msgid "For many manufacturing companies, a common issue is to have to manufacture, at the same time, several products usually produced at the same work center. If in practice, employees can manufacture the goods at another work center, it is not that simple."
msgid "You need to keep track of the job: which work center has been used and when, so you can schedule maintenance efficiently. With Odoo, you can configure it so you can keep tracking manufacturing orders and your employees have an alternative work center to use."
msgid "Now, go to the *Work Centers* menu under *Master Data* and create two new work centers. Add the second work centers as an alternative to the first and vice versa."
msgid "Now that everything is configured, you can create your *Work Orders*. Go to the *Manufacturing Orders* menu and hit *Create*. There, add your product and plan it. In the *Work Orders* list, you can find it ready to be assembled."
msgid "Keep in mind that, if you add time after production to your work center, you may have work orders scheduled for your alternative work center even if the usual one is free."
msgid "A *Bill of Materials* is a document defining the quantity of each component required to manufacture a finished product. It also includes the routing and individual steps of the manufacturing process."
msgid "With Odoo, you can link multiple BoMs to each product and use it to describe multiple variants of them. Each BoM will, yet, be associated with one product only."
msgid "You can use BoMs without routings. You will use this if you choose to manage your manufacturing operations using manufacturing orders only. In other words, you choose to realize your manufacturing process in one step and do not track the steps the product goes through."
msgid "Before creating your *BoM*, you have to create the product using the *BoM* and, at least, one of the components. Go to the :menuselection:`Master Data menu --> Products` and create both the finished product and the component."
msgid "Once done, go to the *Bills of Materials* menu under *Master Data*. Now, create it. Choose the product from the dropdown menu and add your components and the quantity. In this case, keep the default *BoM* type, which is *Manufacture this Product*."
msgid "If your *BoM* is for one variant only, then specify which one in the *Product Variant* field. If not, specify the variant it is consumed for on each component line. You can add several variants for each component."
msgid "You can add routing to your *BoM*. You will do this if you need to define a series of operations required by your manufacturing process. To use it, enable the *Work Orders* feature in the *Manufacturing* app settings."
msgid "Now that you have created your routing, add it to your *BoM*. You can select when, in the work operations, your components are consumed with the dropdown menu."
msgid "Once the feature is enabled, you can add your *By-Products* to your *BoMs*. You can add as many *By-Products* as you want. Just keep in mind that you need to register during which operation your by-product is produced."
msgid "Sometimes, you might need more components than usual to manufacture a product. Let’s say that you produce a desk combination of 4 desks and two chairs but your customer asks you one more desk. Alright, you can do that. But you will need to register it!"
msgid "In case this happens, Odoo has the *flexible components consumption* feature available. If you enable it, you will be able to consume as many components as needed and it will make you save time in the registration of your items consumption."
msgid "Using flexible component consumption is easy and can be done in a few steps. All you need is a *BoM* and a *Quality Control Point*. Therefore, you will need to activate the feature *Quality* in the *MRP* app settings."
msgid "First, open the *BoM* you want to use for flexible component consumption and edit it. In the *Miscellaneous* tab, choose *Flexible* as the consumption type. Then, save."
msgid "Now, in the *Quality* app, open the *Control Point* menu, under *Quality Control* and create a new *Quality Control Point*. Choose your product, your operation and work order operation. Then, choose *Register Consumed Materials* as type."
msgid "Next, go back to your *Manufacturing* app and create a *Manufacturing order*. Choose the product for which you have created the flexible *BoM*."
msgid "Then, confirm it and launch the process step. While processing, you will have the possibility to consume more components than expected in the *BoM*. To do so, click on *Continue Consumption*."
msgid "A *kit* is a set of components that are delivered without first being assembled or mixed. *Kits* are described in Odoo using *Bills of Materials*. There are two basic ways to configure *kits*, depending on how the stock of the kit product is to be managed. In either case, both the *Inventory* and *Manufacturing* apps must be installed."
msgid "If you want to assemble kits as they are ordered, managing stock of the kit components only, you will use a *Kit BoM* without a manufacturing step."
msgid "A product using a *Kit BoM* will appear as a single line item on a quotation and sales order, but will generate a delivery order with one line item for each of the components of the kit. In the examples below, the first image shows a sales order for the kit *Custom Computer Kit*, while the second image shows the corresponding delivery order."
msgid "From the *Products menu* in either the *Inventory* or *Manufacturing* app, create each component product as you would with any other product, then create the top-level, or kit product. The kit product should have only the *route Manufacture* set, in the *Inventory tab*. Because you cannot track the stock of kit products, the *Product Type* should be set to Consumable. Because a kit product cannot be purchased, then, *Can be Purchased* should be unchecked."
msgid "All other parameters on the kit product may be modified according to your preference. The component products require no particular configuration."
msgid "Once the products are configured, create a *bill of materials* for the kit product. Add each component and its quantity. Select the *BoM Type Ship this product as a set of components*. All other options may be left with their default values."
msgid "If you want to manage stock of the *top-level kit product*, you will use a standard *BoM* with a manufacturing step instead of a *Kit BoM*. When using a standard BoM to assemble kits, a *manufacturing order* will be created. The *manufacturing order* must be registered as completed before the kit product will appear in your stock."
msgid "On the kit product, select the *route Manufacture*. You may also select *Make to Order*, which will create a *manufacturing order* whenever a sales order is confirmed. Select the product type *Storable Product* to enable stock management."
msgid "When you create the *bill of materials*, select the BoM Type *Manufacture this product*. The assembly of the kit will be described by a *manufacturing order* rather than a packing operation."
msgid "In Odoo, you can manage your manufacturing process in two different ways. You can work with one document, or decide to have more information and control over it."
msgid "In the first case, Odoo makes things easier and helps you manage work with one document only: the manufacturing order. No complex steps during the process, you just have to schedule the job and record the production."
msgid "But, if you need more control, you can use additional documents (steps) to your manufacturing process. This way, *Manufacturing Orders* are divided into one or more steps defined by *Work Orders* and performed in a sequence defined by *routings*."
msgid "Using Odoo will allow you to precisely schedule the job, analyze your efficiency but also have ease when realizing each step of your manufacturing process."
msgid "Now, you can add routings to *BoMs* and configure your operations taking place at different *work centers*. The *Work Centers* are the locations at which work orders are performed."
msgid "When manufacturing this way, each *Work Order* is scheduled individually. You will also have access to time and capacity planning, as well as reports on costing and efficiency for each *Work Center*."
msgid "In some cases, companies need to schedule their work orders. Doing so, they can organize the work for the whole day and be sure everything goes well. It helps to avoid scheduling multiple work orders at the same time when you don’t have the capacity to do so."
msgid "With Odoo, companies can schedule the planned start date for their manufacturing orders. No possible duplication, no potential issues with the planning. And, if you plan two work orders at the same work center, at the same hour, the second one will be scheduled right after the first one, avoiding work superposition."
msgid "Mark your *Manufacturing Order* as todo and plan it. By going to the *Planning* menu, you can access to the scheduled orders. Here is the one we just created:"
msgid "If you plan two work orders at the same hour, the second one will be scheduled after the first one if the jobs need to be done at the same work center. The start date will, then, be automatically updated considering the first free slot on the work center."
msgid "Odoo allows you to use one bill of materials for multiple variants of the same product. Simply enable variants from :menuselection:`Configuration --> Settings`."
msgid "You will then be able to specify which component lines are to be used in the manufacture of each product variant. You may specify multiple variants for each line. If no variant is specified, the line will be used for all variants."
msgid "When defining variant BoMs on a line-item-basis, the **Product Variant** field in the main section of the BoM should be left blank. This field is used when creating a BoM for one variant of a product only."
msgid "It often happens that you want to use kit BoM’s within manufactured product BoM’s in order to lighten the list of components for this manufactured product. When doing so, you would like to have the possibility to specify, for each kit component, in which operation they are consumed."
msgid "Create a manufactured BoM for the finished product which includes a kit component. Set a routing on your BoM, for example, *Assemble Furniture*."
msgid "In the list of components, the kit is split. Two work orders are created as we have two operations defined in the *Assemble Furniture* routing. The components of the kits are well consumed in the operations defined in the kit BoM."
msgid "Update the kit component to define its BoM. In this use case, the routing which is set on this Kit BoM is different than the one of the Finished Product. Specify the operations at which the kit components are consumed in this BoM."
msgid "When the manufacturing order is created for the Manufactured product, the kit is split among its components. When the manufacturing order is planned, three work orders are created in our case, one coming from the routing of the manufactured products, the two other ones coming from the routing of the kit BoM."
msgid "Create a manufactured BoM for the finished product which includes a kit component. Set a routing on your BoM, for example, *Assemble Furniture*. Precise the consumption of the components on this BoM."
msgid "Update the kit component to define its BoM. In this use case, the routing which is set on this Kit BoM is different than the one of the Finished Product."
msgid "In Odoo, you can use subassembly products to simplify a complex *Bill of Materials* or to represent your manufacturing flow more accurately. A *subassembly product* is a manufactured product that is used as a component to make another one."
msgid "A *BoM* that employs *subassemblies* is referred to as a multi-level BoM. Those are accomplished by creating a *top-level BoM* and *subassembly ones*. This process requires a route that will ensure that every time a manufacturing order for the top-level product is created, another one will be for subassemblies."
msgid "To configure a *multi-level BoM*, you will need a top-level product but also its subassemblies. The first step is to create a product form for each of the subassemblies. Select the routes *Manufacture* and *Replenish on Order*. Now, hit save."
msgid "In the *Bill of Materials* menu, under *Master Data*, create a new *Bill of Materials*. Choose the product you just created and add its components."
msgid "Now, each time you will plan a manufacturing order for the top-level product, a manufacturing order will be created for the subassembly one. Then, you will have to manufacture the subassembly in order to make it available before manufacturing the finished product."
msgid "To create a new *BoM*, go to :menuselection:`Manufacturing --> Master Data --> Bill of Materials` and hit create. Then, list the components your subcontractor needs to manufacture the product. For costing purposes, you might want to register all the components, even the ones that are sourced directly from the subcontractor."
msgid "To let your subcontractor know how many products you need, create and send them purchase orders (PO). To do so, open the *Purchase* app and create a new one. Be sure to send the PO to a vendor that is defined as a subcontractor on the *BoM*."
msgid "Once the *PO* is validated (1), a pending receipt is created. When the products are received, validate the receipt (2), with the actual quantity received. Then Odoo automatically created several inventory moves:"
msgid "Of course, Odoo does all the transactions for you, automatically. Simply control the vendor bill with the usual matching process with the purchase order."
msgid "The *PO* is optional. If you create a receipt manually, with the right subcontractor, Odoo still performs all the moves. Useful if the subcontractor does not bill a fixed price per item, but rather the time and materials used."
msgid "Sending raw materials to your subcontractors (**A**) does not impact the inventory valuation, the components still belonging to your company. To manage this, the *Subcontracting Location* is configured as an *Internal Location* so that the components are still valued in the inventory."
msgid "Then, the vendor price set on the product C form has to be what has to be paid to the subcontractor for his parts and service time: **B + s**. The product cost has to be: **A + B + s**, how much the product is valued in the accounting."
msgid "If managing the replenishment of raw materials **B** at your subcontractor’s location is not needed, simply include the cost of **B** in the subcontractor’s price **s** and remove the products *B* from the *BoM*."
msgid "In case the products received from the subcontractor contain tracked components, their serial or lot numbers need to be specified during the receipt."
msgid "On the receipt of the subcontracted product, a *Record Components* button appears when necessary. Click on it to open a dialog and record the serial/lot numbers of the components. If the finished product is also tracked, its serial/lot number can be registered here too."
msgid "To manage the resupply of your subcontractor, activate *Multi-locations* in :menuselection:`Inventory --> Configuration --> Configuration`. Then, the inventory at the subcontractor location can be tracked."
msgid "It is possible to resupply subcontractors by sending products from the company locations, or by sending products from another supplier to the subcontractors."
msgid "Resupplying subcontractors manually is the simplest approach. To do so, create delivery orders in which the subcontractor is set as a delivery address and fill the components to deliver."
msgid "For the first one, just define a reordering rule on the subcontracting location, with a minimum and maximum inventory level. When the reordering rule is triggered, a delivery order is created to ship the components to the subcontractor."
msgid "The second approach is to use a “pull” flow. Here, the demand in the finished product (real demand or forecasted one through the Master Production Schedule) triggers the replenishment of the subcontractor. To do so, select the route *Resupply Subcontractor on Order* on the wanted components."
msgid "When purchasing items to another supplier, it is possible to ask him to deliver the subcontractor directly. To do so, activate the *Drop Shipping* feature in :menuselection:`Purchase --> Configuration --> Configuration`."
msgid "Now, set the *Dropship* option in the *Deliver To* field of the *Other Information* tab. Then, provide the address of the subcontractor for the shipping."
msgid "That way, the supplier can ship items directly and you simply receive and pay the bill. However, it is still required to validate receipts for the subcontractor."
msgid "Controlling the quality of the products manufactured by subcontractors is possible thanks to the Odoo Quality app. Quality checks can be made on a manufacturing step but, because the manufacturing process is handled by an external party, it can be defined on the product reception."
msgid "In Odoo Manufacturing App, you can *Unbuild* products. Two use cases can be managed: (1) you can unbuild products you have built yourself or (2) you can unbuild products you have received."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/unbuild.rst:9
msgid "Let's take the first case, you are manufacturing products yourself. If one of your product presents some defect, you might want to unbuild it instead of scrapping it completely, allowing you to reuse some components of the product."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/unbuild.rst:14
msgid "In the second case, you are buying products for the sole purpose of unbuilding them and recycling them."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/unbuild.rst:18
msgid "Unbuild Order"
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/unbuild.rst:20
msgid "While in the Manufacturing App, under the *Operations* tab you will find the menu *Unbuild Orders*."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/unbuild.rst:26
msgid "When creating a new one, you can either select a MO if you are unbuilding something you manufactured or only select a product if you are unbuilding something you received."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/unbuild.rst:33
msgid "When you are done, just click unbuild and the process will be over."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/unbuild.rst:35
msgid "If you unbuild a product that you manufactured before, you will get the components from the MO back in stock."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/unbuild.rst:38
msgid "If you unbuild a product you bought, you will get the components from the BoM back in stock."
msgid "Go to the :menuselection:`Manufacturing app --> Configuration --> Settings` and activate the Master Production Schedule feature before hitting save."
msgid "Now, go in :menuselection:`Planning --> Master Production Schedule` and click on add a product. You can now define your safety stock target (= the stock you want to have on hand at the end of the period) and the minimum and maximum quantities to replenish."
msgid "The products are ordered in the MPS based on their sequence. You can rearrange that sequence by going on the list of your products and reorganize them with drag and drop."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/use_mps.rst:36
msgid "In the MPS view, you can decide which information you would like to show by clicking on *rows*. Some fields can be added to the view, such as *Actual demand*, which will show which quantity of products has already been ordered for the period, or *Available to Promise*, which allows you to know what can still be sold during the period (what you plan to replenish - what is already sold during the period). You can also decide to hide some information if it isn’t necessary."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/use_mps.rst:48
msgid "Estimate your demand and launch replenishment"
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/use_mps.rst:50
msgid "The next step is to estimate the demand for the period. This estimation should be entered in the row *Demand Forecast*. You can easily, at any time, compare the demand forecast with the actual demand (= confirmed sales). The demand forecast for a finished product will impact the indirect demand for its components."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/use_mps.rst:59
msgid "Then, the quantity to replenish for the different periods will be automatically computed. The replenishments you are supposed to launch based on your lead times (vendor lead time or manufacturing lead time) are displayed in green. You can now launch the replenishment by clicking on the replenish button."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/use_mps.rst:65
msgid "Depending on the configuration of the product (buy vs. manufacture), requests for quotations or manufacturing orders will be created. You can easily access those by clicking on the *Actual Replenishment* cell."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/use_mps.rst:75
msgid "In case you manually edit the *To replenish* quantity, a small cross will appear on the left. In case you want to go back to the automatically computed value given by Odoo, you can click the cross."
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/use_mps.rst:83
msgid "Cells color signification"
msgstr ""
#: ../../manufacturing/management/use_mps.rst:85
msgid "The cells, which are part of the *To replenish* line, can take different colors depending on the situation:"
msgid "**Green**: quantity of products which should be replenished to reach the expected safety stock considering the demand forecast and the indirect demand forecast."
msgid "You can still increase the demand forecast. It will impact the quantity to replenish. The cell will become orange, and you’ll be able to launch a new replenishment."
msgid "You can decrease the demand forecast. The cell will become red to inform you that you’ve ordered more than planned. If you’re still able to do it, you can cancel some RFQ or MO manually."
msgid "The Odoo *Repair* app allows you to manage a complete after sales process but also to simply repair products you have manufactured, if they present a defect."
msgid "When a customer sends you a product for repair, create a new *Repair Order*. Fill it in with all the information you may need such as the product, the customer, if it has to be invoiced after or before the repair, the parts you might need, etc."
msgid "Once everything is done, you can then send the repair quotation to your customer. If it is approved, you can confirm the repair. You will then be able to start & end the repair when it is completed."