11 KiB
A Chatbot is a program designed to mimic a conversation with a live human. Chatbots are assigned a script of pre-written steps to follow. The scripts are designed to anticipate a visitor's potential response, and lead them through a series of questions and answers the same way a live team member would.
Chatbots can be customized to fill various roles, from customer support, to creating leads, to collecting contact information. The goal of each chatbot can vary based on several criteria, including the webpage where it is located, and the information it captures.
:align: center
:alt: View of the chat window with a helpdesk ticket created in Odoo Live Chat.
Build a chatbot
Before creating a new chatbot, the Live Chat application must first be installed on the database.
This can be done directly from the {menuselection}Apps
application, by searching for Live Chat
in the {guilabel}Search...
bar, and clicking {guilabel}Install
Once the Live Chat application has been installed on the database, go to {menuselection}Live Chat app --> Configuration --> Chatbots
:::{note} When the Live Chat app is installed, a sample chatbot is created, named Welcome Bot. This chatbot has a preconfigured script that walks through a few basic steps, including asking for a visitor's email address, and forwarding the conversation to an operator.
Welcome Bot can be used as a starting point. The existing steps can be edited or removed, and new steps can be added to customize the script, as needed.
Welcome Bot can be deleted or archived, if necessary.
:align: center
:alt: View of the Welcome Bot script in Odoo Live Chat.
To create a new chatbot, navigate to the {guilabel}Chatbot
page ({menuselection}Live Chat app --> Configuration --> Chatbots
) and click {guilabel}New
. This opens a blank chatbot details page.
On the blank chatbot details page, enter a name in the {guilabel}Chatbot Name
field and click on
the {guilabel}Edit Image
icon in the upper right corner of the form to add a photo.
Chatbot scripts
After the new chatbot has been created and named, the next step is to create a script. Chatbot conversations follow an accompanying script. These scripts are comprised of lines of dialog, each designed to deliver or capture information.
To create a chatbot script, click {guilabel}Add a Line
in the {guilabel}Script
tab of the
chatbot detail page, and a {guilabel}Create Script Steps
modal appears.
This form must be filled out for each line of text (dialog) that the chatbot could deliver during the conversation.
First, enter the content of the message in the {guilabel}Message
field. Then, select an option
from the {guilabel}Step Type
and {guilabel}Only If
drop-down menus.
Step types
The {guilabel}Step Type
selected depends on the intended purpose of the message. The available
options in the {guilabel}Step Type
drop-down menu are detailed below:
This step is used for messages where no answer is expected or necessary. Text steps can be used for greetings, to offer resources, such as documentation, or provide links to specific web pages.
:::{important} Text step types are only intended to deliver information, and do not allow for any visitor input. As such, they must be followed by additional steps to continue the conversation. :::
This step asks a question and provides a set of answers. The visitor clicks on one answer, which either leads to a new step in the conversation, or can lead to an optional link to a new webpage.
Enter the question in the {guilabel}Message
field. Then, under the {guilabel}Answer
click {guilabel}Add a Line
to create a blank answer line.
Proceed to enter the answer as it should appear to the visitor. To turn the answer into a link that
redirects the visitor when selected, add the URL to the answer line under the {guilabel}Optional Link
Repeat these steps for every answer to be included for the question.
Click {guilabel}Save & Close
or {guilabel}Save & New
It is helpful to add a catchall answer to question steps (e.g: Something else
). This helps
visitors continue the conversation, even if their needs do not exactly fit with any of the other
This step prompts visitors to provide their email address, which is stored and can be used by team members later to follow up with additional information.
The only accepted inputs for this step type are email addresses that are in a valid format. If a visitor attempts to enter anything other than a valid email address, the chatbot responds with a message stating it does not recognize the information submitted.
:align: center
:alt: View of a chatbot responding to an invalid email.
Similar to email, this step type prompts the visitor to enter their phone number, which can be used to follow up with additional information, schedule demos, and more.
:::{warning} Due to the vast number of formats used for phone numbers worldwide, responses to this step type are not validated for formatting, and can include both numbers and special characters. :::
Forward to Operator
This step forwards the conversation to an active live chat operator, so they can continue assisting the visitor. As the conversation transcript is passed on to the operator, they can pick up where the chatbot left off. This not only saves time for all parties involved, it can also help qualify conversations before they reach live operators.
If no active operator is available on the channel, the chatbot continues the conversation with
the visitor. Therefore, additional steps should be added after this one to ensure there is no
abrupt end to the conversation. The additional steps can both inform visitors about the lack of
available operators (e.g. Uh-oh, it looks like none of our operators are available
) and
continue the conversation (e.g. Would you like to leave your email address?
:align: center
:alt: View of a chatbot follow up messages when no live chat operator is available.
Free Input/Multi-Line
The free input step allows visitors to respond to questions without providing pre-written responses. Information provided in these responses is stored in the chat transcripts.
Choose between {guilabel}Free Input
and {guilabel}Free Input (Multi-Line)
depending on the type
and amount of information the visitor is asked to provide.
Create Lead
This step creates a lead in the CRM application. Select an option from the {guilabel}Sales Team
drop-down field that appears to assign the created lead to a specific team.
:::{note} This step is only available if the CRM application is installed on the database. :::
Create Ticket
This step creates a {doc}ticket <../../services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets>
the Helpdesk application. Select an option from the {guilabel}Helpdesk Team
drop-down field that
appears to assign the created ticket to a specific team.
:::{note} This step is only available if the Helpdesk application is installed on the database. :::
Only if
Chatbot scripts operate on an if/then basis, which means the next question presented to the visitor is determined by the answer provided to the previous question.
To continue the progression of the conversation, the {guilabel}Create Script Steps
form for a new
step contains a field labeled {guilabel}Only If
. This field is where the progression of questions
is defined.
If a step is intended to follow all of the previous messages, this field can be left empty. However, if a message should only be sent conditionally, based on a previous response, or several previous responses, those responses must be added to this field.
If any selections are made in the {guilabel}Only If
field, they must all be selected during
the conversation before this step will be included. Only include selections in this field if
they are necessary for this step to be displayed.
.. example::
In the *Welcome Bot* script, a visitor can ask about pricing information. If the visitor selects
this response, a step is included to forward the conversation to an operator. The chatbot first
sends a message informing the visitor that it is checking to see if an operator is available to
However, this message should **only** be delivered if the visitor requests pricing information.
In that situation, the conversation would proceed as below:
- Welcome Bot: "*What are you looking for?*"
- Visitor: "**I have a pricing question.**"
- Welcome Bot: "*Hmmm, let me check if I can find someone that could help you with that...*"
In the details form for the :guilabel:`Text` step, the *I have a pricing question* response has
been selected in the :guilabel:`Only If` field. As such, this step is **only** shown in
conversations where that response has been selected.
.. image:: chatbots/chatbot-only-if.png
:align: center
:alt: View of the new message form emphasizing the Only If field.
Script testing
To ensure all visitors have a satisfactory experience with the chatbot, each message needs to lead to a natural conclusion. Chatbot scripts should be tested to confirm there are no dead-ends, and to understand what the visitor sees when they interact with the chatbot.
:::{important} If the visitor provides an answer, or input, that is not assigned a corresponding follow-up response, the conversation stops (dead-ends). Since the visitor cannot re-engage the chatbot, they must restart the conversation by refreshing the chat window, or their browser. :::
To test the performance of a chatbot, first click on the {guilabel}Test
button at the top-left of
the chatbot script page. Then, upon being redirected to the testing screen, answer the chatbot
prompts the same way a potential site visitor would.
When the script has reached an end-point, the message Conversation ended...Restart appears at the
bottom of the chat window. To begin the conversation at the beginning of the script, click on
. To return to the script page, click {guilabel}Back to edit mode
at the top of
the page.
Add chatbot to a channel
After a chatbot has been created and tested, it needs to be added to a live chat channel.
First, open the {menuselection}Live Chat
application, find the Kanban card for the appropriate
live chat channel, hover over it, and click the {guilabel}⋮ (three dots)
icon to open the
drop-down menu. Click {guilabel}Configure Channel
to open the channel detail form.
To create a new live chat channel, open the {menuselection}Live Chat app
and click
. See {doc}Live Chat <../livechat>
for more information.
Click on the {guilabel}Channel Rules
tab. Then, open an existing rule, or create a new one by
clicking {guilabel}Add a line
On the {guilabel}Create Rules
modal, choose the appropriate chatbot in the {guilabel}Chatbot
If the chatbot should only be active if there are no live chat operators available, check the
box labeled {guilabel}Enabled only if no operator
:align: center
:alt: View of the channel rules emphasizing the chatbot field.
{doc}Live chat channel rules </applications/websites/livechat>