2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
2016-04-27 15:05:59 +07:00
# Copyright (C) 2015-TODAY, Odoo S.A.
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Odoo Business package.
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#, fuzzy
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
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2017-04-20 21:01:40 +07:00
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2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
2017-05-09 19:33:17 +07:00
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-09 14:24+0200\n"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Eric Geens <ericgeens@yahoo.com>, 2017\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/nl/)\n"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
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#: ../../purchase.rst:5
msgid "Purchase"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Inkopen"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview.rst:3
2015-11-25 23:21:49 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/dropshipping.rst:6
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:6
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:6
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:6
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Overzicht"
#: ../../purchase/overview/process.rst:3
msgid "Process Overview"
msgstr "Proces overzicht"
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:3
msgid "Request for Quotation, Purchase Tender or Purchase Order?"
2015-11-25 23:21:49 +07:00
msgstr "Offerteaanvraag, lastenboek of inkooporder ?"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:5
msgid ""
"Although they are intimately related, Requests for Quotation, Purchase "
"Tenders and Purchase Orders are not the same."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Hoewel ze nauw met elkaar verbonden zijn, zijn een offerteaanvraag, een "
"lastenboek of een inkooporder niet hetzelfde."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:8
msgid ""
"A **Request for Quotation** (RfQ) is used when you plan to purchase some "
"products and you would like to receive a quote for those products. In Odoo, "
"the Request for Quotation is used to send your list of desired products to "
"your supplier. Once your supplier has answered your request, you can choose "
"to go ahead with the offer and purchase or to turn down the offer."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Men spreekt van een **Offerteaanvraag** ( ook Request for Quotation of RfQ "
"genoemd) wanneer u van plan bent een aantal producten aan te kopen, en u "
"wilt graag voor deze producten een offerte ontvangen. De offerteaanvraag is "
"een lijst van gewenste producten waarvoor u bij uw leverancier om een "
"prijsaanbod vraagt. Zodra uw leverancier uw vraag heeft beantwoord, kunt u "
"ervoor kiezen om het aanbod te aanvaarden en over te gaan tot aankoop, of u "
"kunt het aanbod afwijzen ."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:15
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:5
msgid ""
"A **Purchase Tender** (PT), also known as Call for Bids, is used to drive "
"competition between several suppliers in order to get the best offer for a "
"list of products. In comparison to the RfQ, a Purchase Tender is sent to "
"multiple suppliers, stating each are competing with one another, and that "
"the best offer will win. The main interest is that it usually leads to "
"better offers."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Een **Lastenboek** (ook bekend als een Aanbesteding) wordt gebruikt om de "
"concurrentie tussen verschillende leveranciers uit te spelen om zo het beste"
" aanbod in de wacht te slepen. In tegenstelling tot de offerteaanvraag, "
"wordt een lastenboek naar meerdere leveranciers verstuurd, waarin gemeld "
"wordt dat het meest concurrentiële aanbod de opdracht zal worden toegewezen."
" De voornaamste reden om een lastenboek uit te schrijven, is dat dit meestal"
" leidt tot betere aanbiedingen."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:22
msgid ""
"The **Purchase Order** (PO) is the actual order that you place to the "
"supplier that you chose, either through a RfQ, a Purchase Tender, or simply "
"when you already know which supplier to order from."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Het **inkooporder** (de PO, of de bestelling) is de daadwerkelijke "
"bestelling die u plaatst bij de leverancier van uw keuze. Dat kan door "
"middel van een offerteaanvraag, een aanbesteding, of gewoon omdat u al weet "
"bij welke leverancier u wenst te bestellen."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:27
msgid "When to use?"
msgstr "Wanneer te gebruiken?"
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:29
msgid ""
"A **RfQ** is interesting when you have never purchased the products with "
"that supplier before and therefore don't know their price. It is also useful"
" if you want to challenge your suppliers once you have a well-established "
"relationship with them. You can also use it to assess the cost of a project "
"and see if it makes it feasible."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Een **offerteaanvraag\" is interessant wanneer u nog nooit producten bij een"
" bepaalde leverancier hebt aangekocht, en u wilt de prijs ervan kennen. U "
"kunt het ook gebruiken om leveranciers opnieuw te evalueren wanneer u reeds "
"een gevestigde relatie met hen hebt. U kunt het zelfs gebruiken om de kosten"
" van een project te beoordelen, en dan te bepalen of het wel haalbaar is."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:35
msgid ""
"A **Purchase Tender** is used for public offers that require an open "
"offering from several suppliers. It is also useful when you need to make a "
"one-off order for a product and you would like to get the best offer, no "
"matter which supplier it is. It may be used when your supplier has not been "
"up to your standards and you would like to either push them to deliver a "
"better service, or find a replacement in their competitors."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Een **lastenboek** (of aanbesteding) wordt gebruikt voor openbare "
"aanbiedingen waarbij een publiek aanbod van verschillende leveranciers nodig"
" is. Wanneer u een eenmalige aankoop wilt doen en u wilt daarvoor de beste "
"prijs ongeacht de leverancier, dan kunt u gebruik maken van een lastenboek. "
"Ook wanneer u vindt dat uw leverancier niet aan uw eisen beantwoordt, kunt u"
" een lastenboek inroepen om hem tot een betere dienstverlening aan te "
"zetten, of een vervanger onder zijn concurrenten te vinden."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:43
msgid "When not to use?"
msgstr "Wanneer niet te gebruiken?"
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:45
msgid ""
"**RfQ**\\ s become unnecessary once you have established your favorite "
"supplier for each item, and will only increase the delay in the delivery of "
"your items. In that case, the process will be simpler by starting straight "
"from a Purchase Order."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"**Offerteaanvragen** worden overbodig van zodra u een bevoorrechte relatie "
"hebt met de leverancier van uw keuze; in dat geval vertraagt een "
"offerteaanvraag enkel maar de levering van uw goederen. U kunt dan beter het"
" proces eenvoudig houden en meteen een inkooporder plaatsen."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:50
msgid ""
"**Purchase Tenders** are a long and tedious process that will likely take "
"more than several weeks in the best cases. If you need a quick delivery, "
"this is not the way to go. Also, if you have a well-established relationship"
" with one supplier, think twice before you initiate a PT with them as it "
"might tear the relationship and finally lead to less interesting deals."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"**Aanbestedingen** zijn een lang en moeizaam proces dat in de meeste "
"gevallen enkele weken tot maanden in beslag neemt. Als u een snelle levering"
" wenst, is een aanbesteding zeker af te raden. Hebt u reeds een lange "
"relatie met een bestaande leverancier? Dan doet u er misschien goed aan om "
"even na te denken of een aanbesteding nodig is; mogelijks komt de relatie in"
" het gedrang. En tevens loopt u het risico om minder goede aanbiedingen in "
"de toekomst te zullen krijgen."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:58
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:139
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:39
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Voorbeeld"
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:60
msgid ""
"My company builds wooden furniture. For the new series of table we are "
"designing, we need some screws, metal frames and rubber protections."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Mijn bedrijf vervaardigt houten meubelen. Voor een nieuwe reeks tafels die "
"we ontwerpen, hebben we schroeven, metalen kaders en rubberen "
"beveiligingsonderdelen nodig."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:63
msgid ""
"I create a Request for Quotation in Odoo with those products to my usual "
"supplier, and send it by email. He answers back with an offer. However, I am"
" not convinced by the offer, and I want to see if anyone can give a better "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Ik maak een offerteaanvraag met deze producten aan in Odoo, en stuur ze via "
"e-mail naar mijn gebruikelijke leverancier. Hij antwoord met een offerte. "
"Het aanbod overtuigt me echter niet, en ik vraag me af of iemand anders geen"
" betere offerte kan maken."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:68
msgid ""
"I decide to push competition a bit and set up a Purchase Tender, that Odoo "
"will send to a list of suppliers I specified. Out of the 8 offers I receive,"
" one gets my attention and I decide to go ahead with that one."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Ik besluit om de concurrentie uit te spelen, en schrijf een aanbesteding "
"uit. Ik selecteer een aantal leveranciers, en Odoo stuurt automatisch de "
"aanbesteding uit. Van de 8 antwoorden die ik ontvang, is er één die mijn "
"aandacht trekt, en ik besluit dan ook verder te gaan met deze leverancier."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:72
msgid ""
"I confirm the order to the supplier by creating a Purchase Order from the "
"PT, and Odoo automatically asks delivery of the items to the supplier."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Vanuit de aanbesteding bevestig ik de bestelling bij de leverancier door een"
" inkooporder te plaatsen, en Odoo vraagt automatisch aan de leverancier om "
"de producten te leveren."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:77
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:16
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:22
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:24
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:31
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:16
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:14
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:14
2015-11-25 23:21:49 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/dropshipping.rst:13
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:58
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:21
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid "Configuration"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Instellingen"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:79
msgid ""
"If you want to know how to create a **Purchase Order**, read the "
"documentation on :doc:`from_po_to_invoice`"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Wilt u weten hoe u een **inkooporder** aanmaakt? Lees dan de documentatie op"
" :doc:`from_po_to_invoice`"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:82
msgid ""
"If you want to know how to create a **RfQ**, read the documentation on "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Als u wilt weten hoe u een **RfQ** aanmaakt, lees dan de documentatie op "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/difference.rst:85
msgid ""
"If you want to know how to create a **Purchase Tender**, read the "
"documentation on :doc:`../../purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers`"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"En om te weten hoe u een **aanbesteding of lastenboek** opmaakt, leest u de "
"documentatie op :doc:`../../purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers`"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:3
msgid "From purchase order to invoice and receptions"
msgstr "Van inkooporder naar factuur en ontvangst"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:5
msgid ""
"For most of your everyday purchases, chances are you already know where to "
"purchase and at what price. For these cases, a simple Purchase Order (PO) "
"will allow you to handle the whole process."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Voor de meeste van uw dagelijkse aankopen weet u waarschijnlijk al bij wie u"
" wilt aankopen en aan welke prijs. Voor dit soort inkopen volstaat een "
"eenvoudig inkooporder (ook wel PO genoemd) om het volledige inkoopproces af "
"te handelen."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:9
msgid ""
"In Odoo, a purchase order can be created as is, but can also be the result "
"of a Request for Quotation or of a Purchase Tender. Therefore, every "
"purchase made in Odoo has a PO."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"U kunt gewoon een inkooporder opmaken, maar zo'n order kan ook het resultaat"
" zijn van een offerteaanvraag of een aanbesteding. Daarom wordt elke aankoop"
" binnen Odoo aan een inkooporder gelinkt. "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:13
msgid ""
"The PO will generate an invoice, and depending on the contract with your "
"supplier, you will be required to pay the invoice before or after delivery."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Zo\"n inkooporder maakt een inkoopfactuur aan. Naargelang het contract dat u"
" met uw leverancier hebt, moet u deze factuur betalen voor of na de "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:18
msgid "Install the Purchase Management application"
msgstr "Installeren van de applicatie Inkoopbeheer"
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:20
msgid ""
"From the **Apps** application, search and install the **Purchase "
"Management** application."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Ga naar de module **Applicaties**. Zoek naar **Inkoopbeheer** en installeer "
"de applicatie."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:27
msgid "Creating a Purchase Order"
msgstr "Een inkooporder aanmaken"
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:29
msgid ""
"In the **Purchases** app, open the **Purchase** menu and click on **Purchase"
" Orders**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Open het menu **Inkoop** in de applicatie **Inkopen**, en klik op "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:32
msgid "In the **Purchase Orders** window, click on **Create**."
msgstr "In het scherm **Inkooporders** klikt u op **Aanmaken**."
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:37
msgid ""
"From the new window, insert the **Vendor** and type in the **Order Date**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"U kunt nu een **Leverancier** uit de lijst kiezen. U kunt opteren om de "
"standaard besteldatum te gebruiken, of een andere datum te kiezen. U kunt "
"eveneens de referentie van de leverancier invoeren, zodat u het inkooporder "
"eenvoudig kan terugvinden."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:40
msgid "In the **Products** section, click on **Add an item**."
msgstr "In het tabblad **Producten** klikt u op **Item toevoegen**."
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:45
msgid "Select your product from the list and add a description if necessary."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Selecteer het gewenste product uit de lijst, en voeg een omschrijving toe "
"indien nodig."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:47
msgid "The **Scheduled Date** menu corresponds to the expected delivery date."
msgstr "In het veld **Geplande datum** vult u de verwachte leverdatum in. "
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:49
msgid ""
"Type in the quantity which you wish to purchase, then click on **Save** and "
"on **Confirm Order**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"U voert de hoeveelheid in die u wilt aankopen. Daarna klikt u op **Opslaan**"
" en uiteindelijk op **Bevestig order** om het inkooporder daadwerkelijk te "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:53
msgid ""
"If you wish to go through the complete flow and create a **Request for "
"Quotation** for this order, refer to the document on "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Als u het volledige proces wil doorlopen en voorafgaand aan het order een "
"**Offerteaanvraag** wil lanceren, dan verwijzen we u naar het hoofdstuk "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:57
msgid ""
"As you can see, the status of the PO has switched to ``Purchase Order``."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"U ziet bovenaan de statusbalk dat de status van het order gewijzigd is in "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:63
msgid "Registering invoice, payments and receiving products"
msgstr "Facturatie, betaling en ontvangst van goederen"
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:65
msgid ""
"Depending on the contract you have with your supplier, you can either pay "
"for the purchase upon delivery of the goods, or get the goods delivered "
"after payment."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Naargelang het contract dat u met uw leverancier heeft, moet u de "
"aangekochte goederen bij of na levering betalen. Het kan echter ook zijn dat"
" u de goederen vooraf dient te betalen vooraleer ze geleverd worden."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:70
msgid "Payment upon or after reception"
msgstr "Betaling bij of na levering"
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:72
msgid "Still from your purchase order, click on **Receive Products**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Om de goederen te ontvangen, gaat u naar de lijst van inkooporders. U zoekt "
"het desbetreffende inkooporder en klikt u op **Producten ontvangen**."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:74
msgid ""
"In the next page, check that the number of products received corresponds to "
"the number ordered, then manually enter the delivered quantity and click on "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Controleer of het geleverde aantal overeenstemt met het aantal bestelde. "
"Klik op **Bewerken** en vul manueel het geleverde aantal in in de kolom "
"'Voltooid'. Klik daarna op **Bevestig**."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:81
msgid ""
"Go back to the PO. In the PO, a **Shipment** and an **Invoice** button have "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Ga terug naar het inkooporder. U ziet dat er bovenaan het document twee "
"knoppen zijn toegevoegd: **Levering** en **Facturen**."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:87
msgid ""
"Click on the **Invoices** button, then click on **Validate**. The invoice is"
" now registered in the system. Click on **Register Payment**, insert the "
"detail of the payment, and click on **Validate**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Klik op **Facturen**, en daarna op **Bevestigen**. De inkoopfactuur is nu in"
" het systeem opgenomen en wacht op betaling. Wanneer u de factuur wil "
"betalen, klikt u op **Betaling registreren**. U vult de diverse gegevens "
"betreffende de betaling in, en klikt op **Bevestigen**."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:94
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:124
msgid ""
"Your products are now ready for picking and storage, and the invoice is "
"marked as paid."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Uw producten zijn nu klaar om in het magazijn te worden opgenomen, en ze te "
"verzenden aan uw klanten. De factuur wordt afgehandeld als betaald."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:98
msgid "Upfront payment"
msgstr "Vooruitbetaling"
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:100
msgid ""
"From the **Purchase Order** page, open the **Invoices** tab, then click on "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Maak een nieuw inkooporder aan zoals hierboven beschreven via het menu "
"**Inkooporders**. Kies een leverancier, vul de gewenste producten in en maak"
" bevestig het order. U ziet nu bovenaan het tabblad **Facturen**. Klik erop,"
" en klik daarna op **Aanmaken**."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:103
msgid ""
"In the next page, click on **Validate**. The invoice is now registered in "
"the system. Click on **Register Payment**, insert the detail of the payment,"
" and click on **Validate**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Klik op **Facturen**, en daarna op **Bevestigen**. De inkoopfactuur is nu in"
" het systeem opgenomen en wacht op betaling. Wanneer u de factuur wil "
"betalen, klikt u op **Betaling registreren**. U vult de diverse gegevens "
"betreffende de betaling in, en klikt op **Bevestigen**."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:110
msgid ""
"Go back to the PO. In the PO, a **Shipment** tab and an **Invoice** tab have"
" appeared."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Ga terug naar het inkooporder. U ziet dat er bovenaan het document twee "
"tabbladen zijn toegevoegd: **Levering** en **Facturen**."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:116
msgid ""
"Click on **Receive Products**, then in the new page, click on **Validate**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Klik op **Goederen ontvangen** en klik vervolgens in de nieuwe pagina op "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/overview/process/from_po_to_invoice.rst:121
msgid ""
"A window will appear, asking if you wish to process every item at once. "
"Click on **Apply**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Een venster verschijnt dat vraagt of u elk product in één keer wilt "
"verwerken. Klik op **Toepassen**."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases.rst:3
msgid "Purchases"
msgstr "Inkopen"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master.rst:3
msgid "Master Data"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Stamgegevens"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:3
msgid "How to import supplier pricelists?"
msgstr "Hoe leverancier prijslijsten te importeren?"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:6
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Introductie"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:8
msgid ""
"Big companies use to import supplier pricelists day to day. Indeed, prices "
"are always changing and you need to get price up to date to deal with a high"
" number of products."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Grote bedrijven zijn het gewoon om prijslijsten van leveranciers dagelijks "
"te importeren. Dat is nodig want prijzen kunnen dagelijks wijzigen, en u "
"moet dus snel uw prijzen kunnen bijwerken als u met een groot aantal "
"producten werkt."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:12
msgid ""
"To manage supplier prices on product form, read this document "
"(:doc:`suppliers`). Here we will show you how to import customer prices."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Als u de prijzen van uw leveranciers in het productformulier wil beheren, "
"lees dan eerst dit document (:doc:`suppliers`). Wilt u prijzen van "
"leveranciers importeren, lees dan verder. "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:16
msgid "Required configuration"
msgstr "Vereiste configuratie"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:18
msgid "In purchase settings, you have 2 options:"
msgstr "In de inkoop instellingen heeft u 2 opties:"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:20
msgid "Manage vendor price on the product form"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Beheer leveranciersprijs op het productformulier"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:22
msgid "Allow using and importing vendor pricelists"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Sta gebruiken en importeren van Leverancier prijslijsten toe"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:24
msgid "Here we are selecting: **Allow using and importing vendor pricelists**"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"We selecteren hier de optie **Sta gebruiken en importeren van "
"leveranciersprijslijsten toe**."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:30
msgid "Import vendor pricelists"
2015-11-30 16:00:53 +07:00
msgstr "Hoe importeert u een prijslijst ?"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:32
msgid ""
"There are 2 scenarios: import the vendor pricelist for the first time, or "
"update an existing vendor pricelist. In both scenarios, we assume your "
"product list and vendor list is updated and you want to import the price "
"list of vendors for a given product."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Er zijn 2 scenario's mogelijk: een leveranciersprijslijst voor een eerste "
"keer importeren, of een bestaande prijslijst bijwerken. In beide scenario's "
"gaan we ervan uit dat u reeds een lijst met producten en leveranciers hebt, "
"en dat u nu de prijslijst voor een bepaald product of een reeks producten "
"wilt importeren."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:40
msgid ""
"To import a list from a document, the best pratice is to export first to get"
" an example of data formating and a proper header to reimport."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"De beste manier om te weten hoe u een lijst moet importeren, is eerst een "
"bestaand item te exporteren, zodat u weet hoe u de gegevens moet formatteren"
" en hoe u een lijst met de juiste kolomkoppen terug kan importeren."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:50
msgid "Import the list for the first time"
2015-11-30 16:00:53 +07:00
msgstr "Een lijst voor de eerste keer importeren"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:53
msgid "Prepare the document"
msgstr "Het document voorbereiden"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:55
msgid ""
"In :menuselection:`Purchase --> Purchase --> Supplier Pricelists`, export a "
"template of document to get import/export compatible and get the right "
"format to import in mass. Create manually a data and export it "
"(:menuselection:`select --> Action --> Export`)"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Ga naar :menuselection:`Inkoop --> Inkoop --> Leveranciersprijslijsten` en "
"selecteer een lijn (Maak indien nodig een lijn aan als u nog geen enkele "
"prijslist gedefiniëerd hebt). Klik dan op :menuselection:`Meer --> "
"Exporteren`. Maak nu een exportsjabloon aan dat import/export-compatibel is "
"en kies ook het juiste gegevensformaat (csv of Excel) dat u voor de latere "
"import wilt gebruiken. Selecteer de gewenste velden en exporteer."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:63
msgid "Here is the list of fields you can import:"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Dit is de lijst van velden die u moet importeren om een prijslijst succesvol"
" te uploaden:"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:66
msgid "**Header of the document to import (csv, xls)**"
2015-11-30 16:00:53 +07:00
msgstr "**Kolomkop van het importdocument (csv, xls)**"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:66
msgid "**Meaning and how to get it**"
2015-11-30 16:00:53 +07:00
msgstr "**Wat betekent dit,en waar kunt u het vinden?**"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:66
msgid "**Example**"
2015-11-30 16:00:53 +07:00
msgstr "**Voorbeeld**"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:68
msgid "name_id"
msgstr "name_id"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:68
msgid "Vendor ID -> export supplier list to get it"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Vendor ID (code van de leverancier) -> om deze te kennen exporteert u uw "
"lijst van leveranciers"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:68
msgid "\\_\\_export\\_\\_.res\\_partner\\_12"
msgstr "\\_\\_export\\_\\_.res\\_partner\\_12"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:70
msgid "product_code"
msgstr "product_code"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:70
msgid "Vendor product Code -> free text"
2015-11-30 16:00:53 +07:00
msgstr "Productcode van de leverancier -> vrije invoer"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:70
msgid "569874"
msgstr "569874"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:72
msgid "price"
2017-06-11 14:31:02 +07:00
msgstr "prijs"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:72
msgid "Vendor Price -> free text"
2015-11-30 16:00:53 +07:00
msgstr "Aankoopprijs bij leverancier -> vrije invoer"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:72
msgid "1500"
msgstr "1500"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:74
msgid "product_tmpl_id.id"
msgstr "product_tmpl_id.id"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:74
msgid "Product Template ID -> export you product list to get it"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Product Template ID (Productcode) -> om deze te kennen exporteert u uw lijst"
" van producten"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:74
msgid "\\_\\_export\\_\\_.product_template_13"
msgstr "\\_\\_export\\_\\_.product_template_13"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:76
msgid "currency_id.id"
msgstr "currency_id.id"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:76
msgid "Currency -> to get it export the currency list"
2015-11-30 16:00:53 +07:00
msgstr "Valuta -> om deze te kennen exporteert u de lijst met valuta"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:78
msgid "date_end"
msgstr "date_end"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:78
msgid "End date of the price validity"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
msgstr "\"Einddatum van de prijsgeldigheid"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:78
msgid "2015-10-22"
msgstr "2015-10-22"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:80
msgid "min_qty"
msgstr "min_qty"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:80
msgid "Minimal quantity to purchase from this vendor"
2015-11-30 16:00:53 +07:00
msgstr "Minimale aankoophoeveelheid bij deze leverancier"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:80
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:82
msgid "product_id.id"
msgstr "product_id.id"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:82
msgid "Product Variante name -> export your variant list to get it"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Variantnaam van het product -> om deze te kennen exporteert u de lijst van "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:82
msgid "\\_\\_export\\_\\_.product\\_13"
msgstr "\\_\\_export\\_\\_.product\\_13"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:84
msgid "date_start"
msgstr "date_start"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:84
msgid "Start date of price validity"
msgstr "Startdatum van de prijs validiteit"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:84
msgid "2015-12-31"
msgstr "2015-12-31"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:87
msgid "You obtain a document which can be imported, fill in your vendor pices"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Als u al uw opzoekingen van leveranciers en producten hebt verricht, kan u "
"uw lijst verrijken met de productcodes en -omschrijvingen, hun aankoopprijs "
"en de start- en einddatum van de prijsgeldigheid. Op die manier krijgt u een"
" volledige prijslijst die u kan opladen in Odoo via import."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:92
msgid ""
"Import this document in Odoo. Click on **Import** in the list view and "
"upload your document. You can validate and check error. Once the system "
"tells you everything is ok, you can import the list."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Om het document in Odoo te importeren, drukt u op **Importeren** in de "
"lijstweergave. U kunt nog wijzigingen aanbrengen indien nodig; als u "
"tevreden bent hoe de import zal gebeuren, drukt u op **Valideren**. Odoo "
"controleert of alle gegevens juist geïmporteerd kunnen worden - mogelijk "
"dient u eventuele fouten te corrigeren. Van zodra alle gegevens correct "
"verwerkt kunnen worden, kunt u de prijslijst opladen."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:102
msgid ""
"After the import, the **Vendors** section in **Inventory** tab of the "
"product form is filled in."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Nadat de import voltooid is, kunt u de wijzigingen bekijken in de sectie "
"**Leveranciers** op het tabblad **Voorraad** van het productformulier."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:106
msgid "Update the vendor pricelist"
2015-11-16 16:59:03 +07:00
msgstr "Update de leverancier zijn prijslijst"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:108
msgid ""
"When the pricelist of your suppliers change, it is necessary to update "
"existing prices."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Wanneer de prijslijst van uw leveranciers wijzigt, is het nodig om de "
"bestaande prijzen bij te werken."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:111
msgid ""
"Follow the procedure of the first scenario in order to export existing data "
"from :menuselection:`Purchases --> Purchase --> Vendor Pricelist`. Select "
"everything, and export from the **Action** menu."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Volg de procedure zoals in het eerste scenario om de bestaande gegevens te "
"exporteren. Maar in plaats van slechts één lijn te exporteren, selecteert u "
"alle lijnen. Ga naar :menuselection:`Inkoop --> Inkoop --> "
"Leveranciersprijslijsten`, vink alle lijnen aan, en doe de export via het "
"menu **Meer**."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:115
msgid ""
"Change price, end date, add a line, change a supplier, ... and then reimport"
" in Odoo. Thanks to the ID, the list will be updated. Either the id is "
"recognized and the line is updated or the ID is not known by Odoo and it "
"will create a new pricelist line."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Wijzig nu de prijzen en data in het geëxporteerde bestand. U kunt ook een "
"lijn toevoegen of een leverancier wijzigen indien nodig. Eenmaal uw "
"wijzigingen zijn doorgevoerd, importeert u de lijst terug in Odoo. Dankzij "
"een unieke code (een ID genoemd in technisch jargon) kunnen de geïmporteerde"
" lijnen terug herkend worden. Indien zo'n ID herkend wordt, dan worden de "
"gegevens voor dat ID aangepast. Als het ID niet herkend wordt, dan maakt "
"Odoo een nieuwe lijn aan."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/import.rst:120
msgid ""
"After the import, the **Vendors** section in **Inventory** tab of the "
"product form is updated."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Na de import zullen uw wijzigingen zichtbaar zijn in de sectie "
"**Leveranciers** in het tabblad **Voorraad** van het productformulier."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:3
msgid "How to set several suppliers on a product?"
msgstr "Hoe verschillende leveranciers op een product in stellen?"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:5
msgid ""
"Keeping track of your vendors can be a real burden in day-to-day business "
"life. Prices can change and you might have several suppliers for one "
"product. With Odoo you have the possibility to directly link vendors with "
"the corresponding product and specify prices automatically the first time "
"you purchase them."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"De opvolging van uw leveranciers kan best een grote opgave zijn in uw "
"dagelijkse bedrijfsvoering. Prijzen kunnen wijzigen, en het is goed mogelijk"
" dat u ook meerdere leveranciers hebt voor eenzelfde product. In Odoo kunt "
"de leveranciers rechtstreeks linken aan de desbetreffende producten, en kunt"
" u de prijzen ervan automatisch opgeven wanneer u ze voor de eerste keer "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:11
msgid ""
"We will take the following example: We need to buy ``5 t-shirts``. We found "
"a **Vendor**; called ``Bob&Jerry's`` and we want to issue a request for "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"We nemen volgend voorbeeld; we moeten ``5 T-shirts`` aankopen. We hebben een"
" **Leverancier** gevonden met de naam ``Bob&Jerry's``. We willen nu een "
"offerte bij hen aanvragen."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:19
msgid "Install the purchase module"
msgstr "Installeer de inkoop module"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:21
msgid ""
"The first step to set your suppliers on your products is to install the "
"purchase module. Go into your **App** module and install the **Purchase** "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Om uw leveranciers aan uw producten te linken, moet u als eerste stap de "
"inkoopmodule installeren. Ga naar de module **Apps**, en installeer de "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:29
msgid ""
"By installing the purchase module, the inventory and invoicing module will "
"be installed as well."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Door de Inkopen module te installeren worden de modules magazijn en "
"facturatie ook mee geïnstalleerd."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:33
msgid "Create a Vendor"
msgstr "Maak een leverancier aan"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:35
msgid ""
"The second step is to create a vendor. In this case we'll create the vendor "
"``Bob&Jerry's``. Enter the purchase module, select :menuselection:`Purchase "
"--> Vendors` and create a new vendor."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:39
msgid ""
"You can choose if the contact is a company or a person, fill in basic "
"information such as address, phone, email,..."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"U kan kiezen of een relatie een bedrijf of een persoon is, vul de "
"basisinformatie in zoals het adres, telefoonnummer, e-mail,..."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:42
msgid ""
"If you did not create the contact from the purchase module you will need to "
"go in the **Sales and Purchases** tab as well and indicate that the contact "
"is a **Vendor** (see picture below). If the contact is created from the "
"purchase module this box will be ticked automatically."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:51
msgid "Create a product"
msgstr "Maak een product aan"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:53
msgid ""
"Next we can create the product we want to buy. We don't know the price of "
"the t-shirt yet because we still need to issue our **Request for "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Vervolgens maken we het product aan dat we willen kopen. We weten de prijs "
"van het t-shirt nog niet omdat we onze **Offerteaanvraag** nog moeten doen."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:57
msgid ""
"To create a product enter your purchase module select "
":menuselection:`Purchase --> Products` and create a new product."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Om een product aan te maken gaat u in de inkopen module naar "
":menuselection:`Inkopen --> Producten` en maakt u een nieuw product aan."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:60
msgid ""
"We will call our product ``T-shirt`` and specify that the product can be "
"sold and purchased."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"We noemen ons product ``T-shirt`` en geven aan dat het product aangekocht en"
" verkocht kan worden."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:67
msgid "Add Vendors to the product"
msgstr "Voeg leveranciers toe aan het product"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:69
msgid ""
"The next action is to add vendors to the product. There are two ways to "
"handle this. If you issue a purchase order for the first time Odoo will "
"automatically link the vendor and its price to the product. You can also add"
" vendors manually"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:75
msgid "By issuing a first Purchase Order to new vendor"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:77
msgid ""
"When issuing a purchase order for the first time to a vendor, he will "
"automatically be linked to the product by Odoo. For our example let's say "
"that we issue a first purchase order to ``Bob&Jerry's`` for ``5 t-shirts`` "
"at ``12.35 euros / piece``."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:82
msgid ""
"First create your purchase order with the correct product and supplier (see "
"picture below, or the documentation page :doc:`../rfq/create` for more "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Maak eerst uw inkooporder aan met het correcte product en leverancier (zie "
"onderstaande afbeelding, of de documentatie pagina :doc:`../rfq/create` voor"
" meer informatie)"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:89
msgid ""
"When we save and validate the purchase order the vendor will automatically "
"be added to the product's vendors list. To check this enter the purchase "
"module, select :menuselection:`Purchase --> Products` and select our T-shirt"
" product. By opening the **Inventory** tab we notice that our vendor and its"
" price has automatically been added."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:98
msgid ""
"Note that every first time the product is purchased from a new vendor, Odoo "
"will automatically link the contact and price with the product."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Merk op dat elke keer als een product gekocht wordt van een nieuwe "
"leverancier zal Odoo automatisch het contact en de prijs linken met het "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:103
msgid "By adding manually"
msgstr "Door manueel toe te voegen"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:105
msgid ""
"We can of course also add vendors and vendors information manually. On the "
"same page than previously, simply click on **Edit** and click the **Add an "
"item** button."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"We kunnen natuurlijk ook leveranciers en leveranciersinformatie manueel "
"toevoegen. Op dezelfde pagina als hiervoor klikt u simpelweg op **Wijzigen**"
" en vervolgens op de knop **Item toevoegen** knop."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/suppliers.rst:112
msgid ""
"When adding a new **Vendor** you are also able to add extra information such"
" as the vendor product name or code, the validity of the price and the "
"eventual minimum quantity required. These informations can be added and "
"modified for existing vendors by simply clicking on the vendors line."
msgstr ""
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:3
msgid "How to purchase in different unit of measures than sales?"
msgstr "Hoe in verschillende maateenheden te kopen en verkopen?"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:5
msgid ""
"In day-to-day business, it may happen that your supplier uses a different "
"unit of measure than you do in sales. This can cause confusion between sales"
" and purchase representative and even make you lose a lot of time converting"
" measures. Luckily in Odoo, you can handle different units of measures "
"between sales and purchase very easily."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Het is niet ongebruikelijk dat uw leverancier een andere maateenheid "
"gebruikt dan u dat doet in uw verkoop. Dit kan verwarring in de hand werken "
"tussen aankopers en verkopers, en het kan heel wat tijd in beslag nemen om "
"de verschillende maateenheden om te rekenen. Gelukkig kunt u met Odoo "
"gemakkelijk omgaan met verschillende maateenheden bij inkoop en verkoop. "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:11
msgid "Let's take the following examples:"
msgstr "Laten we de volgende voorbeelden nemen:"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:13
msgid ""
"You buy water from a supplier. The supplier is american and sells his water "
"in **Gallons**. Your customers however are European. You would thus like to "
"see your purchases quantities expressed in **Gallons** and the sold "
"quantities in **Liters**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:18
msgid ""
"You buy curtains from a supplier. The supplier sells you the curtains in the"
" unit **roll** and you sell the curtains in **square meters**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:25
msgid "Install purchase and sales modules"
msgstr "Installeer de inkoop en verkoop modules"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:27
msgid ""
"The first step is to make sure that the apps **Sales** and **Purchase** are "
"correctly installed."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"De eerste stap is om er zeker van te zijn dat de apps **Verkoop** en "
"**Inkoop** correct geïnstalleerd zijn."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:31
msgid "|uom01|"
msgstr "|uom01|"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:31
msgid "|uom02|"
msgstr "|uom02|"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:36
msgid "Enable the Unit of Measures option"
msgstr "Activeer de maateenheid optie"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:38
msgid ""
"Enter the purchase module, select :menuselection:`Configuration --> "
"Settings` and tick the **Some products may be sold/purchased in different "
"unit of measures (advanced)** box."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:46
msgid "Specify sales and purchase unit of measures"
msgstr "Specificeer verkopen en inkopen hun maateenheden "
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:49
msgid "Standard units of measures"
msgstr "Standaard maateenheden"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:51
msgid ""
"Let's take the classic units of measures existing in Odoo as first example. "
"Please remember that differents units of measures between sales and purchase"
" necessarily need to share the same category. Categories include: **Unit**, "
"**weight**, **working time**, **volume**, etc."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:57
msgid ""
"It is possible to create your own category and unit of measure if it is not "
"standard in Odoo (see next chapter)."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Het is mogelijk om uw eigen categorie en maateenheid aan te maken indien "
"deze niet standaard bestaat in Odoo (zie het volgende hoofdstuk)."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:60
msgid ""
"Let's assume we buy water from our vendors in **Gallons** and sell to our "
"customers in **Liters**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Laten we aannemen dat we water kopen van de leverancier in **Gallon** en het"
" verkopen aan onze klanten in **Liters**. "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:63
msgid ""
"We go into the purchase module select :menuselection:`Purchase --> "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"We gaan in de inkoop module, selecteer :menuselection:`Inkoop --> "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:65
msgid ""
"Create your own product or select an existing one. In the products general "
"information you have the possibility to select the **Unit of measure** (will"
" be used in sales, inventory,...) and the **Purchase Unit of Measure** (for "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Maak uw eigen product aan of selecteer een bestaand product. In de algemene "
"informatie van de producten heeft u de mogelijkheid om de **Maateenheid** in"
" te geven (wordt gebruikt in verkopen, magazijn, ...) en de **Aankoop "
"maateenheid** (voor inkopen)."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:70
msgid ""
"In this case select **Liters** for **Unit of Measure** and **Gallons** for "
"**Purchase Unit of Measure**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"In dit geval selecteert u **Liters** als **Maateenheid** en **Gallons** als "
"**Aankoop maateenheid**."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:77
msgid "Create your own unit of measure and unit of measure category"
msgstr "Maak uw eigen maateenheid aan en een maateenheid categorie"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:79
msgid ""
"Let's take now our second example (you buy curtains from a supplier, the "
"supplier sells you the curtains in the unit **roll** and you sell the "
"curtains in **square meters**)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:83
msgid ""
"The two measures are part of two different categories. Remember, you cannot "
"relate an existing measure from one category with an existing measure of "
"another category. We thus first have to create a shared **Measure Category**"
" where both units have a conversion relationship."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:88
msgid ""
"To do so, go into your sales module select :menuselection:`Configuration -->"
" Products --> Unit of Measure`. Create a new unit of **Measure Category** by"
" selecting the dropdown list and clicking on create and edit (see picture "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:96
msgid ""
"Create a new unit of measure. In this case our category will be called "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Maak een nieuwe maateenheid aan. In dit geval zal onze categorie **Inter-"
"categorie-Berekening** noemen."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:102
msgid ""
"The next step is to create the **Rolls** and **Square meter** units of "
"measure and to link them to the new category. To do so, go into your "
"purchase module select :menuselection:`Configuration --> Products --> Units "
"of Measure`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:106
msgid "Create two new units:"
msgstr "Maak twee nieuwe eenheden aan:"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:108
msgid ""
"The **Roll** unit who is part of the Inter-Category-Computation category and"
" is the **Reference Unit type** (see picture below). The Reference Unit type"
" is the measure set as a reference within the category. Meaning that other "
"measures will be converted depending on this measure (ex: 1 roll = 10 square"
" meters, 2 rolls = 20 square meters, etc.)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:118
msgid ""
"For the **Square Meter**, we will specify that ``1 Roll = 10 square meters``"
" of curtain. It will thus be necessary to specify that as type, the square "
"meter is bigger than the reference unit. The **Bigger Ratio** is ``10`` as "
"``one Roll = 10 square meters``."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/master/uom.rst:126
msgid ""
"It is now possible to input **square meters** as Unit of measure and a "
"**Roll** as Purchase Unit of Measure in the product form."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Het is niet mogelijk om **vierkante meters** in te geven als maateenheid en "
"een *Rol* als aankoopeenheid in het productformulier."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq.rst:3
msgid "Request for Quotations"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
msgstr "Offerteaanvragen"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:3
msgid "How to analyze the performance of my vendors?"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Hoe de prestaties van mijn leveranciers te analyseren?"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:5
msgid ""
"If your company regularly buys products from several suppliers, it would be "
"useful to get statistics on your purchases. There are several reasons to "
2015-11-25 23:21:49 +07:00
"track and analyze your vendor's performance :"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Als uw bedrijf regelmatig producten koopt van verschillende leveranciers is "
"het handig om statistieken te krijgen van uw inkopen. Er zijn verschillende "
"redenen om leveranciers hun prestaties te traceren en analyseren:"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:9
msgid "You can see how dependant from a supplier your company is;"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "U kan zien hoe afhankelijk uw bedrijf van een leverancier is;"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:11
msgid "you can negotiate discounts on prices;"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
msgstr "U kan onderhandelen over kortingen op prijzen;"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:13
msgid "You can check the average delivery time per supplier;"
2016-01-13 19:23:49 +07:00
msgstr "U kan de gemiddelde levertijd per leverancier controleren;"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:15
msgid "Etc."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Etc."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:17
msgid ""
"For example, an IT products reseller that issues dozens of purchase orders "
"to several suppliers each week may want to measure for each product the "
"total price paid for each vendor and the delivery delay. The insights "
"gathered by the company will help it to better analyze, forecast and plan "
"their future orders."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:27
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:17
msgid "Install the Purchase Management module"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Installeer de Inkoopbeheer module"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:29
msgid ""
"From the **Apps** menu, search and install the **Purchase Management** "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Vanuit het **Apps** menu zoekt u de module **Inkoopbeheer** en installeert u"
" deze."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:36
msgid "Issue some purchase orders"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:38
msgid ""
"Of course, in order to analyze your vendors' performance, you need to issue "
"some **Request For Quotations** (RfQ) and confirm some **Purchase Orders**. "
"If you want to know how to generate a purchase order, please read the "
"documentation :doc:`../../overview/process/from_po_to_invoice`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:44
msgid "Analyzing your vendors"
msgstr "Analyseer uw leveranciers"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:47
msgid "Generate flexible reports"
msgstr "Genereer flexibele rapporten"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:49
msgid ""
"You have access to your vendors' performances on the Reports menu. By "
"default, the report groups all your purchase orders on a pivot table by "
"**total price**, **product quantity** and **average price** for the **each "
"month** and for **each supplier**. Simply by accessing this basic report, "
"you can get a quick overview of your actual performance. You can add a lot "
"of extra data to your report by clicking on the **Measures** icon."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:60
msgid ""
"By clicking on the **+** and **-** icons, you can drill up and down your "
"report in order to change the way your information is displayed. For "
"example, if I want to see all the products bought for the current month, I "
2016-03-07 16:31:40 +07:00
"need to click on the **+** icon on the vertical axis and then on "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:67
msgid ""
"Depending on the data you want to highlight, you may need to display your "
"reports in a more visual view. You can transform your report in just a click"
" in 3 graph views : a **Pie Chart**, a **Bar Chart** and a **Line Chart**: "
"These views are accessible through the icons highlighted on the screenshot "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:77
msgid ""
"On the contrary to the pivot table, a graph can only be computed with one "
"dependent and one independent measure."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:81
msgid "Customize reports"
msgstr "Personaliseer rapporten"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:83
msgid ""
"You can easily customize your purchase reports depending on your needs. To "
"do so, use the **Advanced search view** located in the right hand side of "
"your screen, by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the end of the "
"search bar button. This function allows you to highlight only selected data "
"on your report. The **filters** option is very useful in order to display "
"some categories of datas, while the **Group by** option improves the "
"readability of your reports. Note that you can filter and group by any "
"existing field, making your customization very flexible and powerful."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:97
msgid ""
"You can save and reuse any customized filter by clicking on **Favorites** "
"from the **Advanced search view** and then on **Save current search**. The "
"saved filter will then be accessible from the **Favorites** menu."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"U kan eender welke gepersonaliseerde filter opslaan en hergebruiken door te "
"klikken op **Favorieten** vanuit het **Geavanceerd zoeken scherm** en "
"vervolgens te klikken op **Bewaar huidige zoekopdracht**. De bewaarde filter"
" is dan toegankelijk vanuit het **Favorieten** menu."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/analyze.rst:103
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:76
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:75
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:77
msgid ":doc:`../../overview/process/from_po_to_invoice`"
msgstr ":doc:`../../overview/process/from_po_to_invoice`"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/approvals.rst:3
msgid "How to setup two levels of approval for purchase orders?"
2016-03-03 22:13:26 +07:00
msgstr "Hoe twee niveau's van goedkeuring in te stellen voor inkooporders?"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/approvals.rst:6
msgid "Two level approval setup"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Twee niveau's goedkeuring opzet"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/approvals.rst:8
msgid ""
"Double validation on purchases forces a validation when the purchased amount"
" exceeds a certain limit."
msgstr ""
2017-08-27 14:30:44 +07:00
"Dubbele validatie op aankopen forceert een validatie wanneer het aangekochte"
" bedrag boven een bepaalde limiet ligt."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/approvals.rst:11
msgid ""
"Install **Purchase Management** module and then go to **General Settings** "
"to configure the company data."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/approvals.rst:17
msgid ""
"Set here the amount limit for second approval and set approval from manager "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/approvals.rst:21
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:47
msgid "Process"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Verwerken"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/approvals.rst:23
msgid ""
"Logged as a purchase user, create a purchase order for more than the amount "
"set above, and confirm it. The purchase order is set in a state **To "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/approvals.rst:29
msgid "The manager gets the order to approve and validates the final order."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"De manager krijgt de order om goed te keuren en valideert het uiteindelijke "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/approvals.rst:34
msgid "Once approved, the purchase order follows the normal process."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Eenmaal goedgekeurd staat het inkooporder het volgen van het normale proces "
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:3
msgid "How to control supplier bills?"
2016-03-03 22:13:26 +07:00
msgstr "Hoe leveranciersrekeningen te beheren?"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:5
msgid ""
"The **Purchase** application allows you to manage your purchase orders, "
"incoming products, and vendor bills all seamlessly in one place."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:8
msgid ""
"If you want to set up a vendor bill control process, the first thing you "
"need to do is to have purchase data in Odoo. Knowing what has been purchased"
" and received is the first step towards understanding your purchase "
"management processes."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:13
msgid "Here is the standard work flow in Odoo:"
msgstr "Hier is de standaard werk flow in Odoo:"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:15
msgid ""
"You begin with a **Request for Quotation (RFQ)** to send out to your "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"U begint met een **Offerteaanvraag (RFQ)** om uit te zenden naar uw "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:18
msgid ""
"Once the vendor has accepted the RFQ, confirm the RFQ into a **Purchase "
"Order (PO)**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Eenmaal de leverancier uw RFQ heeft geaccepteerd bevestigd u de RFQ naar een"
" **Inkooporder (PO)**."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:21
msgid ""
"Confirming the PO generates an **Incoming Shipment** if you purchased any "
"stockable products."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"De PO bevestigen genereert een **Inkomende zending** indien u "
"voorraadproducten heeft aangekocht."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:24
msgid ""
"Upon receiving a **Vendor Bill** from your Vendor, validate the bill with "
"products received in the previous step to ensure accuracy."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:27
msgid ""
"This process may be done by three different people within the company, or "
"only one."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Het proces kan gedaan worden door drie verschillende mensen binnen het "
"bedrijf, maar ook door één iemand."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:34
msgid "Installing the Purchase and Inventory applications"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
msgstr "De Inkoop en Magazijn applicaties installeren"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:36
msgid ""
"From the **Apps** application, search for the **Purchase** module and "
"install it. Due to certain dependencies, installing purchase will "
"automatically install the **Inventory** and **Accounting** applications."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Vanuit de **Apps** applicatie zoekt u voor de **Inkoopbeheer** module en "
"installeert u deze. Vanwege bepaalde afhankelijkheden zal het installeren "
"van de inkoopbeheer module automatisch de modules **Magazijn** en "
"**Facturatie** installeren."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:41
msgid "Creating products"
msgstr "Producten aanmaken"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:43
msgid ""
"Creating products in Odoo is essential for quick and efficient purchasing "
"within Odoo. Simply navigate to the **Products** submenu under **Purchase**,"
" and click **Create**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:50
msgid ""
"When creating the product, Pay attention to the **Product Type** field, as "
"it is important:"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Wanneer u het product aanmaakt moet u letten op het **Producttype** veld, "
"aangezien het belangrijk is:"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:53
msgid ""
"Products that are set as **Stockable** or **Consumable** will allow you to "
"keep track of their inventory levels. These options imply stock management "
"and will allow for receiving these kinds of products."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:58
msgid ""
"Conversely, products that are set as a **Service** or **Digital Product** "
"will not imply stock management, simply due to the fact that there is no "
"inventory to manage. You will not be able to receive products under either "
"of these designations."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:64
msgid ""
"It is recommended that you create a **Miscellaneous** product for all "
"purchases that occur infrequently and do not require inventory valuation or "
"management. If you create such a product, it is recommend to set the product"
" type to **Service**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:70
msgid "Managing your Vendor Bills"
2016-03-03 22:13:26 +07:00
msgstr "Beheer uw leveranciersrekeningen"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:73
msgid "Purchasing products or services"
msgstr "Koop producten of diensten"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:75
msgid ""
"From the purchase application, you can create a purchase order with as many "
"products as you need. If the vendor sends you a confirmation or quotation "
"for an order, you may record the order reference number in the **Vendor "
"Reference** field. This will enable you to easily match the PO with the the "
"vendor bill later (as the vendor bill will probably include the Vendor "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:85
msgid ""
"Validate the purchase order and receive the products from the **Inventory** "
msgstr ""
2017-08-27 14:30:44 +07:00
"Valideer de inkooporder en ontvang producten vanuit de **Magazijn** "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:89
msgid "Receiving Products"
msgstr "Producten ontvangen"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:91
msgid ""
"If you purchased any stockable products that you manage the inventory of, "
"you will need to receive the products from the **Inventory** application "
"after you confirm a purchase order. From the **Inventory** dashboard, you "
"should see a button linking you directly to the transfer of products. This "
"button is outlined in red below:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:100
msgid ""
"Navigating this route will take you to a list of all orders awaiting to be "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:106
msgid ""
"If you have a lot of awaiting orders, apply a filter using the search bar in"
" the upper right. With this search bar, you may filter based on the "
"**Vendor** (or **Partner**), the product, or the source document, also known"
" as the reference of your purchase order. You also have the capability to "
"group the orders by different criteria under **Group By**. Selecting an item"
" from this list will open the following screen where you then will receive "
"the products."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:117
msgid "Purchasing **Service** products does not trigger a delivery order."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:120
msgid "Managing Vendor Bills"
msgstr "Beheer leverancier rekeningen"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:122
msgid ""
"When you receive a **Vendor Bill** for a previous purchase, be sure to "
"record it in the **Purchases** application under the **Control Menu**. You "
"need to create a new vendor bill even if you already registered a purchase "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:130
msgid ""
"The first thing you will need to do upon creating a **Vendor Bill** is to "
"select the appropriate **Vendor** as this will also pull up any associated "
"accounting or pricelist information. From there, you can choose to specify "
"any one or multiple purchase orders to populate the vendor bill with. When "
"you select a purchase order from the list, Odoo will pull any uninvoiced "
"products associated to that purchase order and automatically populate that "
"information below. If you are having a hard time finding the appropriate "
"vendor bill, you may search through the list by inputting the vendor "
"reference number or your internal purchase order number."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:144
msgid ""
"While the invoice is in draft state, you can make any modifications you need"
" (i.e. remove or add product lines, modify quantities, and change prices)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:149
msgid "Your vendor may send you several bills for the same purchase order if:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:151
msgid ""
"Your vendor is in back-order and is sending you invoices as they ship the "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:154
msgid "Your vendor is sending you a partial bill or asking for a deposit."
msgstr ""
2017-08-27 14:30:44 +07:00
"Uw leverancier stuurt u een gedeeltelijke rekening of vraagt een voorschot."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:156
msgid ""
"Every time you record a new vendor bill, Odoo will automatically populate "
"the product quantities based on what has been received from the vendor. If "
"this value is showing a zero, this means that you have not yet received this"
" product and simply serves as a reminder that the product is not in hand and"
" you may need to inquire further into this. At any point in time, before you"
" validate the vendor bill, you may override this zero quantity."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:165
msgid "Vendor Bill Matching"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Factuur fabrikant matching"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:168
msgid "What to do if your vendor bill does not match what you received"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:170
msgid ""
"If the bill you receive from the vendor has different quantities than what "
"Odoo automatically populates as quantities, this could be due to several "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:174
msgid ""
"The vendor is incorrectly charging you for products and/or services that you"
" have not ordered."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:177
msgid ""
"The vendor is billing you for products that you might not have received yet,"
" as the invoicing control may be based on ordered or received quantities."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:181
msgid "Or the vendor did not bill you for previously purchased products."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:183
msgid ""
"In these instances it is recommended that you verify that the bill, and any "
"associated purchase order to the vendor, are accurate and that you "
"understand what you have ordered and what you have already received."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:187
msgid ""
"If you are unable to find a purchase order related to a vendor bill, this "
"could be due to one of a few reasons:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:190
msgid ""
"The vendor has already invoiced you for this purchase order, therefore it is"
" not going to appear anywhere in the selection."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:193
msgid ""
"Someone in the company forgot to record a purchase order for this vendor."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:196
msgid "Or the vendor is charging you for something you did not order."
2016-03-03 22:13:26 +07:00
msgstr "Of de leverancier rekent u iets aan dat u niet besteld heeft."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:199
msgid "How product quantities are managed"
msgstr "Hoe producthoeveelheden beheerd worden"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:201
msgid ""
"By default, services are managed based on ordered quantities, while "
"stockables and consumables are managed based on received quantities."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Standaard zijn diensten gebaseerd op bestelde hoeveelheden, terwijl "
"voorraadproducten en verbruiksartikelen beheerd worden gebaseerd op "
"ontvangen hoeveelheden."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:204
msgid ""
"If you need to manage products based on ordered quantities over received "
"quantities, you will need to enable **Debug Mode** from the **About Odoo** "
"information. Once debug mode is activated, select the product(s) you wish to"
" modify, and you should see a new field appear, labeled **Control Purchase "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:213
msgid ""
"You can then change the default management method for the selected product "
"to be based on either:"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"U kan vervolgens de standaard beheer methode van het geselecteerde product "
"wijzigen om gebaseerd te zijn op:"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:216
msgid "Ordered quantities"
msgstr "Bestelde hoeveelheden"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:218
msgid "Received quantities"
msgstr "Ontvangen hoeveelheden"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:221
msgid "Batch Billing"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/bills.rst:223
msgid ""
"When creating a vendor bill and selecting the appropriate purchase order, "
"you may continue to select additional purchase orders and Odoo will add the "
"additional line items from that purchase order. If you have not deleted the "
"previous line items from the first purchase order the bill will be linked to"
" all the appropriate purchase orders."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:3
msgid "How to cancel a purchase order?"
msgstr "Hoe een inkooporder annuleren?"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:5
msgid ""
"Due to misunderstandings, human errors or change of plans, it is sometimes "
"necessary to cancel purchase orders sent to suppliers. Odoo allows you to do"
" it, even if some or even all of the ordered goods already arrived in your "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:10
msgid ""
"We will first take as example the case where you order **3 iPad mini** that "
"haven't arrived in your transfers yet. As the installation of the inventory "
"application is required when using the **Purchase** module, it is also "
"interesting to see the case of partially delivered goods that you want to "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:17
msgid "Create a Purchase Order"
msgstr "Maak een inkooporder"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:19
msgid ""
"The first step to create a **Purchase Order** is to create a **Request for "
"Quotation (RFQ)** from the menu :menuselection:`Purchases --> Purchase --> "
"Requests for quotation`. Confirm your RFQ to have a confirmed purchase order"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:25
msgid ""
"To learn more about the purchase order process, read the documentation page "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Om meer te leren over het inkoopproces leest u best de documentatie pagina "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:30
msgid "Cancel your Purchase Order"
msgstr "Annuleer uw inkooporder"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:33
2015-11-25 23:21:49 +07:00
msgid "Use case 1 : you didn't receive your goods yet"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
msgstr "Use case 1: u heeft uw goederen nog niet ontvangen"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:35
msgid ""
"If you confirmed your purchase order and did not received your goods yet, "
"you can simply cancel the PO it by clicking the cancel button."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:41
msgid ""
"Odoo will automatically cancel the outstanding shipments related to this PO "
"and the status bar will switch from **Purchase order** to **Cancelled**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:48
msgid "Use case 2 : partially delivered goods"
msgstr "Usecase 2: Deels geleverde goederen"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:50
msgid ""
"In this case, **2** of the **3 iPad Mini** arrived before you needed to "
"cancel the PO."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"In dit geval zijn **2** van de **3 iPad Mini's** gearriveerd voordat u de PO"
" moest annuleren."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:54
msgid "Register good received and cancel backorder"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:56
msgid ""
"The first thing to do will be to register the goods received and to cancel "
"the arrival of the **third iPad Mini** that is still supposed to be shipped."
" From the PO, click on **Receive products** and, on the **iPad Mini order "
"line**, manually change the received quantities under the Column **Done**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:66
msgid "To learn more, see :doc:`reception`"
msgstr "Zie :doc:`reception` om meer te leren"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:68
msgid ""
"When clicking on **Validate**, Odoo will warn you that you have processed "
"less products than the initial demand (2 instead of 3 in our case) and will "
"ask you the permission to create a backorder."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:75
msgid ""
"Click on **No backorder** to cancel the supply of the remaining product. You"
" will notice than the quantity to receive has been changed accordingly and, "
"therefore, the delivery status has switched to **Done**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:83
msgid "Create reverse transfer"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:85
msgid ""
"Now, you need to return the iPad Minis that you have received to your vendor"
" location. To do so, click on the **Reverse** button from the same document."
" A reverse transfer window will pop up. Enter the quantity to return and the"
" corresponding location and click on **Return**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:93
msgid ""
"Process the return shipment and control that the stock move is from your "
"stock to your vendor location."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:99
msgid ""
"When the reverse transfer is done, the status of your purchase order will be"
" automatically set to done, meaning that your PO has been completely "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:104
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:120
msgid ":doc:`bills`"
msgstr ":doc:`bills`"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/cancel.rst:105
msgid ":doc:`reception`"
msgstr ":doc:`reception`"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:3
msgid "How to create a Request for Quotation?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:5
msgid ""
"A Request for Quotation (RfQ) is used when you plan to purchase some "
"products and you would like to receive a quote for those products. In Odoo, "
"the Request for Quotation is used to send your list of desired products to "
"your supplier. Once your supplier has answered your request, you can choose "
"to go ahead with the offer and purchase or to turn down the offer."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:12
msgid ""
"For more information on best uses, please read the chapter "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Voor meer informatie over de beste manieren leest u best het hoofdstuk "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:19
msgid "Creating a Request for Quotation"
2016-03-03 22:13:26 +07:00
msgstr "Maak een offerteaanvraag"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:21
msgid ""
"In the Purchases module, open :menuselection:`Purchase --> Requests for "
"Quotation` and click on **Create**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:27
msgid ""
"Select your supplier in the **Vendor** menu, or create it on-the-fly by "
"clicking on **Create and Edit**. In the **Order Date** field, select the "
"date to which you wish to proceed to the actual order."
msgstr ""
2017-05-09 19:33:17 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "Shipment"
msgstr "Ontvangst"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "Incoming Shipments"
msgstr "Inkomende leveringen"
2017-05-09 19:33:17 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "Vendor Reference"
msgstr "Leveranciers referentie"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid ""
"Reference of the sales order or bid sent by the vendor. It's used to do the "
"matching when you receive the products as this reference is usually written "
"on the delivery order sent by your vendor."
msgstr ""
"Referentie van de verkooporder of bieding van uw leverancier. Het is "
"bedoelde om de koppeling te doen tussen ontvangen producten omdat deze "
"referentie meestal geschreven is op de pakbon verzonden door uw leverancier."
2017-05-09 19:33:17 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "Order Date"
msgstr "Orderdatum"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid ""
"Depicts the date where the Quotation should be validated and converted into "
"a purchase order."
msgstr ""
"Geeft de datum aan waarop de offerte bevestigd en geconverteerd moet worden "
"in een inkooporder."
2017-05-09 19:33:17 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "Source Document"
msgstr "Brondocument"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid ""
"Reference of the document that generated this purchase order request (e.g. a"
2017-04-20 21:01:40 +07:00
" sales order or an internal procurement request)"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-05-09 19:33:17 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "Deliver To"
msgstr "Leveren aan"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "This will determine picking type of incoming shipment"
msgstr "Dit bepaald de ontvangstwijze van de inkomende levering."
2017-05-09 19:33:17 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "Drop Ship Address"
msgstr "Dropship afleveradres"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid ""
"Put an address if you want to deliver directly from the vendor to the "
"customer. Otherwise, keep empty to deliver to your own company."
msgstr ""
"Geef een adres in, indien u direct vanaf de leverancier wilt leveren aan de "
"klant. Laat leeg om te leveren aan uw eigen bedrijf."
2017-05-09 19:33:17 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "Destination Location Type"
msgstr "Bestemmingslocatie soort"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "Technical field used to display the Drop Ship Address"
msgstr ""
"Technisch veld welke wordt gebruikt om het dropshipment adres weer te geven."
2017-05-09 19:33:17 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid "Incoterm"
msgstr "Leveringscondities"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:0
msgid ""
"International Commercial Terms are a series of predefined commercial terms "
"used in international transactions."
msgstr ""
"International Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS) zijn een set van "
"voorgedefinieerde commerciële voorwaarden, welke worden gebruikt bij "
"internationaal transport."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:35
msgid "View *Request for Quotation* in our Online Demonstration"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:37
msgid ""
"In **Products**, click on Add an item. Select the product you wish to order "
"in the **Product** menu. Specify the **Quantity** by inserting the number "
"and selecting the unit of measure. In the **Unit Price** field, specify the "
"price you would like to be offered (you can also leave the field blank if "
"you don't know what the price should be) , and add the expected delivery "
"date in the Scheduled Date field. Click on **Save**, then **Print Rfq** or "
"**Send Rfq by email** (make sure an email address is specified for this "
"supplier or enter a new one)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:51
msgid ""
"After having clicked on **Send**, you will notice that the RFQ's status will"
" switch from **Draft** to **RFQ Sent**."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Na te hebben geklikt op **Verzenden** zal u zien dat de offerteaanvraag "
"status van **Concept** naar **Offerteaanvraag verzonden**."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:57
msgid ""
"Once your supplier has replied with an offer, update the RfQ by clicking on "
"**Edit** to fit the quotation (prices, taxes, expected delivery lead time, "
"payment terms, etc.), then click on **Save** to issue a Purchase Order."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:62
msgid ""
"To proceed with the order, click on **Confirm Order** to send the order to "
"the supplier. The RfQ's status will switch to **Purchase Order**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/create.rst:68
msgid ""
"The status of the RfQ will change to PURCHASE ORDER. Tabs in the upper right"
" corner of the order will show 1 Shipment and 0 Invoice."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:3
msgid "How to control product received? (entirely & partially)"
2016-03-03 22:13:26 +07:00
msgstr "Hoe ontvangen producten beheren? (geheel en deels)"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:5
msgid ""
"The **Purchase** app allows you to manage your purchase orders, to control "
"products to receive and to control supplier bills."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:8
msgid ""
"If you want to get product forecasts and receptions under control, the first"
" thing to do is to deploy the Odoo purchase process. Knowing what have been "
"purchased is the basis of forecasting and controlling receptions."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:17
msgid "Install the Purchase and Inventory applications"
2016-01-13 19:23:49 +07:00
msgstr "Installeer de Inkoop en Magazijn applicaties"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:19
msgid ""
"Start by installing the Purchase application from the **Apps** module. This "
"will automatically trigger the installation of the **Inventory** app (among "
"others), which is required with **Purchase**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:27
msgid "Create products"
msgstr "Maak producten"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:29
msgid ""
"Then, you need to create the products you want to purchase. Go to the "
"**Purchase** app, then :menuselection:`Purchase --> Products`, and click on "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:36
msgid "When creating the product, the **Product Type** field is important:"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Wanneer u het product aanmaakt is het veld **Productsoort** belangrijk:"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:38
msgid ""
"**Stockable & Consumable**: products need to be received in the inventory."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:41
msgid ""
"**Services & Digital Products** (only when the **eCommerce** app is "
"installed): there is no control about what you receive or not."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:45
msgid ""
"It's always good to create a **Miscellaneous** product for all the products "
2015-11-25 23:21:49 +07:00
"you purchased rarely and for which you don't want to manage the stocks or "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
"have purchase/sale statistics. If you create such a product, we recommend to"
" set his product type field as **Service**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:52
msgid "Control products receptions"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Controleer producten ontvangsten"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:55
msgid "Purchase products"
msgstr "Producten aankopen"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:57
msgid ""
"From the purchase application, create a purchase order with a few products. "
"If the vendor sent you a sale order or a quotation, put its reference in the"
" **Vendor Reference** field. This will allow you to easily do the matching "
"with the delivery order later on (as the delivery order will probably "
"include the **Vendor Reference** of his sale order)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:67
msgid ""
"See the documentation page :doc:`../../overview/process/from_po_to_invoice` "
"for a full overview of the purchase process."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Zie de documentatie pagina :doc:`../../overview/process/from_po_to_invoice` "
"voor een volledig overzicht van het inkoop proces."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:71
msgid "Receive Products"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Producten ontvangen"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:73
msgid ""
"If you purchased physical goods (stockable or consumable products), you can "
"receive the products from the **Inventory** application. From the "
"**Inventory** dashboard, you should see a button **X To Receive**, on the "
"receipt box of the related warehouse."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:81
msgid ""
"Click on this button and you access a list of all awaiting orders for this "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Klik op deze knop en u krijgt een lijst van alle wachtende orders voor dit "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:87
msgid ""
"If you have a lot of awaiting orders, you can use the filter bar to search "
"on the **Vendor** (also called **Partner** in Odoo), the product or the "
"source document, which is the reference of your purchase order. You can open"
" the document that matches with the received delivery order and process all "
"the lines within it."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:96
msgid ""
"You may validate the whole document at once by clicking on the **Validate** "
"button or you can control all products, one by one, by manually change the "
"**Done** quantity (what has actually been received). When a line is green, "
"it means the quantity received matches to what have been expected."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:103
msgid ""
"If you work with lots or serial numbers, you can not set the processed "
"quantity, but you have to provide all the lots or serial numbers to record "
"the quantity received."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:107
msgid ""
"When you validate the reception, if you have received less products than the"
" initial demand, Odoo will ask youthe permission to create a backorder."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:114
msgid ""
"If you plan to receive the remaining product in the future, select **Create "
"Backorder**. Odoo will create a new documents for the awaiting products. If "
"you choose **No Backorder**, the order is considered as fulfilled."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/rfq/reception.rst:121
msgid ":doc:`cancel`"
msgstr ":doc:`cancel`"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender.rst:3
msgid "Purchase Tenders"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Inkoopbestedingen"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:3
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgid "How to manage Purchase Tenders"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:12
msgid ""
"For more information on best uses, please read the chapter `Request for "
"Quotation, Purchase Tender or Purchase Order? "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:17
msgid "Activate the Purchase Tender function"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:19
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid ""
"By default, the Purchase Tender is not activated. To be able to use PTs, you"
" must first activate the option."
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:22
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid ""
"In the Purchases module, open the Configuration menu and click on Settings. "
"In the Purchase Order section, locate the **Calls for Tenders** and tick the"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
" box Allow using call for tenders... (advanced), then click on **Apply**."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:31
msgid "Create a Purchase Tender"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:33
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid ""
"To create a new Purchase Tender, open :menuselection:`Purchase --> Purchase "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
"Agreements (PA)`."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:39
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
"In the Purchase Agreements window, click on **Create**. A new Purchase "
"Agreement window opens."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:42
msgid "In the **Agreement Type** field, choose Purchase Tender."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:44
msgid "You do not have to define a **Vendor**."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:46
msgid ""
"In the **Products** section, click on **Add an item**. Select products in "
"the Product list, then insert **Quantity**. You can add as many products as "
"you wish."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:53
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgid "Click on **Confirm Call**."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:55
msgid ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
"Now click on the button **New Quotation**. A RfQ is created with the "
"products chosen on the PT. Choose a **Vendor** and send the RfQ to the "
"vendor. Repeat this operation for each vendor."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:62
msgid "Once all the RfQs are sent, you can click on **Validate** on the PT."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:64
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
"The vendors will send their offers, you can update the RfQs accordingly. "
"Then, choose the ones you want to accept by clicking on **Confirm Order** on"
" the RfQs and **Cancel** the others."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:68
msgid "You can now click on **Done** on the PT."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:70
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
"View `Purchase Tenders "
" in our Online Demonstration."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgstr ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/manage_multiple_offers.rst:77
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid ":doc:`../../overview/process/difference`"
msgstr ":doc:`../../overview/process/difference`"
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:3
msgid ""
"How to purchase partially at two vendors for the same purchase tenders?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:5
msgid ""
"For some Purchase Tenders (PT), you might sometimes want to be able to "
"select only a part of some of the offers you received. In Odoo, this is made"
" possible through the advanced mode of the **Purchase** module."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:10
msgid ""
"If you want to know how to handle a simple **Purchase Tender**, read the "
"document on :doc:`manage_multiple_offers`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:19
msgid "From the **Apps** menu, install the **Purchase Management** app."
2016-03-03 22:13:26 +07:00
msgstr "Installeer de **Inkoopbeheer** app vanuit het **Apps** menu."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:25
msgid "Activating the Purchase Tender and Purchase Tender advanced mode"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:27
msgid ""
"In order to be able to select elements of an offer, you must activate the "
"advanced mode."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:30
msgid ""
"To do so, go into the **Purchases** module, open the **Configuration** menu "
"and click on **Settings**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:33
msgid ""
"In the **Calls for Tenders** section, tick the option **Allow using call for"
" tenders to get quotes from multiple suppliers(...)**, and in the **Advanced"
" Calls for Tenders** section, tick the option **Advanced call for tender "
"(...)** then click on **Apply**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:42
msgid "Selecting elements of a RFQ/Bid"
2016-03-03 22:13:26 +07:00
msgstr "Elementen selecteren van een RFQ/Bod"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:44
msgid ""
"Go to :menuselection:`Purchase --> Purchase Tenders`. Create a purchase "
"tender containing several products, and follow the usual sequence all the "
"way to the **Bid Selection** status."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:49
msgid ""
"When you closed the call, click on **Choose Product Lines** to access the "
"list of products and the bids received for all of them."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:55
msgid ""
"Unroll the list of offers you received for each product, and click on the "
"*v* symbol (**Confirm order**) next to the offers you wish to proceed with. "
"The lines for which you've confirmed the order turn blue. When you're "
"finished, click on **Generate PO** to create a purchase order for each "
"product and supplier."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:64
msgid ""
"When you come back to you purchase tender, you can see that the status has "
"switched to **PO Created** and that the **Requests for Quotations** now have"
" a status of **Purchase Order** or **Cancelled**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:72
msgid ""
"From there, follow the documentation "
":doc:`../../overview/process/from_po_to_invoice` to proceed with the "
"delivery and invoicing."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Van daaruit volgt u de documentatie "
":doc:`../../overview/process/from_po_to_invoice` om verder te gaan met de "
"levering en facturatie."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/purchases/tender/partial_purchase.rst:76
msgid ":doc:`manage_multiple_offers`"
msgstr ":doc:`manage_multiple_offers`"
#: ../../purchase/replenishment.rst:3
msgid "Replenishment"
2016-05-12 19:05:53 +07:00
msgstr "Heraanvulling"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows.rst:3
msgid "Replenishment Flows"
2016-05-12 19:05:53 +07:00
msgstr "Heraanvulling flows"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:3
msgid "How are the order date and scheduled dates computed?"
2016-05-12 19:05:53 +07:00
msgstr "Hoe worden de besteldatum en geplande datum berekend?"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:5
msgid ""
"Scheduled dates are computed in order to be able to plan deliveries, "
"receptions and so on. Depending on the habits of your company, Odoo "
"automatically generates scheduled dates via the scheduler. The Odoo "
"scheduler computes everything per line, whether it's a manufacturing order, "
"a delivery order, a sale order, etc. The dates that are computed are "
"dependent on the different leads times configured in Odoo."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:13
msgid "Configuring lead times"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:15
msgid ""
"Configuring **lead times** is an essential move in order to compute "
"scheduled dates. Lead times are the delays (in term of delivery, "
"manufacturing, ...) promised to your different partners and/or clients. "
"Configuration of the different lead times are made as follows:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:21
msgid "On a product level"
msgstr "Op een productniveau"
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:24
msgid "Supplier lead time:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:26
msgid ""
"The supplier lead time is the time needed for the supplier to deliver your "
"purchased product. To configure the Supplier lead time select a product "
"(from the Purchase module, go to :menuselection:`Purchase --> Product`), and"
" go in the **Inventory** tab. You will have to add a **Vendor** to your "
"product in order to select a supplier lead time."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:36
msgid ""
"It is possible to add more than one vendor per product and thus different "
"delivery lead times depending on the vendor."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:39
msgid ""
"Once a vendor is selected, click on it to open its form and indicate its "
"delivery lead time."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:46
msgid ""
"In this case security days have no influence, the scheduled delivery days "
"will be equal to: Date of the purchase order + Delivery Lead Time."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:50
msgid "Customer lead time"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:52
msgid ""
"The customer lead time is the time needed to get your product from your "
"store/warehouse to your customer. It can be configured for any product. "
"Simply select a product (from the **Sales** module, go to "
":menuselection:`Sales --> Product`), and go into the **Sales** tab to "
"indicate your customer lead time."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:62
msgid "On the company level"
msgstr "Op het bedrijfsniveau"
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:64
msgid ""
"On company level, it is possible to parameter **security days** in order to "
"cope with eventual delays and to be sure to meet your engagements. The idea "
"is to subtract **backup** days from the computed scheduled date in case of "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:70
msgid "Sales Safety days"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:72
msgid ""
"Sales Safety days are **back-up** days to ensure you will be able to deliver"
" your clients engagements on time. They are margins of errors for delivery "
"lead times. Security days are the same logic as the early wristwatch, in "
"order to arrive on time. The idea is to subtract the numbers of security "
"days from the calculation and thus to compute a scheduled date earlier than "
"the one you promised to your client. That way you are sure to be able to "
"keep your commitment."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:80
msgid ""
"To set up your security dates, go to the app :menuselection:`Settings --> "
"General settings`, and click on **Configure your company data**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:87
msgid "Go the **Configuration** tab to indicate the number of safety days"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Ga naar het **Configuratie** tabblad om het aantal veiligheidsdagen aan te "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:93
msgid ""
"Note that you can in this menu configure a default **Manufacturing** lead "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:97
msgid "Purchase days"
msgstr "Inkoopdagen"
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:99
msgid "Purchase days response to the same logic than sales security days."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:101
msgid ""
"They are margins of error for vendor lead times. When the system generates "
"purchase orders for procuring products, they will be scheduled in order to "
"cope with unexpected vendor delays. Purchase lead time can be found in the "
"same menu as the sales safety days (see screenshot above)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:108
msgid "On route level"
msgstr "Op route niveau"
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:110
msgid ""
"The internal transfers due to the movement of stocks can also influence the "
"computed date."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:113
msgid ""
"The delays due to internal transfers can be specified in the **Inventory** "
"module when creating a new push rule for a new route."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:117
msgid ""
"Read the documentation "
":doc:`../../../../inventory/routes/concepts/push_rule` to learn more."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Lees de documentatie :doc:`../../../../inventory/routes/concepts/push_rule` "
"om meer te leren."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:125
msgid "On document level:"
msgstr "Op document niveau:"
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:128
msgid "Requested date"
msgstr "Aanvraagdatum"
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:130
msgid ""
"Odoo offers the possibility to indicate a requested date by the client "
"straight on the sale order, under the tab **Other information**. If this "
"date is earlier than the theoretically computed date, Odoo will "
"automatically display a warning."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:141
msgid ""
"As an example, you may sell a car today (January 1st), that is purchased on "
"order, and you promise to deliver your customer within 20 days (January 20)."
" In such a scenario, the scheduler may trigger the following events, based "
"on your configuration:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:146
msgid "January 19: actual scheduled delivery (1 day of Sales Safety days)"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Januari 19: werkelijk geplande leverdatum (1 dag na de verkoop veiligheid "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:148
msgid ""
"January 18: receive the product from your supplier (1 day of Purchase days)"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Januari 18: ontvang het product van uw leverancier (1 dag van inkoopdagen)"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:151
msgid ""
"January 10: deadline to order at your supplier (9 days of supplier delivery "
"lead time)"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Januari 10: deadline om te bestellen bij uw leverancier (9 dagen van "
"leverancier zijn doorlooptijd)"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/compute_date.rst:154
msgid ""
"January 8: trigger a purchase request to your purchase team, since the team "
"needs on average 2 days to find the right supplier and order."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/dropshipping.rst:3
msgid "How to setup drop-shipping?"
msgstr ""
2015-11-25 23:21:49 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/dropshipping.rst:8
msgid ""
"Drop shipping allows to deliver the goods directly from the supplier to the "
"customer. It means that the products does not transit through your stock."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/dropshipping.rst:15
msgid ""
"First, configure the **Routes** and **Dropshipping**. Go to "
":menuselection:`Inventory --> Configuration --> Settings`. Check **Advanced "
"routing of products using rules** in the **Routes** section and **Allow "
"suppliers to deliver directly to your customers** in the **Drop Shipping** "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/dropshipping.rst:24
msgid ""
"You have to allow the choice of the route on the sale order. Go to the "
"**Sales** application, :menuselection:`Configuration --> Settings` and tick "
"**Choose specific routes on sales order lines (advanced)**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/dropshipping.rst:32
msgid "How to use drop-shipping?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/dropshipping.rst:34
msgid ""
"Create the sale order and select the route as **Dropshipping** on the "
"concerned order lines."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/dropshipping.rst:40
msgid ""
"Once the order has been confirmed, no move will be created from your stock. "
"The goods will be delivered directly from your vendor to your customer."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/dropshipping.rst:45
msgid ""
"In order to be able to invoice the delivery, you must set the invoice policy"
" of your product on **Ordered quantities**."
msgstr ""
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:3
msgid "How to trigger the purchase of products based on sales?"
msgstr ""
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:8
msgid ""
"When you work in just-in-time, you don't manage stock so you directly order "
"the product you need from your vendor."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:11
msgid "The usual flow is:"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "De gebruikelijke flow is:"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:13
msgid "Create a sale order"
msgstr "Maak een verkooporder"
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:15
msgid "Purchase the product"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Koop het product"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:17
msgid "Receive and pay the bill"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:19
msgid "Deliver your product"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Lever uw product"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:21
msgid "Invoice your customer"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Factureer uw klant"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:24
msgid "Product configuration"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Product configuratie"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:26
msgid ""
"In the purchases application, open the **Purchase** menu and click on "
"**Products**. Open the product on which you want to do your purchases based "
"on sales."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:30
msgid ""
"Next to Routes, tick **Buy** and **Make to order** as a procurement method. "
"When you are generating sales order, Odoo will automatically reorder the "
"same quantity through procurement."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:37
msgid "Don't forget to set a vendor otherwise the rule won't be triggered."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:39
msgid ""
"You can also configure minimum stock rules that will trigger the purchase "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"U kan ook minimale stockregels configureren die de inkooporders doen afgaan."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:43
msgid ""
"To know how to configure a minimum stock rule, please read the document "
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Lees aub de documentatie om te weten hoe u minimale stockregels configureert"
" op :doc:`setup_stock_rule`."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:50
msgid "Sale order"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Verkooporder"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:52
msgid ""
"To create a sale order, go to the **Sales** application, "
":menuselection:`Sales --> Sales order` and create a new sale order."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:58
msgid ""
"After confirming it, you will see one **Delivery** associated with this sale"
" order on the **button** on the top of it."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:64
msgid ""
"Click on the **Delivery** button to see the transfer order. The status of "
"the outgoing shipment is **Waiting Another Operation**. It won't be done "
"until the purchase order is confirmed and received."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:69
msgid "Purchase order"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Inkooporder"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:71
msgid ""
"The purchase order is automatically created. Go to the **Purchase** "
"application :menuselection:`Purchase --> Request for Quotation`. The source "
"document is the sale order that triggered the procurement."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:79
msgid ""
"If you make some more sales that trigger procurements to the same vendor, it"
" will be added to the existing request for quotation. Once it is confirmed, "
"the next procurements will create a new request for quotation."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:85
msgid "Receipt and delivery"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:87
msgid ""
"Go the the **Inventory** application. Click on **# To Receive** on the "
"**Receipts** tile."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:93
msgid "Select the receipt from your vendor and **Validate** it."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:98
msgid ""
"Go back to the **Inventory** dashboard. In the delivery order, click on **# "
"To Do**. The delivery order is now ready to ship."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:104
msgid ""
"The status of the delivery changed from **Waiting Availability** to "
"**Available**. Validate the transfer to confirm the delivery."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:111
msgid ":doc:`setup_stock_rule`"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr ":doc:`setup_stock_rule`"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/purchase_triggering.rst:112
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
msgid ":doc:`warning_triggering`"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr ":doc:`warning_triggering`"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:3
msgid "How to setup a minimum stock rule?"
2016-01-13 19:23:49 +07:00
msgstr "Hoe minimale stockregels opzetten?"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:5
msgid ""
"For some items you hold in stock, it might be useful to have rules making "
"sure you never run out of stocks (for example, products with a high demand, "
"or large items requiring a lot of storage space meaning they're harder to "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:10
msgid ""
"Odoo allows you to set up rules so that an automatic replenishment for those"
" items is made, based on minimum stocks available."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:14
msgid "When should I use Reordering Rules?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:16
msgid ""
"Reordering Rules work best for items that have a high demand and high flow. "
"It will relieve you from a lot of work to focus on the rest of your "
"activities knowing that stocks will always be right."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:20
msgid ""
"It can also be used when you have limited storage space and you need to keep"
" large items in stock. In this case, you can keep as little as 1 item in "
"stock, and have a new one ordered as a stock replenishment as soon as the "
"item in stock is sold."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:26
msgid "When should I avoid Reordering Rules?"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:28
msgid ""
"If you are offering a new product and don't know yet how fast it will go, "
"you should handle stocks yourself first, and setup reordering rules only a "
"few months into the sale to have better forecasts of the demand."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:32
msgid ""
"If you sell items that have a limited lifetime, such as fashion items, "
"technology items, or products working together with a system that is meant "
"to evolve, you have to be very well informed on when to stop automated "
"replenishments, in order to avoid having to sell these items at a price that"
" will not allow you to break even."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:41
msgid ""
"My company sells modern furniture. We sell a set of table and chairs that "
"are available in 4 seatings and 6 seatings."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:44
msgid ""
"To keep things simple, we stock tables and chairs separately, but sell them "
"all together to our clients as a kit. In order to make sure we can always "
"deliver a complete set of table and chairs, I setup a Reordering Rule for "
"the chairs to make sure I always have at least 10 chairs in stock, but no "
"more than 20. This way, I can sell up to 5 sets of table at once while "
"keeping my stock low enough not to eat up all my storage space."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:52
msgid ""
"The last table I sold was a 4 seatings, and there were 12 chairs left in my "
"stock. Because the stock in chairs is now only 8 chairs, Odoo will "
"automatically order 12 new chairs to fill up my stock to the maximum amount."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:61
msgid "Set up your product"
msgstr "Zet uw product op"
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:63
msgid ""
"In the Purchases module, open the Purchase menu and click on Products. Open "
"the product to which you would like to add a Reordering Rule (or create a "
"new one)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:67
msgid "3 conditions for correct reordering rule :"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:69
msgid ""
"In :menuselection:`General information --> Product type`, make the product "
"stockable (as soon as this is done, the icon \"Reordering rule will appear)"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:71
msgid ""
"In :menuselection:`Inventory --> route`, tick the \"Buy\" box (and untick "
"the Make To Order box)"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:73
msgid ""
"Select a vendor (don't forget to put a minimal quantity greater than 0)"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:76
msgid "Create a reordering rule"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:78
msgid "Click on the Reordering Rules tab, click on Create. A new page opens."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:83
msgid ""
"By default, Reordering Rules in Odoo are named as \"OP/XXXXX\" but you are "
"free to use any nomenclature. You can modify it via the **Name** field."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:86
msgid "The **Product** field is the product you are creating the rule for."
2016-03-03 22:13:26 +07:00
msgstr "Het **Product** veld is het product waar u de regel voor aanmaakt."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:88
msgid ""
"Select the warehouse to which the product should be delivered in the "
"**Warehouse** field."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Selecteer het magazijn waarvoor het product geleverd moet worden in het "
"**Magazijn** veld."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:91
msgid ""
"If you have configured multiple warehouses and location, specify the "
"location in which the product will be stored in the **Location** field."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:96
msgid ""
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:102
msgid ""
"In the **Minimum Quantity** field, insert the quantity to which the system "
"will trigger a new order for replenishment."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"In het **Minimale hoeveelheid** veld geeft u de hoeveelheid in waarop het "
"systeem automatisch een nieuwe order aanmaakt voor de aanvulregels."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:105
msgid ""
"In the **Maximum Quantity** field, insert the maximum of items that has to "
"be stocked. The replenishing order will be based on that quantity to "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:109
msgid ""
"The **Quantity Multiple** is the lowest number of items that can be ordered "
"at once. For instance, some items may be only available for purchase in a "
"set of 2."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:113
msgid ""
"In the Misc section, the **Active** box allows you to activate or deactivate"
" the rule."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:116
msgid "In the **Lead Time** section, you can enter:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:118
msgid ""
"the number of Day(s) to purchase: correspond to the number of days for the "
"supplier to receive the order"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"het aantal dagen om aan te kopen: komt overeen met het aantal dagen voor de "
"leverancier om het order te ontvangen"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:120
msgid "the number of Day(s) to get the products"
2016-02-09 14:44:32 +07:00
msgstr "het aantal dagen om de producten te ontvangen"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:122
msgid ""
"By default, the lead times are in calendar days. You can change that in "
":menuselection:`Inventory --> Configuration --> Settings --> Minimum Stock "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:125
msgid "When you have entered all the info, click on Save."
2016-01-13 19:23:49 +07:00
msgstr "Wanneer u alle informatie heeft ingegeven klikt u op opslaan."
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:127
msgid ""
"From now on, every time a product with a reordering rule reaches the minimum"
" stock, the system will automatically send a RfQ to your supplier based on "
"your maximum quantity to replenish your stock."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:131
msgid ""
"The replenishments will take place when the scheduler in the Inventory "
"module runs. By default in Odoo, the schedulers will run every night at "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:135
msgid ""
"To know how to configure and run the schedulers manually, read the document "
"on :doc:`../../../inventory/management/misc/schedulers`"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Om te weten hoe u manueel planners configureert en uitvoert lees u best de "
"documentatie op :doc:`../../../inventory/management/misc/schedulers`"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/setup_stock_rule.rst:140
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid ":doc:`../../../inventory/management/misc/schedulers`"
msgstr ":doc:`../../../inventory/management/misc/schedulers`"
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:3
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:69
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
msgid "How to trigger a warning when purchasing at a specific vendor?"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Hoe een waarschuwing doen afgaan wanneer u koopt bij een specifieke "
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:8
msgid ""
"The **Warning Messages and Alerts** module allow you to configure alerts on "
"the customers and vendors or products."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:11
msgid ""
"You can select the following types of warnings and create different warnings"
" for purchases and sales:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:14
msgid ""
"Warning: This option displays the warning message during the process, but "
"allows the user to continue."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:17
msgid ""
"Blocking Message: The message displays a warning message, but the user "
"cannot continue the process further."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:24
msgid "Module Installation"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Module installatie"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:26
msgid ""
"First, you need to install the **Warning Messages and Alerts** module. Go to"
" **Apps** and look for it (don't forget to remove the **Apps** filter)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:33
msgid "Vendor or Customer warnings"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:35
msgid ""
"Go to :menuselection:`Purchases --> Vendors` or to :menuselection:`Sales -->"
" Customers`."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Ga naar :menuselection:`Inkopen --> Leveranciers` of naar "
":menuselection:`Verkopen --> Klanten`."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:37
msgid "Open the vendor or the customer and click on the **Warnings** tab."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Open de leverancier van de klant en klik op het **Waarschuwingen** tabblad."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:42
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:62
msgid "The available warnings are:"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "De beschikbare waarschuwingen zijn:"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:44
msgid "Warning on the **Sales Order**"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Waarschuwing op de **Verkooporder**"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:46
msgid "Warning on the **Purchase Order**"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Waarschuwing op de **Inkooporder**"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:48
msgid "Warning on the **Picking**"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Waarschuwing op de **verzamellijst**"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:50
msgid "Warning on the **Invoice**"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Waarschuwing op de **Factuur**"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:53
msgid "Product Warnings"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Product waarschuwingen"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:55
msgid ""
"Go to :menuselection:`Purchases --> Products` or to :menuselection:`Sales "
"--> Products`."
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr ""
"Ga naar :menuselection:`Inkopen --> Producten` of ga naar "
":menuselection:`Verkopen --> Producten`."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:57
msgid "Open the product and click on the **Notes** tab."
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Open het product en klik op het **Notities** tabblad."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:64
msgid "Warning when selling this product."
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Waarschuwing wanneer u het product verkoopt."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:66
msgid "Warning when Purchasing this product."
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Waarschuwing wanneer u dit project inkoopt."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:71
msgid ""
"Go to the Purchases application, click on :menuselection:`Purchase --> "
"Vendors`. Go to the **Warnings** tab."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:74
msgid ""
"Under **Warning on the Purchase Order**, choose **Warning** and write your "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:80
msgid ""
"Create a **Request for Quotation**. Go to :menuselection:`Purchase --> "
"Request for Quotation` and click on **Create**. Choose the vendor on which a"
" warning was set."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:84
msgid "When choosing the vendor, the warning will appear."
2016-07-29 16:24:31 +07:00
msgstr "Wanneer u de leverancier kiest zal de waarschuwing verschijnen."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/flows/warning_triggering.rst:90
msgid ""
"If you set a blocking message instead of a warning message, you won't be "
"able to choose the vendor."
msgstr ""
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany.rst:3
msgid "Multi-Companies"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Meerdere bedrijven"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:3
msgid "How to setup a multi-company sale/purchase flow?"
msgstr ""
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:8
msgid ""
"Odoo is an outstanding solution to help small companies growing their "
"business. But it also perfectly meets the needs of multinational "
"companies.The inter-company feature helps you to buy and/or sell products "
"and services between different branches within your conglomerate."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:17
msgid ""
"Purchase orders and sales orders can be related. If a company within your "
"group creates a purchase or a sales order, the corresponding document is "
"automatically created for your company. All you have to do is check that "
"everything is correct and confirm the sale. You can automate the validation "
"on your sales and purchase orders."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:24
msgid "It is also possible to only handle invoices and refunds."
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Het is ook mogelijk om enkel facturen en creditnota's af te handelen."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:27
msgid "Manage intercompany rules"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:29
msgid ""
"Go to :menuselection:`Settings --> General Settings`. Flag **Manage multiple"
" companies** and then **Manage Inter Company**."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:32
msgid "Click on **Apply**."
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Klik op **Toepassen**."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:37
msgid "New options will appear."
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Nieuwe opties zullen verschijnen."
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:42
msgid ""
"In the drop-down list, choose the company on which you want to add rules."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:45
msgid ""
"If you click on **SO and PO setting for inter company**, you will get extra "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:51
msgid ""
"When you are done, click on **Apply**, then you can repeat the same steps "
"for the other companies."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/multicompany/setup.rst:55
msgid ""
"In order to be able to manage the inter-company rules, be sure that your "
"user has the rights to manage the companies."
msgstr ""
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting.rst:3
msgid "Trouble-Shooting"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:3
msgid "How to check that everything is working fine?"
2016-07-29 16:24:31 +07:00
msgstr "Hoe controleren dat alles goed werkt?"
2015-11-10 15:13:15 +07:00
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:6
msgid "Vendor Bills"
2017-03-24 16:44:24 +07:00
msgstr "Facturen"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:8
msgid ""
"Even if you don't have the rights to the accounting application, you can "
"still control the vendor bills."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:11
msgid ""
"Go to the **Purchases** application: :menuselection:`Control --> Vendor "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:17
msgid "Incoming Products"
2015-12-21 17:02:02 +07:00
msgstr "Inkomende producten"
2015-12-10 20:53:55 +07:00
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:19
msgid ""
"Even if you don't have the rights to the inventory application, you can "
"still control the incoming products."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:22
msgid ""
"Go to the **Purchases** application: :menuselection:`Control --> Incoming "
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:28
msgid "Procurements exceptions"
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:30
msgid "Here, you need the **Inventory Manager** access rights."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:32
msgid ""
"Go to the **Inventory** application: :menuselection:`Control --> Procurement"
" Exceptions`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:37
msgid ""
"To understand why the procurement is not running, open the exception and "
"check the message in the chatter."
msgstr ""
#: ../../purchase/replenishment/trouble_shooting/is_everything_ok.rst:43
msgid ""
"Usually, the problem is located on the procurement rules. Either there are "
"no stock rules, or there are no vendor associated to a product."
msgstr ""