[I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex

This commit is contained in:
Odoo Translation Bot 2024-03-31 01:41:26 +01:00
parent 74c0af7429
commit 9e56f571b4
39 changed files with 7792 additions and 1796 deletions

View File

@ -1998,6 +1998,9 @@ msgid ""
"(:code:`ls`, :code:`top`) and open a shell on your database by typing "
msgstr ""
"وصول shell إلى الحاوية الخاصة بك. يمكنك تنفيذ أوامر Linux الأساسية "
"(:code:`ls`، :code:`top`) وفتح shell في قاعدة بياناتك عن طريق كتابة "
":code:`psql`. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:192
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:208
@ -2005,12 +2008,16 @@ msgid ""
"You can open multiple tabs and drag-and-drop them to arrange the layout as "
"you wish, for instance side by side."
msgstr ""
"يمكنك فتح علامات تبويب متعددة وسحبها وإفلاتها لترتيب المخطط كما تحب. على "
"سبيل المثال: جنباً إلى جنب. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:196
msgid ""
"Long running shell instances are not guaranteed. Idle shells can be "
"disconnected at anytime in order to free up resources."
msgstr ""
"مثيلات Shell التي تعمل لفترة طويلة غير مضمونة. يمكن فصل shells الخاملة في أي"
" وقت لتحرير الموارد. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:200
msgid "Editor"
@ -2021,6 +2028,8 @@ msgid ""
"An online integrated development environment (IDE) to edit the source code. "
"You can also open terminals, Python consoles and even Odoo Shell consoles."
msgstr ""
"بيئة تطوير متكاملة عبر الإنترنت (IDE) لتحرير الكود المصدري. يمكنك أيضاً فتح "
"المحطات الطرفية ووحدات تحكم Python وحتى وحدات تحكم Shell أودو. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:212
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:105
@ -2029,7 +2038,7 @@ msgstr "المراقبة "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:214
msgid "This link contains various monitoring metrics of the current build."
msgstr ""
msgstr "يحتوي هذا الرابط على مقاييس مراقبة مختلفة للبنية الحالية. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:219
msgid ""
@ -2037,6 +2046,9 @@ msgid ""
"graph. On the graphs, annotations help you relate to changes on the build "
"(database import, git push, etc...)."
msgstr ""
"يمكنك التكبير أو تغيير النطاق الزمني أو تحديد مقياس محدد في كل رسم بياني. في"
" الرسوم البيانية، تساعدك التعليقات التوضيحية على الارتباط بالتغييرات في "
"البنية (استيراد قاعدة البيانات، git Push، وما إلى ذلك...). "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:225
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:65
@ -2046,35 +2058,38 @@ msgstr "السجلات"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:227
msgid "A viewer to have a look to your server logs."
msgstr ""
msgstr "عارض لإلقاء نظرة على سجلات الخادم الخاص بك. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:232
msgid "Different logs are available:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "توجد سجلات مختلفة متاحة: "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:234
msgid ""
"install.log: The logs of the database installation. In a development branch,"
" the logs of the tests are included."
msgstr ""
"install.log: سجلات تثبيت قاعدة البيانات. في فرع التطوير، يتم تضمين سجلات "
"الاختبارات. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:235
msgid "pip.log: The logs of the Python dependencies installation."
msgstr ""
msgstr "pip.log: سجلات تثبيت تبعيات Python. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:236
msgid "odoo.log: The logs of the running server."
msgstr ""
msgstr "odoo.log: سجلات الخادم قيد التشغيل. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:237
msgid "update.log: The logs of the database updates."
msgstr ""
msgstr "update.log: سجلات تحديثات قاعدة البيانات. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:238
msgid ""
"pg_long_queries.log: The logs of psql queries that take an unusual amount of"
" time."
msgstr ""
"pg_long_queries.log: سجلات استعلامات psql التي تستغرق وقتاً غير معتاد. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:240
msgid ""
@ -2082,6 +2097,9 @@ msgid ""
" you scroll to the bottom, the browser will scroll automatically each time a"
" new line is added."
msgstr ""
"إذا تمت إضافة بنود جديدة في السجلات، فسيتم عرضها تلقائياً. إذا قمت بالتمرير "
"إلى الأسفل، فسيقوم المتصفح بالتمرير تلقائياً في كل مرة تتم فيها إضافة بند "
"جديد. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:243
msgid ""
@ -2089,17 +2107,22 @@ msgid ""
"upper right corner of the view. The fetching is automatically stopped after "
"5 minutes. You can restart it using the play button."
msgstr ""
"يمكنك إيقاف جلب السجلات بشكل مؤقت من خلال الضغط على الزر المناسب في الزاوية "
"العليا إلى يمين نافذة العرض. يتم إيقاف عملية جلب السجلات تلقائياً بعد 5 "
"دقائق. يمكنك إعادة تشغيله باستخدام زر التشغيل. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:249
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:109
msgid "Backups"
msgstr ""
msgstr "النسخ الاحتياطي "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:251
msgid ""
"A list of the backups available for download and restore, the ability to "
"perform a manual backup and to import a database."
msgstr ""
"قائمة النسخ الاحتياطية المتاحة للتنزيل والاستعادة، والقدرة على إجراء نسخة "
"احتياطية يدوية واستيراد قاعدة بيانات. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:257
msgid ""
@ -2107,6 +2130,9 @@ msgid ""
"weekly and 3 monthly backups. Each backup includes the database dump, the "
"filestore (attachments, binary fields), logs and sessions."
msgstr ""
"يقوم Odoo.sh بإنشاء نسخ احتياطية يومية لقاعدة بيانات الإنتاج. يحتفظ بـ 7 نسخ"
" احتياطية يومياً و4 أسبوعياً و3 شهرياً. تتضمن كل نسخة احتياطية تفريغ لقاعدة "
"البيانات ومخزن الملفات (المرفقات والحقول الثنائية) والسجلات وجلسات العمل. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:260
msgid ""
@ -2115,6 +2141,10 @@ msgid ""
"staging branches, for testing purposes, or to manually recover data that has"
" been deleted by accident from the production database."
msgstr ""
"لا يتم إجراء نسخ احتياطي لقواعد البيانات التجريبية وقواعد بيانات التطوير. "
"ومع ذلك، لديك إمكانية استعادة نسخة احتياطية من قاعدة بيانات الإنتاج في فروعك"
" الجريبية، لأغراض الاختبار، أو استرداد البيانات التي تم حذفها عن طريق الخطأ "
"من قاعدة بيانات الإنتاج يدوياً. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:264
msgid ""
@ -2122,6 +2152,9 @@ msgid ""
" hosted on. This server only keeps one month of backups: 7 daily and 4 "
"weekly backups."
msgstr ""
"تحتوي القائمة على النسخ الاحتياطية المحفوظة في الخادم الذي تتم استضافة قاعدة"
" بيانات الإنتاج الخاصة بك عليه. يحتفظ هذا الخادم بنسخ احتياطية لمدة شهر واحد"
" فقط: 7 نسخ احتياطية يومية و4 نسخ احتياطية أسبوعية. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:267
msgid ""
@ -2129,6 +2162,9 @@ msgid ""
"monthly backups. To restore or download one of these monthly backups, please"
" `contact us <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_."
msgstr ""
"تحتفظ خوادم النسخ الاحتياطي المخصصة بنفس النسخ الاحتياطية، بالإضافة إلى 3 "
"نسخ احتياطية شهرية إضافية. لاستعادة إحدى هذه النسخ الاحتياطية الشهرية أو "
"تنزيلها، يرجى التواصل مع <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:270
msgid ""
@ -2140,6 +2176,13 @@ msgid ""
"will be changed with the module update triggered afterwards. In these two "
"cases, we are doing a backup as it may potentially break things."
msgstr ""
"إذا قمت بدمج تحديث يعمل على تحديث الإصدار لتطبيق واحد أو أكثر (في "
":file:`__manifest__.py`)، أو تبعيات python المرتبطة به (في "
":file:`requirements.txt`)، فسيقوم Odoo.sh بإنشاء نسخة احتياطية تلقائياً (تم "
"وضع علامة على تحديث النوع في القائمة)، حيث سيتم تغيير الحاوية عن طريق تثبيت "
"حزم pip جديدة، أو سيتم تغيير قاعدة البيانات نفسها مع تشغيل عملية تحديث "
"التطبيق بعد ذلك. في هاتين الحالتين، نقوم بعمل نسخة احتياطية لأنها قد تؤدي "
"إلى تلف الأشياء. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:276
msgid ""
@ -2151,36 +2194,51 @@ msgid ""
"wrong (those manual backups are available for about one week). To avoid "
"abuse, we limit manual backups to 5 per day."
msgstr ""
"إذا قمت بدمج تحديث يغير فقط بعض الكود دون التعديلات المذكورة أعلاه، فلن يتم "
"إجراء نسخ احتياطي بواسطة Odoo.sh، حيث لا يتم تعديل الحاوية ولا قاعدة "
"البيانات لذا تعتبر المنصة ذلك آمناً بما فيه الكفاية. بالطبع، كإجراء وقائي "
"إضافي، يمكنك عمل نسخة احتياطية يدوياً قبل إجراء تغييرات كبيرة في مصادر "
"الإنتاج الخاصة بك في حالة حدوث خطأ ما (تتوفر هذه النسخ الاحتياطية اليدوية "
"لمدة أسبوع واحد تقريباً). ولتجنب إساءة الاستخدام، فإننا نحد من النسخ "
"الاحتياطية اليدوية إلى 5 نسخ يومياً. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:282
msgid ""
"The *import database* feature accepts database archives in the format "
"provided by:"
msgstr ""
"تقبل خاصية *استيراد قاعدة البيانات* أرشيفات قاعدة البيانات بالتنسيق المقدم "
"بواسطة: "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:284
msgid ""
"the standard Odoo databases manager, (available for on-premise Odoo servers "
"under :code:`/web/database/manager`)"
msgstr ""
"مدير قواعد بيانات أودو القياسي (متوفر لخوادم أودو المحلية ضمن "
":code:`/web/database/manager`) "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:286
msgid "the Odoo online databases manager,"
msgstr ""
msgstr "مدير قواعد بيانات أودو أونلاين، "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:287
msgid "the Odoo.sh backup download button of this *Backups* tab,"
msgstr ""
"زر تنزيل النسخة الاحتياطية لـ Odoo.sh في علامة تبويب *النسخ الاحتياطية* هذه،"
" "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:288
msgid ""
"the Odoo.sh dump download button in the :ref:`Builds view <odoosh-"
msgstr ""
"زر تنزيل تفريغ Odoo.sh في :ref:`عرض البنيات <odoosh-gettingstarted-builds>`."
" "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:295
msgid "Available for production and staging branches for valid projects."
msgstr ""
msgstr "متاح لفروع الإنتاج والاختبار للمشاريع الصالحة. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:298
msgid ":doc:`Upgrade documentation <../../upgrade>`"
@ -2199,10 +2257,11 @@ msgid ""
"Here you can find a couple of settings that only apply to the currently "
"selected branch."
msgstr ""
"يمكنك هنا العثور على بعض الإعدادات التي تنطبق فقط على الفرع المحدد حالياً. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:310
msgid "**Behaviour upon new commit**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**السلوك عند إجراء تحديث جديد** "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:312
msgid ""
@ -2216,15 +2275,23 @@ msgid ""
" the production build every time a commit is pushed. A branch that is put "
"back from staging to development will automatically be set to 'Do nothing'."
msgstr ""
"بالنسبة للفروع التجريبية وفروع الإنتاج، يمكنك تغيير سلوك الفرع عند تلقي "
"تحديث جديد. افتراضياً، سيقوم فرع التطوير بإنشاء بنية جديدة وسيقوم الفرع "
"التجريبي بتحديث البنية السابقة (ألق نظرة على :ref:`مرحلة الإنتاج "
"<stage_production>`). يعد ذلك مفيداً بشكل خاص إذا كانت الخاصية التي تعمل "
"عليها تتطلب إعداداً أو تهيئة معينة، حتى لا تضطر إلى إعدادها يدوياً مرة أخرى "
"في كل تحديث. إذا اخترت بنية جديدة لفرع تجريبي، فسيتم إنشاء نسخة جديدة من "
"بنية الإنتاج في كل مرة يتم فيها دفع التحديث. سيتم تلقائياً تعيين الفرع الذي "
"تم إعادته من مرحلة التطوير إلى وضع \"عدم القيام بأي شيء\". "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:320
msgid "**Modules installation**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**تثبيت التطبيقات** "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:322
msgid ""
"Choose the modules to install automatically for your development builds."
msgstr ""
msgstr "اختر التطبيقات التي سيتم تثبيتها تلقائياً لبنيات التطوير الخاصة بك. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:327
msgid ""
@ -2232,6 +2299,9 @@ msgid ""
"is the default option. The :ref:`submodules <odoosh-advanced-submodules>` "
"are excluded."
msgstr ""
"*تثبيت تطبيقاتي فقط* سيتم تثبيت التطبيقات الموجودة في هذا الفرع فقط. هذا هو "
"الخيار الافتراضي. تم استبعاد :ref: <odoosh-advanced-submodules>`الوحدات "
"الفرعية`. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:329
msgid ""
@ -2239,6 +2309,9 @@ msgid ""
"the modules included in the submodules and all standard modules of Odoo. "
"When running the full installation, the test suite is disabled."
msgstr ""
"*التثبيت الكامل (كافة التطبيقات)* سيؤدي إلى تثبيت تطبيقات الفرع، والتطبيقات "
"المشمولة في التطبيقات الفرعية وكافة تطبيقات أودو القياسية. عند تشغيل عملية "
"التثبيت الكامل، يتم تعطيل حزمة الاختبار. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:331
msgid ""
@ -2246,6 +2319,9 @@ msgid ""
"just below this option. The names are the technical name of the modules, and"
" they must be comma-separated."
msgstr ""
"*تثبيت قائمة التطبيقات* سيؤدي إلى تثبيت التطبيقات المحددة في المدخلات "
"الموجودة أسفل هذا الخيار مباشرةً. الأسماء هي الأسماء التقنية للتطبيقات، ويجب"
" أن تكون مفصولة بفواصل. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:334
msgid ""
@ -2253,10 +2329,13 @@ msgid ""
"hour. This setting applies to development builds only. Staging builds "
"duplicate the production build and the production build only installs base."
msgstr ""
"إذا تم تمكين الاختبارات، فقد تستغرق مجموعة تطبيقات أودو القياسية ما يصل إلى "
"ساعة واحدة. ينطبق هذا الإعداد على بنيات التطوير فقط. تقوم البنيات التجريبية "
"بنسخ بنية الإنتاج وتقوم بنية الإنتاج بتثبيت القاعدة فقط. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:339
msgid "**Test suite**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**الحزمة التجريبية** "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:341
msgid ""
@ -2265,10 +2344,14 @@ msgid ""
"restrict them by specifying test tags :ref:`test tags "
msgstr ""
"بالنسبة لفروع التطوير، يمكنك اختيار تمكين أو تعطيل الحزمة التجريبية. يتم "
"تمكينها افتراضياً. عندما يتم تمكين الحزمة التجريبية، يمكنك تقييدها عن طريق "
"تحديد علامات الاختبار :ref:`علامات الاختبار "
"<developer/reference/testing/selection>`. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:345
msgid "**Odoo Version**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**إصدار أودو** "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:347
msgid ""
@ -2276,12 +2359,15 @@ msgid ""
"you want to test upgraded code or develop features while your production "
"database is in the process of being upgraded to a newer version."
msgstr ""
"بالنسبة لفروع التطوير فقط، يمكنك تغيير إصدار أودو، إذا كنت ترغب في اختبار "
"الكود الذي قد تمت ترقيته أو تطوير الخاصيات أثناء ترقية قاعدة بيانات الإنتاج "
"الخاصة بك إلى إصدار أحدث. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:350
msgid ""
"In addition, for each version you have two options regarding the code "
msgstr ""
msgstr "بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لديك خياران لكل إصدار فيما يتعلق بتحديث الكود. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:352
msgid ""
@ -2289,6 +2375,8 @@ msgid ""
"fixes automatically. The sources of your Odoo server will be updated weekly."
" This is the 'Latest' option."
msgstr ""
"يمكنك الاستفادة من أحدث عمليات إصلاح الأخطاء والأمان والأداء تلقائياً. سيتم "
"تحديث مصادر خادم أودو الخاص بك أسبوعياً. هذا هو الخيار \"الأحدث\". "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:354
msgid ""
@ -2297,10 +2385,14 @@ msgid ""
" notified by mail when the expiration date approaches and if you don't take "
"action afterwards, you will automatically be set to the latest revision."
msgstr ""
"يمكنك اختيار تثبيت مصادر أودو بمراجعة معينة عن طريق تحديدها من قائمة "
"التواريخ. ستنتهي صلاحيتها بعد 3 أشهر. سيتم إعلامك عبر البريد عند اقتراب "
"تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية، وإذا لم تتخذ إجراءً بعد ذلك، فسيتم ضبطك تلقائياً على "
"أحدث مراجعة. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:359
msgid "**Custom domains**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**النطاقات المخصصة** "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:361
msgid ""
@ -2308,32 +2400,40 @@ msgid ""
"possible to add other *<name>.odoo.com* domains or your own custom domains. "
"For the latter you have to:"
msgstr ""
"يمكنك تهيئة نطاقات إضافية للفرع المحدد هنا. من الممكن إضافة نطاقات "
"*<name>.odoo.com* أخرى أو نطاقاتك المخصصة. بالنسبة للخيار الثاني عليك: "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:364
msgid "own or purchase the domain name,"
msgstr ""
msgstr "امتلك اسم نطاق أو قم بشراء واحد، "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:365
msgid "add the domain name in this list,"
msgstr ""
msgstr "أضف اسم النطاق إلى هذه القائمة، "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:366
msgid ""
"in your registrar's domain name manager, configure the domain name with a "
"``CNAME`` record set to your production database domain name."
msgstr ""
"في مدير اسم النطاق الخاص بمسجلك، قم بتهيئة اسم النطاق باستخدام سجل ``CNAME``"
" المعين لاسم نطاق قاعدة بيانات الإنتاج الخاصة بك. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:369
msgid ""
"For instance, to associate *www.mycompany.com* to your database "
msgstr ""
"على سبيل المثال، لربط *www.mycompany.com* بقاعدة بياناتك "
"*mycompany.odoo.com*: "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:371
msgid ""
"in Odoo.sh, add *www.mycompany.com* in the custom domains of your project "
msgstr ""
"في Odoo.sh، قم بإضافة *www.mycompany.com* في النطاقات المخصصة لإعدادات "
"مشروعك، "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:372
msgid ""
@ -2341,30 +2441,37 @@ msgid ""
"configure *www.mycompany.com* with a ``CNAME`` record with as value "
msgstr ""
"في مدير اسم النطاق الخاص بك (على سبيل المثال، *godaddy.com* ،*gandi.net* "
"،*ovh.com*)، قم بتهيئة *www.mycompany.com* باستخدام سجل ``CNAME``مع "
"*mycompany.odoo.com* كقيمة. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:375
msgid "Bare domains (e.g. *mycompany.com*) are not accepted:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "النطاقات المجردة (مثال: *mycompany.com*) غير مقبولة: "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:377
msgid "they can only be configured using ``A`` records,"
msgstr ""
msgstr "يمكن تهيئتها باستخدام سجلات ``A``، "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:378
msgid "``A`` records only accept IP addresses as value,"
msgstr ""
msgstr "لا تقبل سجلات ``A`` إلا عناوين IP كقيمة، "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:379
msgid ""
"the IP address of your database can change, following an upgrade, a hardware"
" failure or your wish to host your database in another country or continent."
msgstr ""
"يمكن أن يتغير عنوان IP الخاص بقاعدة بياناتك بعد الترقية، أو في حال فشل أحد "
"الأجهزة، أو إذا رغبت في استضافة قاعدة بياناتك في دولة أو قارة أخرى. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:382
msgid ""
"Therefore, bare domains could suddenly no longer work because of this change"
" of IP address."
msgstr ""
"ولذلك السبب، قد قد تتوقف النطاقات المجردة عن العمل فجأة بسبب هذا التغيير في "
"عنوان IP. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:384
msgid ""
@ -2377,10 +2484,18 @@ msgid ""
"*www.mycompany.com*. Most domain managers have the feature to configure this"
" redirection. This is commonly called a web redirection."
msgstr ""
"بالإضافة إلى ذلك، إذا كنت ترغب في أن يعمل كل من *mycompany.com* "
"و*www.mycompany.com* مع قاعدة بياناتك، فإن إعادة توجيه الأول إلى الثاني يعد "
"من `أفضل الممارسات لتحسين محركات البحث "
"<https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/7451184?hl=en>`_ (ألقِ نظرة "
"على *تقديم نسخة واحدة من عنوان URL للوصول إلى مستند*) للحصول على عنوان URL "
"مهيمن واحد. وبالتالي يمكنك فقط تهيئة *mycompany.com* لإعادة التوجيه إلى "
"*www.mycompany.com*. يتمتع معظم مديري النطاق بخاصية تهيئة عملية إعادة "
"التوجيه هذه. وهذا ما يسمى عادة بإعادة توجيه الويب. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:391
msgid "**HTTPS/SSL**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**HTTPS/SSL**"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:393
msgid ""
@ -2389,6 +2504,9 @@ msgid ""
"<https://letsencrypt.org/about/>`_ within the hour and your domain will be "
"accessible through HTTPS."
msgstr ""
"إذا تم إعداد خعملية إعادة التوجيه بشكل صحيح، فستقوم المنصة تلقائياً بإنشاء "
"شهادة SSL مع `Let's Encrypt <https://letsencrypt.org/about/>`_ خلال ساعة "
"وسيكون من الممكن الوصول إلى المجال الخاص بك من خلال HTTPS. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:397
msgid ""
@ -2396,10 +2514,12 @@ msgid ""
" the Odoo.sh platform we are considering the feature if there is enough "
msgstr ""
"على الرغم من أنه ليس من الممكن حالياً تهيئة شهادات SSL الخاصة بك على منصة "
"Odoo.sh، إلا أننا ندرس هذه الخاصية إذا كان هناك طلب كافٍ. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:401
msgid "**SPF and DKIM compliance**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**امتثال SPF و DKIM** "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:403
msgid ""
@ -2411,16 +2531,26 @@ msgid ""
"<email_communication/spf_compliant>` and :ref:`DKIM "
msgstr ""
"في حالة استخدام نطاق عناوين البريد الإلكتروني لمستخدميك SPF (إنظام التعرف "
"على هوية المرسل) أو DKIM (البريد المعرف بمفاتيح النطاق)، فلا تنس السماح "
"لأودو كمضيف إرسال في إعدادات اسم النطاق الخاص بك لزيادة نسبة تسليم رسائل "
"البريد الإلكتروني الصادرة. تم شرح خطوات التهيئة في الوثائق التي تتحدث عن "
":ref:`SPF <email_communication/spf_compliant>` و :ref:`DKIM "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:410
msgid ""
"Forgetting to configure your SPF or DKIM to authorize Odoo as a sending host"
" can lead to the delivery of your emails as spam in your contacts inbox."
msgstr ""
"إذا نسيت تهيئة SPF (نظام التعرف على هوية المرسل) أو DKIM (البريد المعرف "
"بمفاتيح النطاق) لديك لتفويض أودو كمضيف الإرسال، قد يؤدي ذلك إلى إيصال رسائل "
"البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بك كرسائل غير مرغوب بها في صناديق الوارد الخاصة "
"بالمستلمين. "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:414
msgid "Shell commands"
msgstr ""
msgstr "أوامر Shell "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:416
msgid ""

View File

@ -5587,7 +5587,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/getting_started`"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/responses.rst:161
msgid "Canned responses"
msgstr ""
msgstr "الردود الجاهزة "
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/responses.rst:163
msgid ""

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
# philku79 <philip.kuss@gmx.de>, 2023
# Felix Schubert <felix.schubert@go-erp.com>, 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-21 15:48+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:53+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Larissa Manderfeld, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: German (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/de/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -38020,7 +38020,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/peru.rst:677
msgid "Cancellations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Stornierungen"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/peru.rst:679
msgid ""

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -6692,6 +6692,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/shop/ship_later.rst:3
msgid "Ship later"

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration.rst:16
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:9
msgid "Installation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Penginstalan"
#: ../../content/administration.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -5690,12 +5690,16 @@ msgid ""
"Its principle is straightforward: your SMTP server executes the \"mailgate\""
" script for every new incoming email."
msgstr ""
"Prinsip kerjanya cukup sederhana: server SMTP Anda menjalankan script "
"\"mailgate\" untuk setiap email masuk yang baru."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:10
msgid ""
"The script takes care of connecting to your Odoo database through XML-RPC, "
"and send the emails via the `MailThread.message_process()` feature."
msgstr ""
"Script akan menghubungkan database Odoo Anda melalui XML-RPC, dan "
"mengirimkan email melalui fitur `MailThread.message_process()`."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:14
msgid "Prerequisites"
@ -5703,23 +5707,23 @@ msgstr "Prasyarat-Prasyarat"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:16
msgid "Administrator access to the Odoo database."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Akses administrator ke database Odoo."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:17
msgid "Your own mail server such as Postfix or Exim."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Email server Anda sendiri seperti Postfix atau Exim."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:18
msgid "Technical knowledge on how to configure an email server."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pengetahuan teknis tentang cara mengonfigurasi server email."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:21
msgid "For Postfix"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Untuk Postfix"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:23
msgid "In you alias config (:file:`/etc/aliases`):"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Di config alias Anda (:file:`/etc/aliases`):"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:30
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:45
@ -5728,37 +5732,39 @@ msgstr "Sumber Daya"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:32
msgid "`Postfix <http://www.postfix.org/documentation.html>`_"
msgstr ""
msgstr "`Postfix <http://www.postfix.org/documentation.html>`_"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:33
msgid "`Postfix aliases <http://www.postfix.org/aliases.5.html>`_"
msgstr ""
msgstr "`Postfix aliases <http://www.postfix.org/aliases.5.html>`_"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:34
msgid "`Postfix virtual <http://www.postfix.org/virtual.8.html>`_"
msgstr ""
msgstr "`Postfix virtual <http://www.postfix.org/virtual.8.html>`_"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:38
msgid "For Exim"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Untuk Exim"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:47
msgid "`Exim <https://www.exim.org/docs.html>`_"
msgstr ""
msgstr "`Exim <https://www.exim.org/docs.html>`_"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/email_gateway.rst:50
msgid ""
"If you don't have access/manage your email server, use :ref:`inbound "
"messages <email_communication/inbound_messages>`."
msgstr ""
"Bila Anda tidak memiliki akses/tidak mengelola server email Anda, gunakan "
":ref:`inbound messages <email_communication/inbound_messages>`."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:3
msgid "Geo IP"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Geo IP"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:6
msgid "This documentation only applies to On-premise databases."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dokumentasi ini hanya berlaku untuk database On-premise."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -5784,7 +5790,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:27
msgid "Restart the server"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Restart server"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -5796,7 +5802,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:39
msgid ":doc:`CLI documentation </developer/reference/cli>`."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`CLI documentation </developer/reference/cli>`."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:42
msgid ""
@ -5813,14 +5819,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:49
msgid "Go to your website. Open the web page that you want to test ``GeoIP``."
msgstr ""
"Pergi ke website Anda. Buka halaman website yang Anda ingin gunakan untuk "
"mengetes ``GeoIP``."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:50
msgid "Choose :menuselection:`Customize --> HTML/CSS/JS Editor`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pilih :menuselection:`Kustomisasi --> HTML/CSS/JS Editor`."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:51
msgid "Add the following piece of XML in the page :"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tambahkan XML berikut di halaman :"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:57
msgid ""

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Ryanto The <ry.the77@gmail.com>, 2023
# Edi Santoso <repopamor@gmail.com>, 2023
# Abe Manyo, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Abe Manyo, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-21 15:48+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:53+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Abe Manyo, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/id/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -22807,7 +22807,7 @@ msgstr "Mesir"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/india.rst:8
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/united_arab_emirates.rst:8
msgid "Installation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Penginstalan"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:10
msgid ""

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
# Sara Ciaurri <sara.ciaurri@didotech.com>, 2023
# Friederike Fasterling-Nesselbosch, 2023
# Sergio Zanchetta <primes2h@gmail.com>, 2023
# Marianna Ciofani, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Marianna Ciofani, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-21 15:48+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Marianna Ciofani, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/it/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -12136,7 +12136,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/products/import.rst:131
msgid "Import relation fields, attributes, and variants"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Importare campi di relazione, attributi e varianti"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/products/import.rst:133
msgid ""

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# Translators:
# Wil Odoo, 2023
# Marianna Ciofani, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-18 07:12+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2023\n"
"Last-Translator: Marianna Ciofani, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/it/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ msgstr "Impostazioni"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:6
msgid "Users and Features"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Utenti e funzionalità"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:8
msgid ""

View File

@ -6458,7 +6458,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:84
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:85
msgid "N/A"
msgstr ""
msgstr "N/A"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:38
msgid "January 2024"

View File

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
# Norimichi Sugimoto <norimichi.sugimoto@tls-ltd.co.jp>, 2023
# Tim Siu Lai <tl@roomsfor.hk>, 2023
# Andy Yiu, 2023
# Junko Augias, 2023
# Ryoko Tsuda <ryoko@quartile.co>, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Junko Augias, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-07 13:06+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-05-22 07:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Junko Augias, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ja/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/service.rst:117
msgid "Graph view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "グラフビュー"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/service.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -2078,7 +2078,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/service.rst:128
msgid "Pivot view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ピボットビュー"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/service.rst:130
msgid ""

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp.rst:5
msgid "Inventory & MRP"
msgstr ""
msgstr "在庫とMRP"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode.rst:8
msgid "Barcode"
@ -41,21 +41,24 @@ msgid ""
"connecting a barcode scanner, certain inventory processes can be triggered "
"by scanning barcodes."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode.rst:15
msgid ""
"`Odoo Tutorials: Barcode Basics <https://www.odoo.com/slides/slide/barcode-"
msgstr ""
"`Odooチュートリアル: Barcode基礎 <https://www.odoo.com/slides/slide/barcode-"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations.rst:5
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations.rst:5
msgid "Daily operations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "日々の業務"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:3
msgid "Apply inventory adjustments with barcodes"
msgstr ""
msgstr "バーコードで在庫調整を行う"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -65,12 +68,13 @@ msgid ""
"recorded counts in the database match the actual counts in the warehouse. In"
" Odoo, the *Barcode* app can be used to make these adjustments."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:10
msgid ""
"These adjustments can be done in real time using an Odoo-compatible barcode "
"scanner or the Odoo mobile app."
msgstr ""
msgstr "これらの調整はOdoo互換バーコードスキャナまたはOdooモバイルアプリを使ってリアルタイムで行うことができます。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -78,24 +82,27 @@ msgid ""
"for the *Inventory* and *Barcode* apps, refer to the `Odoo Inventory • "
"Hardware page <https://www.odoo.com/app/inventory-hardware>`_."
msgstr ""
" - ハードウエアページ <https://www.odoo.com/app/inventory-hardware>`_を参照して下さい。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:19
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:22
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/receipts_deliveries.rst:15
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/transfers_scratch.rst:13
msgid "Enable Barcode app"
msgstr ""
msgstr "バーコードアプリを有効にする"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:24
msgid ""
"To use the *Barcode* app to create and apply inventory adjustments, it "
"**must** be installed by enabling the feature from the settings of the "
"*Inventory* app."
msgstr ""
msgstr "*バーコード*アプリを使用して在庫調整を作成および適用するには、**在庫*アプリの設定から機能を有効にしてインストールする必要があります。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:27
msgid ""
@ -103,6 +110,8 @@ msgid ""
"Settings`. Then, scroll down to the :guilabel:`Barcode` section, and click "
"the checkbox next to the :guilabel:`Barcode Scanner` option."
msgstr ""
"これを行うには、 :menuselection:`在庫アプリ --> 設定 --> 管理設定`に進みます。次に、 :guilabel:`バーコード` "
"セクションまでスクロールダウンし、 :guilabel:`バーコードスキャナ` オプションの隣にあるチェックボックスをクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:31
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/receipts_deliveries.rst:24
@ -110,7 +119,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Once the checkbox is ticked, click :guilabel:`Save` at the top of the page "
"to save changes."
msgstr ""
msgstr "チェックボックスにチェックを入れたら、ページ上部の :guilabel:`保存` をクリックして変更を保存します。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -120,6 +129,7 @@ msgid ""
" be selected. Each nomenclature option determines how scanners interpret "
"barcodes in Odoo."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -127,12 +137,13 @@ msgid ""
"along with a set of :guilabel:`Print` buttons for printing barcode commands "
"and a barcode demo sheet."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/receipts_deliveries.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/transfers_scratch.rst-1
msgid "Enabled Barcode feature in Inventory app settings."
msgstr ""
msgstr "インベントリアプリの設定でバーコード機能を有効にしました。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:46
msgid ""
@ -140,10 +151,13 @@ msgid ""
"app, refer to the :doc:`Set up your barcode scanner <../setup/hardware>` and"
" :doc:`Activate the Barcodes in Odoo <../setup/software>` docs."
msgstr ""
"guilabel:`バーコード`アプリのセットアップと設定の詳細については、 :doc:`バーコードスキャナーのセットアップ "
"<../setup/hardware>`と :doc:`Odooでバーコードを有効にする "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:51
msgid "Perform an inventory adjustment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "在庫調整の実行"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:53
msgid ""
@ -152,12 +166,14 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Operations`, :guilabel:`Inventory Adjustments`, and "
":guilabel:`Batch Transfers`."
msgstr ""
"まずは以下に移動します :menuselection:`バーコードアプリ --> バーコードスキャニング` ダッシュボード、ここで "
":guilabel:`オペレーション`, :guilabel:`在庫調整`および :guilabel:`一括転送`を含む様々なオプションが表示されます。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:57
msgid ""
"To create and apply inventory adjustments, click on the :guilabel:`Inventory"
" Adjustments` button at the bottom of the screen."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在庫調整を作成・適用するには、画面下の :guilabel:`在庫調整` ボタンをクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:60
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:123
@ -165,12 +181,13 @@ msgid ""
"Doing so navigates to the *Barcode Inventory Client Action* page, labeled as"
" :guilabel:`Inventory Adjustment` in the top header section."
msgstr ""
"そうすると、トップヘッダーセクションの :guilabel:`在庫調整` というラベルの付いた *バーコード在庫顧客アクション* ページに移動します。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/receipts_deliveries.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/transfers_scratch.rst-1
msgid "Barcode app start screen with scanner."
msgstr ""
msgstr "スキャナーを使ったバーコードアプリのスタート画面。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:67
msgid ""
@ -178,12 +195,13 @@ msgid ""
"current location in the warehouse of the product whose count should be "
"adjusted. Then, scan the product barcode(s)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:70
msgid ""
"The barcode of a specific product can be scanned multiple times to increase "
"the quantity of that product in the adjustment."
msgstr ""
msgstr "特定のプロダクトのバーコードを複数回スキャンすることで、そのプロダクトの調整量を増やすことができます。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:74
msgid ""
@ -191,12 +209,13 @@ msgid ""
"database, a source location does not need to be scanned. Instead, simply "
"scan the product barcode to start the inventory adjustment."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:78
msgid ""
"Alternatively, the quantity can be changed by clicking the :guilabel:`✏️ "
"(pencil)` icon on the far right of the product line."
msgstr ""
msgstr "また、プロダクトの右端にある :guilabel:`✏️ (鉛筆)` アイコンをクリックして数量を変更することもできます。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:81
msgid ""
@ -206,6 +225,8 @@ msgid ""
"quantity of the product, and the number keys can be used to add quantity, as"
" well."
msgstr ""
"そうするとキーパッド付きの別ウィンドウが開きます。数量を変更するには :guilabel:`数量` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:86
msgid ""
@ -215,16 +236,19 @@ msgid ""
"units in the adjustment. Additional products can be added to this adjustment"
" by scanning the barcodes for those specific products."
msgstr ""
"以下の在庫調整では、ソースロケーション `WH/Stock/Shelf/2` がスキャンされ、ロケーションが割り当てられました。次に、プロダクト "
"`[FURN_7888] スクリーン付きデスクスタンド` のバーコードが 3 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:0
msgid "Barcode Inventory Client Action page with inventory adjustment."
msgstr ""
msgstr "バーコード在庫顧客アクションページの在庫調整。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:95
msgid ""
"To complete the inventory adjustment, click the green :guilabel:`✅ Apply` "
"button with the check mark at the bottom of the page."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在庫調整を完了するには、ページ下部のチェックマークが付いた緑色の :guilabel:`✅ 適用` ボタンをクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:98
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:150
@ -233,11 +257,12 @@ msgid ""
"screen. A small green banner appears in the top right corner, confirming "
"validation of the adjustment."
msgstr ""
"適用されると、Odooは :guilabel:`バーコードスキャン` 画面に戻ります。右上に小さな緑のバナーが表示され、調整の有効性が確認されます。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:101
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/transfers_scratch.rst:180
msgid "Did you know?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ご存じでしたか?"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:103
msgid ""
@ -245,6 +270,7 @@ msgid ""
" features of the app. These can be used for testing purposes, and can be "
"printed from the home screen of the app."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:106
msgid ""
@ -253,43 +279,45 @@ msgid ""
"Inventory` (bolded and highlighted in blue) in the information pop-up window"
" above the scanner."
msgstr ""
"このデモデータにアクセスするには、 :menuselection:`バーコードアプリ` に移動し、スキャナの上にある情報ポップアップウィンドウの "
":guilabel:`在庫バーコードシート` と :guilabel:`在庫用コマンド` (太字で青くハイライトされています)をクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:0
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/transfers_scratch.rst:0
msgid "Demo data prompt pop-up on Barcode app main screen."
msgstr ""
msgstr "バーコードアプリのメイン画面でのデモデータのプロンプトのポップアップ表示。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:115
msgid "Manually add products to inventory adjustment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "プロダクトを手動で在庫調整に追加"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:117
msgid ""
"When the barcodes for the location or product are not available, Odoo "
"*Barcode* can still be used to perform inventory adjustments."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ロケーションやプロダクトのバーコードが利用できない場合でも、Odoo *バーコード*を使用して在庫調整を行うことができます。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:120
msgid ""
"To do this, navigate to the :menuselection:`Barcode app --> Barcode Scanning"
" --> Inventory Adjustments`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "これを行うには、 :menuselection:`バーコードアプリ --> バーコードスキャン --> 在庫調整`に移動します。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:126
msgid ""
"To manually add products to this adjustment, click the white :guilabel:` "
"Add Product` button at the bottom of the screen."
msgstr ""
msgstr "この調整にプロダクトを手動で追加するには、画面下部の白い :guilabel:` プロダクトを追加` ボタンをクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:129
msgid ""
"This navigates to a new, blank page where the desired product, quantity, and"
" source location must be chosen."
msgstr ""
msgstr "新しい空白のページが表示され、希望のプロダクト、数量、ソースロケーションを選択する必要があります。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:0
msgid "Keypad to add products on Barcode Inventory Client Action page."
msgstr ""
msgstr "バーコード在庫顧客アクションページでプロダクトを追加するためのキーパッド。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:136
msgid ""
@ -300,6 +328,9 @@ msgid ""
"quantity of the product. The number pad can be used to add quantity, as "
msgstr ""
"まず、 :guilabel:`プロダクト` 行をクリックし、在庫数を調整するプロダクトを選択します。次に、そのプロダクトの数量を手動で入力します。 "
":guilabel:`数量` 行の `1` を変更するか、 :guilabel:`+1` と :guilabel:`-1` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:141
msgid ""
@ -308,16 +339,19 @@ msgid ""
"locations to choose from, and choose the :guilabel:`source location` for "
"this inventory adjustment."
msgstr ""
"数字パッドの下には :guilabel:`ロケーション` 行があり、デフォルトでは `WH/Stock` "
"と表示されます。この行をクリックすると、ロケーションのドロップダウンメニューが表示され、この在庫調整の :guilabel:`移動元ロケーション` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:145
msgid "Once ready, click :guilabel:`Confirm` to confirm the changes."
msgstr ""
msgstr "準備ができたら、:guilabel:`確認` をクリックして変更を確定します。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/adjustments.rst:147
msgid ""
"To apply the inventory adjustment, click the green :guilabel:`✅ Apply` "
"button with the check mark, at the bottom of the page."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在庫調整を適用するには、ページ下部の緑色の :guilabel:`✅適用`ボタンとチェックマークをクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:3
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/advanced_operations_shipping/cancel.rst:6
@ -336,10 +370,11 @@ msgid ""
"the printed barcode to stick on the product. This barcode will contain the "
"weight of the product and help compute the price accordingly."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:13
msgid "Create a Barcode Nomenclature"
msgstr ""
msgstr "バーコード表現規則を作成する"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:15
msgid ""
@ -348,12 +383,15 @@ msgid ""
"nomenclature being in :ref:`developer mode <developer-mode>`. To do so, go "
"to :menuselection:`Inventory --> Configuration --> Barcode Nomenclature`."
msgstr ""
"Odooはエンコードされた情報のマッピングと解釈を決定するバーコード表現規則をサポートしています。バーコード表現規則は "
":ref:`開発者モード<developer-mode>` で設定することができます。これを行うには :menuselection:`在庫 --> 設定"
" --> バーコード表現規則` にアクセスして下さい。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:20
msgid ""
"You can create a barcode nomenclature from there, and then add a line to "
"create your first rule."
msgstr ""
msgstr "そこからバーコード表現規則を作成し、行を追加して最初の規則を作成することができます。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:26
msgid ""
@ -361,6 +399,8 @@ msgid ""
"with 3 Decimals. You then have to specify the type for barcode nomenclature,"
" in our case it will be Weighted Product."
msgstr ""
"最初のステップは、**規則名** "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -371,44 +411,48 @@ msgid ""
" simply to identify the product in question. The “N” define a number and the"
" “D” define the decimals."
msgstr ""
" “ドット” は、プロダクトバーコードの次の番号であり、単に問題のプロダクトを識別するために存在する。 “N” は数字を表し、“D”は小数を表します。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:40
msgid ""
"The encoding allows to specify the barcode encoding on which the rule should"
" be applied."
msgstr ""
msgstr "エンコーディングでは、規則を適用するバーコードのエンコーディングを指定できます。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:44
msgid ""
"You can define different rules and order their priority thanks to the "
"sequence. The first rule which matches the scanned barcode will be applied."
msgstr ""
msgstr "付番によって異なる規則を定義し、優先順位をつけることができます。スキャンされたバーコードに一致する最初の規則が適用されます。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:49
msgid "Configure your Product"
msgstr ""
msgstr "プロダクトを設定する"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:51
msgid "The barcode of the product should start by “21”;"
msgstr ""
msgstr "プロダクトのバーコードは \"21 \"で始まる必要があります;"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:52
msgid ""
"The 5 “dots” are the other numbers of your product barcode, allowing to "
"identify the product;"
msgstr ""
msgstr "5つの \"ドット \"は、プロダクトバーコードのその他の番号で、プロダクトを識別することができます;"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:53
msgid ""
"The barcode should contain 0s where you did defined Ds or Ns. In our case"
" we need to set 5 zeros because we configured “21…..{NNDDD}”;"
msgstr ""
"バーコードは、DまたはNを定義した場所に0を含む必要があります。この場合、 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:54
msgid ""
"In EAN-13, the last number is a check number, use an EAN13 generator to know"
" which digit it should be in your case."
msgstr ""
msgstr "EAN-13の場合、最後の数字はチェック番号です。EAN13ジェネレーターを使用して、どの桁になるべきかを把握して下さい。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:59
msgid ""
@ -418,16 +462,17 @@ msgid ""
"create a new line for the Pasta product for a quantity of 1.5 Kg. For the "
"point of sale, a price depending on the quantity will also be computed."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:70
msgid "Rule Types"
msgstr ""
msgstr "規則タイプ"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:72
msgid ""
"**Priced Product**: allows you to identify the product and specify its "
"price, used in POS."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**価格設定済プロダクト**: プロダクトを識別し、POSで使用される価格を指定することができます。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:73
msgid ""
@ -436,6 +481,7 @@ msgid ""
"discount barcode, discount will be applied on the normal price of the "
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:74
msgid ""
@ -443,6 +489,7 @@ msgid ""
"weight, used in both POS (in which the price is computed based on the "
"weight) and in inventory."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:75
msgid ""
@ -18135,7 +18182,7 @@ msgstr "ショップフロア"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/shop_floor/shop_floor_overview.rst:3
msgid "Shop Floor overview"
msgstr ""
msgstr "製造現場概要"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/shop_floor/shop_floor_overview.rst:9
msgid ""

View File

@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
# Translators:
# Noma Yuki, 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Junko Augias, 2023
# Andy Yiu, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Junko Augias, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 16.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-01-19 08:39+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-21 15:48+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Junko Augias, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ja/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:84
msgid "Graph view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "グラフビュー"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:86
msgid ""
@ -2263,6 +2263,7 @@ msgid ""
" icon)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/advanced/understanding_metrics.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/advanced/understanding_metrics.rst-1
msgid ""
"What a campaign activity filter tab looks like in Odoo Marketing Automation."
@ -2652,6 +2653,7 @@ msgid ""
"refined parameters within it that can be customized."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst-1
msgid "The drop-down filter menu in the Marketing Automation application."
msgstr ""
@ -3196,6 +3198,7 @@ msgid ""
"reveal a :guilabel:`Create Marketing Template` pop-up window."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/workflow_activities.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/workflow_activities.rst-1
msgid ""
"The create and edit email drop-down option on create activities pop-up "
@ -3825,6 +3828,7 @@ msgid ""
"the database."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/mailing_lists_blacklists.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/mailing_lists_blacklists.rst-1
msgid "SMS Blacklist menu in the application."
msgstr ""
@ -4720,6 +4724,7 @@ msgid ""
" page with every campaign in a default kanban view."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/social_marketing/essentials/social_campaigns.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/social_marketing/essentials/social_campaigns.rst-1
msgid "View of the campaigns page in the Odoo Social Marketing application."
msgstr ""
@ -5709,7 +5714,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/social_marketing/essentials/social_essentials.rst:435
msgid "Pivot view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ピボットビュー"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/social_marketing/essentials/social_essentials.rst:437
msgid ""
@ -5838,6 +5843,7 @@ msgid ""
"is associated."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/social_marketing/essentials/social_essentials.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/social_marketing/essentials/social_essentials.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the social accounts page in the Odoo Social Marketing application."

View File

@ -16802,7 +16802,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/reports.rst:120
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/upselling.rst:83
msgid ":doc:`../subscriptions`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../subscriptions`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/automatic_alerts.rst:84
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/closing.rst:106
@ -16810,7 +16810,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/reports.rst:121
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/upselling.rst:84
msgid ":doc:`plans`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`plans`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/automatic_alerts.rst:85
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/closing.rst:107
@ -16818,11 +16818,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/reports.rst:122
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/upselling.rst:85
msgid ":doc:`products`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`products`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/closing.rst:3
msgid "Close a subscription"
msgstr ""
msgstr "サブスクリプションをクローズする"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/closing.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -16888,7 +16888,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/closing.rst:52
msgid "Administrator view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "管理者ビュー"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/closing.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -16919,7 +16919,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/closing.rst:72
msgid "Customer view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "顧客ビュー"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/closing.rst:74
msgid ""
@ -16973,13 +16973,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:3
msgid "Use subscriptions in the eCommerce shop"
msgstr ""
msgstr "eコマースショップでサブスクリプションを利用する"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:5
msgid ""
"Subscription products can be sold in the Odoo *eCommerce* shop just like "
"regular sales products."
msgstr ""
msgstr "サブスクリプションプロダクトは、通常の販売プロダクトと同様にOdoo *eコマース*店舗で販売することができます。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:7
msgid ""
@ -16989,28 +16989,32 @@ msgid ""
"*yearly* recurrence periods configured, then only the monthly price appears "
"on the eCommerce page for that product by default."
msgstr ""
"しかし、デフォルトでは、eコマースのプロダクトページには、プロダクトフォームの :guilabel:`時間課金価格` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:12
msgid ""
"To add more recurrence periods to the eCommerce product page, create a "
"*product variant* for each recurrence period."
msgstr ""
msgstr "eコマースプロダクトページにさらに繰返し期間を追加するには、繰返し期間ごとに *プロダクトバリアント* を作成します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:16
msgid ""
":doc:`Configure subscription products "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`サブスクリプションプロダクトの設定</applications/sales/subscriptions/products>`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:17
msgid ""
":doc:`Product variants "
msgstr ""
":doc:`プロダクトバリアント "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:20
msgid "Create recurrence periods as product variants"
msgstr ""
msgstr "プロダクトバリアントとして繰返し期間を作成します"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -17019,6 +17023,8 @@ msgid ""
"product. In the :guilabel:`Attributes & Variants` tab, click :guilabel:`Add "
"a line`."
msgstr ""
"各繰返し期間をプロダクトバリアントとして設定するには、 :menuselection:`サブスクリプション--> サブスクリプション --> "
"プロダクト` に進み、プロダクトを選択します。guilabel:`属性 & バリアント`タブで、:guilabel:`明細を追加`をクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:26
msgid ""
@ -17027,6 +17033,8 @@ msgid ""
"attribute name appears as the option heading on the product page of the "
"eCommerce shop."
msgstr ""
"名前を入力して :guilabel:`作成` をクリックし、`請求期間` (または同様のもの) という :guilabel:`属性` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -17036,12 +17044,15 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Create`. These value names appear as selectable options on the "
"product page of the eCommerce shop."
msgstr ""
"次に、プロダクトフォームの :guilabel:`時間課金価格` タブで設定した繰返し期間に対応する :guilabel:`値` "
"を作成します。繰返し期間の名前を入力し、 :guilabel:`作成` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst-1
msgid ""
"Recurrence periods configured as product variants in the \"Attributes & Variants\" tab of\n"
"the product form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "プロダクトフォームの \"属性&バリアント\"タブでプロダクトバリアントとして設定された繰返し期間。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -17050,26 +17061,28 @@ msgid ""
" :guilabel:`Time-based pricing` tab. Assign the product variants to their "
"corresponding recurrence periods and prices."
msgstr ""
"手動で保存するには、ページ上部の :guilabel:`☁️ (雲)` アイコンをクリックします。保存後、 :guilabel:`時間課金価格` タブに"
" :guilabel:`プロダクトバリアント` 列が表示されます。プロダクトバリエーションを対応する繰返し期間と価格に割当てます。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst-1
msgid "Product variants on the \"Time-based pricing\" tab of the product form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "プロダクトフォームの \"時間課金価格\"タブにあるプロダクトバリエーション。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst:48
msgid ""
"The product variants are now available for selection on the eCommerce "
"product page."
msgstr ""
msgstr "プロダクトバリアントがeコマースのプロダクトページで選択できるようになりました。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/ecommerce.rst-1
msgid ""
"Recurrence periods configured as product variants on the eCommerce product "
msgstr ""
msgstr "eコマースプロダクトページのプロダクトバリアントとして設定された繰返し期間。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:3
msgid "Subscription plans"
msgstr ""
msgstr "サブスクリプションプラン"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -17078,10 +17091,13 @@ msgid ""
"preconfigure quotations with subscription products. Use subscription plans "
"to quickly create subscription orders."
msgstr ""
"*サブスクリプションプラン*は、サブスクリプションプロダクトで見積を事前に設定するために使用される "
":doc:`見積テンプレート</applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/quote_template>` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:10
msgid "Configure subscription plans"
msgstr ""
msgstr "サブスクリプションプランを設定する"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -17089,26 +17105,29 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration --> Plans`. Then, click :guilabel:`New` to create a new plan, "
"or select an existing plan to edit it."
msgstr ""
"サブスクリプションプランを設定するには、 :menuselection:`サブスクリプション --> 設定 --> プラン` に進みます。それから "
":guilabel:`新規` をクリックして新しいプランを作成するか、既存のプランを選択して編集します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:15
msgid ""
"Since the Odoo *Subscriptions* app is integrated closely with the *Sales* "
"app, subscription plans use the same form as quotation templates."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst-1
msgid "Subscription plan (quotation template) configuration form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "サブスクリプションプラン(見積テンプレート)設定フォーム。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:22
msgid "The subscription plan form contains the following options:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "サブスクリプションプランフォームには以下のオプションがあります: "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:24
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Name`: Enter a name for the subscription plan at the top of the "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`名前`: ページ上部にサブスクリプションプランの名前を入力します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -17116,6 +17135,8 @@ msgid ""
"the quotation expires, starting from the day the quotation is sent to the "
"customer. Leave this field at zero for the quotation to never expire."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`見積有効期間`: "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -17125,6 +17146,8 @@ msgid ""
"Enable both to leave the choice to the customer. Enable neither to only "
"confirm the quotation in the backend."
msgstr ""
"guilabel:`オンライン確認`: guilabel:`署名` または "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -17138,13 +17161,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"To create a new email template, enter a name for the template, then click "
":guilabel:`Create and edit`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "新規Eメールテンプレートを作成するには、テンプレートの名前を入力し、:guilabel:`作成と編集`をクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:39
msgid ""
"To edit an existing email template, select one from the drop-down menu, then"
" click on the :guilabel:`Internal link` arrow at the end of the line."
msgstr ""
"既存のメールテンプレートを編集するには、ドロップダウンメニューからテンプレートを選択し、明細末の :guilabel:`内部リンク` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:42
msgid ""
@ -17152,18 +17177,22 @@ msgid ""
"recurrence periods available here are the same ones that are configured in "
":menuselection:`Subscriptions --> Configuration --> Recurrence Periods`."
msgstr ""
"guilabel:`繰返し` プランに使用する繰返し期間を選択します。ここで選択できる繰返し期間は :menuselection:`サブスクリプション"
" --> 設定 --> 繰返し期間` で設定されているものと同じです。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:46
msgid ""
"Selecting a :guilabel:`Recurrence` turns the quotation template into a "
"subscription plan and enables the following additional options:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`繰返し`を選択すると、見積テンプレートがサブスクリプションプランになり、以下の追加オプションが有効になります:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:49
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Duration`: Choose whether the subscription plan has no end date "
"(:guilabel:`Forever`) or a :guilabel:`Fixed` duration."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Duration` サブスクリプションプランに終了日がないか(:guilabel:`無期限`)、または "
":guilabel:`固定` 期間があるかを選択します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:52
msgid ""
@ -17171,6 +17200,7 @@ msgid ""
"continually renew until either the customer or the company manually ends the"
" subscription."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -17178,6 +17208,7 @@ msgid ""
"date, which determines the amount of time after which the subscription will "
"automatically end."
msgstr ""
"期間が :guilabel:`固定` の場合、サブスクリプションが自動的に終了するまでの期間を決める :guilabel:`終了日` を入力します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:57
msgid ""
@ -17185,12 +17216,14 @@ msgid ""
"terminate their subscription from the :doc:`customer portal "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`自分でクローズ可能` 顧客が :doc:`顧客ポータル` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:60
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Automatic Closing`: Enter the number of days after which *unpaid*"
" subscriptions *past* the due date are automatically closed."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`自動クローズ`:期限を過ぎた*未払*サブスクリプションが自動的にクローズされる日数を入力します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:62
msgid ""
@ -17198,10 +17231,11 @@ msgid ""
"invoices for this subscription plan are recorded. Leave this field blank to "
"use the sales journal with the lowest sequence."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst-1
msgid "Subscription plan with Recurrence selected."
msgstr ""
msgstr "繰返しを選択したサブスクリプションプラン。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:70
msgid ""
@ -17210,12 +17244,14 @@ msgid ""
"and then enter the :guilabel:`Quantity` and :guilabel:`Unit of Measure`. Add"
" as many products as desired to the order lines."
msgstr ""
"guilabel:`明細`タブで、見積のオーダ明細を作成します。guilabel:`プロダクトを追加` をクリックし、プランに含めるプロダクトを選択し、"
" :guilabel:`数量` と :guilabel:`単位` を入力します。必要な数のプロダクトをオーダ明細に追加します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:74
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Optional Products` tab, enter any optional products that "
"the customer can add to their quotation before confirming the order."
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`オプションプロダクト`タブでは、オーダを確定する前に顧客が見積に追加できるオプションプロダクトを入力します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:77
msgid ""
@ -17225,20 +17261,22 @@ msgid ""
"specified on a plan, these will be used instead of the default terms and "
"conditions set up in the *Sales* app settings."
msgstr ""
"サブスクリプションプランに固有の :doc:`諸条件` がある場合は、 :guilabel:`諸条件` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst-1
msgid "Subscription plan Terms & Conditions tab."
msgstr ""
msgstr "サブスクリプションプラン諸条件タブ。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:87
msgid "Use subscription plans on quotations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "見積でサブスクリプションプランを使用する"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:89
msgid ""
"Quotations for subscription products can be created in both the "
"*Subscriptions* app and the *Sales* app."
msgstr ""
msgstr "サブスクリプションプロダクトの見積は、*サブスクリプション*アプリと*販売*アプリの両方で作成できます。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:92
msgid ""
@ -17246,13 +17284,15 @@ msgid ""
"create a new quotation. Then, select a subscription plan in the "
":guilabel:`Subscription Plan` field."
msgstr ""
"guilabel:`サブスクリプション`ダッシュボードから、 :guilabel:`新規`をクリックして新しい見積を作成します。次に、 "
":guilabel:`サブスクリプション` フィールドでサブスクリプションプランを選択します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:95
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`Recurrence`, products, and other information from the plan "
"are automatically filled in. The quotation can then be modified further as "
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`繰返し`、プロダクト、その他プランの情報が自動的に入力されます。見積は必要に応じてさらに修正することができます。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:98
msgid ""
@ -17260,6 +17300,8 @@ msgid ""
"quotation. Then, select a subscription plan in the :guilabel:`Quotation "
"Template` field."
msgstr ""
"guilabel:`販売`ダッシュボードから :guilabel:`新規` をクリックして新しい見積を作成します。次に、 "
":guilabel:`見積テンプレート` フィールドでサブスクリプションプランを選択します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/plans.rst:101
msgid ""
@ -17267,10 +17309,12 @@ msgid ""
"dashboard regardless of whether they were created in the *Subscriptions* app"
" or the *Sales* app."
msgstr ""
"全てのサブスクリプションオーダは、*サブスクリプション*アプリまたは*販売*アプリのどちらで作成されたかに関係なく、 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:3
msgid "Subscription products"
msgstr ""
msgstr "サブスクリプションプロダクト"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -17279,75 +17323,77 @@ msgid ""
"products. While regular products are sold on a one-time basis, subscription "
"products are sold on a renewing basis, generating recurring revenue."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:9
msgid "In Odoo, subscription products are also called *recurring* products."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odooでは、サブスクリプションプロダクトは*定期*プロダクトとも呼ばれています。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:12
msgid "Configure recurrence periods"
msgstr ""
msgstr "繰返期間を設定する"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:14
msgid ""
"To get started with subscriptions, the *recurrence periods* must be properly"
" configured, as needed."
msgstr ""
msgstr "サブスクリプションを開始するには、必要に応じて、*繰返期間*を適切に設定する必要があります。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:16
msgid ""
"Recurrence periods are the time periods in which subscriptions renew. They "
"designate how often the customer pays for (and receives) subscription "
msgstr ""
msgstr "繰返期間は、サブスクリプションが更新される期間です。顧客がサブスクリプションプロダクトに支払う(および受取る)頻度を指定します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:19
msgid ""
"To configure recurrence periods, go to :menuselection:`Subscriptions app -->"
" Configuration --> Recurrence periods`."
msgstr ""
"サブスクリプションを設定するには、 :menuselection:`サブスクリプションアプリ --> 設定 --> 繰返期間` にアクセスして下さい。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst-1
msgid "The recurrence periods page in Odoo Subscriptions application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odooサブスクリプションアプリケーションの繰返期間のページ。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:26
msgid ""
"The *Subscriptions* app comes with some basic recurrence periods already "
msgstr ""
msgstr "*サブスクリプション*アプリには、いくつかの基本的な繰返期間がすでに設定されています:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:28
msgid ":guilabel:`Monthly`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`月次`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:29
msgid ":guilabel:`Quarterly`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`四半期ごと`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:30
msgid ":guilabel:`Weekly`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`週次`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:31
msgid ":guilabel:`2 Weeks`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`隔週ごと`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:32
msgid ":guilabel:`Yearly`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`年次`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:33
msgid ":guilabel:`3 Years`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`3年`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:34
msgid ":guilabel:`5 Years`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`5年`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:36
msgid "New recurrence periods can be added and/or edited at any time."
msgstr ""
msgstr "新規繰返期間はいつでも追加および/または編集できます。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -17355,10 +17401,12 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Recurrence Periods` page. Doing so reveals a blank recurrence "
"period form."
msgstr ""
"新規繰返期間を作成するには、 :guilabel:`繰返期間` ページで :guilabel:`新規` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst-1
msgid "A recurrence period form in Odoo Subscriptions application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odooのサブスクリプションアプリケーションの繰返期間フォーム。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:45
msgid ""
@ -17366,6 +17414,7 @@ msgid ""
"recurrence period, and select the :guilabel:`Unit` that defines the "
msgstr ""
"次に、再帰期間の :guilabel:`名前` と :guilabel:`期間` を入力し、期間を定義する :guilabel:`単位` を選択します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:49
msgid ""
@ -17373,16 +17422,18 @@ msgid ""
"subscriptions. The daily recurrence is meant for rentals, and **cannot** be "
"added on recurring subscription sales orders."
msgstr ""
"単位:guilabel:`日` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:52
msgid ""
"This limitation is there to avoid sales orders that would generate daily "
msgstr ""
msgstr "この制限は、毎日の請求が発生するような販売オーダを避けるために設けられています。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:55
msgid "Product form configuration"
msgstr ""
msgstr "プロダクトフォームの設定"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:57
msgid ""
@ -17390,12 +17441,14 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Subscriptions app --> Products --> Products`, and click "
msgstr ""
"新規サブスクリプションプロダクトを作成するには、 :menuselection:`サブスクリプションアプリ --> プロダクト --> プロダクト` "
"に移動し、 :guilabel:`新規` をクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:60
msgid ""
"Doing so reveals a blank product form, which can be configured and "
"customized in a number of ways."
msgstr ""
msgstr "そうすると、空白のプロダクトフォームが表示され、さまざまな方法で設定やカスタマイズができます。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:63
msgid ""
@ -17403,6 +17456,8 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo to recognize it as a subscription product. Be sure to leave the "
":guilabel:`Recurring` and :guilabel:`Can be Sold` options enabled."
msgstr ""
"デフォルトでは :guilabel:`サブスク` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:67
msgid ""
@ -17410,10 +17465,11 @@ msgid ""
" as well. However, subscription products *can* be set to other types, if "
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst-1
msgid "A basic subscription product form in Odoo Subscriptions application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odooサブスクリプションアプリケーションの基本的なサブスクリプションプロダクトフォームです。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:75
msgid "Time-based pricing"
@ -17424,17 +17480,18 @@ msgid ""
"Once the desired fields in the :guilabel:`General Information` tab have been"
" entered, click the :guilabel:`Time-based pricing` tab on the product form."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst-1
msgid ""
"The time-based pricing tab on a subscription product form in Odoo "
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odooサブスクリプションのサブスクリプションプロダクトフォームの時間課金価格タブ。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:84
msgid ""
"From here, click :guilabel:`Add a price` to begin defining recurring prices."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ここから、:guilabel:`価格を追加` をクリックして、定期価格の定義を開始します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:86
msgid ""
@ -17442,22 +17499,24 @@ msgid ""
" :guilabel:`Pricelist` column, select a pricelist, if needed. Then, in the "
":guilabel:`Price` column, enter the price for that recurrence period."
msgstr ""
"guilabel:`期間` 列で、希望する繰返期間を選択します。guilabel:`価格表` 列で、必要に応じて価格表を選択します。次に "
":guilabel:`価格` 列に、その繰返期間の価格を入力します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:91
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Daily` and :guilabel:`Hourly` periods **cannot** be used on "
"recurring products."
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`日ごと`および :guilabel:`時間ごと`の期間は、定期プロダクトでは**使用できません**。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:0
msgid "The validation error pop-up window that appears in Odoo Subscriptions."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odooサブスクリプションで表示される検証エラーのポップアップウィンドウ。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:98
msgid ""
"There is *no limit* to how many lines can be added to the :guilabel:`Time-"
"based pricing` table."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`時間課金価格`テーブルに追加できる明細数に制限は*ありません*。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:101
msgid ""
@ -17465,6 +17524,8 @@ msgid ""
"marking it as :guilabel:`Recurring`, and configuring :guilabel:`Time-based "
"pricing` on the product form."
msgstr ""
"guilabel:`サブスク` としてマークし、プロダクトフォームで :guilabel:`時間課金価格` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:107
msgid ""
@ -17472,12 +17533,14 @@ msgid ""
" subscription products to give special pricing to customers included in "
msgstr ""
":doc:`価格表 <../sales/products_prices/prices/pricing>` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:110
msgid ""
"This can be configured either in the :guilabel:`Time-based pricing` tab of "
"the product form, or on the pricelist form in the *Sales* application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "これはプロダクトフォームの :guilabel:`時間課金価格` タブか、*販売* アプリケーションの価格表フォームで設定できます。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:113
msgid ""
@ -17485,44 +17548,48 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Time-based pricing` tab of the product form, select a pricelist "
"in the :guilabel:`Pricelist` column."
msgstr ""
"プロダクトフォームの :guilabel:`時間課金価格` タブで特定の価格表に対して定期価格規則を作成するには、 :guilabel:`価格表` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst-1
msgid "Pricelists in the \"Time-based pricing\" tab of the product form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "プロダクトフォームの\"時間課金価格\"タブにある価格表。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:120
msgid ""
"When pricelists are added to the :guilabel:`Time-based pricing` tab, the "
"pricelist form in the *Sales* app is automatically updated."
msgstr ""
msgstr "価格表が :guilabel:`時間課金価格` タブに追加されると、*販売* アプリの価格表フォームが自動的に更新されます。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:123
msgid ""
"Time-based pricing rules can also be configured directly on the pricelist "
msgstr ""
msgstr "時間課金価格の価格規則は、価格表フォームで直接設定することもできます。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:125
msgid ""
"To do this, go to :menuselection:`Sales app --> Products --> Pricelists`, "
"and select a pricelist (or click :guilabel:`New` to create a new pricelist)."
msgstr ""
"これを行うには :menuselection:`販売アプリ --> プロダクト --> 価格表` に進み、価格表を選択します(または "
":guilabel:`新規` をクリックして新しい価格表を作成します)。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:129
msgid ""
"Pricelists are also accessible through the Odoo *Subscriptions* app by "
"following the same menu steps."
msgstr ""
msgstr "価格表はOdoo *サブスクリプション*アプリからも同じメニュー手順でアクセスできます。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:132
msgid ""
"Then, on the pricelist form, under the :guilabel:`Time-based rules` tab, "
"click :guilabel:`Add a line`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "次に、価格表フォームの :guilabel:`時間課金規則` タブの下にある :guilabel:`明細の追加` をクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst-1
msgid "The time-based rules tab on a pricelist form in Odoo Sales."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo販売の価格表フォームの時間課金規則タブ。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:139
msgid ""
@ -17531,6 +17598,8 @@ msgid ""
" :guilabel:`Price` for that particular product and period. Add as many lines"
" as needed."
msgstr ""
"次に、サブスクリプションプロダクトを :guilabel:`プロダクト` 列で選択し、繰返期間を :guilabel:`期間` "
"列で選択します。最後に、そのプロダクトと期間の :guilabel:`価格` を入力します。必要なだけ明細を追加します。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:143
msgid ""
@ -17538,10 +17607,12 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Time-based pricing` tab of the product form is automatically "
msgstr ""
"価格表フォームに :guilabel:`時間課金規則` が追加されると、プロダクトフォームの :guilabel:`時間課金価格` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/products.rst:147
msgid ":doc:`ecommerce`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`eコーマー巣`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/renewals.rst:3
msgid "Renew a subscription"

View File

@ -7,15 +7,16 @@
# Andy Yiu, 2023
# Ryoko Tsuda <ryoko@quartile.co>, 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Junko Augias, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 16.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 13:54+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-21 15:48+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Trigaux, 2023\n"
"Last-Translator: Junko Augias, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ja/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ msgstr "コンフィグレーション"
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/default_warehouse.rst:18
msgid ""
"To set up a user default warehouse, the :doc:`storage locations "
" feature needs to be activated in the **Inventory** app. It is also "
"necessary to have more than one warehouse in your database."
msgstr ""
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/default_warehouse.rst:27
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/default_warehouse.rst:32
@ -1298,7 +1299,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:248
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview.rst:5
@ -1556,7 +1557,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/getting_started.rst:137
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:60
msgid ":doc:`/applications/general/email_communication/email_template`"
msgid ":doc:`/applications/general/companies/email_template`"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/getting_started.rst:140
@ -2328,6 +2329,7 @@ msgid ""
"team's ratings over the past thirty days."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst-1
msgid "View of the ratings performance overview from the customer portal."
msgstr ""
@ -2659,8 +2661,8 @@ msgid ""
" created with the same name."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:0
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst-1
msgid "View of the kanban cards for the available Live Chat channels."
msgstr ""
@ -2742,7 +2744,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:192
msgid ""
"Change the :guilabel:`Livechat Button Color` and and the :guilabel:`Channel "
"Change the :guilabel:`Livechat Button Color` and the :guilabel:`Channel "
"Header Color` by clicking a color bubble to open the color selection window."
" Click the refresh icon to the right of the color bubbles to reset the "
"colors to the default selection."
@ -3217,7 +3219,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:153
msgid "Pivot view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ピボットビュー"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:155
msgid ""
@ -3245,7 +3247,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:170
msgid "Graph view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "グラフビュー"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:172
msgid ""
@ -3349,7 +3351,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:227
msgid ":doc:`Odoo reporting </applications/general/reporting>`"
msgid ":doc:`Odoo reporting </applications/essentials/reporting>`"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:3
@ -3685,7 +3687,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/project/project_management.rst:8
msgid "Did you know?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ご存じでしたか?"
#: ../../content/applications/services/project/project_management.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -3789,9 +3791,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/project/project_management.rst:58
msgid ""
"`Odoo Tutorials: Customize your project "
"`Odoo Tutorials: Customize projects "
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/project/project_management.rst:61

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# Translators:
# Andy Yiu, 2023
# Junko Augias, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -13,8 +14,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-18 07:12+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Andy Yiu, 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ja/)\n"
"Last-Translator: Junko Augias, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ja/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ msgstr "設定"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:6
msgid "Users and Features"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ユーザと機能"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ msgid ""
"This includes the Apps you install as well as the number of users currently "
"in use."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ msgid ""
"subscription amount significantly (or switch you from a free account to a "
"paying one on our online platform)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ msgid ""
"to test them on a duplicate of your database first. That way, if something "
"goes wrong, your day-to-day business is not impacted."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -59,6 +63,8 @@ msgid ""
" <duplicate_online>` and :ref:`on premise <duplicate_premise>` "
msgstr ""
"ref:`オンライン "
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:27
msgid ""
@ -66,35 +72,37 @@ msgid ""
"issue while carrying out these procedures, please contact us through our "
"`support form <https://www.odoo.com/help>`__."
msgstr ""
"このページの内容に関してご質問がある場合、またはこれらの手順を実行中に問題が発生した場合は、`サポートフォーム "
"<https://www.odoo.com/help>`__ からご連絡下さい。"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:33
msgid "Deactivating Users"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ユーザの無効化"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:35
msgid ""
"Make sure you have sufficient **administrative rights** if you want to "
"change the status of any of your users."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ユーザのステータスを変更したい場合は、十分な**管理者権限**があることを確認して下さい。"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:38
msgid ""
"In your Odoo instance, click on **Settings**. You will have a section "
"showing you the active users on your database. Click on **Manage Users.**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odooインスタンスで**設定**をクリックします。データベース上のアクティブユーザが表示されます。ユーザ管理.**をクリックして下さい。"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:42
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:79
msgid "|settings|"
msgstr ""
msgstr "|settings|"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:42
msgid "|browse_users|"
msgstr ""
msgstr "|browse_users|"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:45
msgid "You'll then see the list of your users."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ユーザのリストが表示されます。"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -102,6 +110,8 @@ msgid ""
"from the *Portal Users* which are free). If you remove this filter, you'll "
"get all your users (the ones you pay for and the portal ones)"
msgstr ""
"事前に選択されたフィルタ *内部ユーザ* は有料ユーザを表示します。(無料の *ポータルユーザ* とは異なります) "
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:55
msgid ""
@ -109,18 +119,19 @@ msgid ""
"you are on the userform, click on the Action drop down menu, and then click "
"on Archive."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:63
msgid "The user is now deactivated."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ユーザは無効化されました。"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:65
msgid "**Never** deactivate the main user (*admin*)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "メインユーザ(*admin*)を停止することは**絶対にしない**で下さい。"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:68
msgid "Uninstalling Apps"
msgstr ""
msgstr "アプリのアンインストール"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:70
msgid ""
@ -128,6 +139,8 @@ msgid ""
"<duplicate_online>` of your database before making any changes (*especially*"
" installing/uninstalling apps)."
msgstr ""
"変更(特にアプリのインストール/アンインストール)を行う前に、データベースの :ref:`duplicate<duplicate_online> ` "
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:74
msgid ""
@ -135,10 +148,11 @@ msgid ""
"to see how many applications you have installed. Click on **Browse Apps** to"
" access the list of your installed applications."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:79
msgid "|browse_apps|"
msgstr ""
msgstr "|browse_apps|"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:82
msgid ""
@ -146,6 +160,7 @@ msgid ""
"applications. Click on the application you want to uninstall. Then, on the "
"form of the application, click on **Uninstall**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:89
msgid ""
@ -156,19 +171,20 @@ msgid ""
"permanently disappear). If you are sure you still want to uninstall it, then"
" click **Confirm**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:96
msgid ""
"Last, after having checked the warning message (if any), click **Confirm**."
msgstr ""
msgstr "最後に、警告メッセージ(もしあれば)を確認した後、**確認**をクリックします。"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:101
msgid "You have finished uninstalling your application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "アプリケーションのアンインストールが完了しました。"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:104
msgid "Good to know"
msgstr ""
msgstr "知っておくと良いこと"
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:106
msgid ""
@ -179,6 +195,7 @@ msgid ""
"*do not know how you work* and therefore cannot validate these kinds of "
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:112
msgid ""
@ -189,6 +206,8 @@ msgid ""
"need or use the Website itself, it is needed for the Online Quotes feature "
"to work properly."
msgstr ""
"**Odooアプリには依存関係があります**: "
#: ../../content/applications/settings/users_and_features.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -196,3 +215,4 @@ msgid ""
"database): that way you can know what other apps may be required, etc. This "
"will avoid surprises when uninstalling or when receiving your invoices."
msgstr ""

View File

@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/managing_products/catalog.rst:38
msgid ":doc:`products`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`products`"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/managing_products/catalog.rst:43
msgid "Browsing"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4172,6 +4172,8 @@ msgid ""
"app --> Products --> Products` and select a product to open its product form"
" page."
msgstr ""
"품목의 측정 단위를 설정하려면 먼저 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 품목 --> 품목`으로 이동한 후 품목을 선택하여 "
"품목 양식 페이지를 엽니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -4180,12 +4182,14 @@ msgid ""
"The specified unit is also the unit used to keep track of the product's "
"inventory and internal transfers."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`일반 정보` 탭에서 :guilabel:`측정 단위` 필드를 편집하여 품목이 판매되는 측정 단위를 지정합니다. 지정된 "
"단위는 품목의 재고 및 내부 이동 추적에 사용되는 단위이기도 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:75
msgid ""
"Edit the :guilabel:`Purchase UoM` field to specify the unit of measure that "
"the product is purchased in."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`매입 측정 단위` 항목을 편집하여 품목 구매에 사용할 측정 단위를 지정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:81
msgid "Unit conversion"
@ -4197,10 +4201,12 @@ msgid ""
":abbr:`UoMs (Units of Measure)` and purchase :abbr:`UoMs (Units of "
msgstr ""
"품목의 :abbr:`UOM (측정 단위)`와 매입하는 :abbr:`UOM (측정 단위)`가 다른 경우에는, 측정 단위를 Odoo에서 "
"자동으로 변환합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:86
msgid "This occurs in various scenarios, including:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "다음과 같이 다양한 상황에서 발생할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:88
msgid ""
@ -4208,6 +4214,8 @@ msgid ""
"|UOM| on purchase orders (POs) converts to |UOM| on internal warehouse "
msgstr ""
":ref:`공급업체 주문서 <inventory/product_replenishment/buy-in-uom>`: 구매발주서 (PO)에 있는"
" 구매 |UOM|가 내부 창고용 문서 |UOM|로 변환됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:90
msgid ""
@ -4215,6 +4223,8 @@ msgid ""
"generates |POs| when the stock levels of a product (tracked in |UOM|) dips "
"below a certain level. But, the |POs| are created using the purchase |UOM|"
msgstr ""
":ref:`자동 보충 <inventory/product_replenishment/replenish>`: 품목의 재고 수준 (|UOM|으로"
" 추적)이 특정 수준 아래로 떨어지는 경우 |PO|가 생성됩니다. 다만, |PO|는 매입 |UOM|를 사용하여 생성됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:93
msgid ""
@ -4222,10 +4232,12 @@ msgid ""
"different |UOM| is used on the sales order (SO), the quantity is converted "
"to the warehouse's preferred |UOM| on the delivery order"
msgstr ""
":ref:`품목 판매 <inventory/product_replenishment/sell-in-uom>`: 다른 |UOM|를 판매주문서 "
"(SO)에 사용하는 경우, 수량은 창고에서 선호하는 |UOM|으로 배송주문서에서 변환됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:100
msgid "Buy products in the purchase UoM"
msgstr ""
msgstr "매입 측정 단위로 품목 구매하기"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:102
msgid ""
@ -4233,12 +4245,14 @@ msgid ""
"automatically uses the product's specified purchase unit of measure. If "
"needed, manually edit the :guilabel:`UoM` value on the |RFQ|."
msgstr ""
"*매입* 앱에서 새로운 견적요청서 (RFQ)가 생성되면 Odoo는 자동으로 품목에 지정되어 있는 구매 측정 단위를 사용합니다. 필요한 "
"경우 |RFQ|에서 :guilabel:`측정 단위` 값을 직접 편집합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:106
msgid ""
"After the |RFQ| is confirmed into a |PO|, click the :guilabel:`Receipt` "
"smart button at the top of the |PO|."
msgstr ""
msgstr "|RFQ|를 |PO|로 승인한 후, |PO| 상단에 있는 :guilabel:`입고` 스마트 버튼을 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:109
msgid ""
@ -4246,6 +4260,8 @@ msgid ""
"sales/inventory unit of measure, so the :guilabel:`Demand` column of the "
"delivery receipt shows the converted quantity."
msgstr ""
"Odoo에서는 매입 측정 단위가 품목의 판매/재고 측정 단위로 자동 변환되므로 배송 영수증의 :guilabel:`수요` 열에 변환된 "
"수량이 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:113
msgid ""
@ -4254,26 +4270,28 @@ msgid ""
"boxes of six, and the receipt (and other internal warehouse documents) shows"
" the quantity in units."
msgstr ""
"품목 구매 :guilabel:`측정 단위`가 `Box of 6`이고 판매/재고 측정 단위가 `단위`인 경우, |PO|에서는 6개 박스 "
"단위로 수량이 표시되고 영수증 (및 기타 창고 문서)에서는 수량이 단위로 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:0
msgid "Image of a purchase order that is using the purchase unit of measure."
msgstr ""
msgstr "매입 측정 단위가 사용된 구매발주서 이미지"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:121
msgid ""
"An order of three quantities is placed using the purchase \"UoM\": `Box of "
msgstr ""
msgstr "매입 \"측정 단위\" 기준으로 3개 수량을 주문: `6개들이 박스`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:0
msgid "Image of receipt displaying the unit of measure."
msgstr ""
msgstr "측정 단위가 표시된 영수증 이미지"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:127
msgid ""
"Upon warehouse receipt, the recorded quantities are in the internal \"Unit "
"of Measure\": `Units`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "창고에 입고될 때 기록된 수량은 내부 \"측정 단위\"인 '단위'로 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:133
msgid "Replenishment"
@ -4283,7 +4301,7 @@ msgstr "재보충"
msgid ""
"A request for quotation for a product can also be generated directly from "
"the product form using the :guilabel:`Replenish` button."
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목 견적요청서는 :guilabel:`보충` 버튼을 사용하여 품목 양식에서 직접 생성할 수도 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:138
msgid ""
@ -4291,16 +4309,20 @@ msgid ""
" purchase unit of measure can be manually edited in the :guilabel:`Quantity`"
" field, if needed. Then, click :guilabel:`Confirm` to create the |RFQ|."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`보충`을 클릭하면 보충 도움 상자가 나타납니다. 필요한 경우 구매 측정 단위는 :guilabel:`수량` 필드에서 "
"직접 편집할 수 있습니다. 그런 다음 :guilabel:`확인`을 클릭하면 |RFQ|가 생성됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:143
msgid ""
"A |PO| can **only** be automatically generated if at least **one** vendor is"
" listed in the product form's :guilabel:`Purchase` tab."
msgstr ""
"|PO|가 자동으로 생성되게 하려면 **반드시** 공급업체가 최소 **하나** 이상은 품목 양식의 :guilabel:`매입` 탭에 "
"기재되어 있어야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst-1
msgid "Click Replenish button to manually replenish."
msgstr ""
msgstr "보충 버튼을 클릭하면 수기로 보충을 할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:150
msgid ""
@ -4310,6 +4332,9 @@ msgid ""
"click the |RFQ| reference number to open the draft |RFQ|. If necessary, the "
"purchase |UOM| can be edited directly on the |PO|."
msgstr ""
"품목 양식에서 :guilabel:`예상` 스마트 버튼을 클릭하여 생성한 |PO|로 이동합니다. 아래로 스크롤을 내려서 "
":guilabel:`예상 재고` 항목에 있는 :guilabel:`견적요청서` 줄의 |RFQ| 참조 번호를 클릭하여 |RFQ| 초안을 "
"엽니다. 필요한 경우 매입 |UOM| |PO|에서 직접 편집할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:158
msgid "Sell in a different UoM"
@ -4321,6 +4346,8 @@ msgid ""
"the product's specified unit of measure. If needed, the :guilabel:`UoM` can "
"be manually edited on the quotation."
msgstr ""
"*판매* 앱을 통해 새 견적서를 생성할 때 Odoo에서는 자동으로 품목에 지정되어 있는 측정 단위를 사용합니다. 필요한 경우 견적서에서 "
":guilabel:`측정 단위`를 직접 수정할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:163
msgid ""
@ -4330,6 +4357,8 @@ msgid ""
"inventory unit of measure, so the :guilabel:`Demand` column of the delivery "
"shows the converted quantity."
msgstr ""
"고객에게 견적서를 전송한 후 판매주문서 (SO)로 확정되면 |SO| 상단에 있는 :guilabel:`배송` 스마트 버튼을 클릭합니다. "
"Odoo에서는 측정 단위가 자동으로 품목의 재고 측정 단위로 변환되므로 배송의 :guilabel:`수요` 열에 변환된 수량이 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_replenishment/uom.rst:168
msgid ""
@ -4337,6 +4366,8 @@ msgid ""
"but its inventory unit of measure is `Units`, the |SO| shows the quantity in"
" boxes of six, and the delivery shows the quantity in units."
msgstr ""
"예를 들어, |SO|에 있는 품목의 |UOM|는 '6개들이 박스'로 변경되었지만 재고 측정 단위는 '단위'로 유지하는 경우, |SO| "
"수량은 6개 박스 단위로 표시되고, 배송에서는 단위가 수량으로 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking.rst:5
msgid "Product tracking"
@ -5715,17 +5746,17 @@ msgstr "패키지"
msgid ""
"A *package* is a physical container holding one or more products. Packages "
"can also be used to store items in bulk."
msgstr ""
msgstr "*패키지*란 하나 이상 품목을 담는 물리적인 컨테이너를 말합니다. 패키지는 물품을 대량 보관하는 데에도 사용할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:10
msgid "Packages are commonly used for the following purposes:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "패키지를 사용하는 용도는 일반적으로 다음과 같습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:12
msgid ""
":ref:`Grouping products to move them in bulk "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":ref:`품목을 그룹화하여 대량으로 이동 <inventory/warehouses_storage/pack>`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -5734,10 +5765,12 @@ msgid ""
"requirements, streamlining the packing process, and ensuring compliance with"
" carrier shipping specifications."
msgstr ""
":ref:`고객에게 배송 <inventory/warehouses_storage/package-type>`: 배송업체에서 규정되어 있는 "
"크기 및 중량 항목에 맞게 패키지 유형을 설정하고, 포장 프로세스를 간소화하며, 업체의 배송 사양을 준수하도록 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:16
msgid "Storing items in bulk."
msgstr ""
msgstr "대량으로 물품 보관하기"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -5745,6 +5778,8 @@ msgid ""
" enabling the *Batch Transfers* and *Packages* features "
"(:menuselection:`Inventory app --> Configuration --> Settings`)."
msgstr ""
"*패키지 사용*은 *일괄 전송* 및 *패키지* 기능을 사용하도록 설정해야만 표시되는 Odoo 패키지 양식 항목입니다 "
"(:menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정`)."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -5753,6 +5788,9 @@ msgid ""
"packages for :ref:`cluster pickings <inventory/warehouses_storage/cluster-"
msgstr ""
"기본값으로, 패키지 양식에 있는 *패키지 사용*은 *일회용 상자*로 설정되어 있습니다. :ref:`클러스터 피킹 "
"<inventory/warehouses_storage/cluster-pack>` 패키지를 설정하는 경우에는 이 필드를 *재사용 상자*에 "
"**한해서만** 변경합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -5762,6 +5800,9 @@ msgid ""
"package itself (e.g. boxes, pallets, other shipping containers) in shipping "
"cost calculations."
msgstr ""
"*패키지 유형*은 실제 배송 중량을 기준으로 :doc:`배송비 "
"계산<../../shipping_receive/setup_configuration/delivery_method>`에 사용하는 선택적인 "
"기능입니다. 배송비 계산에 패키지 자체의 중량 (예: 박스, 팔레트, 기타 배송 컨테이너)가 포함되도록 패키지 유형을 생성합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -5769,6 +5810,9 @@ msgid ""
"<../../shipping_receiving/daily_operations/delivery_three_steps>`, they can "
"be used in any workflow involving storable products."
msgstr ""
"패키지는 일반적으로 :doc:`3단계 배송 "
"경로<../../shipping_receive/daily_Operations/delivery_3_steps>`에서 사용되지만, 저장 가능"
" 품목과 관련된 전체 작업 흐름에서 사용할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -5776,19 +5820,22 @@ msgid ""
" --> Settings`. Under the :guilabel:`Operations` heading, activate the "
":guilabel:`Packages` feature. Then, click :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
"패키지를 사용하려면 먼저 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정`으로 이동합니다. "
":guilabel:`작업` 제목 아래에 있는 :guilabel:`패키지` 기능을 사용하도록 설정합니다. 그런 다음 "
":guilabel:`저장`을 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst-1
msgid ""
"Activate the *Packages* setting in Inventory > Configuration > Settings."
msgstr ""
msgstr "재고 관리 > 환경 설정 > 설정에서 *패키지*를 사용하도록 설정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:51
msgid "Pack items"
msgstr ""
msgstr "패키지 항목"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:53
msgid "Products can be added to packages in any transfer by:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "다음과 같은 이송 방법으로 품목을 패키지에 추가할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:55
msgid ""
@ -5796,16 +5843,20 @@ msgid ""
"<inventory/warehouses_storage/detailed-operations>` icon on the product "
msgstr ""
"품목 내역에서 각각의 :ref:`세부 작업 <inventory/warehouses_storage/detailed-works>` 아이콘을 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:57
msgid ""
"Using the :ref:`Put in Pack <inventory/warehouses_storage/put-in-pack>` "
"button to place everything in the transfer into a package."
msgstr ""
":ref:`패키지에 넣기 <inventory/warehouses_storage/put-in-pack>` 버튼으로 전체 이송 물품을 "
"패키지에 넣습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:63
msgid "Detailed operations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "세부 작업"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:65
msgid ""
@ -5813,16 +5864,18 @@ msgid ""
" package by clicking the :guilabel:`⦙≣ (bulleted list)` icon in the "
":guilabel:`Operations` tab."
msgstr ""
"창고 이송 (예: 입고, 배송 주문)을 하게 되는 경우, :guilabel:`작업` 탭에서 :guilabel:`⦙≣ (글머리 기호 "
"목록)` 아이콘을 클릭하면 패키지에 품목이 추가됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst-1
msgid "Show \"Detailed Operations\" icon in the product line."
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목 내역에서 \"상세 작업\" 아이콘을 표시합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:72
msgid ""
"Doing so opens the :guilabel:`Detailed Operations` pop-up window for the "
msgstr ""
msgstr "그러면 :guilabel:`품목`에 대한 :guilabel:`세부 작업` 팝업 창이 열립니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:74
msgid ""
@ -5831,14 +5884,17 @@ msgid ""
"existing package, or create a new one by typing the name of the new package,"
" then select :guilabel:`Create...`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`품목`을 패키지에 추가하려면 :guilabel:`줄 추가`를 클릭하고 :guilabel:`대상 패키지`에 품목을 "
"배정합니다. 기존 패키지를 선택하거나 패키지 이름을 새로 입력하여 새 패키지를 생성한 다음 :guilabel:`만들기...`를 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:82
msgid "Assign a package to \"Destination Package\" field."
msgstr ""
msgstr "\"대상 패키지\" 항목에 패키지를 지정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:82
msgid "Twelve units of `Acoustic Bloc Screen` are placed in `PACK0000001`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "'PACK0000001'에는 '어쿠스틱 블록 스크린'이 12개 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:84
msgid ""
@ -5847,16 +5903,20 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Product` in different packages. Once finished, click "
":guilabel:`Confirm` to close the window."
msgstr ""
"그런 다음, 패키지에 들어갈 항목의 수량을 :guilabel:`완료` 열에 지정합니다. 다른 패키지에 :guilabel:`품목`을 "
"배치하려면 위의 단계를 반복합니다. 완료 후에는 :guilabel:`확인`을 클릭하여 창을 닫습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:89
msgid ""
":doc:`Ship one order in multiple packages "
msgstr ""
":doc:`한 건의 주문을 패키지 여러 개로 배송하기 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:95
msgid "Put in pack"
msgstr ""
msgstr "패키지에 넣기"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:97
msgid ""
@ -5864,6 +5924,8 @@ msgid ""
" transfer to create a new package, and place all the items in the transfer "
"in that newly-created package."
msgstr ""
"또는, **모든** 창고 이송 건에서는 :guilabel:`패키지에 넣기` 버튼을 클릭하면 새로운 패키지가 생성되며 새로 생성된 패키지에"
" 이송할 항목을 모두 넣습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:101
msgid ""
@ -5871,10 +5933,12 @@ msgid ""
" other transfer forms with the *Packages* feature enabled in "
":menuselection:`Inventory app --> Configuration --> Settings`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`패키지에 넣기` 버튼은 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정`에서 *패키지* "
"기능을 사용하도록 설정한 입고확인서, 배송주문서 및 기타 이송 양식에 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:109
msgid "Image of the \"Put in Pack\" button being clicked."
msgstr ""
msgstr "패키지에 넣기 버튼을 클릭하는 이미지"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:109
msgid ""
@ -5882,6 +5946,8 @@ msgid ""
"clicked to create a new package, `PACK0000002`, and assign all items to it "
"in the :guilabel:`Destination Package` field."
msgstr ""
"일괄 이송 항목인 `BATCH/00003`에서 :guilabel:`패키지에 넣기` 버튼을 클릭하면 새로`PACK0000002` 패키지가 "
"생성되고 모든 항목이 :guilabel:`대상 패키지`에 배정됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:117
msgid ""
@ -5890,26 +5956,31 @@ msgid ""
"weight limits. This feature is mainly used to calculate package weights for "
"shipping costs."
msgstr ""
"치수 및 중량 제한을 맞춤형으로 설정하려면 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 패키지 유형`으로 이동하여"
" 패키지 유형을 생성합니다. 이 기능은 주로 배송비와 관련하여 패키지 중량을 계산하는 데 사용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:122
msgid ""
":doc:`Shipping carriers "
msgstr ""
":doc:`배송업체 <../../shipping_receive/setup_configuration/third_party_shipper>`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:123
msgid ":doc:`../../shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/delivery_method`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/delivery_method`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:125
msgid ""
"On the :guilabel:`Package Types` list, clicking :guilabel:`New` opens a "
"blank package type form. The fields of the form are as follows:"
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`패키지 유형` 목록에서 :guilabel:`새로 만들기`를 클릭하면 패키지 유형 양식이 공백인 상태로 열립니다. "
"양식에 있는 항목은 다음과 같습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:128
msgid ":guilabel:`Package Type` (required): define the package type's name."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`패키지 유형` (필수): 패키지 유형의 이름을 지정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:129
msgid ""
@ -5917,11 +5988,13 @@ msgid ""
"The fields, from left to right, define the :guilabel:`Length`, "
":guilabel:`Width`, and :guilabel:`Height`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`크기`: 패키지 치수는 밀리미터 (mm) 단위로 지정합니다. 왼쪽에서 오른쪽 방향으로 :guilabel:`길이`, "
":guilabel:`너비` 및 :guilabel:`높이` 항목을 지정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:131
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Weight`: weight of an empty package (e.g. an empty box, pallet)."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`중량`: 패키지가 비어있을 때의 중량 (예: 빈 상자, 팔레트)"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:134
msgid ""
@ -5930,17 +6003,19 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Weight` field, in the :guilabel:`Inventory` tab, of each product "
msgstr ""
"Odoo는 빈 패키지의 중량에 각각의 품목 양식 :guilabel:`재고 관리` 탭에 있는 :guilabel:`중량` 항목에 있는 항목의"
" 무게를 더하여 패키지의 중량을 계산합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:138
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Max Weight`: maximum shipping weight allowed in the package."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`최대 중량`: 패키지에서 허용되는 최대 배송 중량"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:139
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Barcode`: define a barcode to identify the package type from a "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`바코드`: 스캔을 할 때 패키지 유형을 식별할 수 있도록 바코드를 지정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:140
msgid ""
@ -5948,25 +6023,27 @@ msgid ""
"**only** at the selected company. Leave the field blank if it is available "
"at all companies."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`회사`: 선택한 회사에 **한해서만** 패키지 유형을 사용할 수 있도록 회사를 지정합니다. 모든 회사에서 사용하게 "
"하려면 해당 항목을 비워둡니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:142
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Carrier`: specify the intended shipping carrier for this package "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`배송업체`: 이 패키지 유형에 대해 배송업체를 지정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:143
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Carrier Code`: define a code that is linked to the package type."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`배송업체 코드`: 패키지 유형에 연결된 코드를 지정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst-1
msgid "Package type for FedEx's 25 kilogram box."
msgstr ""
msgstr "FedEx 25kg 박스에 대한 패키지 유형입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:152
msgid "Cluster packages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "클러스터 패키지"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:154
msgid ""
@ -5975,12 +6052,15 @@ msgid ""
"Transfers` feature, located in the :guilabel:`Operations` section. Doing so "
"makes the *Package Use* field become visible on a package form."
msgstr ""
"*클러스터 패키지*를 사용하려면 먼저 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정`으로 이동하여 "
":guilabel:`작업` 섹션에 있는 :guilabel:`일괄 전송` 기능을 사용 설정합니다. 이렇게 하면 패키지 양식에 *패키지 "
"사용* 항목이 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst-1
msgid ""
"Activate the *Batch Transfers* feature in Inventory > Configuration > "
msgstr ""
msgstr "재고 관리 > 환경 설정 > 설정에서 *일괄 이동* 기능을 사용하도록 설정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:163
msgid ""
@ -5988,28 +6068,32 @@ msgid ""
"Packages`. Then, click :guilabel:`New`, or select an existing package. Doing"
" so opens the package form, which contains the following fields:"
msgstr ""
":menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 품목 --> 패키지`로 이동하여 새로운 패키지를 추가합니다. 그런 다음 "
":guilabel:`새로 만들기`를 클릭하거나 기존 패키지를 선택합니다. 그러면 다음과 같은 항목이 있는 패키지 양식이 열립니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:167
msgid ":guilabel:`Package Reference` (required): name of the package."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`패키지 참조` (필수): 패키지 이름"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:168
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Package Type`: used for :ref:`configuring shipping boxes to ship "
"to the customer <inventory/warehouses_storage/package-type>`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`패키지 유형`: :ref:`고객에게 배송할 배송 박스 환경 설정 "
"<inventory/warehouses_storage/package-type>`에 사용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:172
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Package Type` is unnecessary for configuring packages for cluster"
" pickings."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`패키지 유형`은 클러스터 피킹용 패키지를 설정할 때는 필요하지 않습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:174
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Shipping Weight`: used to input the weight of the package after "
"measuring it on a scale."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`배송 중량`: 패키지의 중량을 저울로 측정한 후 입력하는 데 사용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:176
msgid ""
@ -6017,14 +6101,16 @@ msgid ""
"**only** at the selected company. Leave the field blank if the package is "
"available at all companies."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`회사`: 선택한 회사에 **한해서만** 패키지를 사용할 수 있도록 회사를 지정합니다. 모든 회사에서 사용하게 하려면 "
"해당 항목을 비워둡니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:178
msgid ":guilabel:`Location`: current location of the package."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`위치`: 패키지의 현재 위치입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:179
msgid ":guilabel:`Pack Date`: the date the package was created."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`패키지 날짜`: 패키지가 생성된 날짜입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:180
msgid ""
@ -6032,16 +6118,20 @@ msgid ""
"moving products within the warehouse; :guilabel:`Disposable` for packages "
"used to ship products to customers."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`패키지 사용`: 창고 내에서 품목 이동용으로 패키지를 사용하는 경우 :guilabel:`재사용`을 선택합니다. "
"고객에게 품목을 배송하는 용도로 사용하는 패키지는 :guilabel:`일회용`을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst-1
msgid "Display package form to create a cluster pack."
msgstr ""
msgstr "클러스터 패키지 생성용으로 패키지 양식을 표시합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/package.rst:188
msgid ""
":doc:`Using cluster packages "
msgstr ""
":doc:`클러스터 패키지 사용하기 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -6049,6 +6139,8 @@ msgid ""
"multiple units of a specific product. Each specific packaging **must** be "
"defined on the individual product form."
msgstr ""
"Odoo *재고 관리*에서 *패키지*는 특정한 품목을 여러 개의 단위로 담는 일회용 컨테이너를 의미합니다. 각각의 특정 패키지에 대해서는"
" **반드시** 개별 품목 양식에서 정의가 되어야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -6056,6 +6148,8 @@ msgid ""
"12-pack, or a case of 36, need to be configured on the individual product "
"form. This is because packagings are product specific — **not** generic."
msgstr ""
"예를 들어, 탄산음료 캔 패키지의 경우에는 6개, 12개, 36개 세트 등 다양한 패키지를 개별 품목 양식에 맞게 설정해야 합니다. "
"**일반적**인 패키지가 아니라 품목별로 다르기 때문입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:15
msgid ""
@ -6064,30 +6158,35 @@ msgid ""
"enable the :guilabel:`Product Packagings` feature, and click "
msgstr ""
"패키지를 사용하려면 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정`으로 이동합니다. 그런 다음 "
":guilabel:`품목` 제목 아래에 있는 :guilabel:`품목 패키지` 기능을 사용하도록 설정한 후 :guilabel:`저장`을 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst-1
msgid "Enable packagings by selecting \"Product Packagings\"."
msgstr ""
msgstr "\"품목 패키지\"를 선택하면 패키지가 사용 설정됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:24
msgid "Create packaging"
msgstr ""
msgstr "패키지 만들기"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:26
msgid ""
"Packagings can be created directly on the product form, or from the "
":guilabel:`Product Packagings` page."
msgstr ""
msgstr "패키지는 직접 품목 양식이나 :guilabel:`품목 포장` 페이지에서 생성할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:30
msgid "From product form"
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목 양식 관련"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:32
msgid ""
"Create packagings on a product form by going to :menuselection:`Inventory "
"app --> Products --> Products`, and select the desired product."
msgstr ""
"품목 양식에 패키지를 생성하려면 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 품목 --> 품목'으로 이동하여 원하는 품목을 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:35
msgid ""
@ -6095,36 +6194,38 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Packaging` section, and click :guilabel:`Add a line`. In the "
"table, fill out the following fields:"
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`재고 관리` 탭에서 아래로 스크롤을 내려서 :guilabel:`패키지` 항목으로 이동한 다음 :guilabel:`줄 "
"추가`를 클릭합니다. 다음과 같이 표에 있는 항목을 입력합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:38
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Packaging` (required): name of packaging that appears on "
"sales/purchase orders as a packaging option for the product."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`패키지` (필수): 판매주문서나 구매발주서에 품목의 패키지 선택 항목으로 표시되는 패키지 이름입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:40
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Contained quantity` (required): amount of product in the "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`포함된 수량` (필수): 패키지에 들어있는 품목의 수량입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:41
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Unit of Measure` (required): measurement unit for quantifying the"
" product."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`측정 단위` (필수): 품목을 정량화하기 위한 측정 단위입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:42
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Sales`: check this option for packagings intended for use on "
"sales orders."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`판매`: 판매주문서에 패키지를 사용하려면 이 항목에 표시합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:43
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Purchase`: check this option for packagings intended for use on "
"purchase orders."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`매입`: 발주서에 패키지를 사용하려면 이 항목에 표시합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:46
msgid ""
@ -6133,10 +6234,12 @@ msgid ""
"titles in the :guilabel:`Packaging` section, and selecting the desired "
"options from the drop-down menu that appears."
msgstr ""
"아래 :guilabel:`패키지` 표에 있는 추가 항목에 액세스하려면, :guilabel:`패키지` 섹션에 있는 열 제목 맨 오른쪽 "
":guilabel:`(슬라이더)` 아이콘을 클릭한 후 드롭다운 메뉴가 나타나면 원하는 항목을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:0
msgid "Show the additional options menu's icon: sliders."
msgstr ""
msgstr "추가 선택 메뉴 아이콘인 슬라이더를 표시합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -6144,6 +6247,8 @@ msgid ""
"pickings, using the :ref:`Barcode app <barcode/operations/intro>`. Leave "
"blank if not in use."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`바코드`: 재고 이동 또는 피킹 포장을 추적하기 위한 식별자로, :ref:`바코드 앱 "
"<barcode/operations/intro>`을 사용합니다. 사용하지 않으려면 비워둡니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:56
msgid ""
@ -6161,6 +6266,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Packaging` `6-pack`, and set the :guilabel:`Contained quantity` "
"to `6`. Repeat this process for additional packagings."
msgstr ""
"'포도 소다'라는 6개 단위 품목에 대해 포장 유형을 생성하려면 먼저 :guilabel:`줄 추가`를 클릭합니다. 해당 줄에서 "
":guilabel:`패키지` 이름을 `6개 패키지`로 지정하고 :guilabel:`포함된 수량`을 `6`으로 설정합니다. 추가 패키지가 "
"있으면 이 과정을 반복합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:0
msgid "Create 6-pack case for product."
@ -6168,7 +6276,7 @@ msgstr " 6팩 케이스를 만듭니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:69
msgid "From product packagings page"
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목 패키지 페이지 관련"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -6178,6 +6286,9 @@ msgid ""
"list of all packagings that have been created for all products. Create new "
"packagings by clicking :guilabel:`New`."
msgstr ""
"'포도 소다'라는 6개 단위 품목에 대해 포장 유형을 생성하려면 먼저 :guilabel:`줄 추가`를 클릭합니다. 해당 줄에서 "
":guilabel:`패키지` 이름을 `6개 패키지`로 지정하고 :guilabel:`포함된 수량`을 `6`으로 설정합니다. 추가 패키지가 "
"있으면 이 과정을 반복합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:77
msgid ""
@ -6186,6 +6297,9 @@ msgid ""
"product can be sold as a `6-Pack` that contains 6 products, as a `12-Pack` "
"of 12 products, or as a `Case` of 32 products."
msgstr ""
"두 가지 탄산음료 품목인 `포도 소다`와 `다이어트 콜라`에는 패키지가 세 가지 유형으로 설정되어 있습니다. :guilabel:`품목 "
"패키지` 페이지에서 각 품목 수가 6개인 `6개 패키지`, 12개인 `12개 패키지` 또는 32개 품목 단위인 `케이스`로 판매할 수 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:0
msgid "List of different packagings for products."
@ -6202,6 +6316,8 @@ msgid ""
"displayed on the :abbr:`SO (Sales Order)` under the :guilabel:`Packaging` "
msgstr ""
":menuselection:`판매` 앱에서 판매주문서를 생성할 때 품목에 사용할 패키지를 지정합니다. 선택한 패키지는 :abbr:`SO "
"(판매주문서)`의 :guilabel:`패키지` 항목 아래에 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/packaging.rst:93
msgid ""
@ -9553,6 +9669,7 @@ msgid ""
"**Shipping**: Ship products directly from stock. No intermediate steps "
"between stock and shipping occur, such as a transfer to a packing location."
msgstr ""
"**배송**: 재고에서 바로 품목을 발송합니다. 재고와 배송 간에 패키지 장소로의 이동과 같은 중간 단계가 발생하지 않습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/shipments_deliveries.rst:35
msgid ""
@ -9579,7 +9696,7 @@ msgstr "품목은 창고로 직접 입고되거나 배송됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/shipments_deliveries.rst:42
msgid ":doc:`receipts_delivery_one_step`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`receipts_delivery_one_step`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/shipments_deliveries.rst:45
msgid "Two-step flow"
@ -12777,7 +12894,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/putaway.rst:0
msgid "Create a storage category on the page."
msgstr ""
msgstr "페이지에 저장 카테고리 만들기"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/putaway.rst:147
msgid ""
@ -12792,12 +12909,14 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Edit` and select the created category in the :guilabel:`Storage "
"Category` field."
msgstr ""
"위치를 만들려면, :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 위치`로 이동하여 위치를 선택합니다. "
":guilabel:`편집`을 클릭하고 :guilabel:`저장소 카테고리`에서 생성한 카테고리를 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/putaway.rst:154
msgid ""
"Assign the `High Frequency pallets` storage category to the "
"`WH/Stock/pallets/PAL 1` sub-location."
msgstr ""
msgstr "'자주 사용하는 팔레트' 저장소 카테고리를 `WH/Stock/pallets/PAL 1` 하위 위치로 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/putaway.rst:0
msgid ""
@ -12815,6 +12934,8 @@ msgid ""
"the `PAL1` and `PAL2` locations and :ref:`rework the putaway rules "
"<inventory/routes/putaway-rule>` as follows:"
msgstr ""
"위의 예시대로 계속하려면 'PAL1' 및 'PAL2' 위치에 '자주 사용하는 팔레트'를 적용한 후 다음과 같이 :ref:`출고 재작업 "
"규칙 <inventory/routes/putaway-rule>`을 진행합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/putaway.rst:167
msgid "Assume one pallet of lemonade cans is received:"
@ -13706,6 +13827,8 @@ msgid ""
"two (or more) warehouses; in Odoo, pulling products from multiple warehouses"
" to satisfy sales demands can be done using *virtual locations*."
msgstr ""
"하나의 판매주문서에 있는 품목을 두 개 이상의 창고의 재고에서 가져와야 하는 경우도 있습니다. Odoo에서는 판매 수요를 충족하기 위해 "
"여러 개의 창고에서 품목을 가져올 수 있도록 *가상 위치*를 활용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -13767,10 +13890,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Storage Locations` and :guilabel:`Multi-Step Routes` options. "
"Then, :guilabel:`Save` the changes to finish."
msgstr ""
"사용 설정을 하려면 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정`으로 이동하여 :guilabel:`창고` "
"섹션까지 아래로 스크롤을 내려서 :guilabel:`보관 위치` 및 :guilabel:`다중 단계 경로`를 사용하도록 설정합니다. 그런 "
"다음 :guilabel:`저장`을 클릭하여 변경 사항을 적용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:47
msgid "Create virtual parent location"
msgstr ""
msgstr "가상 상위 위치 생성하기"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:49
msgid ""
@ -13778,6 +13904,7 @@ msgid ""
"acts as a *virtual* warehouse — the *parent* location of other physical "
msgstr ""
"가상 재고 위치를 만들기 전에 *가상* 창고 역할을 하는 새 창고를 생성합니다. 다른 실제 창고의 *상위* 위치에 있는 창고입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -13807,6 +13934,9 @@ msgid ""
"other warehouse details can be changed under the :guilabel:`Warehouse "
"Configuration` tab."
msgstr ""
"새 창고를 생성하려면 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 창고`로 이동하여 :guilabel:`만들기`를"
" 클릭합니다. 여기에서 창고 :guilabel:`이름` 및 :guilabel:`약칭`을 변경할 수 있으며, 창고 세부 정보는 "
":guilabel:`창고 환경 설정` 탭에서 수정할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:68
msgid ""
@ -14030,6 +14160,9 @@ msgid ""
"add a :guilabel:`Customer`, and click :guilabel:`Add a product` to add the "
"two products stored in the two warehouses."
msgstr ""
"새로운 견적서를 생성하려면 :menuselection:`판매` 앱으로 이동한 후 :guilabel:`만들기`를 클릭하여 품목 견적을 "
"생성하세요. 견적서에 :guilabel:`고객`를 추가하고 :guilabel:`품목 추가`를 클릭하여 두 개 창고에 저장되어 있는 두 "
"가지 품목을 추가합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:188
msgid ""
@ -14038,12 +14171,15 @@ msgid ""
"value to the virtual warehouse that was :ref:`previously created "
"<inventory/routes/virtual-wh>`. Next, :guilabel:`Confirm` the sales order."
msgstr ""
"그런 다음 판매주문서 양식에서 :guilabel:`기타 정보` 탭을 클릭합니다. :guilabel:`배송` 섹션에서 "
":guilabel:`창고` 필드 값을 :ref:`이전에 생성 <inventory/routes/virtual-wh>`한 가상 창고로 "
"변경합니다. 그 다음, 판매주문서를 :guilabel:`확인`합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst-1
msgid ""
"Set virtual warehouse as the *Warehouse* field in sales order's *Other Info*"
" tab."
msgstr ""
msgstr "판매주문서의 *기타 정보* 탭에서 가상 창고를 *창고* 필드로 설정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:196
msgid ""
@ -14052,6 +14188,8 @@ msgid ""
"the :guilabel:`Warehouse` field value from the sales order. Both should list"
" the virtual warehouse location."
msgstr ""
"그런 다음 :guilabel:`배송` 스마트 버튼을 선택합니다. 창고 배송 양식에서 :guilabel:`원본 위치` 값이 판매 주문의 "
":guilabel:`창고` 필드 값과 일치하는지 확인합니다. 두 값 모두 가상 창고 위치를 나타내야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:200
msgid ""
@ -14060,6 +14198,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`From` column for each product match the child locations that are "
"tied to the virtual parent location."
msgstr ""
"마지막으로 창고 배송 양식 내에서 :guilabel:`세부 작업` 탭으로 이동하여 각 품목의 :guilabel:`출발지` 열 아래의 "
"*위치* 값이 가상 *상위 위치*와 연결된 *하위 위치*와 일치하는지 확인합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst-1
msgid "Delivery order with matching source and child locations."
@ -14072,18 +14212,22 @@ msgid ""
"order, **must** match for products in the sales order to be pulled from "
"different warehouses."
msgstr ""
"창고 배송 양식의 :guilabel:`원 위치`와 판매주문서의 :guilabel:`기타 정보` 탭 아래에 있는 "
":guilabel:`창고`는 판매주문서에 있는 품목과 **반드시** 일치해야만 다른 창고에서 가져올 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:213
msgid ""
"If the virtual warehouse is not in the :guilabel:`Source Location` field on "
"the warehouse delivery form, retry product reservation by:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "가상 창고가 창고 배송 양식의 :guilabel:`출처 위치` 필드에 없는 경우 다음과 같이 다시 품목을 예약합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:216
msgid ""
"Running the scheduler: turn on :ref:`developer mode <developer-mode>`, and "
"then go to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Operations --> Run Scheduler`."
msgstr ""
"스케줄러 실행: :ref:`개발자 모드 <developer-mode>`를 실행한 다음 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> "
"작업 --> 스케줄러 실행`으로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:218
msgid "Clicking :guilabel:`Check Availability` on the delivery order."
@ -14111,6 +14255,8 @@ msgid ""
"from the drop-down menu next to :guilabel:`Default Warehouse` on their "
"employee form."
msgstr ""
"가상 *상위* 위치를 판매주문서의 기본 창고로 사용하려면 각 영업 담당자는 직원 양식의 :guilabel:`기본 창고` 옆에 있는 "
"드롭다운 메뉴에서 가상 창고를 배정받아야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/advanced_operations_warehouse/stock_warehouses.rst:0
msgid "Default warehouse location on employee form."

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Daye Jeong, 2024
# JH CHOI <hwangtog@gmail.com>, 2024
# Sarah Park, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Sarah Park, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-21 15:48+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Sarah Park, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ko/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/outlook.rst:57
msgid "Configuration in Odoo"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 환경 설정하기"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/outlook.rst:59
msgid ""

View File

@ -6707,7 +6707,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:149
msgid "Follow Amazon sales in sales reporting"
msgstr ""
msgstr "판매 보고서에서 Amazon 판매 팔로우하기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:151
msgid ""
@ -6721,22 +6721,24 @@ msgid ""
"default, the Amazon account's sales team is shared between all of the "
"company's accounts."
msgstr ""
"이를 통해 판매보고서와 관련된 주요 수치를 신속하게 확인할 수 있습니다. 기본값으로 Amazon 계정에 있는 영업팀은 회사의 전체 "
"계정에서 공유됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:157
msgid ""
"If desired, the sales team on the account can be changed for another, in "
"order to perform a separate reporting for the sales of this account."
msgstr ""
msgstr "원할 경우 해당 계정에 있는 영업팀을 다른 팀으로 변경하여 이 계정의 판매 내용을 별도로 보고할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:161
msgid "It is also possible to perform reporting on a per-marketplace basis."
msgstr ""
msgstr "마켓플레이스별로 보고할 수도 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:163
msgid ""
"First, remove the desired marketplace from the list of synchronized "
msgstr ""
msgstr "먼저, 동기화되어 있는 마켓플레이스 목록에서 해당하는 마켓플레이스를 삭제합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:165
msgid ""
@ -6744,27 +6746,30 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Sales app --> Configuration --> Settings --> Connectors --> "
"Amazon Sync --> Amazon Accounts`."
msgstr ""
"Odoo에서 마켓플레이스 동기화 목록에 액세스하려면 :menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정 --> 커넥터 "
"--> Amazon 동기화 --> Amazon 계정`으로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:168
msgid ""
"Then, create another registration for this account, and remove all other "
"marketplaces **except** the one to isolate."
msgstr ""
"그런 다음, 이 계정에 다른 등록 항목을 생성한 후 분리하려는 마켓플레이스를 **제외**한 다른 모든 마켓플레이스를 삭제합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:171
msgid ""
"Lastly, assign another sales team to one of the two registrations of the "
msgstr ""
msgstr "마지막으로, 계정에 있는 두 개의 등록 항목 중 한 항목에 다른 영업팀을 배정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:174
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:154
msgid ":doc:`features`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`기능`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:3
msgid "Amazon Connector configuration"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Amazon 커넥터 설정하기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -6772,6 +6777,8 @@ msgid ""
"the user **must** have a paid Amazon Seller account prior to completing the "
msgstr ""
"Odoo에서 사용자는 Amazon 판매자 계정을 데이터베이스에 등록할 수 있지만 설정을 완료하기 전에 **반드시** 유료 Amazon "
"판매자 계정을 보유하고 있어야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -6779,6 +6786,8 @@ msgid ""
"platform, and navigating to :menuselection:`Account \\& Lists --> Start a "
"Selling Account` from the drop-down menu located in the header section."
msgstr ""
"먼저 Amazon 플랫폼에 로그인한 후 제목에 있는 드롭다운 메뉴에서 :menuselection:`계정 및 목록 --> 판매 계정 "
"시작`으로 이동하여 Amazon에서 유료 셀러 계정을 설정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -6786,14 +6795,16 @@ msgid ""
"and finally proceed to follow the instructions below to register and link "
"that Amazon Seller account in Odoo."
msgstr ""
"그런 다음 :guilabel:`Amazon에서 판매` 페이지에 있는 가입 절차대로 진행한 다음, 마지막으로 아래 안내에 따라 Odoo에 "
"Amazon 셀러 계정을 등록한 후 연결합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:16
msgid "`Sell with Amazon <https://www.amazon.com/b/?node=12766669011>`_"
msgstr ""
msgstr "`Amazon에서 판매하기 <https://www.amazon.com/b/?node=12766669011>`_"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:19
msgid "Connect Amazon Seller account to Odoo"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Amazon 셀러 계정을 Odoo에 연결하기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -6802,6 +6813,8 @@ msgid ""
"section`, activate the :guilabel:`Amazon Sync` feature, and click "
msgstr ""
"Odoo에 Amazon 셀러 계정에 연결하려면 :menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정 --> 커넥터 "
"섹션`으로 이동하여 :guilabel:`Amazon 동기화` 기능을 사용하도록 설정하고 :guilabel:`저장`을 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:27
msgid ""
@ -6809,17 +6822,21 @@ msgid ""
" Connectors section`, and click on the :guilabel:`Amazon Accounts` link "
"under the :guilabel:`Amazon Sync` setting."
msgstr ""
"그런 다음 :menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정 --> 커넥터 섹션`으로 돌아가서 "
":guilabel:`Amazon 동기화` 설정 아래에 있는 :guilabel:`Amazon 계정` 링크를 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst-1
msgid ""
"The Amazon Accounts link beneath the Amazon Sync settings in Odoo Sales."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 판매에서 Amazon 동기화 설정 아래에 있는 Amazon 계정 링크"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:34
msgid ""
"Doing so reveals a separate :guilabel:`Amazon Accounts` page. From here, "
"click :guilabel:`New` to create and link a new Amazon account."
msgstr ""
"이렇게 하면 별도의 :guilabel:`Amazon 계정` 페이지가 표시됩니다. 여기에서 :guilabel:`새로 만들기`를 클릭하여 "
"Amazon 계정을 신규 생성하고 연결합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:37
msgid ""
@ -6829,44 +6846,51 @@ msgid ""
"account was initially created from the :guilabel:`Home Marketplace` drop-"
"down menu."
msgstr ""
"내용 없이 표시되는 :guilabel:`아마존 계정` 양식 페이지에서 계정 이름 (예: `미국 마켓플레이스`)을 선택하는 것부터 "
"시작합니다. 그런 다음 :guilabel:`자격 증명` 탭에 있는 :guilabel:`마켓플레이스 홈` 드롭다운 메뉴에서 처음에 셀러 "
"계정이 생성된 마켓플레이스를 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst-1
msgid "A typical Amazon Account form page in the Odoo Sales application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 판매 애플리케이션의 일반적인 Amazon 계정 양식 페이지"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:45
msgid ""
"After saving, the field in the :guilabel:`Credentials` tab is replaced by a "
":guilabel:`Link with Amazon` button."
msgstr ""
"저장한 후에는, :guilabel:`자격 증명` 탭에 있는 항목은 :guilabel:`Amazon에 연결` 버튼으로 대체됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst-1
msgid ""
"A typical Amazon Account form page and Link with Amazon button in Odoo "
msgstr ""
msgstr "일반적인 Amazon 계정 양식 페이지 및 Odoo 판매에 있는 Amazon 연결 버튼"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:52
msgid ""
"Clicking that button redirects to either the Amazon login page, or directly "
"to the required consent page, if the user is already logged in to Amazon."
msgstr ""
"해당 버튼을 클릭하면 Amazon 로그인 페이지로 리디렉션됩니다. 사용자가 이미 Amazon 로그인이 되어있는 경우에는 필수 동의 "
"페이지로 직접 리디렉션됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:55
msgid "On the login page, log in to the desired Amazon seller account."
msgstr ""
msgstr "로그인 페이지에서 원하는 Amazon 셀러 계정으로 로그인합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:57
msgid ""
"On the consent page, confirm that Amazon is allowed to give Odoo access to "
"the account and related data."
msgstr ""
"동의 페이지에서는, Amazon에서 계정 및 관련 데이터에 대한 액세스 권한을 Odoo에 부여하는 것을 허용하는지 여부를 확인합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:60
msgid ""
"Upon confirmation, Amazon returns the user to Odoo, and the account has been"
" registered."
msgstr ""
msgstr "승인되면, 사용자는 Amazon에서 Odoo로 리디렉션되며 계정 등록이 완료됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:62
msgid ""
@ -6874,16 +6898,18 @@ msgid ""
"to this specific account are synchronized with Odoo and listed under the "
":guilabel:`Marketplaces` tab."
msgstr ""
"Amazon 계정 등록이 완료되면, 해당하는 특정 계정에서 사용할 수 있는 마켓플레이스가 Odoo와 동기화되어 "
":guilabel:`마켓플레이스` 탭 아래에 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:65
msgid ""
"If desired, remove items from the list of synchronized marketplaces to "
"disable synchronization."
msgstr ""
msgstr "원하는 경우 마켓플레이스 동기화 목록에서 항목을 삭제하여 동기화를 사용 해제합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:68
msgid "Amazon orders in Odoo"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo에서 Amazon 주문하기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:70
msgid ""
@ -6892,6 +6918,9 @@ msgid ""
"for the product that was sold on Amazon Marketplace, one for the shipping "
"charges (if any), and one for the gift wrapping charges (if any)."
msgstr ""
"Amazon 주문이 동기화되면 Odoo의 판매주문서에 최대 3개까지 항목이 생성됩니다. 각각의 항목은 Amazon에서 판매되는 품목을 "
"나타내는 것으로, Amazon 마켓플레이스에서 판매된 품목, 배송비 (해당하는 경우) 및 선물 포장비 (해당하는 경우)가 이에 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:76
msgid ""
@ -6901,16 +6930,21 @@ msgid ""
"marketplace items, the Amazon *Shipping Code* for delivery charges, and the "
"Amazon *Gift Wrapping* code for gift wrapping charges."
msgstr ""
"판매주문서 항목에 대한 데이터베이스 품목 선택은 해당하는 :guilabel:`내부 참조` (Odoo의 사용자 정의 가능한 품목 참조 "
"식별자로, 예를 들면 `FURN001` 등)를 마켓플레이스 품목인 경우에는 Amazon *SKU*와, 배송비인 경우에는 Amazon "
"*배송 코드*, 선물 포장비인 경우에는 Amazon *선물 포장* 코드와 매칭시킵니다. "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:81
msgid ""
"For marketplace products, pairings are saved as *Amazon Offers*, which are "
"listed under the :guilabel:`Offers` smart button on the account form."
msgstr ""
"마켓플레이스 품목의 경우, 페어링은 *Amazon 제안*으로 저장되며 계정 양식에 있는 :guilabel:`제안` 스마트 버튼 아래에 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst-1
msgid "The Amazon Offers smart button on the account form in Odoo Sales."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 판매의 계정 양식에 있는 Amazon 제안 스마트 버튼"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:88
msgid ""
@ -6919,6 +6953,8 @@ msgid ""
"matching SKU is found, :ref:`the internal reference is used instead "
msgstr ""
"페어링 설정이 완료되면 자동으로 제안이 생성되며 후속 주문에서 SKU를 조회하는 데 사용하게 됩니다. SKU과 일치하는 제안이 없는 "
"경우에는 :ref:` 내부 참조를 대신 사용<amazon/matching>`합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:93
msgid ""
@ -6927,12 +6963,14 @@ msgid ""
"they match. The offer can be manually created if it was not automatically "
"done yet."
msgstr ""
"제안된 품목이나 SKU를 변경하여 마켓플레이스 아이템과 특정 품목을 강제로 페어링하여 매칭시킬 수 있습니다. 아직 제안이 자동 생성되지 "
"않은 경우에는 직접 생성할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:97
msgid ""
"This is useful if the internal reference is not used as the SKU, or if the "
"product sells under different conditions."
msgstr ""
msgstr "내부 참조를 SKU로 사용하지 않거나 다른 조건에서 품목이 판매되는 경우 유용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:100
msgid ""
@ -6941,6 +6979,9 @@ msgid ""
"*Amazon Sale*, is used. The same is done with the default product *Amazon "
"Shipping* if no database product is found for a given Amazon shipping code."
msgstr ""
"데이터베이스 품목 중에서 지정된 Amazon SKU 또는 선물 포장 코드에 매칭되는 내부 참조 품목이 없는 경우에는, 데이터베이스 품목 "
"기본값인 *Amazon 판매*를 사용합니다. 데이터베이스 품목 중에서 지정된 Amazon 배송 코드가 없는 경우에도 동일하게 품목 "
"기본값인 *Amazon 배송*을 사용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:105
msgid ""
@ -6948,10 +6989,12 @@ msgid ""
"mode>`, and navigate to :menuselection:`Sales app --> Configuration --> "
"Settings --> Connectors --> Amazon Sync --> Default Products`."
msgstr ""
"기본 품목을 수정하려면 :ref:`개발자 모드 <developer-mode>`를 사용하도록 설정한 후 :menuselection:`판매 "
"앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정 --> 커넥터 --> Amazon 동기화 --> 기본 품목`으로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:110
msgid "Product tax configuration"
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목에 대한 세금 설정"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:112
msgid ""
@ -6959,6 +7002,8 @@ msgid ""
"the sales order items are those set on the product, or determined by the "
"fiscal position."
msgstr ""
"Odoo를 통하여 Amazon 판매에 대한 세금 신고를 할 수 있도록, 판매주문서 항목에 적용되는 세금은 품목에 설정되거나 재정 위치에 "
"따라 결정됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:115
msgid ""
@ -6966,6 +7011,8 @@ msgid ""
" done by a fiscal position, to avoid discrepancies in the subtotals between "
"*Amazon Seller Central* and Odoo."
msgstr ""
"*Amazon 셀러 센터*와 Odoo 사이의 소계 값이 일치하지 않게 되는 것을 방지하려면 Odoo에서 품목에 대해 혹은 재정 위치에 "
"대해 세금이 정확히 설정되어 있는지 확인하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -6974,30 +7021,34 @@ msgid ""
" *Amazon Seller Central*. Those differences can be resolved with a write-off"
" when reconciling the payments in Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Odoo에서 설정한 대로 Amazon에 반드시 동일하게 세금이 적용되는 것은 아니기 때문에, Odoo와 *Amazon 셀러 센터* 간에 "
"주문 총액에 몇 센트씩 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이러한 차이는 Odoo에서 결제 금액을 조정할 때 상각을 통해 해결할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:126
msgid "Add a new marketplace"
msgstr ""
msgstr "새 마켓플레이스 추가하기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:128
msgid ""
"All marketplaces are supported by the Amazon Connector. To add a new "
"marketplace, proceed as follows:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Amazon 커넥터에서 모든 마켓플레이스를 지원하고 있습니다. 새로운 마켓플레이스를 추가하려면 다음과 같이 진행합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:131
msgid "Activate the :ref:`developer mode <developer-mode>`."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":ref:`개발자 모드 <developer-mode>`를 사용하도록 설정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:132
msgid ""
"Go to :menuselection:`Sales app --> Configuration --> Settings --> "
"Connectors --> Amazon Sync --> Amazon Marketplaces`."
msgstr ""
":menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정 --> 커넥터 --> Amazon 동기화 --> Amazon "
"마켓플레이스`로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:134
msgid "Click :guilabel:`New` to create a new marketplace record."
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`새로 만들기`를 클릭하여 새로운 마켓플레이스 레코드를 생성합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:135
msgid ""
@ -7008,6 +7059,11 @@ msgid ""
"Central URL` as described in the `Amazon Documentation for seller central "
"URLs <https://developer-docs.amazon.com/sp-api/docs/seller-central-urls>`_."
msgstr ""
"`마켓플레이스 ID 및 지역에 대한 Amazon 문서 <https://developer-docs.amazon.com/sp-"
"api/docs/marketplace-ids>`_,에 설명된 것과 같이 :guilabel:`API 식별자` 항목에 마켓플레이스 ID를 "
"입력하고 마켓플레이스에 대한 :guilabel:`Amazon 지역`을 선택한 후, `셀러 센터 URL에 대한 Amazon 문서 "
"<https://developer-docs.amazon.com/sp-api/docs/seller-central-urls>`_에 설명된 "
"대로 :guilabel:`셀러 센터 URL`을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:140
msgid ""
@ -7017,6 +7073,9 @@ msgid ""
"respectively hold the *Marketplace ID*, the selected Amazon region, and the "
"*Seller Central URL* values from the Amazon Documentation."
msgstr ""
"레코드를 쉽게 검색할 수 있도록 레코드의 :guilabel:`이름`을 `Amazon. <country code>`으로 설정합니다 (예: "
"`Amazon.se`). :guilabel:`API 식별자`, :guilabel:`지역` 및 :guilabel:`셀러 센터 URL` "
"항은는 각각 Amazon 문서에 있는 *마켓플레이스 ID*, 선택한 아마존 지역 및 *셀러 센터 URL* 값이어야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:144
msgid ""
@ -7024,6 +7083,8 @@ msgid ""
"going to :menuselection:`Sales app --> Configuration --> Settings --> "
"Connectors --> Amazon Sync --> Amazon Accounts`."
msgstr ""
"마켓플레이스를 저장한 후에는, :menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정 --> 커넥터 --> Amazon "
"동기화 --> Amazon 계정`으로 이동하여 Amazon 계정 설정 내용을 업데이트합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/setup.rst:147
msgid ""
@ -7044,36 +7105,36 @@ msgstr "이베이 연결기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:3
msgid "Linking existing listings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "기존 목록 연결하기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:5
msgid ""
"Once the eBay account is linked existing listings from within the eBay "
"seller account need to be added manually to the Odoo product listings."
msgstr ""
msgstr "eBay 계정이 연결된 후에는, eBay 셀러 계정에 있는 기존 목록을 Odoo 품목 목록에 직접 추가해야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:8
msgid ""
"The process will be as follows: - Turn off eBay scheduled actions - Add "
"products and link listings - Turn on eBay scheduled actions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "프로세스는 다음과 같이 진행됩니다: - eBay 예약 작업 끄기 - 품목 및 링크 목록 추가 - eBay 예약 작업 켜기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:14
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:28
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/setup.rst:15
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/troubleshooting.rst:6
msgid "To learn more about the eBay connector visit these pages as well:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "eBay 커넥터에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 다음 페이지도 방문해 보세요."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:18
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:32
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/setup.rst:19
msgid ":doc:`troubleshooting`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`문제 해결`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:21
msgid "Turn off eBay scheduled actions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "eBay 예약 작업 끄기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -7085,12 +7146,17 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> Automation --> Scheduled "
msgstr ""
"eBay에 있는 기존 목록에 연결을 시작하려면 먼저 Odoo의 예약된 작업에서 eBay 알림을 해제합니다. 해제를 하는 이유는, 프로세스"
" 중에 주문이나 eBay 데이터 동기화를 하지 않도록 하는 것입니다. 먼저 :ref:`개발자 모드 <developer-mode>`를 사용"
" 설정하여 :guilabel:`예약된 작업`에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 그런 다음 :menuselection:`설정 --> 기술 --> "
"자동화 --> 예약된 작업`으로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:30
msgid ""
":doc:`../../../general/developer_mode` must be activated to ensure the "
"technical menu appears for the user."
msgstr ""
":doc:`../../../general/developer_mode`를 반드시 사용하도록 설정해야 사용자에게 기술 메뉴가 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -7098,6 +7164,8 @@ msgid ""
"before receiving orders. The following are descriptions of scheduled actions"
" that need to be temporarily deactivated:"
msgstr ""
"예약된 작업을 사용 해제할 경우, 사용자는 주문을 받기 전에 eBay 데이터를 동기화하고 유효성을 검사할 수 있습니다. 다음은 예약된 "
"작업을 일시적으로 사용 해제해야 하는 경우에 대한 설명입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -7107,17 +7175,23 @@ msgid ""
"we made in eBay. New and updated orders are then placed in draft mode. "
"Customers will be created if they are not already in Odoo."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`eBay: 새 주문 받기`: eBay에서는 Odoo에서 아직 확인되지 않는 새로운 주문을 푸시합니다 ( "
":guilabel:`client_order_reference` 또는 :guilabel:`sales order reference` 필드 "
"기반). 이 명령은 eBay에서 변경한 기존 주문도 업데이트하게 됩니다. 그러면 신규 주문과 업데이트된 주문이 초안 모드로 전환됩니다. "
"아직 고객이 Odoo에 기록되지 않은 경우에는 새로 생성됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:40
msgid ""
":guilabel:`eBay: synchronize stock`: eBay displays Odoo's stock on hand."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`eBay: 재고 동기화`: Odoo에서 보유 중인 재고를 eBay에서 표시합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:41
msgid ""
":guilabel:`eBay: update categories`: eBay will push updated monthly "
"categories (only up to fourth layer; a manual update required for the rest)."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`eBay: 업데이트 카테고리`: eBay는 매월 업데이트된 카테고리를 푸시합니다 (최대 4번째 레이어까지만 진행, "
"나머지는 수동 업데이트 필요)."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:44
msgid ""
@ -7125,16 +7199,20 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Scheduled Actions` list. Then, on the page, click the "
":guilabel:`Active` toggle button to turn it off."
msgstr ""
"eBay 알림을 해제하려면 :guilabel:`예약된 작업` 목록에서 항목을 선택합니다. 그런 다음 페이지에서 "
":guilabel:`활성화` 토글 버튼을 클릭하여 해제합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:48
msgid "Sync eBay categories"
msgstr ""
msgstr "eBay 카테고리 동기화"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:50
msgid ""
"To ensure that Odoo's eBay products have all the categories available on "
"eBay, the eBay categories should be synced to Odoo next."
msgstr ""
"Odoo의 eBay 품목에 eBay에서 사용할 수 있는 모든 카테고리를 넣으려면, eBay 카테고리를 다음과 같이 Odoo와 동기화해야 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:53
msgid ""
@ -7142,6 +7220,8 @@ msgid ""
"Scheduled Actions`. Click into the scheduled action labeled: "
":guilabel:`Ebay: update categories` and then click :guilabel:`Run Manually`."
msgstr ""
":menuselection:`설정 --> 기술 --> 자동화 --> 예약된 작업`으로 이동합니다. :guilabel:`Ebay: 카테고리"
" 업데이트`라고 표시된 예약된 작업을 클릭한 다음 :guilabel:`수동 실행`을 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:58
msgid ""
@ -7149,6 +7229,8 @@ msgid ""
"product has a listing of more than four, the category field will only "
"populate up to the fourth layer."
msgstr ""
"Odoo는 최대 4개 레이어 레벨까지만 eBay 카테고리 경로를 인식합니다. 품목에 목록이 4개 이상 있는 경우, 카테고리 항목은 최대 "
"4번째 레이어까지만 입력됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -7157,6 +7239,9 @@ msgid ""
"product categories beyond 4 paths, manually importing them into the Product "
"Category model in Odoo, then linking them individually to the product."
msgstr ""
"품목 카테고리에 4개를 초과하는 경로가 필요한 경우에는 사용자가 해당 경로를 수기로 추가해야 합니다. 현재까지는 4개 경로를 초과하는 "
"모든 품목 카테고리 목록을 가져와서 Odoo의 품목 카테고리 모델로 직접 가져온 다음 개별적으로 품목에 연결하는 방식으로 작업을 수행해 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -7164,26 +7249,32 @@ msgid ""
"categories manually using using the :guilabel:`Action` menu and "
":guilabel:`Import` feature."
msgstr ""
"사용자는 :guilabel:`활동` 메뉴와 :guilabel:`가져오기` 기능을 사용하여 나머지 품목 카테고리를 eBay 품목 카테고리로"
" 직접 가져올 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:70
msgid "Link eBay listings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "eBay 목록 링크하기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:72
msgid ""
"To add eBay listings in Odoo, either manually add products, using a listing "
"ID, or establish an automatic listing link between Odoo and eBay."
msgstr ""
"Odoo에 eBay 목록을 추가하려면 목록 ID를 사용하여 직접 품목을 추가하거나 Odoo와 eBay 사이에 자동 목록 링크를 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:76
msgid ""
"For more information on listing a product from scratch visit: :ref:`How to "
"list a product? <ebay-connector/listing>`"
msgstr ""
"품목을 목록에 올리는 기초적인 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 :ref:`품목을 목록에 올리는 방법 <ebay-"
"connector/listing>`을 참고하시기 바랍니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:80
msgid "Manual listing link"
msgstr ""
msgstr "직접 목록 링크하기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:82
msgid ""
@ -7193,6 +7284,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`eBay` tab or under the :guilabel:`Product name`). Select "
":guilabel:`Save` if necessary."
msgstr ""
"Odoo의 품목에 eBay 목록을 추가하려면 먼저 :menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 품목 --> 품목`으로 이동하여 원하는 "
"품목을 선택합니다. :guilabel:`eBay에서 판매` (:guilabel:`eBay` 탭 또는 :guilabel:`품목 이름` "
"하단)를 클릭합니다. 필요한 경우 :guilabel:`저장`을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:86
msgid ""
@ -7200,6 +7294,8 @@ msgid ""
"and enter in listing ID from eBay in the pop up (the listing ID is in the "
"eBay product URL)."
msgstr ""
"계속 품목 양식에서 상단 메뉴에 있는 :guilabel:`목록으로 링크`를 클릭한 후 팝업창에서 eBay 목록 ID를 입력합니다 (목록 "
"ID는 eBay 품목 URL에서 확인)."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:90
msgid ""
@ -7208,10 +7304,13 @@ msgid ""
"listing ID is `272222656444` in this case. Once the listing ID has been "
"entered the eBay listing information will sync into Odoo."
msgstr ""
"URL은 예를 들어 "
"`www.ebay.com/itm/272222656444?hash=item3f61bc17bb:g:vJ0AAOSwslJizv8u`와 "
"같습니다. 이 경우 목록 ID는 '272222656444'입니다. 목록 ID를 입력하면 eBay 목록 정보가 Odoo에 동기화됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:96
msgid "Turn on eBay scheduled Actions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "eBay 예약 작업 켜기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:98
msgid ""
@ -7221,12 +7320,15 @@ msgid ""
"<developer-mode>` and go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> "
"Automation --> Scheduled Actions`."
msgstr ""
"다음 단계는 Odoo의 예약된 작업에서 eBay 알림을 켜서 주문과 데이터가 교환되도록 하는 것입니다. :guilabel:`예약된 "
"작업`은 먼저 :ref:`개발자 모드 <developer-mode>`를 활성화하고 :menuselection:`설정 --> 기술 --> "
"자동화 --> 예약된 작업`으로 이동하여 액세스할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:103
msgid ""
"Turning on the following scheduled actions allows users to sync and validate"
" eBay data automatically."
msgstr ""
msgstr "다음의 예약 작업을 켜면 eBay 데이터를 자동으로 동기화하고 확인할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:106
msgid ""
@ -7236,18 +7338,23 @@ msgid ""
"put in draft mode. Customers will be created if they are not already in "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`eBay: 새 주문 받기`: eBay에서는 Odoo에 아직 확인되지 않는 새로운 주문을 모두 "
"푸시하며(client_order_reference 또는 판매주문서 참조 필드 기준반), eBay에서 변경 사항이 있는 경우 주문서를 "
"업데이트합니다. 주문서는 초안 모드로 전환됩니다. 아직 고객이 Odoo에 기록되지 않은 경우에는 새로 생성됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:110
msgid ""
":guilabel:`eBay: synchronize stock`: eBay will display the stock on hand in "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`eBay: 재고 동기화`: Odoo에서 보유 중인 재고를 eBay에서 표시합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:111
msgid ""
":guilabel:`eBay: update categories`: eBay will push updated monthly "
"categories (only up to fourth layer, will need to manually update the rest)."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`eBay: 업데이트 카테고리`: eBay는 매월 업데이트된 카테고리를 푸시합니다 (최대 4번째 레이어까지만 진행, "
"나머지는 수동으로 업데이트 필요)."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:115
msgid ""
@ -7257,22 +7364,25 @@ msgid ""
"represent a storable product, and then the user can link to the listing as "
"they come in."
msgstr ""
"주문이 들어왔으나 주문 목록이 품목에 연결되어 있지 않은 경우, eBay는 그 자리에 소모품 품목을 생성합니다. 이러한 소모품은 "
"*판매주문서*에서 변경되어야 하며, 저장 가능 품목임을 나타내기 위해 초안 상태로 있게 됩니다. 그러면 주문이 들어올 경우 사용자가 "
"목록으로 연결을 시킬 수 있게 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:121
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/troubleshooting.rst:127
msgid ":doc:`/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:122
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:153
msgid ":doc:`/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/troubleshooting`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/troubleshooting`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/linking_listings.rst:123
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:155
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/troubleshooting.rst:129
msgid ":doc:`/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/setup`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/setup`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:3
msgid "How to list a product?"
@ -7282,11 +7392,11 @@ msgstr "품목 등록 방법"
msgid ""
"In order to list a product on eBay and Odoo there are two methods in Odoo to"
" do so:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo에서는 두 가지 방법으로 eBay와 Odoo에서 품목을 목록에 올릴 수 있습니다:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:9
msgid "(*Preferred method*) Make a product in Odoo and list the item eBay."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(*선호하는 방법*) Odoo에서 품목을 제작하고 eBay에서 목록에 등록합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -7294,12 +7404,16 @@ msgid ""
" The product template can be accessed by navigating to :menuselection:`Sales"
" app --> Products --> Product` and selecting the individual product."
msgstr ""
"품목 서식 상단에 있는 메뉴에서 :guilabel:`eBay 목록에 품목 올리기`를 클릭하세요. 품목 서식을 사용하려면 "
":menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 품목 --> 품목`으로 이동하여 개별 품목을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:14
msgid ""
"(*Less preferred method*) List the item on eBay, then create the product in "
"Odoo, and finally link product to the item on eBay."
msgstr ""
"(*선호하지 않는 방법*) eBay에 품목을 등록한 다음 Odoo에서 품목을 제작한 후, 마지막으로 eBay 아이템으로 품목을 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -7308,6 +7422,8 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Sales app --> Product --> Product` and selecting the "
"individual product."
msgstr ""
"품목 서식 상단에 있는 메뉴에서 :guilabel:`기존 eBay 목록에 품목 연결`을 클릭합니다. 품목 서식을 사용하려면 "
":menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 품목 --> 품목`으로 이동하여 개별 품목을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -7317,22 +7433,25 @@ msgid ""
"represent a storable product, and then the user can link to the listing as "
"they come in."
msgstr ""
"주문이 들어왔으나 주문 목록이 품목에 연결되어 있지 않은 경우, eBay는 그 자리에 소모품 품목을 생성합니다. 이러한 소모품은 "
"*판매주문서*에서 변경되어야 하며, 저장 가능 품목임을 나타내기 위해 초안 상태로 있게 됩니다. 그러면 주문이 들어올 경우 사용자가 "
"목록으로 연결을 시킬 수 있게 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:31
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/setup.rst:18
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/troubleshooting.rst:10
msgid ":doc:`linking_listings`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`linking_listings`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:35
msgid "Listing without variation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "세부 옵션 없이 목록에 등록하기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:37
msgid ""
"Access the product template by navigating to :menuselection:`Sales app --> "
"Products --> Product` and selecting the individual product."
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목 양식을 사용하려면 :menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 품목 --> 품목'으로 이동하여 개별 품목을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -7341,16 +7460,21 @@ msgid ""
"tab or under the :guilabel:`Product name`. Click :guilabel:`Save` if "
msgstr ""
"품목을 목록에 등록하려면 품목 서식에서 :guilabel:`eBay에서 판매`를 선택합니다. :guilabel:`eBay에서 판매`는 "
":guilabel:`eBay` 탭이나 :guilabel:`품목 이름` 아래에 있습니다. 필요한 경우 :guilabel:`저장`을 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst-1
msgid "The eBay template form listed in the product template in Odoo."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo의 품목 서식에 있는 eBay 서식의 양식입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:48
msgid ""
"When the :guilabel:`Use Stock Quantity` field is checked, the quantity set "
"on eBay will be the Odoo *Forecast Quantity* (Odoo *Inventory* app)."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`재고 수량 사용` 항목을 선택하면, eBay에 설정된 수량이 Odoo에서의 *예상 수량* 이 됩니다 (Odoo *재고"
" 관리* 앱)."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/ebay_connector/manage.rst:51
msgid ""

View File

@ -9240,6 +9240,9 @@ msgid ""
"website, including its content, social sharing, URLs, images, and page "
msgstr ""
"검색 엔진 최적화는 검색 엔진 결과 (예: Google)에서 웹사이트의 가시성과 순위를 제고하기 위한 디지털 마케팅 전략으로, 보통 "
"SEO로 약칭합니다. 여기에는 콘텐츠, 소셜미디어 공유, URL, 이미지, 페이지 속도 등 웹사이트에 있는 다양한 요소를 최적화하는 "
"작업이 포함되어 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -9247,6 +9250,9 @@ msgid ""
"as :doc:`eCommerce <../../ecommerce>`, :doc:`Blog <../../blog>`, "
":doc:`eLearning <../../elearning>`, and :doc:`Forum <../../forum>`."
msgstr ""
"Odoo는 :doc:`이커머스 <../../ecommerce>`, :doc:`블로그 <../../blog>`, :doc:`이러닝 "
"<../../elearning>` 및 :doc:`포럼 <../../forum>`과 같이 웹사이트 콘텐츠를 구축할 수 있도록 여러 가지 "
"모듈을 제공합니다. ."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -9258,13 +9264,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:19
msgid "Content optimization"
msgstr ""
msgstr "콘텐츠 최적화"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:21
msgid ""
"To optimize a webpage's SEO, access the page, then go to "
":menuselection:`Website --> Site --> Optimize SEO`."
msgstr ""
"웹페이지 SEO를 최적화하려면 페이지에 액세스한 다음, :menuselection:`웹사이트 --> 사이트 --> SEO 최적화`로 "
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst-1
msgid "Optimize SEO"
@ -9272,7 +9280,7 @@ msgstr "SEO 최적화"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:28
msgid "Meta tags"
msgstr ""
msgstr "메타 태그"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -9282,6 +9290,9 @@ msgid ""
"attract visitors with appealing content. There are two types of meta tags in"
" Odoo:"
msgstr ""
"메타 태그는 검색 엔진 및 웹사이트 방문자에게 웹 페이지에 대한 정보를 제공하는 HTML 데이터입니다. 검색 엔진에서 웹페이지의 콘텐츠와"
" 맥락을 이해하고 매력적인 콘텐츠를 통해 방문자 수를 늘릴 수 있도록 하여 SEO에서 중요한 역할을 합니다. Odoo의 메타 태그에는 두"
" 가지 유형이 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:35
msgid ""
@ -9291,6 +9302,9 @@ msgid ""
"tag of your webpage or keep it empty to use the default value based on the "
"pages content."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`제목` 태그는 웹페이지의 제목을 지정하여 검색 엔진 결과에서 클릭할 수 있게 링크로 표시됩니다. 간결하고 설명적이어야"
" 하며 페이지 콘텐츠와 관련된 내용이어야 합니다. 웹페이지의 제목 태그를 업데이트할 수 있으며 비워두면 페이지 콘텐츠에 따라 기본값을 "
"사용할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -9300,12 +9314,17 @@ msgid ""
"your webpage or keep it empty to use the default value based on the pages "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`설명` 태그는 웹페이지의 내용을 요약하며 주로 제목 아래에 있는 검색 엔진 결과에 표시됩니다. 이 태그는 사용자가 "
"페이지를 방문하도록 유도하는 데 사용합니다. 웹페이지의 설명 태그를 업데이트할 수 있으며 비워두면 페이지 콘텐츠에 따라 기본값을 사용할 "
"수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:46
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`Preview` card displays how the title and description tags "
"should appear in search results. It also includes the URL of your page."
msgstr ""
"guilabel:`미리 보기` 카드에서는 제목 및 설명 태그가 검색 결과에 어떻게 나타나는지 볼 수 있습니다. 페이지의 URL도 여기에 "
"포함되어 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:50
msgid "Keywords"
@ -9317,6 +9336,8 @@ msgid ""
"optimized for search engines speaks the same language as potential visitors,"
" with keywords for SEO helping them to connect to your site."
msgstr ""
"키워드는 SEO를 이루는 주요 요소 중 하나입니다. 검색 엔진에 가장 최적화 되어있는 웹사이트는 잠재적인 방문자가 사용하는 언어로 "
"표시되며, SEO 키워드를 통해 사이트 방문으로 연결시킵니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:56
msgid ""
@ -9327,26 +9348,30 @@ msgid ""
" to drive your web traffic. The more keywords are present on your webpage, "
"the better."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`키워드` 항목에 필수 키워드를 입력한 후 :guilabel:`추가`를 클릭하면 콘텐츠 레벨에 따라 키워드를 다양하게 "
"사용하고 (H1, H2, 페이지 제목, 페이지 설명, 페이지 콘텐츠) Google에서 관련 검색이 어떻게 이루어지는지 확인할 수 "
"있습니다. 이 도구를 활용하여 웹트래픽을 증가시킬 수 있도록 관련 키워드 제안도 받을 수 있습니다. 웹페이지에는 키워드가 많을수록 "
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:62
msgid "It is strongly recommended to only use one H1 title per page for SEO."
msgstr ""
msgstr "SEO 목적으로는 페이지당 H1 제목을 반드시 하나만 사용하는 것이 좋습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:65
msgid "Image for social share"
msgstr ""
msgstr "소셜 미디어 공유용 이미지"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:67
msgid ""
"When you share your page on social media, your logo image is selected, but "
"you can upload any other image by clicking the upward arrow."
msgstr ""
msgstr "소셜 미디어에 페이지 공유용으로 로고 이미지가 선택되어 있으나, 다른 이미지를 업로드하려면 위쪽 화살표를 클릭하면 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:71
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`Social Preview` card displays how the page's information "
"would appear when shared."
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`SNS 미리 보기` 카드에서는 공유를 할 때 페이지 정보가 어떻게 보이는지 확인할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:73
msgid ""
@ -9355,6 +9380,8 @@ msgid ""
"functions when external websites use a :ref:`301 redirect <website/URL-"
"redirection>`, maintaining the SEO link juice."
msgstr ""
"블로그 게시물의 제목이나 품목명을 수정하는 경우 변경 사항은 웹사이트 전체에 자동으로 적용됩니다. 외부 웹사이트에서 :ref:`301 "
"리디렉션 <website/URL-redirection>`되는 경우에도, 이전 링크가 작동하여 SEO 링크 쥬스를 유지합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:78
msgid "Images"
@ -9364,7 +9391,7 @@ msgstr "이미지"
msgid ""
"The size of images has a significant impact on page speed, which is an "
"essential criterion for search engines to optimize SEO ranking."
msgstr ""
msgstr "이미지 크기는 페이지 속도에 큰 영향을 미치며, 속도는 검색 엔진이 SEO 순위를 최적화하는 데 필수적인 기준입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:84
msgid ""
@ -9372,6 +9399,9 @@ msgid ""
"<https://pagespeed.web.dev/?utm_source=psi&utm_medium=redirect>`_ or "
"`Pingdom Website Speed Test <https://tools.pingdom.com/>`_."
msgstr ""
"`Google 페이지 속도 "
"<https://pagespeed.web.dev/?utm_source=psi&utm_medium=redirect>`_ 또는 "
"`Pingdom 웹사이트 속도 테스트 <https://tools.pingdom.com/>`_로 웹사이트 순위를 비교해 보세요."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:87
msgid ""
@ -9390,7 +9420,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst-1
msgid "automated image compression"
msgstr ""
msgstr "자동 이미지 압축"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:98
msgid ""
@ -9400,14 +9430,17 @@ msgid ""
"essential from an SEO perspective. This description is added to the HTML "
"code of your image, and it is shown when the image cannot be displayed."
msgstr ""
"대체 태그는 이미지 표시되는 내용을 컨텍스트로 제공하여 검색 엔진 크롤러에게 정보를 안내하며 이미지를 정확하게 색인화할 수 있도록 "
"합니다. 대체 태그 키워드를 :guilabel:`설명` 필드에 추가하는 것은 SEO 제고를 위해서는 필수적입니다. 설명 내용은 이미지의 "
"HTML 코드에 추가되며 이미지가 표시될 수 없을 때 나타납니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:104
msgid "Advanced features"
msgstr ""
msgstr "고급 기능"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:107
msgid "Structured data markup"
msgstr ""
msgstr "데이터 마크업 구조화"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:109
msgid ""
@ -9416,6 +9449,8 @@ msgid ""
"robots, helping them understand your content and create well-presented "
"search results."
msgstr ""
"데이터 마크업 구조화는 검색 엔진 결과에서 리치 스니펫을 생성하는 데 사용합니다. 웹사이트에서 검색 엔진 로봇으로 구조화된 데이터를 "
"제공하여 콘텐츠의 이해를 돕고 검색 결과가 더욱 잘 나타날 수 있도록 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:113
msgid ""
@ -9424,6 +9459,9 @@ msgid ""
"snippets>`_ for content types, including Reviews, People, Products, "
"Businesses, Events, and Organizations."
msgstr ""
"기본적으로 Google은 리뷰, 인물, 품목, 비즈니스, 이벤트, 조직 등의 콘텐츠 유형에 대해 다양한 '리치 스니펫 "
"snippets>`_'을 지원하고 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:116
msgid ""
@ -9434,10 +9472,14 @@ msgid ""
"posts, and contact addresses. This allows your product pages to be displayed"
" in Google using extra information like the price and rating of a product:"
msgstr ""
"마이크로데이터는 HTML5에 도입된 태그 세트로, 검색 엔진이 콘텐츠를 더 잘 이해하고 관련성이 있는 방식으로 표시할 수 있도록 합니다."
" Odoo는 행사, 이커머스 품목, 포럼 게시물 및 연락처의 주소에 대해 Schema.org `사양 "
"<https://schema.org/docs/gs.html>`_에 정의되어있는 대로 마이크로데이터를 구현합니다. 이를 통해 품목 가격과 "
"평점과 같은 추가 정보를 사용하여 Google에 품목 페이지를 표시할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst-1
msgid "snippets in search engine results"
msgstr ""
msgstr "검색 엔진 결과에 대한 스니펫"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:126
msgid "robots.txt"
@ -9449,6 +9491,8 @@ msgid ""
"access on your site, to index its content. This is used mainly to avoid "
"overloading your site with requests."
msgstr ""
"robots.txt 파일에서 검색 엔진 크롤러가 콘텐츠 색인을 생성하기 위해 사이트에서 액세스할 수 있는 URL을 확인할 수 있습니다. "
"이 파일은 주로 전송 요청으로 인한 사이트 과부하를 방지하는 데 사용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:131
msgid ""
@ -9456,6 +9500,8 @@ msgid ""
"robots.txt file. Odoo automatically creates one robot.txt file available on "
msgstr ""
"웹사이트 색인을 생성할 때 검색 엔진은 robots.txt 파일을 먼저 확인합니다. Odoo에서는 "
"`mydatabase.odoo.com/robots.txt`에 단일 robot.txt 파일을 자동 생성합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:134
msgid ""
@ -9464,12 +9510,17 @@ msgid ""
"file, go to :menuselection:`Website --> Configuration --> Settings`, scroll "
"down to the :guilabel:`SEO` section, and click :guilabel:`Edit robots.txt`."
msgstr ""
"robots.txt 파일을 수정하면 검색 엔진 크롤러가 액세스할 수 있는 사이트 페이지를 제어할 수 있습니다. 파일에 사용자 지정 안내를"
" 추가하려면 :menuselection:`웹사이트 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정`으로 이동하여 :guilabel:`SEO` 섹션까지 "
"아래로 스크롤을 이동한 다음 :guilabel:`robots.txt 편집`을 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:139
msgid ""
"If you do not want the robots to crawl the `/about-us` page of your site, "
"you can edit the robots.txt file to add `Disallow: /about-us`."
msgstr ""
"로봇이 사이트의 `/about-us` 페이지를 크롤하지 않게 하려면 robots.txt 파일을 수정하여 `Disallow: /about-"
"us`를 추가하면 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:143
msgid "Sitemap"
@ -9482,6 +9533,8 @@ msgid ""
"URLs. For performance reasons, this file is cached and updated every 12 "
msgstr ""
"사이트맵에서는 검색 엔진 로봇이 웹사이트 페이지와 페이지 간에 상호 연관된 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다. Odoo에서는 전체 URL을 "
"`/sitemap.xml` 파일로 생성합니다. 성능을 최적화할 수 있도록, 해당 파일은 12시간마다 캐시 및 업데이트됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:150
msgid ""
@ -9490,15 +9543,18 @@ msgid ""
"<http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html>`_, grouping sitemap URLs in 45000 "
"chunks per file."
msgstr ""
"웹사이트에 페이지가 많은 경우에는, Odoo는 `sitemaps.org 프로토콜 "
"<http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html>`_에 부합하는 사이트맵 색인 파일을 자동으로 생성하여 사이트맵 "
"URL을 파일당 45,000개 청크로 그룹화합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:154
msgid ""
"Every sitemap entry has three attributes that are computed automatically:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "모든 사이트맵 항목에서는 세 가지 속성이 자동으로 계산됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:156
msgid "`<loc>`: the URL of a page."
msgstr ""
msgstr "`<loc>`: 페이지 URL"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:157
msgid ""
@ -9506,6 +9562,8 @@ msgid ""
"based on the related object. For a page related to a product, this could be "
"the last modification date of the product or the page."
msgstr ""
"`<lastmod>`: 리소스가 최근 수정된 날짜로, 관련 객체를 기반으로 자동으로 계산됩니다. 품목과 관련된 페이지의 경우에는 품목이나"
" 페이지 자체에서 최근에 수정한 날짜가 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:160
msgid ""
@ -9514,6 +9572,9 @@ msgid ""
" votes on a specific post). The priority of a static page is defined by its "
"priority field, which is normalized (16 is the default)."
msgstr ""
"`<priority>`: 모듈은 콘텐츠에 따라 자체 우선순위 알고리즘을 구현할 수 있습니다 (예를 들어 포럼 모듈에서는 특정한 게시물에 "
"대해 투표한 숫자에 따라 우선순위가 지정됩니다). 정적 페이지의 우선 순위는 정규화된 '우선 순위' 필드에 의해 결정됩니다 (기본값은 "
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:165
msgid ""
@ -9521,14 +9582,16 @@ msgid ""
" Properties`, click the :guilabel:`Publish` tab, and turn off the "
":guilabel:`Indexed` feature."
msgstr ""
"페이지가 사이트맵에 표시되지 않게 하려면 :menuselection:`사이트 --> 속성`으로 이동하여 :guilabel:`게시` 탭을 "
"클릭하여 :guilabel:`색인` 기능을 해제합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:0
msgid "disabling the “Indexed” checkbox"
msgstr ""
msgstr "“색인됨” 확인란 해제하기"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:172
msgid "Hreflang HTML tags"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hreflang HTML 태그"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:174
msgid ""
@ -9537,10 +9600,12 @@ msgid ""
"informing search engines about a specific page's language and geographical "
msgstr ""
"Odoo에서는 웹사이트의 다국어 페이지 코드에 자동으로 'hreflang' 및 'x-default' 태그가 들어 있습니다. 이와 같은 "
"HTML 속성은 특정 페이지가 타겟으로 삼는 언어 및 지리적 대상에 대해 검색 엔진이 인식하게 하는 데 있어서 매우 중요합니다. "
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/seo.rst:179
msgid ":doc:`../configuration/translate`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../configuration/translate`"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:3
msgid "Website analytics"
@ -9552,6 +9617,8 @@ msgid ""
" provides data on visitor demographics, behavior, and interactions, helping "
"improve websites and marketing strategies."
msgstr ""
"웹사이트 분석을 통해 웹사이트 소유자는 사람들이 사이트를 사용하는 방식을 모니터링할 수 있습니다. 방문자 인구 통계, 행동 및 상호 "
"작용에 대한 데이터를 제공하여 웹사이트와 마케팅 전략을 개선할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -9579,6 +9646,9 @@ msgid ""
"creates and sets up your account. You can start using it by going to "
":menuselection:`Website --> Reporting --> Analytics`."
msgstr ""
"Odoo는 자체 Plausible.io 서버를 호스팅하고 있으며 **Odoo 온라인** 데이터베이스용으로 즉시 사용 가능한 무료 "
"Plausible.io 솔루션을 제공합니다. 계정은 Odoo에서 자동으로 생성되어 설정합니다. 사용하려면 "
":menuselection:`웹사이트 --> 보고 --> 분석`에서 시작합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -9830,7 +9900,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:133
msgid "Google Tag Manager"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Google 태그 관리자"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:135
msgid ""
@ -9839,32 +9909,34 @@ msgid ""
"known as tags on your website or mobile app, directly through the code "
"injector. To use GTM, proceed as follows:"
msgstr ""
":abbr:`GTM(Google 태그 관리자)`은 웹사이트나 모바일 앱에서 태그라고 하는 측정용 코드 및 관련 코드 일부를 직접 코드 "
"인젝터를 통해 쉽게 업데이트할 수 있는 태그 관리 시스템입니다. GTM을 사용하려면 다음과 같이 진행합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:139
msgid ""
"Create or sign in to a Google account by going to "
msgstr ""
msgstr "https://tagmanager.google.com/으로 이동하여 Google 계정을 새로 만들거나 로그인합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:141
msgid "In the :guilabel:`Accounts` tab, click :guilabel:`Create account`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`계정` 탭에서 :guilabel:`계정 만들기`를 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:143
msgid ""
"Enter an :guilabel:`Account Name` and select the account's "
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`계정 이름`을 입력하고 계정 :guilabel:`국가`를 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:145
msgid ""
"Enter your website's URL in the :guilabel:`Container name` field and select "
"the :guilabel:`Target platform`."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`컨테이너 이름` 필드에 웹사이트 URL을 입력하고 :guilabel:`대상 플랫폼`을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:148
msgid "Click :guilabel:`Create` and agree to the Terms of Service."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`만들기`를 클릭하고 서비스 약관에 동의합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/reporting/analytics.rst:150
msgid ""

View File

@ -421,10 +421,14 @@ msgid ""
"following processes describe how to delete an Odoo.com account, and how to "
"change the password on an Odoo.com account."
msgstr ""
"Deze documentatie is gewijd aan bewerkingen die zijn aangebracht aan een "
"Odoo.com-account. De volgende processen beschrijven hoe u een Odoo.com-"
"account kunt verwijderen en hoe u het wachtwoord van een Odoo.com-account "
"kunt wijzigen."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:9
msgid "Delete Odoo.com account"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo.com-account verwijderen"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -433,6 +437,11 @@ msgid ""
"down menu. From the drop-down menu, select :guilabel:`My Odoo.com account`, "
"which reveals the user portal."
msgstr ""
"Om een Odoo.com-account te verwijderen, klikt u eerst op het "
"profielpictogram in de rechterbovenhoek (weergegeven door de gebruikersnaam "
"en het pictogram) om een vervolgkeuzemenu weer te geven. Selecteer in het "
"vervolgkeuzemenu :guilabel:`Mijn Odoo.com-account`, waardoor het "
"gebruikersportaal zichtbaar wordt."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:15
msgid ""
@ -441,18 +450,28 @@ msgid ""
"It can also be accessed by going to `https://www.odoo.com/my/home "
msgstr ""
"Vanuit het gebruikersportaal kunt u toegang krijgen tot de verwijderoptie "
"door naar :menuselectie:`Mijn account --> Beveiligingsinstellingen bewerken "
"--> Account verwijderen` te gaan. U kunt er ook toegang toe krijgen door "
"naar `https://www.odoo.com/my/home <https://www.odoo.com/my/home>`_ te gaan."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:20
msgid ""
"Deleting an Odoo account is irreversible. Be careful performing this action,"
" as the Odoo.com account is **not** retrievable once deleted."
msgstr ""
"Het verwijderen van een Odoo-account is onomkeerbaar. Wees voorzichtig bij "
"het uitvoeren van deze actie, aangezien het Odoo.com-account **niet** kan "
"worden hersteld nadat het is verwijderd."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:23
msgid ""
"Upon clicking the :guilabel:`Delete Account` button, a pop-up window "
"appears, requesting confirmation for the account deletion."
msgstr ""
"Wanneer u op de knop :guilabel:`Account verwijderen` klikt, verschijnt er "
"een pop-upvenster waarin om bevestiging wordt gevraagd voor het verwijderen "
"van het account."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -468,10 +487,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Login` for the account being deleted. Then, click the "
":guilabel:`Delete Account` button to confirm the deletion."
msgstr ""
"Om de verwijdering te bevestigen, voert u het :guilabel:`Wachtwoord` en de "
":guilabel:`Login` in voor het account dat wordt verwijderd. Klik vervolgens "
"op de knop :guilabel:`Account verwijderen` om de verwijdering te bevestigen."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:34
msgid "Odoo.com account password change"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo.com-accountwachtwoord wijzigen"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -481,6 +503,11 @@ msgid ""
"next to the profile icon. Then, select :guilabel:`My Account`, and a portal "
"dashboard appears."
msgstr ""
"Om het wachtwoord van een Odoo.com-account te wijzigen, logt u eerst in op "
"de Odoo.com-gebruikersaccount vanaf de Odoo.com-inlogpagina. Nadat u bent "
"ingelogd, gaat u naar de rechterbovenhoek van het scherm en klikt u op het "
"pictogram :guilabel:`▼ (pijl omlaag)` naast het profielpictogram. Selecteer "
"vervolgens :guilabel:`Mijn account`, en er verschijnt een portaaldashboard."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:41
msgid ""
@ -490,22 +517,32 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`New Password`, and verify the new password. Lastly, click on "
":guilabel:`Change Password` to complete the password change."
msgstr ""
"Om het Odoo.com-wachtwoord te wijzigen, klikt u op de link "
":guilabel:`Beveiligingsinstellingen bewerken`, onder de "
"sectie:menuselectie:`Accountbeveiliging`. Breng vervolgens de nodige "
"wijzigingen aan door het huidige :guilabel:`Wachtwoord`, :guilabel:`Nieuw "
"wachtwoord` in te typen en verifieer het nieuwe wachtwoord. Klik ten slotte "
"op :guilabel:`Wachtwoord wijzigen` om de wachtwoordwijziging te voltooien."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:47
msgid ""
"If a customer would like to change the login, contact Odoo support `here "
msgstr ""
"Als een klant de login wil wijzigen, neem dan `hier "
"<https://www.odoo.com/help>`_ contact op met Odoo-ondersteuning."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:51
msgid ""
"Passwords for Odoo.com users and portal users remain separate, even if the "
"same email address is used."
msgstr ""
"Wachtwoorden voor Odoo.com-gebruikers en portalgebruikers blijven "
"gescheiden, zelfs als hetzelfde e-mailadres wordt gebruikt."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:55
msgid "Add two-factor authentication"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Voeg twee-factor-authenticatie toe"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:57
msgid ""
@ -515,6 +552,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`profile icon`. Then, select :guilabel:`My Account`, and a portal "
"dashboard appears."
msgstr ""
"Om tweefactorauthenticatie toe te voegen, logt u in op het Odoo.com-"
"gebruikersaccount vanaf de Odoo.com-inlogpagina. Nadat u bent ingelogd, gaat"
" u naar de rechterbovenhoek van het scherm en klikt u op het :guilabel:`▼ "
"(pijl omlaag)` pictogram naast het :guilabel:`profile pictogram`. Selecteer "
"vervolgens :guilabel:`Mijn account`, en er verschijnt een portaldashboard."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:62
msgid ""
@ -522,6 +564,9 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo.com access, click on the :guilabel:`Edit Security Settings` link below "
"the :menuselection:`Account Security` section."
msgstr ""
"Als de gebruiker tweefactorauthenticatie (2FA) wil inschakelen voor toegang "
"tot Odoo.com, klik dan op de link :guilabel:`Beveiligingsinstellingen "
"bewerken` onder de sectie:menuselectie:`Accountbeveiliging`."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:65
msgid ""
@ -533,29 +578,40 @@ msgid ""
"etc.), by scanning the :guilabel:`QR code` or entering a "
":guilabel:`Verification Code`."
msgstr ""
"Klik op :guilabel:`Twee-factor-authenticatie inschakelen` om :abbr:`2FA "
"(twee-factor-authenticatie)` in te schakelen. Bevestig vervolgens het "
"huidige wachtwoord in het veld :guilabel:`Wachtwoord`. Klik vervolgens op "
":guilabel:`Wachtwoord bevestigen`. Activeer daarna :abbr:`2FA "
"(tweefactorauthenticatie)` in een :abbr:`2FA (tweefactorauthenticatie)`-app "
"(Google Authenticator, Authy, enz.), door de :guilabel:`QR-code te scannen `"
" of voer een :guilabel:`Verificatiecode` in."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:71
msgid ""
"Finally, click on :guilabel:`Enable two-factor authentication` to complete "
"the setup."
msgstr ""
"Klik ten slotte op :guilabel:`Tweefactorauthenticatie inschakelen` om de "
"installatie te voltooien."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:74
msgid ""
"Under :guilabel:`My Account` Odoo.com users can also access the following:"
msgstr ""
"Onder :guilabel:`Mijn account` hebben Odoo.com-gebruikers ook toegang tot "
"het volgende:"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:76
msgid ":guilabel:`My Partner dashboard`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Mijn Partnerdashboard`"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:77
msgid ":guilabel:`My In-App Services`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Mijn in-app-diensten`"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_accounts.rst:78
msgid ":guilabel:`My Apps Dashboard`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Mijn Apps-dashboard`"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_online.rst:3
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:29

View File

@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
# Translators:
# Erwin van der Ploeg <erwin@odooexperts.nl>, 2023
# Gunther Clauwaert <gclauwae@hotmail.com>, 2023
# Yenthe Van Ginneken <yenthespam@gmail.com>, 2024
# Jolien De Paepe, 2024
# Martin Trigaux, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Erwin van der Ploeg <erwin@odooexperts.nl>, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-21 15:48+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:53+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Erwin van der Ploeg <erwin@odooexperts.nl>, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/nl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -875,6 +875,13 @@ msgid ""
"received email is read by the end user's program, different formatting and "
"graphics will appear in the final form of it."
msgstr ""
"E-mailsjablonen in Odoo gebruiken QWeb of XML, waardoor e-mails in hun "
"uiteindelijke weergave kunnen worden bewerkt, waardoor aanpassingen "
"robuuster worden, zonder dat u enige code hoeft te bewerken. Dit betekent "
"dat Odoo een grafische gebruikersinterface (GUI) kan gebruiken om e-mails te"
" bewerken, waardoor de backend-code wordt bewerkt. Wanneer de ontvangen "
"e-mail door het programma van de eindgebruiker wordt gelezen, verschijnen er"
" verschillende opmaak en afbeeldingen in de uiteindelijke vorm ervan."
#: ../../content/applications/general/companies/email_template.rst:19
msgid ""
@ -4962,10 +4969,12 @@ msgstr "Geolocatie"
msgid ""
"You can locate contacts or places and generate routes on a map in Odoo."
msgstr ""
"U kunt contacten of plaatsen lokaliseren en routes genereren op een kaart in"
" Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst-1
msgid "Map displaying a contact's location."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kaart met de locatie van een contactpersoon."
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -4973,16 +4982,23 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Integrations`, section, activate :guilabel:`Geo Localization`. "
"Then, choose between using the OpenStreetMap or Google Places API."
msgstr ""
"Om deze functie te gebruiken, open je de app :guilabel:`Instellingen` en "
"activeert u onder de sectie :guilabel:`Integraties` :guilabel:`Geo "
"Lokalisatie`. Kies vervolgens tussen het gebruik van de OpenStreetMap of "
"Google Places API."
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst:14
msgid "**OpenStreetMap**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**OpenStreetMap**"
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst:16
msgid ""
"OpenStreetMap is a free, open geographic database updated and maintained by "
"volunteers. To use it, select :guilabel:`Open Street Map`."
msgstr ""
"OpenStreetMap is een gratis, open geografische database die wordt bijgewerkt"
" en onderhouden door vrijwilligers. Om het te gebruiken, selecteert u "
":guilabel:`Open Street Map`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst:20
msgid ""
@ -4990,10 +5006,13 @@ msgid ""
"community <https://www.openstreetmap.org/fixthemap>`_ to fix any issues "
msgstr ""
"OpenStreetMap is mogelijk niet altijd accuraat. U kunt `lid worden van de "
"OpenStreetMap-gemeenschap <https://www.openstreetmap.org/fixthemap>`_ om "
"eventuele problemen op te lossen."
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst:23
msgid "**Google Places API map**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Google Places API-kaart**"
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -5001,22 +5020,29 @@ msgid ""
"points of interest. It supports location-based features like search, "
"navigation, and recommendations."
msgstr ""
"De Google Places API-kaart biedt gedetailleerde informatie over plaatsen, "
"bedrijven en interessante plaatsen. Het ondersteunt locatiegebaseerde "
"functies zoals zoeken, navigatie en aanbevelingen."
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst:29
msgid ""
"Using the Google Places API could require `payment to Google "
msgstr ""
"Voor het gebruik van de Google Places API kan `betaling aan Google "
"<https://mapsplatform.google.com/pricing/>`_ nodig zijn."
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst:32
msgid ""
"To use it, select :guilabel:`Google Place Map` and enter your :ref:`API Key "
msgstr ""
"Om het te gebruiken, selecteert u :guilabel:`Google Place Map` en voert u uw"
" :ref:`API-sleutel <address_autocomplete/generate_api_key>` in."
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst-1
msgid "Google Places API key"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Google Places API-sleutel"
#: ../../content/applications/general/integrations/geolocation.rst:39
msgid ""
@ -9644,6 +9670,9 @@ msgid ""
"(formally *Azure Active Directory*). The location of this link is usually in"
" the center of the page."
msgstr ""
"Navigeer vervolgens naar de sectie met de naam :guilabel:`Beheer Microsoft "
"Entra ID` (formeel *Azure Active Directory*). De locatie van deze link "
"bevindt zich meestal in het midden van de pagina."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/azure.rst:55
msgid ""
@ -10352,54 +10381,68 @@ msgid ""
"Install the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) module in General "
msgstr ""
"Installeer de LDAP-module (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) in "
"Algemene instellingen."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst:7
msgid ""
"Click on **Create** in Setup the :abbr:`LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access "
"Protocol)` Server."
msgstr ""
"Klik op **Aanmaken** bij het instellen van de :abbr:`LDAP (Lightweight "
"Directory Access Protocol)` Server."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst-1
msgid ""
"LDAP Authentication checkbox highlighted in the integrations settings on "
msgstr ""
"LDAP Authenticatie selectievakje gemarkeerd in de integratie-instellingen op"
" Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst-1
msgid "Create highlighted in the LDAP server settings."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Maken gemarkeerd in de LDAP-serverinstellingen."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst:17
msgid "Choose the company using the LDAP."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kies het bedrijf dat de LDAP gebruikt."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst-1
msgid "Select the company drop-down menu highlighted in LDAP setup."
msgstr ""
"Selecteer het vervolgkeuzemenu van het bedrijf dat is gemarkeerd in de LDAP-"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst:23
msgid ""
"In **Server Information**, enter the IP address of the server and the port "
"it listens to."
msgstr ""
"Voer bij **Serverinformatie** het IP-adres van de server in en de poort "
"waarnaar deze luistert."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst:25
msgid "Tick **Use TLS** if the server is compatible."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vink **Gebruik TLS** aan als de server compatibel is."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst-1
msgid "LDAP server settings highlighted in LDAP server setup on Odoo."
msgstr ""
"LDAP-serverinstellingen gemarkeerd in LDAP-serverinstellingen op Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst:31
msgid ""
"In **Login Information**, enter ID and password of the account used to query"
" the server. If left empty, the server queries anonymously."
msgstr ""
"Voer bij **Inloggegevens** de ID en het wachtwoord in van het account dat "
"wordt gebruikt om de server te raadplegen. Als u dit leeg laat, vraagt de "
"server anoniem vragen."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst-1
msgid "Login information highlighted in LDAP server setup on Odoo."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Inloggegevens gemarkeerd in de LDAP-serverinstellingen op Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -10407,6 +10450,9 @@ msgid ""
":abbr:`LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)` nomenclature (e.g. "
msgstr ""
"Voer in **Procesparameter** de domeinnaam van de LDAP-server in de "
"nomenclatuur :abbr:`LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)` in "
"(bijvoorbeeld ``dc=example,dc=com``)."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst:41
msgid "In **LDAP filter**, enter ``uid=%s``"
@ -10414,7 +10460,7 @@ msgstr "Voer in **LDAP filter** ``uid=%s`` in"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst-1
msgid "Process parameter highlighted in LDAP server setup on Odoo."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Procesparameter gemarkeerd in LDAP-serverinstellingen op Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst:47
msgid ""
@ -10422,6 +10468,9 @@ msgid ""
"profile the first time someone logs in with :abbr:`LDAP (Lightweight "
"Directory Access Protocol)`."
msgstr ""
"In **Gebruikersinformatie**, vink *Gebruiker aanmaken* aan als Odoo een "
"gebruikersprofiel moet aanmaken de eerste keer dat iemand inlogt met "
":abbr:`LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -10435,6 +10484,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/ldap.rst-1
msgid "User information highlighted on LDAP server setup on Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Gebruikersinformatie gemarkeerd bij het instellen van de LDAP-server op "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:3
msgid "Portal access"
@ -10526,7 +10577,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst-1
msgid "Use the Contacts application to give portal access to users."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Gebruik de toepassing Contacten om gebruikers portaltoegang te geven."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -10613,7 +10664,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:72
msgid "Change portal username"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Portal-gebruikersnaam wijzigen"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:74
msgid ""
@ -10622,12 +10673,18 @@ msgid ""
"The following process outlines the necessary steps to change the portal user"
" login."
msgstr ""
"Het kan voorkomen dat een portalgebruiker zijn gebruikersaanmelding wil "
"wijzigen. Dit kan worden gedaan door elke gebruiker in de database met "
"beheerderstoegangsrechten. In het volgende proces worden de noodzakelijke "
"stappen beschreven om de login van de portalgebruiker te wijzigen."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:79
msgid ""
":doc:`See the documentation on setting access rights "
msgstr ""
":doc:`Zie de documentatie over het instellen van toegangsrechten "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:82
msgid ""
@ -10637,6 +10694,12 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Groups` > :guilabel:`contains` > `portal`. After making this "
"selection, search for (and open) the portal user that needs to be edited."
msgstr ""
"Navigeer eerst naar :menuselection:`Instellingen app --> Gebruikers`. "
"Selecteer vervolgens onder :guilabel:`Filters` :guilabel:`Portal Users`, of "
"selecteer :guilabel:`Aangepast filter toevoegen` en stel de volgende "
"configuratie in:guilabel:`Groups` > :guilabel:`contains` > `portal `. Nadat "
"u deze selectie heeft gemaakt, zoekt (en opent) u de portalgebruiker die "
"moet worden bewerkt."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:87
msgid ""
@ -10644,12 +10707,18 @@ msgid ""
" Address` field, and proceed to make any necessary changes to this field. "
"The :guilabel:`Email Address` field is used to log into the Odoo portal."
msgstr ""
"Klik vervolgens op :guilabel:`Bewerken` (indien nodig), klik in het veld "
":guilabel:`E-mailadres` en ga verder met het aanbrengen van de nodige "
"wijzigingen in dit veld. Het veld :guilabel:`E-mailadres` wordt gebruikt om "
"in te loggen op het Odoo-portaal."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:92
msgid ""
"Changing the :guilabel:`Email Address` (or login) only changes the "
"*username* on the customer's portal login."
msgstr ""
"Het wijzigen van het :guilabel:`E-mailadres` (of login) verandert alleen de "
"*gebruikersnaam* op de portal-login van de klant."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:95
msgid ""
@ -10658,10 +10727,15 @@ msgid ""
"change their email directly from the portal, but the login **cannot** be "
"changed. :ref:`See change customer info <portal/custinfo>`."
msgstr ""
"Om het e-mailadres van het contact te wijzigen, moet deze wijziging "
"plaatsvinden in het contactsjabloon in de app *Contacten*. Als alternatief "
"kan de klant zijn e-mailadres rechtstreeks vanuit de portal wijzigen, maar "
"de login **kan niet** worden gewijzigd. :ref:`Zie klantinformatie wijzigen "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:100
msgid "Customer portal changes"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Klantportaal wijzigingen"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:102
msgid ""
@ -10671,10 +10745,15 @@ msgid ""
" The following process is how a customer can change their contact "
msgstr ""
"Het kan voorkomen dat de klant wijzigingen wil aanbrengen in de "
"contactgegevens, het wachtwoord/de beveiliging of de betalingsgegevens die "
"aan het portaalaccount zijn gekoppeld. Dit kan door de klant worden "
"uitgevoerd vanuit zijn portal. Het volgende proces is hoe een klant zijn "
"contactgegevens kan wijzigen."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:110
msgid "Change customer info"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Klantgegevens wijzigen"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:112
msgid ""
@ -10683,10 +10762,15 @@ msgid ""
"successfully logging in. Portal documents from the various installed Odoo "
"applications will appear with the number count of each."
msgstr ""
"Voer eerst de gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord (login) in op de inlogpagina "
"van de database om toegang te krijgen tot het portalgebruikersaccount. Er "
"zal een portaaldashboard verschijnen wanneer u succesvol heeft ingelogd. "
"Portaaldocumenten van de verschillende geïnstalleerde Odoo-applicaties "
"zullen verschijnen met het aantal van elk."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:117
msgid ":ref:`Portal access documentation <portal/main>`."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":ref:`Documentatie voor portaltoegang <portal/main>`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -10694,6 +10778,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Edit` button, next to the :guilabel:`Details` section. Then, "
"change the pertinent information, and click :guilabel:`Confirm`."
msgstr ""
"Navigeer vervolgens naar de rechterbovenhoek van de portal en klik op de "
"knop :guilabel:`Bewerken`, naast de sectie :guilabel:`Details`. Wijzig "
"vervolgens de relevante informatie en klik op :guilabel:`Bevestigen`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:124
msgid "Change password"
@ -10707,6 +10794,9 @@ msgid ""
"to access the portal user account. A portal dashboard will appear upon "
"successfully logging in."
msgstr ""
"Voer eerst de gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord (login) in op de inlogpagina "
"van de database om toegang te krijgen tot het portalgebruikersaccount. "
"Wanneer u succesvol bent ingelogd, verschijnt er een portaaldashboard."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:129
msgid ""
@ -10717,6 +10807,12 @@ msgid ""
"verify the new password. Lastly, click on :guilabel:`Change Password` to "
"complete the password change."
msgstr ""
"Als de klant zijn wachtwoord voor toegang tot de portal wil wijzigen, klikt "
"u op de link :guilabel:`Beveiligingsinstellingen bewerken`, onder de sectie "
":guilabel:`Accountbeveiliging`. Breng vervolgens de nodige wijzigingen aan "
"door het huidige :guilabel:`Wachtwoord`, :guilabel:`Nieuw wachtwoord` in te "
"typen, en verifieer het nieuwe wachtwoord. Klik ten slotte op "
":guilabel:`Wachtwoord wijzigen` om de wachtwoordwijziging te voltooien."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:135
msgid ""
@ -10724,16 +10820,22 @@ msgid ""
"the Odoo database point-of-contact. :ref:`See above documentation on "
"changing the portal username <portal/login>`."
msgstr ""
"Als een klant de login wil wijzigen, zoals hierboven gedocumenteerd, neem "
"dan contact op met het aanspreekpunt van de Odoo-database. :ref:`Zie "
"bovenstaande documentatie over het wijzigen van de portal-gebruikersnaam "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:139
msgid ""
"Passwords for portal users and Odoo.com users remain separate, even if the "
"same email address is used."
msgstr ""
"Wachtwoorden voor portalgebruikers en Odoo.com-gebruikers blijven "
"gescheiden, zelfs als hetzelfde e-mailadres wordt gebruikt."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:143
msgid "Add two-factor authentication"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Voeg twee-factor-authenticatie toe"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:148
msgid ""
@ -10741,6 +10843,9 @@ msgid ""
"portal access, click on the :guilabel:`Edit Security Settings` link, below "
"the :guilabel:`Account Security` section."
msgstr ""
"Als de klant tweefactorauthenticatie (2FA) wil inschakelen voor "
"portaltoegang, klikt u op de link :guilabel:`Beveiligingsinstellingen "
"bewerken`, onder de sectie :guilabel:`Accountbeveiliging`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:151
msgid ""
@ -10751,16 +10856,25 @@ msgid ""
"factor authentication)` app (Google Authenticator, Authy, etc.), by scanning"
" the :guilabel:`QR code` or entering a :guilabel:`Verification Code`."
msgstr ""
"Klik op :guilabel:`Twee-factor-authenticatie inschakelen` om :abbr:`2FA "
"(twee-factor-authenticatie)` in te schakelen. Bevestig het huidige "
"portalwachtwoord in het veld :guilabel:`Wachtwoord`. Klik vervolgens op "
":guilabel:`Wachtwoord bevestigen`. Activeer vervolgens :abbr:`2FA "
"(tweefactorauthenticatie)` in een :abbr:`2FA (tweefactorauthenticatie)` app "
"(Google Authenticator, Authy, enz.), door de :guilabel:`QR-code` te scannen "
"of voer een :guilabel:`Verificatiecode` in."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:157
msgid ""
"Finally, click :guilabel:`Enable two-factor authentication` to complete the "
msgstr ""
"Klik ten slotte op :guilabel:`Tweefactorauthenticatie inschakelen` om de "
"installatie te voltooien."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:160
msgid "Change payment info"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Betalingsgegevens wijzigen"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/portal.rst:165
msgid ""
@ -10768,3 +10882,7 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Manage payment methods` in the menu on the right. Then, add the "
"new payment information, and select :guilabel:`Add new card`."
msgstr ""
"Als de klant de betalingsopties wil beheren, navigeer dan naar "
":guilabel:`Betaalmethoden beheren` in het menu aan de rechterkant. Voeg "
"vervolgens de nieuwe betalingsgegevens toe en selecteer :guilabel:`Nieuwe "
"kaart toevoegen`."

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -10592,6 +10592,8 @@ msgid ""
"Activating the :guilabel:`Multi-Step Routes` setting will also activate the "
":guilabel:`Storage Locations` feature."
msgstr ""
"A ativação da configuração :guilabel:`Rotas com várias etapas` também "
"ativará o recurso :guilabel:`Locais de armazenamento`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/receipts_delivery_two_steps.rst:46
msgid ""
@ -10599,6 +10601,9 @@ msgid ""
"deliveries. Go to :menuselection:`Inventory --> Configuration --> "
"Warehouses`, and click on the warehouse to change the warehouse settings."
msgstr ""
"Em seguida, o depósito precisa ser configurado para recebimentos e entregas "
"em duas etapas. Vá para :menuselection:`Inventário --> Configuração --> "
"Armazém` e clique no depósito para alterar as configurações do depósito."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/receipts_delivery_two_steps.rst:50
msgid ""

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:11
msgid "`Odoo Documents: product page <https://www.odoo.com/app/documents>`_"
msgstr ""
msgstr "`เอกสาร Odoo: หน้าผลิตภัณฑ์ <https://www.odoo.com/app/documents>`_"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Enable the centralization of files attached to a specific area of your "
msgstr ""
msgstr "เปิดใช้งานการรวมศูนย์ของไฟล์ที่แนบมากับพื้นที่เฉพาะของกิจกรรมของคุณ"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -1172,16 +1172,21 @@ msgid ""
"is necessary to click on :guilabel:`Journals` and define each journal "
"independently to allow automatic synchronization."
msgstr ""
"หากคุณเปิดใช้งานการรวมศูนย์ของไฟล์และเอกสารทางบัญชีของคุณ จำเป็นต้องคลิกที่ "
":guilabel:`สมุดรายวัน` "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:0
msgid "Enable the centralization of files attached to your accounting."
msgstr ""
msgstr "เปิดใช้งานการรวมศูนย์ของไฟล์ที่แนบมากับบัญชีของคุณ"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:39
msgid ""
"If you select a new workspace, existing documents aren't moved. Only newly "
"created documents will be found under the new workspace."
msgstr ""
"หากคุณเลือกพื้นที่ทำงานใหม่ เอกสารที่มีอยู่จะไม่ถูกย้าย "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:43
msgid "Workspaces"
@ -1204,7 +1209,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst-1
msgid "Create sub-workspaces from the left menu"
msgstr ""
msgstr "สร้างพื้นที่ทำงานย่อยจากเมนูด้านซ้าย"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:58
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign.rst:227
@ -1237,7 +1242,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:70
msgid "Documents management"
msgstr ""
msgstr "การจัดการเอกสาร"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:72
msgid ""
@ -1250,7 +1255,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst-1
msgid "right panel options"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ตัวเลือกแผงด้านขวา"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:81
msgid ""
@ -1267,6 +1272,10 @@ msgid ""
"to it. He can only view the document and not modify it. I.e.: an existing "
"supplier in your database is the contact for their bill."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`รายชื่อติดต่อ` "
"คือบุคคลที่เกี่ยวข้องกับเอกสารและได้รับมอบหมายให้ทำเอกสารนั้น "
"เขาสามารถดูได้เฉพาะเอกสารเท่านั้นและไม่สามารถแก้ไขได้ กล่าวคือ: "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:90
msgid ""
@ -1284,7 +1293,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:98
msgid "Workflow actions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "การดำเนินการเวิร์กโฟลว์"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:100
msgid ""
@ -1298,7 +1307,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:107
msgid "Create workflow actions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "สร้างการดำเนินการเวิร์กโฟลว์"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:109
msgid ""
@ -1314,7 +1323,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:117
msgid "Set the conditions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "กำหนดเงื่อนไข"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -1323,10 +1332,14 @@ msgid ""
" trigger the appearance of the action button (:guilabel:`▶`) on the right-"
"side panel when selecting a file."
msgstr ""
"คุณสามารถ :guilabel:`สร้าง` :guilabel:`การดำเนินการใหม่` "
"หรือแก้ไขอันที่มีอยู่ คุณสามารถกำหนด :guilabel:`ชื่อการดำเนินการ` "
"จากนั้นตั้งค่าเงื่อนไขที่ทริกเกอร์ลักษณะที่แสดงของปุ่มการกระทำ "
"(:guilabel:`▶`) บนแผงด้านขวาเมื่อเลือกไฟล์"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:123
msgid "There are three basic types of conditions you can set:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "มีเงื่อนไขพื้นฐานสามประเภทที่คุณสามารถกำหนดได้:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:125
msgid ""
@ -1338,16 +1351,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:128
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Contact`: the files must be associated with the contact set here."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`รายชื่อติดต่อ`: ไฟล์จะต้องเชื่อมโยงกับชุดผู้ติดต่อที่นี่"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:130
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Owner`: the files must be associated with the owner set here."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`เจ้าของ`: ไฟล์จะต้องเชื่อมโยงกับเจ้าของที่ตั้งไว้ที่นี่"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst-1
msgid "Example of a workflow action's basic condition in Odoo Documents"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ตัวอย่างเงื่อนไขพื้นฐานของการดำเนินการเวิร์กโฟลว์ในเอกสาร Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:137
msgid ""
@ -1357,7 +1370,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:141
msgid "Advanced condition type: domain"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ประเภทเงื่อนไขขั้นสูง: โดเมน"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:144
msgid ""
@ -1387,7 +1400,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst-1
msgid "Example of a workflow action's domain condition in Odoo Documents"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ตัวอย่างเงื่อนไขโดเมนของการดำเนินการเวิร์กโฟลว์ในเอกสาร Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:163
msgid ""

View File

@ -5040,7 +5040,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Force HTTPS connections during a year for every visitor in NGINX with the "
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 NGINX 中使用以下命令行,在一年内强制每个访客使用 HTTPS 连接:"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/deploy.rst:376
msgid ""
@ -5900,7 +5900,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"It is required to be logged in as a paying on-premise customer or partner to"
" download the Enterprise packages."
msgstr ""
msgstr "必须以付费内部客户或合作伙伴的身份登录,才能下载企业软件包。"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/packages.rst:25
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/source.rst:52

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"In the search bar, search for the following :guilabel:`Delegated "
"permissions` and click :guilabel:`Add permissions` for each one:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "在搜索栏中搜索:guilabel:`授权权限` ,然后为每项点击:guilabel:`添加权限`"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication/azure_oauth.rst:58
msgid ":guilabel:`SMTP.Send`"

View File

@ -7117,7 +7117,7 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo issues a warning message if the set delivery date is earlier than the "
"expected date, as it may not be feasible to fulfill the order by that time, "
"which would impact other warehouse operations."
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果设定的交货日期早于预期日期Odoo 就会发出警告信息,因为届时可能无法完成订单,从而影响其他仓库业务。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/advanced_operations_shipping/scheduled_dates.rst:63
msgid ""
@ -7126,17 +7126,19 @@ msgid ""
" the business uses a sales security lead time of 1 day. Based on the lead "
"time inputs, Odoo suggests a delivery date in 15 days, on July 26th."
msgstr ""
"7月 11 日确认了一份包含`椰香蜡烛`的:abbr:`销售订单SO`。该产品的客户交货时间为 14 天,企业使用 1 "
"天的销售安全交货时间。根据交货时间的设定Odoo 建议在 15 天后的 7 月 26 日进行交货。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/advanced_operations_shipping/scheduled_dates.rst:0
msgid ""
"Set *Delivery Date* in a sales order. Enables delivery lead times feature."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在销售订单中设置*交货日期*。启用交货周期功能。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/advanced_operations_shipping/scheduled_dates.rst:71
msgid ""
"The following sections demonstrate how to automatically compute expected "
"delivery dates."
msgstr ""
msgstr "以下部分演示如何自动计算预期交货日期。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/advanced_operations_shipping/scheduled_dates.rst:74
msgid "Customer lead time"
@ -19035,19 +19037,20 @@ msgid ""
"development, design, manufacturing, marketing, and post-launch support "
msgstr ""
"Odoo *产品生命周期管理**PLM*)提供了一种系统化的方法,用于在概念开发、设计、制造、营销和上市后支持阶段对产品进行测试、协作和迭代。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm.rst:14
msgid ""
"With approvals, key stakeholders can review changes before implementation."
msgstr ""
msgstr "有了审批,主要利益相关者就可以在实施前对变更进行审查。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes.rst:3
msgid "Change management"
msgstr ""
msgstr "变更管理"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:10
msgid "ECO type"
msgstr ""
msgstr "工程变更指令ECO类型"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -19056,6 +19059,8 @@ msgid ""
" separates |ECOs| into a project in Gantt view, ensuring collaborators and "
"stakeholders **only** view and assist with relevant |BOM| improvements."
msgstr ""
"为*工程变更指定*ECO分配*ECO 类型*以组织和追踪对产品和物料清单BoMs的变更。每种 |ECO| 类型在甘特视图中将 |ECO| "
"分隔成一个项目,确保协作者和利益相关者**只**能查看和协助相关的 |BOM| 改进。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -19065,28 +19070,30 @@ msgid ""
"the 'New Product Introduction' and 'Product Improvement' projects, avoiding "
"unrelated supplier change or firmware update |ECOs|."
msgstr ""
"例如,电子芯片制造商可能会使用 “新产品介绍”、“产品改进”、“组件变更”和“固件更新”等 |ECO| 类型。这样,设计师和工程师就可以专注于 "
"“新产品介绍”和“产品改进”项目中的 |ECO|,避免无关的供应商变更或固件更新 |ECO|。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:23
msgid "Create ECO type"
msgstr ""
msgstr "创建 ECO 类型"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:25
msgid ""
"To access and manage ECO types, navigate to :menuselection:`PLM app --> "
"Configuration --> ECO Types`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "要访问和管理 ECO 类型,请导航至 :menuselection:`PLM 应用程序 --> 配置 --> ECO 类型`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:28
msgid ""
"Create a new ECO type by clicking :guilabel:`New`. On the new :guilabel:`ECO"
" Types` form, fill in the following information:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "点击 :guilabel:`新建`,创建新的 ECO 类型。在新的 :guilabel:`ECO 类型` 表格中,填写以下信息:"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:31
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Name`: the name of the |ECO| type, which will organize all of the"
" |ECOs| of this *type* in a project."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`名称`|ECO| 类型的名称,它将组织项目中该*类型*的所有 |ECO|。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -19094,6 +19101,7 @@ msgid ""
"to this email address automatically generate |ECOs| in the left-most stage "
"of this |ECO| type."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`电子邮件别名`:如果填写了此可选字段,则向此电子邮件地址提交的电子邮件将自动在此 |ECO| 类型的最左级生成 |ECO|。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:37
msgid ""
@ -19102,14 +19110,16 @@ msgid ""
"generates |ECOs| in the `Formulation change` project sent to the email "
"address, `pawlish-change@pawlished-glam.odoo.com`."
msgstr ""
"“配方变更” |ECO| 类型用于在单个项目中组织和追踪相关的 |ECO|。配置 :guilabel:`电子邮件别名` 字段后,“配方更改” 项目中的 "
"|ECO| 会发送到电子邮件地址“pawlish-change@pawlished-glam.odoo.com”。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:0
msgid "Example of an ECO type."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ECO 类型示例。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:46
msgid "Edit ECO type"
msgstr ""
msgstr "编辑 ECO 类型"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:48
msgid ""
@ -19117,12 +19127,14 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`PLM app --> Configuration --> ECO Types` page. There, click "
"on the desired |ECO| type from the list."
msgstr ""
"通过导航至 :menuselection:`PLM 应用程序 --> 配置 --> ECO 类型` 页面,修改现有 |ECO| "
"类型名称和电子邮件别名。在该页面中,从列表中点击所需的 |ECO| 类型。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:51
msgid ""
"On the form for each |ECO| type, proceed to edit the :guilabel:`Name` and "
":guilabel:`Email Alias` fields."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在每个 |ECO| 类型的表单中,继续编辑 :guilabel:`名称` 和 :guilabel:`电子邮件别名` 字段。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:57
msgid "Stages"
@ -19134,6 +19146,8 @@ msgid ""
"identify the progress of the |ECO| before the changes are ready to be "
"applied. (e.g. 'Feedback', 'In Progress', 'Approved', 'Complete')"
msgstr ""
"在 |ECO| 类型的项目中,*阶段*就像里程碑,用于在准备应用更改之前确定 |ECO| "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:63
msgid ""
@ -19143,6 +19157,8 @@ msgid ""
"enforcing at least one review of suggested changes before they're applied on"
" a production |BOM|."
msgstr ""
"此外,还可以在每个阶段添加所需的审批人,确保在审批人审查和批准 |ECO| 之前,不能对生产 |BOM| 进行更改。这样做可以防止生产 |BOM| "
"上出现错误,因为在建议的更改应用到生产 |BOM| 上之前,至少要对其进行一次审核。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:68
msgid ""
@ -19151,16 +19167,20 @@ msgid ""
"|ECOs| that have been either canceled or approved for use as the next "
"production |BOM|."
msgstr ""
"最佳做法是,至少应有一个 *验证* 阶段(该阶段要求有审批人)和一个 *关闭* 阶段(用于存储已取消或已批准用作下一个生产 |BOM| 的 |ECO| "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:73
msgid "Create stage"
msgstr ""
msgstr "创建阶段"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:75
msgid ""
"To add a stage, go to the :menuselection:`PLM` app and select the intended "
"project for an |ECO| type from the :guilabel:`PLM Overview` dashboard."
msgstr ""
"要添加阶段,请转到 :menuselection:`PLM` 应用程序,并从 :guilabel:`PLM 概览` 仪表板中为 |ECO| "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:78
msgid ""
@ -19169,6 +19189,8 @@ msgid ""
"box to fill in the name of the stage. After filling it in, click the "
":guilabel:`Add` button to finish adding the stage."
msgstr ""
"然后,在 |ECO| 类型的 :guilabel:`工程变更指令` 项目管道上,点击 :guilabel:`+ 阶段` "
"按钮。此操作将显示一个文本框,用于填写阶段名称。填写完毕后,点击 :guilabel:`添加` 按钮完成添加阶段。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:83
msgid ""
@ -19176,20 +19198,21 @@ msgid ""
" the `New` stage. Adding another stage helps the product manager track "
"unassigned tasks."
msgstr ""
"新的 “已分配” 阶段将已分配的 |ECO| 与 “新” 阶段中未分配的 |ECO| 区分开来。添加另一个阶段有助于产品经理追踪未分配的任务。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:0
msgid "Create a new stage in a project for an ECO type."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在项目中为 ECO 类型创建一个新阶段。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:91
msgid "Verification stage"
msgstr ""
msgstr "验证阶段"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:93
msgid ""
"Click an ECO type from :menuselection:`PLM app --> Overview` to open a "
"kanban view of |ECOs| of this type."
msgstr ""
msgstr "从 :menuselection:`PLM 应用程序 --> 概览` 中单击一个 ECO 类型,打开该类型的 |ECOs| 看板视图。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:96
msgid ""
@ -19197,12 +19220,13 @@ msgid ""
" the :guilabel:`⚙️ (gear)` icon. Then, click :guilabel:`Edit` to open a pop-"
"up window."
msgstr ""
"要配置验证阶段,请将鼠标悬停在预定阶段上,然后选择 :guilabel:`⚙️(齿轮)` 图标。然后,点击:guilabel:`编辑` 弹出窗口。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:99
msgid ""
"Configure the verification stage in the edit stage pop-up window, by "
"checking the box for :guilabel:`Allow to apply changes`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在弹出的编辑阶段窗口中配置验证阶段,方法是选中 :guilabel:`允许应用变更` 的复选框。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:102
msgid ""
@ -19210,19 +19234,20 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Add a line`, and specifying the :guilabel:`Role` of the reviewer,"
" their :guilabel:`User`, and :guilabel:`Approval Type`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:106
msgid ""
"Make sure at least one approver is configured with the :guilabel:`Approval "
"Type`: :guilabel:`Is required to approve`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "确保至少有一名审批人配置了 :guilabel:`审批类型`: :guilabel:`需要批准`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:109
msgid ""
"The approver listed is automatically notified when |ECOs| are dropped in the"
" stage specified in the pop-up window. Once finished, click :guilabel:`Save "
"& Close`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在弹出窗口中指定的阶段丢弃 |ECO| 时,会自动通知列出的审批人。完成后,点击 :guilabel:`保存并关闭`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:113
msgid ""
@ -19231,27 +19256,29 @@ msgid ""
"selecting :guilabel:`Edit`. Doing so opens the :guilabel:`Edit: Validated` "
"pop-up window."
msgstr ""
"在 |ECO| 类型 “新产品介绍”中,通过点击 :guilabel:`⚙️(齿轮)` 图标并选择 :guilabel:`编辑` "
"来配置验证阶段“已验证”。此操作将打开 :guilabel:`编辑:已验证` 弹出窗口。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:117
msgid ""
"By adding the `Engineering manager` as an approver, only |ECOs| approved by "
"this user can proceed to the next stage, and have the changes applied on the"
" production |BOM|."
msgstr ""
msgstr "将“工程经理”添加为批准人后,只有经该用户批准的 |ECO| 才能进入下一阶段,并将更改应用于生产 |BOM|。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:120
msgid ""
"Additionally, check the :guilabel:`Allow to apply changes` option to ensure "
"proper behavior."
msgstr ""
msgstr "此外,请检查 :guilabel:`允许应用变更` 选项,以确保行为正确。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:0
msgid "Show \"Allow to apply changes\" option is checked."
msgstr ""
msgstr "选中“允许应用变更”选项。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:127
msgid "Closing stage"
msgstr ""
msgstr "关闭阶段"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:129
msgid ""
@ -19260,6 +19287,8 @@ msgid ""
"(gear)` icon that appears in the top-right corner. Then, click "
":guilabel:`Edit` from the drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
"打开 :guilabel:`编辑: [阶段]` 弹窗,配置关闭阶段。要执行此操作,请将鼠标悬停在预定阶段上,然后点击右上角出现的 "
":guilabel:`⚙️(齿轮)`图标。然后,从下拉菜单中点击 :guilabel:`编辑`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:133
msgid ""
@ -19267,6 +19296,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Folded in kanban view`, :guilabel:`Allow to apply changes` and "
":guilabel:`Final Stage`."
msgstr ""
"在 :guilabel:`编辑: [阶段]` 弹窗中,选中 :guilabel:`折叠在看板视图中`、:guilabel:`允许应用变更` 和 "
":guilabel:`最后阶段` 复选框。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst:137
msgid ""
@ -19274,6 +19305,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Folded in kanban view`, :guilabel:`Allow to apply changes`, and "
":guilabel:`Final Stage` options"
msgstr ""
"通过选中 :guilabel:`折叠在看板视图中`、:guilabel:`允许应用变更` 和 :guilabel:`最后阶段` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/eco_type.rst-1
msgid "Show configurations of the closing stage."
@ -19281,7 +19314,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/engineering_change_orders.rst:3
msgid "Engineering change orders"
msgstr ""
msgstr "工程变更指令"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/engineering_change_orders.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -19289,10 +19322,12 @@ msgid ""
" change versions made to products, and :ref:`bills of materials "
msgstr ""
"利用*工程变更指令**ECO*)追踪、实施和恢复对产品和物料清单进行的变更版本:ref:`bills of materials "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/engineering_change_orders.rst:15
msgid "Engineering change orders can be created:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "可创建工程变更指令:"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/engineering_change_orders.rst:17
msgid ":ref:`directly in the ECO type <plm/eco/create-eco>`."
@ -19321,6 +19356,8 @@ msgid ""
"On the :guilabel:`Engineering Change Orders` page, click the :guilabel:`New`"
" button in the top-left corner."
msgstr ""
"要创建新的 |ECO|,首先要导航到 *PLM* 应用程序。然后,选择用于跟踪变更进度的 |ECO| 类型卡。在 :guilabel:`工程变更指令` "
"页面上,点击左上角的 :guilabel:`新建` 按钮。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/engineering_change_orders.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -19330,20 +19367,22 @@ msgid ""
"introductions, targeted product line updates, or regulatory compliance "
msgstr ""
"了解如何创建新的 :ref:`ECO 类型 <plm/eco/eco-type>`,以分类和组织变更指令。这样做可确保员工只查看与其职责相关的 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/engineering_change_orders.rst:36
msgid "On the |ECO| form, fill in the following fields accordingly:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 |ECO| 表格中,填写以下相应字段:"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/engineering_change_orders.rst:38
msgid ":guilabel:`Description` is a brief summary of the improvement."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`说明` 是对改进的简要概述。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/engineering_change_orders.rst:39
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Type`: specifies the |ECO| type project for organizing the "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`类型`:指定用于组织 |ECO| 的 |ECO| 类型项目。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/plm/manage_changes/engineering_change_orders.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -22554,21 +22593,23 @@ msgid ""
"**Odoo Quality** helps ensure product quality throughout manufacturing "
"processes and inventory movements. Conduct quality checks, automate quality "
"inspection frequency, and create quality alerts when issues arise."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Odoo 品控** 帮助确保整个生产流程和库存移动过程中的产品质量。进行质量检查,自动控制质量检验频率,并在出现问题时创建质量警报。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality.rst:15
msgid ""
"`Odoo Tutorials: Managing Quality Checks "
msgstr ""
"`Odoo 教程:管理质量检查 <https://www.odoo.com/slides/slide/managing-quality-"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types.rst:5
msgid "Quality check types"
msgstr ""
msgstr "质量检查类型"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:3
msgid "Instructions quality check"
msgstr ""
msgstr "指令质量检查"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:7
msgid ""
@ -22577,6 +22618,7 @@ msgid ""
"point (QCP). *Instructions* checks consist of a text entry field that allows"
" the creator to provide instructions for how to complete the check."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -22585,10 +22627,13 @@ msgid ""
"checks>` and :ref:`quality control points "
msgstr ""
"有关如何配置质量检查或 |QCP| 的完整概述,请参阅 :ref:`质量检查<quality/quality_management/quality-"
"checks>` 和 :ref:`质量控制点<quality/quality_management/quality-control-points>` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:16
msgid "Process an Instructions quality check"
msgstr ""
msgstr "处理说明质量检查"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -22596,11 +22641,11 @@ msgid ""
" If a quality check is assigned to a specific manufacturing, inventory, or "
"work order, the check can be processed on the order itself. Alternatively, a"
" check can be processed from the check's page."
msgstr ""
msgstr "*说明*质量检查有多种处理方式。如果质量检查分配给特定的制造单、库存单或工单,则可在订单上处理检查。另外,也可以在检查页面处理检查。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:23
msgid "Process from the quality check's page"
msgstr ""
msgstr "质量检查页面的流程"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -22609,6 +22654,8 @@ msgid ""
"Checks`, and select a quality check. Follow the :guilabel:`Instructions` for"
" how to complete the check."
msgstr ""
"要从检查页面处理*说明*质量检查,首先导航到 :menuselection:`质量-->质量控制-->质量检查`,然后选择一项质量检查。按照 "
":guilabel:`说明` 指示完成检查。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -22616,10 +22663,11 @@ msgid ""
" quality check form. If the product does not pass the check, click the "
":guilabel:`Fail` button, instead."
msgstr ""
"如果产品通过检查,请单击质量检查表上方的 :guilabel:`通过` 按钮。如果产品未通过检查,请点击 :guilabel:`未通过` 按钮。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:33
msgid "Process quality check on an order"
msgstr ""
msgstr "对订单进行流程质量检查"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:35
msgid ""
@ -22631,6 +22679,9 @@ msgid ""
"navigating to :menuselection:`Inventory`, clicking the :guilabel:`# To "
"Process` button on an operation card, and selecting an order."
msgstr ""
"要对订单进行*说明*质量检查,请选择需要检查的生产订单或库存订单(收货、发货、退货等)。可通过导航至 :menuselection:`制造 --> 操作"
" --> 制造订单` 并点击订单来选择生产订单。库存订单可通过导航至 :menuselection:`库存`,点击操作卡上的 :guilabel:`# "
"待处理` 按钮,然后选择订单。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:42
msgid ""
@ -22639,10 +22690,12 @@ msgid ""
"to open the :guilabel:`Quality Check` pop-up window, from which any quality "
"checks created for the order can be processed."
msgstr ""
"在选定的制造或库存订单上,订单上方会出现一个紫色的 :guilabel:`质量检查` 按钮。点击该按钮可打开:guilabel:`质量检查` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst-1
msgid "The Quality Check pop-up window on a manufacturing or inventory order."
msgstr ""
msgstr "制造或库存订单上的质量检查弹窗。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -22650,6 +22703,7 @@ msgid ""
"detailed in the :guilabel:`Quality Check` pop-up window. Finally, click "
":guilabel:`Validate` to confirm that the check has been completed."
msgstr ""
"要完成*说明*质量检查,请按照 :guilabel:`质量检查`弹窗中的详细说明进行操作。最后,单击 :guilabel:`验证`,确认检查已完成。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:54
msgid ""
@ -22658,6 +22712,7 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Quality Alert` button that appears at the top of the "
"manufacturing or inventory order after the check is validated."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:58
msgid ""
@ -22666,10 +22721,12 @@ msgid ""
"documentation on :ref:`quality alerts <quality/quality_management/quality-"
msgstr ""
"点击:guilabel:`质量警报` 可在新页面上打开质量警报表单。有关如何填写质量警报表单的完整指南,请查看 :ref:`quality alerts"
" <quality/quality_management/quality-alerts>` 文档。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:63
msgid "Process work order quality check"
msgstr ""
msgstr "处理工单质量检查"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/instructions_check.rst:65
msgid ""
@ -22721,7 +22778,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:3
msgid "Measure quality check"
msgstr ""
msgstr "测量质量检查"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -22732,17 +22789,19 @@ msgid ""
"the recorded measurement must be within a certain *tolerance* of a *norm* "
msgstr ""
"在 Odoo *品控*中,*测量*检查是创建新质量检查或质量控制点QCP时可选择的质量检查类型之一。*测量* 检查提示用户测量产品的某个方面,并在 "
"Odoo 中记录测量结果。若要通过质量检查,记录的测量值必须在某个*标准值的*公差*范围内。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:14
msgid "Create a Measure quality check"
msgstr ""
msgstr "创建测量质量检查"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:16
msgid ""
"There are two distinct ways that *Measure* quality checks can be created. A "
"single check can be manually created. Alternatively, a |QCP| can be "
"configured that automatically creates checks at a predetermined interval."
msgstr ""
msgstr "创建 *测量* 质量检查有两种不同的方法。可以手动创建单个检查。或者,也可以配置一个 |QCP| 按预定时间间隔自动创建检查。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:20
msgid ""
@ -22753,12 +22812,15 @@ msgid ""
"<quality/quality_management/quality-checks>` and :ref:`quality control "
"points <quality/quality_management/quality-control-points>`."
msgstr ""
"本文档仅详细介绍 *测量* 质量检查和 |QCPs| 特有的配置选项。要全面了解创建单个检查或 |QCP| 时可用的所有配置选项,请参阅 "
":ref:`质量检查<quality/quality_management/quality-checks>` 和 "
":ref:`质量控制点<quality/quality_management/quality-control-points>` 文档。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:27
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/pass_fail_check.rst:27
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/picture_check.rst:26
msgid "Quality check"
msgstr ""
msgstr "质量检查"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -22766,12 +22828,14 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Quality --> Quality Control --> Quality Checks`, and click "
":guilabel:`New`. Fill out the new quality check form as follows:"
msgstr ""
"要创建单个 *测量* 质量检查,请导航至 :menuselection:`品控 --> 质量控制 --> 质量检查`,然后单击 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:32
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Type` drop-down field, select the :guilabel:`Measure` "
"quality check type."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 :guilabel:`类型` 下拉字段中,选择 :guilabel:`测量` 质量检查类型。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:33
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/pass_fail_check.rst:34
@ -22779,22 +22843,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Team` drop-down field, select the quality team responsible"
" for managing the check."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 :guilabel:`团队` 下拉字段中,选择负责管理检查的质量小组。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:35
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/picture_check.rst:35
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Instructions` text field of the :guilabel:`Notes` tab, "
"enter instructions for how the picture should be taken."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 :guilabel:`备注` 标签页的 :guilabel:`指令` 文本框中,输入如何拍摄照片的指示。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst-1
msgid "A quality check form configured for a Measure quality check."
msgstr ""
msgstr "为测量质量检查配置的质量检查表单。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:43
msgid "Quality control point (QCP)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "质量控制点QCP"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:45
msgid ""
@ -22802,6 +22866,8 @@ msgid ""
"navigate to :menuselection:`Quality --> Quality Control --> Control Points`,"
" and click :guilabel:`New`. Fill out the new |QCP| form as follows:"
msgstr ""
"要创建自动生成 *测量* 质量检查的 |QCP| ,请导航至 :menuselection:`品控 --> 质量控制 --> 控制点`,然后单击 "
":guilabel:`新建`。填写新的 |QCP| 表格如下:"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:49
msgid ""
@ -22809,13 +22875,15 @@ msgid ""
"quality check type. Doing so causes two new fields to appear: "
":guilabel:`Norm` and :guilabel:`Tolerance`."
msgstr ""
"在 :guilabel:`类型` 下拉字段中,选择 :guilabel:`测量` 质量检查类型。这样会出现两个新字段: :guilabel:`标准` 和"
" :guilabel:`容差`。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:52
msgid ""
"Use the first text-entry field of the :guilabel:`Norm` field to record the "
"ideal measurement that the product should conform to. Use the second text-"
"entry field to specify the unit of measurement that should be used."
msgstr ""
msgstr "使用 :guilabel:`标准` 字段的第一个文本输入字段记录产品应符合的理想测量值。使用第二个文本输入字段指定应使用的测量单位。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:55
msgid ""
@ -22824,6 +22892,8 @@ msgid ""
"acceptable measurement, and the :guilabel:`to` field to specify the maximum "
"acceptable measurement."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`容差` 字段有两个子字段::guilabel:`从` 和 :guilabel:`至`。使用 :guilabel:`从` "
"字段指定可接受的最小测量值,使用 :guilabel:`至` 字段指定可接受的最大测量值。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:59
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/pass_fail_check.rst:51
@ -22831,21 +22901,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Team` drop-down field, select the quality team responsible"
" for managing the checks created by the |QCP|."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 :guilabel:`团队` 下拉字段中,选择负责管理由 |QCP| 创建的检查的质量团队。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:61
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Instructions` text field, enter instructions for how the "
"measurement should be taken."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 :guilabel:`指令` 文本字段中,输入如何进行测量的指令。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst-1
msgid "A QCP form configured to create Measure quality checks."
msgstr ""
msgstr "QCP 表格配置用于创建测量质量检查。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:69
msgid "Process a Measure quality check"
msgstr ""
msgstr "处理测量质量检查"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:71
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/pass_fail_check.rst:63
@ -22855,12 +22925,13 @@ msgid ""
"manufacturing, or work order, the check can be processed on the order "
"itself. Alternatively, a check can be processed from the check's page."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:76
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/pass_fail_check.rst:68
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/picture_check.rst:71
msgid "From the check's page"
msgstr ""
msgstr "从检查页面处理检查"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:78
msgid ""
@ -22869,6 +22940,8 @@ msgid ""
"Checks`, and select a quality check. Follow the :guilabel:`Instructions` for"
" how to take the measurement."
msgstr ""
"要从检查页面处理 *测量* 质量检查,首先导航到 :menuselection:`品控 --> 质量控制 --> 质量检查`,然后选择一项质量检查。按照"
" :guilabel:`指令` 的说明进行测量。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:82
msgid ""
@ -22876,6 +22949,8 @@ msgid ""
"field on the quality check form. To manually pass or fail the check, click "
":guilabel:`Pass` or :guilabel:`Fail` at the top-left corner of the check."
msgstr ""
"测量后,在质量检查表格的 :guilabel:`测量` 字段中记录测量值。要手动通过或不通过检查,请点击检查左上角的 :guilabel:`通过` 或 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:86
msgid ""
@ -22885,12 +22960,14 @@ msgid ""
"check as *Passed* if the recorded value is within the specified *tolerance*,"
" or *Failed* if the value is outside of it."
msgstr ""
"或者,如果质量检查被分配给一个已指定 *标准* 和 *偏差* 值的 |QCP| ,请点击检查左上角的 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:92
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/pass_fail_check.rst:78
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/picture_check.rst:87
msgid "On an order"
msgstr ""
msgstr "在工单上处理检查"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:94
msgid ""
@ -22902,6 +22979,9 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Inventory`, clicking the :guilabel:`# To Process` button on "
"an operation card, and selecting an order."
msgstr ""
"要对订单进行 *测量* 质量检查,请选择需要检查的制造订单或库存订单(收货、发货、退货等)。可通过导航至 :menuselection:`制造 --> "
"操作 --> 制造订单` 并点击订单来选择生产订单。选择库存订单的方法是浏览 :menuselection:`库存`,点击操作卡上的 "
":guilabel:`# 待处理` 按钮,然后选择订单。"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:101
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/picture_check.rst:96

View File

@ -1438,6 +1438,8 @@ msgid ""
" trigger the appearance of the action button (:guilabel:`▶`) on the right-"
"side panel when selecting a file."
msgstr ""
"您可以 :guilabel:`创建` 新的 :guilabel:`操作` 或编辑现有的。您可以定义 "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:123
msgid "There are three basic types of conditions you can set:"
@ -1453,12 +1455,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:128
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Contact`: the files must be associated with the contact set here."
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`联系人`:文件必须与此处设置的联系人相关联。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:130
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Owner`: the files must be associated with the owner set here."
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`所有者`:文件必须与此处设置的所有者相关联。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst-1
msgid "Example of a workflow action's basic condition in Odoo Documents"
@ -1525,7 +1527,7 @@ msgstr "配置操作"
msgid ""
"Select the :guilabel:`Actions` tab to set up your action. You can "
msgstr ""
msgstr "选择 :guilabel:`操作`选项卡,以设置操作。您可以同时:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:176
msgid ""
@ -1616,7 +1618,7 @@ msgstr "Odoo 档管理应用程序中工作流操作示例"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:205
msgid "Digitize documents with AI and optical character recognition (OCR)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "利用人工智能和光学字符识别OCR将文件数字化"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:207
msgid ""
@ -1631,6 +1633,7 @@ msgid ""
":doc:`AI-powered document digitization "
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/knowledge.rst:7
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/knowledge/articles_editing.rst:203

View File

@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/lost_opportunities.rst:98
msgid "Restore multiple opportunities at once"
msgstr ""
msgstr "一次恢复多个机会"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/lost_opportunities.rst:100
msgid ""
@ -1193,6 +1193,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Pipeline` dashboard in the *CRM* app, open the "
":guilabel:`Filters` drop-down menu, and select the :guilabel:`Lost` option."
msgstr ""
"要一次恢复多个机会,请导航至 *CRM* 应用程序的主 :guilabel:`管道` 面板,打开 :guilabel:`筛选器` 下拉菜单,并选择 "
":guilabel:`丢失` 选项。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/lost_opportunities.rst:103
msgid ""
@ -1202,6 +1204,7 @@ msgid ""
" chosen, select the checkbox to the left of each desired opportunity/lead to"
" be restored."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/lost_opportunities.rst:108
msgid ""
@ -1210,6 +1213,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Pipeline` page. From the :guilabel:`⚙️ Action (gear)` drop-down "
"menu, select :guilabel:`Unarchive`."
msgstr ""
"选择所需的商机/销售线索后,点击 :guilabel:`⚙️操作(齿轮)` 页面顶部的 :guilabel:`管道` 下拉菜单。从 "
":guilabel:`⚙️操作(齿轮)` 下拉菜单中,选择 :guilabel:`取消存档`。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/lost_opportunities.rst:112
msgid ""
@ -1218,6 +1223,8 @@ msgid ""
"criteria. To reveal these newly-restored leads, delete the `Lost` filter "
"from the search bar."
msgstr ""
"这样做会从:guilabel:`管道` 页面移除这些选定的丢失商机,因为它们不再符合 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/lost_opportunities.rst-1
msgid "Action button from list view with the Unarchive option emphasized."
@ -1365,17 +1372,17 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Odoo automatically calculates the probability of winning each lead using a "
"method called *predictive lead scoring*."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 采用一种称为 *预测销售线索评分* 的方法,自动计算赢得销售线索的概率。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:14
msgid "Predictive lead scoring"
msgstr ""
msgstr "预测销售线索评分"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:16
msgid ""
"Predictive lead scoring is a machine-learning model that uses historical "
"data from Odoo *CRM* to score open leads/opportunities."
msgstr ""
msgstr "预测销售线索评分是一种机器学习模型,它使用 Odoo *CRM* 中的历史数据对开放的销售线索/商机进行评分。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:19
msgid ""
@ -1384,18 +1391,19 @@ msgid ""
"this data to predict the probability of winning each new lead or "
msgstr ""
"当公司通过 CRM 管道处理商机时Odoo 会收集有关赢得和丢失商机的数据。预测销售线索评分利用这些数据来预测赢得每个新销售线索或商机的概率。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:23
msgid ""
"The more opportunities that are sent through the CRM pipeline, the more data"
" Odoo collects, resulting in more accurate probabilities."
msgstr ""
msgstr "通过 CRM 管道发送的商机越多Odoo 收集的数据就越多,从而准确率更高。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:26
msgid ""
"Specifically, Odoo's predictive lead scoring uses the *naive Bayes* "
"probability model:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "具体来说Odoo 的预测销售线索评分使用的是 *naive Bayes* 概率模型:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -1404,6 +1412,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"P(A | B) = \\frac{P(A) \\times P(B | A)}{P(B)}\n"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -1448,49 +1460,49 @@ msgstr "然后,点击下拉菜单,选择预测性潜在客户评分功能将
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst-1
msgid ""
"The Update Probabilities window in the Predictive Lead Scoring settings."
msgstr ""
msgstr "预测销售线索评分设置中的更新概率窗口。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:60
msgid "Any number of the following variables can be activated:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "可以激活以下任意数量的变量:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:62
msgid ""
":guilabel:`State`: the geographical state from which the opportunity "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`州/省`:商机来源的州/省"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:63
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Country`: the geographical country from which the opportunity "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`国家/地区`:商机来源的国家/地区"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:64
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Phone Quality`: whether or not a phone number is listed for the "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`电话质量`:是否列出了该商机的电话号码"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:65
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Email Quality`: whether or not an email address is listed for the"
" opportunity"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`电子邮件质量`:是否列出了该商机的电子邮件地址"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:66
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Source`: the source of an opportunity (e.g. search engine, social"
" media)"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`来源`:商机的来源(例如搜索引擎、社交媒体)"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:67
msgid ":guilabel:`Language`: the spoken language specified on the opportunity"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`语言`:商机指定的交流语言"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:68
msgid ":guilabel:`Tags`: the tags placed on the opportunity"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`标签`:商机上的标签"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -1500,50 +1512,52 @@ msgid ""
"takes into account these two variables, regardless of which optional "
"variables are selected."
msgstr ""
"变量“阶段”和“团队”始终有效。阶段是指商机所处的 CRM "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:76
msgid ""
"Next, click on the date field next to the option :guilabel:`Consider leads "
"created as of the:` to select the date from which predictive lead scoring "
"will begin its calculations."
msgstr ""
msgstr "接下来,点击选项旁边的日期字段 :guilabel:`从指定日期开始考虑已创建的销售线索:`,选择预测销售线索评分开始计算的日期。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:79
msgid "Lastly, click :guilabel:`Confirm` to save changes."
msgstr ""
msgstr "最后,点击 :guilabel:`确认` 保存更改。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:82
msgid "Change the probability manually"
msgstr ""
msgstr "手动更改概率"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:84
msgid ""
"An opportunity's probability of success can be changed manually on the "
"opportunity form. Click on the probability number to edit it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "可在商机表单中手动更改商机的成功概率。点击概率数字进行编辑。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:88
msgid ""
"Manually changing the probability removes the automatic probability updates "
"for that opportunity. The probability will no longer update automatically as"
" the opportunity moves through each stage of the pipeline."
msgstr ""
msgstr "手动更改概率会删除该商机的自动概率更新。商机在管道的每个阶段移动时,概率将不再自动更新。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:92
msgid ""
"To reactivate automatic probability, click on the gear icon next to the "
"probability percentage."
msgstr ""
msgstr "要重新激活自动概率,请点击概率百分比旁边的齿轮图标。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst-1
msgid ""
"The gear icon used to reactivate automatic probability on an opportunity "
msgstr ""
msgstr "齿轮图标用于重新激活机会表单上的自动概率。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:99
msgid "Assign leads based on probability"
msgstr ""
msgstr "根据概率分配销售线索"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_scoring.rst:101
msgid ""
@ -6129,7 +6143,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:128
msgid "Register payments"
msgstr ""
msgstr "登记付款"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:130
msgid ""
@ -8100,18 +8114,18 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:86
msgid "Example: request 50% down payment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "例如:要求支付 50%的首付款"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:89
msgid ""
"The following example involves a 50% amount down payment on a product "
"(:guilabel:`Cabinet with Doors`) with :guilabel:`Ordered quantities` as the "
":guilabel:`Invoicing Policy`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "以下示例涉及产品(:guilabel:`带门橱柜`)的 50%首付款,:guilabel:`订购数量`为:guilabel:`发票政策`。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:0
msgid "Cabinet with doors product form showcasing various details and fields."
msgstr ""
msgstr "展示了带门的橱柜产品表单,其中包含各种细节和字段。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:97
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:260
@ -8126,13 +8140,13 @@ msgstr ":doc:`invoicing_policy`"
msgid ""
"First, navigate to :menuselection:`Sales app --> New`, and add a "
":guilabel:`Customer` to the quotation."
msgstr ""
msgstr "首先,导航至 :menuselection:`销售应用程序 --> 新建`,然后在报价单中添加 :guilabel:`客户` 。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:102
msgid ""
"Then, click :guilabel:`Add a product` in the :guilabel:`Order Lines` tab, "
"and select the :guilabel:`Cabinet with Doors` product."
msgstr ""
msgstr "然后,单击 :guilabel:`订单线` 选项卡中的 :guilabel:`添加产品` 并选择 :guilabel:`带门橱柜` 产品。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:105
msgid ""
@ -8140,12 +8154,13 @@ msgid ""
"quotation turns into a sales order. Once this occurs, create and view the "
"invoice by clicking :guilabel:`Create Invoice`."
msgstr ""
"订单确认后(通过 :guilabel:`确认` 按钮),报价单将变为销售订单。此时,请单击 :guilabel:`创建发票`,创建并查看发票。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst-1
msgid ""
"Cabinet with doors sales order that's been confirmed in the Odoo Sales "
msgstr ""
msgstr "带门橱柜销售订单已在 Odoo 销售应用程序中确认。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:112
msgid ""
@ -8153,6 +8168,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Down payment (percentage)`, and type `50` in the :guilabel:`Down "
"Payment Amount` field."
msgstr ""
"然后,在弹出的 :guilabel:`创建发票` 窗口中,选择 :guilabel:`首付款(百分比)`,并在 :guilabel:`首付金额` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:116
msgid ""
@ -8160,6 +8177,7 @@ msgid ""
"*not* required fields, and they will *not* appear if they've already been "
"preconfigured in previous down payment requests."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`收入账户`和 :guilabel:`客户税金`字段**不是**必填字段,如果已在之前的首付款请求中预先配置,则**不会**出现。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:120
msgid ""
@ -8184,6 +8202,8 @@ msgid ""
"includes the down payment as a :guilabel:`Product` in the :guilabel:`Invoice"
" Lines` tab."
msgstr ""
"单击 :guilabel:`创建发票草稿` 将显示发票草稿,其中包括作为 :guilabel:`发票行` 选项卡中的 :guilabel:`产品` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:129
msgid ""
@ -8197,18 +8217,18 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst-1
msgid "A sample draft invoice with down payment mentioned in Odoo Sales."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 销售中提及的首付款发票草稿样本。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:137
msgid ""
"From those buttons, the payment can be registered by clicking "
":guilabel:`Register Payment`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在这些按钮中,点击 :guilabel:`注册付款` 即可注册付款。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst-1
msgid ""
"Showcase of the Register Payment button on a confirmed customer invoice."
msgstr ""
msgstr "已确认客户发票上的注册付款按钮展示。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:143
msgid ""
@ -8217,24 +8237,26 @@ msgid ""
"is correct and make any necessary adjustments. When ready, click the "
":guilabel:`Create Payment` button."
msgstr ""
"这样做会弹出一个 :guilabel:`注册付款` 表格,该表格会自动填充必要的信息。确认所提供的信息是否正确,并进行必要的调整。准备就绪后,点击 "
":guilabel:`创建付款` 按钮。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst-1
msgid ""
"Showcase of the Register Payment pop-up window with create payment button."
msgstr ""
msgstr "弹出注册付款窗口,并带有创建付款按钮。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:151
msgid ""
"After clicking :guilabel:`Create Payment`, Odoo reveals the customer "
"invoice, now with a green :guilabel:`In Payment` banner in the upper-right "
msgstr ""
msgstr "点击 :guilabel:`创建付款` 后Odoo 会显示客户发票,现在右上角有一个绿色的 :guilabel:`付款中` 横幅。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst-1
msgid ""
"Customer Invoice with a green In Payment banner located in the upper-right "
msgstr ""
msgstr "客户发票右上角有绿色的“付款中”横幅。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:158
msgid ""
@ -8249,25 +8271,26 @@ msgid ""
"in the :guilabel:`Order Lines` tab, along with the down payment that was "
"just invoiced and posted."
msgstr ""
"回到销售订单,在 :guilabel:`订单线` 选项卡中出现了一个新的 :guilabel:`首付款` 部分,以及刚刚开具发票并入账的首付款。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst-1
msgid "The down payments section in the order lines tab of a sales order."
msgstr ""
msgstr "销售订单的订单行选项卡中的首付款部分。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:168
msgid "Next, click the :guilabel:`Create Invoice` button."
msgstr ""
msgstr "然后,点击 :guilabel:`创建发票` 按钮。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:170
msgid ""
"On the :guilabel:`Create invoices` pop-up window that appears, there are two"
" new fields: :guilabel:`Already invoiced` and :guilabel:`Amount to invoice`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在弹出的 :guilabel:`创建发票` 窗口中,有两个新字段::guilabel:`已开发票` 和 :guilabel:`发票金额`。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst-1
msgid ""
"The deduct down payment option on the create invoices pop up in Odoo Sales."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 Odoo 销售系统中,创建发票时弹出扣除首付款选项。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:177
msgid ""
@ -8276,10 +8299,12 @@ msgid ""
"complete the total payment, as indicated in the :guilabel:`Amount to "
"invoice` field."
msgstr ""
"如果剩余金额已准备好支付,请选择 :guilabel:`普通发票` 选项。Odoo 将根据 :guilabel:`发票金额` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:181
msgid "Once ready, click :guilabel:`Create Draft Invoice`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "准备就绪后,点击 :guilabel:`创建发票草稿`。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:183
msgid ""
@ -8288,6 +8313,8 @@ msgid ""
"Lines` tab. Each invoice line item displays all the necessary information "
"related to each invoice."
msgstr ""
"这样做会显示另一个 :guilabel:`客户发票草稿` 页面,在 :guilabel:`发票行` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:187
msgid ""
@ -8295,17 +8322,19 @@ msgid ""
" the invoice from :guilabel:`Draft` to :guilabel:`Posted`. Then, click "
":guilabel:`Register Payment`."
msgstr ""
"要完成流程,请点击:guilabel:`确认`,发票状态将从 :guilabel:`草稿`变为 :guilabel:`已发布`。然后,点击 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:190
msgid ""
"Once again, the :guilabel:`Register Payment` appears, with all fields auto-"
"populated with the necessary information, including the remaining amount "
"left to be paid on the order."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`注册付款` 再次出现时,所有字段都会自动填充必要信息,包括订单的剩余付款金额。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst-1
msgid "The second register payment pop-up form in Odoo sales."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 销售中的第二个注册付款弹出窗体。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:197
msgid ""
@ -8314,33 +8343,35 @@ msgid ""
" Payment` banner in the upper-right corner. Also, both down payments are "
"present in the :guilabel:`Invoice Lines` tab."
msgstr ""
"确认信息后,点击 :guilabel:`创建付款`。这样就会显示最终的 :guilabel:`客户发票` 并在右上角显示绿色的 "
":guilabel:`付款中` 横幅。此外,两个首付款都会出现在 :guilabel:`发票行` 选项卡中。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst-1
msgid "The second down payment invoice with in payment banner in Odoo Sales."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在 Odoo 销售系统中,第二张首付款发票带有付款横幅。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:205
msgid "At this point, the flow is now complete."
msgstr ""
msgstr "至此,流程完成。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:208
msgid ""
"This flow is also possible with the :guilabel:`Fixed amount` down payment "
msgstr ""
msgstr "使用 :guilabel:`固定金额` 首付款选项也可实现此流程。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:211
msgid ""
"If a down payment is used with a product that has a :guilabel:`Delivered "
"quantities` invoicing policy, the down payments will **not** be able to be "
"deducted when it comes time to invoice the customer."
msgstr ""
msgstr "如果首付款与具有 :guilabel:`交付数量` 发票政策的产品一起使用,则在向客户开具发票时,首期付款将**无法**扣除。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:215
msgid ""
"This is because, due to the invoicing policy, the product(s) would have to "
"be delivered *before* creating the final invoice."
msgstr ""
msgstr "这是因为,根据发票政策,产品必须在开具最终发票*之前*交付。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:218
msgid ""
@ -8431,7 +8462,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"To be able to reinvoice a customer for an expense, the *Expenses* "
"application **must** be installed."
msgstr ""
msgstr "要向客户重新开具费用发票,**必须**安装*费用*应用程序。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -8440,10 +8471,12 @@ msgid ""
"application block. When clicked, Odoo installs the application, refreshes "
"the page, and returns to the main Odoo dashboard."
msgstr ""
"要安装 *费用* 应用程序,请导航至 :menuselection:`Odoo 主仪表板 --> 应用程序`,然后点击 *费用* 应用程序块上的 "
":guilabel:`安装`。点击后Odoo 将安装应用程序,刷新页面并返回 Odoo 主仪表板。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:22
msgid "Add expenses to sales orders"
msgstr ""
msgstr "向销售订单添加费用"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:24
msgid ""
@ -8452,6 +8485,8 @@ msgid ""
"To do that, navigate to the :menuselection:`Sales app --> New`. Doing so "
"reveals a blank quotation form."
msgstr ""
"首先,在 *销售* 应用程序中确认销售订单,并在其中添加重新开具发票的费用。或者,从头开始创建一个新的销售订单。为此,请导航至 "
":menuselection:`销售应用程序 --> 新建`。这样会显示一个空白的报价单。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -8459,78 +8494,80 @@ msgid ""
"Lines` tab, by clicking :guilabel:`Add a product`. Next, select a product "
"from the drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
"然后,添加一个 :guilabel:`客户`,点击 :guilabel:`添加产品`,在 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:31
msgid "Lastly, click :guilabel:`Confirm` to confirm the sales order."
msgstr ""
msgstr "最后,点击 :guilabel:`确认`,以确认销售订单。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst-1
msgid ""
"This is how a confirmed sales order looks in the Odoo Sales application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "已确认的销售订单在 Odoo 销售应用程序中的展示。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:37
msgid "With the sales order confirmed, it's time to create an expense."
msgstr ""
msgstr "销售订单确认后,就可以创建费用了。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:39
msgid ""
"To do that, navigate to the *Expenses* application, by going to "
":menuselection:`main Odoo dashboard --> Expenses`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "要执行此操作,请进入 :menuselection:`Odoo 主仪表板 --> 费用` 浏览*费用*应用程序。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:42
msgid ""
"Then, from the *Expenses* dashboard, click :guilabel:`New` to reveal a blank"
" expenses form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "然后,在*费用*仪表板中,点击 :guilabel:`新建`,显示一个空白的费用表单。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst-1
msgid "A blank expenses form in the Odoo Expenses application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 费用应用程序中的空白费用表单。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:48
msgid ""
"On the expenses form, add a :guilabel:`Description` to easily reference the "
msgstr ""
msgstr "在费用表单中,添加 :guilabel:`说明` 以方便引用费用。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:50
msgid ""
"Then, in the :guilabel:`Category` field, select one of the following options"
" from the drop-down menu:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "然后,在 :guilabel:`类别` 字段中,从下拉菜单中选择以下选项之一:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:53
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Communication`: any form of communication related to a "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`沟通`:与项目/订单有关的任何形式的沟通。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:54
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Others`: expense that doesn't fit into any other categories."
msgstr ""
msgstr "guilabel:`其他`:不属于任何其他类别的费用。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:55
msgid ":guilabel:`Meals`: any form of meal costs related to a project/order."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`餐费`:与项目/订单相关的任何形式的餐费。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:56
msgid ":guilabel:`Gifts`: any form of gift costs related to a project/order."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`礼品`:与项目/订单相关的任何形式的礼品费用。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:57
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Mileage`: any form of mileage (gas) costs related to "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`里程`:与项目/订单有关的任何形式的里程(汽油)费用。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:58
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Travel \\& Accommodation`: any travel or accommodation costs "
"related to a project/order."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`差旅和住宿`:与项目/订单相关的任何差旅或住宿费用。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -8539,12 +8576,14 @@ msgid ""
"and clicking :guilabel:`New` from the :guilabel:`Search:Category` pop-up "
msgstr ""
"通过点击 :guilabel:`类别` 字段下拉菜单,选择 :guilabel:`查看全部`,并在弹出的 :guilabel:`搜索:类别` 窗口中点击"
" :guilabel:`新建`,可在费用表单中创建新的费用类别。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:0
msgid ""
"The Search:Category expenses pop-up window from a blank expenses form in "
"Odoo Expenses."
msgstr ""
msgstr "从 Odoo 费用中的空白费用表单弹出 “搜索:类别” 窗口。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:69
msgid ""
@ -8552,6 +8591,8 @@ msgid ""
"stay, the :guilabel:`Category` for this example is :guilabel:`[TRANS \\& "
"ACC] Travel \\& Accommodation`."
msgstr ""
"对于这个样例工作流程,将重新向客户开具一份短期酒店住宿的发票,此示例中的:guilabel:类别是:guilabel:`[交通\\&住宿] "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:73
msgid ""
@ -8674,12 +8715,14 @@ msgid ""
" view of the :guilabel:`Expense Report Summary` that's been submitted to the"
" manager by the employee."
msgstr ""
"负责审查和批准费用的经理将检查与费用相关的详细信息,如果没有问题,他们将点击 :guilabel:`批准` "
"按钮,该按钮*只*会出现在经理查看员工提交给经理的 :guilabel:`费用报告摘要` 的视图中。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst-1
msgid ""
"An expense report summary that a manager will approve with an Approve "
msgstr ""
msgstr "费用报告摘要,经理将通过点击“批准”按钮进行批准。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:142
msgid ""
@ -8689,18 +8732,20 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Report in Next Payslip`, :guilabel:`Refuse`, and :guilabel:`Reset"
" to Draft`."
msgstr ""
"批准后,:guilabel:`费用报告摘要` 顶部的按钮将再次更改。此时,:guilabel:`费用报告摘要` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst-1
msgid ""
"An expense report summary with post journal entries button at the top of the"
" form."
msgstr ""
msgstr "表格顶部的费用报告摘要和日记账分录按钮。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:151
msgid ""
"When the manager is satisfied with the :guilabel:`Expense Report Summary`, "
"they'll click :guilabel:`Post Journal Entries`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "当经理对 :guilabel:`费用报告摘要`满意时,他们会点击 :guilabel:`发布日记账分录`。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:154
msgid ""
@ -8709,16 +8754,18 @@ msgid ""
"is filled with the sales order that was initially configured to the expense "
"in the :guilabel:`Customer to Reinvoice` field."
msgstr ""
"点击:guilabel:`发布日记账分录` 后,该按钮将消失,:guilabel:`费用`选项卡中的 :guilabel:`分析分配`列将填入最初配置到"
" :guilabel:`客户重新开具发票`字段中费用的销售订单。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:159
msgid "Reinvoice expense"
msgstr ""
msgstr "为开支重新开具发票"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:161
msgid ""
"With those steps completed, it's time to return to the sales order to "
"complete the reinvoice of the expense to the customer."
msgstr ""
msgstr "完成这些步骤后,就可以返回销售订单,完成向客户重新开具费用发票的工作。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:164
msgid ""
@ -8726,32 +8773,33 @@ msgid ""
"and select the appropriate sales order that should be reinvoiced for the "
msgstr ""
"要执行此操作,请导航至 :menuselection:`Odoo 主仪表板 --> 销售应用程序`,然后选择应重新开具费用发票的相应销售订单。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:167
msgid ""
"On the sales form, the newly-configured expense is now in the "
":guilabel:`Order Lines` tab, with its :guilabel:`Delivered` column filled "
"in, and ready to be invoiced."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在销售表单中,新配置的费用现在位于 :guilabel:`订单线` 选项卡中, :guilabel:`已交货` 列已填好,可以开具发票。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst-1
msgid ""
"A sales order with the configured expense ready to be invoiced in the Order "
"Lines tab."
msgstr ""
msgstr "在“订单行”选项卡中开具已配置费用的销售订单。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:174
msgid ""
"After confirming the details of the expense, click :guilabel:`Create "
"Invoice` at the top of the sales order. When clicked, a :guilabel:`Create "
"invoices` pop-up window appears."
msgstr ""
msgstr "确认费用详情后,点击销售订单顶部的 :guilabel:`创建发票`。点击后,弹出 :guilabel:`创建发票` 窗口。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst-1
msgid ""
"A create invoices pop-up window that appears when the Create Invoice is "
msgstr ""
msgstr "点击创建发票时,弹出创建发票窗口。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:181
msgid ""
@ -8759,12 +8807,14 @@ msgid ""
"default :guilabel:`Regular invoice` option, and click :guilabel:`Create "
"Draft Invoice`."
msgstr ""
"在弹出窗口中,将 :guilabel:`创建发票` 字段保留为默认的 :guilabel:`普通发票` 选项,然后点击 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst:184
msgid ""
"Doing so reveals a :guilabel:`Customer Invoice Draft` showing *only* the "
"expense in the :guilabel:`Invoice Lines` tab."
msgstr ""
msgstr "这样做会显示一个:guilabel:`客户发票草稿`,该草稿仅在:guilabel:`发票行`选项卡中显示费用。"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/expense.rst-1
msgid ""

View File

@ -6568,7 +6568,7 @@ msgid ""
"Domain names are text-based addresses identifying online locations, such as "
"websites. They provide a more memorable and recognizable way for people to "
"navigate the internet than numerical IP addresses."
msgstr ""
msgstr "域名是标识网站等在线位置的文本地址。与数字 IP 地址相比,域名为人们提供了一种更易于记忆和识别的互联网导航方式。"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/configuration/domain_names.rst:8
msgid ""

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# Translators:
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2023
# Tony Ng, 2023
# Tony Ng, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-21 15:48+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-13 14:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Tony Ng, 2023\n"
"Last-Translator: Tony Ng, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/zh_TW/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -4664,7 +4664,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/deploy.rst:261
msgid "HTTPS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "HTTPS"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/deploy.rst:263
msgid ""

View File

@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ msgstr "財務"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:5
msgid "Accounting and Invoicing"
msgstr ""
msgstr "會計及發票"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:7
msgid ""
"**Odoo Invoicing** is a standalone invoicing app to create invoices, send "
"them to your customers, and manage payments."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Odoo 發票**是一款獨立的發票應用程式,用於建立發票、將發票傳送給客戶,以及管理付款。"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -46,22 +46,23 @@ msgid ""
"powered invoice recognition, synchronization with your bank accounts, smart "
"matching suggestions, etc."
msgstr ""
"**Odoo 會計**是一款全功能會計應用程式。提高會計人員生產力是這個程式的開發核心,它有人工智能驅動的發票識別、銀行賬戶同步、智能配對建議等功能。"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:15
msgid ""
"`Odoo Tutorials: Accounting <https://www.odoo.com/slides/accounting-19>`_"
msgstr ""
msgstr "`Odoo 教學:會計 <https://www.odoo.com/slides/accounting-19>`_"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:56
msgid "Double-entry bookkeeping"
msgstr ""
msgstr "複式簿記"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:58
msgid ""
"Odoo automatically creates all the underlying journal entries for all "
"accounting transactions (e.g., customer invoices, vendor bills, point-of-"
"sales orders, expenses, inventory valuations, etc.)."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 自動建立所有會計交易引伸的全部日記賬記項(例如:客戶發票、供應商賬單、銷售點訂單、費用開支、庫存估值等)。"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -70,30 +71,32 @@ msgid ""
"account debited and the other credited. It ensures that all transactions are"
" recorded accurately and consistently and that the accounts always balance."
msgstr ""
"Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:67
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:216
msgid ":doc:`Accounting Cheat Sheet <accounting/get_started/cheat_sheet>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`會計快速備忘 <accounting/get_started/cheat_sheet>`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:70
msgid "Accrual and cash basis"
msgstr ""
msgstr "應計制與現金收付制"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:72
msgid ""
"Both accrual and cash basis accounting are supported in Odoo. This allows "
"reporting income and expense either when the transaction occurs (accrual "
"basis) or when the payment is made or received (cash basis)."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 支援以應計制及現金收付制處理會計賬目,可在交易發生時(應計制)或繳付/收到付款時(現金收付制),報告收入及開支。"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:77
msgid ":doc:`Cash basis <accounting/taxes/cash_basis>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`現金收付制 <accounting/taxes/cash_basis>`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:80
msgid "Multi-company"
msgstr ""
msgstr "多公司處理"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:82
msgid ""
@ -103,10 +106,12 @@ msgid ""
"several companies but can only work on a single company's accounting at a "
msgstr ""
"Odoo 可在同一個資料庫內管理多間公司。每間公司都有自己的 :doc:`會計賬目總表 "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:88
msgid "Multi-currency environment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "多貨幣環境"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:90
msgid ""
@ -118,16 +123,19 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo generates currency gains and losses after reconciling the journal "
msgstr ""
"Odoo 提供具有自動匯率功能的 :doc:`多貨幣環境 "
" 會以公司貨幣及交易貨幣儲存兩個金額。日記賬項目對賬後Odoo 會產生匯兌盈虧數據。"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:97
msgid ""
":doc:`Manage a bank in a foreign currency "
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`管理外幣銀行賬戶 <accounting/bank/foreign_currency>`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:100
msgid "International standards"
msgstr ""
msgstr "國際標準"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:102
msgid ""
@ -137,14 +145,16 @@ msgid ""
"to address regional specificities like the chart of accounts, taxes, or any "
"other requirements."
msgstr ""
"Odoo 會計支援 70 "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:108
msgid ":doc:`Fiscal localization packages <fiscal_localizations>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`財政本地化套裝 <fiscal_localizations>`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:111
msgid "Accounts receivable and payable"
msgstr ""
msgstr "應收及應付賬戶"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:113
msgid ""
@ -152,6 +162,7 @@ msgid ""
" one for the account payable entries. As transactions are linked to your "
"**contacts**, you can run a report per customer, vendor, or supplier."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:117
msgid ""

View File

@ -3438,7 +3438,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/terminals/worldline.rst:3
msgid "Worldline"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Worldline"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/terminals/worldline.rst:9
msgid "Please note that Worldline is currently only available in the Benelux."