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Revenues report
The Odoo Events application creates custom reports, based on event-related data and analytics. These reports can either be focused on Attendees or Revenues.
The following documentation focuses on the reporting options related to event Revenues.
Revenues reporting page
To access the Attendees reporting page, navigate to {menuselection}Events app --> Reporting --> Revenues
:align: center
:alt: The default view of the Revenues reporting page in the Odoo Events application.
By default, the {guilabel}Revenues
reporting page appears as a graph (a {icon}fa-line-chart
{guilabel}(Line Chart)
with {icon}fa-database
data). The default filters,
{guilabel}Non-free tickets
and {guilabel}Event Start Date: (current year)
, are present in the
search bar.
To learn more about the various graph views (and graph view options), refer to the {ref}Graph views <reporting/using-graph>
The {guilabel}Revenues
reporting page can also be viewed as a {ref}pivot table <reporting/views/pivot>
, by clicking the {icon}oi-view-pivot
icon in the
upper-right corner.
Choosing specific {ref}Measures <reporting/choosing-measures>
is a quick way to customize
reporting pages.
Regardless of the chosen view, the measures on the {guilabel}Revenues
reporting page are as
follows: {guilabel}Revenues
, {guilabel}Untaxed Revenues
, and {guilabel}Count
In the default graph view of the {guilabel}Revenues
reporting page, only the
option is set in the {guilabel}Measures
drop-down menu.
In graph view, only one of the {guilabel}Measures
can be selected at a time.
When the pivot option is selected, all {guilabel}Measures
options are selected, by default.
- {guilabel}
: shows the revenues generated from events. - {guilabel}
Untaxed Revenues
: shows the untaxed revenues generated from events. - {guilabel}
: shows the total amount of registrants who attended events.
Filters and grouping options
To reveal a drop-down menu of filter and grouping options to create custom reports, click the
{guilabel}(down arrow)
to the right of the search bar.
Doing so opens a drop-down mega menu of options organized into columns: {ref}Filters <search/preconfigured-filters>
, {ref}Group By <search/group>
, and {ref}Favorites <search/favorites>
If a time-related option has been selected from the {guilabel}Filters
column (e.g. the default
{guilabel}Event Start Date: (year)
filter), a {guilabel}Comparison
column appears, with
comparison options for the corresponding time-related filter option selected.
Only one selection can be made from the {guilabel}Comparison
column at a time.
Filter options
In the {guilabel}Filters
column of the drop-down mega menu, there are various event-related
options that can be utilized to create custom reports, based on a number of specific criteria.
Multiple options in the {guilabel}Filters
column can be selected at once.
The {guilabel}Filters
column has the following options:
- {guilabel}
Non-free tickets
: event tickets/registrations that were not free. - {guilabel}
: event tickets/registrations that were free. - {guilabel}
Pending payment
: event tickets/registrations that were purchased, but still have payment pending. - {guilabel}
: event tickets/registrations that have been successfully sold (and paid for). - {guilabel}
Registration Date
: Click the {icon}fa-caret-down
{guilabel}(down arrow)
icon to reveal a list of month, quarter, and year options. Select any number of these options to view a specific periods of time and see how many registrations happened during that time. - {guilabel}
: include revenue-related information for events that are either currently running or are going to happen in the future. - {guilabel}
Past Events
: include revenue-related information for events that have already taken place. - {guilabel}
Event Start Date
: Click the {icon}fa-caret-down
{guilabel}(down arrow)
icon to reveal a list of month, quarter, and year options. Select any number of these options to designate event start dates to use as filters for revenue-related event data. - {guilabel}
Event End Date
: Click the {icon}fa-caret-down
{guilabel}(down arrow)
icon to reveal a list of month, quarter, and year options. Select any number of these options to designate event end dates to use as filters for revenue-related event data. - {guilabel}
Published Events
: Select this option to show revenue-related data for published events. - {guilabel}
Add Custom Filter
: Create a custom filter to analyze event-related revenue data. To learn more, refer to the documentation on {ref}custom filters <search/custom-filters>
Group By options
In the {guilabel}Group By
column of the drop-down mega menu, there are various event-related
options to create custom groupings of data.
Multiple {guilabel}Group By
options can be selected at once.
The {guilabel}Group By
column has the following options:
- {guilabel}
Event Type
: Group data based on the type of event. - {guilabel}
: Organize data into individual groups, separated by events. - {guilabel}
: Group data based on the event registration product. - {guilabel}
: Group data based on the type of event ticket purchased by attendees. - {guilabel}
Registration Status
: Group data based on the status of registrations. - {guilabel}
Sale Order Status
: Group data based on the status of event-related sales orders. - {guilabel}
: Group data based on customer records. - {guilabel}
Add Custom Group
: Click the {icon}fa-caret-down
{guilabel}(down arrow)
icon to reveal a drop-down of grouping options. To select one, click on the desired option, and Odoo adds it to the {guilabel}Group By
column. Multiple selections can be made.
Sample report: event ticket analysis (graph)
The following is an example of how various filters and grouping options can create a useful analytic graph report related to event revenues. In this case, the configurations present data about sold or free tickets to published events, with the metrics separated by ticket type and event.
:align: center
:alt: The event ticket analysis sample report with unique filters and groupings in
: place.
To create such a report, navigate to {menuselection}Events app --> Reporting --> Revenues
. Stay in
the default graph view, but remove the default filters from the search bar.
Then, click the {icon}fa-caret-down
{guilabel}(down arrow)
to the right of the search bar, to
reveal the drop-down mega menu of filter and grouping options.
From here, select {guilabel}Free
and {guilabel}Sold
from the {guilabel}Filters
Then, since it is desired to only view data related to already published events, select the
{guilabel}Published Events
option in the {guilabel}Filters
column, as well.
Next, in the {guilabel}Group By
column, select the {guilabel}Event
and {guilabel}Ticket
options, in that sequential order. Doing so first groups the data by event, then by ticket
type, which provides a more useful array of data to analyze.
The order in which the options are selected in the {guilabel}Group By
column directly affects
how the data is presented on the report.
From there, additional configurations can be added for more detailed data, if desired.
If no additional filters or groupings are added, Odoo presents a graphical representation of data related to all free or sold tickets for published events, grouped by event, and organized by ticket type.
Sample report: event type analysis (pivot table)
The following is an example of how various filters and grouping options can create a useful analytic pivot table report related to event revenues. In this case, the configurations present data about how much revenue different event types have generated, in order to gauge which events are the most profitable.
:align: center
:alt: The event type analysis sample report with unique filters and groupings in place.
First, navigate to {menuselection}Events app --> Reporting --> Revenues
, and switch to the pivot
table view, by clicking the {icon}oi-view-pivot
icon in the upper-right
Keep the default filters ({guilabel}Non-free tickets
and {guilabel}Event Start Date: (year)
) in
the search bar.
Next, open the {guilabel}Measures
drop-down menu, and deselect the option for {guilabel}Count
because this report is only going to focus on revenues.
Then, click {icon}fa-plus-square
above the column titles, and select
{guilabel}Event Type
from the resulting drop-down menu.
With these configurations in place, all the revenues generated from the events (and their corresponding registrations) are displayed, organized by the event type (presented as expandable columns).