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Instructions for using the ADMIN section:
- Admin is the interface for administrators to be able to manage and delete applications in the system
- On the dashboard interface, click on the ADMIN icon or access the address
- Create an account by clicking “Get Started” -> Create your account if you don't have an account -> Log in.
- After logging in to your account, you can see the ADMIN interface
a. File management:
- To manage files, you can select the Files icon
- Interface of file management section:
- Right-click on the screen to create new files, folders, upload, etc.
- FilesDrop: you can share data from devices on the same network with each other. Requirements: must have 2 or more devices on the same network to share files
o To share files, click on the device name you want to share the file with displayed on the screen:
o Select the file you want to share and click Open
o Then on the device selected to receive the shared file, click Agree to receive the file.
- In addition, to quickly share files to your device, you can do the following:
o Click on the icon…
o Then select “Share”:
o Copy the following link:
o On your device, use the Windows + R key combination and paste the path we just copied above
o The device will then take you to the saved folder. Here, you can freely work according to your purpose.
o When you no longer need to share files, return to the original file
Select the “…” icon
Select “Stop sharing”:
- You can also connect to Google Drive, DropBox or OneDrive by:
o In the Location - (Location) section, select “+”:
o Paste the address you want to connect to via the service you want to use for Network Storage Connection:
o For the remaining services: select Connect Google Drive (or the service you want to connect to).
o When connected successfully, in the Location - Location section, the Google Drive icon along with your gmail will also appear.
b. Other amenities:
- Return to the home page of the ADMIN interface, at the User icon in the top left corner of the screen, you can change your account, password or log out of the system.
- In the Settings section, we can: turn on/off the search engine, customize the language, wallpaper, turn off the power, restart the system...
- In the Widget Setting - Utility Settings section, we can optionally enable/disable widgets as desired:
c. App Store:
- To be able to download and install the app into your ADMIN interface, you need to access App Store:
o Click on the App Store icon:
o You can see the following interface:
o Click “Install” to download and install the application you want to install:
o After clicking download, you wait until the application is 100% downloaded or can continue in the background:
After successful download, you can see the application icon in our main interface
d. Update, restart the application:
App Update
- To update the application to the latest version, select the application you want to update:
Select the "More" icon, then select "Check and update"
If your application has been updated to the latest version, the system will display a notification that the application has been updated to the latest version!
Restart the application
- To restart the application, after clicking on the "Add" icon, select the "Restart" application icon.