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Personal Settings
Personal information
- You can update and change your personal information with the following information:
- Avatar photo: Select and change your avatar photo
- Full name: Set the desired display name (different from Nextcloud login name, login name is unique and cannot be changed)
- Email: Update the email address associated with your Nextcloud account
- Phone number
- Location
- Language: Select interface language
- Time zone: Select time zone
- Website
- X (formerly Twitter)
- Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon)
- Organization: See a list of groups you belong to
- Role
- Title
- Introduce
- See a list of groups you join
- See how much storage you've used and total allocated space
- You can specify limits for personal information such as
- Private: If you set your data to Private, no one except you will be able to see it
- Local: If you set your data to Local, all logged in users in your Nextcloud will be able to see the information, but no one outside Nextcloud will be able to see it
- Federated: If you set your data to Federated, trusted servers added by administrators will be able to see this data, along with all logged in users
- Posted: If you set your data to Global, anyone can see your data. This is suitable for a number of use cases. For example, someone in a public-facing role like marketing or sales may want to share their contact information with a variety of connections who may not use Nextcloud
- Profile Visibility: More limited visibility or scope settings are respected on your Profile. For example, if visibility is set to "Visible to everyone" and scope is set to "Private" then "Private" will be respected. There are 3 profile visibility settings
- Visible to everyone
- Only visible to logged in users
- Hidden
first. Change Password
- Step 1: Enter old and new password information
- Step 2: Select Change password
2. 2-factor authentication
- [TOTP](https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%E1%BA%ADt_kh%E1%BA%A9u_m%E1%BB%99t_l%E1%BA%A7n_d%E1%BB%B1a_tr%C3 %AAn_th%E1%BB%9Di_gian) (Authenticator app)
- Backup code: Backup key
Note: If you use third-party apps to connect to Nextcloud, please make sure to create and configure an app password for each app before enabling second-factor authentication. Ex: Google authenticator Installation instructions here
When you choose TOTP, the interface shows you 2 authentication options:
After successfully verifying the display interface, you have successfully enabled TOTP
- Backup code (Backup key): Used in some cases: forgot password, cannot authenticate..... You can save the backup code or print the code for backup
- Note: If you regenerate backup codes, you will automatically disable the old codes See more at here for more information
- 3. Authentication without password
- Set up your account for passwordless authentication according to the [FIDO2] standard(https://gucongnghe.com/chung-chi-fido2-la-gi/).
- You only need to confirm on the device that has been added to be able to log in to the application
- Add Device
- Add device successfully
- 4. Device and session Shows which web, desktop, and mobile clients are currently logged into your account, what time they were logged in, and what device.
And you can absolutely:
- Rename: Change the device name
- Revocation: The device is temporarily disconnected
- Erase device : The device will no longer be accessible
- Generate app password An app password is a 25-digit passcode that allows a less secure app or device to access your Nextzen Account. Only accounts with 2-Step Verification enabled can use app passwords
Learn more here
- First. Set up notifications
- You can set reminders for unprocessed notifications
- Play sound when there are new notifications
- Pronunciation when the call starts (Talk request)
- 2. Set up activity notifications You can choose notifications by Email or Push (Displayed in notification bell)
- 3. Summary of the day's activities Once you choose, you will receive daily emails and notifications to summarize your entire day's activities every morning.
External storage
- You can add some external memory:
- Amazon S3 Learn what Amazon S3 is here
- FTP Learn what FTP is here
- Nextcloud
- OpenStack Object Storage Learn more here
- SFTP Learn what SFTP is here
- SMB/CIFS Learn about SMB/CIFS here
- WebDAV Learn more here
- Here you enter server IP address, shared folder, password account information -> We can map SMB external storage to file management
- Note: Use with admin approval
- See more details at here
Cell phones and computers
- Share on social networking sites
- You can transfer your files to another person's ownership
- Step 1: Scroll to Settings (menu in the upper right corner) > Sharing
- Step 2: In the Files section, click select files or folders to transfer. A file selection window opens, displaying all the files and folders in the user's account
- Step 3: Select a file or folder and click Choose. The selected file or folder name will be displayed
- Step 4 Click Change to change the selection if necessary
- Step 5: Select a new owner by typing their name in the search box next to New Owner
- Step 6: Select Transfer to complete
Note: Automatic completion of usernames or listings may be limited due to display admin configuration. See administrator documentation for detailed information
Notice to the recipient
- 1: When a user sends a file to another person in Nextcloud, the recipient will receive a notification asking to accept or decline receiving the file
- 2: If accepted: The recipient will find the transferred files and folders in their root folder, inside a folder named "Transferred from [sender name] on [date hour]"
- 3: If rejected: The sender will receive a notification that the file transfer was rejected.
- Accept user and group shares by default
- Change the system theme
- Change the wallpaper
- Shortcut keys
- *Note: Use when the admin has granted permission to change
- Time zone setting
- Set time
Work flow management: Allows automation of file-related tasks. This feature simplifies workflow and increases efficiency by automatically performing actions based on predefined conditions
Workflow File Structure:
- Condition: Identify workflow triggers. For example, when a new file is uploaded, when a file is edited, etc.
- Action: Define automatic actions to be performed when the condition is met. For example, move files, change file names, send notifications, etc.
Example using Workflow File:
- Automatically move newly uploaded files to specific folders.
- Automatically change file names according to certain format.
- Send email notifications when files are edited.
- Integration with external services like Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc.
Benefits of using Workflow File:
- Automate manual tasks.
- Save time and increase efficiency.
- Minimize human error.
- Improve workflow and collaboration.
- User permissions and data
- Add templates to the Nextcloud Office template picker.
Data migration
The system is updating
Connected accounts
- OpenAI and LocalAI integration
- The system is updating
Administration settings
- NextCloud Interface
- Security and warning settings
- Display error warning content related to your device
- Check the security of your NextCloud -> Our Security Scan
- Advertisement to buy NextCloud Subscription packages
Basic setup
1.Three methods to execute background jobs on the server
- Perform a task for each page loaded.
- Suitable for single user versions.
- Webcron:
- Register
at the webcron service to callcron.php
every 5 minutes over HTTP. - Suitable for very small instances (1-5 users depending on usage).
- Register
- Cron(Recommended)
- Cron is a system service that allows you to run commands automatically on a schedule.
- Use cron to run the file
every 5 minutes. Cron.php
needs to be executed by system user "www-data" Benefit:
- Allows you to perform automated tasks on the server without user intervention.
- Helps you automate routine processes, such as backing up data or sending emails.
- Server performance can be improved by performing tasks when no users are in use. Limit:
- Configuration can be complicated, especially if you're not familiar with cron or AJAX.
- Background jobs can affect server performance if they are not configured properly.
- Security measures are required to prevent unauthorized access to background jobs.
- Enable or disable new user's profile
2. Mail server
For example: Choose 1 gmail as an intermediary to send notifications to everyone Enter the information:
- Sending mode: SMTP is the standard protocol for sending email.
- Encryption: Encryption helps protect emails from being stolen and read.
- From Email address: This is the email address that will appear when the recipient receives your email.
- Server address: This is the address of the mail server.
- Port: Port is the number used to connect to the mail server.
- Authentication: Authentication helps protect mail servers from spam. Then select Save to complete
- Work cards allow users to perform the following operations:
- Create new tag: Enter tag name and select collaboration level (collaboration, limited or invisible)
- Edit an existing tag: Search for the tag you want to edit and change the tag name or collaboration level
- Tag Name: Enter a short name and description for the tag.
- Collaboration level: Select the card's collaboration level:
- Collaboration: All users can view and assign cards.
- Limitations: Users can view but cannot assign tags.
- Invisible: For internal use only, users cannot view or assign tags.
- Search for tags to edit: Enter the name of the tag you want to edit in the search box.
- You have control over some user permissions for file sharing
Allow application to use API Sharing to enable users to share files. If this is not enabled, no user can create file shares.
Choose Allow resharing to permit users to reshare files shared with them.
Choose Allow sharing with groups to allow users to share with groups.
Choose Restrict users to only share with users in their group to limit sharing to members within the group scope.
This setting does not apply to Federated Cloud Sharing feature. If Federated Cloud Sharing is enabled, users can still share items with any user on any instance (including the version they are using) through remote sharing.
- Allow users to share via link and email to enable creating public shares for non-Nextcloud users via public links.
- Choose Allow public uploads to permit anyone to upload files into public shares.
- Choose Always require password to actively prompt users to set a password for a shared link.
- Choose to Apply password protection to enforce users to set a password for all public shared links. This does not apply to user and group local shares.
- Exclude groups from Excluding groups from link share creation to not apply the settings to those groups.
- Exclude groups from sharing to prevent members of specific groups from creating any file shares within that group. When you check this, you will receive a dropdown list of all your groups to choose from. Type any group name to search. Members of excluded groups can still receive shares but cannot create any shares.
- Set default expiration date for shares to establish a default expiration date for user and group local shares.
- Set default expiration date for shares via link or email to set a default expiration date for public shares.
Allow autocomplete of user names in the share dialog and allow access to system address book to enable automatic completion of Nextcloud user names and listing the system address book as a resource when synchronizing contacts with CardDAV.
- Choose allow autocomplete of user names for users within the same group and limit system address book for users within the same group to restrict autocomplete of user names for users within the same group as the share owner.
- Choose allow autocomplete of user names for users based on phone number integration to limit autocomplete of user names for users when the share owner has synchronized their phone address book through the Nextcloud Talk mobile app and that book contains the phone numbers configured in their profile.
Select Allow autocomplete when entering full names or email addresses (ignore matches from missing contacts and belonging to the same group) to display user suggestions regardless of previous restrictions when entering full display names or user IDs.
Select Display disclaimer text on public link upload page to set and display disclaimer text on public links with hidden file lists. If you enable this feature, a text input field will be displayed to enter disclaimer text.
Default share permissions you can reset share permissions for users: Create, Edit, Delete, Reshare.
- Federation allows you to connect to other trusted servers to exchange user directories. For example, this would be used to autocomplete link sharing by external users. It is not necessary to add the server as a trusted server to create link shares.
- Share by mail: Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by entering an email address.
You can learn more at here
first. Brute-force IP whitelist
- Put an IP address on the safe list to avoid spam login reports, the webserver will not be temporarily blocked by nextcloud.
2. Two-factor authentication
- When enabled, all users and specific groups logging in need two-factor authentication
- Note: If users do not configure two-factor providers, they will not be able to log in to the system
3. Server-side encryption
- When busy, files will be converted and encrypted
4. Password policy
- Set password policy
- Minimum password length: Password must be at least 10 characters long and contain at least 8 characters.
- User's password history: 0. Users are not allowed to reuse previously used passwords.
- Number of days until user's password expires: 0. Password never expires.
- Number of login attempts before user account is locked: 0 (unlimited). Users can try to log in as many times as they want without having their account locked.
- Forbid common passwords: Enable. The system will not allow users to use common and easily guessed passwords, such as "123456" or "password".
- Required use of uppercase and lowercase letters: Enabled. Password must contain both uppercase and lowercase letters.
- Required use of numeric characters: On. Password must include at least one numeric character.
- Required use of special characters: Enabled. Password must include at least one special character, for example "$", "#" or "@".
- Check passwords with leaked password list from haveibeenpwned.com: On. The system will check the user's password against the list of leaked passwords to ensure that the password has not been exposed.
5. Connect OAuth 2.0
OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to NextCloud
External storage
The system is being updated
Adjust the interface
- Interface adjustments allow you to easily customize the system's presentation layout. When implemented it will be available to all users
- Name (eg:NextCloud)
- Web link
- Slogan
- Color: Color of title bar, checkbox, and folder icon
- Logo: Logo will appear in the title and on the login page. Default is 62/34 px.
- Background and login image: Background image
- Additional Legal Links (Legal Notice and Privacy Policy link)
- Logo custom title and favicon as an alternative to automatic logo-based generation
- Disable user themes: While you can choose and customize your instance, users can change their background image and colors. If you want to enforce your customization, you can enable this feature.
- Learn more Adjust the theme
Artificial intelligence
- The system is updating
- Calendar server
- Send invitations to attendees: You can easily send invitations to attendees of events by entering their email addresses. The calendar server automatically handles sending invitations and tracking responses.
- Send notifications for events: You can choose to send notifications to calendar shares before an event occurs. This will help everyone be reminded of upcoming events.
- Send reminders to calendar shares: You can also choose to send reminders to calendar shares. This will help ensure that people don't forget important events.
- Automatically generate birthday calendar: The calendar server can automatically generate birthday calendar for you. This will help you keep track of your friends and family's birthdays.
- Enable notifications for push events: You can enable notifications for push events. This will ensure that you receive notifications about upcoming events instantly on your mobile device
Learn more Groupware
Administrative privileges
By default, only members of the Administrators group can access and edit administrator settings. Sometimes it is necessary to give certain groups of users access to the settings page while not giving them access to everything. To do this, you can use the Administrator privilege settings. Learn more at here
- When the administrator enables email notifications, users can receive and configure email notifications.
- Configure default notification settings for new users
- The system is updating
- The system is updating
Nextcloud Office is a powerful online office suite based on Collabora Online that supports collaborative editing (you and your friends can work on the same document at the same time at the same time). at the same time), supports most types of document, spreadsheet and presentation file formats and is compatible with all new browsers available today.
Advanced Settings
1. Use Office Open XML (OOXML) instead of OpenDocument Format (ODF) by default for new files:
- OOXML is the default file format for Office.
- ODF is an open file format supported by various software.
- Choose this setting if you want to save new files in OOXML format.
2. Restrict usage for specific groups:
- Office is enabled for all users by default.
- When this setting is activated, only members of the designated group can use Office.
- Choose this setting if you want to limit access to Office for a specific group of people.
3. Restrict editing with specific groups:
- All users can edit documents with Office by default.
- When this setting is activated, only members of the designated group can edit documents, while others can only view the documents.
- Choose this setting if you want to restrict editing permissions for a specific group of people.
4. Use webroot Canonical:
- This setting allows you to use specific URLs to access Office.
- Choose this setting if you want to use custom URLs to access Office.
5. Enable access for external applications:
- This setting allows external applications to access Office.
- Choose this setting if you want to use external applications with Office.
6. Allow list for WOPI requests:
- This setting allows you to specify a list of IP addresses allowed to make WOPI requests.
- WOPI is a protocol that enables external applications to interact with Office.
- Choose this setting if you want to limit access to Office for specific IP addresses.
- Add fonts