Géry Debongnie eff7c05465 [DOC] add master-wowl doc (UNFINISHED)
I know, the doc is still in md, it was only temporary. we will convert
it to rst someday
2021-05-31 15:29:27 +02:00

3.5 KiB



The Dialog component is one of the main bricks of the web client.

Here are its props

Name Type Default Description
contentClass string the classes contained in contentClass are added on the element "div.modal-content"
fullscreen boolean false a class o_modal_full is added on the element "div.modal"
renderFooter boolean true the footer contains a slot buttons and a default button OK
renderHeader boolean true the header contains a title and a button x for "closing" dialog
size string "modal-lg" used to set the dialog size (available suffix: "xl", "lg", "md", sm")
title string "Odoo"
technical boolean true a class o_technical_modal is added on the element "div.modal". If set to false, the modal will have the standard frontend style (use this for non-editor frontend features).


Beside the props, the configuration of a dialog is done via two slots:

The default slot should be used to define the main content of the dialog (display some text or subcomponents).

The slot buttons can be used to add custom buttons in the dialog footer. If the footer is displayed and that slot is not used, a default button OK is added to the footer. A click on that button triggers the event dialog-closed via the method _close (see section below).

So typically, the parent template could look like to

        <!-- parent main content -->
        <Dialog t-if="state.displayDialog" t-on-dialog-closed="_onDialogClosed">
            <SubComponent t-on-subcomponent-clicked="_onSubcomponentClicked" />
            <t t-set="buttons">
                <button t-on-click="onConfirmClick">Confirm</button>
                <button t-on-click="onDiscardClick">Discard</button>
        <!-- ... -->

Communication with parent

The dialog never closes itself. The dialog parent is responsible of opening/closing the dialog. When the user click on the button x (in the header) or Ok (default button in the footer), a custom event dialog-closed is triggered, allowing the parent to take action or not.

Location in the dom

The Dialog class uses a portal to locate itself in a div with class o_dialog_container but the communication with the parent goes as usual: via props or custom/dom events.