Current dump version doesn't include filestore. This new
version adds the filestore trying to match odoo backup format
in order to ease restore.
manifest.json file is not create since it isn't usefull,
but an info.json is added, with build info.
Creating multi builds configs can be tedious. One must create 2 build
configs and 2 build config steps in the right order.
With this commit, a simple wizard is added that creates those 4
configurations by simply filling 4 fields.
Also, a new field, group, is added in order to be able to gather
config's and config steps into groups. The group is a Many2one on a
While at it, the runbot menu has been a bit rearranged with everything
about config's in a parent menu named Configs.
Config's and config's steps tree views have been enhanced to show the
config group and add some filters in the search views.
With this commit, a new boolean field "flamegraph" is added on the
build_config to allow a flamegraph generation.
In order to be able to generate a flamegraph during a runbot build, the
flamegraph package is added to the Docker image as well as the tool.
Dump a db at the end of a build, using a new 'finals' cmd part
added in order to execute dump even if build fails.
Add a link in last step log to download dump.
In different situations, a docker container may stay alive even if the
build global_state is done. This can lead to a build failure when a
build wants to go in running state and tries to expose the same ports as
the left over build.
This reverts commit 1207daded1.
A too quick review, setting a default value is a good idea but since field is a float now,
default value should be time.time
Actually some Odoo modules are black_listed from a set hardcoded in the
runbot code. In some cases, one needs to blacklist custom modules,
preferably in a config_step.
With this commit, the repo.modules, branch.modules,
config_step.install_modules fields are concatained in a comma separated
list of fnmatch patterns. The patterns can be prefixed with a dash to
exclude the matching module(s).
Co-authored by @Xavier-Do
When a build is running, a cron, an evil query or something else can
start to fill and bloat the runbot ir_logging table.
With this commit, a log_counter field is added on the build, starting at
100. The SQL trigger decrement this counter after a line is inserted.
When the counter drops to 0, a the last log line contains a message
stating that the limit has been reached. Further log lines are dropped
for this build step.
The counter is reset to a default of 100 before each step.
This value is configurable through an optional ir.config_parameter
The runbot itself is still able to add logs lines through the build _log
Thanks @Xavier-Do for the smart idea.
When a build only create sub-builds, the build_time is verry small (a few seconds),
and this information is not relevant. This commit propagates end_time to parent_build
if parent_build is done or running.
When a build_error active field is changed, the onchange leads to a
traceback. Anyway, the onchange was not a good idea as it only reflects
UI changes.
With this commit, the write method is overwritten to change the
child_ids active fields too. Also, the active_test context is used to
correctly compute the childs_ids and children_build_ids.
A test is also added for all that.
- Add a keep running flag on the build to allow a build to stay in
running state until the flag is switched off ( or the build killed)
- Do not update configs and config_steps data
- Add a first/last_seen_build and first/last_seen_date on build.error
- Children error builds now include the parent builds too
- Use a notebook on build.error form view to display builds and linked
- Update result when a build triggers a change from 'warn' to 'ko' too
- Add the sticky flag on the error logs stored sql view
When a build error appears with the same fingerprint as already known
one which was supposedly fixed, the build is simply added to the known
build error.
In order to keep an eye on such reappearing bugs and keep the fixing
history separated, this commit simply creates a new build_error.
Old build errors with the same hash (or child_ids 's hashes) appears in
a computed field error_history_ids.
When finding new commits, if there is more pending builds on a repo than
the running_max parameter, the exceeding builds are skipped.
As a result, when nightly builds are created on the runbot, it happens
that some of them are skipped.
Also, since e51412d , only refs newer than max_age are builded; thus the
logic is not needed to prevent rebuild of olds refs in case of a fresh
runbot install.
The Many2many related on a Many2many does not map the ids as expected.
With this commit, the records are mapped in a compute.
It also fixes an uppercase letter was used in the children_build_ids field name.
When killed a build could have his build end changed (problematic when
killing a running since build_time must represent the testing time)
-> if a build already has a build end, don't overwrite it.
Port also needs to be reset on wake_up since another build would have
recycle the current one since port unicity is limited to build not in
done state. This was working most of the time before since port unicity
was determined cross runbots, thus we only had one chance over 17
to have a conflict on wake up. (this changed with prevous commit)
With the increasing number of runbot servers (17), the total number of docker
instances can reach more than 3570 only for running build. Starting at 2000,
this covers the posrt 5432 used by postgress and make the build run step fail.
This commit simply limit the port unicity constraint by host.
With this commit, a new model is introduced to facilitate the tracking
of the build errors.
Its based on an SQL view (Thanks @Xavier-Do), that way, there is no new
table in DB and this view is also useful from the PSQL CLI.
In the UI, the search for errors easier than manipulate the ir_logging
view because the builds informations can be used in search and filters.
When a build is wake-up and something goes wrong during the
_run_odoo_run method, the "fetch and build" cron is broken and the
concerned runbot host stops working.
With this commit, the exception is catched and the build goes back to
the "done" state whith a log.
With this commit, a new RunbotBuilError model is added in order to
classify and manage errors that appears during runbot builds. This is
an helper to find undeterministic bugs in Odoo builds. Build logs can
be parsed on demand, during the parsing, the logs are cleaned with some
regexes stored on the RunbotErrorRegex model. A hash is computed on the
cleaned log, if a build error already exists with the same fingerprint,
the build is appended on the build error.
Errors can also be manually linked together with a parent/children
relation in case of a related error log. e.g. the error message is
different in two different branches but the bug is the same.
Also, a new build_url field is added to the runbot_build in order to
access the build web page from the backend.
Add a new model to keep info and configuration about
hosts (worker servers), like number of worker, reserved or not,
ping times (last start loop, successful iteration, end loop, ...)
and also last errors, number of testing per host, psql connection
count, ...
A new monitoring frontend page is created, similar to glances
but with additionnal information like hosts states and
last_monitored builds (for nightly)
Later this model will be used for runbot_build host instead of char.
Host are automaticaly created when running _scheduler.
In some case _force can return an empty recordset,
if the corresponding branch is in no_build mode in other
repo may be an explanation here.
This commit avoid to stuck the fetch and build loop in this case.
indirect state was writen on parent leading to unconsistent info.
indirect was using last build regardless of build_type. Now, indirect
will only use normal build to avoid red-chain after a sticky rebuild.
A prototype of feature was added some times a go.
No really tested, this commit improves parmater format
and makes dependency closest_branch_id not required
since a repo/sha is all we need.
Docker can take some time to be considered as running after docker_run. This
issue can appear when we speedup sheduling loop. To avoid that when can add an
time condition to consider if a docker is running, but we want to avoid to wait
to much since some jobs are fast.
This solution check if a job is a docker run before waiting, and will also
update job_start after a checkout since this can take some time if
a git fetch is performed.
When a build is killed, result will be set to manually killed,
removing the 'error' or 'warn' result.
This commit removes this behaviour in order to keep error result
in this case.
If a user really wants to keep a database up for a long time, he has the possibility
to wake it up multiple times.
Using last job end as reference will allow to keep a database alive longer.
The main motivation of this commit is to be able to notify github status only
when all children are done.
Until today, children where only used for dev branches and nightly. The needs to
use this system for staging need to enforce github_status behaviour.
Before this commit, a parent won't send github status since he will only
create childrens. And childrens are not awared of other children state,
so sending a succes may be wrong if another one failed.
Asking the parent to make the github_status looks the easiest solution:
-If top parent config will have update_github_state False, we also want to take that into account.
-If a child wants to contact github for failfast, parent will be in global_state error too and will send
message immediatly.
-If a child want to contact github for succsess, we actually want to wait for last child, parent will
be in waiting global_state and notify nothing (or pending).
Only last child will be able to notiffy success since global_state will be running or done at this step.
Orphan builds wont have any impact on result in with this scenario.