msgid "In the Odoo back end, go to the :guilabel:`Website Settings`: menu, then activate the CDN support and copy/paste your zone URL in the :guilabel:`CDN Base URL` field. This field is only visible and configurable if you have developer mode activated."
msgid "A security restriction in some browsers (Firefox and Chrome at time of writing) prevents a remotely linked CSS file to fetch relative resources on this same external server."
msgid "If you don't activate the CORS option in the CDN zone, the more obvious resulting problem on a default Odoo website will be the lack of font-awesome icons because the font file declared in the font-awesome CSS won't be loaded on the remote server."
msgid "This document describes basic steps to set up Odoo in production or on an internet-facing server. It follows :ref:`installation <setup/install>`, and is not generally necessary for a development systems that is not exposed on the internet."
msgid "Odoo is a multi-tenant system: a single Odoo system may run and serve a number of database instances. It is also highly customizable, with customizations (starting from the modules being loaded) depending on the \"current database\"."
msgid "This is not an issue when working with the backend (web client) as a logged-in company user: the database can be selected when logging in, and customizations loaded afterwards."
msgid "However it is an issue for non-logged users (portal, website) which aren't bound to a database: Odoo needs to know which database should be used to load the website page or perform the operation. If multi-tenancy is not used that is not an issue, there's only one database to use, but if there are multiple databases accessible Odoo needs a rule to know which one it should use."
msgid "That is one of the purposes of :option:`--db-filter <odoo-bin --db-filter>`: it specifies how the database should be selected based on the hostname (domain) that is being requested. The value is a `regular expression`_, possibly including the dynamically injected hostname (``%h``) or the first subdomain (``%d``) through which the system is being accessed."
msgid "For servers hosting multiple databases in production, especially if ``website`` is used, dbfilter **must** be set, otherwise a number of features will not work correctly."
msgid "Show only databases matching the first subdomain after ``www``: for example the database \"mycompany\" will be shown if the incoming request was sent to ```` or ````, but not for ```` or ````."
msgid "Setting a proper :option:`--db-filter <odoo-bin --db-filter>` is an important part of securing your deployment. Once it is correctly working and only matching a single database per hostname, it is strongly recommended to block access to the database manager screens, and to use the ``--no-database-list`` startup parameter to prevent listing your databases, and to block access to the database management screens. See also security_."
msgid "By default, PostgreSQL only allows connection over UNIX sockets and loopback connections (from \"localhost\", the same machine the PostgreSQL server is installed on)."
msgid "UNIX socket is fine if you want Odoo and PostgreSQL to execute on the same machine, and is the default when no host is provided, but if you want Odoo and PostgreSQL to execute on different machines [#different-machines]_ it will need to `listen to network interfaces`_ [#remote-socket]_, either:"
msgid "Only accept loopback connections and `use an SSH tunnel`_ between the machine on which Odoo runs and the one on which PostgreSQL runs, then configure Odoo to connect to its end of the tunnel"
msgid "Accept connections to the machine on which Odoo is installed, possibly over ssl (see `PostgreSQL connection settings`_ for details), then configure Odoo to connect over the network"
msgid "Out of the box, Odoo connects to a local postgres over UNIX socket via port 5432. This can be overridden using :ref:`the database options <reference/cmdline/server/database>` when your Postgres deployment is not local and/or does not use the installation defaults."
msgid "The database management screens are protected by the ``admin_passwd`` setting. This setting can only be set using configuration files, and is simply checked before performing database alterations. It should be set to a randomly generated value to ensure third parties can not use this interface."
msgid "All database operations use the :ref:`database options <reference/cmdline/server/database>`, including the database management screen. For the database management screen to work requires that the PostgreSQL user have ``createdb`` right."
msgid "Users can always drop databases they own. For the database management screen to be completely non-functional, the PostgreSQL user needs to be created with ``no-createdb`` and the database must be owned by a different PostgreSQL user."
msgid "Since Odoo 11.0, you can enforce ssl connection between Odoo and PostgreSQL. in Odoo the db_sslmode control the ssl security of the connection with value chosen out of 'disable', 'allow', 'prefer', 'require', 'verify-ca' or 'verify-full'"
msgid "For production use, it is recommended to use the multiprocessing server as it increases stability, makes somewhat better use of computing resources and can be better monitored and resource-restricted."
msgid "Multiprocessing is enabled by configuring :option:`a non-zero number of worker processes <odoo-bin --workers>`, the number of workers should be based on the number of cores in the machine (possibly with some room for cron workers depending on how much cron work is predicted)"
msgid "In multiprocessing, a dedicated LiveChat worker is automatically started and listening on :option:`the longpolling port <odoo-bin --longpolling-port>` but the client will not connect to it."
msgid "Instead you must have a proxy redirecting requests whose URL starts with ``/longpolling/`` to the longpolling port. Other request should be proxied to the :option:`normal HTTP port <odoo-bin --http-port>`"
msgid "To achieve such a thing, you'll need to deploy a reverse proxy in front of Odoo, like nginx or apache. When doing so, you'll need to forward some more http Headers to Odoo, and activate the proxy_mode in Odoo configuration to have Odoo read those headers."
msgid "Whether it's accessed via website/web client or web service, Odoo transmits authentication information in cleartext. This means a secure deployment of Odoo must use HTTPS\\ [#switching]_. SSL termination can be implemented via just about any SSL termination proxy, but requires the following setup:"
msgid "It is also possible to mount Odoo as a standard WSGI_ application. Odoo provides the base for a WSGI launcher script as ````. That script should be customized (possibly after copying it from the setup directory) to correctly set the configuration directly in :mod:`` rather than through the command-line or a configuration file."
msgid "However the WSGI server will only expose the main HTTP endpoint for the web client, website and webservice API. Because Odoo does not control the creation of workers anymore it can not setup cron or livechat workers"
msgid "Which should not be exposed to the network. To ensure cron runners are not network-accessible, it is possible to disable the built-in HTTP server entirely with :option:`odoo-bin --no-http` or setting ``http_enable = False`` in the configuration file"
msgid "The second problematic subsystem for WSGI deployments is the LiveChat: where most HTTP connections are relatively short and quickly free up their worker process for the next request, LiveChat require a long-lived connection for each client in order to implement near-real-time notifications."
msgid "This is in conflict with the process-based worker model, as it will tie up worker processes and prevent new users from accessing the system. However, those long-lived connections do very little and mostly stay parked waiting for notifications."
msgid "Deploy a threaded version of Odoo (instead of a process-based preforking one) and redirect only requests to URLs starting with ``/longpolling/`` to that Odoo, this is the simplest and the longpolling URL can double up as the cron instance."
msgid "Deploy an evented Odoo via ``odoo-gevent`` and proxy requests starting with ``/longpolling/`` to :option:`the longpolling port <odoo-bin --longpolling-port>`."
msgid "For development convenience, Odoo directly serves all static files in its modules. This may not be ideal when it comes to performances, and static files should generally be served by a static HTTP server."
msgid "Odoo static files live in each module's ``static/`` folder, so static files can be served by intercepting all requests to :samp:`/{MODULE}/static/{FILE}`, and looking up the right module (and file) in the various addons paths."
msgid "test whether it would be interesting to serve filestored attachments via this, and how (e.g. possibility of mapping ir.attachment id to filestore hash in the database?)"
msgid "For starters, keep in mind that securing an information system is a continuous process, not a one-shot operation. At any moment, you will only be as secure as the weakest link in your environment."
msgid "So please do not take this section as the ultimate list of measures that will prevent all security problems. It's only intended as a summary of the first important things you should be sure to include in your security action plan. The rest will come from best security practices for your operating system and distribution, best practices in terms of users, passwords, and access control management, etc."
msgid "Always set a strong super-admin admin password, and restrict access to the database management pages as soon as the system is set up. See :ref:`db_manager_security`."
msgid "Choose unique logins and strong passwords for all administrator accounts on all databases. Do not use 'admin' as the login. Do not use those logins for day-to-day operations, only for controlling/managing the installation. *Never* use any default passwords like admin/admin, even for test/staging databases."
msgid "Do **not** install demo data on internet-facing servers. Databases with demo data contain default logins and passwords that can be used to get into your systems and cause significant trouble, even on staging/dev systems."
msgid "Use appropriate database filters ( :option:`--db-filter <odoo-bin --db-filter>`) to restrict the visibility of your databases according to the hostname. See :ref:`db_filter`. You may also use :option:`-d <odoo-bin -d>` to provide your own (comma-separated) list of available databases to filter from, instead of letting the system fetch them all from the database backend."
msgid "Once your ``db_name`` and ``db_filter`` are configured and only match a single database per hostname, you should set ``list_db`` configuration option to ``False``, to prevent listing databases entirely, and to block access to the database management screens (this is also exposed as the :option:`--no-database-list <odoo-bin --no-database-list>` command-line option)"
msgid "Make sure the PostgreSQL user (:option:`--db_user <odoo-bin --db_user>`) is *not* a super-user, and that your databases are owned by a different user. For example they could be owned by the ``postgres`` super-user if you are using a dedicated non-privileged ``db_user``. See also :ref:`setup/deploy/odoo`."
msgid "Keep installations updated by regularly installing the latest builds, either via GitHub or by downloading the latest version from or"
msgid "Configure your server in multi-process mode with proper limits matching your typical usage (memory/CPU/timeouts). See also :ref:`builtin_server`."
msgid "Run Odoo behind a web server providing HTTPS termination with a valid SSL certificate, in order to prevent eavesdropping on cleartext communications. SSL certificates are cheap, and many free options exist. Configure the web proxy to limit the size of requests, set appropriate timeouts, and then enable the :option:`proxy mode <odoo-bin --proxy-mode>` option. See also :ref:`https_proxy`."
msgid "If you need to allow remote SSH access to your servers, make sure to set a strong password for **all** accounts, not just `root`. It is strongly recommended to entirely disable password-based authentication, and only allow public key authentication. Also consider restricting access via a VPN, allowing only trusted IPs in the firewall, and/or running a brute-force detection system such as `fail2ban` or equivalent."
msgid "Consider installing appropriate rate-limiting on your proxy or firewall, to prevent brute-force attacks and denial of service attacks. See also :ref:`login_brute_force` for specific measures."
msgid "Many network providers provide automatic mitigation for Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDOS), but this is often an optional service, so you should consult with them."
msgid "Whenever possible, host your public-facing demo/test/staging instances on different machines than the production ones. And apply the same security precautions as for production."
msgid "If your public-facing Odoo server has access to sensitive internal network resources or services (e.g. via a private VLAN), implement appropriate firewall rules to protect those internal resources. This will ensure that the Odoo server cannot be used accidentally (or as a result of malicious user actions) to access or disrupt those internal resources. Typically this can be done by applying an outbound default DENY rule on the firewall, then only explicitly authorizing access to internal resources that the Odoo server needs to access. `Systemd IP traffic access control <>`_ may also be useful to implement per-process network access control."
msgid "If your public-facing Odoo server is behind a Web Application Firewall, a load-balancer, a transparent DDoS protection service (like CloudFlare) or a similar network-level device, you may wish to avoid direct access to the Odoo system. It is generally difficult to keep the endpoint IP addresses of your Odoo servers secret. For example they can appear in web server logs when querying public systems, or in the headers of emails posted from Odoo. In such a situation you may want to configure your firewall so that the endpoints are not accessible publicly except from the specific IP addresses of your WAF, load-balancer or proxy service. Service providers like CloudFlare usually maintain a public list of their IP address ranges for this purpose."
msgid "Setup daily backups of your databases and filestore data, and copy them to a remote archiving server that is not accessible from the server itself."
msgid "For internet-facing deployments, brute force attacks on user passwords are very common, and this threat should not be neglected for Odoo servers. Odoo emits a log entry whenever a login attempt is performed, and reports the result: success or failure, along with the target login and source IP."
msgid "Here is what it could look like for blocking the IP for 15 minutes when 10 failed login attempts are detected from the same IP within 1 minute::"
msgid "If the management screens must not be accessible at all, you should set ``list_db`` configuration option to ``False``, to block access to all the database selection and management screens."
msgid "It is strongly recommended to disable the Database Manager for any internet-facing system! It is meant as a development/demo tool, to make it easy to quickly create and manage databases. It is not designed for use in production, and may even expose dangerous features to attackers. It is also not designed to handle large databases, and may trigger memory limits."
msgid "On production systems, database management operations should always be performed by the system administrator, including provisioning of new databases and automated backups."
msgid "Be sure to setup an appropriate ``db_name`` parameter (and optionally, ``db_filter`` too) so that the system can determine the target database for each request, otherwise users will be blocked as they won't be allowed to choose the database themselves."
msgid "If the management screens must only be accessible from a selected set of machines, use the proxy server's features to block access to all routes starting with ``/web/database`` except (maybe) ``/web/database/selector`` which displays the database-selection screen."
msgid "If the database-management screen should be left accessible, the ``admin_passwd`` setting must be changed from its ``admin`` default: this password is checked before allowing database-alteration operations."
msgid "technically a tool like socat_ can be used to proxy UNIX sockets across networks, but that is mostly for software which can only be used over UNIX sockets"
msgid "or be accessible only over an internal packet-switched network, but that requires secured switches, protections against `ARP spoofing`_ and precludes usage of WiFi. Even over secure packet-switched networks, deployment over HTTPS is recommended, and possible costs are lowered as \"self-signed\" certificates are easier to deploy on a controlled environment than over the internet."
msgid "Provides greater flexibility: e.g. allow multiple running Odoo versions on the same system. Good for developing modules, can be used as base for production deployment."
msgid "There are two different Editions_ of Odoo: the Community and Enterprise versions. Using the Enterprise version is possible on our SaaS_ and accessing the code is restricted to Enterprise customers and partners. The Community version is freely available to anyone."
msgid "If you already use the Community version and wish to upgrade to Enterprise, please refer to :ref:`setup/enterprise` (except for :ref:`setup/install/source`)."
msgid "To simply get a quick idea of Odoo, demo_ instances are available. They are shared instances which only live for a few hours, and can be used to browse around and try things out with no commitment."
msgid "Trivial to start with, fully managed and migrated by Odoo S.A., Odoo's SaaS_ provides private instances and starts out free. It can be used to discover and test Odoo and do non-code customizations (i.e. incompatible with custom modules or the Odoo Apps Store) without having to install it locally."
msgid "Odoo provides packaged installers for Windows, deb-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, …) and RPM-based distributions (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, …) for both the Community and Enterprise versions."
msgid "Official Community packages with all relevant dependency requirements are available on our nightly_ server. Both Communtiy and Enterprise packages can be downloaded from our download_ page (you must to be logged in as a paying customer or partner to download the Enterprise packages)."
msgid "Odoo needs a `PostgreSQL`_ server to run properly. The default configuration for the Odoo 'deb' package is to use the PostgreSQL server on the same host as your Odoo instance. Execute the following command in order to install the PostgreSQL server:"
msgid "`wkhtmltopdf` is not installed through **pip** and must be installed manually in version `0.12.5 <the wkhtmltopdf download page_>`_ for it to support headers and footers. See our `wiki <>`_ for more details on the various versions."
msgid "Odoo S.A. provides a repository that can be used with Debian and Ubuntu distributions. It can be used to install *Odoo Community Edition* by executing the following commands **as root**:"
msgid "Instead of using the repository as described above, the 'deb' packages for both the *Community* and *Enterprise* editions can be downloaded from the `official download page <download_>`_."
msgid "The `num2words` python package does not exists in Debian Buster nor Ubuntu 18.04. Textual amounts will not be rendered by Odoo and this could cause problems with the `l10n_mx_edi` module."
msgid "Odoo needs a `PostgreSQL`_ server to run properly. Make sure that the `sudo` command is available and well configured and, only then, execute the following command in order to install the PostgreSQL server:"
msgid "Odoo S.A. provides a repository that can be used with the Fedora distributions. It can be used to install *Odoo Community Edition* by executing the following commands:"
msgid "Instead of using the repository as described above, the 'rpm' packages for both the *Community* and *Enterprise* editions can be downloaded from the `official download page <download_>`_."
msgid "This can be more convenient for module developers as the Odoo source is more easily accessible than using packaged installation (for information or to build this documentation and have it available offline)."
msgid "It also makes starting and stopping Odoo more flexible and explicit than the services set up by the packaged installations, and allows overriding settings using :ref:`command-line parameters <reference/cmdline>` without needing to edit a configuration file."
msgid "**The Enterprise git repository does not contain the full Odoo source code**. It is only a collection of extra add-ons. The main server code is in the Community version. Running the Enterprise version actually means running the server from the Community version with the addons-path option set to the folder with the Enterprise version. You need to clone both the Community and Enterprise repository to have a working Odoo Enterprise installation."
msgid "Odoo requires Python 3.6 or later to run. Visit `Python's download page <>`_ to download and install the latest version of Python 3 on your machine."
msgid "Before installing the dependencies, you must download and install the `Build Tools for Visual Studio <>`_. When prompted, select **C++ build tools** in the **Workloads** tab and install them."
msgid "It can be preferable to not mix python modules packages between different instances of Odoo or with your system. You can use virtualenv_ to create isolated Python environments."
msgid "Navigate to the path of your Odoo Community installation (`CommunityPath`) and run **pip** on the requirements file in a terminal **with Administrator privileges**:"
msgid "Edit the System Environment's variable `PATH` to add the folder where `rtlcss.cmd` is located (typically: `C:\\\\Users\\\\<user>\\\\AppData\\\\Roaming\\\\npm\\\\`)."
msgid "Once all dependencies are set up, Odoo can be launched by running `odoo-bin`, the command-line interface of the server. It is located at the root of the Odoo Community directory."
msgid "To configure the server, you can either specify :ref:`command-line arguments <reference/cmdline/server>` or a :ref:`configuration file <reference/cmdline/config>`."
msgid "For the Enterprise edition, you must add the path to the `enterprise` addons to the `addons-path` argument. Note that it must come before the other paths in `addons-path` for addons to be loaded correctly."
msgid "Where `CommunityPath` is the path of the Odoo Community installation, `dbuser` is the PostgreSQL login, `dbpassword` is the PostgreSQL password and `mydb` is the default database to serve on `localhost:8069`."
msgid "Odoo uses PostgreSQL as database management system. Use your package manager to download and install PostgreSQL (supported version: 10.0 and later)."
msgid "For libraries using native code, it is necessary to install development tools and native dependencies before the Python dependencies of Odoo. They are available in `-dev` or `-devel` packages for Python, PostgreSQL, libxml2, libxslt1, libevent, libsasl2 and libldap2."
msgid "PostgreSQL user and password. Odoo has no defaults beyond `psycopg2's defaults <>`_: connects over a UNIX socket on port `5432` with the current user and no password."
msgid "Odoo requires Python 3.6 or later to run. Use your preferred package manager (homebrew_, macports_) to download and install Python 3 on your machine if it is not already done."
msgid "Odoo uses PostgreSQL as database management system. Use ` <>`_ to download and install PostgreSQL (supported version: 10.0 and later)."
msgid "A **domain name** works as an address for your website. It makes the Internet much more accessible as it allows users to type a meaningful web address, such as ````, rather than its server's IP address with a series of numbers."
msgid "Odoo Online and databases, including their websites, use by default a subdomain of ```` for both the URL and the emails (e.g., ````)."
msgid "Odoo offers a :ref:`free custom domain name <domain-name/odoo-register>` to all Odoo Online databases for one year. Visitors can then access your website with an address such as ```` rather than the default ````."
msgid "Having a **good domain name** is as important to your branding as the name of your business or organization as it is the first thing your visitors will notice. We recommend you keep them *simple, short, easy to remember and spell*."
msgid "A **subdomain** is a domain that is a part of another domain. It often refers to the additional part that comes before the main domain name. Traditionally, most websites use the ``www.`` subdomain, but any string of letters can be used as well. You can use subdomains to direct your visitors to other websites than your main website or to specific pages (e.g., ```` points to a specific page.)"
msgid "All domain names are referenced in the **Domain Name System**, or **DNS**, which works as a giant directory for the Internet. There are many DNS servers, so any modification to the DNS can take up to 72 hours to propagate worldwide on all servers."
msgid "To do so, go to :menuselection:`Website --> Go to website --> Promote --> Domain Name`. Alternatively, open your `database manager <>`_, click on the :guilabel:`settings` button next to your database, then on :guilabel:`Domain names`."
msgid "Your domain name is directly linked to your database, but you still have to :ref:`map your domain name with your website <domain-name/website-map>`."
msgid "Free domain names are also available for free Odoo Online databases (if you installed one app only, for example). In this case, Odoo reviews your request and your website to avoid abuse. This process may take up to three days."
msgid "To manage the DNS records of your domain name registered with Odoo or to visualize the contacts associated with it, open your `database manager <>`_, click on the :guilabel:`settings` button next to your database, on :guilabel:`Domain names`, and then on :guilabel:`Contacts` or :guilabel:`DNS`."
msgid "To avoid any issue with the :ref:`SSL certificate validation <domain-name/ssl>`, we highly recommend that you proceed with the following actions in this order:"
msgid "If you want to target a specific branch (production, staging or development), go to :menuselection:`Branches --> select your branch --> Settings --> Custom domains`, and click on :guilabel:`How to set up my domain?`. A message indicates which address your CNAME record should target."
msgid "While Odoo suggests creating a CNAME record for your ``www.`` subdomain (````, you can of course use any domain name of your choice, with any subdomain (e.g., ````)."
msgid "You own the domain name ````, and you have an Odoo Online database at the address ````. You want to access your Odoo database primarily with the domain ```` but also with the :ref:`naked domain <domain-name/naked-domain>` ````."
msgid "To do so, you create a CNAME record for the ``www`` subdomain, with ```` as the target. The DNS zone manager generates the following rule and adds it to your DNS zone: ``www IN CNAME``"
msgid "A **naked domain** is a domain name that doesn't have any subdomain at the beginning of the address (e.g., ```` instead of ````)."
msgid "Open your `database manager <>`_, click on the :guilabel:`settings` button next to your database, on :guilabel:`Domain names`, and then on :guilabel:`Use my own domain` at the bottom of the right column."
msgid "Type the domain name you want to add to this database, then click on :guilabel:`Verify` to check if the CNAME record is correctly configured. Once done, click on :guilabel:`I confirm, it's done`."
msgid "Go to :menuselection:`Branches --> select your branch --> Settings --> Custom domains`, type the domain name you want to add to this database, then click on :guilabel:`Add domain`."
msgid "Make sure to :ref:`add a CNAME record <domain-name/cname>` to your domain name's DNS **before** mapping your domain name with your Odoo database."
msgid "Failing to do so may impede the validation of the :ref:`SSL certificate <domain-name/ssl>` and would result in a *certificate name mismatch* error. This is often displayed by web browsers as a warning such as *\"Your connection is not private\"*."
msgid "If this is the case and you have added the domain name to your database's settings less than five days ago, wait 24 hours as the validation may still happen. Otherwise, please `submit a support ticket <>`_ including screenshots of your CNAME records."
msgid "**SSL encryption** is an encryption-based Internet security protocol. It allows your visitors to navigate your website through a secure connection, which appears as an ``https://`` protocol at the beginning of your web address, rather than a non-secure ``http://`` protocol."
msgid "Odoo generates a separate SSL certificate for each domain :ref:`mapped in the database manager <domain-name/db-map>`, using integration with `Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority and ACME protocol <>`_."
msgid "Several attempts to validate your certificate are made during the five days following the moment you add your domain name in your database's settings."
msgid "The **web base URL** of a database, or **root URL** affects your main website address and all the links sent to your customers (e.g., quotations, portal links, etc.)."
msgid "To configure it, access your Odoo database with your custom address, then log in as an administrator of your database (any user in the *Settings* group) from the login screen."
msgid "Connecting to your database with the original Odoo subdomain address (e.g., ```` also updates the web base URL of your database. See below to prevent these automatic updates."
msgid "Alternatively, you can do it manually. To do so, activate the :ref:`developer mode <developer-mode>`, then go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> System Parameters`."
msgid "Find the key called ``web.base.url`` (or create it if it does not exist) and enter the full address of your website as value, such as ````."
msgid "Go to :menuselection:`Website --> Configuration --> Settings --> Website Info`. If you have multiple websites, select the one you want to configure."
msgid "Mapping your domain name with your Odoo website prevents Google from indexing both your custom domain name ```` and your original odoo database address ````."
msgid "If both addresses are already indexed, it may take some time before Google removes the indexation of the second address. You may also try using the `Google Search Console <>`_ to fix this."
msgid "You should be able to connect to your Odoo Enterprise instance using your usual mean of identification. You can then link your database with your Odoo Enterprise Subscription by entering the code you received by e-mail in the form input"
msgid "There are many ways to launch your server when using sources, and you probably have your own favourite. You may need to adapt sections to your usual workflow."
msgid "Restart your server with the updated addons path of point 3. You should be able to connect to your instance. You can then link your database with your Odoo Enterprise Subscription by entering the code you received by e-mail in the form input"
msgid "Launch the Odoo Enterprise Installer and follow the steps normally. When choosing the installation path, you can set the folder of the Community installation (this folder still contains the PostgreSQL installation). Uncheck ``Start Odoo`` at the end of the installation"
msgid "No need to manually launch the server, the service is running. You should be able to connect to your Odoo Enterprise instance using your usual mean of identification. You can then link your database with your Odoo Enterprise Subscription by entering the code you received by e-mail in the form input"
msgid "You may want to move your Odoo database from one hosting solution to another. Depending on the platforms, you have to do it by yourself or contact our support team first."
msgid "`Create a support ticket <>`_ and attach the dump (if the file is too large, use any file transfer service and attach the link to your ticket). Also include your subscription number and the URL you want to use for your database (e.g.:"
msgid "If your database does not run a :ref:`major version <supported_versions>` of Odoo, you cannot host it on-premises yet, you have to upgrade it first to a new major version. (*e.g.: If your database runs Odoo 12.3 which is not a major version, you have to upgrade it first to Odoo 13.0 or 14.0.*)"
msgid "Download a backup of your database by clicking on the \"Gear\" icon next to your database name then :menuselection:`Download` (if the download fails due to your backup file being too large, contact `our support <>`_)"
msgid "If your database does not run a :ref:`major version <supported_versions>` of Odoo, you cannot host it on yet, you have to upgrade it first to a new major version. (*e.g.: If your database runs Odoo 12.3 which is not a major version, you have to upgrade it first to Odoo 13.0 or 14.0.*)"
msgid "`Create a support ticket <>`_ and include your subscription number and the URL you want to use for your database (e.g.:"
msgid "To register your database, you just need to enter your Subscription Code in the banner in the App Switcher. Make sure you do not add extra spaces before or after your subscription code. If the registration is successful, it will turn green and will provide you with the Expiration Date of your freshly-registered database. You can check this Expiration Date in the About menu (Odoo 9) or in the Settings Dashboard (Odoo 10)."
msgid "Check if your subscription details get the tag \"In Progress\" on your `Odoo Account <>`__ or with your Account Manager"
msgid "You can unlink the old database yourself on your `Odoo Contract <>`__ with the button \"Unlink database\""
msgid "If it's not the case, you may have multiple databases sharing the same UUID. Please check on your `Odoo Contract <>`__, a short message will appear specifying which database is problematic:"
msgid "In this case, you need to change the UUID on your test databases to solve this issue. You will find more information about this in :ref:`this section <duplicate_premise>`."
msgid "For your information, we identify database with UUID. Therefore, each database should have a distinct UUID to ensure that registration and invoicing proceed effortlessly for your and for us."
msgid "The Update notification must be able to reach Odoo's subscription validation servers. In other words, make sure that the Odoo server is able to open outgoing connections towards:"
msgid "Once your database has the correct number of users, the expiration message will disappear automatically after a few days, when the next verification occurs. We understand that it can be a bit frightening to see the countdown, so you can :ref:`force an Update Notification <force_ping>` to make the message disappear right away."
msgid "This **blocking** message appears after a non-blocking message that lasts 30 days. If you fail to take action before the end of the countdown, the database is expired."
msgid "if you wish to pay by Wire Transfer, your subscription will effectively be renewed only when the payment arrives, which can take a few days. Credit card payments are processed immediately."
msgid "You can duplicate your database by accessing the database manager on your server (<odoo-server>/web/database/manager). In this page, you can easily duplicate your database (among other things)."
msgid "When you duplicate a local database, it is **strongly** advised to change the duplicated database's uuid (Unniversally Unique Identifier), since this uuid is how your database identifies itself with our servers. Having two databases with the same uuid could result in invoicing problems or registration problems down the line."
msgid "The database uuid is currently accessible from the menu :menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> System Parameters`, we advise you to use a `uuid generator <>`_ or to use the unix command ``uuidgen`` to generate a new uuid. You can then simply replace it like any other record by clicking on it and using the edit button."
msgid "To manage a database, sign in to and access the `database management page <>`_ by clicking on the user icon, then on *My Databases*."
msgid "If you are *not* on the latest **Online version**, you should receive an invitation to :doc:`upgrade <../upgrade/process>` your database. A **Rolling Release button** on your database's main screen proposes an upgrade to the latest version (e.g., 13.0 to 15.1)."
msgid "Versions that are not supported anymore become deprecated and need to be updated to avoid security issues. We recommend you initiate the upgrade of the database yourself, as this method allows you to request a test upgrade of your database to check for any discrepancies."
msgid "By checking *For testing purposes*, all external communication (emails, payments, delivery orders, etc.) are disabled by default on the duplicated database."
msgid "Deleting a database means that all data is permanently lost. The deletion is instant and for all users. It is recommended to create a backup of the database before deleting it."
msgid "It is not possible to delete a database if it is expired or linked to a subscription. If needed, please get in touch with `Odoo Support <>`_."
msgid "Odoo releases intermediary versions called **Online versions** on the :doc:`Odoo Online <online>` hosting every two months. Odoo Online users can then benefit from the latest features of Odoo."
msgid "In order to benefit from the latest improvements, security fixes, bug corrections and performance boosts, you may need to update your Odoo installation from time to time."
msgid "This guide only applies when are using Odoo on your own hosting infrastructure. If you are using one of the Odoo Cloud solutions, updates are automatically performed for you."
msgid "Refers to the process of obtaining the latest revision of the source code for your current Odoo Edition. For example, updating your Odoo Enterprise 13.0 to the latest revision. This does not directly cause any change to the contents of your Odoo database, and can be undone by reinstalling the previous revision of the source code."
msgid "Refers to a complex data processing operation where the structure and contents of your database is permanently altered to make it compatible with a new release of Odoo. This operation is irreversible and typically accomplished via Odoo's `database upgrade service <>`_, when you decide to switch to a newer release of Odoo. Historically, this process has also been known as a \"migration\" because it involves moving data around inside the database, even though the database may end up at the same physical location after the upgrade."
msgid "This page describes the typical steps needed to *update* an Odoo installation to the latest version. If you'd like more information about upgrading a database, please visit the `Odoo Upgrade page <>`_ instead."
msgid "Updating Odoo is accomplished by simply reinstalling the latest version of your Odoo Edition on top of your current installation. This will preserve your data without any alteration, as long as you do not uninstall PostgreSQL (the database engine that comes with Odoo)."
msgid "We always recommend to download a complete new up-to-date Odoo version, rather than manually applying patches, such as the security patches that come with Security Advisories. The patches are mainly provided for installations that are heavily customized, or for technical personnel who prefer to apply minimal changes temporarily while testing a complete update."
msgid "The central download page is If you see a \"Buy\" link for the Odoo Enterprise download, make sure you are logged into with the same login that is linked to your Odoo Enterprise subscription."
msgid "The update procedure is quite safe and should not alter you data. However it's always best to take a full database backup before performing any change on your installation, and to store it somewhere safe, on a different computer."
msgid "If you have not disabled the database manager screen (see :ref:`here <security>` why you should), you can use it (link at bottom of your database selection screen) to download a backup of your database(s). If you disabled it, use the same procedure than for your usual backups."
msgid "If you installed Odoo with an installation package downloaded on our website (the recommended method), updating is very simple. All you have to do is download the installation package corresponding to your system (see step #1) and install it on your server. They are updated daily and include the latest security fixes. Usually, you can simply double-click the package to install it on top of the current installation. After installing the package, be sure to restart the Odoo service or reboot your server, and you're all set."
msgid "If you have originally installed Odoo with the \"tarball\" version (source code archive), you have to replace the installation directory with a newer version. First download the latest tarball from They are updated daily and include the latest security fixes (see step #1) After downloading the package, extract it to a temporary location on your server."
msgid "You will get a folder labelled with the version of the source code, for example \"odoo-13.0+e.20190719\", that contains a folder \"odoo.egg-info\" and the actual source code folder named \"odoo\" (for Odoo 10 and later) or \"openerp\" for older versions. You can ignore the odoo.egg-info folder. Locate the folder where your current installation is deployed, and replace it with the newer \"odoo\" or \"openerp\" folder that was in the archive you just extracted."
msgid "Be sure to match the folder layout, for example the new \"addons\" folder included in the source code should end up exactly at the same path it was before. Next, watch out for any specific configuration files that you may have manually copied or modified in the old folder, and copy them over to the new folder. Finally, restart the Odoo service or reboot the machine, and you are all set."
msgid "If you have originally installed Odoo with a full Github clone of the official repositories, the update procedure requires you to pull the latest source code via git. Change into the directory for each repository (the main Odoo repository, and the Enterprise repository), and run the following commands::"
msgid "The last command may encounter source code conflicts if you had edited the Odoo source code locally. The error message will give you the list of files with conflicts, and you will need to resolve the conflicts manually, by editing them and deciding which part of the code to keep."
msgid "If your project requires additional Python dependencies, or more recent releases, you can define a :file:`requirements.txt` file in the root of your branches listing them. The platform will take care to install these dependencies in your containers. `The pip requirements specifiers <>`_ documentation can help you write a :file:`requirements.txt` file. To have a concrete example, check out the `requirements.txt file of Odoo <>`_."
msgid "The :file:`requirements.txt` files of submodules are taken into account as well. The platform looks for :file:`requirements.txt` files in each folder containing Odoo modules: Not in the module folder itself, but in their parent folder."
msgid "As the containers are Ubuntu based, their directory structure follows the linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. `Ubuntu's filesystem tree overview <>`_ explains the main directories."
msgid "**Be careful !** `Use transactions <>`_ (*BEGIN...COMMIT/ROLLBACK*) for every *sql* statements leading to changes (*UPDATE*, *DELETE*, *ALTER*, ...), especially for your production database."
msgid "The transaction mechanism is your safety net in case of mistake. You simply have to rollback your changes to revert your database to its previous state."
msgid "However, do not forget to either commit or rollback your transaction after having done it. Open transactions may lock records in your tables and your running database may wait for them to be released. It can cause a server to hang indefinitely."
msgid "You can start an Odoo server instance from a container shell. You won't be able to access it from the outside world with a browser, but you can for instance:"
msgid "**Be careful**, especially with your production database. Operations that you perform running this Odoo server instance are not isolated: Changes will be effective in the database. Always, make your tests in your staging databases."
msgid "Debugging an build is not really different than another Python app. This article only explains the specificities and limitations of the platform, and assumes that you already know how to use a debugger."
msgid "You can use ``pdb``, ``pudb`` or ``ipdb`` to debug your code on As the server is run outside a shell, you cannot launch the debugger directly from your Odoo instance backend as the debugger needs a shell to operate."
msgid "This is due to the fact that there might be multiple customers on the same server, and we must guarantee a fair share of the server for every customer. Scheduled actions are therefore implemented slightly differently than on a regular Odoo server, and are run on a *best effort* policy."
msgid "** always limits the execution time of scheduled actions (*aka* crons).** Therefore, you must keep this fact in mind when developing your own crons."
msgid "Your scheduled actions should commit their work after processing each batch; this way, if they get interrupted by the time-limit, there is no need to start over."
msgid "Your scheduled actions should be `idempotent <>`_: they must not cause side-effects if they are started more often than expected."
msgid "A `Git submodule <>`_ allows you to integrate other Git projects into your code, without the need to copy-paste all their code."
msgid "Indeed, your custom modules can depend on modules from other repositories. Regarding Odoo, this feature allows you to add modules from other Git repositories into the branches of your repository. Adding these dependencies in your branch through submodules makes the deployment of your code and servers easier, as you can clone the repositories added as submodules at the same time you clone your own repository."
msgid "Besides, you can choose the branch of the repository added as submodule and you have the control of the revision you want. It's up to you to decide whether you want to pin the submodule to a specific revision and when you want to update to a newer revision."
msgid "In, the submodules give you the possibility to use and depend on modules available in other repositories. The platform will detect that you added modules through submodules in your branches and add them to your addons path automatically so you can install them in your databases."
msgid "If you add private repositories as submodules in your branches, you need to configure a deploy key in your project settings and in your repository settings. Otherwise won't be allowed to download them. The procedure is detailed in the chapter :ref:`Settings > Submodules <odoosh-gettingstarted-settings-submodules>`."
msgid "For now it is not possible to add **private** repositories with this method. You can nevertheless do so :ref:`with Git <odoosh-advanced-submodules-withgit>`."
msgid "You can read the ` documentation <>`_ for more details about the Git submodules. For instance, if you would like to update your submodules to have their latest revision, you can follow the chapter `Pulling in Upstream changes <>`_."
msgid "If you're adding a repository that contains a lot of modules, you may want to ignore some of them in case there are any that are installed automatically. To do so, you can prefix your submodule folder with a :code:`.`. The platform will ignore this folder and you can hand pick your modules by creating symlinks to them from another folder."
msgid "If your changes require the update of a module, such as a change in a form view, and you want it to be performed automatically, increase the version number of the module in its manifest (**). The platform will then take care to perform the update during which the instance will be held temporarily unavailable for maintenance reason."
msgid "This method is equivalent to perform an upgrade of the module through the Apps menu, or through the :code:`-u` switch of :doc:`the command line </developer/misc/other/cmdline>`."
msgid "In the case the changes in the commit prevent the server to restart, or if the modules update fails, the server is automatically reverted to the previous successful code revision and the database is roll-backed as it was before the update. You still have access to the log of the failed update, so you can troubleshoot it."
msgid "The demo data is not loaded, as it is not meant to be used in a production database. The unit tests are not performed, as it would increase the unavailability time of the production database during the updates."
msgid "Partners using trial projects should be aware their production branch, along with all the staging branches, will automatically be set back to the development stage after 30 days."
msgid "Staging branches are meant to test your new features using the production data without compromising the actual production database with test records. They will create databases that are neutralized duplicates of the production database."
msgid "Disabling scheduled actions. If you want to test them, you can trigger their action manually or re-enable them. Be aware that the platform will trigger them less often if no one is using the database in order to save up resources."
msgid "Disabling outgoing emails by intercepting them with a mailcatcher. An :ref:`interface to view <odoosh-gettingstarted-branches-tabs-mails>` the emails sent by your database is provided. That way, you do not have to worry about sending test emails to your contacts."
msgid "The latest database will be kept alive indefinitely, older ones from the same branch may get garbage collected to make room for new ones. It will be valid for 3 months, after which you will be expected to rebuild the branch. If you make configuration or view changes in these databases, make sure to document them or write them directly in the modules of the branch, using XML data files overriding the default configuration or views."
msgid "The unit tests are not performed as, in Odoo, they currently rely on the demo data, which is not loaded in the production database. In the future, if Odoo supports to run the unit tests without the demo data, will then consider running the tests on staging databases."
msgid "Development branches create new databases using the demo data to run the unit tests. The installed modules are the ones included in your branches. You can change this list of modules to install in your :ref:`project Settings <odoosh-gettingstarted-settings-modules-installation>`."
msgid "When you push a new commit in one of these branches, a new server is started, with a database created from scratch and the new revision of the branch. The demo data is loaded, and the unit tests are performed by default. This verifies your changes do not break any of the features tested by them. If you wish, you can disable the tests or allow specific tests to be run with custom tags in the :ref:`branch's settings <odoosh-gettingstarted-branches-tabs-settings>`."
msgid "Similar to staging branches, the emails are not sent but are intercepted by a mailcatcher and scheduled actions are not triggered as often is the database is not in use."
msgid "The databases created for development branches are meant to live around three days. After that, they can be automatically garbage collected to make room for new databases without prior notice."
msgid "When your latest changes are ready for production, you can drag and drop your staging branch onto your production branch to merge and deploy in production your newest features."
msgid "If you are bold enough, you can merge your development branches into your production branch as well. It just means you skip the validation of your changes with the production data through a staging branch."
msgid "Of course, you can also use :code:`git merge` directly on your workstation to merge your branches. will be notified when new revisions have been pushed in your branches."
msgid "Merging a staging branch in the production branch only merges the source code: Any configuration changes you made in the staging databases are not passed to the production database."
msgid "write the configuration changes in XML data files overriding the default configuration or views in your branches, and then increase the version of your module in its manifest (**) to trigger the update of the module when you merge your staging branch in your production branch. This is the best practice for a better scalability of your developments as you will use the Git versioning features for all your configuration changes, and therefore have a traceability for your changes."
msgid "For each event, a status is displayed in the top right-hand corner. It can provide information about the ongoing operation on the database (installation, update, backup import, ...), or its result (tests feedback, successful backup import, ...). When an operation is successful, you can access the database thanks to the *connect* button."
msgid "This tab contains the mail catcher. It displays an overview of the emails sent by your database. The mail catcher is available for your development and staging branches as the emails of your production database are really sent instead of being intercepted."
msgid "A shell access to your container. You can perform basic linux commands (:code:`ls`, :code:`top`) and open a shell on your database by typing :code:`psql`."
msgid "An online integrated development environment (IDE) to edit the source code. You can also open terminals, Python consoles and even Odoo Shell consoles."
msgid "You can zoom, change the time range or select a specific metric on each graph. On the graphs, annotations help you relate to changes on the build (database import, git push, etc...)."
msgid "If new lines are added in the logs, they will be displayed automatically. If you scroll to the bottom, the browser will scroll automatically each time a new line is added."
msgid "You can pause the logs fetching by clicking on the according button in the upper right corner of the view. The fetching is automatically stopped after 5 minutes. You can restart it using the play button."
msgid " makes daily backups of the production database. It keeps 7 daily, 4 weekly and 3 monthly backups. Each backup includes the database dump, the filestore (attachments, binary fields), logs and sessions."
msgid "Staging and development databases are not backed up. You nevertheless have the possibility to restore a backup of the production database in your staging branches, for testing purposes, or to manually recover data that has been deleted by accident from the production database."
msgid "The list contains the backups kept on the server your production database is hosted on. This server only keeps one month of backups: 7 daily and 4 weekly backups."
msgid "Dedicated backup servers keep the same backups, as well as 3 additional monthly backups. To restore or download one of these monthly backups, please `contact us <>`_."
msgid "If you merge a commit updating the version of one or several modules (in :file:``), or their linked python dependencies (in :file:`requirements.txt`), then performs a backup automatically (flagged with type Update in the list), as either the container will be changed by the installation of new pip packages, either the database itself will be changed with the module update triggered afterwards. In these two cases, we are doing a backup as it may potentially break things."
msgid "If you merge a commit that only changes some code without the above-mentioned modifications, then no backup is done by, as neither the container nor the database is modified so the platform considers this safe enough. Of course, as an extra precaution, you can make a backup manually before making big changes in your production sources in case something goes wrong (those manual backups are available for about one week). To avoid abuse, we limit manual backups to 5 per day."
msgid "For development and staging branches, you can change the branch's behavior upon receiving a new commit. By default, a development branch will create a new build and a staging branch will update the previous build (see the :ref:`Production Stage <stage_production>`). This is especially useful should the feature you're working on require a particular setup or configuration, to avoid having to manually set it up again on every commit. If you choose new build for a staging branch, it will make a fresh copy from the production build every time a commit is pushed. A branch that is put back from staging to development will automatically be set to 'Do nothing'."
msgid "*Install only my modules* will install the modules of the branch only. This is the default option. The :ref:`submodules <odoosh-advanced-submodules>` are excluded."
msgid "*Full installation (all modules)* will install the modules of the branch, the modules included in the submodules and all standard modules of Odoo. When running the full installation, the test suite is disabled."
msgid "*Install a list of modules* will install the modules specified in the input just below this option. The names are the technical name of the modules, and they must be comma-separated."
msgid "If the tests are enabled, the standard Odoo modules suite can take up to 1 hour. This setting applies to development builds only. Staging builds duplicate the production build and the production build only installs base."
msgid "For development branches, you can choose to enable or disable the test suite. It's enabled by default. When the test suite is enabled, you can restrict them by specifying test tags :ref:`test tags <developer/reference/testing/selection>`."
msgid "For development branches only, you can change the version of Odoo, should you want to test upgraded code or develop features while your production database is in the process of being upgraded to a newer version."
msgid "You can choose to benefit from the latest bug, security and performance fixes automatically. The sources of your Odoo server will be updated weekly. This is the 'Latest' option."
msgid "You can choose to pin the Odoo sources to a specific revision by selecting them from a list of dates. Revisions will expire after 3 months. You will be notified by mail when the expiration date approaches and if you don't take action afterwards, you will automatically be set to the latest revision."
msgid "Here you can configure additional domains for the selected branch. It's possible to add other *<name>* domains or your own custom domains. For the latter you have to:"
msgid "in your domain name manager (e.g. **, **, **), configure ** with a ``CNAME`` record with as value **."
msgid "the IP address of your database can change, following an upgrade, a hardware failure or your wish to host your database in another country or continent."
msgid "In addition, if you would like both ** and ** to work with your database, having the first redirecting to the second is amongst the `SEO best practices <>`_ (See *Provide one version of a URL to reach a document*) in order to have one dominant URL. You can therefore just configure ** to redirect to **. Most domain managers have the feature to configure this redirection. This is commonly called a web redirection."
msgid "If the redirection is correctly set up, the platform will automatically generate an SSL certificate with `Let's Encrypt <>`_ within the hour and your domain will be accessible through HTTPS."
msgid "While it is currently not possible to configure your own SSL certificates on the platform we are considering the feature if there is enough demand."
msgid "In case the domain of your users email addresses use SPF (Sender Policy Framework) or DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), don't forget to authorize Odoo as a sending host in your domain name settings to increase the deliverability of your outgoing emails. The configuration steps are explained in the documentation about :ref:`SPF <email_communication/spf_compliant>` and :ref:`DKIM <email_communication/dkim_compliant>`."
msgid "Forgetting to configure your SPF or DKIM to authorize Odoo as a sending host can lead to the delivery of your emails as spam in your contacts inbox."
msgid "Each command can be copied in the clipboard to be used in a terminal, and some of them can be used directly from by clicking the *run* button in such case a popup will prompt the user in order to define eventual placeholders such as ``<URL>``, ``<PATH>``, ..."
msgid "`Generate a new SSH key <>`_"
msgid "`Copy the SSH key to your clipboard <>`_ (only apply the step 1)"
msgid "Provided you have the :ref:`correct access rights <odoosh-gettingstarted-settings-collaborators>` on the project, you'll be granted ssh access to the build."
msgid "In, a build is considered as a database loaded by an Odoo server (`odoo/odoo <>`_ & `odoo/enterprise <>`_) running on a specific revision of your project repository in a containerized environment. Its purpose is to test the well-behavior of the server, the database and the features with this revision."
msgid "Most of the time, builds are created following pushes on your Github repository branches. They can be created as well when you do other operations, such as importing a database on or asking a rebuild for a branch in your project."
msgid "If warnings come up during the creation, but there are no errors, the build is considered almost successful. It is highlighted in yellow to notify the developer warnings were raised."
msgid "Builds do not always create a database from scratch. For instance, when pushing a change on the production branch, the build created just starts the server with your new revision and tries to load the current production database on it. If no errors come up, the build is considered successful, and otherwise failed."
msgid "The first build of a production branch creates a database from scratch. If this build is successful, this database is considered as the production database of your project."
msgid "From then, pushes on the production branch will create new builds that attempt to load the database using a server running with the new revision."
msgid "If the build is successful, or has warnings but no errors, the production database will now run with this build, along with the revision associated to this build."
msgid "If the build fails to load or update the database, then the previous successful build is re-used to load the database, and therefore the database will run using a server running with the previous successful revision."
msgid "The build used to run the production database is always the first of the builds list. If a build fails, it is put after the build currently running the production database."
msgid "Each time you push a new revision on a staging branch, the build created uses a new copy of the production database. The databases are not re-used between builds of the same branch. This ensures:"
msgid "you can play around as much as you want in the same staging database, and you can then ask for a rebuild when you want to restart with a new copy of the production."
msgid "Nevertheless, this means that if you make configuration changes in staging databases and do not apply them in the production, they will not be passed on the next build of the same staging branch."
msgid "A build will be considered failed and highlighted in red if tests fail during the installation, as they are meant to raise errors if something wrong occurs."
msgid "According to the list of modules to install and test, a development build can take up to 1 hour to be ready. This is due to the large number of tests set in the default Odoo modules suite."
msgid "The production branch will always appear first, and then the other branches are ordered by last build created. You can filter out the branches."
msgid "For each branch, you can access the last build's database using the *Connect* link and jump to the branch code using the *Github* link. For other branches than the production, you can create a new build which will use the latest revision of the branch using the link *rebuild*. This last link is not available when there is already a build in progress for the branch."
msgid "For each build, you can access the revision changes using the button with the Github icon. You can access the build's database as the administrator using the *Connect* button. Also, you can access the database with another user using the *Connect as* button, in the dropdown menu of the *Connect* button."
msgid "In the dropdown menu of the build, you can access the same features than in :ref:`the branches view <odoosh-gettingstarted-branches-tabs>`: *Logs*, *Web Shell*, *Editor*, *Outgoing e-mails*. You also have the possibility to *Download a dump* of the build's database."
msgid "to commit changes to make your deployment easier, merging branches or adding new `submodules <>`_ for example."
msgid "Choose the Odoo version you want to use. If you plan to import an existing database or an existing set of applications, you might need to choose the according version. If you start from scratch, use the latest version."
msgid "Partners can use their partnership codes to start a trial. Should their clients start a project, they ought to get an Enterprise subscription including and use its subscription code. The partner will get the full amount as back commission. Contact your sales representative or account manager in order to get it."
msgid "You can import your database in your project as long as it is in a :doc:`supported version </administration/maintain/supported_versions>` of Odoo."
msgid "If you use community or custom modules, add them in a branch in your Github repository. Databases hosted on the online platform do not have any custom modules. Users of these databases can therefore skip this step."
msgid "You can structure your modules as you wish, will automatically detect the folders containing Odoo addons. For instance, you can put all your modules folder in the root directory of your repository, or group the modules in folders by categories that you define (accounting, project, ...)."
msgid "For community modules available in public Git repositories, you can also consider to add them using :ref:`Submodules <odoosh-advanced-submodules>`."
msgid "Then, either :ref:`make this branch the production branch <odoosh-gettingstarted-branches-stages>`, or :ref:`merge it into your production branch <odoosh-gettingstarted-branches-mergingbranches>`."
msgid "If you cannot access the database manager, it may have been disabled by your system administrator. See the :ref:`database manager security documentation <db_manager_security>`."
msgid "There is a default mail server provided with To use it, there must be no enabled outgoing mail server configured in your database in :menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> Outgoing Mail Servers` (:ref:`Developer mode <developer-mode>` must be activated)."
msgid "This is to prevent your newly imported database to perform actions that could impact your running production, such as sending the mails remaining in the queue, processing mass mailings, or third-party services synchronization (Calendars, files hosting, ...)."
msgid "If you plan to make the imported database your production, enable the scheduled actions you need. You can check what is enabled in the database of origin and enable the same actions in the imported database. Scheduled actions are located under :menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> Automation --> Scheduled Actions`."
msgid "The imported database is considered a duplicate by default and the enterprise subscription is therefore removed, as you can only have one database linked per subscription."
msgid "If you plan to make it your production, unlink your former database from the subscription, and register the newly imported database. Read the :doc:`database registration documentation <../../maintain/on_premise>` for instructions."
msgid "While not necessary, scaffolding avoids the tedium of setting the basic Odoo module structure. You can scaffold a new module using the executable *odoo-bin*."
msgid "If you do not want to bother installing Odoo on your computer, you can also :download:`download this module structure template <media/>` in which you replace every occurrences of *my_module* to the name of your choice."
msgid "Do not use special characters other than the underscore ( _ ) for your module name, not even an hyphen ( - ). This name is used for the Python classes of your module, and having classes name with special characters other than the underscore is not valid in Python."
msgid "**, the manifest of your module, including for instance its title, description and data files to load. You just need to uncomment the access control list data file:"
msgid "If you want to create your module structure manually, you can follow :doc:`Build an Odoo module </developer/howtos/backend>` to understand the structure of a module and the content of each file."
msgid "The above command is explained in the section :ref:`Commit & Push your changes <odoosh-gettingstarted-online-editor-push>` of the :ref:`Online Editor <odoosh-gettingstarted-online-editor>` chapter. It includes the explanation regarding the fact you will be prompted to type your username and password, and what to do if you use the two-factor authentication."
msgid "You need to specify *-u origin feature-1* for the first push only. From that point, to push your future changes from your computer, you can simply use"
msgid "You can see here the changes you just pushed, including the comment you set. Once the database ready, you can access it by clicking the *Connect* button."
msgid "If your project is configured to install your module automatically, you will directly see it amongst the database apps. Otherwise, it will be available in the apps to install."
msgid "Once you tested your module in a development build with the demo data and believe it is ready, you can test it with the production data using a staging branch."
msgid "This will create a new staging build, which will duplicate the production database and make it run using a server updated with your latest changes of your branch."
msgid "Your module will not be installed automatically, you have to install it from the apps menu. Indeed, the purpose of the staging build is to test the behavior of your changes as it would be on your production, and on your production you would not like your module to be installed automatically, but on demand."
msgid "Once you tested your module in a staging branch with your production data, and believe it is ready for production, you can merge your branch in the production branch."
msgid "This will merge the latest changes of your staging branch in the production branch, and update your production server with these latest changes."
msgid "Your module will not be installed automatically, you have to install it manually as explained in the :ref:`above section about installing your module in staging databases <odoosh-gettingstarted-firstmodule-productiondata-install>`."
msgid "If you would like the update to be performed automatically by the platform when you push your changes, increase your module version in its manifest."
msgid "Once you tested your changes, you can merge your changes in the production branch, for instance by drag-and-dropping the branch on the production branch in the interface. As you increased the module version in the manifest, the platform will update the module automatically and your new field will be directly available. Otherwise you can manually update the module within the apps list."
msgid "If you would like to use an external Python library which is not installed by default, you can define a *requirements.txt* file listing the external libraries your modules depends on."
msgid "The online editor allows you to edit the source code of your builds from a web browser. It also gives you the possibility to open terminals, Python consoles, Odoo Shell consoles and `Notebooks <>`_."
msgid "You can access the editor of a build through :ref:`the branches tabs <odoosh-gettingstarted-branches-tabs>`, :ref:`the builds dropdown menu <odoosh-gettingstarted-builds-dropdown-menu>` or by adding */odoo-sh/editor* to your build domain name (e.g. **)."
msgid "You can then begin to make your changes. You can save your changes with the menu :menuselection:`File --> Save .. File` or by hitting the :kbd:`Ctrl+S` shortcut."
msgid "If you save a Python file which is under your Odoo server addons path, Odoo will detect it and reload automatically so your changes are reflected immediately, without having to restart the server manually."
msgid "However, if the change is a data stored in database, such as the label of a field, or a view, you have to update the according module to apply the change. You can update the module of the currently opened file by using the menu :menuselection:`Odoo --> Update current module`. Note that the file considered as currently opened is the file focused in the text editor, not the file highlighted in the file browser."
msgid "<branch> must be replaced by the name of the branch to which you want to push the changes, most-likely the current branch if you work in a development build."
msgid "The SSH Github remote is not used because your SSH private key is not hosted in your build containers (for obvious security concerns) nor forwarded through an SSH Agent (as you access this editor through a web browser) and you therefore cannot authenticate yourself to Github using SSH. You have to use the HTTPS remote of your Github repository to push your changes, which is added automatically named as *https* in your Git remotes. You will be prompted to enter your Github username and password. If you activated the two-factor authentication on Github, you can create a `personal access token <>`_ and use it as password. Granting the ``repo`` permission suffices."
msgid "The Git source folder *~/src/user* is not checked out on a branch but rather on a detached revision: This is because builds work on specific revisions rather than branches. In other words, this means you can have multiple builds on the same branch, but on different revisions."
msgid "Once your changes are pushed, according to your :ref:`branch push behavior <odoosh-gettingstarted-branches-tabs-settings>`, a new build may be created. You can continue to work in the editor you pushed from, as it will have the same revision as the new build that was created, but always make sure to be in an editor of a build using the latest revision of your branch."
msgid "You can open Python consoles, which are `IPython interactive shells <>`_. One of the most interesting addition to use a Python console rather than a IPython shell within a terminal is the `rich display <>`_ capabilities. Thanks to this, you will be able to display objects in HTML."
msgid "You can also open an Odoo Shell console to play around with the Odoo registry and model methods of your database. You can also directly read or write on your records."
msgid "In an Odoo Console, transactions are automatically committed. This means, for instance, that changes in records are applied effectively in the database. If you change the name of a user, the name of the user is changed in your database as well. You therefore should use Odoo consoles carefully on production databases."
msgid "The class :code:`Pretty` gives you the possibility to easily display lists and dicts in a pretty way, using the `rich display <>`_ mentioned above."
msgid "Addresses of your staging and development builds are derived from this name and assigned automatically. However, when you change your project name, only future builds will use the new name."
msgid "The user group is meant for developers who can make modifications in your code but are not allowed to access the production data. Users of this group cannot connect to the production and staging databases using the *1-click connect* feature, but they can of course use their regular account on these databases if they have one, using their regular credentials."
msgid "These settings are required for **private repositories** only. If you are looking on how to set up your submodules, instructions are available in the chapter :ref:`Submodules <odoosh-advanced-submodules>` of this documentation."
msgid "When a repository is private, it is not possible to publicly download its branches and revisions. For that reason, you need to configure a deploy key for, so the remote Git server allows our platform to download the revisions of this private repository."
msgid "Additional database workers can be configured here. More workers help increase the load your production database is able to handle. If you add more, it will automatically be synchronized with your subscription."
msgid "Adding more workers will not magically solve all performance issues. It only allows the server to handle more connections at the same time. If some operations are unusually slow, it's most likely a problem with the code, if it's not due to your own customizations you can open a ticket `here <>`_."
msgid "Additional staging branches allow you to develop and test more features at the same time. If you add more, it will automatically be synchronized with your subscription."
msgid "Whenever you want. You can make your upgrade request as soon as a new version is released or when your version turns unsupported, and you still wish to enjoy support."
msgid "As soon as Odoo announces the release of a new major version, you can create a test upgrade request to try the latest version. Please note that at this point, the upgrade scripts will only have been tested with demo data. Please report any issue you might encounter while testing via the `Odoo Support page <>`_ and make sure to be happy with your test version before requesting the upgrade of your database in production."
msgid "In general, the \"smaller\" the database, the quickest the upgrade request is completed. A single-user database that uses only CRM will be processed faster than a multi-company, multi-user database that uses Accounting, Sales, Purchase, and Manufacturing."
msgid "It depends on the user involvement (the time spent on testing, reporting problems, etc.) and the issues encountered that might need to be addressed by our technical team."
msgid "The upgrade always returns an Enterprise edition of Odoo, whether the database you sent was a community or enterprise edition. It is required to have an enterprise subscription to upgrade."
msgid "Open our `Release Note <>`_ page to get a summary of the new features and improvements made in each version."
msgid "An Odoo Online (SaaS) test database is available for one month by default. We can extend this trial period upon request. For or on-premise, there is no restriction."
msgid "As many as needed. When you are comfortable with the database, run a last test upgrade 48 hours before requesting your production upgrade and test your workflows one last time."
msgid "If you encounter issues during the upgrade process, please contact the Odoo Support through the `Odoo Support page <>`_"
msgid "Once you have completed testing and are happy with the result, you decide on a date and time when you stop users from accessing Odoo, freeze all data entries, and create an upgrade request for the production upgrade."
msgid "SSL - All web connections to client instances are protected with 256-bit SSL encryption (HTTPS with a 2048-bit modulus SSL certificate), and running behind Grade A SSL stacks. All our certificate chains are using SHA-2 already."
msgid "Safe System - Our servers are running recent Linux distribution with up-to-date security patches, with firewall and intrusion countermeasures (not disclosed for obvious reasons)."
msgid "The uploaded and migrated databases uploaded to the Upgrade platform are kept for up to 3 months and are permanently deleted following that period."
msgid "You can learn more about privacy and data handling at Odoo by visiting our `General Data Protection Regulation page <>`_."
msgid "Download a dump of your database (from the :ref:`Builds view <odoosh-gettingstarted-builds-download-dump>`), choose the exact copy and without filestore options. Upload the .sql.gz dump on and select the Testing Purpose. If you have custom code, you can choose to have it upgraded by us, or do it yourself. Once it's processed, you'll get a dump of the database in return."
msgid "Do *not* upload *backups* of your production database (found in the Backups tab of the production branch) as these are incompatible with the Upgrade platform - they contain your complete sources, etc. that are not needed for the upgrade. Make sure to download a **Dump** instead - either through the Backups tab using the *Download Dump* button or through the Builds page by using the *Download Dump* entry of the contextual menu of your latest production build."
msgid "Create a staging branch that will run the upgraded database. Either make sure your production branch's code is compatible between the two Odoo versions and fork your production branch, or make a new staging branch containing the upgraded code."
msgid "Once the staging build is done (it doesn't matter if it failed due to the version incompatibility), import your upgraded dump in the backups tab of the branch. The platform will automatically detect the version of the dump and change the version of Odoo's source code to the corresponding version for the build."
msgid "Receive the newly upgraded dump and import it in your production branch. The build might get marked as failed because the platform will run it with the upgraded databases' Odoo version together with the old custom code."
msgid "If anything goes wrong, remember you can restore a backup. The platform will always make one before you make any operation on the production database. If the restored backup comes from a previous version, the platform will detect it and change the project's Odoo version back if it needs to."
msgid "This happens via an automated process that runs the database through an upgrade script and takes between 20 and 120 minutes. Only if an issue(s) arises will we have to intervene manually and adjust the script specifically to your database until the upgrade succeeds."
msgid "Once you have completed the testing and are happy with the result, you decide on a date and time when you stop users from accessing Odoo, freeze all data entries, and create an upgrade request for the production upgrade."
msgid "You restore it in your Production environment a few short hours later and continue working on the newly upgraded database (this is done automatically on SaaS)."
msgid "The above command will dump your database to a file, send it to the upgrade platform for an upgrade, display you the live logs, and restore the upgraded database back on your server as a duplicate test database."
msgid "If you do find discrepancies, report your issues (see :ref:`upgrade/test-assistance`) and request a new test database (see :ref:`upgrade/test-db-request`) when the reported issues are fixed in the upgrade script."
msgid "Every business and organization has its own operational needs and has to test its specific Odoo instance respectively. We recommend you look at `the test scenario <>` for further information."
msgid "If you encounter an issue in the **test database**, please get in touch with Odoo Upgrade Support via the `Odoo Support page <>`_."
msgid "If you choose another *Ticket Description* type, the request will be redirected to another team. This will slow down the processing and response time."
msgid "Please provide as much detail as you can (i.e., videos and screenshots to illustrate your issue). This will avoid clarifying questions and speed up the resolution process significantly."
msgid "The production upgrade request is when you decide to upgrade your current database with all your production data (invoices, VAT returns, inventories, current orders) to a new version of your choice."
msgid "After your :ref:`tests <upgrade/testing-phase>` are completed to your satisfaction, submit the request to upgrade your production database via our `website form <>`_. Select *Production* purpose."
msgid "Under the *Ticket Description* section, select the appropriate type related to your issue but **do not select** the option *An issue related to my upgrade*."
msgid "If you choose *An issue related to my upgrade* as ticket type, the request will be redirected to another team than the support one and will slow down the processing and response time."
msgid "Should you have any more questions about the upgrade, do not hesitate to send a message to `Odoo Upgrade Team <>`_. We will be happy to answer it as soon as possible."
msgid "This is a factor to take into consideration before upgrading. If you are on an older version, we suggest you to prefer the most recent version to benefit from longer support (before having to upgrade again)."
msgid "The Upgrade Service is limited to your database's technical conversion and adaptation (standard modules and data) to make it compatible with the targeted version."