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1. Router and NextRouter:
Router, router (also known as router) is network device forwards data packets between computer network. Routers perform traffic routing functions on the Internet. Data is sent over the internet, such as website or email, in the form of data packets. A packet is typically forwarded from one router to another through the constituting networks Internet until it reaches network node NextZen Router is a function that replaces the network operator's modem, to help increase the quality of the network much better than free modems. provided by the network.
2. Instructions for accessing and using NextRouter:
a.Instructions for accessing NextRouter:
- At the ADMIN interface, you can access NextRouter by clicking on the NextRouter icon:
Or you can also access NextRouter by clicking on this application's icon in the interface of DashBoard.
- After that, you will go to the login interface of NextRouter, you proceed to log in with your account and password.
- Next, you need to log in to NextRouter with the subscription account provided by the network:
o Go to Network > Interface:
o You can see there are 2 network interfaces: lan and wan.
o You select the Edit section on the wan network interface.
o The interface appears as follows:
o You need to enter the username and password provided by the network:
o In some cases, the network operator requires us to tag a certain VLAN number that is suitable for successful login:
- In the Devices section, scroll down to select the VLAN of the network operator you are using.
- If your network operator does not require it, leave the default as “eth2” in the Device section.
o Scroll down and click Save
o Select Save and Apply.
o After clicking Save and Apply, you can see the interface of the wan section with some information as shown below:
- To allow the router to license applications on the network, select Network > Firewall
o Select the Port Forwarding tab:
o You will see the following interface:
o Click to select:
o Click Save and Apply
b.Instructions for use NextRouter:
- After successful access, you can see the following interface:
In the interface above, you can see information such as:
- System information:
- CPU usage of the entire system:
- System memory:
- Storage:
- Network:
- Start asking for id from DHCP:
These are the IP addresses on the LAN that the router grants to devices connected to the network
o To set a Static IP for a device with an IP address, select Set Static.
That device will be permanently assigned to that IP address in the network and cannot be changed.
- To review the list of devices that have been set up with Static IPs
o You select Network > DHCP and DNS
o Switch to the tab "Statistics of allocated addresses":
o Below are devices that have been allocated but have not yet been set up with Static IPs.
o Once a device has been set up with a Static IP, you can rename that device to make it visible on the network
- Select “Edit”.
The interface appears:
- Edit name:
Renamed 'May-chu-1'
- Additionally, you can edit the IP address if you want.
After setting up, select Save.
Next, select Save and Apply.
Upon success, you will see your adjustments have been applied:
- You can view the bandwidth information of the devices when clicking on Traffic Status:
o You will see the following interface:
o In the interface of the Details tab under Traffic Status, you will see Downstream and Upstream information (Download and Upload information)
o Scroll down, you will see information about the devices in the system:
You may see information like:
MAC address (learn more here](https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%90%E1%BB%8Ba_ch%E1%BB%89_MAC))
How fast is that device downloading?
What speed is that device uploading at?
Total download capacity (Total Down)
Total uploaded capacity (Total Up)
Total capacity (Total)
First operation (First Seen)
Last seen (Last Seen)
- System installation:
o At the General Settings tab, you can change the server name, notes, description, time zone, etc.
o You can change the language and interface in the Language and style section:
o In the Administration section, you can change the password specifically for NextZen Router
o In addition, you can customize the wallpaper, interface, and main color when clicking on the Aaron Config tab.
- Bandwidth throttling feature (bandwidth regulation provided by the network operator or network administrator):
You choose a device on the network to squeeze bandwidth:
NextZen Anti-lag:
- To be able to prioritize online calls, streaming or online gaming,... without lag or high latency, you can manage the queue, this function will be as follows:
This function will help our network system be divided into 2 parts:
Priority processing goods: include services and requests that need to be resolved immediately. For example: Video calls, meetings, playing online games,...
Sequential waiting queue: includes services that do not need to be processed immediately. Simply put, we will prioritize tasks that need more priority so we can optimize those tasks and put tasks that do not need priority into the queue for later processing.
First, you can check the download and upload speed of the system, go to https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat and conduct a latency test. (This page will operate by downloading/uploading on the system to conduct latency measurements).
After testing, you will receive the results. In the example in the image below, the download latency in the system is 5ms and the upload latency is 0ms.
- Next, you will check your network package or you can visit speedtest.vn to check in case you don't remember your package.
- Then, go to Network > NextZen Anti Lag:
- Here, you can customize your upload and download speeds (for the most optimal results, you should choose to reduce the upload/download speed by 10% compared to your network plan).
After successfully editing, click Save and apply, at this time, the system's download and upload latency will be improved. You can check the latency again at https:/ /www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloatufferbloat, click Test Again to check the delay again.
You can see that the system latency has gone down to 0ms and that means your system is not lagging, which means the tasks that need to be prioritized in your system have been optimized.