msgid "To achieve this, complete the field **Authorized redirect URIs**. Copy paste the following link in the box: Then click on **Create**"
msgid "Install the LDAP module in General Settings."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/auth/ldap.rst:7
msgid "Click on **Create** in Setup your LDAP Server."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/auth/ldap.rst:15
msgid "Choose the company about to use the LDAP."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/auth/ldap.rst:20
msgid "In **Server Information**, enter the IP address of your server and the port it listens to."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/auth/ldap.rst:22
msgid "Tick **User TLS** if your server is compatible."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/auth/ldap.rst:27
msgid "In **Login Information**, enter ID and password of the account used to query the server. If left empty, the server will be queried anonymously."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/auth/ldap.rst:32
msgid "In **Process Parameter**, enter the domain name of your LDAP server in LDAP nomenclature (e.g. ``dc=example,dc=com``)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/auth/ldap.rst:34
msgid "In **LDAP filter**, enter ``uid=%s``"
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/auth/ldap.rst:39
msgid "In **User Information**, tick *Create User* if you want Odoo to create a User profile the first time someone log in with LDAP."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/auth/ldap.rst:41
msgid "In **Template User**, indicate a template for the new profiles created. If left blanked, the admin profile will be used as template."
msgid "Import templates are provided in the import tool of the most common data to import (contacts, products, bank statements, etc.). You can open them with any spreadsheets software (Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, Google Drive, etc.)."
msgid "When you add a new column, Odoo might not be able to map it automatically if its label doesn't fit any field of the system. If so, find the corresponding field using the search."
msgid "The **ID** (External ID) is an unique identifier for the line item. Feel free to use the one of your previous software to ease the transition to Odoo."
msgid "An Odoo object is always related to many other objects (e.g. a product is linked to product categories, attributes, vendors, etc.). To import those relations you need to import the records of the related object first from their own list menu."
msgid "You can do it using either the name of the related record or its ID. The ID is expected when two records have the same name. In such a case add \" / ID\" at the end of the column title (e.g. for product attributes: Product Attributes / Attribute / ID)."
msgid "You can import data on any Odoo's business object using either Excel (.xlsx) or CSV (.csv) formats: contacts, products, bank statements, journal entries and even orders!"
msgid "There you are provided with templates you can easily populate with your own data. Such templates can be imported in one click; The data mapping is already done."
msgid "When you add a new column, Odoo might not be able to map it automatically if its label doesn't fit any field in Odoo. Don't worry! You can map new columns manually when you test the import. Search the list for the corresponding field."
msgid "In order to re-create relationships between different records, you should use the unique identifier from the original application and map it to the **ID** (External ID) column in Odoo. When you import another record that links to the first one, use **XXX/ID** (XXX/External ID) to the original unique identifier. You can also find this record using its name but you will be stuck if at least 2 records have the same name."
msgid "The **ID** will also be used to update the original import if you need to re-import modified data later, it's thus good practice to specify it whenever possible."
msgid "Odoo tries to find with some heuristic, based on the first ten lines of the files, the type of field for each column inside your file. For example if you have a column only containing numbers, only the fields that are of type *Integer* will be displayed for you to choose from. While this behavior might be good and easy for most cases, it is also possible that it goes wrong or that you want to map your column to a field that is not proposed by default."
msgid "If that happens, you just have to check the ** Show fields of relation fields (advanced)** option, you will then be able to choose from the complete list of fields for each column."
msgid "Odoo can automatically detect if a column is a date, and it will try to guess the date format from a set of most commonly used date formats. While this process can work for many date formats, some date formats will not be recognized. This can cause confusion due to day-month inversions; it is difficult to guess which part of a date format is the day and which part is the month in a date such as '01-03-2016'."
msgid "To view which date format Odoo has found from your file you can check the **Date Format** that is shown when clicking on **Options** under the file selector. If this format is incorrect you can change it to your liking using the *ISO 8601* to define the format."
msgid "If you are importing an excel (.xls, .xlsx) file, you can use date cells to store dates as the display of dates in excel is different from the way it is stored. That way you will be sure that the date format is correct in Odoo whatever your locale date format is."
msgid "Yes, we fully support numbers with parenthesis to represent negative sign as well as numbers with currency sign attached to them. Odoo also automatically detect which thousand/decimal separator you use (you can change those under **options**). If you use a currency symbol that is not known to Odoo, it might not be recognized as a number though and it will crash."
msgid "By default the Import preview is set on commas as field separators and quotation marks as text delimiters. If your csv file does not have these settings, you can modify the File Format Options (displayed under the Browse CSV file bar after you select your file)."
msgid "Note that if your CSV file has a tabulation as separator, Odoo will not detect the separations. You will need to change the file format options in your spreadsheet application. See the following question."
msgid "If you edit and save CSV files in spreadsheet applications, your computer's regional settings will be applied for the separator and delimiter. We suggest you use OpenOffice or LibreOffice Calc as they will allow you to modify all three options (in :menuselection:`'Save As' dialog box --> Check the box 'Edit filter settings' --> Save`)."
msgid "Microsoft Excel will allow you to modify only the encoding when saving (in :menuselection:`'Save As' dialog box --> click 'Tools' dropdown list --> Encoding tab`)."
msgid "Some fields define a relationship with another object. For example, the country of a contact is a link to a record of the 'Country' object. When you want to import such fields, Odoo will have to recreate links between the different records. To help you import such fields, Odoo provides three mechanisms. You must use one and only one mechanism per field you want to import."
msgid "According to your need, you should use one of these 3 ways to reference records in relations. Here is when you should use one or the other, according to your need:"
msgid "Use Country/Database ID: You should rarely use this notation. It's mostly used by developers as it's main advantage is to never have conflicts (you may have several records with the same name, but they always have a unique Database ID)"
msgid "When you use External IDs, you can import CSV files with the \"External ID\" column to define the External ID of each record you import. Then, you will be able to make a reference to that record with columns like \"Field/External ID\". The following two CSV files give you an example for Products and their Categories."
msgid "If for example you have two product categories with the child name \"Sellable\" (ie. \"Misc. Products/Sellable\" & \"Other Products/Sellable\"), your validation is halted but you may still import your data. However, we recommend you do not import the data because they will all be linked to the first 'Sellable' category found in the Product Category list (\"Misc. Products/Sellable\"). We recommend you modify one of the duplicates' values or your product category hierarchy."
msgid "However if you do not wish to change your configuration of product categories, we recommend you use make use of the external ID for this field 'Category'."
msgid "The tags should be separated by a comma without any spacing. For example, if you want your customer to be linked to both tags 'Manufacturer' and 'Retailer' then you will encode \"Manufacturer,Retailer\" in the same column of your CSV file."
msgid "If you want to import sales order having several order lines; for each order line, you need to reserve a specific row in the CSV file. The first order line will be imported on the same row as the information relative to order. Any additional lines will need an additional row that does not have any information in the fields relative to the order. As an example, here is ``purchase.order_functional_error_line_cant_adpat.CSV`` file of some quotations you can import, based on demo data."
msgid "If you import a file that contains one of the column \"External ID\" or \"Database ID\", records that have already been imported will be modified instead of being created. This is very usefull as it allows you to import several times the same CSV file while having made some changes in between two imports. Odoo will take care of creating or modifying each record depending if it's new or not."
msgid "If you do not set all fields in your CSV file, Odoo will assign the default value for every non defined fields. But if you set fields with empty values in your CSV file, Odoo will set the EMPTY value in the field, instead of assigning the default value."
msgid "If you need to import data from different tables, you will have to recreate relations between records belonging to different tables. (e.g. if you import companies and persons, you will have to recreate the link between each person and the company they work for)."
msgid "To manage relations between tables, you can use the \"External ID\" facilities of Odoo. The \"External ID\" of a record is the unique identifier of this record in another application. This \"External ID\" must be unique across all the records of all objects, so it's a good practice to prefix this \"External ID\" with the name of the application or table. (like 'company_1', 'person_1' instead of '1')"
msgid "As an example, suppose you have a SQL database with two tables you want to import: companies and persons. Each person belong to one company, so you will have to recreate the link between a person and the company he work for. (If you want to test this example, here is a :download:`dump of such a PostgreSQL database <../../_static/example_files/database_import_test.sql>`)"
msgid "As you can see in this file, Fabien and Laurence are working for the Bigees company (company_1) and Eric is working for the Organi company. The relation between persons and companies is done using the External ID of the companies. We had to prefix the \"External ID\" by the name of the table to avoid a conflict of ID between persons and companies (person_1 and company_1 who shared the same ID 1 in the original database)."
msgid "The two files produced are ready to be imported in Odoo without any modifications. After having imported these two CSV files, you will have 4 contacts and 3 companies. (the firsts two contacts are linked to the first company). You must first import the companies and then the persons."
msgid "In-App Purchases (IAP) gives access to additional services through Odoo. For instance, it allows me to send SMS Text Messages or to send Invoices by post directly from my database."
msgid "Each IAP Service relies on prepaid credits to work and has its own pricing. To consult my current balance or to recharge my account, go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Odoo IAP --> View my Services`."
msgid "Credits to use IAP services are stored on IAP accounts, which are specific to each service and database. By default, IAP accounts are common to all companies, but can be restricted to specific ones by going to :menuselection:`Settings app --> Activate the Developer Mode --> Technical Settings --> IAP Account`."
msgid "The IAP Portal is a platform regrouping my IAP Services. It is accessible from :menuselection:`Settings app --> Odoo IAP --> View my Services`. From there, I can view my current balance, recharge my credits, review my consumption and set a reminder to when credits are low."
msgid "To be notified when it’s time to recharge my credits, I’ll go to my IAP Portal through :menuselection:`Settings app --> Odoo IAP --> View my Services`, unfold a service and mark the Receive threshold warning option. Then, I’ll provide a minimum amount of credits and email addresses. Now, every time that the limit is reached, an automatic reminder will be sent to by email!"
msgid "I am more than welcome to offer my own IAP services through Odoo Apps! It is the perfect opportunity to get recurring revenue for an ongoing service use rather than — and possibly instead of — a sole initial purchase. Please, find more information at: `In-App Purchase <>`_"
msgid "Odoo provides you with the option to add additional users at any given point."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/odoo_basics/add_user.rst:9
msgid "Add individual users"
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/odoo_basics/add_user.rst:11
msgid "From the Settings module, go to the submenu :menuselection:`Users --> Users` and click on **CREATE.** First add the name of your new user and the professional email address - the one he will use to log into Odoo instance - and a picture."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/odoo_basics/add_user.rst:19
msgid "Under Access Rights, you can choose which applications your user can access and use. Different levels of rights are available depending on the app."
msgstr ""
#: ../../general/odoo_basics/add_user.rst:23
msgid "When you’re done editing the page and have clicked on **SAVE**, an invitation email will automatically be sent to the user. The user must click on it to accept the invitation to your instance and create a log-in."
msgid "Remember that each additional user will increase your subscription fees. Refer to our `Pricing page <>`_ for more information."
msgid "You can also add a new user on the fly from your dashboard. From the above screenshot, enter the email address of the user you would like to add and click on **INVITE**. The user will receive an email invite containing a link to set his password. You will then be able to define his accesses rights under the :menuselection:`Settings --> Users menu`."
msgid "From the general dashboard click on the **Settings** app; on the top left of the page select :menuselection:`Translations --> Load a Translation`, select a language to install and click on **LOAD.**"
msgid "You can change the language to the installed language by going to the drop-down menu at the top right side of the screen, choose **Preferences**."
msgid "To change the language for a different user, choose :menuselection:`Users --> Users` from the Settings app. Here you have a list of all users and you can choose the user who you'd like to change the language for. Select the user and click on **Edit** in the top left corner. Under Preferences you can change the Language to any previously installed language and click **SAVE.**"
msgid "**As an SaaS user**, you are ready to use Unsplash. You won't need to follow this guide to set up Unsplash informations, since you will use our own Odoo Unsplash key in a transparent way."
msgid "You will be prompted to insert an **Application name** and a **Description**. Please prefix your application name by \"**Odoo:** \" so that Unsplash can recognize it as an Odoo instance. Once done, click on **Create application**."
msgid "**As a non-SaaS user**, you won't be able to register for a production Unsplash key and will be limited to your test key that has a restriction of 50 Unsplash requests per hour."
msgid "Go to your `applications dashboard <>`_ and click on your newly created Unsplash application under **Your applications**."
msgid "You will be redirected to your application details page. The **application ID** will be visible in your browser's URL. The URL should be something like ``<application_id>``"
msgid "**As a non-SaaS user**, you won't be able to register for a production Unsplash key and will be limited to your test key that has a 50 Unsplash requests per hour restriction."