[I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex

This commit is contained in:
Odoo Translation Bot 2021-01-03 01:30:36 +01:00
parent c075f0743d
commit f5bbbb4885
3 changed files with 140 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -1153,27 +1153,32 @@ msgid ""
"refer to :doc:`this documentation "
"<../../receivables/customer_invoices/cash_discounts>` for more information."
msgstr ""
"Afstemningsmodeller er også nyttige til at håndtere *Kontant Rabatter*. Se "
"venligst :doc:`denne dokumentation "
"<../../receivables/customer_invoices/cash_discounts>` for yderligere "
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:21
msgid "Types of Reconciliation Models"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Typer af Afstemningsmodeller"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:23
msgid "There are three types of Reconciliation Models:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Der er tre typer af Afstemningsmodeller:"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:25
msgid ":ref:`Write-off Button <reconciliation_models_button>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ref:`Afskriv Knap <reconciliation_models_button>`"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:26
msgid ""
":ref:`Suggestion of counterpart values <reconciliation_models_suggestion>`"
msgstr ""
":ref:`Foreslag til modpartsværdier <reconciliation_models_suggestion>`"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:27
msgid ":ref:`Match existing invoices/bills <reconciliation_models_match>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ref:`Match eksisterende faktura <reconciliation_models_match>`"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:32
msgid "Manually create a write-off on clicked button"
@ -1186,6 +1191,10 @@ msgid ""
"values automatically, before validating the reconciliation. Each button is a"
" different Reconciliation Model."
msgstr ""
"Når du afstemmer en postering med en *Åben Saldo*, kan du bruger de "
"tilgængelige knapper under *Manuelle Operationer* fanen til at forudfylde "
"alle værdierne automatisk, før godkendelse af afstemningen. Hver knap er en "
"forskellig Afstemningsmodel."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:45
msgid "Suggest counterpart values"
@ -1197,6 +1206,9 @@ msgid ""
"that only need to be validated. This automation is based on a set of rules "
"defined in the reconciliation model."
msgstr ""
"Denne type af Afstemningsmodel foreslår med det samme modparts værdier der "
"blot skal godkendes. Denne automatisering er baseret på et sæt regler "
"defineret i afstemningsmodellen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:57
msgid "Match existing invoices/bills"
@ -1209,6 +1221,10 @@ msgid ""
"to validate the entry. This automation is based on a set of rules defined in"
" the reconciliation model."
msgstr ""
"Denne type Afstemningsmodel vælger automatisk den korrekte Kundefaktura "
"eller Leverandørfaktura som matcher betalingen. Alt der mangler er at "
"godkende posteringen. Denne automatisering er baseret på et sæt regler "
"defineret i Afstemningsmodellen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -1218,6 +1234,11 @@ msgid ""
"going to your Bank Journal card, clicking on the three little dots, and then"
" on *Reconciliation Models*."
msgstr ""
"For at administrere eller oprette en ny **Afstemningsmodel**, skal du gå til"
" :menuselection:`Regnskab --> Afstemning --> Afstemningsmodeller`. "
"Alternativt kan du også åbne denne menu fra Regnskabsoversigten, ved at gå "
"til dit Bankjournals kort, klikke på de tre små prikker, og så på "
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:81
msgid ""
@ -1225,12 +1246,17 @@ msgid ""
"the current matching of invoices and bills. Therefore, it is advised to "
"leave it at the top of the list and not to delete it."
msgstr ""
"Den første post, navngivet *Faktura-matching Regel*, er den der er ansvarlig"
" for de faktura og regninger der i øjeblikket er matchet. Derfor er det "
"tilrådet at lade den blive i toppen af listen, og ikke slette den."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:85
msgid ""
"Open the model you want to modify, or click on *Create* to create a new one,"
" then fill out the form."
msgstr ""
"Åben modellen du vil redigere, eller klik på *Opret* for at oprette en ny, "
"og udfyld formularen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:88
#: ../../accounting/overview/getting_started/chart_of_accounts.rst:50
@ -1242,6 +1268,8 @@ msgid ""
"See :ref:`above <reconciliation_models_types>` for an explanation about the "
"different types of Reconciliation Models."
msgstr ""
"Se :ref:`ovenover <reconciliation_models_types>` for en forklaring af de "
"forskellige typer af Afstemningsmodeller."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:94
msgid ""
@ -1250,6 +1278,11 @@ msgid ""
"value *Reconciliation request* implies that, whenever you use this model, a "
"*Request Document* window pops up to request a document from a user."
msgstr ""
"Hvis *Dokumenter* applikationen er installeret på din database, vil der "
"blive vist et yderligere **Aktivitetstype** felt når *At tjekke* er "
"markeret. Valg af *Afstemnings anmodning* antyder, at hver gang du bruger "
"denne model, vil et *Anmodnings Dokument* vindue blive vist for at anmode "
"brugeren om et dokument."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:100
msgid "Conditions on Bank Statement Line"
@ -1260,6 +1293,8 @@ msgid ""
"Define here all the conditions that are required for a Reconciliation Model "
"to be applied."
msgstr ""
"Definer her alle de betingelser der kræves for at en Afstemningsmodel "
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:105
msgid ""
@ -1268,6 +1303,10 @@ msgid ""
"the models in the *list view*. They can be rearranged by dragging-and-"
"dropping the handle next to the name."
msgstr ""
"Hvis et datasæt matcher flere Afstemningsmodeller, vil den første i "
"*sekvensen* af modeller blive anvendt. Sekvensen er blot rækkefølgen af "
"modeller i *listevisningen*. De kan omarrangeres ved at trække-og-slippe i "
"håndtaget ved siden af navnet."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:114
msgid "Counterpart Values"
@ -1278,29 +1317,32 @@ msgid ""
"This section comprises the values that are applied by the Reconciliation "
msgstr ""
"Denne sektion indbefatter værdierne der anvendes af Afstemningsmodellen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:118
msgid ""
"If the value to reconcile needs to be written-off in two separate accounts, "
"click on *Add a second line*."
msgstr ""
"Hvis værdien der afstemmes skal afskrives på to separate konti, skal du "
"klikke på *Tilføj anden linje*."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:127
msgid ":doc:`use_cases`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`brugstilfælde`"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:128
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:108
msgid ":doc:`../feeds/bank_synchronization`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../feeds/bank_synchronization`"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/reconciliation_models.rst:129
msgid ":doc:`../../receivables/customer_invoices/cash_discounts`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../receivables/customer_invoices/cash_discounts`"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:3
msgid "Bank reconciliation process - use cases"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bankafstemnings proces - brugstilfælde"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:6
#: ../../accounting/fiscal_localizations/overview.rst:3
@ -1322,38 +1364,47 @@ msgid ""
"lot of time. Luckily, with Odoo you can very easily match your invoices or "
"any other payment document with your bank statements."
msgstr ""
"At matche dine kontoudtog med dine regnskab kan være en kedelig opgave. Du "
"skal finde de tilsvarende faktura, sammenligne mængderne og partnerens "
"detaljer med dem angivet i kontoudtoget. Disse trin tage meget tid. "
"Heldigvis kan du med Odoo nemt matche dine faktura eller andre "
"betalingsdokumenter med dine kontoudtog."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:10
msgid "Two options of the reconciliation process exist in Odoo."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Der eksisterer to muligheder for afstemningsprocessen i Odoo."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:12
msgid "We can directly specify the payment on the invoice"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vi kan specificere betalingen direkte på fakturaen"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:13
msgid "We can reconcile open invoices with bank statements"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vi kan afstemme åbne faktura med kontoudtog"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:18
msgid ""
"No special configuration is necessary to record invoices. All we need to do "
"is to install the accounting app."
msgstr ""
"Der påkræves ingen særlig konfiguration for at registrere faktura. Alt vi "
"skal gøre, er blot at installere regnskabs applikationen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:25
msgid "Use cases"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Brugstilfælde"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:28
msgid "Case 1: Payments registration"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tilfælde 1: Betalingsregistration"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:30
msgid ""
"We received the proof of payment of our invoice in the amount of 2100 euros "
"issued to Smith & Co."
msgstr ""
"Vi modtog betalingsbeviset på vores faktura som 2100 euro udstedt til Smith "
"& Co."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -1363,12 +1414,19 @@ msgid ""
"invoice as paid immediately in order to indicate that we can start rendering"
" services to our customer."
msgstr ""
"Vi starter ved vores udstedte faktura på 2100 euro for Smith & Co. Fordi det"
" solgte produkt er en ydelse, opkræver vi betaling med det samme. Vores "
"revisor tager sig kun af kontoudtog ved ugens udgang, så vi skal markere "
"denne faktura som betalt med det samme, for at indikere at vi kan begynde at"
" udføre ydelsen for vores kunde."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:39
msgid ""
"Our customer send us a payment confirmation. We can thus register a payment "
"and mark the invoice as paid."
msgstr ""
"Vores kunde sender os en betalingsbekræftelse. Vi kan derfor registrere en "
"betaling og markere fakturaen som betalt."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:45
msgid ""
@ -1376,70 +1434,88 @@ msgid ""
"has paid the Invoice. We thus have to specify the amount and the payment "
msgstr ""
"Ved at klikke på **registrer betaling**, fortæller vi Odoo, at vores kunde "
"har betalt fakturaen. Vi skal derfor specificere mængden og "
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:52
msgid ""
"Now we can always find the payment details in the Invoice by clicking on the"
" :menuselection:`Info --> Open Payment`."
msgstr ""
"Nu kan vi altid finde betalingsdetaljer på fakturaen ved at klikke på "
":menuselection:`Info --> Åben Betaling`."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:58
msgid ""
"The invoice has been paid and **the reconciliation has been done "
msgstr ""
"Fakturaen er blevet betalt, og **afstemningen er blevet udført automatisk**."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:62
msgid "Case 2: Bank statements reconciliations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tilfælde 2: Afstemning af Kontoudtog"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:64
msgid ""
"We start at our issued Invoice of 3000 euros for Smith & Co. Let's also "
"assume that other Invoices are open for different customers."
msgstr ""
"Vi starter ved vores udstedte faktura på 3000 euro til Smith & Co. Lad os "
"antage, at andre faktura er åbne for forskellige kunder."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:70
msgid ""
"We receive our bank statement and find that not only the invoice issued to "
"Smith & Co has been paid, but the one to Buzz of 92 euros as well."
msgstr ""
"Vi modtager vores kontoudtog, af finder at ikke blot fakturaen udstedt til "
"Smith & Co er blevet betalt, men at den til Buzz på 92 euro også er."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:73
msgid ""
"**Import** or **Create** the bank statements. Please refer to the documents "
"from the Bank Feeds section."
msgstr ""
"**Importer** eller **Opret** kontoudtog. Referer venligst til dokumenterne "
"fra Bank Feeds sektionen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:79
msgid "On the dashboard, click on **Reconcile # Items**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "På instrumentbrættet, klik på **Afstem # Genstande**"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:84
msgid ""
"If everything was right (correct partner name, right amount) odoo will do "
"the reconciliations **automatically**."
msgstr ""
"Hvis alt var korrekt (korrekt partnernavn, korret mængde), vil Odoo udføre "
"afstemningen **automatisk**."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:90
msgid "If some issues are found, you will need to take **manual actions**."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hvis der findes nogen fejl, vil du skulle **manuelt tage handling**."
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:92
msgid ""
"For example, if the partner is missing from your bank statement, just fill "
"it in :"
msgstr ""
"For eksempel, hvis partneren mangler fra dit kontoudtog, skal du blot "
"udfylde :"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:98
msgid ""
"If the payment is done with a down payment, just check if it is all right "
"and validate all related payments :"
msgstr ""
"Hvis betalingen udføres med en afbetaling, skal du blot tjekke at alt er i "
"orden, og validere alle relaterede betalinger :"
#: ../../accounting/bank/reconciliation/use_cases.rst:105
msgid "Hit CTRL-Enter to reconcile all the balanced items in the sheet."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tryk CTRL-Enter for at afstemme alle afbalancerede linjer på arket."
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup.rst:3
msgid "Setup"
@ -1455,18 +1531,27 @@ msgid ""
"Configuring them well allows you to make sure that all your banking data is "
"up to date and ready for the reconciliation with your *Journal Entries*."
msgstr ""
"Du kan administrere så mange **Bankkonti** i din database som der er behov "
"for. Tilstrækkelig konfigurering af dem gør det muligt for at dig at "
"forsikre dig om, at alle dine bank data er opdateret og klar til afstemning "
"med dine *Journalposteringer*."
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:9
msgid ""
"In Odoo Accounting, each Bank Account is configured to have a dedicated "
"*Journal* which is configured to post all entries in a dedicated *Account*."
msgstr ""
"I Odoo Regnskab er hver Bankkonto konfigureret til at have en dedikeret "
"*Journal*, som er konfigureret til at postere alle posteringer i en "
"dedikeret *Konto*."
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:12
msgid ""
"Whenever you add a Bank Account, a dedicated journal and a dedicated account"
" are automatically created and configured."
msgstr ""
"Hver gang du tilføjer en Bankkonto, oprettes og konfigureres en dedikeret "
"journal og konto automatisk."
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:15
msgid ""
@ -1474,10 +1559,13 @@ msgid ""
"Overview** in the form of a convenient card. It includes action buttons that"
" are displayed when appropriate."
msgstr ""
"Hver **Bankjournal** vises per standard i **Regnskabsoversigten** i form af "
"et praktisk kort. Det inkludere handlingsknapper som vises når det er "
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:25
msgid "Add a new Bank Account"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tilføj en ny Bankkonto"
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:27
msgid ""
@ -1485,16 +1573,21 @@ msgid ""
" your bank account manually and :doc:`upload the bank statements manually "
msgstr ""
"Du kan enten forbinde din bankkonto til din Odoo database, eller konfigurere"
" din bankkonto manuelt, og :doc:`uploade dine kontoudtog manuelt "
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:31
msgid "Bank Synchronization"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Banksynkronisering"
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:33
msgid ""
"Connect your bank account to your database and have your bank statements "
"synced automatically."
msgstr ""
"forbind din bankkonto til din database, og få dine kontoudtog synkroniseret "
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:35
msgid ""
@ -1502,16 +1595,21 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration`, click on *Add a Bank Account*, then find your bank in the "
"list, click on *Connect*, and follow the instructions on-screen."
msgstr ""
"for at synkronisere en ny bankkonto, skal du gå til :menuselection:`Regnskab"
" --> Konfiguration`, klik på *Tilføj en Bankkonto*, fin din bank i listen, "
"klik på *Forbind*, og følg instruktionerne på skærmen."
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:40
msgid ""
":doc:`Click here <../../bank/feeds/bank_synchronization>` for more "
"information about this bank synchronization."
msgstr ""
":doc:`Klik her <../../bank/feeds/bank_synchronization>` for yderligere "
"information omkring denne banksynkronisering."
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:48
msgid "Manual configuration"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Manuel konfiguration"
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:50
msgid ""
@ -1519,6 +1617,9 @@ msgid ""
"prefer not to sync it with your database, you may also configure your bank "
"account manually."
msgstr ""
"Hvis din Bankinstitution ikke kan synkroniseres automatisk, eller hvis du "
"foretrækker ikke at synkronisere med din database, kan du også konfigurere "
"din bankkonto manuelt."
#: ../../accounting/bank/setup/bank_accounts.rst:53
msgid ""

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
# Martin Trigaux, 2020
# Sanne Kristensen <sanne@vkdata.dk>, 2020
# Mads Søndergaard, 2020
# Mads Søndergaard <mads@vkdata.dk>, 2020
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-09-22 16:26+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mads Søndergaard, 2020\n"
"Last-Translator: Mads Søndergaard <mads@vkdata.dk>, 2020\n"
"Language-Team: Danish (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/da/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../marketing_automation/overview/segment.rst:32
msgid "Use cases"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Brugstilfælde"
#: ../../marketing_automation/overview/segment.rst:34
msgid ""

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
# Christelle Pinchart <cpi@odoo.com>, 2020
# pafnow <pafnow@hotmail.com>, 2020
# Martin Trigaux, 2020
# Arnaud Willem <contact@arnaud-willem.eu>, 2020
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-02 12:05+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-22 14:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Trigaux, 2020\n"
"Last-Translator: Arnaud Willem <contact@arnaud-willem.eu>, 2020\n"
"Language-Team: French (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/fr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../accounting.rst:5
msgid "Invoicing and Accounting"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Facturation et Comptabilité"
#: ../../accounting/bank.rst:3
msgid "Bank & Cash"
@ -85,12 +86,17 @@ msgid ""
"of the financial movements that occur on your bank accounts and reconcile "
"them with the transactions recorded in your accounting."
msgstr ""
"L'intégration de vos extraits bancaires dans la Comptabilité Odoo vous "
"permet de suivre les mouvements de trésorerie et de les rapprocher des "
"écritures enregistrées dans la comptabilité."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:8
msgid ""
"The easiest way to do so is by synchronizing. To do so, please read the "
"related documentation: :doc:`bank_synchronization`."
msgstr ""
"La méthode la plus simple est la synchronisation. Pour l'utiliser, merci de "
"vous référer au document :doc:`bank_synchronization`."
#: ../../accounting/bank/feeds/bank_statements.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -9229,15 +9235,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../accounting/fiscality/taxes/taxes.rst:234
msgid "900.10"
msgstr ""
msgstr "900,10"
#: ../../accounting/fiscality/taxes/taxes.rst:234
msgid "90.9"
msgstr ""
msgstr "90,9"
#: ../../accounting/fiscality/taxes/taxes.rst:234
msgid "1,000.00"
msgstr ""
msgstr "1.000,00"
#: ../../accounting/fiscality/taxes/taxes.rst:238
msgid ""
@ -9294,11 +9300,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../accounting/fiscality/taxes/taxes.rst:282
msgid ":doc:`../../reporting/declarations/tax_returns`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../reporting/declarations/tax_returns`"
#: ../../accounting/fiscality/taxes/vat_validation.rst:3
msgid "VIES VAT numbers validation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Validation du numéro de TVA Intracommunautaire par VIES"
#: ../../accounting/fiscality/taxes/vat_validation.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -9323,13 +9329,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../accounting/fiscality/taxes/vat_validation.rst:23
msgid "VAT Number validation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Validation du numéro de TVA"
#: ../../accounting/fiscality/taxes/vat_validation.rst:25
msgid ""
"Whenever you create or modify a contact, make sure to fill out the "
"**Country** and **VAT** fields."
msgstr ""
"Lors de la création ou modification d'un contact, assurez-vous de compléter "
"le champ **Pays** et **TVA**."
#: ../../accounting/fiscality/taxes/vat_validation.rst:31
msgid ""