Before the commit the build ir_logging was sent from the build instance
to the main runbot ir.logging table. As the number of runbot hosts
increases, it introduce a lot of concurrency.
e.g.: 80 hosts with 8 builds means 640 instances trying to insert
records in the ir.logging table.
With this commit, a special database is used on the builder host in
order to receive ir.logging's from the build instances.
Regulary, the table is emptied by the builder and the logs are inserted
in the runbot leader ir.logging table.
When marking multiple build error as fixed, it's sometimes necessary to
explain why it was decided to close the error. When working with a few
errors, this can be done manually ... But most of the time we want to
close a lot of false negatives in batch.
With this commit, a simple wizard is made available that will post a
reason in the chatter of the build_errors.
The build error view was unstructured and contains to much information.
This commit organize fields in groups and also validate some
modification on records in order to avoid build error manager to
disable test-tags by mistake.
An error cannot be deactivated if it appeared less than 24 hours ago to
avoid disabling a non forxardported pr that will fail the next nightly
generating another build error.
Test tags can only be added or removed by administrators.
Also adds a menu for easier User managerment
Also fixed the dname search and display.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 237, in _dispatch
result = request.dispatch()
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 687, in dispatch
result = self._call_function(**self.params)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 359, in _call_function
return checked_call(self.db, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/service/", line 94, in wrapper
return f(dbname, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 348, in checked_call
result = self.endpoint(*a, **kw)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 916, in __call__
return self.method(*args, **kw)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 535, in response_wrap
response = f(*args, **kw)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/addons/web/controllers/", line 1347, in call_kw
return self._call_kw(model, method, args, kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/addons/web/controllers/", line 1339, in _call_kw
return call_kw(request.env[model], method, args, kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 464, in call_kw
result = _call_kw_multi(method, model, args, kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 451, in _call_kw_multi
result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 6489, in onchange
snapshot1 = Snapshot(record, nametree)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 6271, in __init__
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 6281, in fetch
self[name] = record[name]
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 5888, in __getitem__
return self._fields[key].__get__(self, type(self))
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 1054, in __get__
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 1243, in recompute
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 1265, in compute_value
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 4255, in _compute_field_value
getattr(self, field.compute)()
File "/home/odoo/runbot/extra/runbot/models/", line 36, in _compute_version_number
version.number = '.'.join([elem.zfill(2) for elem in re.sub(r'[^0-9\.]', '','.')])
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 210, in sub
return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 643, in _handle_exception
return super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception)
File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/15.0/odoo/", line 301, in _handle_exception
raise exception.with_traceback(None) from new_cause
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
When the builds directory is filled with a lot of build directories
(around 100000) the garbage collection process may take up to 2 minutes.
The root cause is that each build directory is scanned to clean it up
even if it was already cleaned.
With this commit, a stamp file is used to mark directories that were
already garbage collected.
The sleep 1 was ok with a few builder bur regarding the number of
request on the database when no build are running, this become
An ideal solution would be to detect if
-> me managed some testing build
-> There is load (pendings)
In both case, we don't want to sleep to much.
In other cases, we may want to wait a little longer.
A simple quick fix will just wait longer in all cases.
When exporting a commit, it will be useful to freeze the modification
time of the exported files. The idea behind that is to pre-generate
bundles at the install time of the Odoo instances, that way when running
the post install tests, the bundles does not have to be generated for
each test.
In bd4cf76b7 a new argument `--progress-bar off` was added to the pip
command line. Unfortunately, it appears that this argument is not
available in some pip versions, typically the one from Ubuntu Bionic
(9.0.1) [0]. The argument appeared in version 10.0.0 [1].
Also, in the DockerFile, we allow the user to use `sudo` for
`/usr/bin/pip3` and the main reason for that was to avoid having `pip`
to re-install the packages that are pre-installed by the distribution
package manager.
That said, it appears that since pip 10.0.0 when installing packages
locally for the user, pip now properly detects distribution installed
So, as the solution to fix the progress bar issue is to upgrade pip to a
newer version, we can take advantage of it to get rid of the `sudo`.
Besides the fact that `--user` is the default on Debian based
distributions [2] , we enforce it in case another distribution is used
in the Dockerfile.
While using the docker cli as a subprocess was KISS and convenient,
the python Docker SDK is mature, easy to use, available as a Debian
package and much more powerful.
It will permit to monitor the containers memory consumption and will
help to spot memory leaks.
On the actual runbot deployments, the `git gc` command is handled by a
unix cron. From time to time, some repositories get corrupted and we
suspect that some concurrent action may be involved as stated in
documentation [0].
For those reasons, with this commit, the `git gc` will be run by the
runbot clients themselves in order to avoid concurrent operations.
By default, the first gc will occur a few minutes after the start of the
client and the next gc are scheduled a two hours and a few minutes later.
Also, this commit ensures that the git config is written regularly in
case of change.
Regarding the number of refs in odoo repo (arround 18 million at this
time), the parsing of the date was significant when filtering old refs.
Using unix time allows a direct comparaison without parsing the date,
and improved performance, going from ~7 seconds to ~1.3 seconds.
The status are currently sent by leader when build are created and by
workers on post_commit.
If the leader fails during the preparing of a batch (while creating
builds) the transaction is rollbacked and the status are send again.
The number of status to send makes it quite slow, making the transaction
longuer, and the retry even more expensive. This leads to preparing time
being quite important, sometimes ten minutes after many retries.
This commit proposes to send status in another dedicated transaction.
Since status are sent in batch, we can also try to use a unique session,
and uniquify commit+context status.
This allows to remove the postcommit logic
A further improvement would be to wait before sending status in order to
skip the pending status if the build is verry fast.
An option is also added on the remote to skip the status: if the remote
is a fork, sending the satus on the main remote should be enough.
Initial model was a (build_id, key, value) where key is in fact a two
part information: `category.key` (where key is usually a module)
This means that for each module, we will have one entry per
We have between 200 and 400 modules per build * 4 keys -> around 1000
entries per build.
The hudge amount of total entries lead to a fast overflow of the table
sequence + this create important indexes.
Also, most of the time, the js will manage the display of stats meaning
that python will transform
(build_id, category.key, value)
(build_id, {key: value}) for one category
A new model makes use of a json field to store values for different
modules in a json dict, on entry per category*build. (4 entry per build)
The table will be renamed and migrate later
The initial pull_info_failures feature was introduced before the separate
process for the leader. Since this is here for a rare case, this
wasn't tested since then.
Testing the new infrastructure without token, there was many
pull_info_failure, leading to an error on cleanup.
When rendering templates for git configuration and nginx configuration,
the templates are rendered as Markup, while a byte-like object was
expected for the saving.
With this commit, the Markup is casted into str and the files are saved
as text files.
Some non tested code was making running build available without
an nginx config (using port and local address instead of using a proper
dns/nginx config).
Removing this part to reduce complexity.
Source cleanup will check in multiple place for potentially used
commits. This maked the cleanup logic complex, plus limit the usable
commits in python steps. The current use case is to export the mergebase
The poposed solution is to save the exported commit and clean this list
when the build is done. All commit in this list cannot be cleaned.
The main motivation is to be able to see existing config_data on params
and edit configuration on triggers.
A simple version would be to use the `FieldChar` with a simple
`JSON.stringify` formater, but having some indent on field make it
easier to read and edit.
The multiline need make it closet to the `FieldText` than the `FieldChar`
but the reset makes the browser freeze.
The actual way to add a custom multibuild on a dev bundle will be:
- use the multibuild wizard to create 2 configs and 2 steps
- add this config on the bundle
- customize this config to make it fatser by installing/restoring...
The usefull parameters are the number of build, the test tags and
modules to install.
Another usefull operation is to restore a dump instead of installing,
especially for post install test only breaking on full databases.
This commit proposes to replace the multi build wizard with a custom
trigger wizard. The main idea is to have generic config, parametrized by
config_data. The wizard will only help to generate the corresponding
When a build is garbage collected and the local folders are cleaned, the
log files are kept to allow build errors investigations.
With this commit, a full local cleanup will be done 365 days after the
garbage collect. This means that the build dir will be completely
removed. The default number of days can be tweaked with the
`runbot.full_gc_days` ir.config_parameter.
Also, the _local_cleanup method can be called with a `full` boolean
parameter to force a full cleanup. e.g.: when called in a config step.
While at it, the res_config_settings view is a bit reorganized.
When a git archive fails, the partially exported source tree is left in
place. If another builds tries to use the same commit, the tree is not
exported anymore as the directory exists. This leads to non
deterministic behaviors.
Right now single version repo like upgrade are managed using
a regex to limit name prefix, this avoid grouping branches when
mergebot wont be able to merge them together but the ci can be painfull
since the branch needs to be renamed (closing existing pr) or a manual
operation to move the branch into a new bundle must be performed.
This commit proposes to replace the forbidden_regex mechanism with
an explicit single_version mechanism.
In this case the reference name will be automatically prefixes with
the version. The prefix contains `---` to indicate that some
magic was applied.
Runbot layout modifies the website/portal base layout to remove navbar,
footer, overides some custom styles. A lot of assets are loaded but not
used. The only real usefull elements are base assets (bootstrap, ...)
and the login button.
Migrating to the next version of odoo is usually painfull because some
xpath may break, extra element added, or some style change may break the
page, needing to add more and more xpath, css rules, ... for very little
This cleanup creates a custom base layout for runbot independant from
base odoo templates.
Also add a breadcrumb, navigation arrow, and improve batch links
- searching on number will search for both pr and branche name
- hooks are now using payload to define repo when not given in url
- fixes .git cleaning in repo
(remove rstrip since it can fail for repo starting with g, i, t)
- recompute base on prepare if base was not found
- remove local_result form write values if there is a single record
(instead of raising, makes python step easier to write).
- avoid stucked build/loop after removing a step from a config.
- avoid to send ci for linked base_commit
- add a fallback mechanism for base if no master branch is found
- add option on project to avoid to keep sticky running, usefull
when using a lots of projects
WARNING: this is a change of default behaviour, need to update
existing projects.
- always discover new commits for branch matching base paterns.
This is especially usefull to discover old versions on project with
low merge frequency.
- always create a batch, event if there is now trigger. This helps to
notice that commits are discovered
- add line-through on death branches/pr
- manual trigger are now displayed on main page
As for the builder, this give the ability to run the discovery of new
commits and all related logic in a separate process.
This will mainly be usefull to restart frontend without waiting for cron
or restart "leader" without stoping the frontend. This will also be
usefull for optimisation purpose.
As a custom codeowner system was successfully implemented in a python
step on our runbot instance, it's now time to have a real model for
This commit adds a skeleton Codeowner model in order to be used for a
basic usage.
This should be improved in the future after some battle testing.
With the increasing usage of runbot to test various things and to take
care of random bugs in tests, the need of a team dashboard arose.
This commit adds a `` model. Internal users can be
linked to the team. Module wildcards can be used to automatically assign
build errors to a team at 'build.error` creation.
Also, an upgrade exception can be assigned to a team in order to display
it on a dashboard.
A dashboard model is used to create custom dashboards on the team
frontend page. By default, a dashboard is meant to display a list of
failed builds. The failed builds are selected by specifying a project, a
trigger category (e.g. nightly), a config and a domain (which select
failed builds by default).
The dashboard can be customized by specifying a custom view.
Each created team has a frontend page that displays all the team
dashboards and the errors assigned to the team.
A few other improvement also come with this commit:
* The cleaned error is now in a tab on the build error form
* Known errors are displayed as "known" on the build log page
* The build form shows the config used for the build
When getting pull info, the alive state can be determined easily,
meaning that this field can join the "_compute_branch_infos" familly
Hook was catching some changes made on pr and was conditionnaly updating some fields
and triggering some other operations conditionaly depending on the action flag.
All of the information needed to update the pull info should always be present in the
payload body, meaning that all fields can be updated at once in case some hook was missed,
and additionnal operation can be triggered based on fields changes.
In some conditions, it appears that a containerized build can eat up
all memory of the container host. This leads to disturbance of other
builds as the kernel OOM killer enters the dance.
With this commit, the docker ability to limit memory usage of a
container is used. The OOM killer will choose its victim among the
container processes.
The containers memory limit has to be set in the runbot settings. If not
set, no memory limit is used.
runbot servers are running with a log-level debug in order to have usefull
debug information, but this also causes some noise comming from odoo.
This pr changes most debug to info.
- Add draft pr management to avoid to trigger code owner on draft pr.
- Add check on falsy config on trigger id (avoid crash, usefull to disable trigger)
- Add extra params on custom trigger to avoid to write specific config every time.
- Trigger a new batch automaticaly when updating target/draft
Some projects may use a totally different Dockerfile. In order to avoid
new branches of those projects to automatically build with the generic
default Dockerfile, this commit adds the possibility to configure a
Default Dockerfile on a project.
The test in the original code will never fire because the value searched
for is not in the keys of the dictionary, but in one of the lists which
are in the values. Work around this by maintaining a reverse dictionary
module name -> commit and use this for the test.
Sometimes a pr pull info can fail.
- Most of the time it is only temporary and it will be successfull on next try.
- In some rare case the pr will always fail (github inconsistency) The pr exist in git but not on github api.
For this rare case, we store the pr in memory in order to unstuck other pr/branches update.
We consider that this error should not remain, in this case github needs to fix the inconsistency.
This is why the runbot model don't handle such a case for now.
Another solution would be to create the pr with fake pull info. This idea is not the best one
since we want to avoid to have many pr with fake pull_info in case of temporary failure of giothub services.
With this solution, the pr will be retried once every cron loop.
We dont except to have pr with this kind of persistent failure more than every few mounths/years.
Since 360e31ade4, it's possible to add statistics values to build
results but there was no practical way to analyze them.
With this commit, there is a new button on the bundle page that leads to
a chart page that displays those values.
The default reference build is last known good build of the bundle.
Values are filtered by key and only the most significant values are
displayed. The user can then refine the chart by changing the reference
build or the key and a few other options.
Co-author: Xavier-Do <>
If you try to manually create bundle, Odoo will crash, because it will
try to use `name` value that is not set yet. For that we start computing
host_id once `name` is entered.