When doing a `git archive`, all the files in the tar archive are set to
the commit date. Ignore this date during extraction.
Having the files with dates in future will make some tests about assets
to fail. These tests force the asset regeneration by `touch`ing one
js/css file. If other bundle files are still older that the one we touch,
the asset is not regenerated and the test fail.
This commit() is the root cause of the famous false-positive error
`_check_module_names invalid module names, ignored: False`.
The first step (pull code) is a long one. if a push-hook request
happen during this step, the current transaction wont be able to be
commited (the list of module to test is written on the build). Due to
this early commit(), the build is left in an intermediate state with
the module list unpopulated (=False).
To find out the list of manually created dbs,
rev. 4d94f45 used the cursor that is connected to the
master `runbot` database, which may reside on a different
- Add a helper to run commands on the local PG cluster
instead ("postgres" database).
- Modify other commands for local cluster (create/drop db)
to use the same cursor. Rename those methods to _local_*
to better indicate their local effect.
- pos_blackbox_be: because it makes the POS unuseable without a blackbox
- pos_cache: because it's too confusing for runbot users, everytime they
update a product they have to also update the cache, but
most people don't realise that.
As of Odoo 9 the first l10n module installed will automatically
install its chart of account on the main company, so installing
the first one (l10n_ae) is surprising/strange.
Branches that want to build l10n_* modules should list
them explicitly in the "modules to install" field (modules).
In addition, having demo data to set the country of the
main company will automatically installe the relevant
l10n module if it exists. This is the default in Odoo 9
with l10n_us.
This allows configuring an explicit list of modules to install
on a repository without having orange builds (with warnings)
whenever a branch does not have one of these modules for some
This lets us use them in README files
on GitHub, which uses an image proxy
that does not have access to private
This is an acceptable disclosure of
information about private repos.
The web addon is supposed to be duplicate, and needs to be installed
(in the enterprise version) over the community edition.
A better fix would be to keep the folder and use the --addons-path key
to start the server with the correct addon, but this is an urgent