NextZen-Doc/Instructions for use by features/App
2025-01-21 18:05:13 +07:00

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Portainer is an application management tool with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface

Login to Portainer


  • Step 2: Enter Username and Password -> Login

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  • Step 3: The App Manager interface appears

Manage applications on Webserver

  • After successfully logging in, Select WebServer Apps


  • Dashboard display interface

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Automatically add IP addresses to domain names

  • Step 1: Select App Templates -> NextZen Cloudflare DDNS

!Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t3.png

  • Step 2: Enter the information:
    • Enter name: Enter the full domain name
    • Enter DOMAIN: Enter main domain name (Ex:
    • Enter SUBDOMAIN: Enter the subdomain if any (Ex:, only enter fire)
    • Enter Email: Enter the email registered to the Cloudflare domain management account
    • Enter GLOBAL API KEY: Enter Cloudflare GLOBAL API KEY according to account

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  • Step 3: Then select Deploy the container to complete.


  • After successful Deploy, the interface displays a list of Containers

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Quickly create a new domain name

For domains previously connected to CloudFlare, you can quickly create additional SUBDOMAIN for the domain by duplicating the Container you just created.

  • Step 1: Select Container -> Click Container corresponding to the domain name you just created or existing.

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  • Step 2: On the Action bar -> Select Duplicate/Edit

!Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t4.png

  • Step 3: Fill in all DOMAIN and SUBDOMAIN

!Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t5.png

  • Step 4: In Advanced container settings -> Env
  • Step 5: In Env -> Edit SUBDOMAIN

!Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t8.png

  • Step 6: Select Deploy the container and complete.

!Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t7.png

Created application operations

  • Step 1: Go to Container -> Select Application you want to operate
  • Step 2: On the Action bar displays the following functions:
  • Start: Launch
  • Kill: Stop
  • Restart: Restart
  • Pause: Pause
  • Resume: Continue
  • Remove: Delete


  • Step 3: Choose the function you want.

Domain Management - CloudFlare

CloudFlare is a domain name management party and customers transfer domain names to Cloudflare for management

Create a CloudFlare account for configuration

  • Visit website CloudFlare -> Sign Up to create an account
  • Enter Email and Password -> Sign Up


Transfer domain name to Cloudflare for management

  • Step 1: After successful registration, you need to enter domain name -> Continue


  • Step 2: Then, choose the free package then select continue


  • Step 3: Cloudflare scans your website's existing records -> Continue

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  • Step 4: Log in to your domain management account and change DNS 2 Cloudflare's nameservers to connect to Cloudflare


  • Successful connection status


  • Step 1: To get the Global API Key, log in to Cloudflare then go to My Profile

  • Step 2: Here, select the tab API Tokens and scroll down and click on the View button in the section Global API Key


  • Step 3: After entering the password and verifying the captcha, you will see API Tokens

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