Add support for the ability to validate *stagings* over RPC rather
than via webhook. This may later be expanded to PRs as well.
The core motivation for this is to avoid bouncing through github which
sometimes drops the ball on statuses, and it's frustrating to have a
staging time out because GH fucked up.
Implemented via RPC, requiring both the staging itself (by id) and the
head commit being affected, as that is necessary to know what CIs are
required for that head and correctly report cross branch on the
various PRs.
Fix#881 (kinda)
Github makes it painfully difficult to access the statuses (especially
their URL / related build) once a PR has been merged, as it's
necessary to find the last non-staging commit mention / update in
order to find its statuses checkbox thingie, open that, and access the
The mergebot has all the links, so it can just display them in the
merged mode as well rather than only display them in open mode. That
way even on a merged PR the statuses are just two clicks away.
Computed on the fly for now. Formatted nicely in the frontend, there
does not seem to be any sort of duration widget in the backend so
just display the integer number of seconds.
Shove a bunch of stuff in notebook tabs, add a few
affordances (e.g. github and frontend links, links from m2m), surface
a few missing fields.
Hopefully makes the backend form both easier to navigate and easier to
administrate from.
Displays the entire batch set as a table, along both
repository (linked PRs) and branch (forward ports). Should provide a
much more complete overview.
Adds a copy of the dashboard as a raster render, to link from the PR:
as usual SVG is shit, content-based viewboxes are hell and having to
duplicate the entire CSS because `<img/>`-linked CSS can't run is
gross. And there's no payoff since the image is not interactible
Performing manual ad-hoc table rendering via pillow is not
significantly worse, it works fine and it's possible to do *really*
good conditional request handling (hopefully) because I've basically
got all the information I need right here.
In fact it might make sense to upgrade the regular HTML page with
similar conditional request handling, at least for the last-update
bit if not the etag.
Fixes #771,fixes #770
Thank god I have a bunch of tests because once again I forgot / missed
a bunch of edge cases in doing the conversion, which the tests
caught (sadly that means I almost certainly broke a few untested edge
Important notes:
Handling of parent links
Unlike PRs, batches don't lose their parent info ever, the link is
permanent, which is convenient to trawl through a forward port
(currently implemented very inefficiently, maybe we'll optimise that
in the future).
However this means the batch having a parent and the batch's PRs
having parents are slightly different informations, one of the edge
cases I missed is that of conflicting PRs, which are deparented and
have to be merged by hand before being forward ported further, I had
originally replaced the checks on a pr and its sibling having parents
by just the batch.
Batches & targets
Batches were originally concepted as being fixed to a target and PRs
having that target, a PR being retargeted would move it from one batch
to an other.
As it turns out this does not work in the case where people retarget
forward-port PRs, which I know they do because #551
(2337bd8518). I could not think of a
good way to handle this issue as is, so scrapped the moving PRs thing,
instead one of the coherence checks of a batch being ready is that all
its PRs have the same target, and a batch only has a target if all its
PRs have the same target.
It's possible for somewhat odd effects to arise, notably if a PR is
closed (removed from batch), the other PRs are retargeted, and the new
PR is reopened, it will now be on a separate batch even if it also
gets retargeted. This is weird. I don't quite know how I should handle
it, maybe batches could merge if they have the same target and label?
however batches don't currently have a label so...
Improve limits
Keep limits on the PRs rather than lift them on the batchL if we can
add/remove PRs of batches having different limits on different PRs of
the same batch is reasonable.
Also leave limit unset by default: previously, the limit was eagerly
set to the tip (accessible) branch. That doesn't really seem
necessary, so stop doing that.
Also remove completely unnecessary `max` when trying to find a PR's
next target: `root` is either `self` or `self.source_id`, so it should
not be possible for that to have a later target.
And for now ensure the limits are consistent per batch: a PR defaults
to the limit of their batch-mate if they don't have one, and if a
limit is set via command it's set on all PRs of a batch.
This commit does not allow differential limits via commands, they are
allowed via the backend but not really tested. The issue is mostly
that it's not clear what the UX should look like to have clear and not
super error prone interactions. So punt on it for now, and hopefully
there's no hole I missed which will create inconsistent batches.
This probably has latent bugs, and is only the start of the road to v2
(#789): PR batches are now created up-front (alongside the PR), with
PRs attached and detached as needed, hopefully such that things are
not broken (tests pass but...), this required a fair number of
ajustments to code not taking batches into account, or creating
batches on the fly.
`PullRequests.blocked` has also been updated to rely on the batch to
get its batch-mates, such that it can now be a stored field with the
right dependencies.
The next step is to better leverage this change:
- move cross-PR state up to the batch (e.g. skipchecks, priority, ...)
- add fw info to the batch, perform forward-ports batchwise in order
to avoid redundant batch-selection work, and allow altering batches
during fw (e.g. adding or removing PRs)
- use batches to select stagings
- maybe expose staging history of a batch?
Not sure it's going to be useful but it's hard to know if we can't
test it. The intent is mostly the ability to prioritize throughput (or
attempt to) during high-load events, if we can favour staging N
new batches over a split's N/2 we might be able to merge more crap.
But maybe not, we'll see, either way now it's here and seems to more
or less work.
Because the mergebot crons are on such a tight scheduling, and just
them finding out they have nothing to do can take a while, disabling
them can be a chore. Disabling staging via the project is much less
likely to cause issues as the projects don't normally (or ever?) get
exclusively locked, so they can generally be written to at any moment.
Furthermore, if we ever get in a situation where we have multiple
active projects (not really the case currently, we have multiple
projects but only one is really active) it's less disruptive to
disable stagings on a single specific project.
This commit revisits the commands set in order to make it more
regular, and limit inconsistent command-sets, although it includes
pseudo-command aliases for common tasks now removed from the core set.
Hard Errors
The previous iteration of the commands set would ignore any
non-command term in a command line. This has been changed to hard
error (and ignoring the entire thing) if any command is unknown or
This fixes inconsistent / unexpected interpretations where a user
sends a command, then writes a novel on the same line some words of
which happen to *also* be commands, leading to merge states they did
not expect. They should now be told to fuck off.
Priority Restructuring
The numerical priority system was pretty messy in that it confused
"staging priority" (in ways which were not entirely straightforward)
with overrides to other concerns.
This has now being split along all the axis, with separate command
subsets for:
- staging prioritisation, now separated between `default`, `priority`,
and `alone`,
- `default` means PRs are picked by an unspecified order when
creating a staging, if nothing better is available
- `priority` means PRs are picked first when staging, however if
`priority` PRs don't fill the staging the rest will be filled with
`default`, this mode did not previously exist
- `alone` means the PRs are picked first, before splits, and only
`alone` PRs can be part of the staging (which usually matches the
- `skipchecks` overrides both statuses and approval checks, for the
batch, something previously implied in `p=0`, but now
independent. Setting `skipchecks` basically makes the entire batch
For consistency this also sets the reviewer implicitly: since
skipchecks overrides both statuses *and approval*, whoever enables
this mode is essentially the reviewer.
- `cancel` cancels any ongoing staging when the marked PR becomes
ready again, previously this was also implied (in a more restricted
form) by setting `p=0`
FWBot removal
While the "forwardport bot" still exists as an API level (to segregate
access rights between tokens) it has been removed as an interaction
point, as part of the modules merge plan. As a result,
fwbot stops responding
Feedback messages are now always sent by the mergebot, the
forward-porting bot should not send any message or notification
commands moved to the merge bot
- `ignore`/`up to` simply changes bot
- `close` as well
- `skipci` is now a choice / flag of an `fw` command, which denotes
the forward-port policy,
- `fw=default` is the old `ci` and resets the policy to default,
that is wait for the PR to be merged to create forward ports, and
for the required statuses on each forward port to be received
before creating the next
- `fw=skipci` is the old `skipci`, it waits for the merge of the
base PR but then creates all the forward ports immediately (unless
it gets a conflict)
- `fw=skipmerge` immediately creates all the forward ports, without
even waiting for the PR to be merged
This is a completely new mode, and may be rather broken as until
now the 'bot has always assumed the source PR had been merged.
approval rework
Because of the previous section, there is no distinguishing feature
between `mergebot r+` = "merge this PR" and `forwardbot r+` = "merge
this PR and all its parent with different access rights".
As a result, the two have been merged under a single `mergebot r+`
with heuristics attempting to provide the best experience:
- if approving a non-forward port, the behavior does not change
- else, with review rights on the source, all ancestors are approved
- else, as author of the original, approves all ancestors which descend
from a merged PR
- else, approves all ancestors up to and including the oldest ancestor
to which we have review rights
Most notably, the source's author is not delegated on the source or
any of its descendants anymore. This might need to be revisited if it
provides too restrictive.
For the very specialized need of approving a forward-port *and none of
its ancestors*, `review=` can now take a comma (`,`) separated list of
pull request numbers (github numbers, not mergebot ids).
Computed State
The `state` field of pull requests is now computed. Hopefully this
makes the status more consistent and predictable in the long run, and
importantly makes status management more reliable (because reference
datum get updated naturally flowing to the state).
For now however it makes things more complicated as some of the states
have to be separately signaled or updated:
- `closed` and `error` are now separate flags
- `merge_date` is pulled down from forwardport and becomes the
transition signal for ready -> merged
- `reviewed_by` becomes the transition signal for approval (might be a
good idea to rename it...)
- `status` is computed from the head's statuses and overrides, and
*that* becomes the validation state
Ideally, batch-level flags like `skipchecks` should be on, well, the
batch, and `state` should have a dependency on the batch. However
currently the batch is not a durable / permanent member of the system,
so it's a PR-level flag and a messy pile.
On notable change is that *forcing* the state to `ready` now does that
but also sets the reviewer, `skipchecks`, and overrides to ensure the
API-mediated readying does not get rolled back by e.g. the runbot
sending a status.
This is useful for a few types of automated / programmatic PRs
e.g. translation exports, where we set the state programmatically to
limit noise.
recursive dependency hack
Given a sequence of PRs with an override of the source, if one of the
PRs is updated its descendants should not have the override
anymore. However if the updated PR gets overridden, its descendants
should have *that* override.
This requires some unholy manipulations via an override of `modified`,
as the ORM supports recursive fields but not recursive
dependencies (on a different field).
unconditional followup scheduling
Previously scheduling forward-port followup was contigent on the FW
policy, but it's not actually correct if the new PR is *immediately*
validated (which can happen now that the field is computed, if there
are no required statuses *or* all of the required statuses are
overridden by an ancestor) as nothing will trigger the state change
and thus scheduling of the fp followup.
The followup function checks all the properties of the batch to port,
so this should not result on incorrect ports. Although it's a bit more
expensive, and will lead to more spam.
Previously this would not happen because on creation of a PR the
validation task (commit -> PR) would still have to execute.
Misc Changes
- If a PR is marked as overriding / canceling stagings, it now does
so on retry not just when setting initially.
This was not handled at all previously, so a PR in P0 going into
error due to e.g. a non-deterministic bug would be retried and still
p=0, but a current staging would not get cancelled. Same when a PR
in p=0 goes into error because something was failed, then is updated
with a fix.
- Add tracking to a bunch of relevant PR fields.
Post-mortem analysis currently generally requires going through the
text logs to see what happened, which is annoying.
There is a nondeterminism / inconsistency in the tracking which
sometimes leads the admin user to trigger tracking before the bot
does, leading to the staging tracking being attributed to them
during tests, shove under the carpet by ignoring the user to whom
that tracking is attributed.
When multiple users update tracked fields in the same transaction
all the changes are attributed to the first one having triggered
tracking (?), I couldn't find why the admin sometimes takes over.
- added and leveraged support for enum-backed selection fields
- moved variuous fields from forwardport to runbot_merge
- fix a migration which had never worked and which never run (because
I forgot to bump the version on the module)
- remove some unnecessary intermediate de/serialisation
fixes#673, fixes#309, fixes#792, fixes#846 (probably)
Prepares the possibility of either more direct communication with the
CI platform(s) or just assuming CI has gotten reliable enough and
colleagues intelligent enough that this is not an issue anymore
because they've stopped pushing empty branches (which we know is not
the case).
The github API has gotten a lot more constraining (with rate
restrictions being newly enforced or added somewhat out of nowhere),
and as importantly a lot less reliable. So move the staging process
off of github and locally, similar to the forward porting
process (whose repo cache is being reused for this).
Necessary to create commits *as* the mergebot without going through
the github API. Copy of the improved version from forwardport. *Not*
an override, to avoid unnecessarily triggering one or the other which
is confusing and weird.
- add formatting for a bunch of backend objects
- add cross-links in order to use toplevel navigation between objects
e.g. project -> branch -> staging -> PR with breadcrumbs instead of
shitty dialog boxes
Relates to #802
Allow filtering stagings by state (success or failure), and provide a
control to explicitly update the staging date limit.
Should make it easier to drill through stagings when looking for
specific information.
Related to #751
Fix outstanding query to make a positive `state` filtering, instead of
negative, matching 3b52b1aace8674259812a76b1566260937dbcacb.
Also manually create a map of stagings (grouped by branch) sharing a
single prefetch set.
For odoo the mergebot home page has 12 branches in the odoo project
and 8 in spreadsheet, 6 stagings each. This means 120 queries to
retrieve all the heads (Odoo stagings have 5 heads and spreadsheet
have 1, but that seems immaterial).
By fixing `_compute_statuses` and creating a single prefetch set for
all stagings of all branches we can fetch all the commits in a single
query instead of 120.
Current system makes it hard to iterate feedback messages and make
them clearer, this should improve things a touch.
Use a bespoke model to avoid concerns with qweb rendering
complexity (we just want GFM output and should not need logic).
Also update fwbot test setup to always configure an fwbot name, in
order to avoid ping messages closing the PRs they're talking
about, that took a while to debug, and given the old message I assume
I'd already hit it and just been too lazy to fix. This requires
updating a bunch of tests as fwbot ping are sent *to*
`fp_github_name`, but sent *from* the reference user (because that's
the key we set).
Note: noupdate on CSV files doesn't seem to work anymore, which isn't
great. But instead set tracking on the template's templates, it's not
quite as good but should be sufficient.
- currently disabling staging only works globally, allow disabling on
a single branch
- use a toggle
- remove a pair of tests which work specifically with `fp_target`,
can't work with `active` (probably)
- cleanup search of possible and active stagings, add relevant
indexes and use direct search of relevant branches instead of
looking up from the project
- also use toggle button for `active` on branches
- shitty workaround for upgrading DB: apparently mail really wants to
have a `user_id` to do some weird thing, so need to re-add it after
resetting everything
The mergebot page become a bit slow with the years, it is time to make
small optimisation to speed up thinks a little.
Note: all changes where applied modifying the views or adding index by
hand. There is still room for improvement but it would need more in
depth refactoring, mainly adding specialized computed fields to
enable a better batching.
The first issue was using branch.staging_ids
branch.staging_ids.sorted(lambda s: s.staged_at, reverse=True)[:6]
The number of staging_ids is increasing and prefetching + sorting all
of them is slow.
The proposed solution is to replace it by a search, not ideal, a
specialized compute field may be a good idea, but this is a quick fix
that can be done editing a view.
branch.env['runbot_merge.stagings'].search([('target', '=',],order='staged_at desc', limit=6)
Other changes are just index on critical columns.
Before changes, /runbot_merge page takes ~5s to load
After changes, /runbot_merge page takes ~1s to load
Small note: note 100% sure that was useful
af016f4239 did a half-assed job and
didn't fix the one test which actually checks the dashboard.
TBF I was in a bit of a hurry trying to make the mergebot work and be
presentable again, but still...
15.0 (or 14.0) dropped some of the BS3 (?) compatibility stuff, which
the mergebot was (apparently) relying on. This lead to a visual
degradation as well as the frontend dropdown looking absolutely awful.
Fix that, on both style and templates.
15.0 (or 14.0) also dropped the bespoke responsive utility classes,
switch to bootstrap's.
Turns out I was running "15.0" except just on the runbot, enterprise
and community were still the 14.0 repos, so some of the changes were
While at it, bundle fixes for 3.10, as that's what Jammy needs, and
the mergebot/15.0 will be running on that.
- Some batches in a few stagings are apparently empty (e.g. batch
71771 from staging 32511), the listing was not resilient to such
Update the code to suppress the display of empty batches.
- The possibility of accessing `/runbot_merge/<id>` with a
non-existent branch had not been considered and triggered a
rendering error in the template.
Fixes#630, fixes#631
- override the staging's name_get to provide a slightly more useful
display_name (though still not great as the staging object remains
quite technical and inimical to human interaction)
- show individual PRs in a batch (as m2m tags) for readability
- update PR views to show the author and reviewer, except in the list
of delegations of users where it's a lot less useful
/cc #632
Currently deactivating a branch kinda leaves users in the dark, with
little way to know what has happened aside from inferring it from the
branch having disappeared from the main dashboard.
- surface the state of the branch in the PR dashboard (also surface
the target branch at all so users can see if their PR is targeted
as they expect as far as the mergebot is concerned)
- close & notify every PR to a branch being deactivated
- cancel any current staging to the branch (as a consequence of the
It's likely that the PR pages are seen more commonly than the
dashboard by most users, so add alerts there in case users wonder
what's happening.
Before this, until the first status for a required context the status
would appear as pending, but would be have oddly (e.g. not clickable).
Update the style of such statuses for clarity:
- use a light background to show them as inactive
- use the `wait` cursor to show their status as oddball (and not clickable)
Setting this styling on the link (or even `li`) doesn't seem to work,
so set it on the `ul`, the actual active links will set the relevant
"active" cursor instead, which seems to work fine.
While at it, extract the status menu to its own template and unify the
disparate bits, mainly in that both the main dashboard and the
per-branch list display the staging instant in UTC on hover: before,
the main dashboard would display a relative delta and provide the
UTC-formatted instant on hover, but the branch would only show a zoned
ISO-8601 instant.
While adjusting is easy, it's unnecessary, we can easily provide the UTC
staging instant there).
Extract the creation of a PR link (to github) as a dedicated
template for easier updates, and to use `display_name`
everywhere (instead of reimplementing it by name).
Also implement support for repo-level groups setting for information
When a staging's fast-forward (to the target branch) fails, the
mergebot would provide no useful information on the staging or the
This is because the reason was set to the HTTP status, which in case
of a fast-forward error is just "422 client error: unprocessable
Improve this by trying to parse github's response in that case, and
using the JSON error message as failure reason. This provides more
useful failure information like "update is not a fast forward",
"reference does not exist", or a branch protection failure.
- code in the various menus added over time through the UI (queues,
configuration, ...)
- update / improve PR layout a tick
- fix "outstanding forward ports" count on the dashboard
- improve hover title / help on dashboard
- add date of last modification (usually date of success / failure)
- make casing more coherent (everything lowercase)
- add explicit note that UTC date on staged at label is staged at datetime
- rediscover yet again that the staging information is when hovering
on the staging *except the staged at label*
- improve `PullRequest.unstage` to always insert the PR at the start of the
reason when cancelling the staging, for clarity / traceability
Closes#560, closes#609
Provides a less manual interface for creating the freeze:
* takes the name of the branch to create
* takes any number of PRs which must be part of the freeze
* takes PRs representing the HEADs of the new branches
Then essentially takes care of the test.
Implementation of the actual wizard is not trivial but fairly
straightforward and linear, biggest issue is not being able to
`project_id.branch_ids[1]` to get the new branch, not sure why but it
seems to ignore the ordering, clearing the cache doens't fix it.
When creating the branches, add a sleep after each one for secondary
rate limiting purposes. Same when deleting branches.
Also the forwardbot has been updated to disable the forwardport cron
while a freeze is ongoing, this simplifies the freezing process.
Note: after recommendation of @aab-odoo, tried using `_applyChanges`
in `_checkState` but it simply did not work: the two relational fields
got completely frozen and were impossible to update, which is less
than ideal. Oh well, hopefully it works well enough like this for now.
To prep for the addition of the freeze wizard:
* move projects out of ``
* then realize half the methods there have no relation to projects and
move them to more relevant places in ``
* update corresponding crons (and tests using those crons) as the
methods have changed model, and the cron definitions thus need to be
* split update to labels out of sending feedback comments while at it:
labels are not used much during tests so their manipulation can be
avoided; and labels are not as urgent as feedback so the crons can
be quite a bit slower
* move the project view out of `mergebot.xml` as well
Following #531 reviews from reviewers without an email set are
For delegates this isn't very helpful, however for specifically
configured reviewers we can warn the configurer that they need to set
an email for things to work out.
* Adds a changelog page, linked from the main, with content
automatically loaded from the source. To avoid conflicts, each entry
is its own file and entries are grouped by the month during which
the update will (probably) be deployed
* The last group (most likely "last update") doesn't have a title, the
rest do.
* Add changelog entries from the last update so it's not too empty.
* Also update the layout for the alerts a bit: remove bottom margin to
reduce loss of whitespace.
The list of outstanding forwardports was pretty messy as the ordering
was unclear and there was little way to really drill into the thing.
* Shows outstanding forward ports sorted by merged date ascending, the
oldest-merged PRs are the ones most in need of fixing while PRs
which were only just merged can safely be ignored.
* List reviewers with outstanding forward-ports, allow filtering by
clicking on their name, allow deseleting through the subtitle of the
* Don't display reviewer in list when page is already filtered by
Also improve PR page a bit:
* Add reviewer.
* Add direct link to backend (closes#524).
If a reviewer doesn't have an email set, the Signed-Off-By is an
`` address which just looks weird in the
final result.
Initially the thinking was that emails would be required for users to
*be* reviewers or self-reviewers, but since those are now o2ms / m2ms
it's a bit of a pain in the ass.
Instead, provide an action to easily try and fetch the public email of
a user from github.
The page of PRs in "error" is currently kinda broken: it does not show
any feedback aside from the PR being in error which is not very
The intent was always to show an explanation, but when adding the page
I just deref'd `staging_id` which always fails though in two different
* when the PR can not be staged at all (because of a conflict) there
is no staging at all with a reason to show, so there should be
a fallback that the PR could not even be staged
* `staging_id` is a related field which deref's to the staging_ids
of the first *active* batch, except when a staging completes
(successfully or not) both staging and batch are disabled.
Plus the first batch will be the one for the first staging so if the
PR is retried and fails again the wrong reason may be displayed.
So update the section to show what we want: the reason of the
staging of the *last* batch attached to the PR.
NOTE: there's one failure mode remaining, namely if a staging fails
then on retry the PR conflicts with the new state of the
repository (so it can't be staged at all), the "reason" will
remain that of the staging. This could be mitigated by attaching
a "nonsense" batch on failure to stage (similar to the
forwardport stuff), that batch would have no staging, therefore
no staging reason, therefore fallback.
Previously, a PR's status page would only show the linked / related
PRs when `open`.
Since the relations between PRs remains useful, also make this
information available during staging and after merging.
* in the main dashboard, show the exact UTC timestamp (with a Z
marker) on hover, not just the relative delta
* in the branch details page, show the full timestamp, zoned, in
ISO-8601 format