8384,6 +8453,10 @@ msgid ""
"types, defined by the government fiscal authorities, in this case by the "
msgstr ""
"En algunos países de América Latina, incluido Perú, algunas transacciones "
"contables como facturas y facturas de proveedor se clasifican por tipos de "
"documentos, definidos por las autoridades fiscales del gobierno, en este "
"caso por la SUNAT."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:274
msgid ""
@ -8392,28 +8465,39 @@ msgid ""
"country on which the document is applicable;the data is created "
"automatically when the localization module is installed."
msgstr ""
"Cada tipo de documento puede tener una secuencia única por diario donde se "
"asigna. Como parte de la localización, el Tipo de documento incluye el país "
"en el que se aplica el documento; los datos se crean automáticamente cuando "
"se instala el módulo de localización."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:278
msgid ""
"The information required for the document types is included by default so "
"the user does not need to fill anything on this view:"
msgstr ""
"La información requerida para los tipos de documentos se incluye de forma "
"predeterminada, por lo que el usuario no necesita completar nada en esta "
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:286
msgid ""
"Currently the documents supported on customer invoices are: Invoice, Boleta,"
" Debit Note and Credit Note."
msgstr ""
"Actualmente los documentos soportados en las facturas de los clientes son: "
"Factura, Boleta, Nota de Débito y Nota de Crédito."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:292
msgid ""
"When creating Sales Journals, the following information must be filled, in "
"addition to the standard fields on the Journals:"
msgstr ""
"Al crear los diarios de ventas, se debe completar la siguiente información, "
"además de los campos estándar:"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:296
msgid "Use Documents"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Usa documentos"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:298
msgid ""
@ -8422,6 +8506,11 @@ msgid ""
"related to the different set of document types available in Peru. By "
"default, all the sales journals created use documents."
msgstr ""
"Este campo se utiliza para definir si el diario utiliza tipos de documentos."
" Solo es aplicable a los diarios de Compras y Ventas, que son los que se "
"pueden relacionar con los diferentes tipos de documentos disponibles en "
"Perú. De forma predeterminada, todos los diarios de ventas creados utilizan "
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:303
msgid "Electronic Data Interchange"
@ -8432,12 +8521,16 @@ msgid ""
"This section indicates which EDI workflow is used in the invoice, for Peru "
"we must select “Peru UBL 2.1”."
msgstr ""
"En esta sección se indica qué flujo de trabajo de EDI se utiliza en la "
"factura, para Perú debemos seleccionar “Perú UBL 2.1”."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:313
msgid ""
"By default, the value Factur-X (FR) is always displayed, make sure you can "
"uncheck it manually."
msgstr ""
"Por defecto, el valor Factur-X (FR) siempre se muestra, asegúrese de "
"desmarcarlo manualmente."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:321
msgid ""
@ -8446,6 +8539,11 @@ msgid ""
"essential for most transactions either on the sender company and in the "
"customer, make sure you fill in this information in your records."
msgstr ""
"Como parte de la localización peruana, los tipos de identificación definidos"
" por la SUNAT ahora están disponibles en el formulario de Contactos, esta "
"información es esencial para la mayoría de las transacciones ya sea en la "
"empresa remitente y en el cliente, asegúrese de completar esta información "
"en sus registros."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:331
msgid "Product"
@ -8457,6 +8555,9 @@ msgid ""
"localization, the UNSPC Code on the product is a required value to be "
msgstr ""
"Adicional a la información básica en sus productos, para la localización "
"peruana, el Código UNSPSC en el producto es un valor requerido para ser "
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:345
msgid "Customer invoice"
@ -8464,7 +8565,7 @@ msgstr "Factura de cliente"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:348
msgid "EDI Elements"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Elementos EDI"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:350
msgid ""
@ -8474,12 +8575,20 @@ msgid ""
"<../../receivables/customer_invoices/overview>`, there are a couple of "
"fields required as part of the Peru EDI:"
msgstr ""
"Una vez que haya configurado sus datos maestros, las facturas se pueden "
"crear a partir de su orden de venta o bien manualmente. Además de la "
"información básica de la factura que se describe en: doc: `nuestra página "
"sobre el proceso de facturación <../../ cobivables / customer_invoices / "
"overview>`, hay un par de campos obligatorios como parte del EDI de Perú:"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:355
msgid ""
"**Document type**: The default value is “Factura Electronica” but you can "
"manually change the document type if needed and select Boleta for example."
msgstr ""
"**Tipo de documento**: el valor predeterminado es \"Factura Electrónica\", "
"pero puede cambiar manualmente el tipo de documento si es necesario y "
"seleccionar Boleta, por ejemplo."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:362
msgid ""
@ -8488,6 +8597,10 @@ msgid ""
"another value can be selected manually when needed, for example Export of "
msgstr ""
"**Tipo de operación**: Este valor es obligatorio para la Factura Electrónica"
" e indica el tipo de transacción, el valor predeterminado es \"Venta "
"Interna\" pero se puede seleccionar otro valor manualmente cuando sea "
"necesario, por ejemplo Exportación de Mercancías."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:370
msgid ""
@ -8497,6 +8610,12 @@ msgid ""
"are associated with a default EDI affection reason, if needed you can "
"manually select another one when creating the invoice."
msgstr ""
"** Motivo de Afectación del EDI **: En las líneas de la factura, adicional "
"al Impuesto hay un campo “Motivo de Afectación EDI” que determina el alcance"
" del impuesto en base a la lista de la SUNAT que se despliega. Todos los "
"impuestos cargados por defecto están asociados con un motivo de afecto EDI "
"predeterminado, si es necesario, puede seleccionar manualmente otro al crear"
" la factura."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:382
msgid ""
@ -8505,17 +8624,23 @@ msgid ""
"the Electronic invoice workflow to send it to the OSE and the SUNAT. The "
"following message is displayed at the top of the invoice:"
msgstr ""
"Una vez que verifique que toda la información en su factura es correcta, "
"puede proceder a validarla. Esta acción registra el movimiento de la cuenta "
"y activa el flujo de Factura Electrónica para enviarla a la OSE y la SUNAT. "
"El siguiente mensaje se muestra en la parte superior de la factura:"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:390
msgid ""
"Asynchronous means that the document is not sent automatically after the "
"invoice has been posted."
msgstr ""
"Asincrónico significa que el documento no se envía automáticamente después "
"de que se haya contabilizado la factura."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:393
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:487
msgid "Electronic Invoice Status"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Estado de Factura Electrónica"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:395
msgid ""
@ -8524,6 +8649,10 @@ msgid ""
"runs every hour, or the user can send it immediately by clicking on the "
"button “Sent now”."
msgstr ""
"**Para ser enviado**: Para ser enviado: Indica que el documento está listo "
"para ser enviado al OSE, esto puede ser hecho automáticamente por Odoo con "
"un *cron* que se ejecuta cada hora, o el usuario puede enviarlo "
"inmediatamente por haciendo clic en el botón \"Enviado ahora\"."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:403
msgid ""
@ -8531,6 +8660,10 @@ msgid ""
"validated. As part of the validation a ZIP file is downloaded and a message "
"is logged in the chatter indicating the correct Government validation."
msgstr ""
"**Enviado**: Indica que el documento fue enviado a la OSE y fue validado "
"exitosamente. Como parte de la validación, se descarga un archivo ZIP y se "
"registra un mensaje en el chatter que indica la validación gubernamental es "
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:411
msgid ""
@ -8538,6 +8671,9 @@ msgid ""
" “To be sent” so the corrections can be made and the invoice can be sent "
msgstr ""
"En caso de que exista un error de validación el estado de la Factura "
"Electrónica permanece en “A enviar” para que se puedan realizar las "
"correcciones y la factura se pueda enviar nuevamente."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:415
msgid ""
@ -8545,6 +8681,9 @@ msgid ""
" this sense if an error is detected on an invoice and you send it one more "
"time, two credits are consumed in total."
msgstr ""
"Se consume un crédito cada vez que envía un documento para su validación, en"
" este sentido si se detecta un error en una factura y la envía una vez más, "
"se consumen dos créditos en total."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:422
msgid ""
@ -8552,10 +8691,14 @@ msgid ""
"when this happens Odoo sends a message at the top of the invoice indicating "
"the error details and in the most common cases a hint to fix the issue."
msgstr ""
"Hay varias razones detrás de un rechazo por parte de la OSE o la SUNAT, "
"cuando esto sucede, Odoo envía un mensaje en la parte superior de la factura"
" indicando los detalles del error y, en los casos más comunes, una ayuda "
"funcional para solucionar el problema."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:426
msgid "If a validation error is received, you have two options:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Si se recibe un error de validación, tiene dos opciones:"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:428
msgid ""
@ -8563,6 +8706,10 @@ msgid ""
"taxes, you can simply apply the change on the record (example customer "
"identification type) and once it is done click on the Retry button."
msgstr ""
"En caso de que el error esté relacionado con datos maestros de la empresa, "
"cliente o impuestos, simplemente puede aplicar el cambio en el registro "
"(ejemplo tipo de identificación de cliente) y una vez hecho esto, haga clic "
"en el botón Reintentar."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:431
msgid ""
@ -8571,12 +8718,19 @@ msgid ""
" to reset the invoice to Draft, apply the changes, and then send the invoice"
" again to the SUNAT for another validation."
msgstr ""
"Si el error está relacionado con algunos datos registrados en la factura "
"directamente (tipo de operación, datos faltantes en las líneas de factura), "
"la solución correcta es restablecer la factura a Borrador, aplicar los "
"cambios y luego enviar la factura nuevamente a la SUNAT para otra "
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:440
msgid ""
"For more detail please refert to `Common errors in SUNAT "
msgstr ""
"Para obtener más detalles, consulte `Errores comunes en SUNAT "
"<https://www.nubefact.com/codigos-error-sunat/>` _."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:446
msgid ""
@ -8584,6 +8738,9 @@ msgid ""
"report can be printed. The report includes a QR code, indicating the invoice"
" is a valid fiscal document."
msgstr ""
"Una vez que la factura es aceptada y validada por la SUNAT, se puede "
"imprimir el informe en PDF de la factura. El informe incluye un código QR, "
"que indica que la factura es un documento fiscal válido."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:454
msgid "IAP Credits"
@ -8595,6 +8752,9 @@ msgid ""
"consumed in your production database, your company must buy new credits in "
"order to process your transactions."
msgstr ""
"El IAP electrónico de Odoo ofrece 1000 créditos de forma gratuita, una vez "
"que estos créditos se consumen en su base de datos de producción, su empresa"
" debe comprar nuevos créditos para procesar sus transacciones."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:459
msgid ""
@ -8602,17 +8762,23 @@ msgid ""
"invoice indicating that additional credits are required, you can easily buy "
"them by accessing the link provided in the message."
msgstr ""
"Una vez que se quede sin créditos, se mostrará una etiqueta roja en la parte"
" superior de la factura que indica que se requieren créditos adicionales, "
"puede comprarlos fácilmente accediendo al enlace provisto en el mensaje."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:467
msgid ""
"In the IAP service includes packages with different pricing based on the "
"number of credits. The price list in the IAP is always displayed in EUR."
msgstr ""
"En el servicio IAP se incluyen paquetes con diferentes precios en función de"
" la cantidad de créditos. La lista de precios en el IAP siempre se muestra "
"en EUR."
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:474
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:510
msgid "Cancelation process"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Proceso de Cancelación"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:476
msgid ""
@ -8621,6 +8787,10 @@ msgid ""
"the SUNAT, the correct way to proceed is by clicking on the button Request "
msgstr ""
"Algunos escenarios requieren la cancelación de una factura, por ejemplo, "
"cuando se creó una factura por error. Si la factura ya fue enviada y "
"validada por la SUNAT, la forma correcta de proceder es haciendo clic en el "
"botón Solicitar Cancelación:"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/localizations/peru.rst:484
msgid "In order to cancel an invoice, please provide a cancellation Reason."
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
# Katerina Katapodi <katerinakatapodi@gmail.com>, 2020
# Miguel Orueta <mo@landoo.es>, 2020
# Susanna Pujol, 2020
# renodoo <ren@odoo.com>, 2021
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-04 11:02+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Susanna Pujol, 2020\n"
"Last-Translator: renodoo <ren@odoo.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -5627,7 +5628,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../inventory/routes/concepts/use-routes.rst:48
#: ../../inventory/routes/strategies/removal.rst:45
msgid "How does it work?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "¿Como funciona?"
#: ../../inventory/routes/concepts/use-routes.rst:51
msgid "Pull Rules"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# Jérôme Tanché <jerome.tanche@ouest-dsi.fr>, 2020
# Xavier Belmere <Info@cartmeleon.com>, 2020
# Eloïse Stilmant <est@odoo.com>, 2020
# Cécile Collart <cco@odoo.com>, 2021
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-04 11:02+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Eloïse Stilmant <est@odoo.com>, 2020\n"
"Last-Translator: Cécile Collart <cco@odoo.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: French (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/fr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -30,11 +31,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../contributing.rst:5
msgid "Contributing"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Contribuer"
#: ../../contributing/documentation.rst:5
msgid "Contributing to the documentation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Contribuer à la documentation"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:5
msgid "Content guidelines"
@ -47,6 +48,11 @@ msgid ""
"brightest! While we encourage you to adopt your own writing style, some "
"rules still apply to give the reader more clarity and comprehension."
msgstr ""
"Pour donner à la communauté la meilleure documentation possible, nous avons "
"répertorié ici quelques conseils et astuces qui feront briller votre contenu"
" sous son meilleur jour! Bien que nous vous encourageons à adopter votre "
"propre style d'écriture, certaines règles s'appliquent toujours pour donner "
"au lecteur plus de clarté et de compréhension."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -55,24 +61,29 @@ msgid ""
"and outs of **RST writing** is required to write and submit your "
"contribution. Note that it also affects your writing style itself."
msgstr ""
"Nous recommandons vivement aux contributeurs de lire attentivement les "
"autres documents de cette section *Contribution*. Une bonne connaissance des"
" tenants et aboutissants de la **rédaction RST** est requise pour rédiger et"
" soumettre votre contribution. Notez que cela affecte également votre style "
"d'écriture lui-même."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:16
msgid ":doc:`introduction_guide`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`introduction_guide`"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:17
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:41
msgid ":doc:`rst_cheat_sheet`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`rst_cheat_sheet`"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:18
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:42
msgid ":doc:`rst_guidelines`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`rst_guidelines`"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:23
msgid "Writing style"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Style d'écriture"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -81,14 +92,19 @@ msgid ""
" information they are looking for. Keep in mind that the user documentation "
"is a place to inform and describe, not to convince and promote."
msgstr ""
"**Ecrire de la documentation** est assez différent de la rédaction pour un "
"blog ou un autre support. Les lecteurs sont plus susceptibles de parcourir "
"le contenu en diagonale jusqu'à ce qu'ils aient trouvé les informations "
"qu'ils recherchent. Gardez à l'esprit que la documentation utilisateur est "
"un lieu pour informer et décrire, non pour convaincre et promouvoir."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:32
msgid "Consistency"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cohérence"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:34
msgid "*Consistency is key to everything.*"
msgstr ""
msgstr "*La cohérence est la clé.*"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -96,10 +112,13 @@ msgid ""
"existing text, try to match the existing tone and presentation, or rewrite "
"it to match your own style."
msgstr ""
"Assurez-vous que votre style d'écriture reste **cohérent**. Si vous modifiez"
" un texte existant, essayez de faire correspondre le ton et la présentation,"
" ou réécrivez-le pour qu'il corresponde à votre propre style."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:42
msgid "Grammatical tenses"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Temps grammaticaux"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:44
msgid ""
@ -107,35 +126,44 @@ msgid ""
"Tense**, while a *future tense* is appropriate only when a specific event is"
" to happen ulteriorly. This logic might be different in other languages."
msgstr ""
"En anglais, les descriptions et les instructions nécessitent l'utilisation "
"du **présent**, tandis que le *futur* n'est approprié que lorsqu'un "
"événement spécifique doit se produire ultérieurement. Cette logique peut "
"être différente dans d'autres langues."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid "Good example (present):"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bon exemple (présent) :"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid ""
"*Screenshots are automatically resized to fit the content block's width.*"
msgstr ""
"*Screenshots are automatically resized to fit the content block's width.*"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid "Bad example (future):"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mauvais exemple (futur) :"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid ""
"*When you take a screenshot, remember that it will be automatically resized "
"to fit the content block's width.*"
msgstr ""
"*When you take a screenshot, remember that it will be automatically resized "
"to fit the content block's width.*"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:57
msgid "Paragraphing"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Utilisation des paragraphes"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:59
msgid ""
"A paragraph comprises several sentences that are linked by a shared idea. "
"They usually are two to six lines long."
msgstr ""
"Un paragraphe comprend plusieurs phrases liées par une idée partagée. Ils "
"comportent généralement de deux à six lignes."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:62
msgid ""
@ -153,27 +181,31 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:72
msgid "Titles"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Titres"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:74
msgid "To write a good title :"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pour écrire un bon titre :"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:76
msgid "**Be concise.**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Soyez concis.**"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:77
msgid "**Avoid sentences**, questions, and titles starting with \"how to.\""
msgstr ""
"**Évitez les phrases**, les questions et les titres commençant par \"comment"
" faire\"."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:78
msgid "**Don't use pronouns** in your titles, especially 2nd person (*your*)"
msgstr ""
"**N'utilisez pas de pronoms** dans vos titres, en particulier la 2ème "
"personne (*votre*)"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:83
msgid "Document's structure"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Structure du document"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:85
msgid ""
@ -181,10 +213,13 @@ msgid ""
"sections. Your headings are also displayed in a dynamic *navigation bar* on "
"the side."
msgstr ""
"Utilisez différents **niveaux de titres** pour organiser votre texte par "
"sections et sous-sections. Vos titres sont également affichés dans une "
"*barre de navigation* dynamique sur le côté."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid "**H1: Page Title**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**H1 : Titre de la page**"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid ""
@ -192,6 +227,9 @@ msgid ""
"your content is about. It is also referenced in the section's *table of "
msgstr ""
"Votre *titre de page* donne à votre lecteur une compréhension rapide et "
"claire de l'objet de votre contenu. Il est également référencé dans la "
"*table des matières* de la section."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:93
msgid ""
@ -199,6 +237,9 @@ msgid ""
"**business point of view**, and shouldn't put the emphasis on Odoo, as this "
"is documentation and not marketing."
msgstr ""
"Le *contenu* de cette section décrit le contenu à venir d'un **point de vue "
"business**, et ne doit pas mettre l'accent sur Odoo, car il s'agit de "
"documentation et non de marketing."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:97
msgid ""
@ -206,10 +247,13 @@ msgid ""
" they've found the right page, then explain the **business aspects of this "
"topic** in the following paragraphs."
msgstr ""
"Commencez par un **paragraphe principal**, qui aide le lecteur à s'assurer "
"qu'il a trouvé la bonne page, puis expliquez les **aspects commerciaux de ce"
" sujet** dans les paragraphes suivants."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid "**H2: Section Title (configuration)**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**H2 : Titre de la section (configuration)**"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid ""
@ -217,10 +261,14 @@ msgid ""
"prerequisites to achieve a specific goal. To add a path, make sure you use "
"the ``:menuselection:`` specialized directive (see link below)."
msgstr ""
"Cette première section H2 concerne la configuration de la fonctionnalité ou "
"les prérequis pour atteindre un objectif spécifique. Pour ajouter un chemin,"
" assurez-vous d'utiliser la directive spécialisée ``:menuselection:`` (voir "
"lien ci-dessous)."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid "Example:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Exemple :"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid ""
@ -230,27 +278,32 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid "**H2: Section Title (main sections)**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**H2 : Titre de la section (sections principales)**"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid ""
"Create as many main sections as you have actions or features to distinguish."
" The title can start with a verb, but try to avoid using \"Create ...\"."
msgstr ""
"Créez autant de sections principales que vous avez d'actions ou de "
"fonctionnalités à distinguer. Le titre peut commencer par un verbe, mais "
"essayez d'éviter d'utiliser \"Créer ...\"."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid "**H3: Subsection**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**H3 : sous-section**"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:0
msgid ""
"Subsections are perfect for assessing very specific points. The title can be"
" in the form of a question, if appropriate."
msgstr ""
"Les sous-sections sont parfaites pour évaluer des points très spécifiques. "
"Le titre peut prendre la forme d'une question, le cas échéant."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:118
msgid "**H2: Next Section**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**H2 : Section suivante**"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:122
msgid ":ref:`RST cheat sheet: headings <contributing/headings>`"
@ -273,6 +326,10 @@ msgid ""
"necessary to illustrate all steps and features, and it may overload your "
msgstr ""
"L'ajout de quelques images pour illustrer votre texte aide les lecteurs à "
"comprendre et à mémoriser votre contenu. Cependant, évitez d'ajouter trop "
"d'images : il n'est pas nécessaire d'illustrer toutes les étapes et "
"fonctionnalités, et cela peut surcharger votre page."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:135
msgid ""
@ -291,14 +348,22 @@ msgid ""
"small on-screen. Therefore, we recommend to avoid to take screenshots of a "
"full screen display of the app, unless it is relevant to do so."
msgstr ""
"Les captures d'écran sont automatiquement redimensionnées pour s'adapter à "
"la largeur du bloc de contenu. Cela implique que les captures d'écran ne "
"peuvent pas être trop larges, sinon elles apparaîtront très petites à "
"l'écran. Par conséquent, nous vous recommandons d'éviter de prendre des "
"captures d'écran d'un affichage plein écran de l'application, à moins que "
"cela ne soit pertinent."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:146
msgid "A few tips to improve your screenshots:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Quelques conseils pour améliorer vos captures d'écran :"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:148
msgid "**Zoom** in your browser. We recommend a 110% zoom for better results."
msgstr ""
"**Zoomez** dans votre navigateur. Nous recommandons un zoom de 110% pour de "
"meilleurs résultats."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:149
msgid ""
@ -306,16 +371,24 @@ msgid ""
"by opening the *browser's developer tools* (press the ``F12`` key) and "
"resizing the width."
msgstr ""
"**Redimensionnez** la largeur de votre navigateur, soit en *redimensionnant "
"la fenêtre* elle-même, soit en ouvrant les *outils de développement du "
"navigateur* (appuyez sur la touche `` F12``) et en redimensionnant la "
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:151
msgid "**Select** the relevant area, rather than keeping the full window."
msgstr ""
"**Sélectionnez** la zone appropriée, plutôt que de conserver la fenêtre "
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:152
msgid ""
"If necessary, you can **edit** the screenshot to remove unnecessary fields "
"and to narrow even more Odoo's display."
msgstr ""
"Si nécessaire, vous pouvez **modifier** la capture d'écran pour supprimer "
"les champs inutiles et affiner encore plus l'affichage d'Odoo."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:160
msgid ""
@ -323,10 +396,14 @@ msgid ""
"responsive design automatically resizes all fields to match the window's "
msgstr ""
"Le redimensionnement de la largeur de la fenêtre est l'étape la plus "
"importante à réaliser car la conception réactive d'Odoo redimensionne "
"automatiquement tous les champs pour qu'ils correspondent à la largeur de la"
" fenêtre."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:166
msgid "ALT tags"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tags ALT"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:168
msgid ""
@ -336,26 +413,32 @@ msgid ""
"understand what the image is about and index it correctly, which improves "
"the :abbr:`SEO (Search Engine Optimization)` significantly."
msgstr ""
"Un **tag ALT** est une *alternative textuelle* à une image. Ce texte "
"s'affiche si le navigateur ne parvient pas à afficher l'image. Il est "
"également utile pour les utilisateurs malvoyants. Enfin, il aide les moteurs"
" de recherche, comme Google, à comprendre en quoi consiste l'image et à "
"l'indexer correctement, ce qui améliore considérablement le :abbr:`SEO "
"(Search Engine Optimization)`."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:173
msgid "Good ALT tags are:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Les bons tags ALT sont :"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:175
msgid "**Short** (one line maximum)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Court** (une ligne maximum)"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:176
msgid "**Not a repetition** of a previous sentence or title"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Pas une répétition** d'une phrase ou d'un titre précédent"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:177
msgid "A **good description** of the action happening on the image"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Une **bonne description** de l'action qui se passe sur l'image"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:178
msgid "Easily **understandable** if read aloud"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Facilement **compréhensible** si lu à haute voix"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/content_guidelines.rst:181
msgid ":ref:`RST cheat sheet: image directive <contributing/image>`"
@ -363,13 +446,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:5
msgid "Introduction guide"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Guide d'introduction"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:7
msgid ""
"**First of all, thank you for landing here and helping us improve the user "
"documentation of Odoo!**"
msgstr ""
"**Tout d'abord, merci d'être arrivé jusqu'ici et de nous aider à améliorer "
"la documentation utilisateur d'Odoo!**"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -377,6 +462,10 @@ msgid ""
"need to write documentation, whether you plan to make a minor content change"
" or document an application from scratch."
msgstr ""
"Ce guide d'introduction vous aidera à acquérir les outils et les "
"connaissances dont vous avez besoin afin de rédiger de la documentation, que"
" vous envisagiez d'apporter une modification mineure au contenu ou de "
"documenter une application à partir de zéro."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -387,6 +476,12 @@ msgid ""
"alongside the source code of Odoo at `github.com/odoo/odoo "
msgstr ""
"Ce tutoriel concerne uniquement la `documentation utilisateur "
"<https://www.odoo.com/documentation/user/index.html>`_ d'Odoo. La "
"documentation pour `développer dans Odoo "
"<https://www.odoo.com/documentation/master/index.html>` _ est maintenue avec"
" le code source d'Odoo à `github.com/odoo/odoo "
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:22
msgid "reStructuredText"
@ -421,7 +516,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:43
msgid ":doc:`content_guidelines`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`content_guidelines`"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:48
msgid "Getting started"
@ -432,12 +527,18 @@ msgid ""
"As our documentation is maintained on GitHub, you will need a free GitHub "
"account. Click `here <https://github.com/join>`_ to create one."
msgstr ""
"Comme notre documentation est maintenue sur GitHub, vous aurez besoin d'un "
"compte GitHub gratuit. Cliquez `ici <https://github.com/join>`_ pour en "
"créer un."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:53
msgid ""
"Now, depending on whether you want to update existing content, or rather "
"work on new content and make file changes, you have two courses of action:"
msgstr ""
"Selon que vous souhaitiez mettre à jour du contenu existant, ou plutôt "
"travailler sur un nouveau contenu et modifier les fichiers, vous avez deux "
"pistes d'action :"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:56
msgid ""
@ -447,6 +548,13 @@ msgid ""
"documentation and is suitable for non-technical people. Read "
":ref:`contributing/github-interface` to learn how to use this method."
msgstr ""
"**Pour de petits changements** dans les fichiers ``.rst`` uniquement, "
"c'est-à-dire l'ajout/l'édition de paragraphes ou de fautes de frappe, **nous"
" vous suggérons d'utiliser l'interface GitHub**. C'est le moyen le plus "
"simple et le plus rapide de soumettre votre demande de modification de la "
"documentation et convient aux personnes non techniques. Lisez "
":ref:`contributing/github-interface` pour savoir comment utiliser cette "
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:60
msgid ""
@ -455,10 +563,15 @@ msgid ""
"requires basic knowledge of Git. See :ref:`contributing/canonical-git-"
"workflow` for more information on this method."
msgstr ""
"**Pour les cas plus complexes**, il est nécessaire **d'utiliser Git et de "
"travailler à partir d'une copie locale de la documentation**. Cette méthode "
"semble intimidante mais ne nécessite que des connaissances de base de Git. "
"Voir :ref:`contributing/canonical-git-workflow` pour plus d'informations sur"
" cette méthode."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:67
msgid "Use the GitHub interface"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Utilisez l'interface GitHub"
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:69
msgid ""
@ -466,12 +579,17 @@ msgid ""
"intend to change. The version can be selected from the dropdown in the top "
msgstr ""
"Vérifiez que vous parcourez la documentation dans la version que vous "
"souhaitez modifier. La version peut être sélectionnée dans la liste "
"déroulante du menu supérieur."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:74
msgid ""
"Head over to the page that you want to change and click on the **Edit on "
"GitHub** button in the bottom of the left menu."
msgstr ""
"Rendez-vous sur la page que vous souhaitez modifier et cliquez sur le bouton"
" **Modifier sur GitHub** en bas du menu de gauche."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:79
msgid ""
@ -481,6 +599,11 @@ msgid ""
" entire repository on your own account. If you do have the edit rights, skip"
" this step."
msgstr ""
"Si vous ne disposez pas des droits d'édition sur le référentiel (`odoo"
"/documentation-user <https://github.com/odoo/documentation-user>`_), vous "
"devez le fourcher en cliquant sur le bouton approprié. En d'autres termes, "
"vous créez une copie de l'ensemble du référentiel sur votre propre compte. "
"Si vous disposez des droits de modification, ignorez cette étape."
#: ../../contributing/documentation/introduction_guide.rst:86
msgid ""
@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
# Translators:
# David David <f322p3ph@yahoo.fr>, 2020
# Jérôme Tanché <jerome.tanche@ouest-dsi.fr>, 2020
# Cécile Collart <cco@odoo.com>, 2020
# Sébastien BÜHL <buhlsebastien@gmail.com>, 2020
# Renaud de Colombel <rdecolombel@sgen.cfdt.fr>, 2020
# Martin Trigaux, 2021
# Fernanda Marques <fem@odoo.com>, 2021
# Cécile Collart <cco@odoo.com>, 2021
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-04 11:02+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernanda Marques <fem@odoo.com>, 2021\n"
"Last-Translator: Cécile Collart <cco@odoo.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: French (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/fr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -385,6 +385,11 @@ msgid ""
"pick the industries your leads are coming from. It is possible to pick "
"multiple industries."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez décider de filtrer les pistes que vous obtenez en fonction de la"
" taille (nombre d'employés) des entreprises. Vous pouvez choisir les pays "
"d'où proviennent vos pistes. Il est possible de sélectionner plusieurs pays."
" Vous pouvez sélectionner les secteurs d'activité d'où proviennent vos "
"pistes. Il est possible de sélectionner plusieurs industries."
#: ../../crm/acquire_leads/lead_mining.rst:43
msgid ""
@ -415,6 +420,13 @@ msgid ""
"Credits`; or go to :menuselection:`Settings --> In-App Purchases --> View my"
" Services`."
msgstr ""
"Il s'agit d'une fonctionnalité d'achat In-App, chaque piste générée vous "
"coûtera un crédit. Si vous décidez d'obtenir des informations de contact, "
"chaque contact vous coûtera aussi un crédit supplémentaire. Voici le coût de"
" cette `fonctionnalité <https://iap.odoo.com/iap/in-app-services/167?>`__. "
"Pour acheter des crédits, vous pouvez soit aller dans :menuselection:`CRM "
"--> Configuration --> Paramètres --> Acheter des crédits` ; soit dans "
":menuselection:`Settings --> Achats In-App --> Voir mes Services`."
#: ../../crm/acquire_leads/lead_mining.rst:65
msgid ""
@ -513,12 +525,20 @@ msgid ""
"motivate and evaluate your employees with real-time recognition and badges "
"inspired by game mechanics."
msgstr ""
"Encourager vos employés à atteindre des cibles précises avec des objectifs "
"et des récompenses est un excellent moyen de renforcer les bonnes habitudes "
"et d'améliorer la productivité de vos vendeurs. Le module Émulation d'Odoo "
"vous donne des moyens simples et créatifs pour motiver et évaluer vos "
"employés avec la reconnaissance en temps réel et des badges inspirés par "
"l'univers du jeu."
#: ../../crm/optimize/gamification.rst:13
msgid ""
"Install the *Gamification* module, or the *CRM gamification* one, which adds"
" some useful data (goals and challenges) that can be used on *CRM/Sale*."
msgstr ""
"Installez le module *Emulation*, ou *Emulation CRM*, qui ajoute des données "
"utiles (objectifs et défis) utilisables sur *CRM/Ventes*."
#: ../../crm/optimize/gamification.rst:21
msgid "Create a challenge"
@ -543,26 +563,29 @@ msgid ""
"one or several goals, set for a specific period of time. Configure your "
"challenge as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Un défi est une mission que vous envoyez à votre équipe commerciale. Il peut"
" inclure un ou plusieurs objectifs, fixés pour une période de temps "
"spécifique. Configurez votre défi comme suit :"
#: ../../crm/optimize/gamification.rst:38
msgid "Assign the salespeople to be challenged;"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Affecter les commerciaux à interpeller;"
#: ../../crm/optimize/gamification.rst:39
msgid "Assign a responsible;"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Affectez un responsable;"
#: ../../crm/optimize/gamification.rst:40
msgid "Set up the periodicity along with the start and the end date;"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Configurez la périodicité avec la date de début et de fin;"
#: ../../crm/optimize/gamification.rst:41
msgid "Select your goals;"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sélectionnez vos objectifs;"
#: ../../crm/optimize/gamification.rst:42
msgid "Set up your rewards (badges)."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Configurez vos récompenses (badges)."
#: ../../crm/optimize/gamification.rst:45
msgid ""
@ -6,20 +6,20 @@
# Translators:
# Martin Trigaux, 2020
# Jérôme Tanché <jerome.tanche@ouest-dsi.fr>, 2020
# Cécile Collart <cco@odoo.com>, 2020
# kaj nithi <kajanth.nithiy@skipthedishes.ca>, 2020
# Renaud de Colombel <rdecolombel@sgen.cfdt.fr>, 2020
# Fernanda Marques <fem@odoo.com>, 2020
# 0169fee580ff5de3f9b7241d14f30af9_5f30934 <1948a2319336319ed4429b6139c8c1c2_916898>, 2020
# Cécile Collart <cco@odoo.com>, 2021
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 14.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-02 12:05+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-04 11:02+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 0169fee580ff5de3f9b7241d14f30af9_5f30934 <1948a2319336319ed4429b6139c8c1c2_916898>, 2020\n"
"Last-Translator: Cécile Collart <cco@odoo.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: French (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/fr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ msgstr "Avancé"
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_servers.rst:3
msgid "How to Use my Mail Server to Send and Receive Emails in Odoo"
msgstr ""
"Comment utiliser mon serveur de messagerie pour envoyer et recevoir des "
"emails dans Odoo"
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_servers.rst:6
msgid "If you are a user of Odoo Online or Odoo.sh..."
@ -108,6 +110,12 @@ msgid ""
"Office-365-69f58e99-c550-4274-ad18-c805d654b4c4>`__ to make it work."
msgstr ""
"Les serveurs de messagerie Office 365 ne permettent pas facilement d'envoyer"
" des emails externes à partir d'hôtes comme Odoo. Reportez-vous à la "
"documentation de Microsoft <https://support.office.com/en-us/article/How-to-"
"Office-365-69f58e99-c550-4274-ad18-c805d654b4c4>`__ pour le faire "
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_servers.rst:39
msgid "How to manage outbound messages"
@ -278,13 +286,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_servers.rst:108
msgid "Restriction"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Restriction"
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_servers.rst:109
msgid ""
"Please note that the port 25 is blocked for security reasons. Try using 587,"
" 465 or 2525."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez noter que le port 25 est bloqué pour des raisons de sécurité. "
"Essayez d'utiliser 587, 465 ou 2525."
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_servers.rst:112
msgid "How to manage inbound messages"
@ -467,7 +477,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_template.rst:12
msgid "Enable it and understand a few concepts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Activez-le et comprenez quelques concepts"
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_template.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -481,6 +491,9 @@ msgid ""
"**It is highly recommended not to change the content in existing templates "
"unless the user has prior knowledge about placeholders.**"
msgstr ""
"**Il est fortement recommandé de ne pas modifier le contenu des modèles "
"existants à moins que l'utilisateur n'ait des connaissances préalables à "
"propos des espaces réservés.**"
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_template.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -488,6 +501,9 @@ msgid ""
"template is used with. In the example below, the template would be sent to "
"job applicants."
msgstr ""
"Pour en ajouter un nouveau, cliquez sur *Créer* et choisissez le type de "
"document avec lequel ce modèle est utilisé. Dans l'exemple ci-dessous, le "
"modèle serait envoyé aux candidats."
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_template.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -495,18 +511,26 @@ msgid ""
"(Partners)*, require placeholders. If the *From* field is not set, the "
"default value is the author’s email alias, if configured, or email address."
msgstr ""
"Sous *Configuration des emails*, des champs tels que *De*, *À (emails)*, *À "
"(partenaires)*, nécessitent des espaces réservés. Si le champ *De* n'est pas"
" défini, la valeur par défaut est l'alias de l'adresse email de l'auteur, "
"s'il est configuré, ou l'adresse email."
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_template.rst:32
msgid ""
"Under *Advanced Settings*, if an *Outgoing Mail Server* is not set, the one "
"with the highest priority is used."
msgstr ""
"Sous *Paramètres avancés*, si un *Serveur de courrier sortant* n'est pas "
"défini, celui avec la priorité la plus élevée est utilisé."
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_template.rst:34
msgid ""
"The option *Auto Delete* permanently deletes the emails after they are sent,"
" saving space in your database."
msgstr ""
"L'option *Suppression automatique* supprime définitivement les emails après "
"leur envoi, économisant ainsi de l'espace dans votre base de données."
#: ../../discuss/advanced/email_template.rst:37
msgid "Writing content including placeholder expressions"
@ -537,7 +561,7 @@ msgstr "Vue d'ensemble"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:3
msgid "Get Started with Discuss"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lancez-vous sur Discuter"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -547,16 +571,24 @@ msgid ""
" applications. Forge better relationships, increase productivity and "
"transparency by promoting a convenient way of communicating."
msgstr ""
"L'app Discuter vous permet de rassembler toutes les communications de votre "
"entreprise via des messages, des notes et des discussions. Partagez des "
"informations, des projets, des fichiers, hiérarchisez les tâches et restez "
"connecté avec vos collègues et partenaires d'une application à l'autre. "
"Forgez de meilleures relations, augmentez la productivité et la transparence"
" en promouvant un moyen pratique de communiquer."
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:11
msgid "Choose your notifications preference"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Choisissez vos préférences de notifications"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:13
msgid ""
"Access your *Preferences* and choose how you would like your notifications "
"to be handled."
msgstr ""
"Accédez à vos *Préférences* et choisissez la manière dont vous souhaitez que"
" vos notifications soient traitées."
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -568,6 +600,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:22
msgid "Messages can then be *Marked as Todo*, *Replied*, or *Marked as Read*."
msgstr ""
"Les messages peuvent alors être marqués comme *A faire*, *Répondus* ou *Lus"
" *."
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -577,7 +611,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:36
msgid "Start Chatting"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Commencer à discuter"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -586,18 +620,27 @@ msgid ""
"accepted, you receive push notifications to the messages sent to you despite"
" of where you are in Odoo."
msgstr ""
"La première fois que vous vous connectez à votre compte, OdooBot vous envoie"
" un message vous demandant la permission de recevoir des notifications pour "
"les chats. Si vous acceptez, vous recevez des notifications push pour les "
"messages qui vous sont envoyés, peu importe où vous vous trouvez dans Odoo."
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:48
msgid ""
"To stop receiving desktop notifications, reset the notifications settings of"
" your browser."
msgstr ""
"Pour ne plus recevoir de notifications, réinitialisez les paramètres de "
"notification de votre navigateur."
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:50
msgid ""
"To start a chat, click on *New Message* on the *Messaging Menu*, or go to "
"*Discuss* and send a *Direct Message*."
msgstr ""
"Pour démarrer un chat, cliquez sur *Nouveau message* dans le *Menu "
"Messagerie*, ou allez dans l'application *Discuter* et envoyer un *Message "
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:58
msgid ""
@ -606,19 +649,23 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:61
msgid "Mentions in the chat and on the Chatter"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mentions dans le chat et sur le Chatter"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:64
msgid ""
"To mention a user within a chat or the chatter type *@user-name*; to refer "
"to a channel, type *#channel-name*."
msgstr ""
"Pour mentionner un utilisateur dans un chat ou dans le chatter, tapez "
"*@nomdelutilisateur*; pour faire référence à un canal, tapez *#nomducanal*."
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:66
msgid ""
"A notification is sent to the user mentioned either to his *Inbox* or "
"through email, depending on his settings."
msgstr ""
"Une notification est envoyée à l'utilisateur mentionné soit dans sa *boîte "
"de réception*, soit par email, en fonction de ses paramètres."
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:73
msgid ""
@ -627,10 +674,14 @@ msgid ""
"record being searched does not match with either a follower or employee, the"
" scope of the search becomes all partners."
msgstr ""
"Lorsqu'un utilisateur est mentionné, la liste de recherche (liste de noms) "
"suggère des valeurs d'abord basées sur les abonnés de la tâche, puis sur "
"*Employés*. Si l'enregistrement recherché ne correspond ni à un abonné ni à "
"un employé, l'étendue de la recherche passe à tous les partenaires."
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:78
msgid "Chat status"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Statut du chat"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:80
msgid ""
@ -642,32 +693,32 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:84
msgid "Green = online"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vert = en ligne"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:85
msgid "Orange = away"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Orange = absent"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:86
msgid "White = offline"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Blanc = pas en ligne"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:87
msgid "Airplane = out of the office"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Avion = en congé"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:95
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:65
msgid ":doc:`team_communication`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`team_communication`"
#: ../../discuss/overview/get_started.rst:96
msgid ":doc:`../advanced/email_servers`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../advanced/email_servers`"
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:3
msgid "Get Organized by Planning Activities"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Soyez organisé grâce à la planification d'activités"
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -676,26 +727,35 @@ msgid ""
"that, you do not leave space for wasteful activities and reduce the chance "
"of having overlapping actions between team members."
msgstr ""
"Lorsque vous planifiez des activités, vous minimisez le risque "
"d'incertitudes, tout en donnant des instructions claires pour le déroulement"
" de votre prochaine action. De plus, vous ne laissez pas de place pour des "
"activités inutiles et réduisez le risque d'avoir des actions qui se "
"chevauchent entre les membres de l'équipe."
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:10
msgid "Where do I see my schedule activities?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Où puis-je voir mes activités programmées?"
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:12
msgid ""
"Access and manage your activities wherever you are in Odoo by the "
"*Activities* menu."
msgstr ""
"Accédez et gérez vos activités où que vous soyez dans Odoo grâce au menu "
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:20
msgid "Plan activities"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Planifiez des activités"
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:22
msgid ""
"Activities can be planned and managed from the chatter by clicking on "
"*Schedule activity*, or through Kanban views."
msgstr ""
"Les activités peuvent être planifiées et gérées à partir du chatter en "
"cliquant sur *Planifier une activité*, ou via les vues Kanban."
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:31
msgid "Set your activity types"
@ -713,31 +773,38 @@ msgid ""
"If you need to create an activity type with an available calendar, make sure"
" to create it with an *Action to Perform* set as *Meeting*."
msgstr ""
"Si vous devez créer un type d'activité avec un calendrier disponible, "
"assurez-vous de le créer avec une *Action à effectuer* définie en tant que "
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:46
msgid "Recommend next activities"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Recommandez les prochaines activités"
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:48
msgid ""
"Odoo helps you to plan a flow of activities by allowing you to set "
"*Recommended Next Activities*."
msgstr ""
"Odoo vous aide à planifier un flux d'activités en vous permettant de définir"
" des *Activités suivantes recommandées*."
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:55
msgid ""
"Once the respective activity is completed, select *Done & Schedule Next* and"
" next steps are suggested to you."
msgstr ""
"Une fois l'activité respective terminée, sélectionnez *Terminé et planifier "
"la suivante* et les étapes suivantes vous sont suggérées."
#: ../../discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:64
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:115
msgid ":doc:`get_started`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`get_started`"
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:3
msgid "Efficiently Communicate Using Channels"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Communiquez efficacement à l'aide des canaux"
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -746,16 +813,22 @@ msgid ""
"communication. This way, you keep everyone in the loop updated with the "
"latest developments."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez utiliser des canaux pour organiser des discussions entre des "
"équipes individuelles, des services, des projets ou tout autre groupe "
"nécessitant une communication régulière. De cette façon, vous gardez tout le"
" monde au courant des derniers événements."
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:10
msgid "Public and Private channels"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Canaux publics et privés"
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:12
msgid ""
"A *Public* channel can be seen by everyone, while a *Private* one is only "
"visible to users invited to it."
msgstr ""
"Un canal *Public* peut être vu par tout le monde, tandis qu'un canal *Privé*"
" n'est visible que par les utilisateurs qui y sont invités."
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -764,20 +837,28 @@ msgid ""
"whenever information should be limited to specific groups (such as a "
"specific department)."
msgstr ""
"Il est mieux d'utiliser un canal public lorsque de nombreux employés ont "
"besoin d'accéder à des informations (telles que les annonces de "
"l'entreprise), alors qu'un canal privé peut être utilisé chaque fois que les"
" informations doivent être limitées à des groupes spécifiques (comme un "
"service spécifique)."
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:26
msgid "Configuration options"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Options de configuration"
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:28
msgid ""
"You can configure a channel’s name, description, email alias, and privacy by"
" clicking on the *Channel Settings* icon on the sidebar."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez configurer le nom, la description, l'alias de l'adresse email et"
" la confidentialité d'un canal en cliquant sur l'icône *Paramètres du canal*"
" dans la barre latérale."
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:36
msgid "Privacy and Members"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Confidentialité et membres"
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -836,6 +917,8 @@ msgid ""
"Moderators can: *Accept*, *Reject*, *Discard*, *Always Allow* or *Ban* "
msgstr ""
"Les modérateurs peuvent: *Accepter*, *Rejeter*, *Ignorer*, *Toujours "
"autoriser* ou *Interdire* les messages."
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:80
msgid ""
@ -851,7 +934,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:91
msgid "Quick search bar"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Barre de recherche rapide"
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:93
msgid ""
@ -860,16 +943,23 @@ msgid ""
"*Quick search…* bar is displayed. It is a clever way to filter conversations"
" and quickly find the one you need."
msgstr ""
"Une fois qu'au moins 20 canaux, messages directs et conversations de chat en"
" direct (si le module est installé sur votre base de données), sont épinglés"
" dans la barre latérale, une barre *Recherche rapide…* s'affiche. C'est un "
"moyen intelligent de filtrer les conversations et de trouver rapidement "
"celle dont vous avez besoin."
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:103
msgid "Finding channels"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Trouvez des canaux"
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:106
msgid ""
"Click on *Channels* (on the sidebar), browse through the list of public "
"channels, and join or leave them from a single screen."
msgstr ""
"Cliquez sur *Canaux* (dans la barre latérale), parcourez la liste des canaux"
" publics et rejoignez-les ou quittez-les depuis un seul écran."
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:108
msgid ""
@ -880,4 +970,4 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:116
msgid ":doc:`plan_activities`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`plan_activities`"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -73,12 +73,17 @@ msgid ""
"We recommend you use bank synchronization for more efficiency. Please read "
"the related documentation: :doc:`bank_synchronization`."
msgstr ""
"Recomendamos que você use a sincronização bancária para obter mais "
"eficiência. Por favor, leia a documentação relacionada: "
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:12
msgid ""
"However, if you don't want to use bank synchronization or if your bank is "
"not a supported institution, you still have other options:"
msgstr ""
"No entanto, se você não quiser usar a sincronização bancária ou se seu banco"
" não for uma instituição compatível, você ainda tem outras opções:"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:15
msgid "Import the bank statement files delivered by your bank"
@ -115,7 +120,7 @@ msgstr "Formato de Intercâmbio Quicken (.QIF)"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:27
msgid "Belgium: Coded Statement of Account (.CODA)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bélgica: Extrato de conta codificado (.CODA)"
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -137,6 +142,8 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo opens an **import widget** to help you set the **Formatting Options** "
"and **map** the different columns you want to import."
msgstr ""
"Odoo abre um **import widget** para ajudá-lo a definir o **Formatting "
"Options** e **map** as diferentes colunas que você deseja importar."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:46
msgid ""
@ -8934,7 +8941,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:16
msgid "Algeria - Accounting"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Algeria - Accounting"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:19
msgid "Argentinian Accounting"
@ -8946,7 +8953,7 @@ msgstr "Relatórios de contabilidade argentinos"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:21
msgid "Argentinian Electronic Invoicing"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Argentinian Electronic Invoicing"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:23
msgid "Australian - Accounting"
@ -9002,7 +9009,7 @@ msgstr "Colômbia - Contabilidade"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:40
msgid "Colombian - Point of Sale"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Colombian - Point of Sale"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:42
msgid "Costa Rica - Accounting"
@ -9096,7 +9103,7 @@ msgstr "Contabilidade - Indiana"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:70
msgid "Indian - Point of Sale"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Indian - Point of Sale"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:72
msgid "Indonesian - Accounting"
@ -9108,7 +9115,7 @@ msgstr "Irlanda - Contabilidade"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:74
msgid "Israel - Accounting"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Israel - Accounting"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:75
msgid "Italy"
@ -9132,11 +9139,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:83
msgid "LATAM Localization Base"
msgstr ""
msgstr "LATAM Localization Base"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:84
msgid "LATAM Document"
msgstr ""
msgstr "LATAM Document"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:86
msgid "Lithuania"
@ -9252,11 +9259,11 @@ msgstr "Suécia"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:125
msgid "Sweden - Structured Communication OCR"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sweden - Structured Communication OCR"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:126
msgid "Swedish - Accounting"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Swedish - Accounting"
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview/localizations_list.rst:128
msgid "Switzerland - Accounting"
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
# Martin Trigaux, 2020
# falexandresilva <falexandresilva@gmail.com>, 2020
# Luiz Carareto Alonso <Luiz.cararetoalonso@gmail.com>, 2021
# Éder Brito <britoederr@gmail.com>, 2021
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-04 11:02+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Luiz Carareto Alonso <Luiz.cararetoalonso@gmail.com>, 2021\n"
"Last-Translator: Éder Brito <britoederr@gmail.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/pt_BR/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../fsm.rst:5
msgid "Field Service"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Serviço de Campo"
#: ../../fsm/helpdesk.rst:3
msgid "Helpdesk"
@ -11,11 +11,12 @@
# PopSolutions Cooperativa Digital <popsolutions.co@gmail.com>, 2020
# Thiago Alves Cavalcante <thiagoalcav@gmail.com>, 2020
# Mateus Lopes <mateus1@gmail.com>, 2020
# Vanderlei Romera <vanderleiromera@gmail.com>, 2020
# Vanderlei P. Romera <vanderleiromera@gmail.com>, 2020
# lluisgustavoreis <luis.gustavo@kmee.com.br>, 2020
# danimaribeiro <danimaribeiro@gmail.com>, 2021
# Martin Trigaux, 2021
# Luis Felipe Miléo <mileo@kmee.com.br>, 2021
# Éder Brito <britoederr@gmail.com>, 2021
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-04 11:02+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Luis Felipe Miléo <mileo@kmee.com.br>, 2021\n"
"Last-Translator: Éder Brito <britoederr@gmail.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/pt_BR/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ msgstr "Autenticação"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:3
msgid "Two-factor Authentication"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Autenticação Dois Fatores"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -50,6 +51,9 @@ msgid ""
" an account, to make it less likely that an other person will manage to log "
"in instead of you."
msgstr ""
"A autenticação dois fatores (\"2FA\") é uma boa maneira de melhorar a "
"segurança de uma conta, para tornar menos provável que outra pessoa consiga "
"fazer login em vez de você."
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -57,6 +61,9 @@ msgid ""
"your cell phone) and exchanging a code from the authenticator when you try "
"to log in."
msgstr ""
"Praticamente, significa armazenar um segredo dentro de um * autenticador * "
"(geralmente seu telefone celular) e trocar um código do autenticador quando "
"você tenta fazer o login."
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -64,6 +71,9 @@ msgid ""
" and to access (or steal) your authenticator, a more difficult proposition "
"than either one or the other."
msgstr ""
"Isso significa que um invasor precisa de *ambos* para adivinhar (ou "
"encontrar) sua senha e para acessar (ou roubar) seu autenticador, uma "
"proposta mais difícil do que a outra."
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:18
msgid "Requirements"
@ -74,11 +84,13 @@ msgid ""
"These lists are just examples, they are not endorsements of any specific "
msgstr ""
"Essas listas são apenas exemplos, elas são endossadas de nenhum software "
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:23
msgid ""
"If you don't already have one, you will need to choose an authenticator."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se ainda não tiver um, você precisará escolher um autenticador."
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:26
msgid ""
@ -93,16 +105,29 @@ msgid ""
"`1Password <https://support.1password.com/one-time-passwords/>`_, `Bitwarden"
" <https://bitwarden.com/help/article/authenticator-keys/>`_, ..."
msgstr ""
"Autenticações baseadas em telefone são os mais fáceis e mais comuns, "
"portanto, presumiremos que você escolherá e instalará um em seu telefone, "
"exemplos incluem `Authy <https://authy.com/>`_, `FreeOTP "
"<https://freeotp.github.io/>`_, `Google Authenticator "
"<https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/1066447?hl=en>`_, `LastPass "
"Authenticator <https://lastpass.com/auth/>`_, `Microsoft Authenticator "
" ...; gerenciadores de senha também costumam incluir suporte de :abbr:`2FA "
"(autenticação dois fatores)`, por ex: `1Password "
"<https://support.1password.com/one-time-passwords/>`_, `Bitwarden "
"<https://bitwarden.com/help/article/authenticator-keys/>`_, ..."
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:39
msgid ""
"For the sake of demonstration we will be using Google Authenticator (not "
"because it is any good but because it is quite common)."
msgstr ""
"Para fins de demonstração, usaremos o Google Authenticator (não porque seja "
"bom, mas porque é bastante comum)."
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:43
msgid "Setting up two-factor authentication"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Configurando a autenticação de dois fatores"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:45
msgid ""
@ -110,22 +135,28 @@ msgid ""
" to setup :abbr:`2FA (two-factor authentication)`, then open "
":guilabel:`Preferences` (or :guilabel:`My Profile`):"
msgstr ""
"Assim que tiver o autenticador de sua escolha, vá para a instância do Odoo "
"que deseja configurar a :abbr:`2FA (autenticação dois fatores)`, e abra a "
"guia :guilabel:`Preferências` (ou :guilabel:`Meu Perfil`):"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:52
msgid ""
"Open the :guilabel:`Account Security` tab, then click the :guilabel:`Enable "
"two-factor authentication` button:"
msgstr ""
"Abra a aba :guilabel:`Segurança da Conta` e clique no botão "
":guilabel:`Habilitar autenticação dois fatores` :"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:58
msgid ""
"Because this is a security-sensitive action, you will need to input your "
msgstr ""
"Como esta é uma ação sensível à segurança, você precisará inserir sua senha:"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:64
msgid "After which you will see this screen with a barcode:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Depois disso, você verá esta tela com um código de barras:"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:69
msgid ""
@ -133,6 +164,9 @@ msgid ""
"authenticator of your choice, the authenticator will then take care of all "
"the setup:"
msgstr ""
"Na maioria dos aplicativos, você pode simplesmente *ler o código de barras* "
"através do autenticador de sua escolha, o autenticador cuidará de toda a "
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:78
msgid ""
@ -140,6 +174,10 @@ msgid ""
"the same phone as the authenticator application), you can click the provided"
" link, or copy the secret to manually set-up your authenticator:"
msgstr ""
"Se você não puder escanear a tela (por exemplo, porque você está fazendo "
"esta configuração no mesmo telefone que o aplicativo autenticador), você "
"pode clicar no link fornecido ou copiar o secret para configurar manualmente"
" o seu autenticador:"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:89
msgid ""
@ -147,25 +185,31 @@ msgid ""
"with some useful identifying information (e.g. the domain and login for "
"which the code is):"
msgstr ""
"Depois de fazer isso, o autenticador deve exibir um *código de verificação* "
"com algumas informações de identificação úteis (por exemplo, o domínio e "
"login para os quais o código é):"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:96
msgid ""
"You can now input the code into the :guilabel:`Verification Code` field, "
"then click the :guilabel:`Enable two-factor authentication` button."
msgstr ""
"Agora você pode inserir o código no campo :guilabel:`Código de Verificação`,"
" e clicar no botão :guilabel:`Habilitar autenticação dois fatores` button."
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:100
msgid ""
"Congratulation, your account is now protected by two-factor authentication!"
msgstr ""
"Parabéns, sua conta agora está protegida pela autenticação dois fatores!"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:107
msgid "Logging in"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Logando"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:109
msgid "You should now :guilabel:`Log out` to follow along."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Agora você deve :guilabel:`Fazer Logout` para prosseguir."
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:111
msgid ""
@ -173,12 +217,17 @@ msgid ""
"you set up :abbr:`2FA (two-factor authentication)`, rather than immediately "
"enter Odoo you will now get a second log-in screen:"
msgstr ""
"Na página de login, insira o nome de usuário e a senha da conta para a qual "
"você configurou a :abbr:`2FA (autenticação dois fatores)`, em vez de entrar "
"imediatamente no Odoo, você obterá uma segunda tela de login:"
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:118
msgid ""
"Get your authenticator, input the code it provides for the domain and "
"account, validate, and you're now in."
msgstr ""
"Pegue seu autenticador, insira o código que ele fornece para o domínio e "
"conta, valide e você poderá acessar."
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:121
msgid ""
@ -186,6 +235,9 @@ msgid ""
"authentication)` you will have a two-step log-in process rather than the old"
" one-step process."
msgstr ""
"E é isso. De agora em diante, a menos que você desative a :abbr:`2FA "
"(autenticação dois fatores)` você terá um processo de login de duas etapas "
"em vez do antigo processo de uma etapa."
#: ../../general/auth/2fa.rst:125
msgid ""
@ -193,6 +245,9 @@ msgid ""
"Administrator* to disable :abbr:`2FA (two-factor authentication)` on the "
msgstr ""
"Não perca seu autenticador, se você perder, você precisará de um "
"*Administrador Odoo* para desabilitar a :abbr:`2FA (autenticação dois "
"fatores)` na conta."
#: ../../general/auth/azure.rst:3
msgid "OAuth"
@ -216,6 +271,8 @@ msgid ""
"Connect to your Google account and go to the `Google API Dashboard "
msgstr ""
"Conecte-se à sua conta do Google e vá para o `Painel de API do Google "
#: ../../general/auth/google.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -2567,7 +2624,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../general/payment_acquirers/payment_acquirers.rst:57
msgid "Alipay"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Alipay"
#: ../../general/payment_acquirers/payment_acquirers.rst:59
msgid ":doc:`Authorize.Net <authorize>`"
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:39
msgid "Website Form"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Formulário de Site"
#: ../../helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:41
msgid ""
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# Mateus Lopes <mateus1@gmail.com>, 2020
# Luis Felipe Miléo <mileo@kmee.com.br>, 2020
# lluisgustavoreis <luis.gustavo@kmee.com.br>, 2020
# Éder Brito <britoederr@gmail.com>, 2021
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-04 11:02+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: lluisgustavoreis <luis.gustavo@kmee.com.br>, 2020\n"
"Last-Translator: Éder Brito <britoederr@gmail.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/pt_BR/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../sales/amazon_connector.rst:3
msgid "Amazon Connector"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Amazon Connector"
#: ../../sales/amazon_connector/features.rst:3
msgid "Amazon Connector Features"
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# Translators:
# Mateus Lopes <mateus1@gmail.com>, 2020
# Luis Felipe Miléo <mileo@kmee.com.br>, 2020
# Éder Brito <britoederr@gmail.com>, 2021
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-04 11:02+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:42+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Luis Felipe Miléo <mileo@kmee.com.br>, 2020\n"
"Last-Translator: Éder Brito <britoederr@gmail.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/pt_BR/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ msgstr "Outubro de 2020"
#: ../../support/supported_versions.rst:29
msgid "Odoo 13.saas~4"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 13.saas~4"
#: ../../support/supported_versions.rst:29
#: ../../support/supported_versions.rst:29
@ -520,3 +521,6 @@ msgid ""
"<https://www.odoo.com/documentation/14.0/setup/enterprise.html>`_ to get the"
" support and bugfix services."
msgstr ""
"`Compre o Odoo Enterprise "
"<https://www.odoo.com/documentation/14.0/setup/enterprise.html>`_ para obter"
" os serviços de suporte e correção de bugs."
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
# Denis Trepalin <zekarious@gmail.com>, 2021
# Viktor Pogrebniak <vp@aifil.ru>, 2021
# Артур Чеботарь <artcha.chebotar@gmail.com>, 2021
# Дмитро Цаценкін <tseka85@gmail.com>, 2021
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-04 11:38+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Артур Чеботарь <artcha.chebotar@gmail.com>, 2021\n"
"Last-Translator: Дмитро Цаценкін <tseka85@gmail.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ru/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -20102,7 +20103,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../accounting/reporting/overview/customize.rst:3
msgid "Create a customized reports with your own formulas"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Создавайте индивидуальные отчеты с собственными формулами"
#: ../../accounting/reporting/overview/customize.rst:8
msgid ""
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
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