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Live Session surveys
With the Odoo Surveys application, users can enhance in-person demonstrations and presentations with the Live Session feature.
Live Session surveys function the same way as a normal survey, but with a host or moderator, who presents the questions to participants, reveals their responses in real-time, and controls the tempo of the survey.
In Live Session surveys, participants access the survey experience via a custom URL, and sign in with an optional access code. When the survey has begun, the host presents one question at a time.
Then, the audience of participants submit their answer, either via their computer or mobile device, and once the responses have been gathered, the host reveals all the participant's responses, in real time, with each answer's results displayed as a bar graph.
:align: center
:alt: Rendered concept of how a Live Session question and answer result appears in
: Odoo Surveys.
Create Live Session survey
To create a Live Session survey, begin by opening the Surveys application. From the
dashboard, click the {guilabel}New
button to reveal a blank survey form.
Any of the survey type options ({guilabel}Survey
, {guilabel}Live Session
, or {guilabel}Custom
), presented as radio buttons at the top of the survey,
can be used to create a Live Session.
However, selecting the {guilabel}Live Session
survey type radio button streamlines the process
because Odoo auto-selects the optimal settings and options for a Live Session survey when that
option is selected.
If the {guilabel}Is a Certification
option is enabled in the {guilabel}Options
tab, the
survey cannot be used as a Live Session survey.
With the desired survey radio button option selected, proceed to {doc}create a survey <../surveys/create>
with {doc}questions and sections <../surveys/questions>
While creating questions for the Live Session survey, open the {guilabel}Options
tab on the
{guilabel}Create Sections and Questions
pop-up form, in order to reveal the {guilabel}Live Sessions
section, which only has one available feature: {guilabel}Question Time Limit
When the {guilabel}Question Time Limit
option is enabled, a new field appears beside it, wherein
the user must enter the desired amount of time (in seconds) the participant gets to answer the
:align: center
:alt: The Live Session question time limit option for questions in the Odoo Surveys
: application.
Options tab
After the questions have been created for the Live Session survey, open the {guilabel}Options
tab of the survey form to further configure the survey.
The {guilabel}Options
tab is organized into four sections: {guilabel}Questions
, {guilabel}Time & Scoring
, {guilabel}Participants
, and {guilabel}Live Session
Questions section
Regardless of the option selected for the {guilabel}Pagination
field, the Live Session survey
only shows {guilabel}One page per question
, and will default to that option when the
{guilabel}Create Live Session
button is clicked, and a Live Session survey officially begins.
The {guilabel}One page per question
option in the {guilabel}Pagination
field is selected by
default, and no other options appear in the {guilabel}Questions
section, when the
{guilabel}Live Session
survey type radio button is selected.
The {guilabel}Display Progress as
and {guilabel}Question Selection
options are still viable and
active options for Live Session surveys, if desired, but they are not required.
However, the {guilabel}Allow Roaming
feature is not available during Live Session surveys
whatsoever, as the host/moderator controls the survey, and participants have no control over what
question they see, or when they see it.
Time & Scoring section
The {guilabel}Survey Time Limit
option is not applicable for Live Session surveys. This
option does not even appear in the {guilabel}Time & Scoring
section of the {guilabel}Options
if the {guilabel}Live Session
survey type radio button option is selected.
While the {guilabel}Survey Time Limit
option is not applicable for Live Session surveys, each
question can be affixed with its own Question Time Limit, via the Options tab of the
question pop-up form. Those question-specific time limits do work with Live Session surveys.
If desired, any {guilabel}Scoring
option, and subsequent {guilabel}Required Score (%)
option are
available to use with Live Session surveys.
However, if the {guilabel}Is a Certification
option is enabled, the survey cannot be used as a
Live Session survey. The {guilabel}Is a Certification
option does not appear in the
{guilabel}Time & Scoring
section of the {guilabel}Options
tab if the {guilabel}Live Session
survey type radio button option is selected.
Participants section
The {guilabel}Access Mode
field is set to the {guilabel}Anyone with the link
option when the
survey is used as a Live Session. The {guilabel}Anyone with the link
option cannot be
modified if the {guilabel}Live Session
survey type radio button option is selected.
The {guilabel}Require Login
option is available for Live Session surveys. However, if the
{guilabel}Live Session
survey type radio button option is selected, the usual {guilabel}Limit Attempts
field that appears when {guilabel}Require Login
is enabled does not appear, as live
session participants only get to attempt the survey once, as the host leads them through it.
Live Session section
The {guilabel}Session Code
field allows users to create unique codes for participants to use, in
order to gain access to the Live Session survey. This code can consist of any combination of
letters, numbers, and/or symbols.
The {guilabel}Session Code
field is not required, however, it is encouraged because it adds a
level of exclusivity to the survey and, without a {guilabel}Session Code
, the URL that appears in
the following {guilabel}Session Link
field becomes far more complex.
If a {guilabel}Session Code
is not entered, participants can access the survey, via the
{guilabel}Session Link
without needing a host, and the fundamental elements of the Live
Session are lost, as the survey is then just a normal questionnaire, without any real-time
With a {guilabel}Session Code
, the URL in the non-modifiable {guilabel}Session Link
field is
simplified, and ends with the {guilabel}Session Code
, preceded by /s/
.. example::
If `1212` has been entered as the :guilabel:`Session Code`, the URL in the :guilabel:`Session
Link` field begins with the basic URL of the database (e.g. `sample-database.odoo.com`), followed
by: `/s/1212`.
So, collectively, that sample :guilabel:`Session Link` would be:
If a user sends out the {guilabel}Session Link
URL in its complete form - {guilabel}Session Code
and all - participants would not need to enter in a code, as it would already be entered
for them. That complete link places the participant in a virtual waiting room, where they simply
need to wait for the host to officially start the Live Session survey.
If a user sends out the {guilabel}Session Link
URL - except for the {guilabel}Session Code
at the end (i.e. the entire URL through .../s/
) - participants would be taken to a page,
wherein they would need to enter the specific {guilabel}Session Code
in order to access the
Live Session.
If any {guilabel}Scoring
option has been enabled, the opportunity to {guilabel}Reward quick answers
is also available with Live Session surveys.
Start Live Session surveys
Once all the questions and configurations are complete, users can click the {guilabel}Create Live Session
button at the top of the survey form. Doing so opens a new browser tab to the Session
When the {guilabel}Create Live Session
button has been clicked, and the Live Session has begun,
a new {guilabel}Open Session Manager
button appears on the survey form, which opens a new browser
tab to the Session Manager. If the Live Session has already begun, that button leads the user to
the question or section the Live Session is currently on.
Additionally, a {guilabel}Close Live Session
button appears on the survey form. When that button
is clicked, the Live Session survey closes.
The Session Manager is controlled by the host/moderator of the Live Session survey, and is typically shown on a projection or screen, so the participants can collectively view the questions and real-time responses, as the host/moderator guides them through the Live Session.
:::{note} The participant can see and answer the questions from their computer or mobile device, but the results and real-time responses can only be seen on the Session Manager. :::
Initially, the Session Manager shows the title of the Live Session survey, the link needed to
access it, and a {guilabel}Waiting for attendees...
counter, which populates as participants enter
the Live Session survey.
Once the desired amount of participants have entered the Live Session survey, the host/moderator
can click the {guilabel}Start
button on the right side of the Session Manager window to begin
the Live Session.
If the survey begins with a section title on the survey form, that section title appears in the
Session Manager, and the participant's view of the survey informs them to Pay attention to the host screen until the next question
. This message appears whenever a section title appears
during a Live Session.
When the first question appears on the survey, the Session Manager shows the question above an empty bar graph, showing the potential answer options on the x-axis. The participants see the question and selectable answer options on their computer or mobile device.
As participants submit their answers, a progress bar, in the upper-left corner of the Session Manager, fills in. This is how Live Session hosts/moderators know when every participant has submitted their responses.
Then, when the desired amount of participants have submitted their responses, the host/moderator
clicks the {guilabel}Show Results
button on the right side of the Session Manager to reveal the
collective real-time responses on the bar graph.
Once the host/moderator feels like the participants have had enough time to view the real-time
results, via the populated bar graph, they can click the {guilabel}Show Correct Answer(s)
on the right side of the Session Manager window. Doing so highlights the correct response, if one
has been designated, in green. All incorrect responses are highlighted in red.
When the host/moderator feels the participants have had enough time to take in the correct and
incorrect responses, via the bar graph on the Session Manager, they can click the
button to move on to the next portion of the survey.
Repeat this process until the survey is complete.
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