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1 | id | sequence | description | invoice_label | name | amount | amount_type | type_tax_use | tax_group_id | repartition_line_ids/factor_percent | repartition_line_ids/repartition_type | repartition_line_ids/document_type | repartition_line_ids/tag_ids | repartition_line_ids/account_id | description@gr | description@tr |
2 | VAT_S_IN_CY_19_G | 1 | Standard rate of 19% for goods sold in country | 19% | 19% | 19.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Τυπικός συντελεστής 19% για προϊόντα που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan mallar için %19'luk standart oran | |
3 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
4 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
5 | 100 | tax | refund | -1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
6 | VAT_S_IN_CY_19_S | 2 | Standard rate of 19% for services sold in country | 19% S | 19% S | 19.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Τυπικός συντελεστής 19% για υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan hizmetler için %19'luk standart oran | |
7 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
8 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
9 | 100 | tax | refund | -1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
10 | VAT_P_IN_CY_19_G | 3 | Standard rate of 19% for goods purchased in country | 19% | 19% | 19.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Τυπικός συντελεστής 19% για αγαθά που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan mallar için %19'luk standart oran | |
11 | 100 | tax | invoice | +4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
12 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
13 | 100 | tax | refund | -4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
14 | VAT_P_IN_CY_19_S | 4 | Standard rate of 19% for services purchased in country | 19% S | 19% S | 19.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Τυπικός συντελεστής 19% για υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan hizmetler için %19'luk standart oran | |
15 | 100 | tax | invoice | +4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
16 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
17 | 100 | tax | refund | -4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
18 | VAT_S_IN_CY_9_G | 5 | Standard rate of 9% for goods sold in country | 9% | 9% | 9.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_9 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Τυπικός συντελεστής 9% για προϊόντα που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan mallar için %9'luk standart oran | |
19 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
20 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
21 | 100 | tax | refund | -1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
22 | VAT_S_IN_CY_9_S | 6 | Reduced rate of 9% for services sold in country | 9% S | 9% S | 9.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_9 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Μειωμένο ποσοστό 9% για υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan hizmetler için %9'luk indirimli oran | |
23 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
24 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
25 | 100 | tax | refund | -1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
26 | VAT_P_IN_CY_9_G | 7 | Reduced rate of 9% for goods purchased in country | 9% | 9% | 9.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_9 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Μειωμένο ποσοστό 9% για αγαθά που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan mallar için indirimli oran %9 | |
27 | 100 | tax | invoice | +4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
28 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
29 | 100 | tax | refund | -4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
30 | VAT_P_IN_CY_9_S | 8 | Reduced rate of 9% for services purchased in country | 9% S | 9% S | 9.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_9 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Μειωμένο ποσοστό 9% για υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan hizmetler için %9 indirimli oran | |
31 | 100 | tax | invoice | +4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
32 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
33 | 100 | tax | refund | -4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
34 | VAT_S_IN_CY_5_G | 9 | Reduced rate of 5% for goods sold in country | 5% | 5% | 5.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_5 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Μειωμένος συντελεστής 5% για προϊόντα που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan mallar için %5 indirimli oran | |
35 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
36 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
37 | 100 | tax | refund | -1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
38 | VAT_S_IN_CY_5_S | 10 | Reduced rate of 5% for services sold in country | 5% S | 5% S | 5.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_5 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Μειωμένο ποσοστό 5% για υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan hizmetler için %5 indirimli oran | |
39 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
40 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
41 | 100 | tax | refund | -1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
42 | VAT_P_IN_CY_5_G | 11 | Reduced rate of 5% for goods purchased in country | 5% | 5% | 5.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_5 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Μειωμένο ποσοστό 5% για προϊόντα που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan mallar için %5 indirimli oran | |
43 | 100 | tax | invoice | +4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
44 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
45 | 100 | tax | refund | -4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
46 | VAT_P_IN_CY_5_S | 12 | Reduced rate of 5% for services purchased in country | 5% S | 5% S | 5.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_5 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Μειωμένο ποσοστό 5% για υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan hizmetler için %5 indirimli oran | |
47 | 100 | tax | invoice | +4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
48 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
49 | 100 | tax | refund | -4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
50 | VAT_S_IN_CY_3_G | 13 | Reduced rate of 3% for goods sold in country | 3% | 3% | 3.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_3 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Μειωμένος συντελεστής 3% για προϊόντα που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan mallar için indirimli oran %3 | |
51 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
52 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
53 | 100 | tax | refund | -1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
54 | VAT_S_IN_CY_3_S | 14 | Reduced rate of 3% for services sold in country | 3% S | 3% S | 3.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_3 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Μειωμένο ποσοστό 3% για υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan hizmetler için %3'lük indirimli oran | |
55 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
56 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
57 | 100 | tax | refund | -1 | cy_2201 | |||||||||||
58 | VAT_P_IN_CY_3_G | 15 | Reduced rate of 3% for goods purchased in country | 3% | 3% | 3.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_3 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Μειωμένο ποσοστό 3% για προϊόντα που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan mallar için indirimli oran %3 | |
59 | 100 | tax | invoice | +4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
60 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
61 | 100 | tax | refund | -4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
62 | VAT_P_IN_CY_3_S | 16 | Reduced rate of 3% for services purchased in country | 3% S | 3% S | 3.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_3 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Μειωμένο ποσοστό 3% για υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan hizmetler için %3 indirimli oran | |
63 | 100 | tax | invoice | +4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
64 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
65 | 100 | tax | refund | -4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
66 | VAT_S_IN_CY_0 | 17 | Zero rate for goods and services sold in country | 0% | 0% | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_0 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Μηδενικός συντελεστής για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan mal ve hizmetler için sıfır oran | |
67 | 100 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||
68 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
69 | 100 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||
70 | VAT_P_IN_CY_0 | 18 | Zero rate for goods and services purchased in country | 0% | 0% | 0.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_0 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Μηδενικός συντελεστής για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan mal ve hizmetler için sıfır oran | |
71 | 100 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||
72 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
73 | 100 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||
74 | RC_S_IN_CY | 19 | Reverse charge rate for goods and services sold in country | 19% RC | 19% RC | 19.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Ποσοστό αντίστροφης χρέωσης για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan mal ve hizmetler için ters ücret oranı | |
75 | 100 | tax | invoice | cy_2203 | ||||||||||||
76 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
77 | 100 | tax | refund | cy_2203 | ||||||||||||
78 | RC_P_IN_CY | 20 | Reverse charge rate for goods and services purchased in country | 19% RC | 19% RC | 19.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Ποσοστό αντίστροφης χρέωσης για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan mal ve hizmetler için ters ücret oranı | |
79 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1||+4 | cy_2203 | |||||||||||
80 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
81 | 100 | tax | refund | -1||-4 | cy_2203 | |||||||||||
82 | EXEMPT_S | 21 | Exempt rate for goods and services sold in country | 0% E | 0% E | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_0 | 100 | base | invoice | +6 | Ποσοστό απαλλαγής για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα | Ülkede satılan mal ve hizmetler için muafiyet oranı | |
83 | 100 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||
84 | 100 | base | refund | -6 | ||||||||||||
85 | 100 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||
86 | EXEMPT_P | 22 | Exempt rate for goods and services purchased in country | 0% E | 0% E | 0.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_0 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Ποσοστό απαλλαγής για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα | Ülkede satın alınan mal ve hizmetler için muafiyet oranı | |
87 | 100 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||
88 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
89 | 100 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||
90 | VAT_S_OUT_EU | 23 | VAT rate for goods and services sold outside of the EU | 0% OEU | 0% OEU | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_0 | 100 | base | invoice | +6||+9 | Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται εκτός ΕΕ | AB dışında satılan mal ve hizmetler için KDV oranı | |
91 | 100 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||
92 | 100 | base | refund | -6||-9 | ||||||||||||
93 | 100 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||
94 | VAT_P_OUT_EU_G | 24 | VAT rate for goods purchased from outside the EU | 0% OEU | 0% OEU | 0.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_0 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για αγαθά που αγοράζονται από χώρες εκτός ΕΕ | AB dışından satın alınan mallar için KDV oranı | |
95 | 100 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||
96 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
97 | 100 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||
98 | VAT_P_OUT_EU_S | 25 | VAT rate for services purchased from outside the EU | 19% OEU | 19% OEU | 19.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +6||+7 | Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται εκτός ΕΕ | AB dışından satın alınan hizmetler için KDV oranı | |
99 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1||+4 | cy_2204 | |||||||||||
100 | 100 | base | refund | -6||-7 | ||||||||||||
101 | 100 | tax | refund | -1||-4 | cy_2204 | |||||||||||
102 | VAT_S_IN_EU_19_G_ES | 26 | VAT rate for sales of goods in EU | 19% EU | 19% EU | 19.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +6||+8A | Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για πωλήσεις αγαθών στην ΕΕ | AB'de mal satışlarında KDV oranı | |
103 | 100 | tax | invoice | cy_2201 | ||||||||||||
104 | 100 | base | refund | -6||-8A | ||||||||||||
105 | 100 | tax | refund | cy_2201 | ||||||||||||
106 | VAT_P_IN_EU_19_G_ES | 27 | VAT rate for purchases of goods within EU | 19% EU | 19% EU | 19.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +7||+11A | Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για αγορές αγαθών εντός ΕΕ | AB dahilinde mal alımlarında KDV oranı | |
107 | 100 | tax | invoice | +2||+4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
108 | 100 | base | refund | -7||-11A | ||||||||||||
109 | 100 | tax | refund | -2||-4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
110 | VAT_S_IN_EU_0_G_EZ | 28 | Zero rate for sales of goods in EU | 0% EU | 0% EU | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_0 | 100 | base | invoice | +6||+8A | Μηδενικός συντελεστής για πωλήσεις αγαθών στην ΕΕ | AB'de mal satışlarında sıfır oran | |
111 | 100 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||
112 | 100 | base | refund | -6||-8A | ||||||||||||
113 | 100 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||
114 | VAT_P_IN_EU_0_G_EZ | 29 | Zero rate for purchases of goods in EU | 0% EU | 0% EU | 0.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_0 | 100 | base | invoice | +7 | Μηδενικός συντελεστής για αγορές αγαθών στην ΕE | AB'de mal alımlarında sıfır oran | |
115 | 100 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||
116 | 100 | base | refund | -7 | ||||||||||||
117 | 100 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||
118 | VAT_S_IN_EU_19_S_ESSS | 30 | VAT rate for sales of services in EU | 19% EU S | 19% EU S | 19.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +6||+8B | Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για πωλήσεις υπηρεσιών στην ΕE | AB'de hizmet satışlarında KDV oranı | |
119 | 100 | tax | invoice | cy_2201 | ||||||||||||
120 | 100 | base | refund | -6||-8B | ||||||||||||
121 | 100 | tax | refund | cy_2201 | ||||||||||||
122 | VAT_P_IN_EU_19_S_ESSS | 31 | VAT rate for purchases of services in EU | 19% EU S | 19% EU S | 19.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +7||+11B | Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για αγορές υπηρεσιών στην ΕE | AB'de hizmet satın alımlarında KDV oranı | |
123 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1||+4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
124 | 100 | base | refund | -7||-11B | ||||||||||||
125 | 100 | tax | refund | -1||-4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
126 | VAT_S_IN_EU_19_S_ESSP | 32 | VAT rate for sales of services in EU with reverse charge | 19% EU RC | 19% EU RC | 19.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +8B | Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για πωλήσεις υπηρεσιών στην ΕΕ με αντίστροφη χρέωση | AB'de ters ödemeli hizmet satışları için KDV oranı | |
127 | 100 | tax | invoice | cy_2201 | ||||||||||||
128 | 100 | base | refund | -8B | ||||||||||||
129 | 100 | tax | refund | cy_2201 | ||||||||||||
130 | VAT_P_IN_EU_19_S_ESSP | 33 | VAT rate for purchases of services in EU with reverse charge | 19% EU RC | 19% EU RC | 19.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_19 | 100 | base | invoice | +6||+7||+11B | Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για αγορές υπηρεσιών στην ΕΕ με αντίστροφη χρέωση | AB'de ters ödemeli hizmet satın alımlarında KDV oranı | |
131 | 100 | tax | invoice | +1||+4 | cy_2202 | |||||||||||
132 | 100 | base | refund | -6||-7||-11B | ||||||||||||
133 | 100 | tax | refund | -1||-4 | cy_2202 |