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When the Lunch application is opened, the {guilabel}Order Your Lunch
dashboard loads. This view
is also accessed by navigating to {menuselection}Lunch app --> My Lunch --> New Order
The {guilabel}Order Your Lunch
dashboard provides a summary of lunch offerings, the user's account
information, and the current day's orders, along with their statuses.
Order Your Lunch
On the main {guilabel}Order Your Lunch
dashboard, all the necessary information needed to place an
order is visible. The default filter for the products is {guilabel}Available Today
, which is
present in the {guilabel}Search...
bar. This filter shows only products that can be purchased that
day, based on the {ref}vendor's availability <lunch/availability>
The left-side of the dashboard displays the various {guilabel}Categories
of products available,
along with the {guilabel}Vendors
supplying the products. To the right of each line is a number,
which indicates how many products are associated with that respective category or vendor.
To filter the products by categories or vendors, tick the checkbox next to the desired category or vendor to only view items related to those selections. Multiple selections can be made in each section.
:::{note} If multiple selections are made, only products that fall under all the selected options are shown. :::
The top portion of the dashboard, which serves as an order summary, displays the user's account information, and the order details for today, if any orders have been placed.
The main section, beneath the user's information, displays all the products in a default Kanban
view. Each product card displays the name, cost, vendor, photo, and description of the product. If
the product is configured as new, it also displays a {guilabel}New
:align: center
:alt: The *Lunch* app dashboard with all areas highlighted.
:::{note} Anywhere a vendor's name is listed in the Lunch app, such as on Kanban product cards, their phone number is listed, as well. :::
The products can also be displayed in a list view, by clicking the {guilabel}≣ (four parallel lines)
icon in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
Placing orders
To place a lunch order, navigate to the main {guilabel}Order Your Lunch
dashboard, by either
opening the Lunch app, or by navigating to {menuselection}Lunch app --> My Lunch --> New Order
Add products to an order
From the {guilabel}Order Your Lunch
dashboard, click on a desired product to add to an order, and
the product appears in a {guilabel}Configure Your Order
pop-up window.
At the top of the pop-up window is the product image, name, and price. Beneath that, there is a
potential {guilabel}Extras
field, showcasing any {ref}extra items or options <lunch/extras>
Tick the checkbox next to any desired extras present in the {guilabel}Extras
field to add them to
the order.
Each extra option is organized by a category, complete with its name and price. As extras are selected, the displayed price at the top of the pop-up window updates to reflect all current selections.
Beneath the {guilabel}Extras
field is the {guilabel}Description
of the product, followed by a
field. The {guilabel}Notes
field is used to enter any vital information, which
is then sent to the vendor regarding the order, such as any special requests or food allergies.
When all selections for the product have been made, click the {guilabel}Add To Cart
button in the
lower-left of the pop-up window. To cancel the order, click the {guilabel}Discard
:align: center
:alt: The pop-up window for a personal pizza, with all the extras highlighted and selected.
Depending on how the various {ref}extras <lunch/configure-extras>
are configured for a vendor, it
is possible to receive an error when attempting to add products to the cart.
An error can occur when a configured product requires the user to select an option in the
field, but the user neglects to make one.
When this occurs, a {guilabel}Validation Error
pop-up window appears. The error is briefly
explained in the pop-up window. Click {guilabel}Close
to close the window, and make any necessary
changes to the {guilabel}Configure Your Order
pop-up window.
.. example::
The vendor, The Pizza Palace, provides a free beverage with any purchase. Their products are
configured so that a beverage selection is **required** in the :guilabel:`Extras` field *before*
adding one of their products to the cart.
If a selection is **not** made, an error occurs. The message that appears is `You have to order
one and only one Free Beverage with Purchase`.
.. image:: orders/error.png
:align: center
:alt: The :guilabel:`Validation Error` pop-up window with the specific error for the free
beverage displayed.
Your Order summary
When at least one item is added to an order, the items appear at the top of the dashboard in the
{guilabel}Your Order
summary. In addition to the products, users can view the account information,
in addition to all the information related to orders placed during the current calendar day.
As products are added to an order, they appear at the top center of the summary box. Each product is
listed beneath the words {guilabel}Your Order
, with the product name, quantity, and a status tag.
The available tags that can be displayed for each item are:
- {guilabel}
To Order
: the product has been added to the cart, but has not been purchased yet by the user. - {guilabel}
: the product has been purchased by the user, and is waiting to be sent to the vendor by a Lunch app manager. - {guilabel}
: the order for the product has been sent to the vendor by a Lunch app manager. - {guilabel}
: the product has been delivered by the vendor to the user's location, and has been verified as received by a Lunch app manager.
Product quantities can be adjusted by clicking the {guilabel}➕ (plus sign)
or {guilabel}➖ (minus sign)
to the left of the listed product. The product price adjusts in real-time to display the cost
for the currently selected quantity of the product.
The right side of the {guilabel}Your Order
summary displays the purchasing information. The
amount for the entire day's lunch order is displayed. The {guilabel}Already Paid
field indicates how much has been paid that day towards the {guilabel}Total
amount. The
{guilabel}To Pay
field displays how much of the remaining {guilabel}Total
amount must be paid,
in order to place the currently configured order.
:align: center
:alt: The Your Orders section of the dashboard, with the purchasing information highlighted.
:::{tip} Users can place multiple orders throughout the day, and are not restricted to only placing one lunch order each day. Multiple orders might need to be placed, due to users forgetting to add items to an order, or if there are multiple meals that are available to be purchased for the office ()not just lunch), and so on.
Depending on the various vendors, and how the vendors and products are configured, it is possible to order breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, and/or snacks. :::
Submit an order
To place the order, click the {guilabel}Order Now
button on the right-side of the {guilabel}Your Order
summary. The user is charged the amount that is displayed in the {guilabel}To Pay
and the cost is deducted from their Lunch account balance.
Once the order is placed, the tags for the items just purchased in the {guilabel}Your Order
change from orange {guilabel}To Order
tags to red {guilabel}Ordered
Track an order
When orders have been sent to the vendors, the tags for the items in the {guilabel}Your Order
summary change from red {guilabel}Ordered
tags to blue {guilabel}Sent
Once orders have been received and verified, the tags change from blue {guilabel}Sent
tags to
green {guilabel}Received
Receive an order
When orders are received at the delivery location, they are confirmed by a Lunch app manager, and a notification is sent to the employee who ordered the food.
My Orders
To view a full list of all orders placed in the Lunch app for the currently signed-in user,
navigate to {menuselection}Lunch app --> My Lunch --> My Order History
. This navigates to the
{guilabel}My Orders
dashboard. The data is filtered by {guilabel}My Orders
and grouped by
{guilabel}Order Date: Day
, by default, both of which are located in the {guilabel}Search...
All products appear in a list view, organized by date. The list displays the {guilabel}Order Date
, {guilabel}Product
, {guilabel}Extras
, {guilabel}Notes
, {guilabel}User
{guilabel}Lunch Location
, {guilabel}Price
, and {guilabel}Status
information. If in a
multi-company database, a {guilabel}Company
column also appears.
The total cost for each order is displayed on the line containing the order date. At the bottom of
the list, beneath all the lines, the overall total amount paid for all the orders appears, under the
At the end of each product line with a status of {guilabel}Ordered
or {guilabel}Sent
, an
{guilabel}X Cancel
button appears. Click {guilabel}X Cancel
to cancel that product order. Once a
product order has been cancelled, the money paid for that product is refunded, and appears in the
user's account.
At the end of each product line with a status of {guilabel}Received
, a {guilabel}Re-order
appears. Click {guilabel}Re-order
to instantly reorder that same product, with the same extras, if
applicable. The new order appears in the list, under the current date, and the product is paid for,
with money deducted from the user's account.
:align: center
:alt: The list view that appears when navigating to the My Orders dashboard.
My Account
To view a summary of all transactions in the user's account, navigate to {menuselection}Lunch app --> My Lunch --> My Account History
. Doing so reveals the {guilabel}My Account
The default presentation of the {guilabel}My Account
dashboard displays all entries, from newest
to oldest. The {guilabel}Date
, {guilabel}Description
, and {guilabel}Amount
are the only fields
displayed in the list.
Entries with a negative figure listed in the {guilabel}Amount
column represent products purchased
in the Lunch app. These appear in a $-XX.XX
Entries with a positive balance either represent funds added to the user's lunch account, or
cancelled orders that were eventually refunded to the user. These appear in a $XX.XX
:align: center
:alt: |-
: The My Account dashboard with the entry for adding funds to the user's lunch account
: highlighted.