msgid "To manage your databases, access the `database management page <>`__ (you will have to sign in). Then click on the `Manage Your Databases <>`__ button."
msgid "Make sure you are connected as the administrator of the database you want to manage - many operations depends on indentifying you remotely to that database."
msgid "Make sure to be connected to the database you want to upgrade and access the database management page. On the line of the database you want to upgrade, click on the \"Upgrade\" button."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_online.rst:60
msgid "You have the possibility to choose the target version of the upgrade. By default, we select the highest available version available for your database; if you were already in the process of testing a migration, we will automatically select the version you were already testing (even if we released a more recent version during your tests)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_online.rst:66
msgid "By clicking on the \"Test upgrade\" button an upgrade request will be generated. If our automated system does not encounter any problem, you will receive a \"Test\" version of your upgraded database."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_online.rst:73
msgid "If our automatic system detect an issue during the creation of your test database, our dedicated team will have to work on it. You will be notified by email and the process will take up to 4 weeks."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_online.rst:77
msgid "You will have the possibility to test it for 1 month. Inspect your data (e.g. accounting reports, stock valuation, etc.), check that all your usual flows work correctly (CRM flow, Sales flow, etc.)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_online.rst:81
msgid "Once you are ready and that everything is correct in your test migration, you can click again on the Upgrade button, and confirm by clicking on Upgrade (the button with the little rocket!) to switch your production database to the new version."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_online.rst:89
msgid "Your database will be taken offline during the upgrade (usually between 30min up to several hours for big databases), so make sure to plan your migration during non-business hours."
msgid "Database duplication, renaming, custom DNS, etc. is not available for trial databases on our Online platform. Paid Databases and \"One App Free\" database can duplicate without problem."
msgid "In the line of the database you want to duplicate, you will have a few buttons. To duplicate your database, just click **Duplicate**. You will have to give a name to your duplicate, then click **Duplicate Database**."
msgid "To rename your database, make sure you are connected to the database you want to rename, access the `database management page <>`__ and click **Rename**. You will have to give a new name to your database, then click **Rename Database**."
msgid "When you delete your database all the data will be permanently lost. The deletion is instant and for all the Users. We advise you to do an instant backup of your database before deleting it, since the last automated daily backup may be several hours old at that point."
msgid "From the `database management page <>`__, on the line of the database you want to delete, click on the \"Delete\" button."
msgid "It is not possible to delete a database if it is expired or linked to a Subscription. In these cases contact `Odoo Support <>`__"
msgid "To register your database, you just need to enter your Subscription Code in the banner in the App Switcher. Make sure you do not add extra spaces before or after your subscription code. If the registration is successful, it will turn green and will provide you with the Expiration Date of your freshly-registered database. You can check this Epiration Date in the About menu (Odoo 9) or in the Settings Dashboard (Odoo 10)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:20
msgid "Registration Error Message"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:22
msgid "If you are unable to register your database, you will likely encounter this message:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:31
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:97
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:130
msgid "Solutions"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:33
msgid "Do you have a valid Enterprise subscription?"
msgid "Check if your subscription details get the tag \"In Progress\" on your `Odoo Account <>`__ or with your Account Manager"
msgid "You can unlink the old database yourself on your `Odoo Contract <>`__ with the button \"Unlink database\""
msgid "If it's not the case, you may have multiple databases sharing the same UUID. Please check on your `Odoo Contract <>`__, a short message will appear specifying which database is problematic:"
msgid "In this case, you need to change the UUID on your test databases to solve this issue. You will find more information about this in :ref:`this section <duplicate_premise>`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:76
msgid "For your information, we identify database with UUID. Therefore, each database should have a distinct UUID to ensure that registration and invoicing proceed effortlessly for your and for us."
msgid "**Deactivate users** as explained in this `Documentation < /documentation/user/11.0/db_management/documentation.html#deactivating-users>`__ and **Reject** the upsell quotation."
msgid "Once your database has the correct number of users, the expiration message will disappear automatically after a few days, when the next verification occurs. We understand that it can be a bit frightening to see the countdown, so you can :ref:`force an Update Notification <force_ping>` to make the message disappear right away."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:116
msgid "Database expired error message"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:118
msgid "If your database reaches its expiration date before your renew your subscription, you will encounter this message:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:126
msgid "This **blocking** message appears after a non-blocking message that lasts 30 days. If you fail to take action before the end of the countdown, the database is expired."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:134
msgid "Renew your subscription: follow the link and renew your subscription - note that"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:133
msgid "if you wish to pay by Wire Transfer, your subscription will effectively be renewed only when the payment arrives, which can take a few days. Credit card payments are processed immediately."
msgid "None of those solutions worked for you? Please contact our `Support <>`__"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:145
msgid "Force an Update Notification"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:147
msgid "Update Notifications happen once every 7 days and keep your database up-to-date with your Odoo Enterprise subscription. If you modify your subscription (i.e. add more users, renew it for a year, etc.), your local database will only be made aware of the change once every 7 days - this can cause discrepancies between the state of your subscription and some notifications in your App Switcher. When doing such an operation on your subscription, you can force an Update using the following procedure:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:154
msgid "Connect to the database with the **Administrator** account"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:155
msgid "Switch to the Developer mode by using the **About** option in the top-right menu (in V9) / in **Settings** (in V10): click on **Activate the developer mode**"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:158
msgid "Navigate to the \"Settings\" menu, then \"Technical\" > \"Automation\" > \"Scheduled Actions\""
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:160
msgid "Find \"Update Notification\" in the list, click on it, and finally click on the button \"**RUN MANUALLY**\""
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:162
msgid "Refresh the page, the \"Expiration\" notification should be gone"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:165
msgid "You may have kept the same UUID on different databases and we receive information from those databases too. So please read :ref:`this documentation <duplicate_premise>` to know how to change the UUID. After the change you can force a ping to speed up the verification, your production database will then be correctly identified."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:174
msgid "Duplicate a database"
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:176
msgid "You can duplicate your database by accessing the database manager on your server (<odoo-server>/web/database/manager). In this page, you can easily duplicate your database (among other things)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/db_premise.rst:184
msgid "When you duplicate a local database, it is **strongly** advised to change the duplicated database's uuid (Unniversally Unique Identifier), since this uuid is how your database identifies itself with our servers. Having two databases with the same uuid could result in invoicing problems or registration problems down the line."
msgid "The database uuid is currently accessible from the menu **Settings > Technical > System Parameters**, we advise you to use a `uuid generator <>`__ or to use the unix command ``uuidgen`` to generate a new uuid. You can then simply replace it like any other record by clicking on it and using the edit button."
msgid "As the administrator of your database, you are responsible for its usage. This includes the Apps you install as well as the number of users currently in use."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/documentation.rst:13
msgid "Odoo is many things (ERP, CMS, CRM application, e-Commerce backend, etc.) but it is *not* a smartphone. You should apply caution when adding/removing features (especially Apps) on your database since this may impact your subscription amount significantly (or switch you from a free account to a paying one on our online platform)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/documentation.rst:19
msgid "This page contains some information as to how you can manage your Odoo instances. Before carrying any of these procedures, we **strongly** advise to test them on a duplicate of your database first. That way, if something goes wrong, your day-to-day business is not impacted."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/documentation.rst:24
msgid "You can find guides on how to duplicate your databases both for :ref:`online <duplicate_online>` and :ref:`on premise <duplicate_premise>` installations."
msgstr ""
#: ../../db_management/documentation.rst:28
msgid "If you have questions about the content of this page or if you encounter an issue while carrying out these procedures, please contact us through our `support form <>`__."
msgid "In your Odoo instance, click on **Settings**. You will have a section showing you the active users on your database. Click on **Manage access rights.**"
msgid "The pre-selected filter *Internal Users* shows your paying users (different from the *Portal Users* which are free). If you remove this filter, you'll get all your users (the ones you pay for and the portal ones)"
msgid "In your list of users, click on the user you want to deactivate. As soon as you are on the userform, go with your mouse cursor on the status **Active** (top right). Click on Active and you will notice that the status will change to **Inactive** immediately."
msgid "Make sure you first test what you are about to do on a :ref:`duplicate <duplicate_online>` of your database before making any changes (*especially* installing/uninstalling apps)."
msgid "In your Odoo instance click on **Settings**; in this app, you will be able to see how many applications you have installed. Click on **Browse Apps** to access the list of your installed applications."
msgid "In your applications' dashboard, you will see all the icons of your applications. Click on the application you want to uninstall. Then, on the form of the application, click on **Uninstall**."
msgid "Some applications have dependencies, like Invoicing, eCommerce, etc. Therefore, the system will give you a warning message to advise you of what is about to be removed. If you uninstall your application, all its dependencies will be uninstalled as well (and the data in them will permanently disappear). If you are sure you still want to uninstall it, then click **Confirm**."
msgid "**Uninstalling apps, managing users, etc. is up to you**: no one else can know if your business flow is broken better than you. If we were to uninstall applications for you, we would never be able to tell if relevant data had been removed or if one of your business flow was broken because we *do not know how you work* and therefore cannot validate these kinds of operations."
msgid "**Odoo Apps have dependencies**: this means that you may need to install modules that you do not actively use to access some features of Odoo you might need. For example, the Website Builder app is needed to be able to show your customer their Quotes in a web page. Even though you might not need or use the Website itself, it is needed for the Online Quotes feature to work properly."
msgid "**Always test app installation/removal on a duplicate** (or on a free trial database): that way you can know what other apps may be required, etc. This will avoid surprises when uninstalling or when receiving your invoices."