2025-02-27 18:56:07 +07:00

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Odoo Editor

Odoo Editor is Odoo's own rich text editor. Its sources can be found in the odoo-editor directory.


The Powerbox is a piece of user interface that contains {ref}commands <reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/command> organized into {ref}categories <reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/category>. It appears when typing / in the editor. The commands can be filtered when the user inputs text, and navigated with the arrow keys.

:align: center
:alt: The Powerbox opened after typing "/".

Modifying the Powerbox

Only one Powerbox should be instantiated at the time, and that job is done by the editor itself. Its Powerbox instance can be found in its powerbox instance variable. To change the Powerbox's contents and options, change the options passed to the editor before it gets instantiated.

:::{important} Never instantiate the Powerbox yourself. Always use the current editor's own instance instead. :::

.. example::
    Say we want to add a new command `Document` to the Powerbox, just for the
    `mass_mailing` module. We want to add it to a new category called
    `Documentation` and we want it all the way at the top of the Powerbox.

    `mass_mailing` `extends
    `web_editor`'s `Wysiwyg class
    <{GITHUB_PATH}/addons/web_editor/static/src/js/wysiwyg/wysiwyg.js>`_, which
    instantiates the editor in its `start` method. Before doing so, it
    calls its own `_getPowerboxOptions` method, which can conveniently be
    overridden to add our new commands.

    Since `mass_mailing` already overrides `_getPowerboxOptions`, let's just add
    our new command to it:

    .. code-block:: javascript

      _getPowerboxOptions: function () {
          const options = this._super();
          // (existing code before the return statement)
              name: _t('Documentation'),
              priority: 300,
              name: _t('Document'),
              category: _t('Documentation'),
              description: _t("Add this text to your mailing's documentation"),
              fontawesome: 'fa-book',
              priority: 1, // This is the only command in its category anyway.
          return options;

    .. important::
      In order to allow the names and descriptions of your commands and
      categories to be translated, make sure to wrap them in the `_t` function.

    .. tip::
      To avoid out-of-control escalations, don't use random numbers for your
      priorities: look at which other priorities already exist and choose your
      value accordingly (like you would do for a `z-index`).

Opening a custom Powerbox

It is possible to open the Powerbox with a custom set of categories and commands, bypassing all pre-existing ones. To do that, call the open method of the Powerbox and pass it your custom commands and categories.

:align: center
:alt: |-
:  The Powerbox opened with custom categories and commands when pasting an
:  image URL.
.. example::
    We need the current instance of the Powerbox, which can be found in the
    current editor. In the `Wysiwyg class
    <{GITHUB_PATH}/addons/web_editor/static/src/js/wysiwyg/wysiwyg.js>`_, you
    will find it as `this.odooEditor.powerbox`.

    Now to open it with our custom "Document" command in a custom
    "Documentation" category:

    .. code-block:: javascript
              name: _t('Document'),
              category: _t('Documentation'),
              description: _t("Add this text to your mailing's documentation"),
              fontawesome: 'fa-book',
              priority: 1, // This is the only command in its category anyway.
              name: _t('Documentation'),
              priority: 300,

Filtering commands

There are three ways to filter commands:

  1. Via the powerboxFilters {ref}Powerbox option <reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/options>.
  2. Via a given {ref}command <reference/frontend/odoo_editor/powerbox/command>'s isDisabled entry.
  3. The user can filter commands by simply typing text after opening the Powerbox. It will fuzzy-match that text with the names of the categories and commands.
:align: center
:alt: The Powerbox with its commands filtered using the word "head".




.. list-table::
    :widths: 20 20 60
    :header-rows: 1

    * - Name
      - Type
      - Description
    * - `name`
      - `string`
      - the name of the category
    * - `priority`
      - `number`
      - used to order the category: a category with a higher priority is
        displayed higher into the Powerbox (categories with the same priority
        are ordered alphabetically)

:::{note} If several categories exist with the same name, they will be grouped into one. Its priority will be that defined in the version of the category that was declared last. :::



.. list-table::
    :widths: 20 20 60
    :header-rows: 1

    * - Name
      - Type
      - Description
    * - `name`
      - `string`
      - the name of the command
    * - `category`
      - `string`
      - the name of the category the command belongs to
    * - `description`
      - `string`
      - a short text to describe the command
    * - `fontawesome`
      - `string`
      - the name of a *Font Awesome* that will serve as the command's icon
    * - `priority`
      - `number`
      - used to order the command: a command with a higher priority is displayed
        higher into the Powerbox (commands with the same priority are ordered
    * - `callback`
      - `function` (`() => void`)
      - the function to execute when the command is picked (can be asynchronous)
    * - `isDisabled` (optional)
      - `function` (`() => void`)
      - a function used to disable the command under certain conditions (when it
        returns `true`, the command will be disabled)

:::{note} If the command points to a category that doesn't exist yet, that category will be created and appended at the end of the Powerbox. :::



The following options can be passed to OdooEditor, that will then be passed to the instance of the Powerbox:

.. list-table::
    :widths: 20 20 60
    :header-rows: 1

    * - Name
      - Type
      - Description
    * - `commands`
      - `array of commands`
      - commands to add to the default defined by the editor
    * - `categories`
      - `array of categories`
      - categories to add to the default defined by the editor
    * - `powerboxFilters`
      - `array of functions` (`commands => commands`)
      - functions used to filter commands displayed in the Powerbox
    * - `getContextFromParentRect`
      - `function` (`() => DOMRect`)
      - a function that returns the `DOMRect` of an ancestor of the editor (can
        be useful when the editor is in an iframe)