msgid "Mailing lists can be a goldmine for your company’s marketing department as they can provide leads for sales, focus groups for testing new products, and consumers to provide feedback on satisfaction, for example."
msgid "Go to :menuselection:`Mailing lists --> Mailing lists --> Create`. Enable the option *Is Public* to make the list visible for users when unsubscribing."
msgid "Once your mailing list is created, you can manually add contacts clicking on *Create*. *Import* a list of contacts if you have it from a previous tool."
msgid "Create a mailing list called Newsletter, as you use this strategy to advertise and communicate new ideas to subscribers interested in listening."
msgid "Under :menuselection:`Mailing Lists --> Mailing List Contacts` see a list of all contacts under all your mailing lists, and the ones you individually created here."
msgid "It is best practice, and legally required, to allow recipients to unsubscribe from mailing lists as you do not want your audience to think that your company is using any tactics that are dishonest or spammy."
msgid "After clicking on the unsubscribe button when using the test feature, you are sent to an error page (*error 403 - Access Denied*). If you want to be sure the link is working properly, create your mass mail and send it only to a personal email."
msgid "In addition to having the option of unsubscribing from specific mailing lists, the user can also blacklist himself, meaning that he will not receive *any* more emails from you."
msgid "Emails allow you to effectively, and at a low cost, reach a large number of consumers while being able to customize your message in a way that resonates with them. It is measurable, and a call-to-action oriented channel."
msgid "With a trial databases, you have a limit of 50 emails per day; on Odoo SH Cloud Platform the limit is 200. There is a possibility to increase these numbers by contacting Odoo Support. To contact Support, `click here <>`_."
msgid "Under *Mail Body*, choose a layout and make the modifications needed by dragging, dropping and double-clicking on content. Note that it is possible to start from scratch selecting the *blank* template option."
msgid "Under *Settings*, you can assign someone else as the responsible sender if you do not want it to be you. To do so, change the email address used as the sender (*Send From*)."
msgid "With the *Reply To* radio button, you can also choose to gather answers either on the respective recipients’ records or on a specific email address. Note that this option is not available if you target mailing contacts or contacts as recipients."
msgid "*Save*: the work is allocated in the *draft* column in the Kanban view. Modifications can be made while being in this stage. The option *Discard* deletes the email."
msgid "The daily limit is applied for **all emails** sent, in other words, throughout all applications. Therefore, if at the end of the day you have remaining ones to be sent, note that they *will not* be sent automatically the next day. You need to force that by opening the email and clicking on *Retry*."
msgid "If you use the SMS and Social Marketing applications, as well as the Push Notification feature, you see the option to create content for those channels. You also see the *Campaign* menu within those applications. All of this is possible because the applications work integrated."
msgid "Using SMS as a communication strategy for your event establishes interaction between organizers, attendees, speakers and further targets. It allows your message to be heard whether the goal is to send out reminders, teasers or to advertise."
msgid "On the other hand, to contact the speakers of your event, you need the *SMS Marketing* application installed, and to enable *Schedule & Tracks* under :menuselection:`Events --> Configuration --> Settings`."
msgid "The *Schedule & Tracks* feature allows you to manage the agenda and speakers of your event. For more details watch: `Creating an agenda for your event <>`_."
msgid "You can choose to confirm each registration with the *Registration* template, and to send a reminder shortly before the event takes place with the *Reminder* template."
msgid "The benefit of the integration with the *SMS Marketing* application is that you can choose the target you would like your message to be delivered to. To get started, click on *Contact Track Speakers*."
msgid "Credits are required to be able to send SMSs. For more information about Pricing :doc:`click here <../../sms_marketing/pricing/pricing_and_faq>`, and, about IAP Services :doc:`here </applications/general/in_app_purchase>`."
msgid "To start a new one, click on *Create* and fill in the form with all the needed information. Enable *Website Menu* to have the menus *Introduction*, *Location*, and *Register* being shown on your event’s website page."
msgid "To personalize these pages, click on *Edit* to open the `website builder <>`_, and edit content by dragging and dropping blocks."
msgid "Now, under the *Tickets* Tab, add lines to include the different ticket types you offer. Include the price, the start and end dates for registrations, and even the maximum number of tickets that can be sold."
msgid "Choose the email and/or SMS message template, as well as the frequency with which you would like to communicate with your attendees under the tab *Communication*."
msgid "Create a template on the fly or choose an existing one. Define the *Interval* (2, 7, 15..) for the *Unit* (days, hours, weeks, etc.), and the *Trigger* action (after registration, after the event, etc.)."
msgid "Now, under the tab *Questions*, edit your questions and answers, choosing if you would like your questionnaire to be asked per order or per registration."
msgid "Example of a registration for 3 attendees: if enabling the option *Ask each attendee*, the questionnaire is shown 3 times, meaning that answers can vary for each attendee; if *Ask each attendee* is not enabled, the questionnaire is shown once, resulting in a global answer."
msgid "Once your event is *Confirmed*, you can manage attendees badges, and mark the event as *Finished*. Events marked as *Finished* can be *Set to draft*, putting the event back to an *Unconfirmed* stage from which it can be edited and used again."
msgid "If you automate processes, you save time. If you give attendees multiple payment options to choose from, you allow flexibility and open margins for more registrations to happen."
msgid "*Tickets* allow tickets to be sold :ref:`events/create_event/through_sales_orders`. *Online Ticketing* allows the sale of tickets to happen :ref:`events/create_event/through_the_website`."
msgid "On the *Sales* application, choose the event product you created and add it as a product line. A window pops-up, allowing you to choose the event for which you want to create the sales order."
msgid "Remember to create a product form for the event registration, under *Product*, in the *Sales* application, and to add that same product under your event’s form."
msgid "On the website, once tickets are added to the cart, the user can continue the transaction choosing among the payment methods you chose to have available."
msgid "Attendees are at the heart of your event. Keeping track of their number and managing their registration and attendance is necessary for planning and analyzing reasons."
msgid "On the attendees form, choose to send badges manually by clicking on *Send By Email*. *Cancel Registration* to have that attendee being moved to the *Cancelled* stage."
msgid "Allow partners to submit talk proposals so they can share their knowledge and expertise. Good speakers and talks are what make your event great."
msgid "Now, in your event's form, once *Website menu* is enabled, the options *Tracks on Website* and *Track Proposals on Website* become available. Enabling them adds the menus *Talks*, *Talk Proposals*, and *Agenda* to your website."
msgid "The *Target* - business object - is *Lead/Opportunity* and was narrowed down to the ones whose *Tag Name* contain the description “Product”, and have an email address set."
msgid "Every time the system runs, updating numbers and triggering actions, it will look at the *Target* model and check if new records have been added or modified, keeping the flow up-to-date."
msgid "*Records* is a real-time number, therefore while the workflow is running, changes in opportunity records can be made - delete, add, adjustment - updating the number of records, but not changing the number of participants, as the metric *will not* exclude opportunities that have been set as participants before. It will just add new ones. For this reason, the number of *Records* can be different from the number of *Participants*."
msgid "You can also have filters applied to activities individually, under *Domain*. A useful feature to specify an individual filter that will only be performed if the records satisfied both filters, the activity and its domain one."
msgid "Example: for an activity sending an SMS, you could make sure a phone number is set to avoid triggering a SMS that would never be sent and crash."
msgid "*Success* is the number of times the searching for participants - that match the filter(s) of that activity - was performed successfully in relation to the total number of participants."
msgid "Every time a new record is added to the *Target* model, it will be automatically added to the workflow, and, it will start the workflow from the beginning (parent action)."
msgid "Automated workflows are a sign that you are building intelligent, data-driven, multifaceted campaigns to enable the delivery of the right message, to the right prospects, at the right time. It also speeds up processes and creates a seamless experience for employees."
msgid "Depending on the criteria, the *target model updates itself* while the campaign is running. That means that every new record that meets the criteria will be added to the workflow."
msgid "Example: a campaign starts for leads that have no salesman assigned. If at some point, those leads get to have a salesman assigned to it, the campaign will stop running."
msgid "Adopt an *Expiry Duration* if you would like to stop actions from being executed after a certain amount of time and in subsequence to the trigger."
msgid "You can either create or add a child activity if on the previous one: the email was opened or not, the email was replied or not, the link was clicked or not, the email bounced back."
msgid "When working with filters, you will see that some of the rules have an arrow button next to it, informing you that the parameter has more variables within it."
msgid "Every time a new branch is created, you can choose if you would like the records to match *all* criteria of the upcoming rules, or *any*, meaning one rule or the other."
msgid "Before starting a campaign, launching a test allows you to run the workflow on a test contact and view the sequence of events in action, avoiding mistakes."
msgid "Once you have selected the test contact, *Run* the parent activity and the subsequent ones as needed. *Run* and *Stop* activities individually. To stop the whole workflow click on *Stop*."
msgid "Click on *Start* to run the workflow, and on *Stop* to interrupt it. The interruption and new start can happen at any moment. The current status will be shown on the status bar."
msgid "If you click on *Participants* and open a record, you will find the specific activities the record went/are/will go through, as well as when the workflow was triggered to him. If you wish to cancel an activity click on *Cancel*."
msgid "Creating your own list of contacts, or importing it, is useful when you want to create specific groups of people, such as the subscribers of your newsletter. It is also the best way to get started if you are coming from another system and already have built an audience. It makes the SMS distribution easier."
msgid "Choose a name for your *Mailing list*, and activate the option *Is Public* if you would like to make the mailing list accessible to your recipients in the unsubscription page (allowing users to update their subscription preferences)."
msgid "This is important as you and team members can easily keep track and see a history of the interactions with your contacts or prospects. Example: your sales representative can easily find out which SMS mailing promotions a customer has received or not."
msgid "If you are coming from another software and have a list of clients who have already asked to be blacklisted, you can import those entries to your database."
msgid "Using SMS to reach people can be a strategy not just used for advertisement purposes, but also as a reminder of events or issued invoices to your costumers, for example."
msgid "First, make sure to have the necessary feature activated. Go to the :menuselection:`Email Marketing app --> Configuration --> Settings` and enable *Mailing Campaigns*."
msgid "Now, the menu *Campaigns* is also available on the *SMS Marketing* app, allowing you to manage and have an overview of your SMS mailings under campaigns."
msgid "This feature is especially useful if you have aggregated campaigns, as you have a global reporting view. In addition to that, you can create stages in your Kanban view to better organize the work being done."
msgid "Sending SMSs through the contact’s form is available by default in Odoo. It makes your work easier if you need to send an SMS to a specific contact, for example."
msgid "If you would like to send a message to multiple contacts at once, choose the *List View*, select all the contacts needed, and under *Action* select *Send SMS*."
msgid "Using SMS Marketing as part of your communication strategies can empower you to expand your markets, considering that in some countries emails are not very used or used at all. It also helps to boost conversion rates, as this strategy has a high open-rate percentage among people who use smartphones."
msgid "Under *Recipients*, choose to whom you would like the SMS to be sent. If you choose *Contact*, all your Odoo contacts (vendor, customers, etc.) receive your SMS."
msgid "From there, you can refine your recipient list with the *add filter* option. In the example below, the message would be sent to the contacts living in Belgium."
msgid "The *Mailing list* option, on the other hand, allows you to choose the specific mailing lists you created to group specific contacts. You are allowed to select multiple ones."
msgid "Under the *SMS Content* tab, links can be included and Odoo automatically generates *link trackers* in order to generate data about these links."
msgid "*Put in Queue*: the mailing is triggered with the next automatic run. Interesting option if you do not need the message to be sent at a specific time."
msgid "*Schedule*: allows you to choose a day and time. Best option for mailings that you would like to send during a specific event, to promote an offer while it is active, or to simply plan your content strategy in advance."
msgid "*Test*: allows you to send an SMS to one or multiple numbers for test purposes. Check, for example, if the link provided lands on the right page while making sure they are responsive. If sending it to multiple numbers, you must remember to use a comma between them."
msgid "**Buy Credits:** in order to take advantage of the app and its features, make sure you have purchased credits. For more information: :doc:`../pricing/pricing_and_faq`."
msgid "For GSM7 SMS the size limit is 160 characters, and for Unicode is 70. *Above these limits, the content is divided into a multi-part message* and the limit of characters is lowered to 153 for GSM7 and to 67 for Unicode. The system will inform you in real-time about the number of SMS your message represents."
msgid "Yes, the SMS is logged as a note under the chatter of the corresponding record, and a complete history of the SMSs sent is available on :ref:`developer mode <developer-mode>` under :menuselection:`Technical --> SMS`."
msgid "Not if the phone number is in the wrong format (e.g. too many digits). Otherwise, if the SMS is sent to the wrong person or to a fake number, the credit will be lost."
msgid "Yes, but it is not possible out of the box. Our experts can help you customize your database to make it happen. Please, check our success packs `here <>`_."
msgid "Whether your goal is to sell a new product, explain the value of your services or advertise your event, a campaign helps you to connect with your marketplace. They normally involve multiple channels, so it is fundamental to have a solution with which you can plan, execute, track, and analyze your content."
msgid "To be able to *Send New Mailing*, make sure the feature is enabled in the *Email Marketing* application, under :menuselection:`Email Marketing --> Configuration --> Settings`. To be able to *Send SMS*, the *SMS Marketing* application must be installed on your database."
msgid "One of the ways you can build stronger relationships with your customers is by making yourself available through live chat. Live chats can have a big impact not just on your customer service, but also on sales performance, as it gives users a chance of having real-time, fast, and effective interaction."
msgid "Under *Channel Rules*, choose when the chat pop-up appears, and an action for a given URL and/or country. Note that to take the country into account, GeoIP must be installed on your server."
msgid "You can send emails (if an email address has been saved), send SMSs (if a phone number has been saved), send a push notification (if the user has subscribed to it), and even send a live chat request that will be received by the user once they move to a tracked page."
msgid "To define which pages are tracked, on the *Website* application, go to :menuselection:`Website --> Configuration --> Pages` and enable the option *Track*, on the respective pages."
msgid "Once you are present on social media platforms, it is important to keep them up-to-date. However, that might feel like a full-time job. Having a solution that allows you to create, schedule, keep track, engage with your audience and measure results saves you time and helps you to successfully execute your online strategy, from posts to results."
msgid "Adding social media accounts to your feed will also link KPIs. To get redirected to the statistics page of the social account, click on *Insights*."
msgid "Through the calendar view, besides having an overview of your planned day, week or month, also see your drafted, scheduled and published posts."
msgid "Web Push Notifications deliver messages to your user’s device without the need to be on your website, or for them to give personal information. They can be used to inform your users about news, articles and content posted, practical messages like traffic and weather updates, flight information, sales alerts, coupons, and product updates."
msgid "Or go to :menuselection:`Social Marketing --> Posts --> Create`. Under *Web Notification options*, apply filters to send your message to the records that match the rules you set."
msgid "Surveys can be used for a range of purposes that can go from collecting customer feedback, evaluate the success of an event, measure how pleased customers are with your products/services, gauge whether employees are happy and satisfied with their work environment, and even to find out what your market is thinking."
msgid "When creating your survey, choose a *Title* and *Category*. The *Category* field is used to know in which context the survey is being conducted, as different applications might use it for different purposes such as recruitment, certification, or employee appraisal."
msgid "On the *Sections and Questions* form, once the question type is chosen and the answer added, under the tab *Options*, enable *Mandatory Answer*, and set an *Error message* to be shown when the user tries to submit the survey without answering the respective question."
msgid "*Multiple choice: multiple answers allowed*: choose between radio buttons or a dropdown menu list, and if you would like to have a comment field. If the user select an answer and type a comment, the values are separately recorded. Or, enable the comment field to be displayed as an answer choice, with which a text type field is displayed."
msgid "Under the tab *Options*, choose the *Layout* of your questions. If choosing *One page per section* or *One page per question*, an option *Back Button* becomes available, which allows the user to go back pages."
msgid "Once your Survey is ready, *Test* it to avoid *Sharing* it with potential errors. As answers get collected, click on *Answers* to access all the details of the respondent and his answers."
msgid "To measure your respondent’s performance, knowledge of a subject, or overall satisfaction, attach points to the answers of specific questions. The points are summed up to give your respondent a final score."
msgid "On your survey’s form, click on *Add a question* and, under the tab *Options*, choose between *Scoring with answers at the end* or *Scoring without answers at the end*. Now, on your question’s form, set the right answer and score."
msgid "Set the percentage score the user needs to achieve to have successfully taken the survey. If enabling *Certificate*, choose its template. The certification is automatically sent by email to the users who successfully finish it."
msgid "Enable *Login required* to be able to *Give Badges*. Badges are related to the eLearning section of your website. Besides the logged-in user, visitors of the website that access the page *Courses* can also see the granted badges."
msgid "On timed surveys, respondents need to complete the survey within a certain period of time. It can be used to ensure that all respondents get the same amount of time to find the answers, or to decrease the chance of having them looking at external resources."
msgid "A timer is shown on the pages so the user can keep track of the remaining time. Surveys not \\ submitted by the *Time limit* do not have their answers saved."
msgid "When you randomize a survey, you allow for the questions to be shuffled in a random order every time someone opens the questionnaire. This can be useful to avoid having respondents looking at each others' answers."
msgid "To do so, under the tab *Options*, enable *Randomized per section*. Now, under the tab *Questions*, set how many of the questions in that section should be taken into account during the shuffling."