2025-02-27 18:56:07 +07:00

45 KiB

External API

Odoo is usually extended internally via modules, but many of its features and all of its data are also available from the outside for external analysis or integration with various tools. Part of the {ref}reference/orm/model API is easily available over XML-RPC and accessible from a variety of languages.

:::{important} Starting with PHP8, the XML-RPC extension may not be available by default. Check out the manual for the installation steps. :::

:::{note} Access to data via the external API is only available on Custom Odoo pricing plans. Access to the external API is not available on One App Free or Standard plans. For more information visit the Odoo pricing page or reach out to your Customer Success Manager. :::


  • {doc}Tutorial on web services <../howtos/web_services> :::



If you already have an Odoo server installed, you can just use its parameters.

:::{important} For Odoo Online instances (<domain>, users are created without a local password (as a person you are logged in via the Odoo Online authentication system, not by the instance itself). To use XML-RPC on Odoo Online instances, you will need to set a password on the user account you want to use:

  • Log in your instance with an administrator account.
  • Go to {menuselection}Settings --> Users & Companies --> Users.
  • Click on the user you want to use for XML-RPC access.
  • Click on {guilabel}Action and select {guilabel}Change Password.
  • Set a {guilabel}New Password value then click {guilabel}Change Password.

The server url is the instance's domain (e.g., the database name is the name of the instance (e.g. mycompany). The username is the configured user's login as shown by the Change Password screen. :::

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: python

       url = <insert server URL>
       db = <insert database name>
       username = 'admin'
       password = <insert password for your admin user (default: admin)>

   .. code-tab:: ruby

       url = <insert server URL>
       db = <insert database name>
       username = "admin"
       password = <insert password for your admin user (default: admin)>

   .. code-tab:: php

       $url = <insert server URL>;
       $db = <insert database name>;
       $username = "admin";
       $password = <insert password for your admin user (default: admin)>;

   .. code-tab:: java

       final String url = <insert server URL>,
                     db = <insert database name>,
               username = "admin",
               password = <insert password for your admin user (default: admin)>;

   .. code-tab:: go

       var (
           url = <insert server URL>
           db = <insert database name>
           username = "admin"
           password = <insert password for your admin user (default: admin)>


API Keys

:::{versionadded} 14.0 :::

Odoo has support for api keys and (depending on modules or settings) may require these keys to perform webservice operations.

The way to use API Keys in your scripts is to simply replace your password by the key. The login remains in-use. You should store the API Key as carefully as the password as they essentially provide the same access to your user account (although they can not be used to log-in via the interface).

In order to add a key to your account, simply go to your {guilabel}Preferences (or {guilabel}My Profile):

:align: center

then open the {guilabel}Account Security tab, and click {guilabel}New API Key:

:align: center

Input a description for the key, this description should be as clear and complete as possible: it is the only way you will have to identify your keys later and know whether you should remove them or keep them around.

Click {guilabel}Generate Key, then copy the key provided. Store this key carefully: it is equivalent to your password, and just like your password the system will not be able to retrieve or show the key again later on. If you lose this key, you will have to create a new one (and probably delete the one you lost).

Once you have keys configured on your account, they will appear above the {guilabel}New API Key button, and you will be able to delete them:

:align: center

A deleted API key can not be undeleted or re-set. You will have to generate a new key and update all the places where you used the old one.

Test database

To make exploration simpler, you can also ask for a test database:

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: python

      import xmlrpc.client
      info = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('').start()
      url, db, username, password = info['host'], info['database'], info['user'], info['password']

   .. code-tab:: ruby

      require "xmlrpc/client"
      info = XMLRPC::Client.new2('').call('start')
      url, db, username, password = info['host'], info['database'], info['user'], info['password']

   .. group-tab:: PHP

      .. code-block:: php

         $info = ripcord::client('')->start();
         list($url, $db, $username, $password) = array($info['host'], $info['database'], $info['user'], $info['password']);

      .. note::
         These examples use the `Ripcord <>`_
         library, which provides a simple XML-RPC API. Ripcord requires that
         `XML-RPC support be enabled
         <>`_ in your PHP

         Since calls are performed over
         `HTTPS <>`_, it also requires that
         the `OpenSSL extension
         <>`_ be enabled.

   .. group-tab:: Java

      .. code-block:: java

         final XmlRpcClient client = new XmlRpcClient();

         final XmlRpcClientConfigImpl start_config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();
         start_config.setServerURL(new URL(""));
         final Map<String, String> info = (Map<String, String>)client.execute(
             start_config, "start", emptyList());

         final String url = info.get("host"),
                       db = info.get("database"),
                 username = info.get("user"),
                 password = info.get("password");

      .. note::
         These examples use the `Apache XML-RPC library <>`_.

         The examples do not include imports as these imports couldn't be
         pasted in the code.

   .. group-tab:: Go

      .. code-block:: go

         client, err := xmlrpc.NewClient("", nil)
         if err != nil {
         info := map[string]string{}
         client.Call("start", nil, &info)
         url = info["host"].(string)
         db = info["database"].(string)
         username = info["user"].(string)
         password = info["password"].(string)

      .. note::
         These examples use the ` library <>`_.

         The examples do not include imports as these imports couldn't be
         pasted in the code.

Logging in

Odoo requires users of the API to be authenticated before they can query most data.

The xmlrpc/2/common endpoint provides meta-calls which don't require authentication, such as the authentication itself or fetching version information. To verify if the connection information is correct before trying to authenticate, the simplest call is to ask for the server's version. The authentication itself is done through the authenticate function and returns a user identifier (uid) used in authenticated calls instead of the login.

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: python

      common = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/common'.format(url))

   .. code-tab:: ruby

      common = XMLRPC::Client.new2("#{url}/xmlrpc/2/common")'version')

   .. code-tab:: php

      $common = ripcord::client("$url/xmlrpc/2/common");

   .. code-tab:: java

      final XmlRpcClientConfigImpl common_config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();
      common_config.setServerURL(new URL(String.format("%s/xmlrpc/2/common", url)));
      client.execute(common_config, "version", emptyList());

   .. code-tab:: go

      client, err := xmlrpc.NewClient(fmt.Sprintf("%s/xmlrpc/2/common", url), nil)
      if err != nil {
      common := map[string]any{}
      if err := client.Call("version", nil, &common); err != nil {


    "server_version": "13.0",
    "server_version_info": [13, 0, 0, "final", 0],
    "server_serie": "13.0",
    "protocol_version": 1,
.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: python

      uid = common.authenticate(db, username, password, {})

   .. code-tab:: ruby

      uid ='authenticate', db, username, password, {})

   .. code-tab:: php

      $uid = $common->authenticate($db, $username, $password, array());

   .. code-tab:: java

      int uid = (int)client.execute(common_config, "authenticate", asList(db, username, password, emptyMap()));

   .. code-tab:: go

      var uid int64
      if err := client.Call("authenticate", []any{
          db, username, password,
      }, &uid); err != nil {


Calling methods

The second endpoint is xmlrpc/2/object. It is used to call methods of odoo models via the execute_kw RPC function.

Each call to execute_kw takes the following parameters:

  • the database to use, a string
  • the user id (retrieved through authenticate), an integer
  • the user's password, a string
  • the model name, a string
  • the method name, a string
  • an array/list of parameters passed by position
  • a mapping/dict of parameters to pass by keyword (optional)
.. example::

   For instance, to search for records in the ``res.partner`` model, we can call
   ``name_search`` with ``name`` passed by position and ``limit`` passed by
   keyword (in order to get maximum 10 results):

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         models = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url))
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'name_search', ['foo'], {'limit': 10})

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         models = XMLRPC::Client.new2("#{url}/xmlrpc/2/object").proxy
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'name_search', ['foo'], {limit: 10})

      .. code-tab:: php

         $models = ripcord::client("$url/xmlrpc/2/object");
         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'name_search', array('foo'), array('limit' => 10));

      .. code-tab:: java

         final XmlRpcClient models = new XmlRpcClient() {{
             setConfig(new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl() {{
                 setServerURL(new URL(String.format("%s/xmlrpc/2/object", url)));
         models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "name_search",
             new HashMap() {{ put("limit", 10); }}

      .. code-tab:: go

         models, err := xmlrpc.NewClient(fmt.Sprintf("%s/xmlrpc/2/object", url), nil)
         if err != nil {
         var result bool
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "name_search",
             map[string]bool{"limit": 10},
         }, &result); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json


List records

Records can be listed and filtered via {meth}

{meth} takes a mandatory {ref}domain <reference/orm/domains> filter (possibly empty), and returns the database identifiers of all records matching the filter.

.. example::

   To list customer companies, for instance:

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search', [[['is_company', '=', True]]])

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search', [[['is_company', '=', true]]])

      .. code-tab:: php

         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'search', array(array(array('is_company', '=', true))));

      .. code-tab:: java

         asList((Object[])models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search",
                 asList("is_company", "=", true)))

      .. code-tab:: go

         var records []int64
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search",
                 []any{"is_company", "=", true},
         }, &records); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json

      [7, 18, 12, 14, 17, 19, 8, 31, 26, 16, 13, 20, 30, 22, 29, 15, 23, 28, 74]


By default a search will return the ids of all records matching the condition, which may be a huge number. offset and limit parameters are available to only retrieve a subset of all matched records.

.. example::

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search', [[['is_company', '=', True]]], {'offset': 10, 'limit': 5})

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search', [[['is_company', '=', true]]], {offset: 10, limit: 5})

      .. code-tab:: php

         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'search', array(array(array('is_company', '=', true))), array('offset'=>10, 'limit'=>5));

      .. code-tab:: java

         asList((Object[])models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search",
                 asList("is_company", "=", true))),
             new HashMap() {{ put("offset", 10); put("limit", 5); }}

      .. code-tab:: go

         var records []int64
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search",
                 []any{"is_company", "=", true},
             map[string]int64{"offset": 10, "limit":  5},
         }, &records); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json

      [13, 20, 30, 22, 29]

Count records

Rather than retrieve a possibly gigantic list of records and count them, {meth}~odoo.models.Model.search_count can be used to retrieve only the number of records matching the query. It takes the same {ref}domain <reference/orm/domains> filter as {meth} and no other parameter.

.. example::

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_count', [[['is_company', '=', True]]])

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_count', [[['is_company', '=', true]]])

      .. code-tab:: php

         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'search_count', array(array(array('is_company', '=', true))));

      .. code-tab:: java

         (Integer)models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search_count",
                 asList("is_company", "=", true)))

      .. code-tab:: go

         var counter int64
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search_count",
                 []any{"is_company", "=", true},
         }, &counter); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json


:::{note} Calling search then search_count (or the other way around) may not yield coherent results if other users are using the server: stored data could have changed between the calls. :::

Read records

Record data are accessible via the {meth} method, which takes a list of ids (as returned by {meth}, and optionally a list of fields to fetch. By default, it fetches all the fields the current user can read, which tends to be a huge amount.

.. example::

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

          ids = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search', [[['is_company', '=', True]]], {'limit': 1})
          [record] = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'read', [ids])
          # count the number of fields fetched by default

      .. code-tab:: ruby

          ids = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search', [[['is_company', '=', true]]], {limit: 1})
          record = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'read', [ids]).first
          # count the number of fields fetched by default

      .. code-tab:: php

          $ids = $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'search', array(array(array('is_company', '=', true))), array('limit'=>1));
          $records = $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'read', array($ids));
          // count the number of fields fetched by default

      .. code-tab:: java

          final List ids = asList((Object[])models.execute(
              "execute_kw", asList(
                  db, uid, password,
                  "res.partner", "search",
                      asList("is_company", "=", true))),
                  new HashMap() {{ put("limit", 1); }})));
          final Map record = (Map)((Object[])models.execute(
              "execute_kw", asList(
                  db, uid, password,
                  "res.partner", "read",
          // count the number of fields fetched by default

      .. code-tab:: go

         var ids []int64
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search",
                 []any{"is_company", "=", true},
             map[string]int64{"limit": 1},
         }, &ids); err != nil {
         var records []any
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "read",
         }, &records); err != nil {
         // count the number of fields fetched by default
         count := len(records)


   .. code-block:: json


   Conversely, picking only three fields deemed interesting.

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'read', [ids], {'fields': ['name', 'country_id', 'comment']})

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'read', [ids], {fields: %w(name country_id comment)})

      .. code-tab:: php

         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'read', array($ids), array('fields'=>array('name', 'country_id', 'comment')));

      .. code-tab:: java

         asList((Object[])models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "read",
             new HashMap() {{
                 put("fields", asList("name", "country_id", "comment"));

      .. code-tab:: go

         var recordFields []map[string]any
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "read",
                 "fields": {"name", "country_id", "comment"},
         }, &recordFields); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json

      [{"comment": false, "country_id": [21, "Belgium"], "id": 7, "name": "Agrolait"}]

:::{note} Even if the id field is not requested, it is always returned. :::

List record fields

{meth}~odoo.models.Model.fields_get can be used to inspect a model's fields and check which ones seem to be of interest.

Because it returns a large amount of meta-information (it is also used by client programs) it should be filtered before printing, the most interesting items for a human user are string (the field's label), help (a help text if available) and type (to know which values to expect, or to send when updating a record).

.. example::

   .. tabs::

       .. code-tab:: python

           models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'fields_get', [], {'attributes': ['string', 'help', 'type']})

       .. code-tab:: ruby

           models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'fields_get', [], {attributes: %w(string help type)})

       .. code-tab:: php

           $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'fields_get', array(), array('attributes' => array('string', 'help', 'type')));

       .. code-tab:: java

           (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>)models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
               db, uid, password,
               "res.partner", "fields_get",
               new HashMap() {{
                   put("attributes", asList("string", "help", "type"));

       .. code-tab:: go

           recordFields := map[string]string{}
           if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
               db, uid, password,
               "res.partner", "fields_get",
                   "attributes": {"string", "help", "type"},
           }, &recordFields); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json

          "ean13": {
              "type": "char",
              "help": "BarCode",
              "string": "EAN13"
          "property_account_position_id": {
              "type": "many2one",
              "help": "The fiscal position will determine taxes and accounts used for the partner.",
              "string": "Fiscal Position"
          "signup_valid": {
              "type": "boolean",
              "help": "",
              "string": "Signup Token is Valid"
          "date_localization": {
              "type": "date",
              "help": "",
              "string": "Geo Localization Date"
          "ref_company_ids": {
              "type": "one2many",
              "help": "",
              "string": "Companies that refers to partner"
          "sale_order_count": {
              "type": "integer",
              "help": "",
              "string": "# of Sales Order"
          "purchase_order_count": {
              "type": "integer",
              "help": "",
              "string": "# of Purchase Order"

Search and read

Because it is a very common task, Odoo provides a {meth}~odoo.models.Model.search_read shortcut which, as its name suggests, is equivalent to a {meth} followed by a {meth}, but avoids having to perform two requests and keep ids around.

Its arguments are similar to {meth}'s, but it can also take a list of fields (like {meth}, if that list is not provided it will fetch all fields of matched records).

.. example::

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['is_company', '=', True]]], {'fields': ['name', 'country_id', 'comment'], 'limit': 5})

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['is_company', '=', true]]], {fields: %w(name country_id comment), limit: 5})

      .. code-tab:: php

         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', array(array(array('is_company', '=', true))), array('fields'=>array('name', 'country_id', 'comment'), 'limit'=>5));

      .. code-tab:: java

         asList((Object[])models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search_read",
                 asList("is_company", "=", true))),
             new HashMap() {{
                 put("fields", asList("name", "country_id", "comment"));
                 put("limit", 5);

      .. code-tab:: go

         var recordFields []map[string]any
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search_read",
                 []any{"is_company", "=", true},
                 "fields": []string{"name", "country_id", "comment"},
                 "limit":  5,
         }, &recordFields); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json

              "comment": false,
              "country_id": [ 21, "Belgium" ],
              "id": 7,
              "name": "Agrolait"
              "comment": false,
              "country_id": [ 76, "France" ],
              "id": 18,
              "name": "Axelor"
              "comment": false,
              "country_id": [ 233, "United Kingdom" ],
              "id": 12,
              "name": "Bank Wealthy and sons"
              "comment": false,
              "country_id": [ 105, "India" ],
              "id": 14,
              "name": "Best Designers"
              "comment": false,
              "country_id": [ 76, "France" ],
              "id": 17,
              "name": "Camptocamp"

Create records

Records of a model are created using {meth}~odoo.models.Model.create. The method creates a single record and returns its database identifier.

{meth}~odoo.models.Model.create takes a mapping of fields to values, used to initialize the record. For any field which has a default value and is not set through the mapping argument, the default value will be used.

.. example::

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'create', [{'name': "New Partner"}])

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'create', [{name: "New Partner"}])

      .. code-tab:: php

         $id = $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'create', array(array('name'=>"New Partner")));

      .. code-tab:: java

         final Integer id = (Integer)models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "create",
             asList(new HashMap() {{ put("name", "New Partner"); }})

      .. code-tab:: go

         var id int64
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "create",
                 {"name": "New Partner"},
         }, &id); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json


:::{warning} While most value types are what would expect (integer for {class}~odoo.fields.Integer, string for {class}~odoo.fields.Char or {class}~odoo.fields.Text),

  • {class}~odoo.fields.Date, {class}~odoo.fields.Datetime and {class}~odoo.fields.Binary fields use string values
  • {class}~odoo.fields.One2many and {class}~odoo.fields.Many2many use a special command protocol detailed in {meth}the documentation to the write method <odoo.models.Model.write>. :::

Update records

Records can be updated using {meth}~odoo.models.Model.write. It takes a list of records to update and a mapping of updated fields to values similar to {meth}~odoo.models.Model.create.

Multiple records can be updated simultaneously, but they will all get the same values for the fields being set. It is not possible to perform "computed" updates (where the value being set depends on an existing value of a record).

.. example::

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'write', [[id], {'name': "Newer partner"}])
         # get record name after having changed it
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'read', [[id], ['display_name']])

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'write', [[id], {name: "Newer partner"}])
         # get record name after having changed it
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'read', [[id], ['display_name']])

      .. code-tab:: php

         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'write', array(array($id), array('name'=>"Newer partner")));
         // get record name after having changed it
         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password,
             'res.partner', 'read', array(array($id), array('display_name')));

      .. code-tab:: java

         models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "write",
                 new HashMap() {{ put("name", "Newer Partner"); }}
         // get record name after having changed it
         asList((Object[])models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "read",
             asList(asList(id), asList("display_name"))

      .. code-tab:: go

         var result bool
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "write",
                 map[string]string{"name": "Newer partner"},
         }, &result); err != nil {
         // get record name after having changed it
         var record []any
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "name_get",
         }, &record); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json

      [[78, "Newer partner"]]

Delete records

Records can be deleted in bulk by providing their ids to {meth}~odoo.models.Model.unlink.

.. example::

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'unlink', [[id]])
         # check if the deleted record is still in the database
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search', [[['id', '=', id]]])

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'unlink', [[id]])
         # check if the deleted record is still in the database
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search', [[['id', '=', id]]])

      .. code-tab:: php

         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'unlink', array(array($id)));
         // check if the deleted record is still in the database
             $db, $uid, $password, 'res.partner', 'search', array(array(array('id', '=', $id)))

      .. code-tab:: java

         models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "unlink",
         // check if the deleted record is still in the database
         asList((Object[])models.execute("execute_kw", asList(
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search",
             asList(asList(asList("id", "=", 78)))

      .. code-tab:: go

         var result bool
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "unlink",
         }, &result); err != nil {
         // check if the deleted record is still in the database
         var record []any
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "res.partner", "search",
                 []any{"id", "=", id},
         }, &record); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json


Inspection and introspection

While we previously used {meth}~odoo.models.Model.fields_get to query a model and have been using an arbitrary model from the start, Odoo stores most model metadata inside a few meta-models which allow both querying the system and altering models and fields (with some limitations) on the fly over XML-RPC.



Provides information about Odoo models via its various fields.


a human-readable description of the model


the name of each model in the system


whether the model was generated in Python code (base) or by creating an ir.model record (manual)


list of the model's fields through a {class}~odoo.fields.One2many to {ref}reference/webservice/inspection/fields


{class}~odoo.fields.One2many to the {doc}../reference/user_interface/view_architectures defined for the model


{class}~odoo.fields.One2many relation to the {ref}reference/security/acl set on the model

ir.model can be used to

  • Query the system for installed models (as a precondition to operations on the model or to explore the system's content).
  • Get information about a specific model (generally by listing the fields associated with it).
  • Create new models dynamically over RPC.


  • Custom model names must start with x_.
  • The state must be provided and set to manual, otherwise the model will not be loaded.
  • It is not possible to add new methods to a custom model, only fields. :::
.. example::

   A custom model will initially contain only the "built-in" fields available
   on all models:

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'ir.model', 'create', [{
             'name': "Custom Model",
             'model': "x_custom_model",
             'state': 'manual',
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'x_custom_model', 'fields_get', [], {'attributes': ['string', 'help', 'type']})

      .. code-tab:: php

         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'ir.model', 'create', array(array(
             'name' => "Custom Model",
             'model' => 'x_custom_model',
             'state' => 'manual'
         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'x_custom_model', 'fields_get', array(), array('attributes' => array('string', 'help', 'type')));

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'ir.model', 'create', [{
             name: "Custom Model",
             model: 'x_custom_model',
             state: 'manual'
         fields = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'x_custom_model', 'fields_get', [], {attributes: %w(string help type)})

      .. code-tab:: java

             "execute_kw", asList(
                 db, uid, password,
                 "ir.model", "create",
                 asList(new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
                     put("name", "Custom Model");
                     put("model", "x_custom_model");
                     put("state", "manual");
         final Object fields = models.execute(
             "execute_kw", asList(
                 db, uid, password,
                 "x_custom_model", "fields_get",
                 new HashMap<String, Object> () {{
                     put("attributes", asList(

      .. code-tab:: go

         var id int64
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "ir.model", "create",
                     "name":  "Custom Model",
                     "model": "x_custom_model",
                     "state": "manual",
         }, &id); err != nil {
         recordFields := map[string]string{}
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "x_custom_model", "fields_get",
                 "attributes": {"string", "help", "type"},
         }, &recordFields); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json

          "create_uid": {
              "type": "many2one",
              "string": "Created by"
          "create_date": {
              "type": "datetime",
              "string": "Created on"
          "__last_update": {
              "type": "datetime",
              "string": "Last Modified on"
          "write_uid": {
              "type": "many2one",
              "string": "Last Updated by"
          "write_date": {
              "type": "datetime",
              "string": "Last Updated on"
          "display_name": {
              "type": "char",
              "string": "Display Name"
          "id": {
              "type": "integer",
              "string": "Id"



Provides information about the fields of Odoo models and allows adding custom fields without using Python code.


{class}~odoo.fields.Many2one to {ref}reference/webservice/inspection/models to which the field belongs


the field's technical name (used in read or write)


the field's user-readable label (e.g. string in fields_get)


the {ref}type <reference/orm/fields> of field to create


whether the field was created via Python code (base) or via ir.model.fields (manual)

required, readonly, translate

enables the corresponding flag on the field


{ref}field-level access control <reference/security/fields>, a {class}~odoo.fields.Many2many to res.groups

selection, size, on_delete, relation, relation_field, domain

type-specific properties and customizations, see {ref}the fields documentation <reference/orm/fields> for details


  • Like custom models, only new fields created with state="manual" are activated as actual fields on the model.
  • Computed fields can not be added via ir.model.fields, some field meta-information (defaults, onchange) can not be set either. :::
.. example::

   .. tabs::

      .. code-tab:: python

         id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'ir.model', 'create', [{
             'name': "Custom Model",
             'model': "x_custom",
             'state': 'manual',
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'ir.model.fields', 'create', [{
             'model_id': id,
             'name': 'x_name',
             'ttype': 'char',
             'state': 'manual',
             'required': True,
         record_id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'x_custom', 'create', [{'x_name': "test record"}])
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'x_custom', 'read', [[record_id]])

      .. code-tab:: php

         $id = $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'ir.model', 'create', array(array(
             'name' => "Custom Model",
             'model' => 'x_custom',
             'state' => 'manual'
         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'ir.model.fields', 'create', array(array(
             'model_id' => $id,
             'name' => 'x_name',
             'ttype' => 'char',
             'state' => 'manual',
             'required' => true
         $record_id = $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'x_custom', 'create', array(array('x_name' => "test record")));
         $models->execute_kw($db, $uid, $password, 'x_custom', 'read', array(array($record_id)));

      .. code-tab:: ruby

         id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'ir.model', 'create', [{
             name: "Custom Model",
             model: "x_custom",
             state: 'manual'
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'ir.model.fields', 'create', [{
             model_id: id,
             name: "x_name",
             ttype: "char",
             state: "manual",
             required: true
         record_id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'x_custom', 'create', [{x_name: "test record"}])
         models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'x_custom', 'read', [[record_id]])

      .. code-tab:: java

         final Integer id = (Integer)models.execute(
             "execute_kw", asList(
                 db, uid, password,
                 "ir.model", "create",
                 asList(new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
                     put("name", "Custom Model");
                     put("model", "x_custom");
                     put("state", "manual");
             "execute_kw", asList(
                 db, uid, password,
                 "ir.model.fields", "create",
                 asList(new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
                     put("model_id", id);
                     put("name", "x_name");
                     put("ttype", "char");
                     put("state", "manual");
                     put("required", true);
         final Integer record_id = (Integer)models.execute(
             "execute_kw", asList(
                 db, uid, password,
                 "x_custom", "create",
                 asList(new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
                     put("x_name", "test record");

             "execute_kw", asList(
                 db, uid, password,
                 "x_custom", "read",

      .. code-tab:: go

         var id int64
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "ir.model", "create",
                     "name":  "Custom Model",
                     "model": "x_custom",
                     "state": "manual",
         }, &id); err != nil {
         var fieldId int64
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "ir.model.fields", "create",
                     "model_id": id,
                     "name":     "x_name",
                     "ttype":    "char",
                     "state":    "manual",
                     "required": true,
         }, &fieldId); err != nil {
         var recordId int64
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "x_custom", "create",
                 {"x_name": "test record"},
         }, &recordId); err != nil {
         var recordFields []map[string]any
         if err := models.Call("execute_kw", []any{
             db, uid, password,
             "x_custom", "read",
         }, recordFields); err != nil {


   .. code-block:: json

              "create_uid": [1, "Administrator"],
              "x_name": "test record",
              "__last_update": "2014-11-12 16:32:13",
              "write_uid": [1, "Administrator"],
              "write_date": "2014-11-12 16:32:13",
              "create_date": "2014-11-12 16:32:13",
              "id": 1,
              "display_name": "test record"