
631 lines
30 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2018-06-18 15:08:48 +07:00
<function model="" name="write">
<value eval="ref('website.homepage_page')"/>
<value eval="{'active': False}"/>
<template id="link-pr" name="create a link to `pr`">
<t t-set="title"
t-value="pr.message.split('\n', 1)[0] if pr.repository.group_id &lt;= env.user.groups_id else ''"/>
<t t-set="title">
<t t-if="title and pr.blocked" >
<t t-out="title"/>: <t t-out="pr.blocked"/>
<t t-else="">
<t t-out="pr.blocked or title"/>
<a t-attf-href="{{ }}/pull/{{ pr.number }}"
t-att-target="target or None"
t-att-class="classes or None"
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
><t t-out="pr.display_name"/></a>
<template id="staging-statuses" name="dropdown statuses list of stagings">
<div class="dropdown" t-if="staging.heads">
<button class="btn btn-link dropdown-toggle"
t-attf-title="Staged at {{staging.staged_at}}Z for {{round(staging.staging_duration)}}s"
<t t-out="0"/>
<span class="caret"></span>
<div class="dropdown-menu staging-statuses">
<a groups="runbot_merge.group_admin"
class="dropdown-item" role="menuitem"
Open Staging
<t t-set="statuses" t-value="{(r, c): (s, t) for r, c, s, t in staging.statuses}"/>
<t t-foreach="repo_statuses._for_staging(staging)" t-as="req">
<t t-set="st" t-value="statuses.get((, req.context)) or (None, None)"/>
<a t-att-href="st[1]" target="new" role="menuitem" t-attf-class="
{{'bg-success' if st[0] == 'success'
else 'bg-danger' if st[0] in ('error', 'failure')
else 'bg-info' if st[0]
else 'bg-light'}}">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<t t-out=""/>: <t t-out="req.context"/>
<template id="alerts">
<div id="alerts" class="row text-center">
<div class="alert alert-light col-md-12 h6 mb-0">
<a href="/runbot_merge/changelog">Changelog</a>
<t t-set="stagingcron" t-value="env(user=1).ref('runbot_merge.staging_cron')"/>
<div t-if="not" class="alert alert-warning col-12 mb-0" role="alert">
Staging is disabled, "ready" pull requests will not be staged.
<t t-set="mergecron" t-value="env(user=1).ref('runbot_merge.merge_cron')"/>
<div t-if="not" class="alert alert-warning col-12 mb-0" role="alert">
Merging is disabled, stagings will not be integrated.
<template id="dashboard" name="mergebot dashboard">
2018-06-18 15:08:48 +07:00
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div id="wrap"><div class="container-fluid">
<t t-call="runbot_merge.alerts"/>
<section t-foreach="projects" t-as="project" class="row">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<h1 class="col-md-12"><t t-out=""/></h1>
<div class="col-md-12">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li class="bg-success">success (hopefully merged)</li>
<li class="bg-info">ongoing</li>
<li class="bg-danger">failure</li>
<li class="bg-gray-lighter">cancelled</li>
<section t-foreach="project.branch_ids" t-as="branch" t-if="" class="col-md-12">
<a t-attf-href="/runbot_merge/{{}}">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<t t-out=""/>
2018-06-18 15:08:48 +07:00
<t t-call="runbot_merge.stagings"/>
<t t-set="splits" t-value="branch.split_ids"/>
<t t-set="ready_unstaged" t-value="
('target', '=',,
('state', '=', 'ready'),
('staging_id', '=', False),
]) - splits.mapped('batch_ids.prs')
<t t-set="ready" t-value="ready_unstaged.filtered(lambda p: not p.blocked)"/>
<t t-set="blocked" t-value="ready_unstaged.filtered(lambda p: p.blocked)"/>
<div t-if="splits" class="splits bg-warning pr-awaiting">
<small class="text-muted">will be staged next</small>
<li t-foreach="splits" t-as="split">
<ul class="pr-listing list-inline list-unstyled mb0">
<li t-foreach="split.mapped('batch_ids.prs')" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
<div t-if="ready" class="pr-listing pr-awaiting bg-warning">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li t-foreach="ready" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
<div t-if="blocked" class="pr-listing pr-blocked bg-info">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li t-foreach="blocked" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
<t t-set="failed" t-value="
('target', '=',,
('state', '=', 'error'),
('staging_id', '=', False),
<div t-if="failed" class="pr-listing pr-failed bg-danger">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li t-foreach="failed" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
2018-06-18 15:08:48 +07:00
<template id="stagings" name="mergebot branch stagings">
<t t-set="repo_statuses" t-value="branch.project_id.repo_ids.having_branch(branch).status_ids"/>
<ul class="list-unstyled stagings">
<t t-foreach="stagings_map[branch]" t-as="staging">
<t t-set="success" t-value="staging.state == 'success'"/>
<t t-set="failure" t-value="staging.state == 'failure'"/>
<t t-set="pending" t-value=" and (not staging.state or staging.state == 'pending')"/>
<t t-set="stateclass">
<t t-if="success">bg-success <t t-if="">bg-unmerged</t></t>
<t t-if="failure">bg-danger</t>
<t t-if="pending">bg-info</t>
<t t-if="not (success or failure or pending)">bg-gray-lighter</t>
<t t-set="decorationclass" >
<t t-if="4 > staging_index >= 2">d-none d-md-block</t>
<t t-if="staging_index >= 4">d-none d-lg-block</t>
2018-06-18 15:08:48 +07:00
<t t-set="title">
<t t-if="staging.state == 'success'"/>
<t t-else="">
<t t-if="staging.state == 'pending'">last status</t
><t t-elif="staging.state == 'ff_failed'">fast forward failed (<t t-out="(staging.reason or '').replace('\'', '')"/>)</t
><t t-else="" t-out="(staging.reason or '').replace('\'', '')"
/> at <t t-out="(staging.staging_end or staging.write_date).replace(microsecond=0)"/>Z
<li t-attf-class="staging {{stateclass.strip()}} {{decorationclass.strip()}}" t-att-title="title.strip() or None">
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li t-foreach="staging.batch_ids" t-as="batch" class="batch">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<t t-out="batch.prs[:1].label"/>
<t t-foreach="batch.prs" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
<t t-call="runbot_merge.staging-statuses">
Staged <span t-field="staging.staged_at" t-options="{'widget': 'relative'}"/>
(duration <span t-field="staging.staging_duration" t-options="{
'widget': 'duration',
'format': 'short',
'round': 'minute'
2018-06-18 15:08:48 +07:00
<template id="branch_stagings" name="mergebot stagings page">
<t t-set="repo_statuses" t-value="branch.project_id.repo_ids.having_branch(branch).status_ids"/>
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div id="wrap"><div class="container-fluid">
<section class="row">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<h1 class="col-md-12"><t t-out=""/>: <t t-out=""/></h1>
<form method="get">
<label for="until">Staged before:</label>
<input type="datetime-local" name="until" t-att-value="until"/>
<label for="state">State:</label>
<select name="state">
<option t-att-selected="'selected' if not state else None"/>
<option t-att-selected="'selected' if state == 'success' else None" value="success">Success</option>
<option t-att-selected="'selected' if state == 'failure' else None" value="failure">Failure</option>
<button type="submit">Apply</button>
<t t-foreach="stagings" t-as="staging">
<t t-set="success"
t-value="staging.state == 'success'"/>
<t t-set="failure"
t-value="staging.state == 'failure'"/>
<t t-set="pending"
t-value=" and (not staging.state or staging.state == 'pending')"/>
<t t-set="stateclass">
<t t-if="success">bg-success</t>
<t t-if="failure">bg-danger</t>
<t t-if="pending">bg-info</t>
<t t-if="not (success or failure or pending)">
<t t-set="title">
<t t-if="staging.state == 'ff_failed'">
Fast Forward Failed
<t t-elif="staging.state == 'canceled'">
Cancelled<t t-if="staging.reason">: <t t-out="staging.reason.replace('\'', '')"/></t>
<t t-else="">
<t t-out="(staging.reason or '').replace('\'', '')"/>
<tr t-att-class="stateclass"
style="border-bottom: 1px solid gainsboro; vertical-align: top">
<th t-att-title="title.strip() or None">
<t t-if="not staging.heads">
<span t-field="staging.staged_at"
t-options="{'format': 'yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ssZ'}"/>
<t t-call="runbot_merge.staging-statuses">
<span t-field="staging.staged_at"
t-options="{'format': 'yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ssZ'}"/>
in <span t-field="staging.staging_duration" t-options="{
'widget': 'duration',
'format': 'narrow',
'round': 'minute'
<ul class="list-inline list-unstyled mb0">
<t t-foreach="staging.batch_ids"
<t t-set="first_pr"
<li class="dropdown" t-if="first_pr">
<button class="btn btn-link dropdown-toggle"
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<t t-out="first_pr.label"/>
<span class="caret"></span>
<div class="dropdown-menu">
<t t-foreach="batch.prs" t-as="pr">
<t t-call="">
<t t-set="target">new</t>
<t t-set="classes">dropdown-item</t>
<t t-if="next">
<a t-attf-href="/runbot_merge/{{}}?until={{next}}&amp;state={{state}}">
Next >
<template id="changelog" name="mergebot changelog">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div id="wrap"><div class="container-fluid">
<section t-foreach="entries" t-as="entry">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<h3 t-if="not entry_first" t-out="entry"/>
<li t-foreach="sorted(entry_value)" t-as="item">
2022-03-18 21:53:49 +07:00
<t t-out="item"/>
<template id="view_pull_request_info_merged">
<div class="alert alert-success">
<t t-if="merged_head">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
at <a t-attf-href="{{}}/commit/{{merged_head}}"><t t-out="merged_head"/></a>
<t t-foreach="pr.repository.status_ids._for_pr(pr)" t-as="ci">
<t t-set="st" t-value="statuses.get(ci.context.strip())"/>
<li t-if="st">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<a t-att-href="st.get('target_url') if st else None"><t t-out="ci.context.strip()"/></a><t t-if="st and st.get('description')">: <t t-out="st['description']"/></t>
<t t-set="linked_prs" t-value="pr._linked_prs"/>
<div t-if="linked_prs">
Linked pull requests
<li t-foreach="linked_prs" t-as="linked">
<a t-att-href="linked.url" t-field="linked.display_name"/>
<template id="view_pull_request_info_closed">
<div class="alert alert-light">
<template id="view_pull_request_info_error">
<div class="alert alert-danger">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<span t-out="pr.with_context(active_test=False).batch_id.staging_ids[-1:].reason">
Unable to stage PR
<template id="view_pull_request_info_staging">
<div class="alert alert-primary">
Staged <span t-field="pr.staging_id.staged_at" t-options="{'widget': 'relative'}"/>.
<t t-set="linked_prs" t-value="pr._linked_prs"/>
<div t-if="linked_prs">
Linked pull requests
<li t-foreach="linked_prs" t-as="linked">
<a t-att-href="linked.url" t-field="linked.display_name"/>
<template id="view_pull_request_info_open">
<!-- nb: replicates `blocked`, maybe that should be split into various criteria? -->
<div class="alert alert-info">
<p t-if="pr.blocked" class="alert-danger">Blocked</p>
<p t-else="" class="alert-success">Ready (waiting for staging)</p>
<ul class="todo">
<li t-att-class="'ok' if pr.squash or pr.merge_method else 'fail'">
Merge method
<li t-att-class="'ok' if pr._approved else 'fail'">
<li t-att-class="'ok' if pr.state not in ('opened', 'approved') else ''">
<ul class="todo">
<t t-foreach="pr.repository.status_ids._for_pr(pr)" t-as="ci">
<t t-set="st" t-value="statuses.get(ci.context.strip())"/>
<t t-set="result">
<t t-if="not st or st['state'] == 'pending'"></t>
<t t-elif="st['state'] in ('error', 'failure')">fail</t>
<t t-else="">ok</t>
<li t-att-class="result">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<a t-att-href="st.get('target_url') if st else None"><t t-out="ci.context.strip()"/></a><t t-if="st and st.get('description')">: <t t-out="st['description']"/></t>
<t t-set="linked_prs" t-value="pr._linked_prs"/>
<li t-if="linked_prs" t-att-class="'ok' if all(l._ready for l in linked_prs) else 'fail'">
Linked pull requests
<ul class="todo">
<t t-foreach="linked_prs" t-as="linked">
<li t-att-class="'ok' if linked._ready else 'fail'">
<a t-att-href="linked.url" t-field="linked.display_name"/>
<template id="view_pull_request">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div id="wrap"><div class="container-fluid">
<t t-call="runbot_merge.alerts"/>
<a t-att-href="pr.github_url" t-field="pr.display_name">
<a t-attf-href="/web#view_type=form&amp;model=runbot_merge.pull_requests&amp;id={{}}"
class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary align-top float-end"
groups="runbot_merge.group_admin">View in backend</a>
<h6>Created by <span t-field=""/></h6>
<t t-set="tmpl">
2024-12-05 02:36:33 +07:00
<t t-if="pr.state in ('merged', 'closed', 'error')"><t t-out="pr.state"/></t>
<t t-elif="pr.staging_id">staging</t>
<t t-else="">open</t>
<t t-call="runbot_merge.view_pull_request_info_{{tmpl.strip()}}"/>
<dl class="runbot-merge-fields">
<dd><span t-field="pr.label"/></dd>
<dd><a t-attf-href="{{pr.github_url}}/commits/{{pr.head}}"><span t-field="pr.head"/></a></dd>
<t t-call="runbot_merge.dashboard-table"/>
<p t-field="pr.message_html"/>
<record id="dashboard-pre" model="ir.actions.server">
<field name="name">Preparation for the preparation of the PR dashboard content</field>
<field name="state">code</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="base.model_ir_qweb"/>
<field name="code"><![CDATA[
project = pr.repository.project_id
genealogy = pr.batch_id.genealogy_ids
repos = project.repo_ids & genealogy.all_prs.repository
targets =
if not genealogy:
# if a PR is closed, it may not have a batch to get a genealogy from,
# in which case it's just a sole soul drifting in the deep dark
branches =
repos = pr.repository
elif all(p.state in ('merged', 'closed') for p in genealogy[-1].all_prs):
branches = (project.branch_ids & targets)[::-1]
elif pr.batch_id.fw_policy == 'no':
branches =
# if the tip of the genealogy is not closed, extend to the furthest limit,
# keeping branches which are active or have an associated batch / PR
limit = min(genealogy.prs.limit_id, key=lambda b: (b.sequence,, default=None)
limit_high = project.branch_ids.ids.index( if limit else None
limit = max(targets, key=lambda b: (b.sequence,
limit_low = project.branch_ids.ids.index(
branches = project.branch_ids[limit_high:limit_low+1].filtered(lambda b: or b in targets)[::-1]
action = (project, repos, branches, genealogy)
<record id="dashboard-prep" model="ir.actions.server">
<field name="name">Preparation of the PR dashboard content</field>
<field name="state">code</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="base.model_ir_qweb"/>
<field name="code"><![CDATA[
batches = {}
for branch in [*branches, branches.browse(())]:
if genealogy:
prs_batch = genealogy.filtered(lambda b: == branch).all_prs
if not (branch or prs_batch):
prs_batch = pr
for repo in repos:
prs = prs_batch.filtered(lambda p: p.repository == repo)
st = 0
detached = False
pr_fmt = []
for p in prs:
st |= (bool(p.error) << 2 | (p.state == 'merged') << 1 | bool(p.blocked) << 0)
done = p.state in ('closed', 'merged')
# this will hide the detachment signal when the PRs are merged/closed, cleaner but less correct?
detached = detached or bool(p.source_id and not p.parent_id and not done)
label = p.state
if p.blocked:
label = "%s, %s" % (label, p.blocked)
'pr': p,
'number': p.number,
'label': label,
'closed': p.closed,
'backend_url': "/web#view_type=form&model=runbot_merge.pull_requests&id=%d" %,
'github_url': p.github_url,
'checked': done or p.status == 'success',
'reviewed': done or bool(p.reviewed_by),
'attached': done or p.parent_id or not p.source_id,
state = None
for i, s in zip(range(2, -1, -1), ['danger', 'success', 'warning']):
if st & (1 << i):
state = s
batches[repo, branch] = {
'active': pr in prs,
'detached': detached,
'state': state,
'prs': pr_fmt,
'pr_ids': prs,
action = batches
<template id="dashboard-table">
<t t-set="pre" t-value="pr.env.ref('runbot_merge.dashboard-pre').sudo()._run_action_code_multi({'pr': pr})"/>
<t t-set="repos" t-value="pre[1]"/>
<t t-set="branches" t-value="pre[2]"/>
<t t-set="batches" t-value="env.ref('runbot_merge.dashboard-prep').sudo()._run_action_code_multi({
'pr': pr,
'repos': repos,
'branches': branches,
'genealogy': pre[3],
<div t-if="not" class="alert alert-danger">
<p>Inconsistent targets:</p>
<ul><li t-foreach="pr.batch_id.prs" t-as="p">
<a t-att-href="p.url"><t t-out="p.display_name"/></a> has target '<t t-out=""/>'</li></ul>
<table t-else="" class="table table-bordered table-sm">
<col t-foreach="repos" t-as="repo"
t-att-class="'bg-info' if repo == pr.repository else None"
<th t-foreach="repos" t-as="repo">
<t t-out=""/>
table-info looks like shit (possibly because no odoo styling so use bg-info
text-muted doesn't do anything, so set some opacity
<tr t-foreach="branches" t-as="branch"
t-att-title="None if else 'branch is disabled'"
'bg-info' if branch == else ''
}} {{
'inactive' if not else ''
<td t-out=" or ''"/>
<t t-foreach="repos" t-as="repo">
<t t-set="ps" t-value="batches[repo, branch]"/>
<t t-set="stateclass" t-value="ps['state'] and 'table-'+ps['state']"/>
<t t-set="detached" t-value="ps['detached']"/>
<td t-if="ps['prs']"
t-att-title="'detached' if detached else None"
'table-active' if ps['active'] else ''
}} {{
'detached' if detached else ''
there should be only one PR per (repo, target) but
that's not always the case
<span t-foreach="ps['prs']" t-as="p"
t-att-class="'closed' if p['closed'] else None">
<a t-attf-href="/{{}}/pull/{{p['number']}}">#<t t-out="p['number']"/></a>
<a t-attf-class="fa fa-brands fa-github"
title="Open on Github"
<a groups="runbot_merge.group_admin"
title="Open in Backend"
t-attf-class="fa fa-external-link"
<sup t-if="not p['checked']" class="text-danger">missing statuses</sup>
<sup t-if="not p['reviewed']" class="text-danger">missing r+</sup>
<sup t-if="not p['attached']"
t-attf-title="detached: {{p['pr'].detach_reason}}"
class="text-warning fa fa-unlink"/>
<sup t-if="p['pr'].staging_id" class="text-success">
<sup t-elif="p['pr']._ready" class="text-success">
<td t-else=""/>
2018-06-18 15:08:48 +07:00