Odoo documentation sources
![]() Spec: - In accounting doc remove the last three topics and replace them by the memento. They all head to the old memento. - add links to new memento in following page: https://www.odoo.com/documentation/user/9.0/inventory/routes/strategies/removal.html - The following doc topic "What costing method should you use? (standard, average, fifo)" heads to the former memento https://www.odoo.com/documentation/functional/valuation.html#costingmethod This memento does not answer this complex question at all actually. Please remove it. - The introduction text should be before "Costing Method" title: Every year your inventory valuation has to be recorded in your balance sheet. This implies two main choices: the way you compute the cost of your stored items (Standard vs. Average vs. Real Price); the way you record the inventory value into your books (Periodic vs. Perpetual). - New definition for FIFO (right side): For Real Price (FIFO, LIFO, FEFO, etc), the costing is further refined by the removal strategy set on the warehouse location or product's internal category. The default strategy is FIFO. With such method, your inventory value is computed from the real cost of your stored products (cfr. Quantitative Valuation) and not from the cost price shown in the product form. Whenever you ship items, the cost price is reset to the cost of the last item(s) shipped. This cost price is used to value any product not received from a purchase order (e.g. inventory adjustments). FIFO is advised if you manage all your workflow into Odoo (Sales, Purchases, Inventory). It suits any kind of users. - Add definition for LIFO method: For Real Price (FIFO, LIFO, FEFO, etc), the costing is further refined by the removal strategy set on the warehouse location or product's internal category. The default strategy is FIFO. With such method, your inventory value is computed from the real cost of your stored products (cfr. Quantitative Valuation) and not from the cost price shown in the product form. Whenever you ship items, the cost price is reset to the cost of the last item(s) shipped. This cost price is used to value any product not received from a purchase order (e.g. inventory adjustments). LIFO is not permitted outside the United States. - New definition for Average Price: The Average Price method recomputes the cost price as a receipt order has been processed, based on prices defined in tied purchase orders: FORMULA (see here attached) The average cost does not change when products leave the warehouse. From an accounting point of view, this method is mainly justified in case of huge purchase price variations and is quite unusual due to its operational complexity. Your actually need a software like Odoo to easily keep this cost up-to-date. This method is dedicated to advanced users. It requires well established business processes because the order in which you process receipt orders matters in the cost computation. - In Continental memento: If the stock value decreased, he makes it upside down. -> If the stock value decreased, the "Inventory" account is credited and the "Inventory Variations" debited. - Remove "[1] products leaving the stock have no impact on the average price." Now added to average price definition. - At the botton, add links to following docs: What is a removal strategy (FIFO, LIFO, FEFO, Specific Indentification): https://www.odoo.com/documentation/user/9.0/inventory/routes/strategies/removal.html Impact on the average price valuation when returning goods: https://www.odoo.com/documentation/user/9.0/accounting/others/inventory/avg_price_valuation.html How to integrate landed costs in the cost of the product? https://www.odoo.com/documentation/user/9.0/inventory/routes/costing/landed_costs.html |
_extensions | ||
_static | ||
.tx | ||
accounting | ||
crm | ||
discuss | ||
getting_started | ||
inventory | ||
legal | ||
locale | ||
point_of_sale | ||
project | ||
purchase | ||
sales | ||
website | ||
.gitignore | ||
accounting.rst | ||
applications.rst | ||
conf.py | ||
crm.rst | ||
discuss.rst | ||
expenses.rst | ||
getting_started.rst | ||
index.rst | ||
inventory.rst | ||
legal.rst | ||
Makefile | ||
point_of_sale.rst | ||
project.rst | ||
purchase.rst | ||
README.rst | ||
recruitment.rst | ||
sales.rst | ||
website.rst |
=========================== End-user Odoo documentation =========================== Building requirements: * Python 2.7 * recent `Sphinx <http://sphinx-doc.org>`_ (at least Sphinx 1.2) you can check if Sphinx is installed by trying to launch .. code-block:: console $ sphinx-build --version See `the sphinx documentation <http://sphinx-doc.org/install.html>`_ for local installation instructions. * `git <http://www.git-scm.com>`_ * clone this repository using git, then at the root of the repository, in a console, .. code-block:: console $ make html this should compile the documentation to HTML, and put the generated HTML in ``_build/html/index.html``. Contributions ============= For simple edition (typo, just add paragraphs of text without markup), the Github web interface can be used directly. For more complex edition, to add images or advanced directives, edit locally. **Do not commit if there are warnings or errors when building the documentation** fix them first. rST is fairly sensitive to whitespace and newlines (especially the lack of newlines). It's a bit annoying but it's not hard to learn. Issues can be reported on the repository's bug tracker as usual. Custom features =============== Extensions ---------- Two custom directives are provided for integration with Odoo's demo system: * ``demo:fields:: {external_id}`` lists all the fields with a tooltip (``help``) of the action whose ``external_id`` is provided. - Uses the ``form`` view by default, can be customized by specifying ``:view:``. - The list of fields displayed can be filtered with ``:only:`` which should be a list of space-separated fields to display. Note that this will further reduce the number of fields displayed, it will not force fields to be listed when they don't have a ``help``. .. code-block:: restructuredtext .. demo:fields:: account_asset.action_account_asset_asset_list_normal_sale :only: name will display a table of just the ``name`` field and its ``help`` (or nothing if the ``name`` field does not have a ``help``) * ``demo:action:: {external_id}`` will create a link button to the action (specified by external id) on the demo site. The text of the button should be provided as the directive's content: .. code-block:: restructuredtext .. demo:action:: account_asset.action_account_asset_asset_list_normal_sale View *Asset Types* Theme Customisations -------------------- * The Odoo theme supports *Banner Images* at the top of documents. These banners are configured by setting a ``:banner:`` field at the top of the document (before the page title), the banner images will be looked up in the ``_static`` folder at the root of the project .. code-block:: restructuredtext :banner: banners/accounting.png ========== Accounting ========== [...] .. warning:: because banners are wide images and each page may have one, it is strongly recommended to compress them well. For PNG, use `pngquant <https://pngquant.org>`_ (or a UI to it) to reduce the number of colors in the image followed by regular PNG recompression tools like `pngcrush <http://pmt.sourceforge.net/pngcrush/>`_ and `pngout <http://www.advsys.net/ken/util/pngout.htm>`_. Importing existing documents ============================ For documents which already exist in an other format or in Google docs, it's possible to get a head-start by converting the existing document using `Pandoc <http://pandoc.org>`_. The main issue is that anything but trivial original documents will need fixing up (possibly lots of it) to get *good* rST (or possibly working rST at all). Example:: pandoc -f docx -t rst path/to/document.docx -o new_doc.rst --extract-media=. will convert ``path/to/document.docx`` to ``new_doc.rst`` and export all images to ``./media`` (and link them from the document). While there are issues with the exported document, it's much more convenient than manually re-typing the original.