2025-02-27 18:56:07 +07:00

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IoT system connection to Odoo


To connect the IoT system to an Odoo database, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • The Internet of Things (IoT) app must be {ref}installed <general/install>.
  • The IoT system must be connected to the network.
  • The computer connecting to Odoo must be on the same network as the IoT system.

:::{note} It is recommended to connect the IoT system to a production instance, as other types of environments may cause issues (e.g., with {ref}HTTPS certificate generation <iot/https_certificate_iot/iot-eligibility>). :::


  • {doc}iot_box
  • {doc}windows_iot :::


The IoT system can be connected to the Odoo database using a {ref}pairing code <iot/connect/pairing-code> or a {ref}connection token <iot/connect/token>.


Connection using a pairing code


  • The pairing code is displayed for up to 5 minutes after the IoT system starts. If the code is no longer visible, reboot the IoT box or {ref}restart the Windows virtual IoT service <iot/windows_iot/restart> to display the pairing code again. Alternatively, connect the IoT system to the database using a {ref}connection token <iot/connect/token>.
  • The pairing code is not displayed if the IoT system is already connected to a database (e.g., a test database). :::
  1. Retrieve the IoT's system pairing code:

    .. tabs::
       .. group-tab:: IoT box
          Connect the IoT box to an external monitor or printer. If the IoT box was already plugged
          prior to this, reboot it by unplugging it for a few seconds and replugging it.
          - External monitor: The pairing code should be displayed on the screen a few minutes after
            rebooting the IoT box.
          - Printer: The pairing code should be printed automatically.
          .. tip::
             If no external monitor or printer is connected to the IoT box, access the :ref:`IoT
             box's homepage <iot/iot-box/homepage>`; the code is displayed in the :guilabel:`Pairing
             Code` section.
       .. group-tab:: Windows virtual IoT
          On the computer with the Windows virtual IoT installed, open the IoT system's homepage
          in a web browser by navigating to the URL `http://localhost:8069`. Then, scroll to the
          :guilabel:`Pairing Code` section.
  2. In Odoo, open the IoT app and click {guilabel}Connect.

  3. In the {guilabel}Connect an IoT Box popup that opens, enter the {guilabel}Pairing code.

  4. Click {guilabel}Pair.


Connection using a connection token

  1. In Odoo, open the IoT app and click {guilabel}Connect.
  2. In the {guilabel}Connect an IoT Box popup that opens, copy the {guilabel}Token.
  3. Access the {ref}IoT box's <iot/iot-box/homepage> or {ref}Windows virtual IoT's <iot/windows-iot/homepage> homepage.
  4. In the {guilabel}Odoo database connected section, click {guilabel}Configure.
  5. Paste the token into the {guilabel}Server Token field and click {guilabel}Connect.


IoT system form

Once the IoT system is connected to the Odoo database, it is displayed as a card in the IoT app. Click the IP address on the card to access the {ref}IoT box's <iot/windows-iot/homepage> or {ref}Windows virtual IoT's <iot/iot-box/homepage> homepage. Click the card to access the list of {doc}devices <devices> connected to the IoT system.

:::{tip} {ref}Enable the developer mode <developer-mode> to access the IoT system's {guilabel}Technical Information, such as its {guilabel}Identifier, {guilabel}Domain address, and {guilabel}Image version. :::

:::{note} By default, drivers are automatically {ref}udpated <iot_updating_iot/handlers> every time the IoT system is restarted. To disable automatic updates, uncheck the {guilabel}Automatic drivers update option. :::



The pairing code does not appear or does not work

The {ref}pairing code <iot/connect/pairing-code> might not be displayed or printed under the following circumstances:

  • The IoT system is not connected to the Internet.
  • The IoT system is already connected to an Odoo database.
  • The {ref}pairing code <iot/connect/pairing-code> display time has expired. Reboot the IoT box or {ref}restart the Windows virtual IoT service <iot/windows_iot/restart> to display the pairing code again.
  • The IoT system's image version is too old and needs to be {ref}updated <iot/updating_iot/image-code>.

The IoT system is connected but does not appear in the database

The IoT system might take a few minutes to restart when it connects to a database. If it still does not appear after a few minutes:

  • Verify that the IoT system can reach the database and the server does not use a multi-database environment.
  • Reboot the IoT box or {ref}restart the Windows virtual IoT service <iot/windows_iot/restart>.

The IoT box is connected to the Odoo database but cannot be reached

Verify that the IoT system and the computer running the Odoo database are connected to the same network.

The Windows virtual IoT's homepage cannot be accessed from another device

Check the {ref}iot/windows-iot/firewall.

The IoT system is disconnected from the database after an Odoo upgrade

{ref}Update the IoT system's image <iot/updating_iot/image-code> by flashing the IoT box's card or {ref}uninstalling the Windows virtual IoT program <iot/windows_iot/uninstall> and {ref}reinstalling <iot/windows-iot/installation> the latest package for Windows matching your database's version.